Of course, without having eaten for such a long time, the two of them sat down and did enjoy a "small" meal before returning.
"longing" by aureus jackal matt stared down at the thick book sitting on the table before him. it was not a particularly interesting topic to him, a rather dry description of long past empires and the people that shaped them.
I long for the day when i no longer have to be so brave, knowing you're here to stay.
Poem: Two Halves
You once loved me You thought I was made just for you You said you wanted me always But you had other plans in mind You wanted not a brilliant mind But a warm body to be near yours, forever You promised me the world if I let you touch me...
The Digimon Wars Chapter 4 War
The one who tackled him was his sister, Phione='Katie'. Katie was a blonde girl but she had dyed her hair, she was wearing identical clothes with Michael. Red jeans white T-shirt and a black and white hoody. She was crying heavily as she hugged her...
The Digimon Wars Chapter 3 The Nightmare
Said the same woman from before, she was a long haired brunette waring a lab coat. plotmon got sso scared she couldnt move. ''i'm not going to hurt you, i only want to talk to you.''
American Dragon: Love in the family
Haley opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight and sensation of jake using his long and thin dragon tongue to gently part her dragon scaled muffin in a long lick. she shuddered and let out a moan.
Pokémon Diaries Chapter 2 Where Am I?
It had been a rather long time since the little movement earlier, we were all eating lunch at the campsite when a girl came to us. she was near our campsite when she yelled. "i want to challenge you to a pokémon battle!"
Where Love is Never Felt
Yelling, screaming, shouting down the hall never quit never silent vibrations echoing off bare walls amplifying the hurt deepening the cut. Voices never soft never caring always screaming always with malicious intent, gleaming glances, harsh stares...
Three Mile Island
Or perhaps a poem of longing. the powers that rend the fingertips from their slumbers, to pass over the partner in crime. that is what this is about.
Chapter 3: FAMILY TIES
It was a woman, who was roughly five foot eight, long wavy amber hair. "selena?" the frame turned around to face him and he sees the face he recognises as selena as she turned around. he stands there surprised by her sudden appearance.
**"Spaces."** There's so much space between my prince and I. Why did he have to leave? Unable to look him in the eye. Heart in hand, shouting from my sleeve. "You must go to him!" "I can't he's much too far." "You must be with him!" "I can't...