The Hyenas' Royal Prize

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another lion king story? Hey, I'm digging it. Anyway, enjoy a story of Simba losing the fight at Pride Rock and being given to Shenzi as a butt-loving toy. She shouldn't need to work too hard at converting him to her proper service...

Commissioned by MrDuhast

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The Hyenas' Royal Prize For MrDuhast By Draconicon

The Battle of Pride Rock had gone about as badly as one could imagine it might have. The lions had lost, and Scar, as well as his allies, maintained power over the Pride Lands. The lionesses had been herded off, and Simba knew nothing of their fate. He'd been knocked out while fighting his uncle, and he was sure that was part of the reason they'd lost.

Even now, he didn't know what had happened with his people, and he barely knew where he was. His eyes were closed, his breath even, but he was awake. No doubt about that, he was awake, considering that he could smell things that he didn't want to ever smell again. The scent of cracked bones, old marrow, strange gasses and fumes: it was the smell of a horrible place in his past.

The Elephant Graveyard.

He suppressed the shivers running up and down his spine, occasionally clasping his hands into fists under his back as he tried not to think about the danger the others must have been in. The fact that he was here meant that he was in quite a bit of danger himself, and there was no way that he would be able to save the rest of his pride if he didn't get himself free.

That, however, didn't look like it was going to be happening anytime soon. The bindings on his wrists meant that his hands were useless, and he could feel something wrapped around his ankles, as well. Leather bindings, of a sort, he imagined, though he didn't know if they would be effective against his strength.

I have to get out of here...

Simba hadn't heard anyone approaching, hadn't heard anyone moving. Maybe he was alone, wherever he was. It was worth chancing it to open one eye and see what was going on.

So, he did.

The leather tent around him told him that he wasn't just thrown around like a common prisoner. Someone had claimed him, taken him away from his home and kept them in their own. And considering that this was the Graveyard -

"Well, well. Finally awake, are you?"

Shenzi. He tilted his head back just a bit more, catching the edge of her muzzle in his vision. The lion king - well, would-have-been-king - groaned under his breath as he slumped back down against the ground.

"I should have guessed it would be you. Scar wouldn't give me to anyone else."

"Right in one." She smiled, stroking a claw along the side of his muzzle. "You're my personal prize from the battle...and a better prize I couldn't ask for."

Another shiver of a different sort ran down his neck and spine, one that was both reminiscent of the fear of the old times, and the pleasure that he had learned to take in the world outside of the Pride Lands. They were...decadent, out there, and Shenzi's voice...

No, she couldn't mean it like that.

Yet, there was a chuckle in the way she talked, a sultriness that he didn't remember her having before. She pulled at his shoulders, lifting him up just enough for his head to rest on her lap.

He didn't feel a loincloth between them, either, and his own was starting to twitch.

"I remember chasing you down when you were just a boy...and I remember how much you screamed then. How scared you were...How weak you were..."

She chuckled again, her dark-padded hands running down his shoulders and over his chest. The way that she talked now was nothing like how she had treated him when he was a cub, back when he was tired and young and weak. This was something else. This was something very, very different...though somehow just as predatory.

She pressed her hands against his chest, and then down further towards his belly. The more that she stretched over him, the more that her breasts hung over his face, and the more distracted by them he got. He stared up at her, the dark gray fur fading into something else, something softer and warmer with the dark spots that ran along the sides of her bosom, and towards the dark tips of her nipples that pushed through her fur.

Naked? Why...

Her hands gripped the edge of his loincloth, and Simba gasped as she pulled it up, exposing his cock. She chuckled at it, shaking her head.

"Looks like one part didn't grow as much as the rest of you, though."

"What do you want, Shenzi? What's the point of this?"

"Oh, there needs to be a point now?"

"You want something. Why am I here?"

"I want you, Simba. That's all there is to it."

The hyena matron slid out from under him, and his head bumped against the rocky earth once more. He groaned as she crawled around him, drawing a line through the fur on his chest with her claw.

"You see, there's plenty of reasons to keep you around, but Scar wanted to make sure that you were kept somewhere for...good behavior. The lionesses are told that we'll kill you if you make a move..."

"And what if I make a move?"

"Then Scar will hurt Sarabi and Nala."

His mother, his mate. He growled deep in his throat at the idea of either of them being hurt, but despite the situation...

Well, there was nothing that he could do. They were too far away from him, probably all the way back at Pride Rock, and there was nothing that he could do at the Elephant Graveyard to make things better.

Shenzi chuckled, rubbing his head.

"But if you do everything I say, they'll be taken care of. Of course, that means doing everything, no matter what it might be. Be a good boy for me, and I'll make sure that they are taken care of."

"'re a monster..."

"Even a monster has needs..."

And he was starting to smell them. Shenzi might have been a matron of the hyenas, but that didn't mean that she didn't have the hungers of a female much younger than she was. He groaned under his breath, starting to get the picture, finally. This was going to be humiliating, at best.

"You think that I'll just lay with you, willingly?"

"Do you think I'll give you a choice, prince?"

The way that she smirked at him made it clear that he didn't have a choice in the slightest. Nor did the hand that she put down there between his legs, stroking the tips of her fingers along his shaft, encourage him to think that she saw him as anything other than a piece of meat.

She chuckled, but this time, it was less humiliating, more admiringly. A shudder ran down his spine once more as she clasped her hand tightly around his cock, giving it a good squeeze as she pulled on it.

"Looks like the prince might have a bit more to offer once he gets hard. But trust me, Simba. I'm going to show you what real pleasure feels like."

"You...I have Nala..."

"Nala. Heh. The prissy little thing. Thinking that she's the best hunter out there, the most attractive..."

The matron smirked at him, leaning forward so that her breasts fell over his cock, grinding his tip against them, between them, against her nipples. Her lips, puffy and black, spread to show every tooth in her mouth, every fang in her smile.

"I'll show you what it means to have a real hunter on you...a real woman that wants what you have to offer...everything you have to offer."

To his shame, his cock was getting harder and harder, stiffer and stiffer between his legs. He wanted to fight her, to throw her off, to deny her what she wanted, but no matter what he tried to do, his bindings held him tight, and his cock continued to grow. She shifted position again, kneeling between his legs, her breasts on either side of his cock, her nipples hard against his thighs as she jerked him fiercely.

"Nnngh! AH!"

He gasped as she pulled at his cock harder, firmly dragging him from softness to firmness, from flaccid to hard. Every groan ripped from his throat seemed to entice her all the more, and he bit his lips futilely to try and hold them back.

Soon, however, he was fully hard, his cock standing up at a firm eight inches, stiff and ready for use. Shenzi smiled at it, rubbing her hand along the head, cupping it slowly before pushing it down against his belly.

"Look at that. Nice and firm just for me."

" cheated..."

"And you love it."

Simba blushed, trying to keep that from being true, but considering how hard he'd gotten from a simple handjob, from words alone, was there really a way to fight against that? Was there a point?

He groaned under his breath as she grabbed him at the base again, giving his cock another little stroke, another little tug. She had him under her control, and she had to know it by now. There was no way that he was hiding it well enough to pretend otherwise.

"You're going to learn what it's like to be a piece of meat for the hyenas, Simba. You're going to be my toy, and I always share my toys."


"And you know what, prince?"


"You're going to love it. There's so much more to pleasure than just shoving your dick in someone, sawing away with it. There's so much more that can be done to get these little prince-makers to empty their loads..."

She rubbed his balls gently, making them sway under his cock, making him think of just how heavy they were. He had been hoping to mate Nala after the battle, but there was no way that was going to happen now.

The image of Scar doing it for him popped into his head, his uncle fucking Nala, pushing her down, showing her what another man might do. The idea was humiliating...and arousing.

His cock throbbed all the harder between Shenzi's breasts, and she grinned, one of her hands running down between her legs. He could smell her getting wetter and wetter, more and more excited as she tormented him, as she humiliated him. She even went so far as to lean in and kiss the head of his cock, licking around the rim of it to make it stiffer, harder, warmer for her.

"Look at that. All eager and ready for me..." She chuckled. "A pity that I'm not going to ride it."

"What? What are you -"

"It's time for your teaching to begin."

She pulled back, and with surprising strength, she managed to roll him over. He yelped as he was pushed down, his ass in the air, his face against the ground, his bound hands pressed against the small of his back. It was hard for him to really understand what was going on. She wasn't a male, so there was no way that she could fuck him, so why was she -


Simba's eyes just about popped out of their sockets at the first lick along his taint, feeling it running from the back of his balls all the way up to his pucker. The feeling of her tongue working around him back there was...well, very different. He shivered every time that he felt it tug against the fur back there, and then when it went over his hole, when he felt it tracing the little wrinkles along his rim, he felt his cock twitch, spurting pre-cum on the ground.


He gasped for breath, shamefully aroused at the way that she was treating him, having to suck for air just to keep himself focused. The pleasure of that touch, the way that she was licking him from balls to hole, and then lingering there -


He gasped as her tongue flicked into him, pushing his rim forward, her tongue touching his inner walls. The feeling of it, so wet, so slick, so warm, was more than he had ever imagined. His cock jerked, his hole clenching hard.

It didn't last long, her tongue sliding free again a moment or two later, sliding out of his hole and licking around it again. The lion who would be king leaned his head against the ground, grinding his cheek against the cool stone as he panted for breath. The hyena's chuckles rose behind him ass he gripped his ass, shaking her head.

"What's the matter, Simba? Nala never did this for you?"


"The little thing didn't think to pleasure you this way?"


Each lick, each tease, each thing that she pushed at him to remind him that Nala had never done this but Shenzi did, was making it harder and harder for him to think of his mate properly. He had been missing her, wanting her, but now...

Another lick, and he imagined Nala behind him doing this. He tried to hold the image of her there, but there was no way for it to stick. She had always been pushing him to take charge, to be the one running things, to hold onto the power of the throne and push for things to be better. She'd been the one to submit, to want him on top.

But if he'd ever asked her to do this -

Another lick, another gasp as he felt that tongue rasping over his hole, running all the way from one side of his rim to the other, pushing in for a brief moment before sliding over the far side. His toes curled again and again, his cock dripping under his belly.

It didn't help that Shenzi was stroking him, teasing him, keeping him hard the whole time. The hyena seemed to know every weak point that he didn't know he had, and she was happily pushing each and every button.

"Mmmm, you have a fine ass, you know that?" She chuckled, her breath hot against his hole. "You're going to enjoy having this used again and again, I'm sure..."

She slapped his ass, pulling back just when he was on the edge of orgasm. He shivered, biting his lips, trying not to make the whimpering sounds that he really wanted to make. That had felt...well, amazing. The way that she had licked him back there, the way that she made his ass feel so good...

The way that she was opening doors that he didn't know existed to such different kinks...

Simba was panting hard as she rolled him back onto his back, his mind filled with different possibilities. He wanted to feel more of that, wanted to see what else Nala wouldn't do. He wanted -


She spoke, and he listened, and it took him a second to realize that he was starting to obey her. The humiliation of falling so far, so fast was almost enough to make his cock start softening.


Instead, he looked up, and he found himself staring at the hyena's ass. She was looming over him like some great dominating female, presenting herself for breeding in a very different way. Her pussy oozed and dripped on his chin and neck, yes, but that wasn't the main focus.

No, the main focus was her ass, soft and curvy and just barely spread as she held her hand against one cheek. He could see up between the cheeks to her pucker, which clenched and squeezed on nothing, then relaxed to show that it was more than a little practiced at taking things. He blushed worse as he realized that she was slowly lowering herself towards his face, getting closer and closer to sitting on him properly.


"Oh, yes, if you want your fellow lions to be treated well. Everything I did to you, I want you to do to me...and if you do good, then I'll let you have even more fun."

His cock throbbed embarrassingly hard, and Shenzi chuckled.

"Oh, does the prince have a thing for being told what to do?"

"I...I don't..."

"Then why are you so hard, hmm? Such a slut..."

She kicked his cock. Not hard, and she was good enough to miss his balls, but hard enough to get it swinging, swaying, bouncing a bit. He grunted from the impact, his cock twitching right back up from the abuse.

"Heh, will you look at that? Your cock is more honest than you are, Simba. Maybe you should have come to the hyenas right from the start. You would have been better off with us than you were with the Pride. Imagine what we could have done for you..."

The idea of being with them more than he had should have repulsed him, but the more that Shenzi pushed him, the harder it was to hate them. She was dominant, so powerful, so...

So sexy.

His cock throbbed more and more as she pushed down at his face, his muzzle slipping between her ass cheeks. Despite her species, she was surprisingly clean, and he wondered if the other hyenas had cleaning duty with her or if she just washed herself more often than everyone expected. Either way, there was only the slightly bitter smell that came from flesh, the warmth of sex, and a slight hint of sweat down there.

She pushed down hard enough that his nose bumped her asshole in seconds, nudging into place and lodging there. He groaned as he felt it pucker against his nose, and then his lips as she shifted position, pulling him right against it.

"Go on...worship..."

The way that she said it, the way that she instilled the command with amusement and lust all at once, was too much for him to resist. Simba pushed forward, closing his eyes tightly as he started to lick...started to worship.

The fears of a bad taste went away almost immediately, leaving him groaning as he dragged his tongue along her hole. The texture was different to when he had gone down on Nala the one time, less silky, more lifted and varied. He could feel the little wrinkles along her pucker, the places where the flesh had been made to stretch over the years, and he groaned every time that he pulled on it and felt it shift, slide with his lick.

Almost against his will, he felt himself drawn up by that ass, pulled in by his own fascination to what he was doing. He groaned, he panted, but there was something about that rump that had complete control of him, drawing him to lick it, press himself against it...worship it.

Shenzi was slowly rising up, getting to her feet, and he went up with her, almost as if he had become glued to her backside. He groaned under his breath, feeling his cock throbbing with every lick that he gave her, every little lap across her backside. He puckered up against her hole, kissing it directly, and then sucked at it gently.

She gasped overhead, and it seemed like he was doing a good job. Good enough to keep her interested, at any rate, which was good enough for him. Lick, lap, suck, feeling the edges of her pucker slowly rise up, puffing up from his attentions.

He was dragged upright enough to be able to rest on his knees, kneeling behind her as she ground her ass into his face. The feeling of her rump cheeks on either side of his face, the way that she was bumping her ass back against him, felt utterly wonderful. He needed this. He needed her to control him.

Something was happening to him, something dragging him further and further down from the sort of king that he had meant to be. Nala, Sarabi, all the others had been looking at him to lead them, to guide them forward, to be the king that his father had been...but what if that had never been his destiny? What if his destiny, instead, was just...this?

To be...under a hyena...

To be theirs...

His cock throbbed all the harder as he nuzzled between the cheeks again, accepting the tail over his head keeping him in place. Yes, Shenzi's chuckles continued to humiliate him, remind him of what he was doing. Yes, he was betraying the Pride, but the more that he did this, the less that he cared. All that mattered was that it felt...right. Good, to give in to a woman like this. A proper woman.

"Yes...get that tongue in there..."

He groaned, nodding as best he could between her cheeks before sticking his tongue as far out as he could. He managed to taste her, to feel her pucker bending, and he pushed against it again and again, trying to wiggle it forward the way that she had done to him. She groaned, she panted, and she pushed back against him, her hole flicking and clenching constantly until -

"Mmmm, yes...that's my little ass-licking prince..."

Simba blushed worse at that, but his cock was harder than it had ever been. He could taste her more than ever, now. Her inner walls were hot, a bit wet, but clean enough. It was a bit musky, a bit bitter, but not filthy, not messy. Just strong...just naughty...

Just sexy...

Doing this for...for...

He was trying to remind himself who he was doing this for, but there was something about this that made it impossible for him to lie to himself. For all that he wanted to be the hero, to say that he was sacrificing himself for the comfort and lives of others, there was no way that he could truly justify that, that he could say it and be telling the truth.

No, he was doing this for himself, for his pleasure, for his needs. Not for Nala, not for Sarabi, not for the rest of the Pride.

For him.

Simba moaned as he pulled his tongue free of Shenzi's hole, but before he could shove it back in, she pulled back from him. He almost overbalanced, wobbling until he got it back, and in that time, the naked hyena walked away from him.


He had a second or two to catch his breath, to try and pull himself back together, but then Shenzi called to him. Looking up, he saw her sitting on something he hadn't noticed until right then.

A throne. A throne of animal skins, things that the hyenas had hunted over the years, including some of the old pelts of dying lions as well as the pelts of different prey species. She threw herself on it, crossing one leg over the other, smirking at him.

"So, prince ass-licker...did you enjoy that?"

He didn't dare answer. Simba looked down and away, his cheeks burning.

"Your cock tells me you did, heh. Looks like you're going to have to go through a bit more before you're willing to be honest, hmm?"

"What are you talking about? I'm just...I'm just doing what I'm told."

"What a liar."

She whistled, and the back of the tent opened. Simba looked over his shoulders, and his eyes widened.

It was her immediate henchmen, Ed and Banzai. Neither of them wore the loincloths that Simba was used to seeing from the other species in the Pride Lands, their cocks swinging loose and free. He stared at them for a moment, started to pull his tail down -

"Ah ah, prince. Put that tail back up."

And at the command of the hyena queen, he had no choice but to follow orders. He pushed his tail up and out of the way, and had no choice but to submit as Banzai shoved him down to the ground, holding his head down with his heel, and then reaching back to the lion's ass.

Simba gasped as he felt his cheeks being spread again, his hole once more on display. He tried to close his eyes, to ignore it, but the hot breath of the two males against him was more than he could bear. Once more, his cock started to throb, to twitch.

"Heheheh, look what we got here, Ed. It's a hot piece of lion ass."


"Yeah, you wanna eat it, bud? You wanna taste it?"


"Then go on, what are ya waiting for?"

And just like that, the tonguing returned.

Simba gasped again, his eyes almost bugging out of their sockets as he felt a much bigger, wetter tongue working over his pucker. It slapped against his hole, dragging up and down from his balls to his hole faster and more furiously than Shenzi had done, and it left drool everywhere. Once more, his cock twitched, and once more, his hole started clenching against the weird, pleasurable feeling.

He gasped for breath as the hyena ate his ass, biting his lips to try and keep his whimpers and groans to a minimum, but it didn't take long for his cock to start oozing pre properly. One squirt, two, three, and soon it was dripping between his legs like mad. That tongue worked all the way up along his hole, and then -

"Heh, looks like it needs something to loosen it up, Ed. Lemme try."

The tongue stopped, and something firmer followed. Simba's gasped, hissed, and then -



He moaned. He actually moaned at the feeling of something going up his ass, and he had no idea why. The lion curled his toes, his cock slipping forward to slap against his belly in response to that. He tried to hide his pleasure, but the hyenas had already seen it.

"Hah! And this was gonna be the king?" Banzai laughed.

"Man, oh man, that's priceless. Lion ass? More like lioness!"

"Let's make him scream like one."

One finger became two, slamming into him and making his cock twitch and dance. Simba couldn't move, couldn't pull away, and his cock was only getting harder. It got worse when Ed got back to licking him back there, teasing his rim around Banzai's thrusting fingers. He wanted to disappear, wanted to just slide into nothingness and disappear, pretend that this wasn't happening, even if it felt so damn good.

And then...

Then, Shenzi slid down on her throne, her ass near his face again. He stared up at her rounded rump, at the pucker that flexed at him, and something...something changed. Something felt good again.

Serve them...

For Nala and the others, he tried to think. It was a lie, but he was used to lying to himself. He could be okay with that, at least for a while.

Simba pushed forward, sliding his tongue along Shenzi's hole again, and felt his pleasure continue to rise. Humiliation, embarrassment, submission: all of it combined to give the prince something that he had never, ever had before. He was finally free from the responsibility of telling others what to do.

The End