Tabasamu and Wanyama - Lion King OC Oneshot

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#2 of NSFW from SFW Stuff

Tabasamu is the steward of the Pride Land's son with jutting out teeth and a funny speech impediment that makes the other cubs laugh at him... but when the visiting prince from another kingdom shows interest, they'll forge a very special relationship....

The characters have been maintained in their Feral form for this piece.

Tabasamu and Wanyama's Love

_ A Lion King OC Fan-fiction Oneshot _

Background: So on another site I have a long running Lion King universe story and some of the characters in it could really do with some NSFW time, but it wouldn't work in the story or for anything else... so I thought to get those filthy thoughts out of my head and put them here.

For reference, in my TLK universe there are Thirteen Kingdoms surrounding the Pride Lands of which the First used to house the Emperor, Wanyama is the last descendant of this line. In my story, Simba was killed by Zira's elder sister in revenge and her son Chonge has been set up as Steward of the Pride Lands until the sacred white lion Mzuka is old enough to claim it. Tabasamu is Chonge's son and traditionally the princes and princesses of the Thirteen Kingdoms come together to meet in the Pride Lands and form alliances... this is where they meet and all the background you need!

The other cubs were laughing for the fact that his name was probably the only thing he could sat out of his over-fanged mouth without sounding stupid. The other cubs were in hysterics over it, they hadn't heard anything so funny in ages and yet Tabasamu was just left sitting back on his big brown-grey backside with a grunt. His sister Mamba never had a problem and she ran out amongst the visiting royals and they were all racing off to play a game together, Taba just sat back and stared at his big paws for a while in frustration. It wasn't just the jutting canine on his right top jaw, nor the left canine on his bottom jaw that jutted out that made things awkward for Tabasamu, he had odd coloured eyes and compared to the other cubs his age, he was a pretty substantial size. Tabasamu sat back and just watched his toes twiddling on his hind-feet... fascinated enough by them as he pondered about just going to sit in the scrub near the back of Pride Rock and hang out where Uncle Shujaa or Uncle Mwuaji would be able to watch him... maybe the caracal Akeyla might even play with him!

Tabasamu sat up and then began to pad off there, he didn't think any of the other visiting cubs would be interested in hanging out with him anyway, he looked older than all of them despite being younger! With a steady grunt as he jogged down the pathways, he heard the sound of giggling coming from the teenage lions meeting the dignitaries and he paused to check it out. He was surprised, the pale Prince Kucheza from the Fire Fields was flirting with Latifah... it made sense, she was apparently the prettiest lioness around, but Taba didn't think he was old enough to understand that. He was fascinated by Kucheza though, the lion was tall and lean like the lionesses but with a long plush sandy mane on an almost greyish body. He was kind of interesting to look at, but the Fire Fields males had the most silken manes going apparently. As Tabasamu stared he suddenly noticed a tail with a gingery tip flickering about not far from his head from one of the nearby thorn trees and heard a bored groan. With a grunt Tabasamu lifted his head up and then noticed another cub up on a tree branch watching in boredom.

"Rot roo drooing ub der?" Tabasamu grunted, only to sit back and cover his mouth suddenly, he couldn't believe how badly that had come out but being nervous sometimes made his impediment worse! However, the lion above him gave a soft sound of curiosity and then swung to lean down on the branch towards him. The cub looked older than the others, but not a teenager, he'd just developed a mane tuft and it was a soft of toffee coloured thing that seemed long on one side of his head, forming a curtain over his ear but then a brushed back fringe on the over... only it was so long on the curtain side it was quite comical. The cub could only see Tabasamu properly by looking down at him as the curtain was buffeted aside by a breeze. His colouring was a soft sandy grey shade, like dirt from a zebra's rolling spot, but his body was starting to lengthen and become lean, he had lost his cub spots completely but his iris were curiously almost the colour of fresh water in the river... a strange alluring blue that made Tabasamu just stare into them in fascination before he spoke again. "Sworry... I gotta speech impwed... impwed... pwobwem."

"Oh... I thought it sounded a bit different, but that's okay... I'm Wanyama... what's your name?" The cub was a smiley fellow indeed but he remained up in the tree and Tabasamu was intrigued. He clambered up onto a rock and then tried to pull himself up onto a lower branch. He was so big he had to heave himself up before the other cub shuffled closer. Suddenly they tapped noses, it sent a funny spark into Taba's nose and with a grunt he slumped back onto the rock. The other cub hurried to get beside him and then sat with a sweet smile. "Guess I'm leaner than I thought... my name is Wanyama. I take it you live here?"

"Bworn hwere... My name's Tabasamu, means smile bwut then my tweeth grew." Taba grinned, flashing his funny teeth as the other cub mused his name meant idle because he just slept all the time. They both giggled, then Wanyama asked if he wanted to see who could jump the highest to get onto the rock! Tabasamu nodded his head eagerly and soon the pair were practicing and then running about, chasing, giggling, and wrestling! Wanyama was older but lots of fun and he had no problem listening to his words. However, their moment was lost when Kucheza and Latifah cane strolling over, Kucheza looking smug and suddenly Wanyama lost all his happiness.

"There you are! See Latifah, this is my poor baby brother Wanyama... apparently dad took one look at his blue eyes and insisted he couldn't take it and left. See, in the Fire Fields, blue eyes are bad luck, but that bastard had betrayed my mother anyway so he ran off with his girlfriend. Mother was so distraught she sort of dumped Wanyama onto me after he was weaned, so I've ended up being a secondary father to him as well as big brother. But I love him to bits you know, so I'm never gonna chase him out!" Kucheza had a darker pelt and soft golden yellow eyes, he looked very much a typical cat and well, he was very handsome to the girls. Latifah was a beautiful dust coloured lioness with the cutest little cub spot remaining that was practically a beauty mark as she came over to look at him. She ignored Tabasamu hiding in the grass nearby and he watched the way Wanyama just sat there with such a morose face that Latifah had to whisper to Kucheza that he didn't smile much. "He never does... despite what you do for him, he's almost cursed never to smile... NO ONE in the pride's ever seen him smile, not even grandpa. Anyway, see you at the feast tonight, don't keep hiding out from the other cubs."

With that, Kucheza led the lioness away and it was clear he had something rather naughty on his mind and yet, as Tabasamu stepped over to Wanyama, the other cub began to sob softly, his head lowered and his eyes closed tightly. He quickly covered his face with his paws, scared that Tabasamu would now assume him curse and would not want to be his friend anymore. All the other cubs back home were like that, they all said he drove his father away and that the kingdom was sad because of it... that he was just going to bring bad luck and should be sent away. It was never easy being the second prince and as Wanyama continued to sob softly, Taba leant against him and then nibbled his ear softly, making Wanyama give a sudden violent shudder of pleasure and then he looked up as Tabasamu smiled down at him.

"Your bwuther's weelly dumb! You've got an amazing smile and I think your eyes are cool. But my eyes are weird!" Tabasamu stated with a soft giggle and Wanyama just stared up at him in utter disbelief, he'd never expected anyone to say something so nice to him before! Suddenly he sat up, nuzzling at Tabasamu's shoulder and his smile returned and Tabasamu eagerly nuzzled him back, curiously it felt nice to nuzzle him like this and Tabasamu was soon begging him to play with him again and this time they chose to wrestle.

That night at the feast, Tabasamu patted at his mother to ask if he could sit with Wanyama, Miiba didn't want to refuse him when he was normally so timid and she was amused by the seeming friendship. Chonge approved too, it was good to see his son making friends and then, curiously for Wanyama's family, the cub gave a soft smile to see Tabasamu come over and the pair were soon snoozing beside each other after a good meal and a good groom. For the next few days the cubs were barely apart, always rushing around each other and eager to have some kind of game no matter what or where... someone always kept them safe, but they were happy, very happy!

Things changed a little towards their seventh day, the cubs were lounging under the stars near their tree and their rock, being watched carefully by Chonge from above as he lounged on the bathing rocks nearby. The pair were chewing ears, licking cheeks and Wanyama was climbing onto Tabasamu's back... quite a lot. He seemed to push against him with every statement, no matter ho sincere and though Tabasamu didn't mind it, Wanyama couldn't help himself. He knew something odd was happening, whenever he rubbed against Taba's broader hips he could feel something going on with his sheath, he was feeling excited and he want to really rub against him, but it was wrong. Perhaps it was just because he was older than Tabasamu and developing more, but he held back as he nuzzled into Tabsamu's back lovingly.

"I have to go home tomorrow and I don't wan to... I wanna stay here with you... I'm happy here, you always make me smile! I wish there was a way we could always stay together." Wanyama pondered as he nuzzled into the back of Tabasamu's golden tuft of mane. The other cub turned his head around and slowly rolled his tongue along Wanyama's cheek and flicked the edge of his lips. It made Wanyama give a soft little gasp, Tabasamu had just kissed him and the young male was looking suddenly anxious as he stared up at the Wanyama and the prince's heart was brimming with joy.

"I wanna be with you too, Wanyama!" Tabasamu stated and Wanyama licked his lip too in a kiss, clambering up his back a little more to get bore of a thrill until he heard the sound of Chonge yawning into a roar nearby. Thankfully he hadn't heard them or seen their kisses or Wanyama's actions. But it was the sign that Tabasamu had to go to bed and when Wanyama stepped way from him, Taba stood up and then stared at Wanyama in surprise. Wanyama was shocked, he looked down to see that his youthful form had slipped out of its sheath, each rub had pulled it out more and he was petrified for what he'd either done or caused. Suddenly Wanyama bolted back to his brother's area, utterly embarrassed and terrified, but Tabasamu just watched him leave with a sad expression as his father nuzzled him.

"Come on Smiley... time for bed!"

Time passed and with it cruelty; the desire to return to his mate's kingdom and claim a title of king that was never his had caused Kovu to appear and murder not only Chonge but Tabasamu's Aunt Umeme. The loss of the steward hailed the arrival of a being known as 'the White God', Mzuka, a lion so white it hurt the eyes to look upon his coat when touched by the sun. Old legends in the Pride Lands stated the white lion would return to rule it again in time, but Mzuka's reign would come with the spilling of blood as soon as he was secure of his position as a god. Chonge's mate understood this well and Miiba guided her son and daughter away from the kingdom with permission to return for Mzuka was adopted brother to Chonge and view them as his family... a seemingly safe position to be within.

Tabasamu was in misery through that time, hateful that the old troubles of the Pride Lands his sire had helped to cool and indeed had balanced, had taken his life. There was no love for Kovu whose philandering ways had damaged his mother's family but not desire for revenge either. Away from the Pride Lands though he was out of contact with Wanyama and alone, Tabasamu never bothered to smile at all. He wished only to grow up quickly enough that he could leave and find Wanyama and the pair of them could go and wander off as rogues together, finding adventure and always sleeping under the stars and without the laws of kingdoms to guide their futures.

Tabasamu was a yearling when Mzuka called for the diplomatic meetings of the prides, summoning the Thirteen Kingdoms to Pride Rock to acknowledge his position as king but also to probe their thoughts on him being king. As such, being blood, Tabasamu was expected to attend the week-long visit and his sister with him, but Miiba held her back. She begged her spotted sisters Chui and Duma to take Tabasamu there and explain that mamba was unwell. There was enough fear about what Mzuka might think of females that were 'young' to make Miiba worried. Tabasamu was aware he had to maintain a diplomatic air and so he informed his mother he would deal with the matter and speak on their behalf. His impediment had improved over the years, but only because he wanted to impress Wanyama when he next saw him.

With a thick ginger crop of mane on the top of his head and then the typical black mohawk of growing mane to say he was starting to grow, that was all that could tell anyone of Tabsamu's true age. He was as big as a lion a year older, all neat muscles and strong body, in the next year he was likely to bulk out so much he might have competed with his massive grandfather for title of largest lion! Tabasamu's size was an aid to ward off the attention of rogues, but occasionally there were a few such males that would call him over, roll about in submission, show off their assets and question whether the youngster wanted to wander off with them. Their actions were clearly flirtatious and though Tabasamu was flattered, they were often quite strong and powerful looking beasts, his heart was stuck thinking about Wanyama and he would decline.

It was a strange conversation he was having with a cousin called Kibaya, who seemed to be slightly more inclined towards male company as well, but Tabasamu could not quite explain what it was about or indeed what they saw in him. The only thing the odd-eyed yearling cared about was his relationship with Wanyama, he only wanted to be around that friend and as he was guided with his aunts into the Pride Lands and glad to see the familiar faces there, he was even more excited to spot the form of Wanyama's brother Kucheza stalking around with Latifah again. Could it be his dear friend was visiting too? Tabasamu's heart couldn't stop beating as he marched up the pathway to Pride Rock in procession with other royal visitors, Mzuka being a tyrant for ceremony, and came face to face with the massive white animal he'd only seen when he'd just been growing his tuft.

"AH! Dear Tabasamu... my dearest young nephew... why, you're growing into the spit of your father, even bearing his golden tuft and black crown... you're certainly a sight for sore eyes and I'm so very pleased to see you in good health. But alas, you have arrived without your mother or sister, nothing untoward has happened, has it?" There was a constant sneer in Mzuka's words that made Tabasamu's body ripple with disgust and with fury. He had the feeling that there was no such concern within Mzuka's heart and yet he bowed his head and thankfully, Chui explained that Miiba was unwell and Mamba had elected to stay with her mother. Mzuka feigned his shock, but then he looked at Tabasamu and stretched out a paw, bestowing a blessing upon that blonde thatch upon his forehead. "I send my blessing to your mother and say her health will improve, believe in me."

"Thank you... your mwajesty." Taba stated, losing his composure at the last minute to say something uncomfortable. It irked a cruel laugh from Mzuka as he turned to leave him and settled back amongst the guests. Uncle Shujaa and Mwuaji stood up from their places, beckoning Tabasamu over so that Shujaa could sit with Chui and maybe flirt with his tail. Tabasamu move over, sitting beside the crazed uncle and his strange little caracal pet that lounged over his back and was quick to ask Tabasamu how he was doing as Mwuaji just grinned at him almost wickedly. Tabasamu noticed the grin a little, Mwuaji was a freak, a cub-killer, a rapist and a murderer with more than a few sticks short of a bundle and Akeyla, his caracal, was the only one to keep him sane. When he grinned though, Taba felt liked a tiny cub in the gaze of a predator until Mwuaji lifted his paw and flicked casually towards a pair of aqua eyes that were staring at Tabasamu. The young lion turned his head to see the dusty pelt and the ginger mane forming of someone he'd been seeing only in his dreams. "Wanyama..."

When the meal was over, the lions were permitted to wander the lands, always though the male lions would follow a few feet behind, but with Shujaa and Chui on their own walk and Akeyla choosing to watch Tabasamu and leave Mwuaji to spy on Mzuka, Taba was able to look for Wanyama. He made a mistake in following the scent of Kucheza and almost walked into the young prince thrusting and groaning heavily into a less than impressed Latifah. Taba blushed and stepped away, looking for where his friend might be and instead finding himself wandering back to the rock where he'd first met him. Here he slumped down, hoping Wanyama might be able to see him clearly, when something thumped him off the rock and pinned him in the grass below.

Winded, Tabasamu couldn't stop the tongue stroking his nose, nor the warm and slender body lying over his belly, almost crouching over him. He could smell that intoxicating and familiar scent, could feel the long sweeps of gingery mane tickling his ears and something very hot precariously close to something on him that was tingling. On his broad belly it looked rather funny, but as Tabasamu's eyes fluttered up lovingly towards Wanyama as he continued to lick Taba's nose before pressing his to it. As they rubbed cheeks lovingly, sharing scent and then as they sighed happily the pair looked up at each other curiously, the fur of their faces heated and slight blushes visible. There was a look in Wanyama's eyes and Taba felt suddenly helpless but in a good way.

To his great surprise, as their muzzles came together to nuzzle and give nose kisses, Taba suddenly slid his tongue into Wanyama's mouth, licking and curling against gum and the sensitive insides in a far more intimate kiss. This made Wanyama suddenly step back, his eyes wide in shock and Tabasamu sat up with a soft mumble of apology. He was terrified, had he crossed the line? Had he done something wrong or were they just going to have to laugh it off as an awkward misunderstanding? Suddenly, that fear he'd done wrong overcame Taba's mind and he almost wanted to cry before Wanyama turned to him with a firm blush and then turned to look at his dearest friend with a nervous rolling of his paws within the soil.

"Tabasamu... you know... I only ever feel happy when I'm around you... you're... you're well named because, you're the only thing that makes me smile and I... I missed you!" Wanyama turned to look at him, the blush firm upon his face as Tabasamu rolled onto his belly and stared up at him with a loving expression and the moonlight seemed to make his fur shimmer silver. Tabasamu was smiling at him, suddenly feeling like crying out of happiness as Wanyama then stepped over to him, licking his fringe of a mane with a purr before then rubbing cheeks with him. Taba nuzzled him back, feeling as if he couldn't speak, his throat was too dry and then Wanyama was blushing as he lay over Taba's back, feeling the broad body hold his weight with ease and then lovely reddish fur and warmth. It made Wanyama shudder as he whispered to him. "Taba... if I told you I loved you and... and that I had such strange dreams about you... would you... would you understand?"

"Yes... I... I understand, I had dreams too... dreams that made me wake up and wet myself. I got upset and confused... sometimes the dreams would just be grooming, but... but..." Tabasamu began and Wanyama's eyes lit up in delight as he rolled off his back and lay his paws upon Taba. He nodded his head agreeing the same and the pair felt suddenly able to say the words aloud. They'd dreamt of licking each other where it was dirty, grooming each other's tenders until they'd seemingly wet themselves with the strange stickier stuff and then odder dreams. Dreams of lying over each over, dreams that made their hips quiver and them want to drag their backsides against the ground and jog their hips to get that strange kind of excitement. It was embarrassing but nice to know they were not different in mind and Tabasamu blushed. "But the best dream... the best dream was you and me together... no one else... just us..."

"Yes... I had that dream too... because I love you Tabasamu and I want to be with you." Wanyama whimpered softly and Tabasamu blushed softly to look at him and gently nuzzled noses with him. As he nodded his head, all the confirmation Wanyama needed to know that they were of the same mind and wanted the same thing. As he pulled away from Tabasamu he flicked his tail about and was looking about carefully for any sign of enemies or prying eyes. Taba pulled himself up and stepped to Wanyama's side, nuzzling his shoulder as Wanyama gave a soft chuckle and then turned about to nuzzle and lap at his nose. Then they pressed noses together and then gently slid their tongues against each other's lips, slipping under the lips and into the wet mouth of the other as their tongues slurped and rolled against each other. They gave soft moans of pleasure, enjoying the taste of the other being and then they pulled aside, rubbing cheeks and nibbling each other's budding manes with soft growls of delight. "Taba... can I touch you?"

"You want to... uh... yes... yes... you can... I want to... to touch you." Tabasamu blushed anxiously with a soft flutter of his lashes that made Wanyama sigh as they nuzzled each other lovingly once again. Then Tabasamu sucked in his gut self-consciously as Wanyama nuzzled into his shoulder, leaning into the younger but broader yearling as his paw stretched down to gently stroke at the bottom of his belly and near his groin. Taba gave a sharp gasp, leaning into Wanyama a little, lapping at his shoulder softly as he tried to fight down his anxiety as the prince gently kneaded at his sheath to irk the large pink shaft outwards. It slid out quite comfortably into Wanyama's hot paw and Taba's tail wiggled with anxiety as he felt the paw hold him gently. "Wan... is it... is it good or bad or?"

"Heh... it feels hot... it's getting hard too... if I rub it or lick it, you'll feel good... won't you? Where did you want to touch me?" Wanyama blushed softly and Taba was stretching his paw out towards Wanyama's backside, the young male shifting upwards so that Taba could grope at his neat backside a little as Wanyama gave a soft moan of pleasure for the touching, finding just any kind of contact with Tabasamu pleasurable. He couldn't stop himself from giving those growling purrs as he grasped at Taba's length and felt one of his buttocks being pulled a little. Taba was shuddering against him, clearly aroused and wanting more but scared of what to say or indeed what to do next. Then the prince nibbled his shoulder. "Shall I groom you till it feels good?"

"Maybe I should groom you?" Taba questioned anxiously and yet Wanyama gave a suddenly sweet chuckle and then stepped aside from him for a moment. He lifted his head to gently lick at Taba's cheek to make him almost blush as he stepped aside from him. For a moment, Tabasamu was confused and the pair padded together within the grass until it became longer stalks, greater covering although they did not know the little caracal was stalking them and listening in, utterly enthralled. Taba was confused as he followed Wanyama into the grass and then realised they were perfectly covered from the prying eyes of others and then Wanyama turned around to lap at him tenderly, glad they were both still peeking out of their sheaths.

"Taba... I'm not fragile and delicate, I know everyone looks at me and thinks that's the case, but I can bear your weight... you just need to be gentle with me. I'm sure if I lick myself a little, I can take it." Wanyama stated, knowing fully well what he was asking of his beloved and indeed what he was hoping for. They were at that age where they would rub against other males, try and figure out what they were doing, or try with other females and get a beating for it. It was not like they could get anyone pregnant at this age and certainly, that would be a shock to them both, but Wanyama knew that the process was initially painful... they were barbed after all and so he lounged and rolled his body, lapping roughly at his body and trying to ensure it was clean.

Tabasamu though froze in shock, this prince was asking him to mate with him? How could they? Taba thought about his dreams and what they had shown, but he was scared and he was worried he'd hurt his beloved prince. As Wanyama groomed his backside gently, ensuring it was clean and open, Taba stretched out a paw to gently pat at his lover's shoulder as Wanyama paused to look up at him sweetly. They nuzzled each other and Wanyama then gave a soft smiling chuckle as he stood up and then squatted down. He spread his legs as far as he could to feel stable, his body trembling in excitement as Tabasamu then lapped at Wanyama's neck and shoulders, nibbling at his mane. As he did so, he shuffled closer and then placed a heavy paw onto his partner's back.

The other male froze, the paw was a little heavy but Taba was gentle as he mounted carefully, wrapping his paws around Wanyama's body, drinking in his scent and giving a growling purr. His cock slid right out, thick and pink and prickled, dribbling a little precum with the excitement to have Wanyama's body beneath him. It was so warm and wonderful and as he leant his groin over to Wanyama's backside, he let his cock press against the tailhole. Wanyama gave a sharp gasp of pleasure, growling softly with his teeth gritting in preparation, his own cock sliding out and standing rigid in excitement and anticipation. Taba's hot form probed near the tailhole, feeling the muscles pinch and it made him anxious but excited even more and then Tabasamu grimaced.

He knew he could hurt Wanyama and he never wanted to hurt his love, so gently he leant his cock to stroke the flesh but not penetrate. Indeed, Tabasamu let the prickles stroke and scratch the soft flesh, prodding and rubbing beneath the tail hole and practically rubbing in the groove between Wanyama's testicles. It made Wanyama give a gasp of shock, his tip glistening in excitement as he moan and growled softly as Tabasamu held onto him tightly and rubbed against him with a soft little moan of pleasure. They were both soon panting, Taba starting to thrust messily against Wanyama's body as he grit his teeth down tightly and then lapped at Wanyama, pinching his mane within his teeth and giving growls.

It was not long before they both gave soft growls and little yowls as both splashed cum onto the ground and Tabasamu soaked Wanyama's balls. Taba pulled back with a whimper of upset, sitting down awkwardly still erect as he slouched back and started to sob softly. Wanyama was shocked, what was wrong? He straightened up and then turned around, his cock still dripping but when Wanyama noticed the thick cum slowly sliding down off his balls, he gave a sigh. This was the first time Tabasamu had ever cum and it made Wanyama's heart tremble in joy, although he was a little sad he hadn't been penetrated. He pressed over, licking and nuzzling at his lover, rubbing cheeks and nibbling their manes as Tabasamu gave a soft sniffle as Wanyama kissed him softly again.

"Taba... it's okay... you didn't hurt me and it's all good, here, I'll clean you and then you can clean me if you would prefer." Wanyama purred softly as Tabasamu licked at Wanyama's mouth lovingly, nuzzling into his chest as Wanyama then lapped at his ears and mane. When the two males then stood beside each other, head-to-tail, thy lay on their sides and Wanyama pulled his head between Taba's legs and began to lick thoroughly and lovingly at his lover's body. Taba was moaning softly in pleasure, he put his head between Wanyama's legs and lapped the mess he'd made from Wanyama's balls, trembling with excitement as Wanyama moaned rather loudly.

When Tabasamu could see that his lover's cock was still rather erect and twitching from attention, the big male with his crooked teeth then opened his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the length and began to suckle at it as eagerly as if feeding from his mother. Wanyama had to stop grooming Taba, he gave a shocked gasp, almost making a choking sound from pleasure to feel the tongue stroking, the wet mouth locking about him and pulling him in. He was straining, it felt so damn good he didn't know what to do or what to say, but it felt so damn good and before he could stop himself, he came again with a fast spurt into Taba's mouth. As he sagged with a groan, he could see that Tabasamu was swallowing and then, as he got up, the bigger male lounged his big paws over the middle of Wanyama's back, nuzzling into him.

"I love you...." Wanyama sighed lovingly. "Next year... we'll run away and be rogues together, no one can comment on us then..."

"I agree... I promise we'll be together; I love you Wanyama, I don't want anyone else!"

They were happy, but the happiness was short lived as no sooner had they been learning to groom each other, rubbing on each other and yet not completely sure to try penetrating, the pair returned to a situation. Kucheza had gotten a princess pregnant and he'd already been heard and seen promising to marry Latifah from the Pride Lands, it had made his mother so furious that Empress Kidogo had suddenly announced that Kucheza would be disowned and emasculated... he'd have the princess he'd impregnated but no one else! It startled the young males as suddenly, Wanyama was the next emperor and their dream to run away was shattered just like that!

Two years passed, the situation in the Pride Lands was bothering everyone outside of it, Tabasamu was living in a region where his mother and aunts, the former Outsiders under Zira, were living calmly and contently in a small paradise. It should have been beautiful, it should have been a nice time for Tabasamu as despite everything, one of the other young males born a little while after him that he'd grown up with had been showing interest in him. But Taba had not gone after him or been interested, he wanted his Wanyama, but he'd given it up to a dream for the day Wanyama retired as emperor. Taba hoped he'd live that long and that Wanyama's love would last as long as his, but most of the time Tabasamu was lazing and dreaming of having his companion lounging on his back again. He tried to smile for everyone, tried to be happy, but there was nothing that really made him feel good and instead he thought instead of helping his family out and keeping them safe.

Tabasamu had grown so huge and muscular that it was startling, he was bigger than most other males and whenever he appeared on the horizon when rogues were causing trouble, they ran. His mane was impressive, thick and black growing from shoulder to under his chest with a gingery crop upon the top of his head. His odd-coloured eyes always stood out and he was impressive with his big awkward fangs and with his heavy paws he could bowl anyone aside. He was still the softie at heart, his sister always able to jump on his back and annoy him, but he'd never turn and upset her. But always Tabasamu longed for the chance to see his beloved Wanyama again!

One evening, there was an alert on the North-eastern passage towards them, Tabasamu was aware that some of the girls had gone out on missions, but he stood up with his male cousins and they padded towards the scene where Tazama and Imara were doing their rounds as part of Vitani's Lion Guard. They were all concerned of course, Chizoba and Kibaya were always worried that something bad was going on with the girls when they were not around and yet when they approached, Mamba was running to them looking excited and horrified all at once. She rushed straight to her brother, insisting that he was just the lion they needed, but of course the boys bounded after her until they found Maua and some strange male lions pulling the broken and bloodied body of a half-dead and long deemed missing King Malka towards them.

"Taba! You're the only one strong enough to carry him, he's been held captive by his daughter for years now! Maua found him and she got lucky to meet an emissary from the Fire Fields to help get him out of there and here!" Mamba growled in frustration, bouncing over to her brother's side and nosing him gently with her anxiety as Tabasamu lifted his paw and gently patted her nose, but his heart was trembling. An emissary from the Fire Fields meant that someone would have news of Wanyama and he would accept any news to know how he was! Tabasamu stepped to the wounded king, allowing the others to lean the big male onto his back and without a second thought to the weight upon his body, Taba trotted up the hill and in search of the healing den, the other animals all padding steadily after him.

Tabasamu brought Malka to the healing pool, stepping in and letting the body float upward before he grasped the floating lilies and with the help of Mamba, he wrapped them around his shoulders and paw so Malka could float. Malka groaned in thanks as Taba and Mamba aided the king to the bubbling spot within the pool where the hot water would soothe him before Mamba bounced off in search of Abuto and her healing wisdom. Taba heard the sounds behind him of the three young lionesses all swooning at the emissary that had finally arrived, his guards backing of slightly and Taba heaved a sigh of relief. He turned around, pulling himself up out of the water, showing his muscles rippling against his wet hide as his thick black mane was hanging down and suddenly his shook his whole body with a soft snort, only to spot a familiar pair of aqua-green eyes locked upon him and ignoring all the females that were fussing him.

"You're... you're the emissary of the Fire Fields?" Taba stated as he stepped over, but no with that long gingery mane, those eyes, that longer muzzle, that soft sandy-grey fur and fragile look... this handsome grown male must be Wanyama! Taba couldn't believe it could be anyone other than his beloved Wanyama, there was no one else that could make his heart skip a beat or have such beautiful eyes. But his heart was trembling, if Wanyama was presenting as an emissary instead or the emperor or a prince, then maybe something had happened and his brother's cub had been chosen, but whatever it was he would not say his name in case. Oddly, though the lion was staring at him, he bowed his head gently in respect as the girls were clamouring over his beauty and then Tabasamu stepped over to him, his speech impediment a little better with age but still obvious on some words. "It's a pleasure to gweet you. Do you wish to speak with our leader, Vitani? Or was it pure luck?"

"Pure luck brought us to Maua and Malka, but thankfully we were able to be of use to them. I will see your leader to learn if the rumours about the 'White God' are true." The figure stated, it had to be Wanyama, there was no way with such an elegant voice that it could not be and Tabasamu's heart was hammering away in delight. But before he could say anything upon the matter, the lionesses were crowded around Wanyama and steering him on towards Vitani's den. They were all excited and eager but Tabasamu just breathed a sigh of relief as he then padded off towards his own spot in the shadows of the fig tree that sat the closest to the narrow passage and completely shaded from trouble. He wondered if he would have a chance to talk to the emissary or not, but he would have to wait as the situation could be dangerous and he and his companions needed to remain on guard.

When night fell, there was hardly any light in the valley and Tabasamu was settling down, ready to go to bed when he was approached by one of the guards. Tabasamu was startled as the male requested that he was to go to the Emissary's den, a small cave den not far from the girls but with a lot of thick shading around it. Tabasamu was startled, amused by the matter perhaps as he followed the guard down there and they moved steadily and calmly, both males big and easy to see silhouetted against the moonlight. They did not notice that the three girls to have met the emissary earlier were excited and being sneaky, they had followed the beautiful lion and were hiding in the grass, startled when they watched the big males step over and the emissary swatted his guard well away from the area to sleep with his friends near the pretty girls. It was startling as the girls were very excited to know what was going to happen when he bowed his head and then the lion sighed.

"You've grown as big as you thought Tabasamu... but not as fat as you feared... in fact you're probably the most handsome lion I've ever seen, but then again I'm still quite biased." The emissary stated and Tabasamu's body sagged as relief rolled over him like a wave. The lionesses listening in and watching were confused as they watched the emissary stand up and step to Taba, nuzzle against him lovingly before he was nuzzled back. They rubbed cheeks, producing soft growling purrs of pleasure before lapping at each other's manes and jaws, their tails swinging a little in excitement and their groins pinching softly in excitement. The girls were curious but they knew about Taba having a special friend and then they were shocked as the figure gave a groan and forced Tabasamu to sit down so he could nuzzle into his mane and smile. "Oh Taba... I missed you... but I've missed you all the more lately. Mother says she'll step down when I produce an heir. I tried to explain it all to her, but she made a point that this was my duty for the pride and my intended will be arriving from the far south next season. I don't want this Taba, but I'm so happy that I could meet you again like this."

"I don't know what to do about it, but I'm so glad you're here Wanyama, I was excited when they said the Fire Fields just for the chance to hear of you... but to know you would be here... my heart's fit to bursting." He rumbled softly and the girls gasped as the pair nosed and nuzzled, their paws intertwining as they rubbed and nuzzled each other's cheeks in delight. There was such happiness radiating off them that the girls were embarrassed but utterly enthralled and unable to look away as the two males continued to lick and kiss, their tongues even stroking and twisting at the air together as they moaned softly and then Wanyama sighed and slumped against his shoulder with a soft grunt of amusement. "You've grown very beautiful... your mane is as long as you guessed, but I don't think Kucheza could compare to you in looks. But as you said... I'm biased."

"I love you..." Wanyama purred softly and the two continued to nuzzle until Wanyama flopped onto his back. He lifted his paws to bat playfully at his face in utter joy as Tabasamu chuckled and lay down over his chest, nipping at his paws. The two males were grinning and chuckling, acting playfully with each other as they snagged mane or paw to nibble and lick. They were grinning and smiling, nuzzling each other lovingly and twirling their tongues against one another in utter delight. It was making them both quite excited and their noses met again before Wanyama slowly stroked at his body and then sat up, squatting down and letting Tabasamu throw a paw onto him. Wanyama then pulled away slightly with a sudden giggle as Tabasamu then lifted his tail and squatted, Wanyama grabbing hold of him and grabbing his mane playfully. "Taba... did you know... I've been... practicing for you..."

"Practicing?" Tabasamu questioned curiously, head tilting to the side as Wanyama gave him a rather coy look before he dropped down. He then rolled into himself, the view obscured from the girls as Wanyama then pulled his backside closer to his mouth, lapping eagerly at his hole and then stroking it with his paw, pushing in a digit to make it widen. Tabasamu gasp in shock, he'd learnt a little too from Kibaya about what gay relationships between lions were like, though of course they'd never done anything. But seeing it, Taba was oddly excited and he gently patted for Wanyama to go onto his chest and Wanyama did the same, tail right up and squatting a little. Tabasamu's mane kept it from the view of the girls, but he pressed his tongue to it regardless, lapping and slurping, sticking his tongue in deep, addicted to the strange sensation of the passage tightening around him, the smell from Wanyama's cock starting to strain out and the male's whimpers of pleasure and delight.

"Taba... oh... Taba it feels so good... don't tease me too long..." Wanyama purred softly, straining forward, making sure his backside was fully on display for that tongue to reach into. Rank, gender, alliance or even the risk of being seen were lost as the pair just revelled in the pleasure as Wanyama shuddered and gasp, whimpering softly with the pleasure of the tongue lapping and slurping at him. Wanyama's cock was straining out, spitting precum already and he did not know whether he could hold on any longer as he moaned softly and then stretched a hind paw to push Tabasamu away as he pulled back with a soft smile. "Uh... Taba... don't worry this time, I'm not fragile."

The girls heard the words and their jaws dropped, they saw the future emperor stand up, legs wobbling a little and his cock out and glistening in the moonlight. Taba nuzzled and cleaned at Wanyama's mane softly, swinging his body around to show that his thicker looking form was just as erect. The girls had never seen something like this before... not just to see a male's form but to see two males acting like this! As Wanyama swung his tail up, stuffing his paws into the ground near the scrubby bushes and he looked to Taba lovingly. Tabasamu was a little nervous, he lifted a paw up onto Wanyama's back, feeling him straighten to bare the weight before his paws held onto his lover gently and he brought his head into Wanyama's mane.

Tabasamu was trembling, trying to align himself with Wanyama, feeling his thicker form touching near the tail and trying to angle himself to get into that tailhole. He was trembling in excitement and anticipation as Wanyama's hole was already wet and he was so desperate for the penetration as he lifted his tail that he couldn't help but whimper. He looked to Taba, beginning him not to tease any more as Tabasamu nibbled softly at his cheek fur before he felt himself gaining the right position. He stretched his hip inward, feeling the wet hole with his tip and giving a sharp gasp as Wanyama strained out to let him in. Tabasamu trembled and then finally managed to gently slide he prickled tip into the hole, feeling intense heat as Wanyama began to gasp and choke in a strangely exciting and almost feminine fashion, Tabasamu gripped his paws about him tightly. Indeed, Tabasamu managed to hold his body around Wanyama's and then he thrust in sharply, his scratching form sliding in and then being snatched by the tight, puckering passage as Wanyama gave a low groan as he came rather heavily onto the grass as Taba moaned.

"It feels so good Wanyama... but I want to move... is it okay or will I hurt you?" Tabasamu questioned anxiously as he pushed in deeper all the same as Wanyama moaned lovingly. Taba guessed it would not be questioned and he nuzzled and lapped at his lover as he then began to rock his body back and forth. He could feel a wonderful softness within, great warmth and then this beautiful tightness that would hold him as if begging him to stay inside him. Taba loved it, it felt so beautiful and he hoped, perhaps some other night if Wanyama stayed more than one, he could be beneath the emperor. Wanyama was moaning and sighing, tongue hanging out with joy as Tabasamu continued to move in and out of his lover with soft sounds of pleasure.

"So.... So good... something... something's going to happen... it feels so good I can sense it... its so wonderful I want to cry!" Wanyama trembled in delight, his whole-body quivering with whatever was approaching as he felt Taba's teeth gripping awkwardly at his shoulder. The big male's form began to slide in and out a little faster, pumping into him and feeling it pull and stroke him even more as Tabasamu began to purr and growl in joy. He felt his balls pinching, he felt his cock growing thicker and was already spitting precum... he knew he was going to cum soon but he didn't want to unless he made sure that Wanyama was going to get whatever it was that was happening within and felt so good. Taba pumped in as hard and firmly as he could, hearing the wet squelches as their bodies came together and the lionesses were just staring in utter shock to be watching such a thing and feeling odd tingling within their own loins!

Wanyama began to grimace, the pressure was building in, he knew something beautiful was coming to him and Taba began to pant heavily as he pumped himself in a little faster. Tears were coming from his big eyes, it felt so good he was so scared he might hurt his love, but if this would be the last thing they ever had, it needed to be beautiful. Wanyama began to give those gasping sound, those little squeaking groans as his passage began to squeeze and pulse even more tightly around Tabasamu's cock. It made Taba growl with pleasure and then, finally, something gorgeous happened as Tabasamu felt himself suddenly bursting into his lover... claiming his lover as his first and his only mate! But at the same time, he felt something wet practically sputter around his cock, making the passage squeeze and milk him for whatever was left as Wanyama produced a low moan of pleasure and then flopped onto his chest.

Tabasamu pulled out fast, ignoring the dripping mess from the thoroughly creamed hold of the soon-to-be emperor! He was on his front, paws around his body and licking and nuzzling him lovingly, sobbing that he might have hurt his beloved. But Wanyama wheezed a sigh of relief, rolling into Taba's paws and then licking his lips, their tongues twirling and twisting lovingly. They nuzzled their cheeks together and gave soft little moans and sighs of delight, pulling their bodies close to each other and hoping to sleep together tonight as they had before. But Tabasamu then whispered softly into the ear of his satisfied lover.

"I love you... no matter what happens... I'll always wait for the time when we can be together...."