A Bear and his Huskey - chapter 1

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A Bear and his Huskey "c" Anthroa studios 2010

this story is copryrighted, any copying or redistribution of this story can and will be subject to lawsuit.

this is an adult story, if you are under the age of 18, or are not allowed by law to view such material, then do not read any further. but if you are....HAZAH....have fun...happy fappin...


A Bear and his Husky

by: Arthur and Philomel Anthroa

SOLD! Said the sign at the front of my new home, it was a upper middle class home, three bedrooms, two or so bathrooms, a kitchen, you know the works. I was happy that I was finally getting out of that slummy apartment of mine, too many flaws, to many crude neighbors, too much of a problem, you know the works.

"Hey! Be careful with that soFA: " I said to one of the movers not doing their job correct. "phew.....home, at last. I cant wait to get my laptop working!" I said, relaxed.

It was getting late, and the movers finally got their job done, they took WAY TOO LONG! But eventually I paid them and they went on their merry way."hmm....alone.........finally....." I checked my watch, 8:00 PM, its not too late, I could still catch the movie I wanted to see, even if I did a little...."Rn`R"...I turned on my laptop, and logged on, I opened a folder full of videos. "hmm....there it is" I opened a video.

The video started as if it were a home video of a father son outing to the forest. they played and played and looked as if they were having quite a time with each other. Then the father picked up his son and licked him on the cheek. The cub was set down, when the father did so, the cub got on his knees and began to unbutton his father's pants. the sheath of his father quickly slipped out quickly from its confines of his father's pants.

At this point my cock was already out of its confines as well, that and the head of my penis was poking out of the end, pre-cum dripping outward.

Back to the video, the cub begins to lick the sheath to get his father hard. The head of his father's cock was visible, then the shaft, then the knot. as his father's cock escaped its confines, warm and throbing, the cub begins to lick the head of the cock, to get the taste of his father. quickly the cub begins to suck on his father vigorously. soon the father asks "bend over for me my love....", the cub giggles, nods and pulls down his pants for his loving father. I was fapping like a motherfucker at this point...The cub raises his tail to show his young tight pink ring of a tailhole to his father.

"OHH SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE!!!" I stop the video, I could watch it at anytime...I pull up my pants and begin to walk out the door. my car was just as upper middle class, a mercury mountaineer. I drive off, and realize....I have no fucking clue which way to go to the movies....."fuck....wrong turn in albucurkey moment" I found myself in the slums of my neighborhood, I knew it because, I passed my old apartment building. There were many cubs out playing together, even though it was late. I was not too far into the neihborhood when I passed a corner where a small husky cub sat. he was crying, sad, looked like he hadnt eaten in days. he dressed in rags. he didnt look like he was welcome....an abandoned animal into an unknown forest.

"hey you ok little guy?" I said through the passenger window, his reply was a look of sadness, sad enough to make a nun cry..."whats your name?...you hungry?" I said with hope for the poor cub. The cub looked with suprise to me and smiled. "Come on litte guy, lets go get a bite to eat." the little huskey ran to the passager door of my car, he sat contently as his tail wagged behind him. I drove off, "so whats your name little guy?" I asked smiling to him. the cub looked at me shy, "......Izzy....sir...", I replied "hey...you dont have to call me sir...name's Ted...Ted Urserman...pleased to meet you Izzy, so where would you like to go eat?" Izzy looked to me and smiled "anywhere would be fine....Mr.Urserman", "geez kid....loosen up, im only 24....Mr.Urserman is my father", Izzy yiped in fear as he corrected himself "im sorry...I didnt mean to...", I laughed "its alright, just call me ted... or teddie if you like, my furends like to call me that." I winked at him and smiled as we drove off, "hows italian sound?", Izzy blushes and wags his tail "I...I love.. I mean....that sounds good."

"The Golden Vine...here we are Izzy".....his eyes popped open with amazment, hes never eaten anywhere so classy. "wow....umm teddie...were eating here?...thank you.....I...love....italian food. *giggle*." I smiled....it looked as if I wouldnt get to see my movie....all I could think was 'ohh well'.

As we entered the resturant, we were greeted by a kind and well dressed cat-girl. "Hello, welcome to The Golden Vine, I'm Milly, Ill be your waitress for the night, would you like a smoking or non-smoking table?", "ohh we would like non-smoking please...", milly began to stare at Izzy with confusion "hmm...maybe your child would like to wash up first, while you go show him to the washroom, I'll get your table ready.", "alright that sounds fine....C'mon Izzy", "ohh...uhh..ok"

Five minutes pass, and we are shown to our table, it was a booth table. we were handed our menus. "what would you two like to drink" milly asked us. "Izzy, what would you like", Izzy looked at me "umm....anything?....uhh...cola?", "I'll have what hes having...." I replied.

"Alright....I'll have those out to you two soon.", Milly leaves to get the drinks ready. Izzy looked around the resturant, it was full of many furs, happily conversing, laughing, eating. music was playing, and the entire place looked as if it was made of gold. the furnishings were all made of a wood he didnt know about, niether did I.

"So Izzy, why were you on the corner crying, did someone do something mean to you?", Izzy replied "I dont know...I guess it was mean...I dont know...but I love them." I looked at Izzy with confusion "you love them, why would you love someone who was mean to you?" Izzy's eyes teared up a tad as he replied, "they were mean to me, but mommy and daddy are always like that when they need money..." I was shocked to hear that, he was kicked out by his own parents, for money. "What do you mean 'when they need money'?","Well I stand at that corner at night, people pay my mommy and daddy to do things to me that my mommy and daddy say is good for me and the man."

I couldnt belive my ears, this little cub was being used as a whore for money for his own folks?! "my god Izzy...Im so sorry", "It wasnt all bad...it was kinda fun to play that game with them, it made me feel good too, it only made my butt hurt some times." Part of me said 'this poor cub, I gotta do something...', and another part said 'SCORE!!!!'

Eventually our drinks came, and we ordered our food.

We went on talking about other things, I kept thinking to myself, 'theres gotta be something better for this kid.'

"So Izzy I see your parents dont like to buy you clothes, it looks like youve been wearing the same thing over and over for over 2 weeks.", Izzy replied sadingly "2 months actually", "ohh....uhh....then I know where to go after this then", "where?" Izzy asked, head tilted, "youll see....trust me."

When we were done eating I payed the bill, it was suprisingly small actually. We drove to a new destination, "where we going?" Izzy asked in his innocent curiosity. "Well.....hows new clothes sound?", Izzy's face lit up with happiness, "really?!...yay!" his tail wagged as I smiled at him, he needed new clothes, especialy if my plan goes without a hitch....

We stopped at a clothes store that I always go to, it was called "tail-sleeves". "Cmon, Cmon!" Izzy was VERY excited to be getting new clothes, so excited that he was grabbing my paw and pulling me in, like he was getting a new toy or something.

"Alright, alright...jeez Izzy, never met anyone whos so enthusiastic about getting new clothes!" We got in the store and almost immediatly he picked out what he liked best, I didnt mind price at this point, as long as Izzy was happy, I was happy.

when Izzy found what he wanted, we had to figure out his measurements, "well whats your size? you know your measurements?", Izzy tilts his head, "measurements? wassat?", I facepawed at his question, "Figures a kid doesnt know the word measurements, come to the fitting room with me, we'll find out your measurements." I blushed at what I said, 'ohh I'll find his measurements alright'.

The fitting room wasnt too big, no cameras, exept in the lobby of the room. perfect. "so which stall do you want Izzy?", "ummm..uhh..that one" He picked the first stall of the room, what a hard thinker that kid was. we both got into the stall so I could help him out of his old rags of clothing. his body was bruised and dirty from the streets, but through all that his fur was still gleamed with the light. His belly was a bit thinker from the food, but was probably a bit thinner from the lack of it...."wait my pants too right?" Izzy asked a bit coy, "ohh yeah, take them off." as he removed his pants his tail raised slowly, showing that he had no under wear on, my nose began to bleed.

Izzy saw that and was concered right then and there "are you okay?!" I realized my nose was bloody and quickly wiped it away. "Its alright Izzy it happens from time to time.....uhh Izzy?", Izzy smiles and tilts his head again "yes....teddie?", "your...butt...is..well..cute...." I blushed when I realized what just came out my maw..."...you sound like all the other people who have seen it..." Izzy said while giggling, I giggled along with him.

Izzy did look cute, but he was stareing at something that confused me, he was staring at my crotch, and licking his jowls! "uhh....Izzy? what are you smileing about?", "im smileing about you silly.....I see your peepee got bigger cuzza me.....can I do it for you?", I blushed and asked "what do ya mean by 'do it?'" Izzy was silent smileing with his tounge out, naked, and slightly hard for his new found furend. when I saw his little huskey cock I blushed hard. instinctively I got on my knees for him and licked his cheek. "I going to do something for you, ok?" Izzy nodded, knowing what he was getting.

"are you gonna do that sucking thing I do to people...to me?" I blush harder and nod, my muzzle quickly encased around his rock-hard, underdeveloped cock, my warm muzzle made him sigh in pleasure, he actually liked it. "no wonder those people liked it...it feels really good." I began to move my muzzle up and down slowly on his smaller member, letting the pleasure throb though it. "unf...uhh...this is good. I like it alot" I smile while sucking him off. I keep going at it for about 3 minutes, until I felt his little member throb vigorously in my muzzle, signing me that he just had his orgasm, that and his moan of pleaure getting a bit more audible.

"ohh teddie...that felt really good, I've never felt that before ever, I want more....please?", I get back on my feet and find that hes bending over, showing his tight tailhole to me, I sighed as I got back on my knees again. I felt it needed a bit of lubrecation so I wouldnt hurt him as I inserted my larger, and more functional cock, so I began to lick his tail hole. "stop....that tickles! *giggle*", "shhhh....we could get in trouble here if your too loud...","okaaaaaay....*giggle*"

I went back to my licking till I felt it was perfectly wet.

I lubed up my cock with the same stuff and bent to his angle. "You ready? this wont tickle, I'll tell you that" I warned, "its okay, I know it wont tickle, it will feel good though."

I put the head of my cock to his pretty pink tailhole. Slowly but surely I put it in him, I heard a quiet and cute moan come from him as I inserted my meat into him, no doubt hes seen someone as big as me in him. But something was amis, he was smileing and panting in joy as it went deeper into him. He was enjoying the pressure, something I wasnt expecting. "mmm....deeper please?", I replied "ok....why not?" I began to pump into him my cock, with this his pants of pleasure began to grow more and more.

his tightness was almost unbearable, I didnt know how long it would be till I would finish in him, but all I knew is, it wouldnt take long.

Izzy began to push himself onto me, he was definatly wanting more and more of my member. the yiff we were having was so plesurable is was almost excruciating....until finlly.....I came in him, "*moan*...its so warm.....I love...." Izzy said blushing from the warmth of the bear seed in his tight little tailhole..."ohh man, your clothes fit just fine....l-lets get out of here"

We checked out, and once we got into the car, I got Izzy dressed up in his new clothes quickly. I loved them!

once we were on the road, I partialy felt regret, and partialy felt relief. "so.....do you like me...teddie?" Izzy asked blushing. "of course I do....but I personaly don't know what to do. did you do that game with me because I payed for food and new clothes for you?", Izzy was tearing up again...."no...I did it....because I....lo....love...love you...." Izzy said as he hugged me with tears rolling down his muzzle. "you saved me from the bad people.", "I did..did I?"

The corner where I found him is where we stopped. Izzy's eyes widened and he was scared...."why? why are you putting me back here?!" I only stared with a smile "dont leave me here...no!" Izzy was crying large sobs at this point, he really thought that I would put him back here after what he told me. as he cried I drove away, him still with me holding me tight around my waist.

His eyes opened to find that I was still with him and we were going somewhere different. "you...werent gonna put me back on that mean corner?" I laughed "what do you want me to?", Izzy's eyes widened again "NONONONO!", "haha its alright, theres a better life for you out there, hows about you come live with me? if you want the first thing you can have, is a nice hot shower...well?" tears welled in his eyes again, but this time they were from joy, not sadness.

while he held me tight crying his tears of joy, I could feel my eyes well up with tears as well, for the last time, I thought to myself the same thought that has been going throughout my head for a long time, 'so this is what real love feels like....I like it'