Becoming Felicia

Story by Felicia Silver on SoFurry

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#1 of Becoming Felicia

Becoming Felicia

In the age of the internet many new taboos have arisen and many have actually blossomed. People were now embracing things that they never would have before, fantasies they can live, dreams they can explore, with all sorts of imagination fueling images and software people could be anything they want to be! Well when it comes down to it the good old Baby Boomers who gave birth to the children of tomorrow can't even imagine what this technology can do and how it can affect the mind. It's startling how a person can be dragged into another world with the click of a mouse and access to information that normally wouldn't exist. When our parents used to just go do chores or to socials or other various (what now sound boring events) this generation will sit at home and explore another new world. After having enough experience in this new world they then find themselves not fitting into the traditional old world. Welcome to my story, my parents were clueless to my change until it become real; even I didn't think it was possible. I guess when your parents and teachers say anything is possible, wishes can be granted.

I'll take you back to the beginning of this part of my life. Originally I was a very popular worker at a local convenient store, I was an avid gamer, a bit of a closet pervert, but an overall average guy. I would work a nine to five call it quits and go home to play video games over Live with my friends. It was a pretty safe gig until one day someone over live said "FoxyBoy195, what're you some kind of Fur Fag, who goes about Yiffing all the time? Yiff in hell Fur Fag!" Of course my reaction was to remain silent and just listen to the two, banter back and forth. As I felt the need to be done for the day and to hang up the old controller and settle down to check the usual Facebook and be a nerd as I told my parents. I was suddenly curious about this "Fur Fag" name, it's nice to have something to use against those annoying 11 year olds and a new term for me could be fun! So plopping down onto my futon and looking up this new vocabulary became my new goal.

Starting out with a standard Wiki search which of course leads to Urban Dictionary, I found out that a "Fur Fag" was just another name for "Furry Faggot" which I assumed to play on the poor kid having a hair disorder. Finding out what a Furry was, was somewhat news to me. Having grown up watching Swat Kats and Bugs Bunny I was familiar with a basic "Anthro" idea. So turning off the good old "Google Safe Search" I typed in "Furry" and immediately found a picture (which I now know as Bernals Sasha) I was suddenly blushing a bit worried my parents might see me looking at what could only be erotic art. Taking a deep breath I started to realize that this could be a new and exciting prospect, I grew up loving Animorphs and these were practically a group of people who liked the idea of morphing or being a morph. Well to an extent, so I then typed in the word "Yiff" and searched. Finding out these new terms actually distracted me from my current plan of insults and started to somehow... arouse me! There I said it; I was aroused by the imagination of a human shaped animal, or Furry, and them having sex. So I started to look around and shortly found plenty of sites to sate my appetite. Spending a large number of hours finding new sites for more images, especially ones that involved "transformation" and changing! It was, well the most thrilling thing since it was so unusual, and taboo. Giving up hours of playing Xbox for hours searching the web for more things related to this supposedly hated, I eventually found my way to a chat. I created a name and joined in, when people asked I said I was a new human and that I was just curious about what people do as "Furry". The very first person to respond probably wasn't the best representation but he said it was all about the Yiffing, and a few others said it was a lifestyle change. Well the fact of the matter was I was hell bent on finding more. Picking a veteran chat user we eventually went to a private chat and he began to explain more and more to me. This is where I found myself captivated and hooked, because yes I enjoyed porn like most boys do but talking to this veteran furry somehow captivated me more than "slutty bimbo'" ever could. He explained terms, talked about how he relished the idea of finding a furry mate, having cyber relations (Yiffing) and then if possible meeting them in real life. Well the fact was he was Bi... Omni-sexual? So his profile read. The end result was that he had no interest in men, except those with a specific catch. He asked me "Have you ever worn women's clothes?" That question stopped me dead in my tracks, of course I wouldn't tell anyone that when I was younger I would wear my sisters bikini's, that I would sometimes dress up in her little black dresses and her boots because it was fun, exciting, and at the age of 11, pretty harmless. A warmth started welling up inside me and I suddenly realized that, when I was 13 - I had picked up the habit again, worn a dress and panties, and came in them for my first time ever releasing. It thrilled me and that feeling had returned my normally long lasting male bravado was broken by the question "do you cross-dress?" Feeling my anonymity was safe online, I simply typed "Yes." And began to blush profusely, of course he couldn't see that. He then "Lol'd" and began to continue his lesson on Furries. As I became more familiar and we began to chat more and more on a daily basis, he started to say. "I hope you know there are many sex craving furs and that if it interests you, I will Role-play some ideas to get you into the swing of things." I agreed out of curiosity and started to watch his examples. My first ever role-play was pretending that I was myself, an athletic young man, trying to seduce and satisfy a cheerleader. It felt kind of awkward as the cheerleader was played by him but I figured it was like writing a book! As the role-play ended late at night (or should I say early AM) I had managed to enjoy myself a few times over, imagining my actions with this woman. I kindly asked him if he could perhaps find a girl, one he knew, that would actually play the role for me, and he agreed and said to meet him again tomorrow.

Logging in the next day I was becoming a bit more known in the base chat as an average guy, most didn't pay attention because they were looking for furs not people. When he signed on, invited me to a private chat and introduced me to his guest. I was unbearably shy. Although my anonymity again was safe I had to get over myself in order to actually try and please this gal. She went by Vixine and played a Vixen (as common as ever). But to me she was a rarity and something worth locking the bedroom door and hiding away for. As I started to accept my lustier, bestial side, finding I was enjoying the intimate role-play with Vixine. I managed to get her on her hands and knees and go Doggy style as we went. When the cybering was well and through she managed to give my character a quick kiss and say "tomorrow you can suck my cock! ^.~" Which through me through a huge, erotic surprise. I proclaimed "You're a boy?" She responded "No I'm a herm silly, didn't you read that?" My mentor had tricked me into my first herm; I was surprised but so aroused I almost felt like I was going insane. A girl with all the toys!? When Vixine left and my Mentor had returned, I asked him about herms and was filled in. And as he began to prepare to leave I said "I want more, I want to know more!" He simply responded. "I can show you much more but you'll have to actually work now, there is a bit more than just cybering if you should choose this lifestyle." With that he signed off and left me to answer him later.

As I understood it, Furries picked species they could relate to, I didn't really understand this process for myself because I enjoyed a very intimate idea of being a Furry. So I figured it was time to tell my mentor, I was ready to become a Furry, an animal, and to do whatever it took to live that life! When I managed to meet up with him I confessed this and he said. "I want you to start with hypnosis, it sounds odd but it will set your mind straight" and he gave me some audio files to listen to. Simple files that would bring me down to state of near slumber and have me envision a furry self. As he got on late it was a prime time for me to try these. Setting one on and falling asleep to it, well it really altered my dreams. Most of them were a blur, and since I had work the next three days I knew I wouldn't be able to ask my mentor. I continue the process for the few days and began to find I could remember my dreams more and more. The odd part was, I wasn't exactly a furry, but I knew that I was changed. First off I was shorter; I was also a bit softer feeling. On the morning of my day off I had the most vivid memories and it shocked me that I had dreamt of being a woman. I started to feel my emotions blurring a bit and didn't quite know what to think. I signed on and found my mentor waiting and asked him "I'm dreaming of being a woman, what does this mean?" He then asked me "Does it excite you? Does it make you feel more alive?" and truthfully it did... so I confided in him and asked "What do I do next?" He then said. "Well if you say yes, I will proceed to supply you with more hypnosis. Do you want to continue?" Blushing in real life in front of my computer I typed again "Yes." He sent me a few more files with more undeterminable names, this excited me. But as per his instructions I listened to them each night as I slept. I found myself becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of being a furry, being a girl, and being into such perverse things. My mind was really opening up.

My parents started asking me if I was ever going to cut my hair as it had began to become long, I told them that I liked it longer now as it added to my night time imagination. One of my next tasks my mentor gave me was to go out to a store and buy some women's clothes. He said that this would break my inhibitions and allow me to become a more intimate fur, becoming my furry self, whom he said "might be a girl, and might be a boy, only time will tell." The truth was even I didn't know, it all felt generally good. So I went out and purchased some panties, a bra, a cute top, a skirt, some tights, and cute high heels. All items on his list, he told me that "Even though I was a boy it would allow me to get in touch with a possible herm, female, or gay side of me." I didn't partially favor any of these because at that time I was a very open minded person. One night I put on all the clothes and fund they felt nice but really not comfortable for me, so I messaged my mentor and said "This isn't quite right, I feel silly, I'd rather just bang a chick and feel bestial!" He responded that "I was able to find my own furs to play with. But I am sending you a package; I want you to try it on, along with listening to these new hypnosis files." I simply agreed as I enjoyed them so far, and then undressed and messaged Vixine for another romp before the night was through.

The newer hypnosis files started painting my dream self with potential animal themes. I was becoming more a fur than ever, in my dream state I was a well hung Wolf, a powerful Stallion, a noble Dragon. All sorts of different species were optional to me. Waking up never felt so bad, enjoying these imaginative dreams made me feel so wonderful. The day the package arrived; I went down to my room and opened it, finding a note that said "Contact me before wearing". I logged on and found him again waiting for me, saying "I got your package." With a pet and a happy smile my mentor said "Alright, now, this may change your life, I want you to know, and I will always love you." If he said this day one I would've closed the box and said "dude gay!" but for someone I've grown to know, or think I know, I quite enjoyed the statement. So I responded "Aww thanks but it's just a collar! I don't think many will care!" My mentor simply said "Alright then, tonight when you go to bed, put on the collar, drink the small vial, and simply listen to the cd in the box." I asked "What's in the vial?" He responded "It's like an energy drink, but it will let you sleep but make you invigorated, best rest of your life. I must go now, but I will be online tomorrow to talk to you, it'll be a busy day for me tomorrow."

Before bed I brushed my teeth, combed my now tiresomely long hair and then sat down on my bed opening the box. I set the vial out, the collar down, and put the cd in my player. I sighed and started to think about my dramatic change from founding out about this "Furry Fandom" I was slightly more acrogenous, I was bi-curious, I had become more of a shut in, still with a semi-social life but more infatuated with my furry friends. I enjoyed this change, but this is where it all becomes surreal. I picked up the soft Purple collar and fastened it around my neck; the feel was velvety soft and even a bit pleasurable. I then downed the vial of a sleek black liquid that tasted much, surprisingly like strawberries, and then nestled into bed. I almost immediately fell asleep with a warm feeling flowing through my body. The energy drink made me feel slightly awake but more like in a fog. The sound of the simple hypnosis starting to ring in my ears, my eyes softly opening, I felt a bit uncomfortable, I needed to get out of my clothes and into something more comfortable. I pitched my t-shirt, pitched my boxers and pulled on those silken panties I had bought and then started to realize, I had to go! Somewhere! So I put on the bra, the top, skirt, nylon pantyhose and cute heels. I walked into the bathroom in a daze putting on some make up my sister had left. Finding myself fully feminized I was ready to leave the house, as my mind urged me towards the basement door, safest way out of the house my mind knew, I was suddenly stopped. My conscious had realized I was in full drag, drugged by some stranger, wearing a collar, and now I was on fire, my veins were burning. Dropping to my knees, onto all fours, I wanted to scream out, the fire inside erupting. I flexed and bit my lip as I closed my eyes tight. My mind started to speed up as my body was filled with warmth. My eyes opened to look at my hands as they became slender, the nails growing longer. Was I on an acid trip? Was this some kind of game some online freak was playing with my mind? The nails turned black and sharp, my arms followed suit slandering. I could feel the same happening to my feet. Changes were happening more rapidly now; nails ripping through the nylon and turning black and sharp, ankles become even more slender, and calves shaping and also becoming narrower. The warmth running through my body fueled a mind fog that wouldn't let up. Starting to pant now I felt my waist slim and suddenly added weight behind me, my rump growing out forming and even toning. My shoulders narrowed and matched my now slender figure, an hourglass figure formed but I was still male no questions I had the parts and none of a woman. Then my eyes shot open as I saw my hands, take on a red color as scales began to form. My skin turning into sleek scales with the softness of silk, my palms remained flesh as did my chest, underside, underarms, and inner thighs. My whole body began to be covered in red scales. The added weight of my now round rump was soon added on by a sharp pain from my tailbone, as I arched my back and uttered a silent cry, a slender tail began to sprout from my backside and lengthen growing out and then laying on the ground behind me, powerful muscles then flexed and moved the new appendage. I felt a sudden pain as my teeth began to shift, fangs forming, and my nose jutting forwards into a short yet defined muzzle, sharp fangs forming on the top and bottom giving me a pronounced feminine muzzle. My ears soon began to stretch a bit becoming pointed and more acute. A sudden pain from the top of my head as growths began to immerge, forming pointed horns. Again I faced the floor looking down at a dream altered body, in a mind fog, feeling what it felt to be a furry, or so I thought, this dream was incredible. I started to stretch and could even feel every sexy curve of my androgynous feminine body. I started to feel the pain subside as the warmth never dissipated but the changes seemed to stop. I looked down at my plump thighs, round bubble butt, my cute tummy, long soft tail. Sleek sexy legs, I was enjoying my look. I sighed, but just as the air left me a sudden burst of heat welled up in my chest. My hands rushed to my chest feeling the soft flesh ballooning in my hand, breasts! Forming and shaping, gaining weight and becoming more enlarged every moment. The warmth heated to an all time new level as I squeezed the new tender buds forming into shapely spheres, and even growing into full blossomed breasts. Feeling them grow to abundant size, nipples and areola growing wider becoming more feminine and sexy. The heat traveled through my core and suddenly willed my tail into motion, coming around with the tip to wrap around my last male trace and begin to stroke. Coaxing my breasts to grow slowly and masturbating with my tail was such a lustful experience, at least for a dream I would owe my mentor one!

Continuing to pleasure myself until the point of climax, leaving a mess right on the carpet, I started to find the more my tail contracted around my member the more it began to shrink. As it shrank down it began to become more and more sensitive. My voice started to come back with soft whimpers and sultry little moans as my member shrank down to a small nub. The balls that were located below that member had began to recede inwards until the point of them being inside, the flesh forming a new shape. My tail slid softly against the nub and the new lips of a moistening wet pussy. My mind had become hardwired, over drugged, and empowered into the state of becoming a hot and horny woman. Not only was I a woman but I was also a Dragoness, a sleek and sexy, curvy and powerful creature. Small buds formed on my middle back which soon burst into small almost cute wings. After all the transformations had settled my mind started to regain a bit of control, and my lust started to settle for the moment. Feeling a sudden burst of pleasure that was practically blinding, my tail had induced my first ever female orgasm. Pushing me to pass out and land softly on the floor. Lucky enough for me this would be nothing more than a drunken dream from some crazy drug some freak on the internet sent me and suckered me into, but really I did ask for it, and I did love it...

Waking up the next morning in a state of hang over, I started to lift myself off the floor then proceeding to walk over to the bathroom door, pushing it aside and resting my hands on the counter. With an audible heavy sigh I reached up to rub my head and as my fingers hit my head I felt an unusual bump. Tracing the bump to the end where I found a point my hang over mind started to wake up and I opened my eyes. "Holy...shit!" a surprised sexy soprano announced in a very un-lady like fashion as I noticed - that wasn't a dream. "I'm a..." I immediately wanted to scream or panic, but I knew what I had to do. Running into my room I began signing on to my chat and immediately messaging that crazy mentor and saying "How did you? What did you?" He responded, "Well I see you're up, I'm actually on my way to your place right now, to be honest I was hoping to not surprise you too much!" I suddenly felt my heart drop, what if he did this to me, to make me a woman, to rape me!? My mind was easily accepting a female form because of the constant hypnosis which made me so much more accepting. Messaging him back "What're you coming here for!?" My heart stopped for the moment as I feared the worst. "Well I'm coming to be with you love!" For some reason this didn't send up those Rape flags anymore but made me feel more accepting but why? Some stranger messaging me telling me how to be a furry, and then making me into a real one? One that I could never imagine being real? His last message was "I'll be entering your house in 10 minutes..." And then the message DragonLord218 signed off. My heart began to skip a beat and I became extremely nervous... maybe he did plan to rape me, but as I felt the warmth rise up inside me and a new feeling blossom, warming my head to my toes and making me feel hungry, in a different way. "Y'know you can't rape the willing" I giggled in a bubbly, lust filled, and sexy dragoness manner.