Rej & Bastion 01: Truths

Story by Ramea on SoFurry

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#2 of Rejinold & Bastion

Rejinold & Bastion: Truths

My uncle once said 'Being true to one's self is harder than being a true friend.' I've never understood what he meant. The saying in itself isn't very catchy, nor does it have a clear meaning. But I think he meant exactly what he said, or it could mean nothing since he said it while drunk. Anyway, I think it means that, 'it's easier to like someone else for who they are than what you yourself are.'

For instance, I have a friend. One who I have known for just over four years now. He's not afraid to voice his opinion, nor is he afraid of how other's judge him. However the trait I admire in him the most is that he's open about his preference. He likes guys. Something about myself I'm still scared to admit fully and openly. His name is Bastion, the wolf of my dreams.

I remember when we first met at the start of 8th grade. He was one of the many new students at our school that year, and he had been honest about himself even then. Going so far as to ask Marten Weston to go to a school dance with him. He had been turned down flatly. I still admire him for even asking. But I digress. It had been in the library, during recess when he walked in and started talking to me. Back then I was shy, studious, calm, and honest. Everything I wish I still was now. Except maybe the shy bit.

I had been reading a short story continuing a longer series when he walked in and began talking to me. I just listened at first, then he started talking about the book I was reading, and got me to answer his questions about it. Slowly he learned how to open me up, finding topics that I could identify with and getting me to talk. It's thanks to him I learned to be a little more open, and eventually became the socialholic I am today. But even he doesn't know the truth of how I feel towards him. I plan on changing that tonight.

A friend of his and an acquaintance of mine invited us to her party. Supposedly there'll be around forty others, which will make it easier for me to get him alone without being noticed. I'm not sure what I'll say. Or what I'll do, but I want to tell him.

Glancing to the clock I see there's about two hours left before my ride gets here. That's plenty of time to get ready. I glance down at what passes as my summer time clothing, also known as my pajamas. If my father saw me like this at four o' clock at night he'd frown, give me a lecture on responsibility, laziness, and how I should be spending summer outside, then he'd walk off and either get a drink, go smoke or close himself off in his work room. Assuming he even came home from work. As it stands he thinks I wake up a hour after he leaves when he does sleep at home, and that I go spend most of the day outside. I do do that, but maybe once a week. He really doesn't understand me.

I have the perfect clothes picked out for the party, black pants, a black button up, black vest, and a red tie. It's a new combo and I haven't had a chance to wear it at a large party yet, but I think the look works well. I'm going to use a brand new calone as well and do up my hair. Everything I can. But first, a shower would be smart.

I honestly don't care for showers, they're either to cold, too hot, and always boring. Baths are a little better, since I can relax and stay warm, but I'd prefer to just swim in a large pool. However, today it's worth it if I get up the courage to tell Bastion. Naturally I hurry through it, soaping my entire body then rinsing off. The last bit is my hair, which I scrub thoroughly with shampoo. I will admit that I always enjoy seeing myself after a shower. When all hints of oil or hair grease are removed, and the extra puff I get when drying my fur off.

The face that I see as mine in the mirror is an arctic fox. Only, my fur isn't purely white. Mixed in are red tints, compliments of my father's side. It adds what I always think of as an exotic feel. My eyes are light blue, almost verging on gray, with two ear piercings on my left ear. As far as fox's go I'm short, standing at 4'6''. But that works to my advantage, since everyone says I'm cuter because of it. However, I don't want cute tonight. I want attractive. Or at least what he thinks is attractive. Not a hard goal since he's said he loves my style, and is always looking for someone with my tastes. There's times when I wonder if it's him dropping hints to me?

When I'm finally satisfied with my look I head to the door. I'm a few minutes behind, but I think Robert and Samantha will forgive me. It's already getting dark as I step outside, the sun slowly starting to sink ever lower. It's quite beautiful, and I hope it won't be done setting until after I talk to Bastion. Out in the driveway Robert's parked with Samantha. I hurry over and hop into the car.

"Finally. What took so long?" Robert chides as soon as I'm buckled. He's about to say something else but Samantha hits him on the elbow. He had probably been about make some joke about me.

"Misjudged how much time I had." I answer, shrugging. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Just worried you'd slept in." Samantha answers before Robert can speak.

"Not today." I smile.

"Good. Now hold on. I need to make up the lost time." Robert growls, flooring the pedal. I hate riding with him when he drives. He always speeds, but he was the only one who could pick me up today. I try to look relaxed, but can't help clutching at the 'oh-shit' bar.

Bastion's friend's house is huge, and I'm positive it would classify as a mansion, and even though we arrived early there're around twelve other cars parked already. The house itself looks like it's from the 1920's, an opulent yard, with a round-about driveway. There is even a door greeter who offers to take my coat. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't intimidating. I'm middle class. Period. Not lower middle, or upper middle, but middle middle. This house is upper class. I'm stopped briefly by some morphs whom I share math class with and spend a few minutes talking.

When we finally part I've learned that the party is for Mary Aniree someone who I don't know, and that it's her birthday. Also, and more importantly I learned that Bastion was in the backyard, mingling with friends. I decide however to walk around and see if there're others I know. I don't want to create any awkwardness after just arriving. Chances are that we'll just run into each other eventually.

I think I miss-heard Bastion when he said forty. Because there are way over that many morphs now. Maybe it was 'forty morphs won't show.' It's nice because I've run into plenty of my friends , and have spent time talking with them but I haven't run into Bastion yet. I know we'll meet. We always end up talking to the same friends at the same time. I just need to be patient.

When I do meet him though it surprises me. I had gone up to a balcony window to get some air and to try and spot Bastion from above, even if the chances were slim. I rested my head on my arms, leaning on the iron balcony guard when he walked up. It was funny, since at first he didn't recognize me and I didn't recognize him. It wasn't until I looked up to see who was next to me that we realized who the other was.

"Oh hey bastion! I didn't know it was you." I laugh stretching slightly. He's staring at me, part of his mouth slightly open. I feel myself blush slightly.

"Neither did I." He finally answers, turning to face me completely. His eyes glance over my body, taking in my clothes. I hope he likes what I'm wearing. It's all new clothes, new haircut, ear piercing, and even new teeth now that my braces were gone. I'd forgotten how much time had passed since summer vacation had started. 'You look fabulous." He smiles. "I like the ear piercing."

"Thanks, I wanted to try it out." I smile, reaching up and fidgeting with one of the studs. It's hard to act normal. I want to tell him, but I'm so unsure of how to broach the subject. I can tell he's a little uncomfortable too from the way he's moving around.

"Well. If you don't mind me saying so, you look dam fine with the entire get-up." he blushes, his cheeks turning bright red. I giggle. He's got to be into me.

"Thank you Bastion..." I murmur, trying to gather up my courage. The words stick in my throat. "You look good to... I like it." He seems to have trouble processing what I said, as his head cocks to the side. He's trying to interpret what I meant. It's true, he has a dark red button up, black slacks, and a black tie. The shirt is tight enough to show off his physic, which while not exactly athletic, he has tone, and his amber golden eyes provide a nice contrast with his gray fur. I wonder if he's trying to decide if I'm hitting on him.

"Really?" he finally replies, sounding rather neutral. Maybe he isn't interested. "I just kind of threw these on. Simple fancy, you know?"

"Yah. I do." I chuckle, scratching my head. I don't think I could tell him how many outfits I'd tried on, in planning for this party. I sigh and turn back to the balcony. "You here with someone?"

"Huh? No, couldn't get a date." He laughs, walking next to me and watching everyone below us. They all look small. We're on the third floor, and so high up, it lends a rather romantic and separated feel. Even if the sun had finished setting, there was something so beautiful about the night and sound of the ongoing party below. "Marten said no again." Bastion giggles, and I join in.

"did you actually ask anyone?" I inquire. This seems a reasonable question, after all, I'm nosy about everyone's dating habits so it's a normal question coming from me.

"No. No I didn't feel comfortable asking the one I do like." He sighs, shaking his head. My heart jumps, maybe he meant me.

"You never know. Maybe they'd say yes." I comment, leaving it open ended for him to continue if he wants.

"Yeah... You know the punch is spiked?" Bastion comments, changing the subject completely.

"By who?" I hope he changed the subject because he would've had to say me otherwise.

"I don't know... It just is. I tried some and could taste the alcohol. Wasn't bad really." He grins. "Want to go get some?"

"It sounds good, but I can't go home drunk. My father would kill me." What's sad is that he probably would come close. Even though he drinks, I can't have any. If I look at a beer bottle it's trouble.

"How about staying over at my place then? The parents won't mind. We can play some video games, or something." He offers, looking at me. The 'something' makes me blush as my mind jumps to the least likely thing. An image of us kissing, that slowly evolves into a full on fantasy playing out in my head, ending with a clichéd doggy style. "Well?" I blink, snapping out of my dream. I've tried alcohol before, in mixed drinks and straight shots, when my mother had given them to me to try. She had her moments where she was pretty cool. She didn't see the reason why we had to put alcohol on a 'pedestal' when adults drank it so casually. However she's never given me enough to be 'drunk drunk'. Only lightly buzzed. The idea is rather attracting and intimidating.

"Okay." I agree, following him back down.

I don't know how many cups of punch I drank, but it was more than I should've. Most of the party after we get the punch is a blur. I remember flashes here and there. Some where I'm with friends, strangers or Bastion, and bits where I'm drinking.

Bastion woke me around noon the next day for a big lunch, which his parents had made. It was a delicious steak and potato dish of which I still want the recipe for but haven't got from him. His parents were pleasant, talking throughout the meal, and even kind of childish. Apparently they had also picked me and bastion up after the party since Bastion couldn't drive drunk. What surprises me was that was my first time actually engaging in conversation and truly meeting Bastion's parents. His parents had always made themselves scarce when I was over, so I'd seen them, but had never spoken with them.

"Were my parents alright?" Bastion asks as we enter his room. We sit on his bed and turn on his X-box, ready to continue our last game.

"Yeah, there're pretty cool. My folks would've blown a gasket if they'd seen me drunk." I smirk, picking up my controller.

"You're actually a pretty wild drunk. But I prefer you sober honestly." Bastion replies.

"You're outgoing, but it's scary when you're that uninhibited."

"What'd I do?"

"Apart from kissing one of the butlers?" He asks smirking. I stare at him, and do my best to glare. Which isn't much. "Alright... Alright... Apart from dancing like a fool? Nothing much that I remember. Well, you do talk non stop. You kept going on and on about needing to tell me something, but then you said that if you couldn't remember then it mustn't of been to important."

"Oh... I don't really remember much after the third glass of punch." I respond, blushing, realizing I must never of told him. Bastion shrugs and starts the game.

"Not much happened until your sixth cup. You got really quiet, then ran off chatting up to complete strangers. Then you started dancing. It was funny though." I blush but refocus on the game.

We probably played for an hour or two before deciding to take a break. Bastion said that he had to go get his car from Shary's house where it had been left. He said it wouldn't take more than twenty minutes so I could stay behind. His mother and father were going to drive him then go shopping while we were home and playing video games.

After they left I found myself rather bored of the video game selection, so I decided to hop onto his computer. I had to check my e-mail and the news. Which turned out more problematic than I wanted since his CPU was password blocked.

I searched through my mind trying to think of plausible passwords. Pride, Wolf, Pack, Bastion, and all of the others I tried failed. I was tempted to look at his hint, but decided to try a whimsical answer first. I could feel my face flushing as I typed in my answer. God if it was right I'd flip. The keyboard sounded loud and obnoxious as I typed.

"R-e-j-i-n-o-l-d W-h-i-m-e-n-e-r" I spell out, and pause slightly before hitting enter. My jaw drops as the computer goes to the desktop. Partly because it worked, but also because of the background. A self-portrait of Bastion, completely nude, and being blown by a white arctic fox. Immediately I know it's me. How do I know? The fox has a black pair of slacks embroidered with white tribal designs. Something only I wear because it's a one of a kind pair of pants. My aunt made them for a Halloween costume for me. I still wear them too as casual clothes.

I want to look away, but I can't. My eyes are fixated on the image. It's so fantastic. So hot. I can feel myself getting hard. I open up 'my computer' and look through his files, hoping for more of this artwork. I don't know if he drew it, or if it was a request he made, but I hope for more, and am not disappointed. Under a file labeled 'various Personal Art' I find a whole gallery. Actually, gallery isn't right. It's a comic. I scroll through and find the first 'page' Labeled 'Meeting'. Just as it sounds it's a recount of our first encounter. It shows various pictures, all of him watching me until we talk in the library.

I hadn't thought he would've had a thing for me for this long. I continue through his comics, reading and learning more of him than I could've imagined. I'm only on comic 40 out of 123 when the door slams shut and I hear someone running down the stairs. My first thought is 'it's his parents and they're going to tell my parents. I'm fucked.' I hurry after the retreating footsteps and stop in front of the bathroom door just after it's slammed shut. It's locked and I can hear a gentle sobbing over the fan. Shit. It's Bastion. Gently I nock.

"Bastion?" I ask, putting my ear to the door.

"Go away!" he yells, and suddenly it feels like a movie... Or maybe a book.

"Bastion. Talk to me. I didn't mean to go snooping through your computer..." I plead. "I was bored and was planning on perusing the net."

"What about the art?" He whimpers. I can't reply fully. Part of me wants to say it was beautiful, the other wants to forget. I remember what my uncle said. Now would be a good time to be 'true to myself'. Or I could settle for a 'true friend.'

"I knew you were gay. I expected something like that, but didn't expect artwork like that... Did you draw those?" I'm such a coward. I'm trying to be the friend.

"Yes... But you aren't angry?"

"At what?" I ask. I'll just play dumb and pretend I didn't notice I was the love interest. There's silence.

"Cause I drew you." God, how do I answer that?

"You did?" Silence again. The door opens and he's glaring at me. Not what I expected.

"How could you not know? I drew a fucking fox just like you as a main character! The stories are from our memories. My background is a white arctic fox with your pants!" He rages, I can't help but shrink back. There aren't many things scarier than an angry wolf. "How?"

"We---ll..." I start then am cut off.

"How'd you even get on my profile?" Maybe I need to tell him. I should. He obviously likes me.

"I... I wanted to know... I thought that... maybe you liked me as more than a friend." I answer, looking down. I feel like a child caught stealing from the cookie jar. "I hoped you felt the same." Bastion stares at me.

"Not funny Rej." He rumbles, growling slightly. It hurts that he doesn't believe me. "How'd you know?"

"Because it was whimsical and I thought it'd be hot. I mean it." I've given up acting neutral, or attempting to. I want him to know.

"I don't believe you." My common sense must have decided to leave me, because next thing I know I walk up to him and kiss him.

I have to be honest. I've never kissed someone on the mouth until now. I must say that

it's heavenly. His lips are soft, warm, and his breath smells good. He's stunned at first, but doesn't do more than stand there. Which is fine since I'm just as stunned by my action.

As he regains himself he starts orchestrating, taking control and guiding me. I jump slightly when his tongue presses against my lips as he asks for entrance. Tentatively I allow him in, intrigued by the sensation of the foreign object. It's warm, smooth and just plain interesting. I press my own tongue against his, and we wrestle with them for a few moments before we finally separate.

He's flushed bright red and breathing heavily. So am I. I can also feel my member tenting in my pants, and his against my stomach. I'm not sure what to do now. I didn't have a plan coming into this, and still don't. He seems to though and gently pulls me back upstairs.

"I didn't think you were gay..." He whispers, just like a little kid sharing a secret. Closing the door behind us he kisses me again. If it's possible I turn an even darker shade of red.

"No one does."

"How long?" He's guiding my towards the bed. It looks comfier than it had earlier. We stop at the edge and I lean against the mattress.

"A year... Maybe a year and a half." He grins slightly and kisses me again, pressing his tongue against mine. Maybe it's just me and that I've never kissed someone else, but he's good at it. I suckle on his tongue, enjoying the texture and warmth. He rubs against my thigh and groans. I release him and he moves down to my pelvice, and begins undoing my pants.

He frees my erect cock and begins stroking it softly, causing me too shudder. God it feels good. And he's only touching it. I thrust at the air, causing him to giggle. I try to keep my eyes open, but it's hard. He's just playing with me and it's driving me insane. That however is nothing compared to the feel of his tongue when he licks me. I immediately shoot a strand of pre out, murring in pleasure.

I peek through a closed eyelid and watch as he licks the dribble from my tip, grinning broadly. He's being so slow, just taking his time. I whimper, thrusting up against his nose, begging to be relieved.

"You're very cute like this." he chuckles, licking the underside of my cock, starting at the tip of my sheath, brushing over the small bulb of my forming knot and up to the tip. God it feels good. I want him to stop teasing though. It's torturous.

"Please Bastion..." I whimper, looking at him and doing my best to look cute and needy. He grins wider, then encases my dick in his mouth. It's amazing, pure and simple. The warmth, the texture of his tongue as he pleasures me, the light suction he creates as he bobs his head, wrapping his tongue around my member. It's heaven, and I quickly lose control and start humping his mouth, even going so far as to grab the back of his head. He just relaxes and let's me go.

"Bastion!" I scream, losing myself completely as I cum into his muzzle I see bits of my seed dribbling down the corners of his mouth as he sucks on me and slurps me clean. He climbs up me and kisses me again. There's a new... I guess 'flavor' would work. Or 'essence' which I know is mine.

Gently he pushes me onto the bed, resting my head on his pillow. It's hard to pay attention to our surroundings. His bed's a four poster wrought iron frame with black and red colors, but that's a minor detail as I pay more attention to him. He's removed his shirt, exposing a fine body, fluffy with the lightest muscle tone. He's no where as strong as most wolfs, but that's fine. He looks more approachable without muscles, and cuter.

"I'm glad you like me." He smiles, licking his lips, then licking my chin. "I was worried if you ever found out you'd be angry. That's why asked other guys out, so you didn't get suspicious."

"Even if I wasn't gay you wouldn't have had to worry." I giggle, nuzzling his ear, and hugging him. "You'll have to send me those comics.'

"You like them?" He chirps, looking at me nervously. I have already said I did.

"I said they were beautiful earlier." He grins broadly, then starts removing my shirt, and when that's done he finishes removing my pants then his own. My stomach flutters as a brief panic stirs through my body. What if I don't like whatever's next? But I liked his blow job. There's always a hint of panic with me. He must see my nervousness because he kisses me again and scratches my head.

"You'll like it. Promise." He coos, throwing his pants behind him, then removing his underwear. His cock looks just like mine, except larger and a darker red. It's attractive, and something about it resting on my stomach seems so hot. "But first. I need to prep you."

Grinning mischievously he moves down my body and lifts my legs onto his shoulders and then lowers himself to my ass. I know what he's planning now. I feel his nose, cold and wet against my pucker. I shiver, then yip, jumping slightly as he licks me. I can't describe the feeling, it's weird but good. I like it and am soon moaning in pleasure, my tail attempting to wag underneath my body as he presses the muscle into me, lubing me up.

Then, just as suddenly as he had started his tongue and nose disappear and are replaced by his finger, slavered up with his saliva and squirming around, trying to enter my body. I try to relax, but it's difficult. I'm breathing hard from a combination of nervousness and pleasure, my hands keep grabbing a hold of his sheets, and I can't stop murring. Eventually his digit works it's way in and he starts pumping it in and out. It feels good, the odd pressure of his finger inside me.

"This is helping to stretch you." He whispers, kissing my stomach. I nod, unsure what I should do other than lay on my back and enjoy the experience. My eyes shoot wide open as a second finger enters me, adding even more pressure, and stretching me even more. It does hurt a little, but still, there's an undertone of pleasure. It's hard to try and not push the foreign objects out as my body screams at me 'this doesn't belong here!'. But eventually I get used to Bastion's movements and am murring in pleasure again.

"How long does it take?" I inquire, anxious to continue.

"I'm just making sure you're ready." he smiles, then removes his digits and sits up. "Ready?" I nod excitedly, staring at his eyes, and grinning. He nods and scoots up to my ass, his dick poking at my entrance. He lathers on some more of his own natural lube onto my star and his dick, then pushes in slowly. I thought I would be ready, but I wasn't. It hurt, and I focused on him. My body felt like it was being forced apart. I shut my eyes, and then felt him stop and lay on top of me. My legs slid down around his sides. I feel his tongue lick at my muzzle, and forehead. I don't know why but it was relaxing, and helps calm me down. Slowly I adjust to the pressure, then he moves in again, and he only stops when his knot presses against my entrance. I really can't believe he fit, and the idea that he might push his knot in scared me.

Slowly he pulls out, then pushes back in. I'm well adjusted to his presence now, and it's easier to find pleasure as well. The feeling is amazing. He starts to pick up speed, and the feelings only intensify. I can feel his knot pressing harder and harder against my star, and soon it's pressing in ever so slightly. Already it's probably near max size. He's so keyed up, and he's acting like he wants to tie. I wouldn't mind if he does.

Bastion kisses me, growling deep in his chest, now pounding into me with each thrust. I can feel his knot, so close to entering. God it feels huge. Then, with an audible 'pop' he's in and I scream in a mixture of pain and pleasure, wrapping my arms around him and digging my claws against his shoulders. It feels so good, the warm pressure, and the tightness, but it hurt as well, as my ass is stretched wider than his fingers had done. In that moment he cums, filling my bowels with his seed. My intestines are filled with the warm heat, and odd feeling goo. My ass hurts too. It probably will for a while. His knot is firmly lodged in me, and will be for a while if he's like me.

"Thank you." he murrs, licking my neck, panting heavily. I'm busy trying to catch my breath. "Rej? Are you okay?"

"Yes. It just felt so good... I don't want this to be a one time thing Bastion." I answer, hugging him closely. "It does hurt though..."

"Neither do I..." He replies nipping my lip. "I'm sorry... We'll be like this for a little while..." He blushes, rolling us onto our sides.

"That's fine. I like the view." I grin, kissing him again, then curling as best as I can into him, weariness from all the excitement setting in. I feel him wrap his arms around me, squeezing slightly then going lax. His breathing slows and he's asleep, his breath coming in gentle waves across my forehead. I nuzzle into his chest, inhaling his scent, and soon I can feel sleep's pull and fade off just like him.