69 Steps to a New You

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Enjoy a slice of life from within a very special class for better health through better sex. :3

This story was written for Kemper as part of my Patreon request days for April 2018. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults.

69 Steps to a New You

"Welcome to lesson six. I'm sure many of you have been looking forward to this lesson in particular for the last month and a half, and it means a lot that so many of you have stuck with us this far. Today, I'm joined by my dear friend and lover Saliah, who's going to assist me in the demonstration portion of today's exercises. They use they and them pronouns, so please take that into consideration when addressing them, thank you."

There were around three dozen people present at the class, not a bad retention rate at all considering that the maximum size at the start of the class six week ago had been forty. Fiona looked around, and the snow leopard smiled as she saw that like herself and Kerry, many of the other pairs present were standing hand in hand, relatively at ease despite each and every person in the room being stark naked. A lot of them, especially those with the capacity to be more visibly stimulated, looked every bit as aroused as she herself felt in that moment. Cocks twitched. Nipples stiffened. The occasional thigh glistened with juices, and as the host of the class went over the basic ground rules once again like she did at the start of each and every class more than one pair of hands across the room found themselves drawn to either their own or their partner's intimate regions with fond strokes and teasing touches.

The last five weeks of this very special class had been spent as any fitness class would go, performing more standard physical exercises. Stretching and focus with some yoga and tai chi. Some more standard cardio-vascular exercise, though altered to be more suitable to be conducted for people doing so while nude. A whole bunch of stuff both to assess the fitness level of the class, which ranged from a few super fit and obviously healthy couples more here for the unique aspects of the course alone to a couple of pairs who claimed to sincerely need a motivation to keep them exercising after long periods without really making any effort, hoping that this class would offer them the answers they were looking for. That being said, the primary reason for the last five weeks hadn't just been to get them started on some basic fitness training, but also to ensure that everyone in the group was comfortable with the way these classes were conducted. Naked, and more than naked, with a zero tolerance policy on shaming or making anyone feel uncomfortable not only for their nudity, but for any amount of sexual excitement or even stimulation they experienced during the class.

Looking back to the front of the room, Fiona blushed happily as she watched Colette pacing back and forth upon her long, slender legs with her cock standing proud and erect in front of her. It had been at the mid point of the very first class, when they were all still nervous and embarrassed to be naked around one another, that a murmur had gone up around the room. A murmur focused on their trainer, the skunk standing at the front of the room as she watched everyone present try to touch their toes, and touched her own cock while she did so. The trans-woman had waited until she was fully erect before addressing her situation, by which point everyone had stopped and started to stare at her openly. Then, like nothing whatsoever was the matter, she had continued to instruct them.

During the second week, she had gotten stiff again, and indeed had conducted most of the class and all the exercises it involved while her cock was rock hard. And during the third lesson, as they all ran laps around the hallway amidst a lot of grunting, gasping and jiggling of bare furred or scaled bodies, they had all run past Colette as she openly masturbated, not ceasing until with a grunt of pleasure she spilled several strands of glistening seed across her trembling fingers.

By sessions four and five it was members of the class who began to take over Colette's job, proving to her and to everyone else present that they were ready to begin the more intimate lessons in the class's programme. During a session of guided couples' yoga at least one couple had found ways to make almost every position result in one of them holding the other's genitals and stroking, squeezing, stimulating them to release. Several others had taken it upon themselves to masturbate whether their partners was involved or not, giggling, blushing and moaning as they climaxed either with their lustful lover watching in awe or trembling in bashful longing, wishing they had the confidence to do so themselves. It was at the end of the previous class however when for the first time a couple had gone all the way together, Two foxes, a husband and wife in their mid fifties, losing all composure during the guided meditation that came at the end of each session and filling the room with howling cries as they pounced upon one another, lay down on their yoga mat and humped their way to rapture as the rest of the group meditated, listened and smiled all around them.

Now though, at last, they were on session six. And it was here that the programme, 69 Steps to a New You, took on its more actively unique selling point. Not just a fitness programme that required nudity to attend, not just a fitness programme where all orientations and gender identities were welcome in a sex positive atmosphere, or one where arousal and sex was actively encouraged so long as consent was at the forefront at all times. This was a fitness programme which promised better health through better sex, and today was the day during which the better sex part was meant to begin in earnest.

"Today, our goal is simple. By the time we leave, we will all understand our partners bodies better. I don't mean that in some hokey, spiritual kind of way. I mean that definitively, and measurably. And how are we going to do that, you ask?"

Colette turned towards Saliah, and they turned towards her in turn. They both grinned as Saliah addressed the class in answer to the other teacher's query.

"By talking to one another. By using what we've learned about not being embarrassed or uncomfortable around other people over the last month... and just talking about our bodies to the people we care about."

The hyena and skunk looked at one another, and in demonstration of what they meant, Colette reached out and took both of Saliah's hands gently in her own. The skunk lifted Saliah's hands to her chest, and gently placed them, palms open, upon her modest breasts.

"G-growing these was one of the most important things I've done for myself in all my life. It made me feel so much more like... like me. Like I knew I was meant to be. I love them, and... I love it when people who care about me touch them, and play with them. Gently, b-but... not too gently."

Saliah nodded, and they began to run their fingers back and forth over the peaks of Colette's stiffened nipples. The skunk closed her eyes and moaned softly, and her cock twitched in excitement at the obviously pleasant, much desired stimulation.

"You see..."

Saliah murmured as they continued to tease and tweak at Colette's breasts.

"When I first met Colette, I knew I was attracted to her. But I also worried about what it was okay for me to touch. What it was okay for me to be attracted to. She's the most beautiful woman I know, every last inch of her. But, I still worried. I was afraid of offending her. Hurting her. And, it was only when I had the courage to ask... to actually ask her what she enjoyed and what she was comfortable with, that I could stop being afraid. Knowledge is the enemy of fear. And in relationships... communication is the key to growing your knowledge of one another. So... go on, give it a try. Try to learn something new, and to start making the person you love as happy as I want to make Colette."

The hyena let one of their hands slip away from Colette's body, and bent over gently to bring their head, their muzzle to bear against that now exposed, untouched breast. Colette gasped, and clutched desperately at the back of Saliah's head. She moaned softly to the hyena in joy and gratitude, and cried out louder, more gleefully still when a moment later Saliah's now free paw reached down between her legs, and they began to stroke Colette's cock at the same time.

All around the room, couples began to turn to one another. To blush, to whisper, but soon to speak more loudly and openly as they heard others doing so.

To her left, Fiona heard a goat murmur to his stallion husband.

"Sometimes you'll rub our cocks together during foreplay. I... I'd like it if we could do that more. Not just as a quick tease on the way to something else, but... long enough to make us... t-to make me cum from doing it."

Behind Kerry, the husky could hear moans already beginning to ring out as a lioness guided her boyfriend's hand between her legs.

"Another finger. Y-yes... yes I'm sure it'll fit. Please, Derek. Trust me. Trust me like Saliah and Colette trust each other. Another. A-and... you can move faster too. Harder. I swear, baby, you can't break me. But... ohh god, I'd love to feel you try."

Before they could hear anyone else though, they looked to one another. They blushed, and giggled, but then both their smiles faded a little as sincerity replaced humour. They loved each other so much, and they already knew that they were great together in the bedroom. They were here as much for the fitness aspect of the course as they were to try and learn new things to further spice up their romantic life, but now they were actually put into the position of thinking and talking about it, both women knew that there were things they already knew they wanted from their lover, which they hadn't ever before thought to simply say out loud.

"So... y'know how you like to make me squirt?"

Fiona blushed as the husky murmured to her, nodding and shivering in excitement.

"Y'know how I a-always say I love it when you use your fingers to hit my g-spot?"

Fiona nodded again, even more eagerly than before as she leaned in towards her lover. She saw Kerry blushing crimson, and looking down at her feet as she grasped hold of one of her hands and began to draw it towards her crotch.

"You always get so close. C-close enough for me to squirt anyway, a-and it always feels amazing. But... could I please try to show you the actual spot? S-so from now on, you know where it is every time, w-without fail?"

Fiona's eyes bulged as she thought of how hard, how wet some of Kerry's orgasms were on a fairly regular basis. She trembled in delight, and whimpered pleadingly as she pushed the hand that Kerry was already drawing towards her crotch harder and more urgently against the husky's loins.

"Oh god, Kerry. Show me. I promise, I'll follow your instructions exactly. And... w-when I do hit the spot? When I really hit it? I don't want you to just tell me. I... I want you to tell the whole room. Is that okay?"

The husky giggled and kissed her lover deeply, adoringly upon the lips. They nuzzled and whimpered happily against each other, and she nodded eagerly.

"If you really, actually hit the spot, Fi? I swear, I'll won't just tell you. I won't just tell the whole room. If you hit my g-spot dead on l-like I've always wanted... my scream's gonna tell the whole world."

By Jeeves

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