Battle Master, Ch 7

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#27 of The Sorrani Chronicles, Formerly "Slave Trade"

November was the last time I last provided readers with a sneak peek of "Battle Master", book two of the Soraani Series, so, hey, why not this month too?

I posted this back in November for my Patreons but I'm uploading it here now for everyone else; my patrons get to see Chapter 8 today!

Baedyn and Ian spend a moment reliving a moment from the Vune brothers' past, and Baedyn FINALLY gets a chance to talk to his brother, but he doesn't get all of his questions answered.

Battle Master Chapter 7

Baedyn hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep until the carriage came to a stop with a lurch, pulling him from his dreamless slumber in an instant. He had no understanding of the passage of time or how long he'd been unconscious, but Ian was right there, reassuring him with a gentle touch of a talon on the Wolf's head; according to the Lizard, Baedyn had been asleep less than an hour.

A call from Choel outside the cabin of the carriage announced "We're here."

Ian slowly helped Baedyn into a sitting position and gingerly brushed the Wolf's fur with his talons; via their connection, Baedyn realized that his Saglahasan was smoothing it out to make him presentable to the numerous followers of Bane who would be present to see him. When Ian realized that Baedyn understood the action he also added wordlessly that many of Bane's followers had contributed to the attack on Izlegaol and making a good showing would be to everyone's benefit.

That thought deflated the Wolf significantly and he spoke his concern aloud "Do you think any amount of primping and brushing will make a half-starved, mangy Wolf into something worthy of a good showing, Ian?"

Willis' mid-toned, decisive voice spoke through the door "It will show them that your rescue was well timed and help them appreciate the abuses we are fighting to end."

The statement caught Baedyn by surprise, not just because of Willis' presence or the fact that the Ocelot had heard his concerns, but because it was the first time that the Wolf had really heard anything resembling a motive for his brother's followers. Leaning over so he could open the door to the carriage he turned to face Willis. "What abuses are those?"

Rather than answer right away, the feline held out a paw to assist Baedyn with climbing down the step and to the ground. Once the Wolf was situated, Willis folded an arm around his shoulder in a familiar manner and explained "Lord Bane wishes to end all of the abuses by those with power against those without. He will free the slaves of Pross and put an end to the business of indenturing in Tenvier. He plans on seeing to it that whether by paper or law, no man ever owns another again."

If Baedyn had been surprised to see his brother leading men, he was completely overwhelmed at the prospect of what it was Talvin had planned for the world; it made no sense how such a thing could be accomplished. On one paw, he understood his brother's desire to put an end to indentured servitude considering what it had done to them, but the slaves of Pross? How did that even factor into their lives. "But... why?"

Choel landed with a soft thump beside them after bailing off his perch atop the carriage. Even though his Tenvierian was heavily accented, the Tiger still managed to put together a cohesive sentence. "People are not things to be owned."

Baedyn tried again to voice his confusion. "But, why would he spend so much time and energy on this crusade when we just--"

Willis didn't give him a chance to finish. "Lord Bane will have a place for you to change and clean up before you meet with everyone. He will want to speak with you first as well. I am sure he will be able to answer your questions better than me."

Even if Baedyn thought to object to being kept in the dark the Ocelot did have a good point; if he wanted to understand his brother's motivations then his brother would be the best one to answer his questions. Ian rested a talon on his shoulder from behind, agreeing with the Wolf's thought processes. Within the same thought, Ian also offered to guide him; Baedyn related as much. "Ian can show me the way."

Willis looked as if he was about to object but Baedyn heard the tell-tale movement behind him that suggested the Sarvestinian was taking on his 'imposing stance'. A mirthful quandary entered his mind as Ian wondered if it was really that imposing. Rather than answering aloud, the Wolf simply acknowledged that it worked more often than not. Almost as if in response to that thought, Willis backed down. "I have other tasks to complete then. Please excuse me, Lord Baedyn."

The Ocelot offered a curt bow of his head then turned to leave; beside him, Choel followed suit then followed off after. Ian gave Baedyn's shoulder a gentle squeeze before removing his talon and he stepped forward, walking past the Wolf before gesturing with his tail; Baedyn stepped into line without objection. Despite the day still being young, the dappled covering of the forest's canopy shrouded the area in shadow but it still illuminated well enough to see. His Saglahasan was leading him toward a large pavilion that had been set up; it was the only structure in what appeared to otherwise be an entirely open-air camp.

The cloth dome was a muted reddish brown, not unlike fresh clay. It was similar in size to one Baedyn had seen in his youth when his village had been visited by a circus except the circus pavilion had been brightly colored; he slowed to a halt as he was caught up in the memories of happier times with his family. In front of him, Ian also slowed, about-facing to come back. He held out a talon, requesting that the Wolf show him.

The connection of paw and talon allowed Ian to initiate The Veil, but it was Baedyn's mind that guided it. The memories came flooding back in a tangible way; he could smell the buttery, salty scent of roasted corn almost hiding the earthy aroma of manure. The Wolf was enveloped by the din of dozens upon dozens of voices speaking in joy and wonder along with the near-sounds of numerous circus animals moving about just behind the scenes.

There was a dramatic difference between revisiting memories and reliving them, and, for a moment, Baedyn was weighed down by the years that had passed and what had transpired since those carefree days before he and his brother had been orphaned. Everything was pulled back into focus, however, when he heard a voice he had all but forgotten. Baedyn's father was looking back at him from ahead, just out of arm's reach. "Don't lag behind, son. It's easy to get lost in such a big crowd."

Aerlyn Vune was a tall wolf, and lanky. His gray-and-brown fur was always well kept; nothing less would be expected from a representative of the Lord's treasury. Baedyn remembered nothing of his dad's employer except that she was the wife of the Lord of the Field, ruler of the Jaryngaol, a City State in north eastern Tenvier. Although his dad was often busy at work, he was a good father and Baedyn looked up to him, both literally and figuratively.

A softer, feminine voice lamented "Oh Talvin... you tripped, didn't you?"

Licia Vune, their mother, was tending to the younger of the twins. Talvin was sitting on the ground, large crocodile tears pouring down his furred cheeks as he mourned the dirty spots on the knees of his otherwise vibrant trousers. Their mom was a caring woman and a dutiful matron for the family. Her beautiful cream colored fur had a lustrous sheen that was visible even in the late evening sun that day so long ago. She loved her boys and, for as often as their father was absent, she was doubly present; there was never a time when Baedyn had felt that anything in life came before them in her eyes and he'd loved her greatly.

"He mussst have been very needy."

The rumbling tone from Ian was as clear a voice as anything else but the Sarvestinian's words didn't have the usual hypnotic qualities; when he spoke in The Veil it wasn't really speaking. The comment caused Baedyn to separate from his younger self, suddenly looking at the events as if it were a play going in before him rather than taking part in it personally. Fighting back an overwhelming sense of emotion, the Wolf took a moment to steady himself before looking to his Saglahasan. Rather than address Ian's comment he instead had one of his own. "This was our last outing together as a family."

Once the perspective changed everything froze as the memory was put on hold by dialogue from Ian in what was Baedyn's 'present mind'. The Sarvestinian stepped up behind him, resting a talon on his shoulder. "My kind do not have parentsss. Thisss isss the firssst time you have brought them into The Veil."

The Wolf reached up to rest a paw on the talon. "It's been long enough now that I suppose the pain isn't as fresh. That, and when I saw the tent--"

Ian pulled away, not just in The Veil, but in reality; everything faded away like mist before the morning sun. Baedyn was once again rooted firmly back in the present and his eyes gazed upon the pavillion. Ian reminded him that there would be time later for reminiscing; Bane awaited within and, in the moment, their future held far more importance than the past. The Wolf nodded at length, acknowledging that Ian was right. The Lizard pressed onward, concluding the mental discussion with the hope that Baedyn would be willing to continue the reverie of memories again when time allowed.

Ian slid aside the large cloth draped over the canvas structure's entrance and bid the Wolf enter. According to the Sarvestinian, Bane waited for them inside. Baedyn did so, but he came to a stop just within the pavilion as he took in the unexpected sight of what awaited him in the richly appointed dome.

The pavilion was perhaps 50' in diameter but the cluster of tables, shelves, and desks made it feel much more compact. Numerous shelves stocked full of scrolls and books were spaced evenly around the circumference and a grand table easily twice the width and length of the next largest was located in the very center, over which hung two perpendicular metal bars forming a cross, each of the four arms ending with a hook from which hung lanterns. Nearby where two plush armchairs with a brazier situated between them.

Bane stood on the opposite end of the table from the pavilion's entrance and was gazing down at a half dozen scrolls and maps laid out before him. Baedyn felt the tingling touch of fate magic wash over him and only then did his brother speak. "Welcome to my base of operations, Baedyn. It is good to see you again."

The greeting was strangely bland, almost distant-- and formal. Still not completely understanding the situation, the Wolf made due with humoring his brother by responding accordingly. "My pleasure, Lord Bane... and thank you again for providing for me. May I inquire as to the reason for the summons?"

Bane finally looked up, his tail wagging languidly as he smiled; Baedyn noticed that the smile didn't reach his eyes. "Of course, my friend. Ask as many questions as you like."

Despite the indifferent and cold reception, Baedyn was still able to catch a glimpse of his brother's playfulness in his response; Talvin had always had an asinine interest in interpreting questions literally. Rather than ask why he had been summoned, Baedyn had asked if he could inquire as to why he was summoned and, rather than divulge that information, Bane had simply responded that he was welcome to ask-- so he did. "Why am I here?"

His twin's second smile was just a little more genuine. "Because you needed saving, and because I enjoy having you near me."

The answer warmed Baedyn's heart on a personal level, but didn't even begin to answer a deeper question, which the Wolf moved forward in asking. "And why are WE here? Why do you have this army?"

Bane laughed in response, a full-bellied, hearty chuckle. "Army? Oh, no, my friend, this is not an army. This is a small expeditionary force... just enough to help retrieve you and free Izlegaol of its prior Lord. The army comes later."

Baedyn watched his brother closely, trying to analyze just what Bane meant. He also dropped any pretense. "What's going on?"

As if flipping a switch, the other Wolf nodded to Ian, who closed the tent flap. Only once they were 'officially' alone did his brother's posture relax. Rather than answer Baedyn's question, though, his twin walked up and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in close for a strong hug. "Fate-and-Fortunte, I've missed you, Baedyn."

It was the first fully Talvin-like thing his brother had done since the rescue and it took a moment for Baedyn to recover from the mental whiplash. Once the surprise was past, he returned the embrace, venturing a wary "Can I call you Talvin now?"

Talvin, as usual, was not done with his word games. "You can, and you may."

The hug was joined by Ian, who wrapped his arms around both Wolf brothers; Baedyn could feel the happy sub-sonic rumble from the Sarvestinian and, for a few moments, was content to simply enjoy the sensation of being made whole once again. The sound of metal-on-metal from outside the tent snapped him out of it far too soon. "What was that?"

Ian conveyed the answer immediately, encouraging Baedyn to calm himself since it was just some of Talvin's retainers sparring.

His brother slowly disengaged. "I guess you're confused. A lot changed since you were indentured, brother, and you deserve the full story... but I'm afraid we don't have time for that."

Baedyn zeroed in on the statement. "Don't have time? Why not?"

Talvin's smile was much more genuine, and had a hint of impish impetuousness that Baedyn's younger brother used to exhibit far too often for their own good. "Because we are trying to save Pross so Lordlings like my good friend Meik can have a home to which he may return."

The elder brother just stared at his younger twin. "How did you even come to know a Lord of Pross? Why is Lord Dejaron traveling with you?"

Smiling, Talvin returned to the table and began rolling up scrolls. Ian moved to assist him, loosely wrapping each handed to him with a ribbon before stowing it in a nearby slot. While he worked, Talvin clarified a point not related to the question. "In Pross, he would be referred to as 'Lord Meik'-- they use their given name and not family name in their title."

Baedyn didn't waste any time complaining; he repeated his question. "Why is Lord Meik traveling with you?"

Talvin gestured to the map and left Ian to neatly fold it. "He was the youngest of three siblings, but is the only surviving member of House Dejaron. He lost his sister to courtly shadow play, and his brother died in the uprising of the slaves."

The uprising had been brought up before and Baedyn hadn't really had a chance to ask about it; he didn't let the opportunity pass him by. "What's going on in Pross, brother? I heard that the king was dead?"

His brother approached, touching his shoulder and leading him to a pair of arm chairs. They sat down together, and only then did Talvin explain. "Yes, the king is dead. He had a Sorra regarding his death at the paws of another-- he'd tried to escape it for a long time, but it finally caught up with him."

Baedyn ventured further "So... he WAS assassinated?"

Talvin shrugged. "In a way, though, I think it could also be said that he killed himself." Rather than let Baedyn digest that information, he pressed forward. "The power vacuum has left many factions vying for control of the country."

The next question was an obvious one for Baedyn, "What about his heirs?"

"None. He became king late in life, and wasn't even an original member of the royal family. Now the Lords are in disarray, there are bandits hitting many major highways, and many of the slaves have taken to the banner of a well-meaning leader and named themselves The Unshackled. More than that, the northern bulwark has not been reinforced for months, so the battle with the Sarvestinians is... troubled."

Ian let out a hostile hiss at the final comment, bringing a lull to the conversation as both brothers paused in the mental haze created by the sound. Baedyn recovered first. "So what does that have to do with us?"

Talvin smiled sweetly. "We are on our way to Vensii to help quell the civil unrest in Pross and establish a new status quo."

The constant bouncing-around of his brother's thought processes as putting Baedyn even more off-balance and he tried to steer things back toward the topic of discussion. "If you're trying to help Pross, why go to Vensii?"

The younger twin's smile widened. "Friends, Baedyn... friends. No man is an army unto himself, and most of MY friends need to be collected from various, some might say 'seemingly random' locales."

Baedyn brushed his fingers across the cushioned arm rest of the chair in which he'd been sat. "And who are we looking for in Vensii."

Talvin reclined in his own, casually doing the same with his own fingers. "Before we can save Pross I need to get my battle master."

The elder twin sighed. "Well... I suppose if you need a battle master, Vensii IS the best place to find one."

His brother sat up a little straighter. "Oh... no... actually, I am looking for an entirely different friend in Vensii, and he will help me find my battle master."

Baedyn fought to keep his frustration in check as he stated "I don't remember you being so difficult to talk to."

In response, Talvin just laughed, waving away the concern. "I'm sorry, Baedyn, truly-- it's been so long since I've had someone in whom I could confide that I've become used to speaking my trains of thoughts aloud without regard for whether or not whomever is near happens to be following... let me start again."

The apology disarmed him immediately amd made him retrace his thoughts. "Okay... Right. Sorry. I understand. It's been a long time, and I just--"

Talvin held up a paw to forestall him. "No-- quite alright, Baedyn. No apology necessary. As I said, let me try again: a stalwart friend of mine, Lord Hector Desanti was spotted recently in Vensii. Not only is he pivotal to my plans, but he is also very dear to me."

"Dear to you?"

Something about the question must have been humorous to his brother because the tip of Talvin's tail began to wag where it lay against his thigh and the arm rest. "Very dear to me... though do not call him a Deer-- he is an Elk."

Baedyn tried not to get sidetracked. "So your friend, an Elk by the name of Lord Hector Desanti of Pross, is in Vensii?"

"Well... he is actually Vensian, you see."

Baedyn rolled his eyes, speaking sarcastically "That makes things so much clearer."

Talvin chuckled, then rose and crossed the distance to his brother, collapsing into Baedyn's lap to wrap his arms around him. "Oh, Baedyn, I've truly missed you..."

It was difficult for the Wolf to find his footing in the conversation with his brother constantly shifting gears. It was strange for him to think that Talvin, who had always been so insecure and hesitant in speech and demeanor was suddenly running circles around him verbally without even seeming to try. Baedyn still wanted to know more but he also relished the closeness to his brother. Giving Talvin a tight hug, he patiently let the discussion go so he could enjoy the moment. "I missed you too, little brother."

The seconds turned into a minute and more before Talvin finally disengaged, pulling back before giving Baedyn a gentle squeeze on the arm. "You're filling out more. Given another week you should be well on your way to recovery."

Suddenly self-conscious, Baedyn let his brother disengage. Once he was alone again in his chair he ran a paw down his own arm. "Ian has been helping with that."

Talvin smiled coyly, sitting back down in his own chair. "Oh yes... when you were apart from us not a day went by without him broadcasting his sorrow at being without you."

Ian, who was standing barely an arm's length away from them, let out a feeling of agreement. Baedyn didn't miss the way the large reptile's tail tip twitched in scheming mirth; although it was a barely visible gesture, the Wolf knew it well, and had no doubt that something 'interesting' was to follow. He was not disappointed.

Looking right at Talvin, Ian conveyed the thought to everyone present that the younger brother was almost as bad when it came to Lord Hector Desanti. Only after it was noted did Baedyn realize what Ian had done: the Sarvestinian was aware that Baedyn wasn't done asking questions, and had just provided the perfect segue from which to approach it. He gave a silent thanks to Ian, who only responded with another tail twitch. Looking to his brother, Baedyn asked "So, Talvin-- how is it exactly that you came by so many important, high and mighty contacts in Pross?"

The younger wolf just shrugged, reaching over to stoke the brazier that kept the pavilion's interior warm in the cool weather as he spoke. "Oh, you know me, brother... I've always been good with people."

Baedyn rolled his eyes. "What I remember is you being an awkward and shy pup, and an even more awkward and shy youth."

Talvin winked. "True... but what about when I opened up? Everyone I was close to liked me and I got along well with everyone."

Exchanging a glance with Ian, Baedyn looked back to his brother. "The two of us, yes. You never really opened up to anyone else."

Smile growing wider, Talvin shrugged anew before reclining back in his chair. "I learned many important lessons since you joined the Lord of Stone's household, brother. I learned that there's a balance between protecting myself and opening myself to friends. After all, without friends, what can a man count on?"

Baedyn looked around the interior of the pavilion as he thought about the small camp that lay beyond the canvas walls. "Followers? Servants? An army?"

It was an age-old discussion between the two brothers. Baedyn had always encouraged Talvin to open up and engage others but the younger brother's reservations and shyness had made that difficult. Faced with an almost completely different Wolf seventeen years later, the elder brother felt more than a little out of his element. Talvin picked up a small, red berry from a bowl near him. "It took some time but I finally learned what you meant, Baedyn... and now I have followers, servants, an army, AND friends. In this day and age, the former are important for surviving, and, as always, the latter is required for living. They aren't the same things, you know."

Baedyn nodded, realizing the discussion was being pulled in a different direction again. "And Lord Desanti is one of the latter?"

Talvin nodded, sitting up straighter. "He is, yes. Aside from the two of you, he is likely the most important person in my life."

Taken aback by the admission, Baedyn likewise sat up. "Then he's someone I definitely need to meet... and he's in Vensii, you say?"

His younger brother nodded, finally tossing the fruit into his muzzle. "Hence why we are headed there now. I think you and he will get along famously. Originally I was worried that he would stay in Pross, which is a very dangerous place at current. Fortunately, some time in the last several weeks he must have come to his sensed and our first order of business is to meet up with him so we can join forces."

Baedyn flicked an ear at the final statement. "Forces? Do you mean figuratively, or does he have an 'army' as well?"

Talvin winked. "You're learning quickly, Baedyn. While I have a modest troop of loyalists, Lord Desanti does, in fact, have an army. Do you remember how I mentioned one of the factions within Pross being 'The Unshackled'?"

Nodding to his Brother, Baedyn elaborated on that. "Yes-- you mentioned that they were former slaves."

"Yes... and they are being led by Lord Hector Desanti. We are going to Vensii to, among other things, rally Lord Desanti to our cause."

Baedyn couldn't help himself but point out "If he is the larger force, wouldn't we be rallying to HIS cause?"

Talvin's only answer was a wink followed by a vague "Maybe."