Keeping Trish Out Of Trouble

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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This one spent quite a while in my WIP folder, but I'm really glad how it turned out and I think it was worth the wait. Now there's just... *ahem* nineteen left to go...

"Lexy!" the cry came from my left and I turned in time to see Trisha running down the corridor and straight for me. It's 'Alex' for anyone else, but that's always been her nickname for me. The tiles in the school are pretty smooth and she does this thing where she sort of slides down on one knee and winds up with her arms around my neck. She does it more or less every time she sees me and I've kinda given up on breaking her of the habit. I pretty much just brace for impact.

It's not that I'm embarrassed by her. Far from it. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, but I've always did my best to try and get her not to act doglike. And if you saw the two of us it would sound ridiculously hypocritical. Because I'm the one that actually looks like a feral canine, while Trish is, at least on the outside, a normal bipedal dog. But looks can be deceiving...

The truth was that even though we looked so different, we actually had one big thing in common - both our fathers had been feral dogs. Don't really know why. Never could bring myself to ask. Seriously, would you ask your mom why she lifted her tail for a feral canine, not to mention without using any protection? Yeah, thought so.

Still, I'd done some research on the subject, since I happen to be good at it. Our moms (and I suppose dads) grew up in a pretty weird time. The world was changing as a whole new generation of young people began to fight against sexual taboos of pretty much any kind. 'Love without limits' is what they called it, regardless of species, gender and apparently sentience. Some even saw it as a spiritual thing, bridging the gap with their feral kin or some such. Some were just young, high and kinky.

Not sure where my mom was in that group, since both she and Trisha's mother were responsible adults now, but I know for a fact that my dad walked around on four legs because I do too. I could pass for a feral if it wasn't for my brain. Not to brag or anything, but I'm smarter than most of the anthro students in our school.

Trisha, well she got the other end of the stick as you can imagine. She's still much smarter than a feral dog could ever hope to be, but she had her limitations and I had mine. I kinda think that she got a better deal in spite of it. She was a profoundly happy person and everyone seemed to like her, probably since she always seemed to like everyone. Plus she was cute. Her mom was a golden retriever, but Trisha had something else mixed in since apart from yellow her fur had patches of white and caramel-brown. That and the fur on her floppy ears was longer, which combined with the wavy hair growing from the top of her head gave her a golden mop that fell half-way down her neck.

"Yeah, I missed you to Trish..." I said, knowing she wouldn't release me until I admitted it. "Ready to walk back home?"

"U-huh!" she said, her bushy tail wagging like crazy under her skirt. "You come with me?"

"No, I'm going to my place, but I'll be along a little later..." I said, rolling my eyes when she put on a sulky expression and flicked her ears down. "Don't pout! We'll be seeing each other for three days straight, so we'll have plenty of time together, wont we?"

"U-huh! Have lotsa fun!" she said, her mood once again doing a one-eighty.

"Now come on Trish, big sentences. What are we going to have?"

"W-we're gonna have lotsa fun..." she said, this time a bit more slowly.

I wasn't trying to bring her down but she tended to have this habit of, well, barking out her words when she got excited. The fact is I knew she was smart, but I wasn't naïve. People were going to view Trish as dumb just because her brain is half-way between an anthro's and a feral's. Dog-brain is what people tend to call it and as bad as it sounds there are a lot_worse terms, especially for females. I knew she wasn't an idiot but she'd always have to put in an effort to prove that to people who, ironically, _were idiots. So I always made sure to get her to try a little harder to push against her limitations because she could, at least to some extent. There was no amount of effort that I could put in that would make me grow thumbs...


I finished the schoolwork I had as soon as possible, knowing Trisha would be counting the minutes until I came over. Sure enough, after a few hours my phone started beeping and the messages came rolling in. Occasional texts, but Trish was crazy about emojis and tended to make these little story-boards using the tiny icons. I was forced to dictate my replies, assuring her I'd be there soon.

Truth be told I was pretty much done with my work, but I needed to take care of one little detail before I went over. Ever since I'd hit puberty (or rather puberty hit me) I had to be careful around Trisha's mom, since Gloria had been my first real crush. Not really surprising since even approaching her forties she was a stunningly gorgeous woman - curves in all the right places kept tight and bouncy from exercise (which you got plenty of when living with Trisha), all covered in a soft golden coat and topped with a drop-dead gorgeous face.

The bane of my post-adolescent life, not that she knew it. You see, when you are in my predicament you have to be really careful about certain involuntary reactions and the potential embarrassment they bring. Guys, remember those awkward years and when you would pitch a tent at the worst possible moment? Now imagine what it's like when you don't have the tent...

So to avoid indecent exposure I made sure to exhaust that part of my anatomy before any encounter with Gloria. Taking the precaution of locking my room I got on to my bed and began to maneuver myself into position as the very thought of the woman drew my shaft from its sheath. Now I don't have a lot of options when it comes to how I do this, so don't judge. If you could reach yours you'd probably be doing it too...


"Hi Alex, come on in. Trisha's dying to see you, as you can imagine..." Gloria said after opening the door for me and getting on one knee for a quick hug. A gesture I appreciated since even though I was tall enough for a front-paws-on-the-shoulders kind it always seemed a bit awkward. "And thanks again for doing this..."

"I told you Miss Gloria it's really no trouble..." I said, going through the same thing every time.

This wasn't the first time I stayed over with Trish for a few days. Gloria had to travel for work every now and again and when we were little Trisha used to stay with us during that time, but after we turned sixteen our moms decided we were old enough to be left alone and I would stay at her place for a few days. I think it was because Trisha loved driving my step-dad up the wall. Possibly because Kent's a cat...

"Alex!" came the squeal from the top of the stairs, and in a few short bounds Trish was jumping up and down about two feet behind her mother, looking over one of the woman's shoulders and then the other, just in case I couldn't tell she was there. Anyone else would have found themselves climbed and/or run over, but Trisha was canny enough not to get fresh with her mom.

Still, Gloria knew that there were limits to how far her daughter's patience could be pushed. The moment she stepped away I had Trisha around my neck, her tail brushing the carped behind her as she held on for dear life. To be honest, my own ropey appendage was wagging, since I also looked forward to our time together.

"Sorry to run Alex, but I'm in a bit of a rush..."

"It's okay, I know the drill..."

"Good. Dinner's in the oven, the fridge is stocked and the 'expense account' is in the drawer of the living-room end-table if you feel like ordering out. Now you..." she said, turning to look at Trish " good and listen to Alex, or else when I come back I'll pinch your nose off!" she said, giving the black pad on her daughter's muzzle a little boop while Trisha rolled her eyes. Any further instructions were cut short by the honking of a taxi outside, and with a twirl of her coat and the rumble of her travel case Gloria was gone, leaving me and Trish alone until Monday morning.

"Well Trisha, we're on our own. What do you wanna d..."

"Pool! I'mma change!" she squeaked out, dashing up the stair before I could say anything. Not that there would be any changing her mind.

Well, the weather was nice, and a bit of a swim would drain her excess energies for at least a while. And since I didn't need to change I just sat there waiting for Trish, knowing that she was full-on hyper now and that I wouldn't have to wait long.

"Lexy! Lookit, lookit!" she said a minute later, and I looked up to see her at the top of the stairway. I guess my ears must have perked up at the sight because Trish's smile spread into a full on grin as she posed for me.

"Looking great Trish! New... uh... swimsuit?"

"Yup! A big-girl beekeenee, like momma's!" she said, carefully pronouncing the new word, and making me realize that it wasn't the only thing like her mother's. Trisha had always wore one-piece suits up till now and maybe it was that, or the mention of Gloria that made me realize that the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

I found my eyes suddenly drawn to certain parts of her that I never noticed, which seems stupid since I see her every day. But as she stood there with her hands clasped behind her back and her tail wagging there were parts that stood out, parts I didn't even realize had come in. But well, we were seniors after all. She was no longer a pup and neither was I.

Her figure was trim and compact, a consequence of being on the volleyball team, a swimmer, a jogger and generally hyper, so she didn't really fill out a school blouse or the loose tank-tops she preferred to wear at home. And the two piece was fairly tame, just a regular bikini with pink and white stripes that didn't show all that much fur but one that she was quite nicely filling out.

"Okay, race you to the pool!" I called out. The words were barely out of my mouth before Trisha threw herself into a mad dash. I didn't really care about winning the race, but I was suddenly quite eager to dunk myself in some cool water...


Trisha was still swimming when I climbed out of the pool and plopped down into one of the nearby chairs, eager to soak up some of the late-afternoon sun. She was still doing laps and I knew she'd keep it up for a while. You might be surprised that I ran out of juice so soon because I look pretty big and fit. The fact is I'm not sure where the muscles come from. Part of them I knew were my quadruped genes, and part of it was just trying to keep up with Trish, which is the extent of my physical activity. I am actually a full-on nerd, and the only one that never ever had a bully problem. Probably because bullies aren't smart enough to look past outside appearance, and I look like something that eats pit-bulls.

I'd relaxed a little too much and didn't even realize Trish wasn't in the pool anymore. And by the time my ears picked up the near-silent tread of two canine feet and her desperate attempts to stifle a snigger it was too late. I had soaked up just enough heat for the water spraying from seemingly everywhere to feel ice-cold as Trisha shook herself dry next to me.

"Okay Trish I'm wet now too, are you ha..." I started to say, but stopped dead after turning around and seeing my friend grinning from ear to ear. "Uh Trish you need to f-fix your top..." I said. She looked confused for a bit because I usually point with my eyes but my manners told me to keep her eyes averted.

"Oops!" she said, and I heard some shuffling going on as I continued to sky-gaze. "Lexy, you can look!" she said, and once I did the bikini was once again covering the breast that had popped free during her shake, the same one I was desperately trying to get out of my mind.

She wasn't embarrassed at all, but then again I was embarrassed enough for two. Trisha didn't really have any issue about nudity, but I always got the impression that if she had a choice she wouldn't wear clothes unless the weather forced her to. In fact some of my earliest memories were of a sulky little Trisha arguing with her mom that if I could go around 'nekkie' she should be allowed to do the same. I had to wear a dog-coat for a while just to get her to keep her clothes on.

After the pool we sat down for dinner, with Trisha serving of course. Now eating food can be tricky for a four-legger like me, especially in public. We usually require large bite-sized pieces cut and spread out on a sizable plate, so we can eat them one by one in a civilized, dignified manner. Anything that you'd typically eat with a spoon I prefer to eat alone since there was no way to do it apart from just sticking my muzzle into a bowl.

But when I'm alone with Trisha like this I let her do something I've never let anyone do since I was a little kid, and that is to feed me. Considering how goofy she tends to be she's quite sensitive about this. There's no 'here comes the airplane!' stuff or anything like that. We'd just sit and she'd alternate between taking a bite herself and then spearing a few bits off my plate and bringing the fork to my muzzle.

After gorging ourselves on Gloria's pot-roast, we went to the living room to play some games. We like to play RPGs together since combined we actually make a pretty decent player. I help Trisha keep up with the plot and character advancement, while she uses those nimble fingers to annihilate our foes. She's quite a killing machine with a controller in her hand, although she does tend to hop around in her seat with her tongue sticking out of her muzzle. A brief session, since it was Friday tomorrow and I had to make sure she was in bed on time, at least for a school night.

"Good night Trish, see you in the morning..." I said, the words barely leaving my muzzle when she threw her arms around my neck.

"Noooo. Sleep with me!" she whined playfully, snuggling up and showing no signs she'd let me go without a fight.

"C'mon Trisha, we won't get a decent night's sleep if were crammed together in your bed. I'll be just down the hall in the guest room..." I said, managing to slip away from her grip.

"No heating in guest room!" she said, sulking a little as she tried a new ploy.

"It's May Trish, I'll be fine."

"I'll be cold..." she said, giving me her best sad puppy eyes. I knew she was bluffing but I still caved.

"All right, but were going straight to bed and straight to sleep, all right?" I asked, and the mad wag of her tail told me she agreed to the conditions.

It wasn't really a big deal. We used to sleep like that all the time, and she still occasionally got me to do it. But as I lay in the dark with her snuggling up next to me I felt a little awkward. She was spooning up next to me, one arm wrapped around my chest as she pressed hers against my back. The only thing she wore to bed were these oversized t-shirts that reached half-way down her thighs and through the thin fabric I could feel the same perfect, perky teat I'd seen earlier at the pool, as well as its twin.

Trish seemed to be snoozing contently, while my dreams gave me little rest. Usually when I'm staying over here I'll have a dream or two about Trisha's mom, and sometimes they got pretty graphic. I'm not a perv, but being in a house that smelled of her kinda brought to mind my first big crush. Except this time, for the first time, it was Trisha in those R-rated dreams, acting like I'd never seen her act before.

I woke up a little while before the alarm went off to the feeling of her pressed tightly against my back, her body rubbing against mine as she let out little murring noises. I figured that she was teasing me until I managed to turn around and saw her still asleep.

"C'mon Trish, rise and shine." I said softly, figuring it would do the trick. She usually woke up like someone flipped a switch.

"Mmmnnooo, stay..." she murmured, burying her muzzle into my neck as she held me against her.

"Okay, now you're just messing with me..." I teased back, managing to disentangle myself. That seemed to motivate a little and in a moment she was kneeling on the bed, throwing her arms around my neck and trying to wrestle me back down.

"Nononono, Lexy stay!" she crooned into my ear and I wondered what had gotten in to her before I spotted a saucer on a nightstand next to her side of the bed.

"Trish, what's that?"

"Nothing, 's stupid..."

"It's not stupid Trisha it's a pill." I said, looking past her shoulder at a large capsule in a blister pack lying next to a note that said 'Take Thursday before bed!'.

"I know, but it's a stupid pill. I'm not sick!"

"Then why did your mother leave it here with instruction for you to take it?"

"She says I hafta every month! But it's dumb and just makes me drowsy..." she said, still clinging to me and nuzzling my neck.

I'd never seen the pill before since I'm a male, but the fact that Trisha had to take it monthly told me what it was. Now, for normal anthro bitches the whole 'heat' thing wasn't a big deal. They just felt a little extra frisky, so if they had a special someone they made sure to schedule some quality time together, and if not they made sure to stock up on batteries. Or to take the pill the day before it was due to start.

It wasn't birth control, it just suppressed the natural urge to take advantage of their peak fertility. Some females took it because they felt a bit self-conscious about their scent during that time, but they all had a choice, because the feral genes were fairly watered down in them. For someone like Trisha, the pill was a must. The instincts were very strong, but they still had sentient minds that wouldn't just let instinct take over without a fight. In short, Trisha was in for a few days of fear, confusion and frustration.

"Okay Trish, look at me. You know about heat, right? From school? The special classes?"

"Yeah, but I never got heat, ever!"

"That's what the pill was for Trish..."

"Icky pill..." she said, sullenly, still hugging me close.

"I think you'll change your mind after this. Look, you'll have to stay out of school today..." I explained, knowing that what she needed to do was stay away from all males.

I thought for a moment about asking my mom to come over and help Trish through the coming storm, but I knew she and Kent liked to have some alone-time every time I stayed over here. Besides, I was supposed to be a man now, an adult. Calling mom for help felt a bit silly. And it's not like I can't trust myself not to keep it in my pants, figuratively speaking.

"Trish, I have to get going..."

"Nooooo..." she crooned into my neck, still nuzzling and holding me close. "Stay here!"

"Trish, you'll be fine. Just watch some TV, play a few games and if you feel restless go for a swim, but it's important for you to stay inside until I come back, okay? Just relax around the house and I'll be back before you know it. Okay?"

"Okay..." she said, giving me a quick peck on my nose before letting me go. "Hurry back!"

"Don't worry, I will..." I said before dashing away.

I was a bit nervous all through school, not knowing how Trisha was holding up. But I texted her between classes, and she seemed to be doing okay, although she urged me to hurry back every few texts, definitely more eager for my company than usual. I was starting to think it wouldn't be all that hard for her to get through this. When the last of my classes was over I texted her that I'm on my way and was surprised there was no response. I figured she was probably just swimming and away from her phone, but I still hauled ass getting back to her place.

I opened the door and was immediately struck by the smell of Trisha's heat. Did I really not notice it that morning, or had it gotten stronger? The whimpering noises coming from the living room told me it was most likely the later, and once I stepped in I couldn't believe my eyes. Trisha was bent over slightly, her arms on the back of the couch as a Dalmatian behind her gripped her rear, grunting with every thrust against it.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I growled out, shocking the pair who obviously hadn't heard me over the noises they were making. It was a stupid question as well, since it was quite obvious what they were doing.

"Whoa easy bro, I just... I mean she... she practically jumped me when I walked in..." the guy said, his cock slipping out of Trisha's sex as he tried to walk backwards and pull his pants up, all the while keeping his eyes on a very big and very angry looking dog.

"That's because she's in... never mind, just get the fuck out of here right now!"

"Okay, I'm gone! F-forget about the money, I'm... I'm sorry..." he said, bolting out the door before he'd even buttoned his pants. I was confused about the money remark, but after I saw the pizza box on the coffee table the guy's hat and jacket all clicked into place. Fuck, I forgot to tell Trisha not to call anyone over either! The Dalmatian must have thought this was a fantasy come true - a pizza delivery guy pulled in by a hot girl...

With him gone I turned my attention back to Trish. She was on her knees, looking up at me and shaking while tears soaked the fur around her eyes. I wondered what had scared her before realizing it was me. She'd never seen me like this. _I'd_never seen me like this!

"A-Alex..." she whimpered, and the sound made the last of my heckles stand down.

"Trish, it's okay. I'm not angry at you..."

"I... I..." she tried to speak but she still seemed a bit out of breath after...

"It's okay. C'mon, let's get you on the couch..." I said, and she got up and followed me, sitting gingerly down while I sat on the floor in front of her.

"Now Trish, I'm not angry but it's very important that you tell me what happened..." I asked. I still wasn't convinced she really threw herself at that guy, especially since to the best of my knowledge Trish had never even been on a date.

"W-wanted to surprise you... have pizza here when you came back..." she said, gesturing to the box on the table in front of her.

"Okay, and what happened when the delivery guy showed up?"

"I... I opened the door and... I'm sorry..." she said, close to tears again.

"It's okay Trish, you've got nothing to be sorry about, but it's very important for you to tell me what happened next..."

"K-kissed him... touched him... s-sorry!"

"It's okay Trish. What happened next?"

"D-don't know why... wanted him to see me... down there..." she said, still breathing heavily, although I was no longer sure it was crying. Still, I got the picture. She'd presented for he guy, without even knowing what she was doing or why. I was still pissed at the jerk, but in retrospect he couldn't have known what was going on. It probably didn't even occur to him that Trisha was half-feral, or that she'd skipped her pill. And as tough as it was to get her to say this, the next part was going to be harder, but I knew it had to be done.

"It's all right Trisha. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? It's just your heat..."

"H-hurts..." she whined, still looking a bit ashamed of herself. Well, might as well get this part over with.

"Okay Trish I need you to show me... I need to check if you're injured down there." I said, feeling more embarrassed than I had in ages.

Trisha didn't hesitate, spreading her legs a little and pulling up the hem of her oversized shirt until I was face to face with her sex. I first felt relieved there was no trace of white between those lips, and that I at least got here in time to stop her from getting knocked up. There was, however, a little bit of red. Aww Trish, why did you have to get stuck with a memory like this for your first time?

"It's okay Trisha, it just hurts a little because it was your first time. Here..." I said, bolting to the kitchen and coming back with a roll of paper towels. "...use a few of these to wipe yourself." She did and I noticed her wince at the sight of blood on one white square.

"Don't worry, you're not hurt. That happens the first time a girl... well, the first time. Remember, from the special class?" I said and she nodded her head silently, her ears drooping a little as she realized she'd just literally lost her virginity, or at least the chance to give it away. She kept wiping until there wasn't a speck of red on the paper towels, although I couldn't help but notice that no matter how many times she wiped they always came away a little damp.

"Still hurts..." she said with a whimpering tone that didn't sound all that sad. Or pained.

"Okay, let's just get you up to your room. You'll feel better after a little nap..."

The fact is I suspected just what was 'hurting' Trisha. Despite her age she was fairly clueless about sex and to the best of my knowledge she'd never even played with herself down there. Her heat had kicked her libido into overdrive and flooded her brain with these strange feral instincts, which was bad enough when you don't get interrupted when doing what those instincts urged you to do. Now I've obviously never been in heat but I do know what it means to be blue-balled, and I suspected Trisha was suffering from the female equivalent, so some rest would set her right.

"There we go. Now just try and take a little nap and you'll feel much better once you wake up." I said, hoping she would.

"Okay..." she said, getting into bed and expectantly patting a spot on it. Big red flag right there!

"No Trish I... I'm going to take the time to finish up some homework. That way we'll have more time to spend together once you wake up." I said, lying through my teeth. The truth was there was no way I could get into bed with her while she was like this. The idea that I'd be joining her for her nap seemed to chase her pain away a bit. Her every little movement was writhe-like, her tail was swishing lazily behind her and her nipples plainly visible as they poked through the fabric of her t-shirt. "Look, I'll leave the door open so you won't feel like you're all alone. I promise I'll be right downstairs the whole time, okay?"

"Okay..." she said, her ears drooping along with her tail.

I felt a bit guilty for leaving her like this, but I knew I had to. Until she's cooled down (and I was still desperately hoping she would, somehow) the two of us together was a really bad idea. I went downstairs and tried to study, although I felt like I was just staring at my tablet.


I looked at the clock and sighed. It had been barely ten minutes, and apparently Trisha was no closer to dreamland. I went to her room and found her sitting on the edge of her bed, facing the door and looking no less frustrated than when I'd left her.

"H-hurts..." she said again, although this time was different. This wasn't a scared whimper, the word spoken in a breathy, husky tone that had my ears swiveling.

"Look Trisha, maybe it would feel better if you... you know. Used your fingers down there?"

"Doesn't work..." she said in a sulky tone. "See?" She'd caught me unaware and the next thing I was looking at was Trish with her toned legs spread wide, flashing me without any hint of shame.

"Trish! You shouldn't be showing me your... that!" I said, quickly averting my eyes. Well, as quickly as I could.

"But you saw it. Before..." She said, stubbornly refusing to put her knees together. "Help me?"

I'm not what I was thinking back then, or what was doing the thinking for that matter, but I figured if Trish had at least some release she might calm down. Ideally she'd take care of it herself, but she clearly didn't know how and had no time to learn. And lacking fingers, I didn't really have a lot of choices in how I'd help her.

Now I didn't really have a lot of sexual experience either. In fact I'd only been with a girl once, and a human one at that. Danielle had been a bit kinky and had this fantasy about being with a four-legger, a bit weird considering she was a really nice, smart girl. The down-shot was that after we dated for a while and decided it was time to take the next step she kinda chickened out when she saw me fully erect. But since I'd been gentlemanly enough to eat her out beforehand she was fair enough to give me what was (as far as I know) a pretty amazing blowjob before we decided to go our separate ways.

So I was confident enough that if I got my muzzle in there I could get Trish some relief, and as weird as it was to even consider doing something like that with my childhood friend, I knew I couldn't leave her like this either. I was fairly certain I could get Trish off. After all, I'd managed to blow Danielle's mind without having any idea what I was doing...

"Okay Trish I'll... I'll try and help you out..." I said, taking the first of the few steps that would get me within licking distance of the shiny pink slit between her parted thighs. She just nodded in reply but I could see her tail swishing across the sheets behind her and as loose as it was her t-shirt failed to mask the rise and fall of her chest as her breathing deepened.

So was my own as a matter of fact, and it was only then that I realized that my nostrils were actually flaring. I could smell Trish before, but now that I was a foot or so away from the source of her scent I couldn't smell anything else. I tried to clear my head, reminding myself that they were merely pheromones - chemicals her body was putting out in order to trigger a response from someone receptive to them. But knowing that wasn't stopping them from getting a very specific involuntary response from me. I was just glad that from her vantage point Trisha couldn't see it.

Taking the last step, my nose was close enough that I could see the muscles of her thighs twitch every time I exhaled against the bare, glistening skin. I did my best to remember what I had done with Danielle that had her biting her lip and arching her back when she was in front of me like this. Truth be told, she'd insisted I eat her out while she was on all fours (she'd very tactfully avoided using the term 'doggy-style') but I figured there wouldn't be much of a difference.

I pressed the tip of my tongue at the bottom of Trisha's slit and gave it one quick, gentle swipe. Judging by the whimpering gasp form above me it seemed to do the trick so I followed it with another, running my tongue across her slit a few times before I worked up the nerve to push it gently past Trisha's lips, my ears perked up for any sound of pain or distress. I didn't expect a giggle and looking up I met her eyes and caught the peculiar smile on her face.


"It's not 'eww'! It tastes... nice." I said, trying not to mention what the taste was doing to me. It was 'worse' than the smell! My statement seemed to puzzle Trisha and I was surprised by her paw pushing between me and the canine femininity. I continued to look surprised as she quickly dipped one finger into her slit and was staring wide-eyed as she casually popped the glistening digit into her muzzle. She seemed to be deliberating the taste of it but when she pulled it form her lips she merely shrugged and let me get back to it. It had been done casually and in the span of a few seconds, but it was enough for another two inches to slide from my sheath.

As my tongue dug a little further on each stroke Trish seemed to get into it a bit more. She was breathing faster now, spreading her legs wider and thrusting out her pelvis, instinctively giving me better access. I was being careful since she'd been a virgin until earlier that day, but as thick and long as it was my tongue was it was still soft and before I knew it I was reaching as deep as I could, with my muzzle pressed against the now glistening lips of Trisha's sex and my nose-pad rubbing against the little nub at the top of her slit.

I was doing something right, judging by the fact I was struggling to keep up with the flow of feminine juices from the velvety tunnel I was tonguing. And the fact that Trish had both her hands on my head and was subtly pushing me against her quivering mound gave me the impression that she wanted me to keep going. The problem was that I wasn't sure how much longer I could.

Cumming, I knew, was mostly a frame of mind and stimulation just helped. A lot! As I lapped away at Trisha's insides I began to realize my tongue wasn't exactly God's gift to women. Danielle had been a bit of a perv and was living out a kinky fantasy when she presented her rump and let me do this to her. And despite her heat Trish probably hadn't even thought about sex until today. So I just had to hope that her cunny gave out before my tongue did.

"Whassat?" The breathy question made me look up and I saw Trish looking down with a strange, glassy look in her eyes. I pulled my tongue from her, the tip trailing a string of her honey from her parted lips, a sight that made my cock twitch and told me quite clearly what Trisha was looking at.

"That'sh my... penish..." I said, wincing as my numb tongue made me talk with the stereotypically nerdy lisp.

"Looks like..." she started to say, but seemed too short of breath.

An unnerving sight considering she never seemed to run out of energy thanks to her half-feral stamina. During a match if Trisha was a little winded everyone else was ready to collapse from exhaustion. But I knew it wasn't exhaustion that had her chest rising and falling like that, nor was it the reason her nipples were poking through the fabric of her shirt. But the look on her face was even more unnerving. Trisha generally had a short attention span, but right now I'm not sure she would have looked away from my bobbing shaft if the bed caught fire.

"It looks like that because I'm..." I started and cut my sentence short about six words too late. The brief hope that Trisha hadn't understood what I was about to say or what it meant was gone when her expression changed. Like I said before she was smarter that she let on, and right now she only had one thing on her mind.

"Then... you can..."

"No Trish! If I... if we... you'd wind up with puppies!" I managed to blurt out while ineffectually trying to hide the canine shaft now swinging free between my legs. I had hoped mentioning puppies would snap Trish out of...whatever _this_was, but it didn't seem to be working. In fact the sight of my doghood seemed to be making things worse for her.

"Please... I need... like when before..." she was trying to talk but she was so short of breath now that I was actually worried. She looked like she was about to have an anxiety attack or something, and I felt like I was the one causing it. I was trying desperately to think of something, but the sounds she was making - half words and help whimpering noises - combined with the desperate look on her face weren't helping. In retrospect the fact that my nose and muzzle were covered in her pheromone-laced juices weren't either.

I was still trying to get a grip on my thoughts and think of something to do, or at least something to say when Trish beat me to it by slipping her t-shirt off. I'm not sure of it was her attempt to seduce me, or if her naturalist urges were coming back and she felt more comfortable without it. The fact is that the sight of her, with her legs spread and her muff glistening between them and get perfectly perky breasts bare and heaving, broke my resolve. At the time I was convinced I was still reasoning normally (under the circumstances), but looking back I think I made a decision and everything after that was just finding a way to justify it.

"O-okay Trish. I'll... that is we'll give it a try and I'll make sure not to tie..." I said, struggling to look her in the eyes that lit up the moment she realized she would be getting what she needed. I figured I'd still be fine - I'd mount her, start... doing what comes natural and the moment I'm sure I got her off I'd pull out and go to my room to finish myself off.

I was thinking about how to do it, worried that it would be less than gentlemanly to ask Trish to accommodate my anatomy by getting on all fours and sticking her ass out at me. She beat me to it by bouncing her butt until it was almost hanging a little off the edge of the bed, her legs spread wide and that dripping canine femininity at just the right high for me to do my part.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest and I fought a sudden and desperate urge to pant as I placed my forepaws on the mattress at either side of Trisha's waist. This was it - I was about to become a man. Or dog, or whatever. If I looked intimidating from this angle Trish didn't show it, a smile splitting her muzzle as she reached out to run her hands over my neck and chest. She'd always been physically affectionate and as patronizing as it would be coming from anyone else, whenever we were alone I'd let her pet me to her heart's content. But the way her hands were moving over my body now was different, my muscles twitching as her fingers gently traced them.

One muscle in particular was twitching like crazy. I could feel my shaft squirt every now and again, and after a few more shuffling steps I could feel the heat radiating from that part of Trisha's anatomy that wasn't covered in insulating fur. A part of me wanted nothing more than to climb just a little bit further and sheathe my cock in the beckoning canine femininity, but with my head now level with Trisha's breasts, I found myself stuck.

She bit her lip and I could feel her tail swish against my legs as I bent my long neck and brought my muzzle closer and closer to one of the magnificently perky mounds, sliding my tongue until it was brushing against a stiff little nipple. Trisha yipped at the sensation and before I knew it her arms were wrapped around my neck and my muzzle was being pushed against her breast. The hard little nub slipped into my mouth and I gently began to tease and suckle the sensitive tip, drawing whimpering noises from Trish that would have been cause for concern if her tail wasn't whipping against my hind legs at that point.

I'm not sure how much time I spent enjoying her perky bosom, switching from one pert teat to the other and nuzzling the silken fur that covered them. I know that Trisha had decided it had been too long, grabbing hold of my head and trying to pull me up along her body. It took only a few inches and a half-step until the tip of my cock bumped against something soft and by now quite wet. Her muzzle parted and her eyes became distant even though she was looking straight at me. I saw then just how badly she needed this and did my best to give it to her, but without any experience or any way to see what I was doing all I managed to do was repeatedly jab my cock against her sex. Trisha's face contorted into and adorably frustrated scowl as she reached down between us, tongue sticking out of her muzzle as she blindly groped and eventually caught my twitching tip.

"Got ya!" she panted out, sounding almost drunk as her expression once again changed to one of eager delight. Fuck, even her hand felt amazing at this point and I found myself involuntarily bucking into her gentle grip.

After a few pained yips she finally managed to get the angle just right and we both gasped as my next thrust parted her lips and wedged several inches of my shaft in her quivering sex. The sensation of her tight, warm tunnel wrapping around my tip was amazing, better than anything I'd ever imagined and the next thing I knew I was bracing my hind legs and thrusting forward, drawing a yip from Trisha as I pushed almost all the way inside her with one stroke.

"Sorry! Are you oka..." I started to ask, but I was cut off when she pulled my head down and pressed her lips to my muzzle. I was stunned, my ears standing up straight as she pushed her tongue into my mouth, moaning desperately into the eager kiss as she wriggled her hips. The sensation of her velvety walls lovingly caressing my shaft made me buck my hips on instinct, our kiss failing to muffle a needy, high-pitched moan rom Trisha.

Soon my rear-end was trying to move on its own, sliding my slick red length in and out of the moistening sex my shaft was buried in. Since I'd been a virgin until a few moments ago and had little to no idea what I was supposed to do, I decided I might as well let instinct take over. I began to pump my cock in and out of Trisha's wet depths, her long moan shaking with every thrust of my hips into the silken softness between her legs.

Our kiss was as sloppy as it was passionate, but after less than a minute of my thrusting we both seemed to feel the need for some air. The sounds coming out of her muzzle now made me a little more confident that my humping would accomplish what my tongue failed to. It was a steady stream of yips, whines and gasps, punctuated by an occasional squeak or a 'Lexy!'. I really don't think I'm a narcissist, but hearing her cry out my name in that tone had my cock twitching within her increasingly messy sex.

I kept up a jackhammer rhythm for longer than I dreamed I'd be able to, panting with exertion but drawing on some seemingly inexhaustible wellspring of energy. After all, taking a break might feel nice, but humping away at the tight slit of the writhing beauty under me felt like heaven, and I had no intention of stopping until I...

Well, until I had to. There was an urge, almost like an itch or a need to sneeze that seemed to push me forwards a little further on every stroke, trying to goad me into plunging my knot past Trisha's smooth pink lips and feeling something instinct told me was even better than this mind-blowing rutting. I still had the sensibility to stick to my plan and despite the fact that the red bulge at the base of my cock was now battering away at Trisha's moist petals, I made sure they didn't push a fraction of an inch past them.

After a minute or so I noticed the pitch of Trisha's cries rising and a moment later I felt her legs wrapping around me. This caused my cock to shift inside her and my thrusts to come in at a different angle. One that apparently made all the difference...

"Oooooh! Lexy, I'm... I'm gonna..." she began stammering, her voice sounding as if she was in a trance and the eyes pointed up at me glazed over to the point I wasn't sure if she could even see me.

"It's okay Trish, just let it - ugh!- happen..." I panted out, only realizing how out of breath I was when I tried to speak.

I doubt she even knew what was coming, but I did and as far as I was concerned it couldn't come soon enough. With her clinging to me like this and making strange little noises that I couldn't even begin to describe it was getting harder and harder to hold myself back. I knew I had to, that even with my knot outside of that warm, silky love-glove I could get Trisha into a lot of trouble if I lost control. I just needed to get her off and if she wasn't too out of it maybe she'd help me out with a quick rub or even... fuck, thoughts like that aren't helping.

I suddenly felt the slick passage I'd ben thrusting into shrink, the velvety walls feeling like they were trying to grab hold of my shaft as I kept pumping into it. I realized that this was it, and felt a strange thrill at the thought that I was making a girl cum. Later I'd realize the thrill was because I was making Trish cum. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I just had to keep my cool for a few seconds more. Trisha's arms wrapped around me, her chest pressed against mine so firmly that I could feel her stiff nipples poking against my fur and the wild beat of her heart against mine as her whimpering moans merged into one long, high-pitched whine.

I'd thought that was it, and kept thrusting away into Trisha as she clung tight to me, every muscle in her body tensed and her eyes screwed shut. I realized I'd been wrong when two things happened. One was a splatter of warm feminine nectar against mu crotch as Trisha's sex began to gush around my pistoning length. The second and more important thing was the sudden bucking of her hips against me.

Hindsight is a bitch, and not the nice one I was at that moment still rutting. I'd worked out how far I could push in without getting my knot past Trisha's lips, but that was when she was staying relatively still. With her legs wrapped around me she was bucking up against me, and one such buck had the misfortune of meeting one of my thrusts. I think my eyes must have rolled back in my head as I felt the sensation of something impossibly tight stretching around my knot, squeezing it like a velvety vise before the whole thing was pulled in, the same tightness now pressing behind the red bulge as a warm, wet sex pulsed around it.

The whole thing must have only taken a second, if that, and I remember Trisha letting out a loud yelp that I probably only heard because her muzzle was right next to my ear. Once my eyes began to focus again I caught her wincing and whimpering, realizing with my blood-starved brain that the feeling of her tightening around me was actually me swelling up and...

Shit, I was inside! Panic gripped me and I'd like to think that if it hadn't I wouldn't have done the stupidest thing I could have done at that point and that was to try and tug my knot out. I gave a few sharp yanks which was too late to pull myself free of Trisha's clingy sex. What it did accomplish was to rub the back of my knot against the lips now holding me firmly stuck inside, the sensation sending little signals to my brain that the tie was firm and it was time to let nature take its course. There was nothing I could do at that point but growl softly as my heavy sack pulled up, my red cock swelling up even further and twitching as it sent the first hot gushes of canine spunk surging against and past Trisha's cervix.

My vision swam from an orgasm like nothing I'd experienced before and I was caught entirely by surprise when Trisha grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pulled my muzzle against her lips. Even though my brain wasn't really working I realized she could feel me filling her up, and the sensation seemed to trigger her own feral instincts. I was startled when her tongue pushed past my teeth and into my mouth, the writhing female under me letting out either whimpers or growls or both into the kiss.

I knew on some level that we'd fucked things up (never mind each other) and that we'd crossed lines we never should have crossed. But with Trisha's warm, firm body rubbing against me, her sex milking me as I continued to seed her fertile womb and her tongue wrestling with mine I felt the urge to pretend we weren't two teens who'd proven they should have never been left alone. It felt much better to pretend, at least for a little while, that she was my woman, and I was her man, and that we had every right to this perfect, passionate moment.

Eventually Trisha pulled her lips from my muzzle and relaxed the grip she had over me. I lowered my head next to hers as exhaustion caught up and we both panted like the feral dogs that had sired us. I could feel the heat of her breath against one of my ears, and the intimate but now gentle pulsing of her well-stuffed canine pussy around a steel-hard shaft that was still sending out spurts of puppy-batter as deep into her as it could, not a drop of it making it past the still tight seal my knot had formed just inside her sex. There was something I felt needed to be said, something I owed her after what she'd given me and what we've shared.

"I love you Trisha..." I said, speaking softly and honestly as I looked down at her flushed face. She looked back at me for a few moments before breaking the silence. By giggling.

"'Course you do silly!" she said, hugging me a little tighter. The hurt to my ego her laughter had caused melted away as the meaning of her words sank in and I saw things from her point of view. I couldn't help but smile at how formulaic and superfluous my great confession had been. I had said it because it was the sort of thing you said in a moment like this, but to Trish it seemed like I was dramatically stating the obvious. She knew full well that I loved her, and no doubt just how much.



"'Luv you too..." she said, writhing a little under me or maybe just getting comfortable.

I knew we had a bit of a wait ahead of us, but I wasn't sure just how long, so I did my best to keep my weight of Trish despite the fact that she was still clinging to me (in more ways than one) and trying to pull me down. She was determined to hug me tight despite the fact that it was a bit redundant at this point. The connection down below was far more intimate, and despite the looming realization of just what we'd done hanging over my head I still found myself enjoying what I had tried so desperately to avoid. Trisha had been a virgin until very recently and even after it had calmed down her sex was still maddeningly tight around me, my post-coital sensitivity allowing me to feel even the slightest twitch and caress of the velvety walls holding me securely inside her.

We only realized my swelling was going down when wet little squirts began to accompany those movements, a reminder of the mess we had to look forward to once I shrunk down enough to slip out of her. Well, we made our bed and now we'd have to lie in it, literally if Trisha proved too tired to get the spare bed sheets out.

There was no noise in the room apart from our breathing, and to my canine ears the sound of my knot slipping out was embarrassingly loud. I was being careful since I'd never knotted anyone before and wasn't sure if it was ready. The initial sound was that of a stream of my spunk squirting out as the seal I had formed inside Trish broke, followed by a much messier noise once my length plopped out of her. The sounds coming from her throat while I did this made the slick length dangling between my legs twitch, and I couldn't help but notice Trisha looking at it as I moved beside on the bed. Her hand moved between her legs, and I think it was only then that she really got the idea just how big of a mess I'd left inside her.

"Gotta clean!" she said, springing from the bed and pausing only to give me a peck on the muzzle before dashing to the bathroom.

I felt a little awkward letting her take care of my mess, but I wasn't sure what I could do. If I'd been a biped, I could have accompanied her, we'd get into the shower and I'd use the hands that I didn't have to sensuously lather her up while the steam from the warm spray filled the room. As it was, the best I could do was offer to lick her clean, but the thought of her going 'Eww' at that kept me in the bedroom while the sounds of running water came from just down the hall. I figured I might as well get myself clean, the only way I knew how. The upshot this time was that I could taste something other than... well, myself.

Trisha walked back with the fur of her rear and thighs still damp, and seemed to have just enough energy left to change the bedding. Once that was done, she plopped down and pulled me right along with her. She spooned up behind me with her arms wrapped around my chest, letting me know I'd be spending the night with her and there would be no discussion. Fortunately she seemed to have worked out enough of her urges that she'd be able to get a decent night's sleep, and that she'd let me get the same.

"Lexy?" she asked, softly since her muzzle was next to my ear.


"Gonna have puppies, aren't I?" came the drowsy question in a tone one might use to ask if tomorrow is Wednesday.

"Probably..." I said, too tired to really think about it myself.


"Yes Trish?" I asked, noticing that both of us were mumbling as we struggled to stay awake enough to speak.

"Glad it was you..." she said, snuggling up just a little tighter and letting out a sigh that told me quite clearly that the conversation was finished. For the record - drifting off curled up with a beautiful girl you love deeply and who's just told you she's glad she's having your baby... that's pretty much the best way to fall asleep. Period.


The night had passed without further... incident, so to speak, and when I woke up to Trish's subtle 'Are you awake?' nudging (which was her way of waking me while pretending that she wasn't doing it on purpose) I couldn't help but wonder if it had all been a dream. But once my nose got up and running I knew for a fact it hadn't been. The bedspread we'd messed up together was crumpled and stuffed in the laundry hamper (I immediately added a mental note to wash it, with Trisha's help of course) but we hadn't opened any windows and the room still smelled of good times. And it seemed Trisha had spotted my sniffing which in turn got her nose twitching as her muzzle rose in the air.

"Smells like us!" she said, with an impish grin and clear voice of a true morning person.

"Yeah, that it does. How are you feeling? Are you... okay?" I asked suddenly a bit tongue-tied around the girl I'd known for as long as I can remember and even better than that since last night.

"Mm-hmm! You saved me..." she said, laying a finger on the tip of my nose and then deftly pulling back before I sneezed. "C'mon, breakfast!" she said, dashing away and storming down the stairs wearing what she'd wore to bed last night, which was nothing but her fur. I rolled my eyes before picking up the loose t-shirt she'd tossed aside, hoping I could get her to either wear it or stay inside.

I hadn't managed to persuade Trish to put it on, but she wound up doing it once the bacon she'd lined the pan with began to sizzle and spit and she found herself in need of protection. I was thinking some heavy thoughts, knowing that if Trisha could have pups she'd almost certainly be having mine quite soon. I should have been in a panic, but she looked great - happy, healthy and without a care in the world. That, and her wagging tail was making the shirt ride up a little. That terrible instinct that had nearly driven her crazy last night seemed to have dissipated, but I knew for a fact just what could make that happen so soon.

I knew that we'd said some things to each other last night and wondered if that was where those words would stay. And if it was better that they did. I was still unsure when Trish dug out an old sleeping bag and spread it out on the rug in front of the TV, getting comfy and patting a spot next to her as she flicked through the channels. But as innocent as she'd been that morning, once I got comfy she laid down next to me and started showing a lot more interest in my body than the wide screen. I always did let her pet me and enjoyed it just a little more than I was willing to admit, but there were nuances to the way she would touch me. There was friendly, there was playful, but when I felt her hand slide purposefully down my belly and settle on my sheath I suspected I knew where this was going.


"Mhhh?" she murmured from behind me, gently squeezing and rubbing along my hidden member.

"What are you doing?" I asked, but made no move whatsoever to stop her.

"What am I doing?" she tossed back, and I could hear her grin as her fondling increased in intensity. This was different then last night - both her movements and tone were playful, lacking the intensity of an instinctive drive to breed. This was the behavior of someone who was getting the ball rolling and seeing if the other person wanted to play.

Girls mature faster. I remember hearing that, although I can't really remember where. Not sure if I ever really believed it was true, but the phrase was bouncing around in my head right now and refused to leave. I always figured that I was more mature than Trish, partially because I could sit still for an hour, or even longer. I was the responsible one. You hear the phrase 'responsible adult' so much that you kinda figure they are a package deal - if you're responsible, you must be mature, right?

But I took another look at Trisha's recent behavior, and a nasty thought occurred to me, managing to make me feel bad when she was doing her best to make me feel great - that I'd underestimated her. I always hated when other people did it, either by word or action. I knew she was smarter than most people realized. Her feral ancestry just gave her way to much energy, and whenever she got remotely excited she got too hyper to have the patience to talk properly, and wound up 'barking out' sentences.

I always figured I was smarter than her because quite frankly I'm smarter than most people, and I have the grades to prove it. But I still got the distinct feeling that I was out of my depth here, struggling with a situation Trish seemed to have quite a firm grip on. In more ways than one...

"You wanna?" she whispered into my ear, her tone making my heckles rise, among other involuntary reactions.

"Yeah..." I replied. I could have lied and said no, but a certain part of me was enjoying her touches and had blown my cover.

She released me and got up, taking hold of my left front and hind leg and pulling on them until she had me balanced on my back. It was a position that I, much like a feral dog, wasn't comfortable with unless in quite trusted and intimate company. For feral dogs this was because this position exposed their throats and made them feel vulnerable. I didn't live in fear of jaws tightening around my throat, but this did tend to expose parts of me that were vulnerable and potentially quite embarrassing, something ferals didn't have to worry about.

With me balanced on my back, Trish turned her attention to the part of me that was now fully exposed. She had no experience, but she also had a complete lack of any inhibition, petting, cupping or rubbing whatever looked interesting down there. Eventually she settled for gripping my sheath and enjoying the sight of my abdominal muscles tensing as they pushed out more of my red shaft out of its rapidly swelling cover. She seemed to take even more delight in getting me erect than she used to searching for that spot on my chest that when scratched would cause my hind-leg to kick and twitch.

But the more of me slid out the more her look changed, remaining playful but with a very grown-up game now in mind. I saw her ears perk up as one stroke pushed the sheath past my still slim knot, the entirety of my maleness now exposed to her wide-open eyes. And mine opened even wider when she bent over and began to move her head closer to my crotch.

"Trish, you don't have to if you don't want..." I began, but a finger on my muzzle silenced me as the girl in question looked me in the eyes.

"Love you. Remember?" she said, her tone making it clear that she knew I did but that she'd be hurt if I didn't.

Her tongue sliding along my throbbing shaft shouldn't have felt as intense as it did, considering that I'd felt my own plenty of times. Still, this time when I looked down I was gazing into the sparkling eyes of a gorgeous little bitch that smiled even as she licked, enjoying the no doubt stupefied expression I was wearing. I guess she either like the taste, or more likely just the reactions she got from me as she lapped my red length from the knot up.

After lovingly bathing my maleness for some time she pursed her lips once she reached the tip and gave it a little kiss, immediately earning a small squirt of canine pre into her mouth. My reaction surprised Trisha but didn't deter her, those twinkling eyes once again fastening on mine as her lips parted and that delicate muzzle slid downwards. That definitely got me twitching, and I don't mean my hind leg.

"Ughh... Trish, if you keep that up, I'm gonna..." I groaned after she'd bobbed her head about a dozen times, her long tongue twisting around my trapped length all the while. She stopped mid-way up my shaft and looked at me, either pondering if she wanted a taste of canine spunk or more likely just teasing me. She must have had something more than a quick blow-job in mind since she wound up sliding her muzzle off my shaft.


She pulled off with an overly-loud smooch, but I could see she'd gotten almost as worked up as I did by the fact that her pretty mouth wasn't closing, and the hot little pants she was making. I was about to try and twist my way back to all fours, assuming that she was eager to scratch her itch and that she'd want me to be a gentleman and do the work. As it turned out, I was right about one of those things.

"Lexy stay!" she said, placing a hand on my chest as I rolled my eyes at her giving me commands like I was a feral quadruped. I did stay, of course, but discipline and obedience had nothing to do with it.

Trisha paused only long enough to pull the T-shirt over her head, my muzzle popping open and my eyes fixing on the firm, fluffy mounds she'd just revealed, and the stiff little nipples poking out of that cloud-soft fur and just begging to be played with. Once she was as naked as I was, she wasted little time straddling my lower half, giving me a glimpse of the pink strip between her now parted thighs. It took some doing but I managed to tear my gaze away from that inviting view, despite having spotted a tiny droplet drooling from the gently opened lips.

I did that because I wanted to see Trisha's face, and once I did I didn't regret it. She did look a little flushed, the tip of her tongue cutely hanging from her muzzle as she gripped me and gently tilted my cock up. She was definitely still a little extra-horny from her heat, but this was different form last night. I could see that this was something she wanted to do, not something she needed, which meant to me more than even I had realized.

She kept her eyes on mine as she guided my tip to her sex with a hand that was slightly trembling, biting her lower lip as she found herself lacking the proper words. I couldn't blame her since even with my vocabulary I couldn't think of anything I could say at this point that wouldn't ruin the moment, so I kept as silent as my girl as she gently lowered herself on to my twitching spire.

She let out a quiet yip as my length wedged itself and began to enter her dripping sex, causing my ears to perk up and my blood-starved brain to question if maybe this was still all too much for her. The moan that came from that muzzle when she pushed down and took another few inches thankfully dispelled any such worries.

There was a curiosity to Trisha's movements as she gently swiveled her hips, making strange but incredibly arousing noises as this in turn caused my tip to poke and prod different spots within her. I realized that despite the fact that she'd lost her virginity yesterday, this was in a sense her first time. The incident with the pizza guy had seemed to be less than pleasant for her, and while I certainly felt proud (for the most part) about my performance last night I realized that wasn't really sex, at least not for Trish. She'd been too riled up by her instincts to really do anything but accept what her body desperately needed.

And while I could feel just how aroused she was by the clenching of her sex as she slowly took more of me in, there was also something both curious and playful to her movements. While I knew girls could get themselves off without breaking their hymen, I doubted Trisha ever did, and she was exploring her own body even as she tried to work out what felt good for me. I didn't mind the slow pace since her inexperienced but vigorous tonguing had gotten me quite worked up and the opportunity to cool down a little was actually a relief. But to be honest, I was really enjoying the sight of her learning about what her body liked, especially since it seemed to like me.

"Got you!" she murred out triumphantly once she slid down far enough for her moist lips to touch my knot.

She began to simply grind her hips against me at first, both of us making funny noises as the now sheathed canine shaft moved around in the slick tunnel pulsing around it. She rested her hands on my chest, keeping me down as if I was going anywhere anytime soon. I didn't complain though, since this also served to frame her breasts and push the perky mounds together. Trisha had really filled out (and without me noticing until now) but the mounds gracing her chest still rode very high on it, more bouncy than jiggly. And pressed against each other like this, they were a hell of a view...

At some point Trisha must have gotten bored swiveling on my crotch, or maybe impatient for something more. Either way she began to lift those shapely hips and I glanced down in time to see her glistening folds cling to my shaft as she rose about half-way off it. She then sank down and took me smoothly back in trembling visibly as her tail gave a few wags behind her. This seemed to be what she wanted, at least for now, and I certainly wasn't complaining.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy myself last night - lying on top of Trisha, sliding between her legs and following my own urges had been intense and wild. But if the girl even now happily bouncing on my privates gave me the choice to keep going like this or to mount her, I know I wouldn't move a muscle. It was a pleasure to just watch her, not to mention to feel her still tight sex caress my length on every stroke. Whether it was the passionate expressions that graced her face whenever she closed her eyes and immersed herself into the sensation of our lovemaking, or the grin she wore whenever she opened those eyes and looked at me, her muzzle parted and letting out steamy pants and delightful little noises.

I could feel her splayed slit bump against my swelling knot every time she slid down, and wondered if she'd want to take it. I knew I'd be fine either way. In fact, I was having to hold back just to stop myself from finishing before I'd given her something to remember. I figured she was working herself up, but I really had no way of knowing, and considering she'd only had one orgasm in her life I doubted she did.

When she next pushed down I could feel her landing with a little more force as those lips stretched a little around me, but not enough to let my knot pop in. It seemed Trisha wanted to tie, but from this position if she did she'd have to do all the work. It was now my turn to make funny noises as every downward stroke very nearly but not quite allowed my bulge to go past the point of no return and sink into that wet, tight canine cunny.

Trisha had her eyes screwed shut, a look of intense concentration and a bit of pain every now and again on her muzzle as she endeavored to take all of me inside her. I was about to do the gentlemanly thing and tell her that she didn't have to if she felt it was too much (I really was!) when she ran out of patience and forcefully drove her hips down. A fierce-sounding yip left her mouth as my swollen gland slipped in, the red mass surging to life the moment it felt a snug sex wrapped lovingly around it.

She looked down at me with an almost drunken grin, her eyes lidded but triumphant as she stroked her lower belly with one hand, as if hoping to feel the bulge now resting within her. I was close and I figured she was as well considering the way her chest was heaving. By God, they looked magnificent! There were many, many, many times in my life that I wished I had a pair of hands, but I swear I would have sold my soul then and there just to have them for a few moments, enough to reach out and cup those firm globes, to feel them against my palms and hear the noises Trish made as I did. I didn't have hands though, but I did have a brain that chose that moment to kick in.

"Trish... lean over me, as far as you can..." I said, gritting my teeth at what I knew was the sensation of my knot growing in the gorgeous girl sitting on my lap, but what felt like that already snug love-tunnel shrinking around me.

Trisha did as she was told, lowering her top until she was supporting herself on her hands. The romantic thing to do with her face this close to mine would be to try for a kiss, even though out heads weren't entirely level due to the differences in our bodies. But I did have an opportunity to do something that I hoped would feel at least as good as a kiss. I craned my neck down as far as I could and managed to snatch one stiff, perky nipple into my muzzle.

Why touch when you can taste I figured as I very carefully pinched the little nub between the stubby little teeth between my canines. I did it very gently, only enough to keep it in my muzzle as I flicked and licked away at the trapped nipple, drawing the sort of noises from Trisha that a kiss never could (at least without muffling them as well). I closed my eyes at this point, immersing myself in the other sensations to be had - the taste of her in my mouth, the scent of the fluffy chest-fur tickling my nose and driving the doggy part of my brain wild. The sounds she was making and the tell-tale pulsing of the sex holding me tighter and tighter with every clench.

"L-Lexy!" she cried out, and I'm ashamed to admit that hearing my name spoken in that tone caused my tail to wag.

I knew she was cumming even before she wrapped one arm around my head and pushed it against her breast. She began to grind against me, back and forth movements that were strangely similar to humping and that served to tease and tug on the tie holding us together until this was over. The loving pulses became almost violent as her inner muscles began to milk me, which was about as much as I could take.

It had taken more effort than I realized just to keep myself from finishing too soon, but with that worry out of the way I actually found myself growling into the breast my muzzle was pressed into, something I figure Trisha must have felt as well as heard judging by the passionate murr I got in reply. I knew that somewhere down below my sack was twitching, churning up the first of many jets I'd end up shooting into the clenching sex that seemed eager for every drop I had.

Well, the damage there was long done. I'd tied with Trish last night, and the noises I'd heard when I began pulling out were proof that it had been firm enough for pressure to build up and push God knows how much of my sperm into her womb, assuring that any eggs she had waiting in there wouldn't be waiting for long.

But if we did mess things up yesterday, that at least meant we could enjoy it today. I pushed the nagging feeling aside and just let myself enjoy the sensation of filling Trisha up, her hips still bucking against me as she rode out her climax. With my face buried in her chest I could hear her heart beating wildly within it, and I was sure she could feel the beating of mine even more intimately as my shaft twitched and throbbed within her.

At some point I released Trisha's nipple which left my muzzle with a little pop, but there was still a long wait until anything else popped out, so small wonder the girl still milking me decided to get comfy. She draped herself on top of me and with a little maneuvering we did manage to get our muzzles close enough to kiss, with me taking little breaks to nuzzle Trisha's neck while she petted the top of my head. I have no idea how long we'd spent doing that, but eventually my knot got small enough that it couldn't keep the flood of doggy-cum I'd left within Trish.

The watery spunk began to seep out even before I slipped from her thoroughly-bred sex, and had gushed all over my crotch once my shaft was out. I was a mess, but I didn't really care since it was my mess and since fussing about it would have meant getting Trish off me, which I figured wasn't happening any time soon. In fact I was grinning from ear to ear as I realized that my fantasy from last night about one lover lovingly lathering the other up in a steamy shower was about to come true, albeit with a role reversal.


It was early Monday morning and Gloria had called to let us know she'd just landed and was on her way home. At my frantic gesturing, Trisha hadn't said anything to her mom over the phone, and I asked her to go to her room while I met her at the door. Not that she actually did. She was surprised I'd even asked, and once I explained that I was worried her mom might get mad when she came home to find out she'd be a grandma soon, she was determined to stay and protect me. So yeah, that was my masculine attempt to stand up for my girl and claim responsibility.

I gave Gloria the chance to sit down before unburdening myself, telling her the whole story while Trish stood next to me, her arms at her sides and a look of fierce determination to leap to my aid (if needed) on her face. Gloria listened more calmly and patiently than I expected her to, tensing up only when I told her about how I walked in on Trisha and that delivery guy, but calmed down when I told her that I stopped them before things got too far. And then remained calm when I told her about the rest and how it did eventually go too far.

She'd calmly listened through it all, and when I was done she merely asked her daughter if she felt better and asked the two of us how we felt about this whole thing. When we told her that we wanted both this puppy and each other she seemed genuinely thrilled. Suspiciously so. I only got the whole story as a sort of first anniversary present. Apparently our moms had figured that Trish and I had been growing into something more than childhood friends, and while they denied responsibility for any actual matchmaking, they did make sure we had some private time to work things out for ourselves.

The pregnancy had been unexpected, especially so soon, but things worked out. Our parents had enough set aside that neither Trish nor I had to get a job right after school, or anything. Since her mom's house was quite roomy I moved in with them at Gloria's insistence and Trisha's delight. I'm enrolled at the local college while my darling wife is taking a break to be a full-time mommy to our girl - Bethany. A biped, in case you're wondering. And even though it's too early to tell what's going on in that pretty little head of hers I have an inkling that she'll have the full package, despite having ferals just a few branches lower in her family tree. Not that surprising, really. I always knew that with all our little flaws and disadvantages, Trish and I combined make one pretty amazing person, which is what we wound up doing.