Chimera - Chapter 7

Story by JoshDan on SoFurry

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#7 of Mental Critters

Just a little more...

Background Music:

Characters and story © Me

All comments are welcome.

7. Just passing by

While Fabian was having a conversation with an otter, Jack watched the guests. Everyone seemed so happy, it must hide something. According to him, this whole thing was just a charade, a cover trying to hide a daily suffering.

Therefore, he wondered why he was here. The light blinded him, the row of the diners was unbearable, as to the smell, it made him feel sick. Only positive thing here was the music. The rest wasn't worth it. In order to counter this exhilarating boredom, the feline headed for the bar, but the Dalmatian stopped him in his tracks: "Well, where are you going, Jack?"

"Oh, very simple, I'll have a drink, sit on the corner, and I won't move all night."

"What?! Come, I thought we should enjoy the evening."

"Oh no! No! No! No! No! I only said to you I'll go with you, not what I'll do. So, do your life, no problem about that. But for the rest, DON'T-PISS-OFF!"

Irritated by this umpteenth explanation, Jack left without turning himself. If Fabian seemed puzzled, the otter, for his part, was colder.

"Well, still as friendly, the Jacky."

"Oh, leave him, will you! Times are tough for him, at the moment." The candid supported his comrade.

"Meh. After what I just saw, I could ask myself for whom."

If Fabian still watched him; Jack didn't care about who was looking at him or not. Once arrived to the counter, he climbed on a stool, and sat down. Immediately, the waiter asked his new client what he wanted; Jack then decided for a beer. Promptly, the waiter held a well-foaming pint out to the feline.

He thanked him, and immediately swallowed it up before sighing and catching his breath. "Well, that's all I need now." He whispered, infuriated. By putting down his glass, he saw an imposing mouflon, a few meters away from him, a flute in his hand.

Chimera - Chapter 8

**8. The time of a glance** As he yawned for a brief moment, Cyrus watched the contents of his flute, which almost stopped fizzing. However, he didn't notice that Jack was looking at him. It might even be said he was watching him, from top to...

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Chimera - Chapter 6

**6. Chivalry isn't his strongest point** In our society, Julie was someone who had influence. So, for her, it wasn't a problem to ensnare people. Friends, office colleagues, neighbors, casual acquaintances, complete strangers: all had responded to...

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Chimera - Chapter 5

**5. Flayed alive** When something itches, we all have the reflex to scratch ourselves. Jack was scratching himself for everything and nothing. Even if he didn't need it, he had to scratch. That's why his wrists were covered with grazes. That...

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