The Substitute Tooth Fairy: A Bon Bon Tale
The Substitute Tooth Fairy
A Bon Bon Tale
by JohnnyPsycho
Based upon the webcomic Pleasure Bon Bon by Vanessa Santato
_This is a short, one-shot story set in Bon Bon, written as a small comical side-adventure for one of the main characters of the PBB webcomic. I wrote this quite quickly, over the span of a couple nights when I had the time and energy for it. It's sort of an experiment, I wrote it differently than I do most of my stories, and I consciously tried to avoid over-editing the story, as I have the tendency to constantly do re-writes (I'm my own worst critic, really). Warning: cuteness and sappiness ahead! Read at your own risk! If you're just looking for the sex (this is a Bon Bon fanfic, after all!), just scroll down toward the end of the story, though, of course, I'd prefer if you'd read the whole thing. Just sayin'...
*Cultural Note: The story of the Tooth Fairy is a fairly modern childhood myth found throughout the western world, serving as a rite of passage and celebration of growth for youngsters who lose their deciduous (or "baby") teeth.
Around 1894, a Spanish priest by the name of Luis Coloma created the character "Ratoncito Peréz", a small mouse who to this day serves as a Tooth Fairy analogue in many Spanish-speaking countries, and the tradition of a "Tooth Mouse" or "Fairy Mouse" exists in many other countries, including Italy, France, and the Lowlands of Scotland.
Although set in a fictional version of Europe in 1895, any anachronisms presented by introducing the modern tradition into the setting of Bon Bon are unintentional, and was researched as thoroughly as the author's Internet connection and patience allowed.
Any resemblance to actual tooth fairies, orthodontic sprites, bicuspid pixies, or molar-snatching goblins, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Bon Bon, the Delight Castle, and all of its related characters are © Vanessa Santato.
The Ruiz family, Mr. Grimnir, and the Laughing Raven Inn are creations of the author._
Bon Bon, 1895
It was mid-afternoon, and the large windows of the Delight Castle allowed the afternoon sun to bathe its casino floor in golden light. Activity was slow at the tables, with only a handful of dedicated gamblers playing at their tables of choice. Seated at the bar was Betty Goldblum, Princess of the Delight Castle, overlooking the meager crowd with her chin in her hand and a bored expression on her face.
"I can't believe how slow it's been today," Betty sighed.
Leaning against the bar beside her, Ophelia Champagne, one half of the Champagne twins, was taking a break from her duties on the casino floor. She gave Betty a solemn nod of agreement, adding, "I certainly can't stand it when there's no customers in here. It's almost like the men have forgotten all about us!"
"Even our most loyal customers can't be expected to stay here all day," came the reply from her sister, Dalila, who stood at her station behind the bar, cleaning glasses.
With a pout, Betty whined, "And here I went through all the trouble of wearing my new dress, with no one to appreciate it!" She gestured at the silk and velvet gown, tailored to give the most tantalizing glimpses of her feminine charms.
"You certainly did spend a pretty florin on it," Ophelia responded, slightly envious of the gown.
Sakura Harukaze sat at a table across from the bar, dressed in formal geisha attire and serenely sipping at a cup of green tea. With a cool certainty to her words, the soft-spoken cat said, "You should not worry, for more customers are sure to return by nightfall."
Groaning, Betty folded her arms on the bar and dropped her head, saying, "Oh~! That will be hours from now! What am I going to do with my time until then?"
"If you're so bored, Betty, why don't you see if Ronald needs a hand in the office? Perhaps you can get a jump-start on this month's accounts?" Ophelia suggested.
"Doing office work is not my idea of a splendid way to pass an afternoon, Ophelia," Betty replied, giving her friend a cross look.
"I keep telling you, Betty," Dalila replied, sternly, "you don't need to be hanging around Delight Castle all day. Go outside for once, find a little change of scenery!"
"But how could I possibly...?" Betty began to protest, only to be interrupted by Dalila again.
"I know you've got duties to perform as Princess of the Castle, but this place isn't exactly going to fall apart if you take an afternoon off once in a while," she replied, pointing a champagne bottle at the half-empty casino.
At the roulette table, the attendant yawned as she spun the wheel. The croupier at the blackjack table was starting to nod-off, as a rather indecisive gopher fellow stared at his cards intently and kept muttering to himself "Hit or stay? Hit... or stay...?" Nearby, a lone basset hound sat at a slot machine, endlessly dropping florins into it and ratcheting the lever with a dull, listless expression on his face.
Betty sighed, but couldn't argue with Dalila's logic, saying, "I suppose you're right. A little fresh air wouldn't hurt." Her spirits lifting, she smiled and added, "Plus, I can take the time to check up with some of the local business owners, and perhaps see how well they're doing. Maybe even come up with some ideas on how to bring in more customers!"
"That's the spirit!" Dalila responded, cracking a smile.
"Don't worry, we can handle things here until you get back!" Ophelia chimed-in cheerfully after Betty, who, with renewed energy and direction, began to walk off.
A second later, Sakura arose from her seat, causing Dalila to turn her head and ask, "Are you going with her, Sakura?"
"I would be remiss in my duties as the Princess's bodyguard if I let her out of my sight," the kunoichi-in-disguise replied, giving both Champagne sisters a polite bow before turning to follow Betty's trail.
Minutes later...
Betty was walking down a pleasant boulevard of Bon Bon, clad in a regal-looking cloak of soft purple velvet over her dress, looking every bit like real royalty. She waved happily to a shop owner as she walked past his bookstore, and the dapper looking platypus gave her a wide smile across his bill and a wave of his hand in return. Some of the street girls gave the pretty mouse surprised looks, not expecting to see the Princess of Delight Castle strolling down their street. More than one fellow she passed were equally impressed by her appearance, including a wide-eyed beagle in a tweed suit, who leered at Betty's ample cleavage as she walked by. The cocker-spaniel in the crinoline skirt and wide-brimmed summer-hat at his arm didn't miss her escort's lecherous stares, and shot Betty a contemptuous, jealous little glare in response.
"It's been far too long since I've wandered these streets," Betty thought to herself, taking in a deep breath of the fresh, spring air and sighing happily.
She meandered aimlessly, eventually finding herself in the middle of a small park, where couples strolled together under flowering trees. She caught sight of a small group of children playing a game of tag across one of the finely manicured lawns, and immediately was hit with a faint memory of herself as a child. She saw herself chasing butterflies with Dalila and Ophelia, and making little garlands of flowers to wear in her hair.
She had a fleeting memory of presenting one such garland of daisies to Edelweiss, her protector and mentor, and a sudden lump formed in her throat. Unexpectedly she found herself thinking of old sorrows and a wave of melancholy and loneliness overcame her.
She found a seat on a nearby bench, and stared out on the playing children, and mused aloud to herself, "I wonder, why such pleasant memories always feel so sad to me."
She continued watching the silly games of these children when she suddenly heard a voice exclaim, "¡Dios mio! You're absolutely perfect!"
Brought back from her private thoughts, she looked up to see a very handsome rabbit with brown fur and a head of loose, dark, curly hair. He was dressed in an impeccably tidy and well-tailored suit, and Betty's practiced eye at sizing up men told her that he was of at least moderate wealth.
No stranger to being adored by random men, Betty smiled coyly and replied, "May I help you, sir?"
"I'm sorry to bother you, miss," the man said, his hat in his hand, "but you would be simply perfect for my son!"
"Oh, you have a son?" she asked, arching an eyebrow playfully. "You don't seem old enough to have a grown son."
"Huh?" the rabbit responded, slightly confused, then chuckled, saying, "Oh, you misunderstand! My son is only seven!"
"W-what? Seven?..." Betty was completely taken aback, then found herself flushing with anger.
"Do I look like a nanny to you?!" she exclaimed, rising to her feet quickly and thrusting out her impressive bosom, practically knocking the gentleman off of his feet in surprise.
"No, wait! I'm sorry! You don't understand!" the gentleman pleaded, grabbing the enraged woman's arm in haste. He soon paid for his unfortunate forwardness, for no sooner had his hand touched Betty than it was suddenly yanked back and pinned painfully behind his back by the iron grip of a dainty Japanese cat.
"Sakura?" Betty gasped in surprise. "Where did you come from?"
"I was watching you from behind that tree over there," came the cat's reply, pointing to a tree several yards away with one hand while never letting up on her grip of the rabbit's arm.
"P-p-please, miss, you're breaking my arm!" the gentleman pleaded, gripping at his painfully twisted shoulder with his free hand.
"You've obviously offended my employer, Usagi-san," Sakura said, not loosing her grip on the man in the slightest, then gave Betty a smirk as she said, "It's up to the lady if I let you go."
"You can't be serious!" he protested, but the female ninja gave his arm a small twist and he gasped as his discomfort increased.
Betty, remembering her hurt pride from earlier, frowned sternly at the rabbit as she said, "Frankly, I'm inclined to let my bodyguard keep your arm as a souvenir."
"I beg of you, madame, I didn't mean to insult you in any way!" the rabbit pleaded through the tears streaming from his eyes. "Just give me a chance to explain!..."
Several minutes (and one explanation) later...
Inside a cozy little tea-shop, the trio were all sitting together at a table, with Betty seated across from the gentleman, and Sakura sitting protectively between them. A pot of jasmine tea sat on the table, but only Sakura seemed to be taking the time to enjoy hers, quietly sipping it as the other two talked. The gentleman was able to introduce himself as Hector Ruiz, a merchant from Spain and newcomer to Bon Bon, and began to explain his unusual situation to the pair.
"Tooth Fairy?" Betty asked with incredulity.
"Yes," replied Hector rubbing his sore shoulder before continuing, "Let me explain...
"You see, when my son Ignacio was five and had lost his first baby tooth, my wife told him a story of a fairy mouse who visits the homes of young children who lose their teeth. If a child leaves his tooth under his pillow as he sleeps, the fairy mouse comes and takes it away, rewarding the child with a gift of money."
"What a strange custom," said Sakura, her curiosity piqued.
"I have to admit, I'm not familiar with this custom myself," Betty replied, with a puzzled look on her face.
Hector chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, and explained, "I'm not sure where my wife got the idea from, perhaps her own father had told her the tale when she was a child. Anyway, that night, Ignacio had put his tooth under his pillow, just as she had told him, and in the middle of the night she sneaked in to his room and exchanged the tooth for a small coin. The look of excitement and surprise on his face the next morning was simply... wonderful!"
"I hope you don't mind me asking, Mr. Ruiz," Betty interrupted, "but where is your wife now?"
"She passed away a year ago," Hector explained, his ears drooping and his eyes lowering to the table as he spoke. "She was born with a weak heart, and would have days where she didn't have the strength enough to get out of bed, especially the first year after Ignacio was born. Then, one day, she simply never woke up."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Betty replied, placing a sympathetic hand atop Hector's.
Nodding, and swallowing back a lump in his throat, Hector continued, "Unfortunately, my father-in-law blamed me for his daughter's death. He was a wealthy, aristocratic landowner who had doted on her because of how fragile she was. He had never fully approved of his only daughter marrying a common man who worked for a living, but reluctantly agreed to our marriage only because my wife was more stubborn than he was, and he only wanted to make her happy.
"After her death, his hatred of me grew a thousand-fold, and he became determined to take our son away from me. He tried bribing some local authorities into claiming me an unfit father, and I was forced to flee the country with Ignacio as a result."
"How awful for you!" Betty exclaimed, offering Hector a handkerchief as he fought back tears.
With an appreciative smile, Hector dabbed his eyes and continued his story, "Ignacio and I have been traveling from town to town almost non-stop. It was only when I heard rumors of this town called Bon Bon that I thought I had found a good place for us to hide and catch our breaths. At least, until I can contact some of my business associates and try to work out something more permanent."
"How has the child been taking all of these events?" Sakura asked, her voice betraying a hint of concern.
"He took his mother's loss hard, and traveling certainly hasn't been easy on him," Hector replied, sullenly. "I feel guilty, you see, as though I'm stealing his childhood away from him. He spends all day inside our hotel room. He's too afraid to make new friends with other children, only for us to have to move away again, and he's equally afraid of being snatched away by someone working for his grandfather."
"I still don't understand what all of this has to do with Princess Betty," Sakura replied, finding the story more and more interesting by the moment.
"The last time that he had lost a tooth was just before his mother had passed away, and I had completely forgotten about this little game of hers until today. You see, Ignacio had lost another tooth yesterday, but hadn't told me about it, instead hiding it under his pillow without my knowledge. This morning, when he woke up and found the tooth still sitting there, well..."
"Oh dear, he must have been so disappointed," Betty finished his sentence for him, and could picture a little bunny, sitting in his bed, crying because the fairy mouse hadn't come to visit him.
Hector sighed, and put his head in one hand, his other hand tensed into a fist as he spoke, "I tried so hard to be both mother and father to the boy, but it gets harder every day. That silly little tale of a tooth-stealing fairy had been one of the last happy memories he had of his mother, and my own carelessness stole away a piece of that innocence and wonder. I didn't know how I could ever bring it back to him."
He looked back up at Betty, and took both her hands in his, eyes glinting in passion as he spoke, "So when I saw you, sitting in the park, looking like an angel watching the children play, I was suddenly hit with an amazing idea! I apologize for having been too forward, I had no way of knowing I was speaking with the proprietress of Bon Bon's famous Delight Castle! I was simply too excited to finally find someone who could help me with my unusual problem."
Betty quirked and eyebrow, surprised by the rabbit's sudden change in mood and asked, "What, exactly, do you feel I can do to help you?"
With an excited twinkle in his eye and a broad smile, he answered, "I need for you to fill in as the Fairy Mouse!"
Taken aback, Betty stammered, "W-why do you want me for that? Can't you simply exchange the tooth yourself tonight?"
Hector shook his head quickly, and gave her a pleading expression as he explained, "No, you don't understand. If I do that, he's sure to realize that the Fairy isn't real, and that his mother and I were the ones exchanging his teeth for coins this whole time!"
His eyes suddenly filled with tears and, in a completely pathetic display that caught the attention of other teashop patrons, began to plead with Betty, saying, "You must do this, please! If he sees for himself that the Fairy Mouse is real, then maybe he'll come back to his old self, instead of locking himself up in our hotel room all day. I'll do anything to see that happy little smile on his face one last time!"
Feeling embarrassed and a bit cornered, Betty began to mutter, "Well, I don't know..."
"Of course, I plan on paying you," Hector added, sniffling a little, "I understand that you're an important person, and that your time is quite valuable. Just p-p-please tell me you'll do this thing for me!"
With a defeated sigh, Betty patted the rather pathetic but kind-hearted Mr. Ruiz on his head and said, "Oh, alright. I guess I can find a fairy costume somewhere..."
Hector sat straight up, so overjoyed by her answer that he almost looked like he was going to cry again. "You truly are an angel, Miss Goldblum!" he said.
A few minutes later, the trio left the teashop, and Mr. Ruiz walked with a noticeably cheerful gait toward his hotel. As they watched the rather strange man walk away, Sakura told her companion, "I cannot believe you actually agreed to his weird little scheme, himesama."
"Mr. Ruiz is simply lucky that today was so miserably slow," Betty replied with chagrin, adding, "and that his story was so pathetically sad."
The cat gave the mouse a sly grin and said, "And here I thought you were simply being a charitable soul."
"It's not charity when they pay you," Betty replied, and added, "It's just another business transaction, like any other, just with terms that are a bit stranger than usual." The mouse gave a casual shrug of her shoulders and a sigh, finding the whole thing to be quite silly.
"If that's what you have to tell yourself, himesama," Sakura replied flatly, earning her a sour look from her companion.
Later that night...
Back in the Laughing Raven Inn, Hector Ruiz tucked his son into his bed. Ignacio, a small white and brown-spotted bunny, lay back in his bed with a sullen look on his face. Encouragingly, Hector smiled at his son and said, "Goodnight, Nacho. Perhaps tomorrow you'll feel better... enough to go to the park, maybe?"
Ignacio did not answer, and didn't even look his father in the eyes.
Trying to cheer his boy up again, Hector smiled and said, "I'm sure that this time, Ratón de los dentes will come to visit you tonight. I'm sure there was simply a mix-up, and she showed up at Munich instead of here!" He chuckled lightly, and patted his son on his head.
Ignacio said nothing, and Hector's ears reflexively drooped a bit in response. His son's silent, sullen demeanor broke Hector's heart, but Hector had promised himself that he would show nothing but a cheerful face to his son ever since they fled Spain.
"I'll be next door at the restaurant, so if you need anything just ask Mr. Grimnir downstairs," Hector said.
"Yes, father," Ignacio sighed softly, curling himself up in his blanket, but not seeming at all cheered by his father's words.
He kissed his son on the head, turned down the kerosene lamp on the bedside table, then carefully shut the door as he left the bedroom. He stood against the door and sighed heavily, silently praying that his scheme would work.
An hour later...
A carriage arrived at the front of the Laughing Raven Inn, and a cloaked and hooded figure daintily stepped out with silver-slippered feet. She walked inside and straight to the counter, where a rather gruff looking goat with an eye-patch sat, giving the newcomer a curt nod as she approached. The innkeeper had been informed ahead of time that she was a guest of Mr. Ruiz's, and Hector had made sure to leave a key to the room at the desk for her. As Mr. Grimnir handed off the key to the mysterious girl, she gave him a sparkling smile that brought a blush to his usually stern face, and his one good eye followed her up the stairs, barely concealing his interest in the way her hips swayed with each step.
The Laughing Raven was an inexpensive but clean hotel near the town's bazaar, and had mostly served traveling entertainers and merchants. As she ascended the stairs, Betty's sharp ears could hear a woman practicing her singing behind a nearby closed door, and a group of loud voices laughing and telling bawdy jokes further down the hall. There was a communal bathroom for each floor, and as she made her way to the designated door, she caught sight of a long-haired coyote exiting from the bath, nude but for a towel wrapped around his waist. A toothbrush hanging from his mouth, he casually walked to his own room, making no sign of noticing the cloaked mouse as they passed.
Once she found the right door, she carefully slid the key into the lock and turned it slowly, hoping not to awaken the child behind it. Mr. Ruiz's room proved to be one of the larger and nicer rooms of the house, having a large sitting room with a fireplace and a plush sofa, as well as a large window with a view of the bazaar below. The only light in the room came from a lone, lit kerosene lamp atop the mantle.
After carefully sliding the door shut, Betty slid the hood off of her head, revealing a crown of silver laurel leaves, adorned with two thin wires like antennae sprouting from the front and topped with little golden stars. She untied the cloak from around her neck, and let it drop to the ground, revealing a short, silvery dress, with a ruffled skirt of a shining, silvery crinoline and a white petticoat underneath. As was the style of many of the dresses in Bon Bon, the bodice barely covered Betty's ample bosom, and was only held up by a single, thin strap on her left shoulder, which was also adorned with the same silver laurel leaves. Her long legs sported thigh-high white stockings, with a yellow diamond pattern on them, while her arms were sleeved by a pair of long, fingerless silver gloves that reached halfway past her elbow. Completing the ensemble was a pair of thin, translucent fairy wings, made of little more than wire and gauze. She recalled how ridiculous she felt trying it on after finding it among the costumes of the Castle's theater, and felt a little sorry for whatever poor ballerina had been forced to dance in this gaudy getup before her.
"Alright, it's showtime," she whispered to herself as she crept up to the closed door of the boy's bedroom. Slowly, she opened the somewhat creaky door and peered in.
"Damn, it's too dark in here," she muttered under her breath as she squinted in the dim moonlight that came in from the bedroom window. She crept up to the bed slowly, and accidentally kicked one of its legs. She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes filling with tears as she fought back a scream from her stubbed toe, and looked down at the bed in shock.
The little form of the bunny shrugged slightly in his covers, and then settled back down. A few seconds later, she could hear tiny little snores. "That was too close," she thought, letting go of her own held breath.
Mustering her resolve, she reached over to the boy's pillow and carefully lifted it up, then reached an arm underneath. She licked her lips as she blindly groped for a tiny tooth under the pillow, and upon making contact with with something, her face lit up.
She pulled the object out from under the pillow, only to realize to her dismay that it wasn't a tooth. In the dark, she couldn't make out what it was, only that it was small, smooth, and oval shaped.
"Well, that's not it," she grumbled, then lifted the pillow and reached beneath it a second time.
When her fingers touched something smaller, she let out a tiny "Aha!" and pulled it out. Clutched between thumb and forefinger was a tiny, pebble-sized molar, and she sighed. "What a lot of trouble for such a tiny thing," she grumbled to herself.
She reached into a small coin purse attached to a sash around her waist, and pulled out a shiny florin. When she turned to place the coin under the pillow, she stopped and blinked.
"Hey, where did the pillow go?" she thought to herself as she stared at the blank spot on the bed. Suddenly, she became aware of a shadow rising up in front of her on the bed, and looked up with a surprised, "Huh?"
"Put that back, thief!" a high-pitched voice yelled shrilly, then hit Betty in the face with a pillow.
Reeling back in shock, Betty's feet slipped out from underneath her, and she fell on the hardwood floor with a thud. Rubbing her bruised hip, Betty looked up at the shadowy figure on the bed and yelped, "W-w-what's the meaning of this?!"
Tiny fingers twisted the knob of the kerosene lamp on the bedside table, and the room was filled with bright lamp-light. Standing proudly on the bed, a pint-sized bunny with over-sized feet that stuck out from under his sleeping-gown looked down on the mouse intruder with a stern frown on his face.
"Give me back my locket, bandit, before my papi thrashes you good!" the little bunny huffed, holding up his pillow threateningly.
"I'm sorry, little boy, but I think you've gotten the wrong idea about me," Betty replied, trying her best to seem charming despite her rising temper. She was just about to get on her feet, her back giving her a slight twinge of pain, when a pillow suddenly flew across the room and hit her square in the face.
Losing her temper, she shredded the pillow, sending feathers flying everywhere, and yelled, "What's wrong with you, kid?! Do you want your coin or not?!"
The little bunny pointed at her accusingly and demanded, "Tell me who you are, rogue!"
Clearing a few stray feathers from her hair, Betty sighed and replied, "Who do you think I am? I'm the Fairy Mouse, here to take your tooth..."
"Oh yeah?" the little rascal replied insolently, saying, "If that's true, why didn't you come for my tooth last night?"
Betty sat down on the mattress with a tired groan and shrugged as she answered, "I lost track of you after you left Spain. You moved too fast for me to update my records, and I ended up in Munich instead."
"What, are you serious?" Ignacio asked with an incredulous look on his face.
Checking her stockings for runs, she answered with a nonchalant, "Yeah, sure, whatever... Look, if you don't go back to sleep, I can't leave you the florin. There's rules to this game, remember?"
The bunny folded his arms across his chest and, with a stern, serious face, said, "There's no such thing as the Tooth Fairy."
"Huh?" Betty replied, turning her head to look at him with an annoyed expression.
"I said, there's no such thing as the Tooth Fairy!" Ignacio yelled, balling up his hands at his sides.
Straightening her crown, Betty looked at the boy with a forced smile, chuckling nervously as she said, "What makes you think that?"
"I'm not a baby anymore, I know how this works," he responded, sitting on the bed.
With a sly smile, Betty pointed to her wings and challenged, "Oh yeah, then how do you explain these?"
"Those are the worst-looking fake wings I've ever seen, and you look ridiculous wearing them," Ignacio retorted flatly, shocking Betty momentarily.
When she regained her composure, he asked her, "Did my grandfather send you here to take me away?"
With a defeated sigh, she answered, "No, your father sent me." She flopped back on the bed, her arms stretched over her head, as she continued to explain, "I was supposed to come in here, take your tooth, and leave this florin for you so that you'd believe in the Tooth Fairy again, like a good little boy should."
The bunny's face suddenly got worried, and he asked, "How much did he pay you to do this?"
"A small fortune," she answered casually, checking her nails to make sure she hadn't broken any of them.
His face fell, and then he asked, "Well, since it didn't work, you're going to give him his money back, right?"
"Nope. I never give refunds," she responded, folding her own arms across her chest and turning her nose away, as if the question was somehow offensive to her senses.
"What?! That's not fair!" Ignacio whined, leaning over as if to plead with the mouse woman's sense of fair-play.
Rising from her prone position, Betty leaned on one elbow and pointed at the child, saying, "I performed the job to the best of my abilities, and I'll get paid for doing the work! It's not my fault if the 'client' is uncooperative! That's the Tooth Fairy code!"
The bunny began to frown, with tears forming in his eyes and said, "I don't understand... why did he do something so stupid?"
"No clue," she responded, twirling her tail with her finger with a casual disregard for the ill-tempered youth, adding, "I can't fathom why such a nice, good-natured guy as your father would put up with such a foul little cretin like you. He's obviously delusional or something..."
She suddenly became aware of the soft sound of sobbing next to her, and saw Ignacio trying to wipe away tears with his sleeve. "Hey, look, I didn't mean any of that, okay?" she apologized, suddenly feeling bad for being so mean to him. "It's obvious your father loves you very much, or else he wouldn't have bothered with all of this."
Sniffing, the bunny looked back to the fairy-clad mouse, and said, "So you really weren't trying to steal my mother's locket then?"
"Locket?" Betty asked.
Reaching beside him, where his pillow had been sitting, he pulled up a small, shiny gold locket from the mattress, showing it to Betty.
"Oh! So that's what that was!" Betty replied, recognizing the oval shape of the object as he placed it in her hand. The top of the locket was adorned with a tiny shell-carved cameo of a rabbit woman in profile. It was a truly exquisite carving, and Betty understood its significance.
"Is this your mother?" she asked.
"Yeah," he replied sadly.
"She's very pretty," Betty responded, handing the precious item back to the boy.
He nodded and opened the locket, showing a small lock of platinum-colored hair inside, and he stroked it with a small finger.
"You miss her a lot, don't you?" Betty asked. He didn't answer, so she instead asked, "When did you stop believing in the Tooth Fairy?"
"I woke up one time, while my mother was in the middle of pulling my tooth from under my pillow, like I did with you tonight, only I pretended to still be asleep. Somehow, I felt like she'd be sad if she found out that I knew, so I just acted just like I did every other time. She looked so happy when I told her that the Fairy Mouse hand visited me in the night, and I didn't want to take that away from her."
Betty smiled, thinking, "Aw, I guess he's not such a bad kid after all."
"A month later, she died," he said, and Betty couldn't help but relate to his pain.
After a brief silence, she began telling him her story, saying, "I was probably your age when my mother died. I remember thinking the whole world had ended, and that things couldn't possibly get any worse. I was wrong."
Ignacio looked up at her curiously, and she continued talking, staring at her and the boy's shadows against the bedroom wall. "I was picked up by an evil uncle and cousin," she said, raising her arms as if imitating a monstrous ogre, "and the two of them treated me terribly."
"I used to pray every night that I'd wake up, safe in my old bed, my mother alive again, and all the horrible memories of my uncle's abuse would be forgotten like a nightmare." Her shadow-self imitated kneeling in prayer, and Ignacio snickered.
"Then, one day, a fairy queen from a kingdom of delights took pity on me, and took me away from my evil relatives, and she taught me everything she knew and turned me into a princess." As she said this, she folded her ears in imitation of pointed cat ears, and her shadow's gauzy wings fluttered.
"I lived in the queen's castle for many years, until a one day another evil man, one with an ugly mustache and a pot belly, forced the queen into exile, and I was left to live in the castle alone." Grabbing a pillow, she placed it over her stomach in imitation of a belly, and placed a finger over her lip like a mustache. Ignacio began giggling.
"And now, I'm a fairy princess, living in a huge, empty castle, filled only with lonely and sad memories." As she said this, she slumped, her ears drooping, and Ignacio realized that her sadness wasn't an act.
"But, don't you have good memories too?" Ignacio asked, worried, and clutching the locket to his chest.
Betty looked at the boy in surprise, then smiled warmly and said, "Yeah, there are some good memories... some really good memories, in fact. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to remember that they're there, especially when everything in the world seems so bad."
She leaned in and looked in the boy's eyes as she said, "You have to cherish these good times while you have them." She grabbed his little hand and squeezed it, and when she let go, he found a shiny florin coin in his palm.
The boy looked down thoughtfully at both of his hands, the coin in one and his locket in the other, then softly said, "Thank you, Tooth Fairy."
"You're welcome, Ignacio." Betty replied, and patted his head.
Betty's cloaked figure re-emerged from the hotel, and entered the carriage. Seated inside was Hector, waiting with an apprehensive expression on his face as she took her seat across from him.
"So?" he asked, nervously, "How did it go?"
Betty flashed him a satisfied smile and said, "Everything went as planned, for the most part," She reached over and handed him back his hotel-room key, adding, "Your little boy is really quite sweet, and surprisingly smart."
"Oh? What did he say to you?" Hector asked, worried, as he tucked the key back into his vest pocket.
"That's a secret between a boy and his Tooth Fairy," she said with a wink.
The rabbit chuckled, and replied, "Well, you have my sincere gratitude, Miss Goldblum. You've more than earned your wage tonight, as steep as it was..."
He reached for the carriage door, but his hand was intercepted by Betty's, who said, "Wait." Her face was suddenly very serious, and she knocked on the wall behind her head, signaling the driver of the carriage to start moving.
"I-I don't understand," Hector replied nervously, watching as they pulled away from the Laughing Raven. "I thought our business was done. I've already paid you your fee..."
"True, you did pay me my fee," Betty replied, casually lifting the heavy bag of coins in her hand, tossing it into the air and catching it once, before adding, "but there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding about what you paid for."
"What do you mean, Miss Goldblum? Didn't I pay for your time?" he said, becoming more desperate as the carriage picked up speed.
"Yes, indeed," Betty replied, pulling the cloak from her shoulders and giving him an eyeful of her fairy costume, then added, "and it is always the duty of the Delight Castle staff to ensure that her client is fully satisfied by the end."
"But...?" Hector started, knowing she was going to say something that he wasn't going to like.
"But... I haven't fulfilled my part of the bargain," Betty replied, leaning in close to the nervous rabbit, her cleavage displayed wonderfully. She walked a pair of fingers seductively up his thigh, and he suddenly tensed.
"Please, this doesn't seem right..." Hector urged, feeling guilty at how arousing this young mouse was making him feel, yet strongly craving for a woman's touch after having not felt it for so long.
"What I did for your son was simply charity. No charge," Betty replied, tossing the bag of coins onto the seat behind her as she knelt on the carriage's floor. She reached two hands toward the bulge in his pants, licking her lips, and said, "You paid for my time, and I intend on making sure that you don't leave this carriage until you are fully satisfied."
"I couldn't possibly..." the rabbit objected, only for the experienced temptress to squeeze him through his pants firmly, causing his voice to squeak in surprise.
"Yes, you can, because you deserve to feel good, even if just for one night," she answered as she leaned close to him and pressed her lips to his. His vain attempts at protest were fully thwarted by the soft feel of her kiss, and he shut his eyes as he surrendered to the ecstasy.
Betty's skilled fingers unfastened the fly of his trousers, and she fished-out his swollen cock and began pumping it. Hector pulled away from the kiss, gasping in response to her touch. She slid her lips down to his neck and kissed and licked at the fur there as her fist, still clad in a silver, fingerless glove, continued to slide up and down his shaft.
Nervously, his fingers reached for her breasts and squeezed them softly through the silvery fabric of her dress. "Oh yes, please touch me," she moaned encouragingly, and he responded by pulling her full, heavy breasts from their silken confines. He began massaging them, delighting in their firm softness, and she started to pant in his ear.
The carriage slowed down and turned into the lamp-lit park, the horse drawn contrivance taking a leisurely pace down its paved path. Any onlookers in the park (those that weren't already busily coupling in the bushes and behind the trees of the park, that is) would likely mistake the little coach for a simple, romantic ride through the park. Inside, however, Betty had moved Hector's penis in between her breasts, bringing him levels of ecstasy he hadn't experienced for so long. The velvety-soft fur of her breasts encircled his inflamed, bare skin in a cushion of flesh that brought gasps of delight from him.
"Madre de Dios, this is too good to be true," he muttered, his eyes shut tight as he focused on the sinful things this mouse was doing to him.
"You haven't felt anything yet, Señor Ruiz," she replied, then proceeded to tease the head of his cock with her tongue.
His fingers dug into the carriage's soft seat cushion and his eyes fluttered open, staring down at Betty disbelievingly as she began to slowly trace a wet, circular trail around his swollen head. The tiny opening at its end began to weep with precum, and she licked up the salty little treat with a delighted grin.
Unable to bear it any longer, he placed his hand on her head and lifted his hips, urging her mouth over his cock. Instead, she lowered herself until she came to face level with his balls. She tugged his pants down his legs, and began to lick and suck upon the furry sack of skin, feeling his swollen orbs enter her mouth. Her nose was filled with his musky scent, edged with traces of talcum powder and cologne.
In this new position, Betty was now on all fours, resting her elbows on the floor, with her ass sticking up into the air. Hector watched, mesmerized, as her thin tail swayed back and forth lazily while she bathed his balls with her tongue. He reached a hand over her back and gripped the fluffy skirt of her dress, pulling it back to get a better view of her buttocks as she swayed them, back and forth, with the rocking of the carriage. She wore a pair of thin, low-cut, white panties that hid most of her round ass from his view. Annoyed, he grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled up, wedging the fabric into the crack of her ass and pulling it taught against her pussy.
She gasped in surprise at the feeling of warm cotton pulling against her soft, sensitive skin. She reached a hand down between her legs, and could feel her wet pussy starting to soak through the fabric of her panties.
"Turn around," the rabbit said in a low voice.
With a smile, the Princess turned around, staying on all fours but this time pointing her ass at Hector. Resting her head against the floor, she used both hands and grabbed her cheeks, spreading them to give him a better view of the panties that were wedged tightly against her slit and ass. He reached a finger down to her womanhood, pressing his finger into the soaked fabric of her panties and shoving them further into her slit. She moaned, and her tail began to twitch in fast, whip-like movements, as the digit caressed her through her underwear.
He brought his hand back up to his face, his other hand busy stroking his member as he inhaled her strong aroma. He licked his furry fingers clean, then wasted no time in tearing the panties off of her body.
The pair quickly rearranged themselves, with Betty resting her elbows against the opposite carriage seat, and Hector sliding to his knees behind her. He slid the head of his cock along Betty's glistening slit with one hand, while his other hand grabbed the seat behind him to steady himself as the carriage continued its slow, rocking journey.
"Oh, please don't tease me anymore," Betty begged, her thin mouse tail wrapping itself around Hector's neck. She pressed her hips back against his cock, and felt her entrance begin to give way to its smooth head.
"I want to savor this moment," Hector replied, using his thumb to spread her pussy lips open, watching with rapt attention at the lewd way in which it stretched open for his cock. He slowly began to thrust his hips forward, nudging his member harder against the mouse's tight little hole as she whimpered impatiently.
Suddenly, one of the coach's wheels hit an errant pot-hole, lurching Betty and Hector forward and forcing the full length of the rabbit inside of her in one push. Betty groaned, the new intruder stretching her unexpectedly, but not unpleasantly. Hector simply gasped in surprise, then felt her begin to tighten around his pole.
"Mmm, enough savoring," she said, rocking her hips and smiling at him over her shoulder, "I want you to fuck me, now."
Clutching her hips and leaning over, Hector whispered, "I thought you were here to satisfy my needs?"
She twisted slightly and reached back, grabbing the back of his head to bring his face closer to hers and whispered, "Correction: You paid for my time, and you are not going to leave this carriage until you and I both are satisfied."
"I think I can live with those terms, my Fairy Princess" the merchant rabbit answered with a smile. He pulled his hips back, feeling her insides clutch at him as if to try and keep his cock from leaving. Then, with a quick, powerful thrust, he drove himself inside of her to the root.
She rested her head in her arms as he continued to pound into her as hard as he could, his pelvis slapping against her ass with each thrust. She panted hard, a thin ribbon of drool escaping her lips and pooling on the seat cushion below. Her pussy was wet beyond belief, making the fur between her legs completely sodden and darkening the fabric nearest the top of her thigh-high stockings. His balls began to smack wetly against her, brushing up against her clit and bringing her closer to sweet release.
Suddenly, she felt him clutch for her thigh, while his other arm grabbed her firmly around the waist. He leaned in, tight against her body, and whispered, "Hold on tight!" He began to raise to his feet, and she quickly followed suit, not wanting to spare a single moment without him inside her. Moving carefully and in unison, the pair moved so that Hector was seated back atop his coach seat, and Betty was sitting on his lap.
Now gripping her breasts from behind, he urged her to, "Keep moving," which she did, gladly. Her butt bounced atop his lap as she slid him in and out of herself, controlling the tempo of their lovemaking to suit her own speed. He kept her heavy breasts steady with his hands, his fingers massaging her and teasing her rock-hard nipples.
The movement of the carriage over the cobblestone road created vibrations that moved through Hector's body, his cock becoming something like a vibrating toy, and Betty was brought to the edge. In her intense movements as she tried to gain ground on her elusive orgasm, the gauze and wire fairy-wings flapped excitedly on her back. "My God," she exclaimed, her voice choked and winded, "it feels like I'm flying!"
Hector could feel himself beginning to tense up, his balls feeling painfully full of his cum. He slid a hand free of Betty's wonderful tit and stroked it down the soft fur of her flat belly, and didn't stop until he reached the junction of their bodies. His fingers began to mercilessly attack her clit, while the fingers of his other hand tweaked and pulled at her nipple.
The onslaught to her senses was too much, and Betty cried out, "I'm coming! Oh yes, I'm coming!"
The rabbit felt as though his cock were being strangled as her inner muscles seized up in the throes of her orgasm. She writhed and ground into his lap, her pussy bathing his lap, balls, and the seat cushion beneath them with copious amounts of her fluids. These soon were joined by Hector's own juices, as he felt his balls tighten and erupt inside of the sinfully tight mouse pussy.
"Ah, damn!" he yelled as he felt her squeeze out every last drop of cum from his cock.
By the time they were finished, the carriage had completed two full circuits around and through the park before ending back in front of the Laughing Raven Inn. As it came to a halt, the occupants were still catching their breaths, with an exhausted but delighted fairy princess still sitting atop the Spanish gentleman's lap, his juices escaping from underneath her ruffled skirt and running down her now soaked stockings. She turned around and kissed Hector deeply, making him chuckle as he felt the wire antennae she still wore on her head bump into his own long ears.
"Well, thank you for flying me back home, my dear Tooth Fairy," said Hector as he handed Betty a hankerchief.
She recognized it as the one she had given him in the teashop earlier that day and, with a sly smile, began to wipe the copious juices off from between her legs. Handing the completely sodden material back to him, she winked and said, "Oh, it was my pleasure."
Half an hour later...
An exhausted Fairy Mouse entered the Royal Suite of the Delight Castle, dragging her cloak behind her.
"Ugh," she complained to herself, "This has been the strangest, most exhausting day of my life!"
Completely worn to the bone, Betty had decided to cancel any further appearances or appointments she had that night. Violet had been busy with a customer in her room, so with some annoyance Betty decided to find some sleep in her old mentor's room.
She quickly undressed, hastily throwing bits of her costume all over the room. One item, the small pouch that had been tied to her sash, landed on her vanity table, and a small, white pebble bounced out of it and plinked across the table's surface.
He round ears twitched in response to the sound, and with bleary eyes she looked up from her bent position, a long stocking pulled half-way off her leg. "What was that?" she wondered.
Walking over to the table, she picked up the small object in between her thumb and forefinger and smirked. "It's that little boy's tooth," she said drowsily.
"Oh well, I guess I can send back to the hotel tomorrow," she thought to herself, then dropped the tooth back into the little pouch, then dropped the pouch back on her vanity, next to a small, framed photograph of a beautiful, white furred feline woman. She regarded both the photo and the bag for a moment with a serene smile on her face.
In no time at all, she was dressed in a sheer night-gown and fell straight into bed, her eyes closing with sleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. As she slumbered peacefully, two small, glowing blue eyes peered in on her through her window...
The next morning.
Hector sat at the small dining table in his hotel room and sipped at his coffee. "¡Madre de Dios! It feels like my head got run-over by a train!" he thought to himself, rubbing his temple. He reached across the table for the sugar bowl, and his back creaked painfully.
"That woman has crippled me!" he thought ruefully, rubbing his back. "Betty Goldblum must be a devil in disguise!"
Behind him, the door leading to Ignacio's room opened, and the little bunny emerged with a bright smile on his face. He looked at his father and exclaimed, "Good morning, papi!"
"Er... good morning, Nacho..." Hector greeted, the shock evident on his face. "Did you have a good sleep last night?"
"I sure did!" the boy beamed, a noticeable gap in his wide grin. He quickly took a seat at the table, where a plate with buttered toast and a bowl of oatmeal sat waiting for him. Picking up his spoon, he replied, "I had the best dream last night, about a beautiful fairy princess!"
"Aha, dreaming about beautiful women already?" Hector replied with a grin and a wink, adding, "You're becoming a man faster than I thought!"
With toast crumbs on his face, Ignacio looked up at his father and asked, "After breakfast, can we go to the park? I want to see if there are any kids my age in this town."
"Of course, Nacho, anything you want!" Hector replied with a broad smile, then thought to himself, "I was wrong... only an angel could have performed a miracle such as this!"
A soft knock on the door awoke Betty, and she grumbled as she realized it was already morning.
"Good morning, princess," came the familiar voice of Dalila as she entered the room, carrying a tray with plates and glasses on it. "I've brought you breakfast!"
She set the tray down on a small table across from the bed as Betty groggily lifted her head and yawned. Surveying the hastily thrown clothes on the floor, Dalila replied, "Goodness, you certainly look like you had an eventful evening!"
Betty sat at the edge of the bed and stretched, causing more than a few joints in her body to pop and crack, as she said, "Remind me never to have children until I'm 50!"
With a smirk, the bemused canine bartender quipped, "I take it your little charity work went off without a hitch last night?"
"Oh, you heard about that, huh?" Betty replied as she yawned, walking over to the table and seating herself.
"Yes, I'm afraid Sakura told us all about it!" Dalila answered with a chuckle as she picked up pieces of Betty's fairy costume.
"Apparently, she's better at guarding my body than guarding my privacy," Betty regarded with a grumble.
"Still, I have to admit, this 'fairy' idea gives me a perfect idea for how we can bring in more business!" Dalila said as she held the pair of fairy wings in her hands.
"Oh, how do you mean?" Betty asked as she blew a breath over her coffee, trying to cool it before taking her first sip.
"I think we should have a fancy-dress party, with the theme being a Fairy Ball!" Dalila replied, placing the little crown of fake, silver leaves on her head with a smile. "Imagine, all the girls dressing up as various nymphs and pixies and such! I'm sure all the men would come flocking to see that!"
"A nice idea, but I think this fairy princess is going to retire her wings," Betty replied coolly.
Dalila smiled at the mouse as she approached the vanity, saying, "So sorry to hear... wait, what's this?"
Betty turned and noticed her friend leaning over the small table, peering down intently at something, and asked, "What are you looking at over there?"
"I'm not sure..." Dalila began to say cautiously, "It looks like... little footprints!"
"What are you talking about, Dalila...?" Betty replied, walking briskly up to the curious canine, only to find herself amazed by what she was seeing.
Both girls were now crouched down, staring at the little scene intently, and Betty asked, "Dalila? Did anyone else come into my room while I was asleep?"
"No, Betty," Dalila replied with a baffled expression, "I was the first person who came to your door since you came back last night. No one else was allowed to disturb you!"
Turning to the canine girl, Betty stammered, "Y-you d-don't think...?"
With a chuckle, Dalila straightened her back and answered, "Oh please, Betty! I haven't believed in fairies since I was seven years old!" The canine girl walked out of the room, still chuckling to herself, but Betty's expression looked positively chagrined.
She turned her attention back to her vanity table, and muttered to herself, "What the hell is going on around here?"
On the little table were tiny, pink footprints that emerged from one of Betty's powderpuffs, as if some tiny creature had walked on it accidentally and left tracks behind in his wake. They led toward the tiny silver pouch, its mouth open and a large, golden coin sticking halfway out of it. On top of the pouch was a little note that read "Thanks for your help! Let me know if you ever want to substitute for me again!" At the bottom were simply the initials "T.F."
_ The End. _