Zoo 52 Issue 2: Of Troy

Story by BonkTheSixth on SoFurry

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#2 of Zoo 52

A year after the events of Zootopia, a new wave of crime has taken the city by surprise with an unknown source seemingly behind it all. Judy Hopps must stop powerful new villains and solve the mystery of who is controlling them before the city they love is no longer their own.

Issue 2: Of Troy

Judy streeeetches out her arms, leans over Nick still snoozing beside her, and pecks his cheek. Springing out of bed, she feels that pep has been put back into her step. A nice shower only aids her regained energy; humming along to the song in her head as she readies herself for another day of work.

With a cup of tea made, her entire morning routine is finished with plenty of time to spare, so she cooks up a nice egg and toast breakfast for Nick. Her mind wanders while she works, wondering where the eggs are produced. She's never seen a bird with her own eyes, but she imagined their farms were probably just farther removed than even her little countryside home town.

It had been a week since they'd learned that Edward Nashton, their own forensic scientist at the ZPD, had been planning elaborate puzzles to solve at the expense of real lives. They'd managed to stop him before any of his more deadly riddles had begun, although he'd prefaced his villainy by controlling previous ZPD police chief Bogo, and having him take his own life.

Though no new revelations have come since as to how he managed to force Bogo so fully or who assisted Ed, in the time that's passed since everything seemed just a bit brighter than it had in those days. Crime in the city was back to normal; only a simple burglar standing out. Judy was set to stop them, but no lives on the line made things far less taxing on her own life.

Setting the meal down on the table, Judy went to wake the sleeping fox, nudging his shoulder.

"Nnmh.." Nick stirs, yawning and cracking an eye open. "...Jessie, was it...?"

Judy rolls her eyes and gives him a more forceful hit in the arm. "I made you eggs, dummy. I'm gunna go get a headstart on that jewel snatcher case, so I'll see you later."

"So that's what that amazing smell is..." A glint of mischief sparks in his eye right before he pulls her in for a quick kiss. "Thought it was you~"

Her smile sold her out, unable to hide that his cheese oozing lines worked on her. "Geez, you're a real smooth talker Wilde." That didn't stop her from playing it off like she was immune however, patting his head and walking away.

"You know you love me, Carrots!" He calls out, starting to get out of bed himself.

Just before leaving his view, she turns her head back with a smirk. "I know." She shuts the door behind her.

"Hey, Chief!" Once inside the ZPD, Judy is met by the replacement forensic scientist Luke. The silver fox was fitting in well enough, albeit only on his third day of work. After a very thorough background search, he was found to be both qualified and clean, which was something to be certain of more than ever now.

Judy only ever saw Luke finely dressed, with his glasses as clean and straight as can be. Fur brushed, suit pressed, and his expressions all mild. That's not to say it wasn't clear he was passionate, just that he was mostly stoic.

Judy smiles and nods to him. "Good morning Luke! How goes things?"

"Things are going very well! I've been working on the evidence found at the last museum break in, and the hairs were definitely feline. I'm now waiting to find a DNA match so we can catch our cat burglar." He seemed proud of himself; excited to show how useful he was.

"That's great to hear, Luke! Keep me posted on any updates, yeah?" She began heading to her office.

Luke calls out to her as she goes. "There's an officer waiting for you, by the way! I told them you'd probably not be in until the usual time, but I suppose their patience paid off."

"Alright, thanks for the heads up!" Judy put a bit more speed into her step to see which officer needed what, opening up her door and stepping inside.

She didn't recognize the hyena dressed in the standard police attire, sitting in front of her desk. She'd become pretty aware of her officers, though there were many, so she didn't think too much of it just yet.

"Hi, sorry to keep you waiting..." Judy shut the door behind her, taking her own seat behind the desk. From it she could see their attractive face; finely brushed hair covering the right side, stopping just at the muzzle.

She smiles warmly at Judy, waving a dismissive paw. "It's fine! I expected to be waiting longer anyhow. I have something important to talk about, and I don't think it could be left for another day."

"Well, I'm available to talk right now if you need me. What's on your mind?" She was hoping the hyena would introduce herself, since her hair flowed down over where her name would be on her chest. She decides to just hear her speak, and if need be look through her computer after for a name.

"It's work related, but it's also a bit embarrassing..." She glances back to the window on the door, then leans her head forward just over the desk. "You need to see this. On my last case, this happened..." She lifts her paw in order to brush her hair aside.

Curious on what she meant, Judy leans forward in turn to look closely.

"Right here..." Her drawn back hair reveals a metal eye, previously hidden and glowing a bright magenta. There were slits in a circular fashion surrounding the light, stopping at her regular eyelids without any other oddities past that point on her face. A mechanical implant, shining deep into Judy's brain.


The hyena's smile turns to a slight smirk. "Don't move and let me talk first. You can breathe and blink, though. I've learned that telling people not to move really makes them not move, but I just want you still."

Every neuron in Judy's head was screaming that this meeting was much more dangerous than she'd ever assumed, but she couldn't find herself to lift a paw or speak out in alarm. That only escalates her silent panic, without any way of expressing it.

The intruder crosses her legs and sits back in her chair, letting her hair fall back into place. "Great. So, my name is Helena, and I do really want to talk to you. But we should establish some rules first. Number one, you can't get loud or violent with me. You can't yell for help, and no drawing weapons.

"Number two, everything we talk about you can't tell anyone else. When around others you will act like I'm just another officer, and you can't put any suspicion on me at all. No being sneaky, either! Think about it all you want, but you physically can't warn or tell anyone about me in any way. You won't even be able to write a single bad word about me."

Judy was screaming inside her own head, trying with all of her might to just move a foot or twitch her nose, yet finding it utterly impossible. She couldn't even change her expression; it was like being set in stone, hearing Helena speak and the dread of knowing she meant what she said.

"Finally for now, number three. You may not like it, but go where I want and do what I want. You already didn't have a choice, but I just wanted to be clear so you wouldn't be surprised later." She waves a paw. "Go on, you can move and talk now. just don't try and leave your seat."

Judy sucks in a breath; not from lack of oxygen, but from being aware that she couldn't control it before. Not able to scream, she just pants in horror while clutching the arms of her chair until she could gather the words to speak.

"Y-you're the one who killed Bogo..! You-"

"Hold up, let me explain that one." Helena interrupts, and Judy once again unable to object. "I'm not a killer, really. Edward wanted me to do it, and I was told to give him that much. Blame him, because I didn't like it either."

Once Helena had finished her statement, Judy found herself able to respond again; she did so while rubbing her throat. "How are you doing this...?"

"My eye." She gestures a paw back at herself. "It's one-of-a-kind. One look into it, and my commands are law. If I really wanted to, I could make you do anything, make you think anything. But I'm really not so bad, so you shouldn't worry about that."

"You come into my office, start messing with my mind and tell me you committed homicide out of obligation..." She's almost past her bewilderment, her breathing calming as her anger begins simmering. "..And you think you're not so bad...?"

"Come on, Judy. I'm a fan of yours, and that hurts." Helena gets up for a moment to stretch, tugging at her collar. "These are so tight... But yeah, I don't think I'm bad. I'm not a criminal, and I didn't have a choice but to help him."

"Helping him made you a criminal."

"There's no laws against mind control, Judy. Technically Bogo did what he did on his own, and everyone I effect do the same. Anyways, I came here to make sure Edward didn't say too much about me. When I gave him rules I was less specific, left ways to slip up. So I'm gunna go for now, but meet me outside the Hotel Shenz today at 7, I do want to prove I'm not some villain."

Helena heads for the door, Judy mildly talking at her. "Wait, don't go yet." She couldn't raise her voice without potentially making a scene, and Helena didn't listen, briefly responding before leaving the room.

"You can get up now, but you can't tail me."

"Don't go..." Judy watches as her culprit gets away; effortlessly strolling out of apprehension. She isn't sure what to do; no one else in the ZPD knows what she now knows, and her own self is incapable of changing that.

She sat there; silent, terrified and needing to figure out a plan until her ears perk up at a thought; if she couldn't willingly betray the commands, maybe she could be forced to. Quickly she took her phone to call Nick.

"Hey Hunbun!" He picks up from his cop car, parked downtown to watch for speeders. "Sorry, we're on the clock. Hi, Chief Hunbun! Go for Nick."

"Hey.." If Helena was making her meet back with her, all she would have to do was make plans with Nick. If she just started leaving, he'd know something was wrong without her telling him. "Just wanted to let you know that I'll be following a lead tonight, and might be home late."

'NO!' She thought to herself, the words flowing out of her so calmly while her mind knew it was all wrong. 'No! Nick, please help me!'

"Alright, got it. You sure it wouldn't be better if we checked it out together?"

"No, it's nothing too crazy. I just need to blend into a crowd and see what I can pick up, so it'll be easier the less attention I bring. I promise, there's no risky business this time."

"You're the boss, it's your call. I'll see you when you get back then."

"Thanks. Love you, Nick."

"Love you, Chief Hunbun."

Judy ends the call, staring at her phone screen. That was her... That was exactly how she would have lied to Nick, coming out of her mouth in awful ease. She felt dirty; complicit without a choice. What if Helena decided to make her do worse than betray Nick's trust...

She wouldn't let it happen. Judy shook off the grime of all today has brought thus far, and got onto her computer. She tries finding information on Helena, though it was difficult without a full name.

As she figured, Helena did not come up in the ZPD's database, but it was worth a look. Racking her brain for more information to use, she wondered why Helena wanted to meet at the Shenz specifically. A brand new hotel, and one that she'd already been suspicious of during her research done in the past month.

Looking through articles talking about the grand opening, she mostly just saw them talking about Chester King attending. The rich hamster always drew a crowd, and headlines apparently.

"...Wait.." She squints at a photo credited to James Olsen of the Daily Planet, clicking to bring up the full scale of the image. Chester King was in the forefront, but in a finely crafted red dress was Helena, smiling in the background by the hotel entrance.

"Okay... So you were there. This can tell me something, but what..?" Pondering the image, she walks herself through her train of thought.

"You couldn't have possibly controlled everyone there, with all the random paparazzi, which means people thought you belonged there.. You're even allowed on the other side of the line with King. But your name isn't anywhere relating to the hotel..."

"...Unless they don't know you because you're popular. Maybe you were there with someone. Or maybe they only knew you because of your ties behind the scenes..."

Judy went into her desk drawer to pull out the information she'd gathered on the businesses getting odd funding around the city. Once Edward started causing trouble she'd stopped looking into it, but now pieces were beginning to come together in her head.

"I was right... A random donation from so many wealthy citizens to at least a dozen new buildings around the city. A hospital in Tundra Town given a hefty boost by Thomas Elliott, a restaurant in Little Rodentia practically made by Queen Consolidated, an apartment complex in Happytown courtesy of Bruce Wayne himself.."

"Helena's been making them fund these places. They're her operations, including the Hotel Shenz. But why? It's not for profit, or else she'd just take their money directly.."

Judy continues to try and build a case, spending hours in her office. It was easy to lose track of time, and without even meaning to she deletes her search history, gets up from her desk and starts making her way to a vehicle.

Climbing inside, Judy checks the clock on the dashboard. "6:50... Of course. I can't even allow myself to be fashionably late..."

Judy starts the car, driving out of the department and onto the city roads. She wonders if getting delayed by traffic would help break the command, but another thought told her she'd most likely just ditch the car and run the rest of the way to meet the task. She no longer wanted to test that theory.

She parks on the side of the road, just outside of the Hotel Shenz. It stood massive and grand, fitting right in with the other towering buildings inside the heart of Zootopia. Judy knew behind its shiny and new exterior, however, was a structure built from stolen money and forced labor.

There's a knock on the passenger door, Judy turning to see Helena grinning at her from outside. "Open up, won't you?" Not having an option, Judy obliges and unlocks the car.

Helena swings the door open, revealing very different attire than the police uniform she likely stole. A red, spotted top with a denim jacket over it, both cut short. Her paws had open ended gloves, and below were denim shorts that matched her jacket; fishnets started just above them, and ran all the way into her sleek boots. Judy thought to herself that Gazelle could pull it off better.

"Hey, Jude." She eagerly took the seat, shutting the door before searching down around her. "Hey, how do these cop cars recline their seats?"

"They don't." Judy responds flatly, not interested in her small talk.

"Geez, no wonder you're so uptight then huh?" She chuckles to herself, making due with the space she has and leaning back against the door to face Judy. "Alright, come on. Why so serious? I already told you I wasn't going to hurt ya."

"Huh, you know let me think about tha- You brainwashed me. That is what did it." She huffs, staring back at the hyena.

"No, sorry, common mistake. Brainwashing is when you tinker with someone's head once, and whatever's done then is done. Mind control is me constantly being able to make you do anything, get it?"

"I really, really do not care." Judy pinches the space between her eyes, shaking her head. "You brought me here, you said you wanted to explain how you're not a criminal, and I can't leave unless you let me. Go on and get to that already."

"You're no fun." She crosses her arms behind her head, pouting her lip only to end up snorting. "Alright, you're kinda fun. I do love some good snark every now and then~ That fox must be very lucky, huh?"

Judy wasn't laughing, so Helena rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine. Hear me out, alright? I'm not a criminal. The people who gave me this eye made me do a favor for Ed, so I couldn't refuse.

"All I ever wanted to do was make something big for myself. One of my ancestors was known for helping this big bad lion, but the thing is she was incredible all on her own! No one tells her story unless it's through his, but she was his right paw because she was brilliant."

Helena looks out at the hotel with pride. "She's my idol. I named the hotel after her, and I only use the money of those who can easily afford it. It's pocket change to them, they will do way better than just survive with or without it.

"This hotel is a monument to what I can do. Something that stands high and mighty with these big corporate buildings, proving that I made an impact on this world, and no one can ever say that I didn't!"

She turns with a big smile to Judy, waiting for her reaction. She then realizes why it wasn't coming. "Oh, I'm done, you can speak now."

"Stealing money from the rich is still stealing." Judy frowns; Helena did seem more innocent than she anticipated, but not when it came to what she was actually doing.

"You aren't even giving it to the poor like Robin Hood. You're taking it for yourself, and aside from that, you're also hijacking my life. You've technically kidnapped an officer; I didn't decide to come here, I was forced by you. I understand why you want these things, but it doesn't make it right."

That wasn't the response Helena was expecting. She was confused, turning her gaze away from Judy. "No.. I thought you were awesome, ever since you took down that sheep chick. You made this city look at me better, and it made me think I could be bigger..."

She opens the door, her bravado gone. "You can leave, then. Something something don't meet your idols, right? If I'm not as pure as you, I guess I'm not good enough for you."

Judy sighs, shaking her head more. "Helena, no, that's not what-"

"Stop talking to me." She shuts the door behind her, and heads into the hotel.

Judy sat there, confused and surprised. Until now, Judy was solely angry with Helena, wanting to take her in for all the harm she's caused. Still Judy knew her crimes needed consequences, but now she couldn't help but feel strangely empathetic...

Helena's responses almost seemed... Childish? Had she just not looked hard enough to notice? Under the new idea that her culprit might be a young adult in her early twenties, Judy wonders what could have happened to her that brought her to this point. How did she get her eye? Did she have a choice...?

She snaps out of her thought due to her phone going off, pulling it out to see an unfamiliar number calling. Judy picks it up, bringing the phone to her ear.

"Hey Judy~" Helena's voice was distinct, once again full of confidence and mischief. "Sorry for teasing you, I just couldn't resist seeing your reaction~ Of course you can always talk to me. Come inside and meet me up in the penthouse, 'kay?"

"Helena hold on-!" The call ends before she can finish her sentence, bringing a sigh out of Judy as she takes the keys from the car and climbs out.

Pushing through the revolving doors, Judy was beginning to realize that she knew nothing about the hyena's den she was stepping into. The lobby was sleek; fully waxed marble floors and pillars, meticulously cultivated and mainted vines wrapping around them among plenty more foliage and greenery throughout the large area.

It was a sight to behold, though Judy also instantly took notice of how uninhabited it seems. For a grand new luxury hotel, the only other soul she could spot was a wolf sitting at the front desk with her legs propped up and crossed, unenthusiastically blowing a bubble of gum. They silently watch as Judy walks all the way to the elevators, pressing the button to the top floor.

"If she wanted to hurt me, she would have..." Judy murmurs under her breath, calming herself. "I can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do... But maybe I can convince her to do something on her own."

A chime rings as the elevator doors open, leading to a short pathway with nothing but the door into the penthouse. She doesn't bother knocking, knowing the door would be unlocked for her.

The penthouse was practically one big, cozy and open room filled with luxury furniture and art. Judy passes between an area hosting a fully stocked bar and a wide couch sitting across from a screen that was installed directly into the wall, taking up a majority of it.

Climbing a brief group of steps lead her right to the largest bed she'd ever seen; riddled with pillows all properly placed. To her left was a bathub built into the floor, taking up the entire corner, and to her right were the open doors to the balcony.

Outside, arms resting on the railing and looking out over the city, was Helena. Judy approaches with caution, though can't help but avert her eyes once out there as to see the breathtaking view of Zootopia.

Each building had a slight decline in height the farther out they were, making it seem as though it was all one broken up ramp curving to them. The hues of blue and orange popped above all others, and the warm breeze from Savanna Central way down in the distance seemed to perfectly come right up to greet them.

"Do you know this city, Judy?" Helena breathes it all in, letting her hair blow in the wind despite what was hidden behind it. "I don't think you know it like I do.

"You see the gang wars and alleyway shankings; always surrounded by walls so high even your department doesn't get to touch the sun much. People that are always doing wrong, taken in by your people. The brave and the bold of the ZPD.

"I'm not one of them. Not a bleeding heart trying to clean it all up, and not a lowlife trying to make it messy again. I'm just seizing each day, and making myself happy. If that makes me bad, then I prefer it to being sad." She turns to smile at Judy, waiting for her response.

At this point she was aware of what was happening. Helena was seeking her approval; she did care about what Judy thought, but doesn't seem to be prepared to handle a less than positive reaction. Judy considered her words carefully.

"...It's very beautiful here. And you're right, I haven't seen the city like this before. I would love to have this view to wake up to every day; it would be like a dream come true."

Helena grins a bit more. "I'm glad you like it. You know, I could help you and your fox to a room here-"

"...But you helped kill my friend." Judy manages to say calmly, her brow straightening from the seriousness of her words, and the desire to come across clearly. "I'll never get to see him again. You said you were just doing as you were told, so why don't you help me know who told you to?"

The hyena's smile wavers again, Helena turning her gaze away. "I'm sorry about him.. I am, really. But I can't. They are too strong, and they can turn off my eye if they wanted to. Without it, all of this goes away."

"I'm sorry, Helena. I don't know what they have over you. But if you won't help me stop the ones who put you up to it, I'm not sure I can ever forgive you for listening to them."

"That's fine then." She turns on a dime and walks back inside. Judy follows while putting a few steps of space between them, watching her pull a file out of a drawer.

"The burglar that you've been after? Her name is Selina Kyle. I have her address and everything right here, ready for you." She holds it out, letting Judy take it into her own hands.

"How did you know we've been looking into her?" Curiously, Judy skims through the file, finding that everything inside lined up with their own findings.

"The same way I had that uniform and your number. Don't worry, I gave it back, they just think I'm a friend they trusted with it for a bit."

"Helena..." Judy frowns, closing the file. "I appreciate this. It's a good deed to help stop this thief. But it doesn't make up for-"

"Why is there always a 'but' with you?" Helena groans, turning and flopping down onto her bed. "I'm tired of them. Just take the gift and go. If I need you again, I'll call."

After three times of being told to stop talking in the past, Judy was aware that pushing more would only lead to a fourth. Taking the lead, she left the way she came without another word.

Once back at the ZPD, Luke hurries over to see Judy. He excitedly holds up a file. "Great news, I've found the identity of our cat burglar! Her name is Selina Kyle, and I'm in the process of gathering evidence that will point us towards where we can find her."

"Good work. I've found some more information on her too." She hands him her own file, silently wishing she hadn't taken away his pride.

Giving the data a look over, Luke's face subtly fades from his previously chipper expression; just clear enough to be painful for Judy to watch. "Oh... Yes, I can see why you're in charge. Always best to have someone who can do it all, with us for support."

"Yes.. Thank you, err-"

"Judy!" Nick comes over with a grin, saving her from the previous conversation.

"Nick! Glad you're here, we're about to go chase a lead on the burglaries." Judy turns to nod to Luke. "Can you see if there's anything more you can gather using what we have, in case our lead goes nowhere?"

"Right away Chief, I'm on it." He politely nods back and carries the files away to his office.

Nick twirls his keys around his finger, starting to step towards the exit. "Just lemme know where we're off to, and I'll drive."

Watching the city go by through the car windows, Judy mentally attempts to get focused. Things were still unnatural and unnerving with her inability to talk about Helena, but this was no longer about her. Catching Selina was the current objective, and she could still do that with her full self intact. She just had to focus...

Judy's phone began to ring, and her heart sank seeing it was once again an unknown number. She thought about cautiously glancing over at Nick, but her body wouldn't allow her to seem on edge, so instead she simply answers the hyena's call. "Go for Hopps."

"Change of plans, Judy!" Helena sounds excited on the other end, which only makes Judy more worried. "Giving you a lead isn't enough, I get it. So I've decided to help you catch the kitty myself, in the flesh! Come pick me up please."

"That's really generous of you, although I'm not sure how much more you could contribute." Judy was surprised she could debate even this much, but took what she could get.

"You're with someone? Is it the fox? Don't worry, I'll fill him in on everything too! Then you can stop having to hide from your boy. I'm just outside Sahara Square, by Parker's Pizzeria. See you soon~" The click of the phone hanging filled Judy's ear.

"Hey Nick, we're meeting an informant by the pizza place past 7th. They've got more that can help us before we go to Selina's stomping grounds."

"Aye aye, Captain Hopps!" Nick offers a two finger salute, changing course and taking the next left. "If there was one thing that Ed had a point with, it's that 'Chief Hopps' could use some work. What about Head Hopps? Big Boss Bunny? Commissioner Hopps?"

"Sure, why not?" Despite her response, Judy was not at all thinking about what he was saying. She was too busy screaming inside her own head to be interested in joking around.

Helena was going to snatch Nick's mind just like she had Judy's. From now on neither of them could avoid obeying her every command, and there was no telling how much longer the already irregular hotel owner would refrain from making even bigger changes to their brains.

Not long enough of a time later and they're exiting the car, Helena greeting them with a wave and an innocent smile. She leads them into an alleyway.

Judy was not at the driver's seat; she wasn't even certain what was being said. Nick had introduced himself, breaking the interaction in with his humor. Helena played off of him, and suggested they move out from the public street as to not be overheard. At least, that was Judy's best attempt at recalling what lead them here.

The fear was overwhelming, and she was trapped inside herself, unable to break free. Had she been contributing to the conversation too..? She clears her waves and waves of worries long enough to see Helena parting her hair, showing Nick her trap.

"And there we are~" Helena grins, letting her hair fall back into place. "We can talk everything over later, just don't worry about this for now. Focus on catching the cat, and let me tag along without a second thought."

"Right..." Nick responds, blinking his eyes. "We should get going, we don't want to wait for it to get dark."

The three of them got into the car, Helena riding along in the back. Judy wanted to cry. She wanted to break down in tears, and scream a blood curdling scream from the physcological warfare traumatizing her. But her face remains nonplussed, and her pose casual.

Helena speaks up again as Nick starts the car. "Don't listen to us, cutie fox. Just drive."

He silently does as he's told.

"Judy... We both know I can't undo what happened. It wasn't a choice for me in the first place. But I intend to stop being neutral and make a commitment to doing good! After we bring in this crook, we can work out the details on how we team up in the future."

Judy was enraged. In this moment all the sympathy she had was gone, and replaced by a hatred burning in her core. Helena continues anyways. "Let's talk on it once Selina's behind bars. We can give your boy the full story then, too."

Nick pulls up to the abandoned toy shop that was said to be the most likely place she'd be staying. Out the window of the car was the very cat they were looking for; hood up and freezing in her tracks at the sight of them.

Nick and Judy rush out of the car, drawing their weapons. "Don't run!" Of course, Selina turns on a dime and swiftly ducks into the alley.

Judy has no choice but to be completely in the zone; Helena had commanded her to. She bolts after the cat with Nick too in pursuit by her side. Selina had a rope wrapped around her waist and a grappling hook dangling at her hip, but if they stay on her she'd never have the time to use it.

Selina vaults over a garbage can, sending it flying back in their direction. Nick sidesteps out of the way, while Judy leaps to use it as a step. Planting her foot on the can midair, she uses it as a springboard to propel herself slightly higher and beat Selina to the fire escape.

The thief changes her plan of escape in an instant, attempting to dart down the left path in the fork but instead being startled by Helena waiting for her around the bend. Selina has no time to plan an attack, instead being forced to continue straight, right into a dead end.

"Freeze!" Judy and Nick both keep their guns on trained on her. "Put your paws up, now!"

Looking at the three brick walls and law enforcement surrounding her, Selina sighs and turns around. "Drat. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted." She turns to face them, holding both paws up above her head. "Come and cuff me, then. I promise not to scratch."

Helena comes up between them, looking pleased with herself. "See, Judy? I'm plenty helpful to saving this ci-"

Nick knocks her out with the butt of his gun before she can finish her sentence, Helena toppling face forward onto the floor. "Judy, she's out cold, help me cuff her!"

"We need to focus, we can't let Selina get away!" She still couldn't defy Helena's orders, holding her position.

"Snap out of it damnit, I need you!"

Nick's voice echoed in her skull. Judy had to keep on Selina, but she couldn't make Nick suspicious. Keeping on Selina was making him suspicious. But he clearly knew, and yet she couldn't disobey the instructions regardless...

Judy could see Selina climbing up with her rope as her nose began to bleed. Nick caught her just before she hit the ground next to Helena.

"...Our top story today is the unsettling news that several of the wealthiest citizens here in Zootopia had previously been under the influence of an individual that could control their every action. Sources at the ZPD as well as individuals directly effected inform us that-"

Judy groans, reaching for her forehead as the newscaster fills her ears. Before long she was realizing she was back in her bed, Nick by her side and the TV on. "Buuhh.. Does every case have to make me end up like this...?"

"Hey, at least this time it's not your own fault you blacked out, right?" Nick moves his paw to pet her head. "But seriously, I'd really prefer to not make this a thing."

"How did you stop being controlled by her?" Judy's headache softenes with his touch, so she relaxes and keeps letting him care for her.

"By never getting controlled in the first place. As a previously notorious con artist, I could tell I was being swindled. She wanted me to look one way, and I focused on her other eye instead. Didn't know why until the ever helpful hyena practically gave me all the context I needed."

He pauses to hear the newscaster. "-the culprit is one Helena Hyena, of whom is already making rounds over social media as the "Hypno Hyena." She is currently being held by the ZPD until her transfer to Iron Heights. Bruce Wayne comments-"

Nick brushes over her ears, continuing to explain. "Anyways, I played along to get her guard down and then gave her a little bop on the old cranium. Called for backup, brought her in and made her undo what she did to you. Luckily you didn't have to be awake for it, otherwise that would've been postponed 'til now."

She did feel like a great weight had been lifted from her already. Letting out a sigh of relief, she reaches out to hold his arm. "Nick, you're-"

The TV interrupts her with loud and abrupt static, before flashing an entirely different face up onto the screen. Judy's breaths stop, staring at the awfully familiar face.

"Yes, let's all give another big congratulations to Judy Hopps!" Dawn Bellwether grins maliciously into the camera, a body clearly seen lying in blood behind her. "It'll be the last time she hears it, before I make her lose both of her perky ears! Come and stop me Judy, before I crash all of Iron Heights right into the city!"

The feed is cut.

Zoo 52

The Savior or the Cause "...rookie rabbit officer Judy Hopps reveals the source of the Savagery outbreak; previously assistant mayor and current Iron Heights resident Dawn Bellwether. The heinous and propaganda stirring acts were the result of...

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