Hunter Hunted Chapter 11

Story by GhostNobody on SoFurry

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#12 of Fan Fictions

A fan fiction set in the AVP universe.

A romance between a male human and a female Yautja, an elite solder is dropped on a far away world by an unknown enemy to be hunted like an animal for sport, along the way he finds someone in very much the same boat as him, they forge and alliance of convinence but along the way discover that while we may be so very very different in so many ways, there are simularities that are not just amazing but aluring as well.

The first thing Jack became aware of was a strange thumping noise, it was rather rhythmic and steady. It made a thump thump noise constantly and normally something like that would have annoyed him but for some reason he couldn't explain this seemed very familiar and also rather soothing. The second thing he became aware of was the sheer amount of pain in every part of his body, it felt like his entire body had been cut open filled with broken glass sewn back up and shaken rather vigorously.

Slowly he forced his mind to come back out of the void that it had been drawn into, as his senses came back to him he realized that the familiar thumping noise had gotten louder and also a fair bit faster, he also became aware of something rather warm and soft under his head, he went to move his hand to try and work out what it was but realized as that there was something warm and soft under his hand too, he gently squeezed and was surprised by how firm the soft thing actually was, as his confused brain tried to make sense of this his pillow moved and made a growly purring noise.

Jack's eyes snapped open and they focused he was instantly greeted with a close up of Tik's face and she was looking right at him with what could only be described as the biggest grin one of her kind was capable of.

"Finally you wake up Ack I begin to worry" she said in a surprisingly soft voice for her, suddenly Jack realized why his pillow had a thumping noise, it was Tik's heart beating in her chest as his head was on her shoulder and at that point he also realized what that soft thing in his hand was, he'd just copped a feel of this massive and rather deadly female Yaujta's right breast.

"Oh shit! I'm so so sorry Tik I didn't mean to I would never..." he started trying to say as he rapidly tried to sit up and pull away, but as he did the large huntress caught his hand and placed it right back where it came from and held there, in the process pulled him right back down on to her shoulder, he looked up at her with a confused expression written on his face, well the half that could be seen behind her bust, she wasn't looking at him but at the ceiling of the cave, from what he could see of her face she seemed to be wrestling with something in her mind, he could see her mandibles twitching,

"Don't move away Ack, please, this feels very nice" she said in a very soft voice while squeezing his hand in hers gently, which considering the Tik he was used to, seemed completely out of character for her and it almost worried him, then she took a deep breath and look straight at him meeting his ice blue eyes,

"Ack I have a question and I need an answer" she said,

"Ok" he said slowly wondering where this was going,

"Why did you save me Ack?" She asked, for a moment Jack started to think up a rather long winded answer explaining about how they were a team and how they were stronger together and how it was a tactical decision, but when he saw her bright eyes desperately searching his he knew the words he had to say, he sighed heavily,

"Because, you're the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, you're an amazing, strong, proud and powerful woman that takes no shit from anyone or anything, and I'm completely in love with you Tik eleth proud huntress of the Shadow Claw clan and I couldn't bear to lose you" he said quietly, before he could even blink Tik exploded in a flurry of movement and he braced himself for the explosion of anger, but it never came, instead Tik flipped over on her side and Jack found himself pulled into an extremely tight embrace with his face right up to hers and their foreheads pressed together, he found himself looking right into her bright purple eyes, that's when he saw it, his own feelings for her were being reflected straight back at him, then she released him from the embrace and got up out of the bed and rose to her full height, Jack couldn't help but admire her gorgeous feminine curves and her powerful body, she turned to face him and he instantly saw a fire in her eyes like he'd never seen before, she truly was breath-taking,

"Ack is the bravest, strongest, most honourable male I have ever met, you respect my ways despite the fact that they are not your own and you show respect as any true Yaujta male should, I know we are of different species and are from different worlds, and it may disgrace myself and my clan, but I do not pauking care anymore! I am sick and tired of following the rules of those who do not care about me, who do not see me for who I am, who cannot or will not see my true worth and only care about what honour and glory I can bring to their names, but in only a few short cycles you have seen me for who I truly am, as I see you for who you truly are, I love you Ack with all of my heart!" She said this time not in a soft voice but in a loud very proud one as the depth of her feelings for him came rushing out,

Jack was stunned but before he could open his mouth to say anything she spoke again,

"Ack what is your clan name?" She asked, he figured she meant family name,

"It's Mason, Jack Mason" he said proudly looking at her,

"Ack of the proud clan Mason, I Tik eleth proud full blooded huntress of the Shadow Claw clan claim you to be my life mate, we will stand shoulder to shoulder and fight back the universe if we have to, what say you?" She said, he realized this must be a ritual for her people, the beautiful woman had done something he'd never expected anyone to ever do for him, she had pledged herself completely to him, he decided it was now or never, he stood up from the bed ignoring his immense pain and rose to his full height, as he did he saw Tik's eye roaming him just as his had done her only moments ago, suddenly he saw a figure standing behind Tik, it was a shadow but there was no mistaking that smile anywhere, it was Sandy.

Jack stared in utter disbelief at what could only be described as a ghost staring behind the large huntress, then before the shadow faded she smiled and gestured to Tik with a blatant 'Go ahead' move before with a final smile faded back into the darkness.

This was it, the final part of his mind that had been giving him reservations had been lifted, he felt like a weight had lifted from his shoulder and suddenly he felt as light as a feather and for the first time in a long time his heart and his head were as clear as the blue sky, the only other woman that he'd ever loved in his life had just given them her blessing from beyond the grave, if this wasn't meant to be then he didn't know what was, so drawing himself up and puffing his chest out proudly filling his lungs with breath as he did, he looked straight into Tik's almost pleading eyes,

"I Jack of the proud clan Mason recognize the claim of Tik eleth proud, strong and beautiful huntress of the Shadow Claw clan and accept it, Tik eleth I hereby claim you to be my life mate, lets show the universe that you can't beat true love" he said in his proudest voice trying not to sound cheesy as hell, it worked Tik flew straight at him and threw her arms around him in a tight embrace and he ignored the pain in his body to return it, he instantly felt the warm slightly rough skin of Tik's strong back as he stroked it and much to his delight he felt Tik purring and clicking away as she bent down to nuzzle the side of his face,

"I love you so much Tik" he murmured in her ear,

"As I love you Ack" she murmured right back, suddenly Jack had an idea, one of the only items that been in his pouches that was not military and infact he was surprised that they'd even bothered to give it back to him was his MP3 player, quickly he moved away from a rather confused Tik and began to sear through his gear till he found it and held it aloft triumphantly, the confusion on Tik's face was obvious for all to see as he looked at her smiling, "What is that Ack?" she asked looking at the device in his hand then back to his face, he removed the headphones from it and grinned happily as it powered up, there was a small but powerful speaker on the rear of it and he placed it inside one of her trophy skulls which he figured would enhance the sound by echoing it, "Well where I'm from its traditional that at their wedding the bride and groom dance together on their wedding day and as this is as close as either of us is going to get to a true wedding...." He said as he selected a song from the list, suddenly 'Slow Dancing Swayin To The Music' by Johnny Rivers began to play from the speaker and the sound was enhanced by the skull to the point where one could actually swear that the man himself was there singing for them personally, "Would you honour me by dancing with me?" he said turning and holding out his hand to the confused huntress.

Tik eleth was rather confused as she didn't even know what dancing was but the music coming from her trophy skull was rather hypnotic and Ack had shown her honour by upholding her traditions, so it was only right that she honour his, she nodded and Ack stepped forwards and took her hand, he placed her other on his shoulder before placing his on her hips, "Just follow my lead and let the music take you" he said quietly as he looked up at her, she nodded and much to her amazement they began to move in slow circles around the cave as she found herself being almost entranced by the soft slow music. At first she was clumsy treading on Ack's feet more than once but to her amazement he never showed any pain despite her weight would obviously be causing him pain and he never lost his broad smile, but pretty soon her honed huntress reflexes took hold and she was able to move her body in time with Ack and she pulled him close against herself, a sudden wave of pure joy crashed inside her and she actually felt tears begin to well up in her eyes despite her best attempt to try and suppress them.

After the song was finished they continued to dance for a little while but then Jack couldn't fight the pain anymore and he hissed and winced which caused Tik to release him and to look at his wounded body, she instantly saw that their embrace and dance had reopened a couple of Jack's wounds,

"Come my love lay down let me treat those for you" she said guiding him to the bed, Jack went without resistance all the while smiling at the fact that she'd called him 'my love' right now he was the happiest man alive.

Tik eleth was so happy it felt like she could burst, never before in her life had she felt such profound joy as she felt right at this moment, the male she had claimed had also claimed her, he had declared his love for her in a strong and proud voice and had spoken the true feelings of his heart to her and they had perfectly matched her own. As she sat on the bed patching up Ack's wounds she gazed at his ooman body and her heart ached at the wounds he had suffered on her behalf, but at the same time she couldn't help herself but to allow herself to softly caress his soft skin and firm muscles every so often as she stitched his wounds closed, she also applied one of the fluids from her medical kit it the wounds which she knew stung like holy hell but sped up healing, right now her heart wasn't the only part of her that was aching, touching his beautifully soft warm skin like this was having a rather profound effect on another part of her, in fact it was taking all her inner strength to not just pounce on her beautiful male and truly claim him as her mate, as she removed a bandage from his abdomen now she gently ran the palm of her hand over his broad chest feeling the beating of his heart below, a soft purr escaped her before she could stop it, instinctively she looked up at Ack's face and saw him looking right at her, then he did something completely wondrous and totally confirmed in her heart that she had made the right choice, he leaned into her and gently nuzzled the sides of her face causing her to purr again, she gently caressed the side of his face and jaw with her mandibles,

"I want to try something so please don't freak out ok" he said softly into her ear, she looked at him and nodded, "Open your mandibles wide for me" he said, she was kind of confused by his request but did as she was asked, she opened her mandibles wide exposing her inner mouth to him, she had rather small but rather sharp looking spiky teeth in her inner lipless mouth, then before she could do or say anything Ack leaned in and pressed his face between her mandible and pressed those wondrous fleshy things of his to her mouth.

Tik eleth was completely stunned by this as she felt Ack's mouth press to hers, her first instinct was to pull away but she ignored it and was instantly glad she did, as the next thing he did was retract those delightful fleshy things of his to expose his teeth which she felt click against her own, then almost immediately she felt his mouth open and his tongue pop out and begin tasting her teeth! Tik eleth didn't know what was happening or what to do but suddenly her body reacted on its own, before she told it to her inner mouth opened and Ack's thick warm tongue instantly darted straight into her mouth and began playing and dancing with her own! The sheer level of intimacy of this act nearly melted Tik eleth's mind, she could actually taste the saliva of the man she loved in her mouth, but rather than feel revolted she felt totally invigorated, she could actually taste and feel his tongue as it played with her own, she began to wrestle with his tongue for dominance as she pressed herself into him feeling his hands now gripping her tightly and running over the muscles of her back and her hips, this feeling made her shiver with pleasure. Somehow he managed to coax her tongue out of her mouth and into his and a pulse of sheer pleasure shot through her as he allowed her to feel those warrior's teeth of his that she loved so much with her tongue!

Instantly she began to taste all around inside his mouth revelling in the sheer pleasure of sharing in such a delightfully intimate act with the man she loved.

Finally, they were forced to break for air and they grudgingly parted and Tik closed her mandibles, but she continued to pant after she did, it seemed that the kiss had rather a profound effect on her, Jack smiled at the beautiful huntress and ran his hand lovingly over the side of her face, she leaned into his touch and purred softly,

"Did you enjoy your first ooman style kiss my love?" He asked in a soft voice,

"Oomans have such wonderful ways to show their love" she said softly,

he smiled broadly showing her his teeth and instantly making her want to taste them again,

"And given that you've won the love of this ooman I will share them all with you" he said, suddenly the air was filled with an amazingly spicy smell that clouded Jack's head with wonderful feelings and such powerful urges, his body no matter how broken responded instantly to it and he fell his blood rushing to his loins and his manhood begin to swell, he knew right at that second that the delicious scent was coming from Tik, it seemed that the kiss had a much more profound effect on her than he'd anticipated.

Tik looked into his eyes and he instantly saw the swirling feelings of love and desire pouring from them, she ran her hand over his chest gently dragging her claws over his skin leaving light red lines on it,

"I need you Ack, I want my male so badly that it hurts, I want to make you my mate tonight" she said in a voice filled with hunger, he gently stroked the side of her face again,

"Then don't fight it, take me my love I am yours" he said in an equally hunger filled voice.

Tik eleth was literally about to launch herself at her beautiful male when her eye locked onto one of the wounds she'd just stitched shut and she froze up,

"But your wounds, they are not healed" she said suddenly,

"Don't worry about me, I'm tougher than I look and for your happiness any pain is worth it" he said, Tik eleth looked deeply into the eyes of the man she loved and saw that he loved her so deeply that he would truly endure pain if he thought that he could make her happy and her heart melted,

"I cannot, if I injured you further after all that you have done for me it would dishonour me and I could not live with the shame of knowing that I hurt the one I love more than life itself" she declared.

Jack actually smiled at this, because it showed how deeply she cared for him, he'd known that she was ready to pounce on him but for her to stop herself like that showed the depth of her feelings, being showed honour and love like that deserved a reward.

"Ok then Tik how about this then, we save ourselves for a night when we are back to our full strength and we can enjoy one another completely and unreservedly without fear of harming the other" he said, she nodded completely agreeing with that, she wanted Ack badly but she did not want to harm the male she loved,

"Ok but what about this, how about you let me show you another of those human ways of showing how much I love and care for you?" He said, she looked at him curiously with her head cocked to one side, then she nodded and he smiled broadly.

Gently Jack guided Tik to lay down on her back, then slowly he began to remove her clothing, she allowed him to do so but she was feeling nervous as he was the first male who would ever see her naked.

As soon as he'd removed everything Jack sat back and admired Tik in all her glory, her breasts were just over a C cup but were firm and perky with large dark nipples in the centre of both, her toned stomach was a slightly lighter colour than the rest of her skin and it kinda reminded him of the light skin that an alligator had on its stomach or that of a snake, this led down into deliciously curvy feminine hips that led into slender but very powerful legs that just seemed to go on forever, nestled between them just partially hidden from his view was the puffy outer lips of her completely bald womanhood, in fact Tik didn't seem to have any body hair what so ever, "By the gods you're even more beautiful than I ever even dared to imagine" he said, Tik purred happily at the compliment, then Jack laid himself down next to her and leaned over getting face to face with her, instantly she opened her mandibles wide for him to kiss her again and he willingly buried his tongue into her eagerly waiting inner mouth again relishing the taste of her as her tongue began to wrestle his.

At the same time Jack began to run his left hand over Tik's stomach marvelling at how much smoother the skin was than that of the rest of her body, slowly he brought it up till he cupped her left breast in his hand, then slowly he began to massage the firm rough flesh till he felt something poke him in the centre of his palm. Taking her nipple between his thumb and forefinger he gently tweaked it and rolled it between his thumb and finger, this elicited a small growl from Tik and she puffed out her chest which pushed her breast into his hand eagerly, then slowly he broke the kiss and dipping his head under her mandibles he kissed all along the large mandibles till he reached her neck, before moving his kisses down over her broad strong shoulder and onto her chest. He trailed soft kisses over her breast till her reached the other nipple which he saw was as hard as the one he currently playing with, swiftly he coiled his tongue around it and pulled the alien huntress's nipple into his eager mouth and began to suck on it while nibbling it gently with his teeth.

Tik eleth let out a surprised and rather high pitched squeak which was swiftly followed by a hiss of pleasure as she felt the amazing sensation of Ack's sucking on her pup teats, she'd never known that they could be used as instruments of pleasure as well, it seemed this wonderful ooman knew more about her body than she herself did, in fact her brain was so pleasure addled that she hadn't even noticed his other hand had left her other teat and was now slowly making its way south along her toned stomach.

Jack's hand slowly trailed its way over Tik's belly and onto her hips, he traced the lines of her wonderfully slender hips before running it over the outside of her firm rough skinned left thigh, he marvelled at the incredible power that he could feel in the muscle of her leg, before moving it over and tickling his way up the much smoother skin inside which had the desired effect of causing her to open her legs wider for him, then before he knew it his hand made contact with something beautifully soft, burning hot and deliciously wet.

Tik left out another hiss and squeak of raw pleasure as she felt Jack's fingers begin to trace around the outside of her most intimate treasure, she ached for his touch and she instantly began to thrust her hips up into his hand to make him touch her there, then to her sheer delight she felt one of his fingers slide between her outer lips and trace its way up her entire slit till it found something hard at the top that as soon as he touched it sent a star burst of pleasure through her entire body, a roar of pleasure escaped her causing Tik to flare her mandibles and grip the skins of her bed between her fingers, so intense was the pleasure that she failed to notice at Ack was no longer sucking her teat anymore and was kissing his way down her body.

As he reached her long powerful legs Jack couldn't resist running his tongue over the sensitive flesh up the inside of Tik's thighs, this caused her to part her legs wide for him, she drew her knees up and planted her massive feet either side of his body. He trailed his tongue upwards until his nose bumped against the very spot he was seeking and with no delay Jack looked up and was presented with a sight he was sure that no human before him had ever had the honour of viewing. Tik's womanhood was swollen due to the sheer amount of blood that her body had sent its way, her outer lips were rather a dark green but from where he was he could see partially inside her and he could see the much lighter pale green flesh shimmering in the low light, her love juices were pumping out of her and had soaked the entire thing which made her skin glisten and shine, "Beautiful" he breathed, slowly he parted Tik's puffy blood swollen lower lips and got his first proper look at her most hidden trophy, her inner walls gleamed at him and twitched invitingly as he looked into her. The amazing spicy smell was so powerful here that every breath filled his lungs with her amazing pheromones that clouded his head fully with feelings of desire for the woman he loved, as his fingers played with her outer lips he could see the clear sticky looking liquid pouring out of her and he couldn't wait any longer he had to taste her, so with that he plunged his tongue straight into the alien huntress's womanhood.

Tik eleth let out a roar of sheer ecstasy as she felt Ack's tongue plunge into her depths and begin to taste around inside her, she could feel him tasting the inner walls of her mating canal, she felt his tongue exploring every ridge and bump of the burning hot exquisitely sensitive flesh, she could also feel him using his nose to rub that hard thing at the top that kept sending bright flashes into her vision and starbursts of pleasure into her head, her hands seized his head to hold it in place and she ran her fingers through his soft hair as he continued to lick her womanhood, she wouldn't have never imagined in a million life times that such sheer raw pleasure could exist in this universe and here comes this male, this delightful, wonderful ooman male was showing her what the true depths of love really were, suddenly words were escaping her mouth that she couldn't even remember saying, "Oooooooh Ack! Please I beg you! Don't stop, please don't stop, oooooooh!" begging him not to take this delightful pleasure away, she was a proud strong Yaujta huntress and she had never begged for anything her entire life, she would have sooner died in blinding agony first, but here she was begging this ooman male and she couldn't have been happier, for she loved this ooman with everything she was as a woman and she would happily submit to this male in one of her heartbeats because she knew he would to her in one of his.

Suddenly a strange pressure began to build at an alarming rate in her stomach,

"Somethings happening Ack! Somethings coming!" She said her voice half addled with pleasure the other with growing concern, he lifted his head for a second,

"Just relax my love, its ok just let it come and enjoy it, it's my gift of love and it's all for you" he said sounding breathless before instantly plunging his tongue back into her.

Jack adored the way Tik tasted, her juices were hot and spicy on his tongue and he couldn't help but drink all that leaked into his mouth, her love canal felt like a hot silk glove was trying to massage his tongue as he tasted her insides, he ran it all over every ridge and fold that he could reach inside her, he also withdrew it from time to time to run it from bottom to top teasing her inner and outer lips, he also continued to rub her swollen clit with his nose as well as gently nibbling it and sucking it in the times that his tongue was out of her, he was trying to cause the woman he adored as much pleasure as possible. Then suddenly he felt it just before it happened, he'd just found a rather sensitive spot on the upper walls towards her belly and instantly Tik's hips began to thrust faster and faster into his face causing her womanhood to hit his face with a wet sounding slap every time, she wrapped her legs loosely around his back and with and almighty roar of sheer ecstasy her tunnel clamped down on his tongue and began to ripple trying to milk it and a flood of her spicy juices flooded into his mouth causing him to swallow greedily as he drank it down, her fingers gripped his hair roughly holding his head in place and Tik's whole body shook violently as she rode the shear waves of pleasure of her very first orgasm.

After it passed Tik sagged limply on the bed and Jack kissed his way up the body of the woman he loved before settling his head on her big shoulder, she instantly wrapped her arms around him and pulled him completely on top of her holding him to her,

"Did you enjoy that my love?" He whispered softly into her ear.

Tik eleth couldn't speak yet as her brain was still much, all she knew was that she wanted to be held by the male she loved and for him to not let go, she had no clue what he'd just done to her but it had felt like a bomb of raw pleasure had gone off in her body and now for some reason she felt vulnerable, in fact this was a totally new feeling to her as she had never felt vulnerable in her life before now, then somehow he turned her so that she was facing away from him and this confused her, that was until she felt him press himself completely against her back and slide his arms around her, their bodies fit neatly together like they were made for one another, the second she felt his arms tighten around her she instantly felt warm, safe and loved and also happier than she'd ever been, quickly she found both of his hands with her own and interlocked her fingers with his and held them in place, if this was her time to die she would have died a very happy woman here in the arms of the male she adored.

Finally, she was able to look at him over her shoulder as he leaned over to look at her and she smiled her mandibles at him, "That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt in my life and it was only made possible by you my love" she said quietly, he released on of his hands from hers and stroked the side of her face gently before trailing it back down her body for it to be entwined with her own again,

"I'm so glad you enjoyed, because I love making you happy Tik, your pleasure is my pleasure" he said with such tenderness in his voice that Tik eleth actually felt her heart flutter, she knew right at that moment that no-one would take her male from her and she would kill the universe just to make him smile,

"I love you Ack and I promise you that when you are healed I will show you the same love that you have shown me" she said with a smile,

"I'll hold you to that you know" he said playfully, she smiled again knowing that he was only playing with her and not actually questioning her honour,

"A huntress never breaks her word" she said and with that she gripped his hands tightly and held them against her stomach, she could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck and it lulled her senses, it was then that sleep stepped in and claimed them both pulling the huntress and her spooned ooman mate into their blissful dreams.