Simon's changes

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokemon world

Hey guys, i wrote another chapter of Pokemon world. this one is much shorter then the other chapters. I really do not have any good explination as to why this chapter is shorter then the others. but still i hope you enjoy it.

also FYI, i am placing this series in the pokemon mystery dungeon universe. kinda

I lay on my small bed, my massive body just sort of hanging off the edges. My plushy pulled close to my chest. I still can't get used to it. Everything just felt so small now. Oh, of course everything would be small now. I evolved.

I sneezed. Again flames erupted from my neck involuntarily. _Shit._I turn around to see if I set something on fire again. The only thing behind me were the scorch marks on the wall from being in repeated contact with my flames. I lay back down on my bed. I move my hand in front of my face. I know it is my hand and I can control it, but it felt so different this time.

Ever since I evolved, I have been locking myself in my room. I still come out for food and the bathroom when no one is around, but I mostly have been in my room with the door locked. I still don't get why I am behaving like this. I should have said something when I evolved, not hide in my room like a recluse. So why does the thought of showing Kira I evolved terrify me so much? He should be the first one to help me with my new body. Why am I so--

I heard a knock on my door. "Simon." it was Kira, "Simon, I'm making your favorite tonight: Slowpoke's tail stew."

I didn't respond.

"I've made plenty this time, so feel free to use the larger bowls."

Every word I heard just felt painful to me. Please just stop.

"Oh. Marge from work recommended a show on Hulu, we can watch it while we have dinner. It's supposed to be really funny."

Please stop.

"Well if that doesn't interest you, how about an older show? I'm sure I can't find some of our old cartoons and--"

My body moved to the door and I slammed my fist on it. "Just leave me alone!"

"But Simon..."

Please, just stop. I felt like crying again. I crawled onto my bed and sobbed into my pillow. I can't do it. I can't let him see me like this. I just... I just can't. The flames on my neck keep sputtering on and off. It was hard to admit that I was an emotional mess right now.

I heard another knock on my door. "Simon," it was Kira again. "I left your dinner in front of the door. Please eat it." I heard Kira walk away from the door.

I opened my door and pull in the tray of food Kira left for me. From the smell alone, I could tell what it was; Slowpoke's tail stew, my favorite dish. Even when I was acting like this, Kira still cared for me. Kira even used the larger bowls for me, like he said he would let me have.

I pulled the tray to the center of the room. My mouth wassalivating from the smell. "Better eat it while it's still hot." As I lifted the spoon up it fell through my fingers. "Come on," I muttered as I kept trying to pick up the spoon. But no matter what I did or how I picked it up, I couldn't get a solid grip on the spoon. "How am I supposed to eat this without a spoon?"

An idea formed in my head. "Guess I have no choice." I took a deep breath and dunk my head into the bowl. Parts of the broth went up my nose as well as my mouth. I pulled myself up, blowing soup out of my nose. This is going to take awhile.


I was out of breath. The floor to my room was a mess with both soup and soda sort of staining the wood and tray. My nose was still burning and running. Arceus, I haven't resorted to that trick since I evolved into a quilava. I run my tongue over my muzzle, tasting bits of the soup that clings to my fur. I need to wash my face.

I gathered up all the things and pushed the tray out into the hallway. Down the hall, I heard the sounds of Yasin snoring. Looks like Yasin is asleep. And if Yasin is asleep so is Kira. I looked down at the try again. It might be better to just take the tray to the kitchen myself.

I grabbed the handles of the tray and hoisted myself onto my back legs. My body started to sway as I struggled to stay upright. From my first step, my leg almost buckled and nearly caused me to fall. I leaned on the walls to help me stay up straight as I walked through the apartment.

By the time I made it to the kitchen, I was out of breath. My back legs were shaking so much trying to hold my weight up. I leaned on the countertop for support. _Kira makes walking on his hind legs look so easy._I looked at the sink. _Just one last push. _

My legs, however, had enough and buckled the second I stepped forward. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Rather by divine intervention from Arceus itself or just plain luck, the bowl landed in the sink. It made a loud sound and it bounced around inside of it.

"Yasin?" I heard someone say. It only took me a second to realize it was Kira.

Oh fuck. That's Kira. Did he wake up? Shit! He can't see me like this. My eyes darted around until I saw the closet where we keep the cleaning supplies. It might be small but it should--


At the sound of my name, I immediately tried to get to the closet. I stumbled immediately and slammed my head into the wall. I swear I heard the audible thud move through my body.

"Simon!" I saw Kira rush into the kitchen, "Simon are you...?" he fell silent as he looked at me. He was shocked at what he saw.

Emotions welled up in me. Shame. Embarrassment. Guilt. Having Kira see me like this was too much. I tried so hard to avoid being seen like this and Kira wasjust standing in front of me right now. My chest felt tight and my eyes started to water. "Kira...I, I" I started to cry.

Kira wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, hey, shhh, shh," Kira started to stroke my back, "You're okay, you're okay. Shhhh Just let it all out."

My crying got louder. My flames kept sputtering on my neck.

I heard a door open, "Huh, what's going on?" I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen, "Kira and..." Yasin didn't continue.


I sat on the couch, emotionally drained from my outburst earlier.

Kira walked over to me, holding a glass of tea with a straw in it. He took a seat next to me and handed me the glass, "Remember to hold it underneath too."

"Okay." I grabbed the glass, one hand around it and the other underneath the glass. I suck out of the straw. The taste of sweet tea filled my mouth and calmed my nerves.

"So Simon, can I ask you something?" Kira sounded hesitant, "When did you evolve?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Yasin said, "Evolving is not something you wouldn't notice."

"I meant what I said. I don't remember evolving." I took another sip of my tea.

Kira rubbed my back, "Can you tell me what you do remember?"

I took a deep breath and concentrated, "I can remember the hospital. My memories after that are a bit fuzzy. The next thing I know, I saw a Typhlosion looking back at me in the bathroom mirror."

"Simon, why didn't you tell me when you first evolved?"

I finished my tea. "I don't know. You and Yasin already went to work when I first noticed. I did think about telling you when you both got back, but." I started to feel frustrated. I couldn't figure out how to say it.

"Were you embarrassed?" Yasin asked.

"Maybe? I don't know. Every time I thought about telling you, I just got scared. I know it is stupid, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. The second I hear a door open, I lock my own and hide." I sighed. "Why did I even evolve anyway?"

"Maybe it was just your time," Yasin said.

"I'm not so sure. Besides basic exercise, I did not battle enough to evolve while I was still in high school."

"Well, Kira evolved shortly after he graduated, too."

Kira looked at Yasin, "I did?"

"You did. How could I forget? It was during your training with Master Wes. That was maybe a year or two after we graduated, so around eight or nine years ago."

"So why did Simon evolve? I had my training, but Simon didn't have that."

"If I had to guess, you two are just early bloomers. Odd evolution patterns are common with pokemon with different parentage, like how your mother was a Typhlosion and your father being a Zoroark."

"Is that how it works?"

"That's what Bree told me at least."


That name sounded familiar to me. "Wasn't Bree the name of the Blastoise that cracked your pelvis?"

Yasin laughed, "That's Bree alright. The commander kept me behind the desk or in low-rank dungeons all summer long till I healed. The guys were not happy at all."

We all sat in silence for a while. I place the cup on the table. "So what now?" I ask.

Yasin got up from his chair. "Sleep. Kira and I have work tomorrow."

"Oh yeah," Kira said, "How is your bed now? It would have been good as a quilava but not now."

"Uncomfortable," I answered.

"I figured as much. We'll have to get you a new bed soon."

"That is not the only new thing we need," Yasin chimed in, "Since Simon evolved we may need a new place to live as well."

"Why?" I ask.

"Simon, we all are pretty big pokemon here. This tiny apartment is not going to do it anymore. Honestly, Kira and I were going to wait till you graduated to move to a bigger place, but since you evolved it might be better to move in there sooner."

"You have a place picked out already?"

"Well no," Kira said sheepishly, "HQ handles that kind of stuff. Yasin and I did some paperwork to get the process started though. We'll talk to them later and see if they can speed up the process a bit."

"I see." This was kind of a lot to take in all at once. I told them I evolved and now we need to move to a bigger place.

"So, Simon, till we get you a new bed, you can sleep in mine."

"Huh, but why?"

"I am not going to have my brother sleep in an uncomfortable bed no longer built for him. We'll get you a new bed for your own room tomorrow but for now, you are sleeping in my bed tonight."

"But can your bed even handle us both?"

"I'll be sleeping on a sleeping mat, so you'll have the bed to yourself."

"Okay," I said.

Kira got off the couch, "We should head to bed before Yasin falls asleep, otherwise, his snoring will keep us both up."

"I heard that!" we heard Yasin yell from his room.

We get into Kira's room. Since he was usually out on Missions and stuff, Kira's room was kind of plain. Few photos, a table for stuff, and a bed to sleep on. Kira went to his closet and pulled out a sleeping mat and places it beside the bed.

Without a word, I climbed up on the bed and lie down. It felt real nice and comfortable. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Kira's Action

I was always a fan of cooking. Rather it was because of my mother or just the fact I am a fire type, I always ended up making something each day in the kitchen. I quickly got put in charge of cooking around here, otherwise, Yasin and Simon would just...

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The Setup part 2

My brother and I walked to school in the early spring sun. "Look, Simon," Kira told me, "I am really reconsidering the plan." I sighed, "Kira, I already made my decision, I am going through with it." As much as I wanted to yell at him, I tried to keep...

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The New Wolf Chapter 12

Silence filled the room. The looks on all the Beta's faces were shocked. I have just shouted out something I didn't mean to. Something I have learned earlier today and swore to keep secret. _Well, Fuck._ The Alpha made a sound that was a mix of...

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