Three Sexy Nights (Part 2) - Teaching

Story by lionkinguard on SoFurry

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#2 of The Lion King NSFW

Second part of the Three Sexy Nights trilogy.

After what happened in the Pride Rock's cave, Kovu decides to teach his sister something.

It's night at the Pride Lands, but not everyone is sleeping. Vitani is sitting at the tip of the Pride Rock, calmly observing the landscape. She's so focused on her thoughts that she doesn't notice a young lion sitting next to her.

"Hello, sis."

"Kovu! You scared me!"

"What are you doing out here so late?"

"Nothing special. I just needed to get some air."

The two brothers stand for a while, watching the magnificent landscape.

"Wow. I can't believe one day this will be mine.", Comments Kovu.

"Technically, this is going to be Kiara's.", Vitani remembers his brother.

"Well... I'm the prince. So, the lands will also be mine."

"Yes. Well. But that will still take time. For now, Simba is the king and the land is his."

"And Nala's.", Kovu smiles boldly.



"Yeah, sure. Nala.", Vitani rolls his eyes.

Some more time in silence. Kovu speaks to his sister again:

"You really like him, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I've known you forever, Vitani. You don't fool me."

"I already said that I don't know what you're talking about."

"I noticed how you look at Simba. And, after what I saw last night..."

"You didn't see anything, okay?", Vitani gets upset. But he calms down again: "Yes. Its true. I like Simba. I... love Simba. But he will never want anything to do with me. He has Nala."

"So what was that about yesterday?"

"I... Well... I tried to control myself, but I couldn't. And Simba... Well... He told me this morning that he has a special attraction for me. But, as he has Nala and Kiara, he just wants to use me to fulfill his desires when he needs to."

"And you don't care about that?!"

"I just want to be with Simba. Of course, I would like to be his mate, but this is a start, isn't it? Perhaps one day I will become his new queen."

"I see.", Kovu pauses for a while, before asking, "Have you had sex?"

"Kovu! What a question!"

"I'm just curious. You both seemed to be enjoying it yesterday."

"No, Kovu. We didn't have sex. We just proved ourselves. Now: do you mind changing the subject?"

"Have you ever had sex with anyone?"

"Kovu!", Vitani turns around, upset with her brother.

"I'm just worried about you. Remember: he's the king. You always have to be prepared for him. And I don't want you to get hurt."

"You... Are you serious?!", the lioness looks back at her brother, now calmer.

"Sure. Vitani. I love you. You are my sister and I will always support you."

"T-Thanks. And to answer your question: no. I never had sex. Not with Simba or with any other lion."

"So... You want to... Do you want me to help you?"

"Kovu. I would love that you teach me. But I don't know if this is a good idea. Besides, how are you going to teach me if you don't even know how to do it?"

"Kiara doesn't think the same.", He smiles.

"So...? You mean you and Kiara...?"

Kovu nods.

"Well... Ok.", Vitani agrees. "I accept your help. Where do we start?"

"First, show me your pussy."


Flushed, with some shame, Vitani turns his back to show his brother his entrance. Kovu smiles when he sees the hole and, instinctively, his dick starts to rise.

"You have a beautiful entrance here, sis."

Kovu goes to his sister's rear and starts to lick the entrance.

"K-Kovu. W-What are you doing?"

Kovu doesn't respond and continues to lick, giving his sister some pleasure: "Oh." His penis is already fully erect and he decides to stop licking his sister.

"K-Kovu?! Why did you stop?"

"I was just preparing your entrance." Kovu puts his front paws on top of his sister. "And you? Are you ready?" Vitani nods in agreement. "So here I go."

Kovu moves forward slowly, bringing his head close to his sister's neck and his penis to her tail. "I'm going in." Carefully, Kovu places his instrument in Vitani's hole.

"Mmmmm.", She looks satisfied.

Kovu starts to move his dick back and forth, feeling his sister's tight cave with each movement. Vitani feels his brother's constant movements and his body starts to get warmer. "Oh. Kovu." They both feel warm and notice that they are getting tired, starting to pant.

"Vitani. I'm sorry.", Kovu decides to stop and backs up, leaving his sister.

"What's going on, Kovu?"

"Lie down."


"It's easier if you're lie down. We tire less and everything happens more naturally."

"It's ok."

Vitani obeys his brother and lies on his back, smiling at him. "Better?"

"Much better.", Kovu smiles at the sight of his sister's beautiful body.

Slowly, Kovu places himself on top of his sister, letting his penis make its way back to her pussy. The movements begin again and the two brothers return to feel pleasure. "Oh, Kovu." "Vitani." After a while, Kovu decides to speed up his movements and that gives Vitani a bigger pleasure: "Oh, yes. Ah. Ah. Kovu." Kovu smiles when he realizes that he's pleasing his sister, but he's also panting: "Uh. Ah. Vitani." The fast movements continue and Vitani feels something. "Kovu. I will...!" Without taking any more, Vitani releases his product, leaving her hole full of juice. "Ah!" "Uh.", Kovu feels his instrument about to burst and decides to take it out of his sister's den. Once outside, his penis explodes and throws its product into the belly of the lioness. "Ah!"

"Ah. Thanks. Thank you, Kovu."

"Calm down, sis. One thing is still missing."

Vitani looks curiously at her brother when he approaches his head with her belly. Kovu releases his tongue and lets it lick his sister's belly, savoring all the cum that fell there. Vitani closes his eyes, feeling every movement of her brother's tongue. "Oh." After cleaning his sister's belly, Kovu lies down next to her to rest.

The two brothers stand for a while, watching the stars.

"Kovu? Do you think our mother knows what we did?"

"Well... If it's true that she's up there, I think she saw it all."

"Oh no."

"Calm down, Vitani. I teached you something. I'm sure our mother is proud. Besides, nobody else saw us."

"Yeah. I think you're right. Thank you, little brother."

"You're welcome, sis."

The two are still lying there without realizing that someone has been watching them all the time.

At the entrance of Pride Rock are Nala and Kiara.

"Yesterday my father and now my mate?!", Kiara looks upset, but Nala has an idea:

"We'll have to teach her a lesson."