More Mare-y

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A trade with Mosesj from February 2020 featuring his transformative mare Avinete

Eron was having the time of his life. Never before had the mall been so ripe with opportunity, and what opportunity to him was ladies that he was into that he was sure were just as into him.

"Nice cans there, sugar," he said to a rather busty vixen who snarled and shot him a rather disgusted look before stomping off.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed upon nearly bumping into a wide hipped and round rumped whale woman. "Wide load!"

She snorted and gave him a thick middle finger. He sighed, but was soon onto his next victim, a lizard lady wearing a rather revealing top.

"Would you look at that!" He said, gesturing towards her poorly concealed chest. "I didn't know reptiles had those!"

"Fuck off, pervert," the lizard hissed. Eron stopped, stunned and watched her go, entranced as he was by the sway of her tail over her pert rear.

"What the hell...?" He murmured. "Why's everyone such a bitch?" He frowned. "And where are the human ladies at?" He looked around. "Come on, there should be at least a gaggle of, uh, goose women around me! Maybe a pack of voluptuous wolf bitches? Hell, I'd take a sexy swarm of bees at this point..."

He sighed and put his hands in his pockets as he meandered forward. What had he done wrong? What was he missing?

"Have a problem there, cutie?" a voice asked sweetly.

Eron turned and found himself face to bust with a tall mare clad in rather form fitting clothes leaning against an open door. He blinked and then looked up to the long face of the horse woman. In turn, she smiled down at him and motioned inside to where there were racks upon racks of clothes.

"Perhaps I can solve it?" she said. She held out her hand. "Name's Avinete. I promise I have something for everyone, clothing to wear out any problem." She winked. "Get it?"

"I think I do," Eron said, smiling back. "Yes!" He snapped his fingers. "I've still got it! So, what'll it be then? A quickie in your shop? My, my, you are a dirty mare!" He wiggled an eyebrow. "Don't worry, I can surpass a stallion. Yee-haw!"

"Excuse me?" Avinete said, tilting her head.

"Oh, right!" Eron took her hand and shook it. "I'm Eron. With an E and an R and an O and also an N..."

"I see," Avinete said. "Well, won't you come in?"

Eron nodded enthusiastically and stepped right into the shop. He glanced around at what was available for a few moments, only turning around when he heard the door close.

"You're going to close the shop for me?" Eron said, then shrugged. "I suppose it only makes sense. I'm not sorry to say people might hear us anyways."

"Will they?" Avinete laughed. "I think you misunderstood me when I asked you to come in. I own this store to sell clothes."


"I was soliciting you to sell," the mare continued.

"Sell what?" Eron snorted. "All you've got here is women's gear. What do I need panties for? Or a bra?"

"Well, women do tend to like gifts but..." Avinete waved her hand. "That's neither here nor there. I don't think you're getting this. The truth is, sweetie, you're not really my type."


"But that can change." She motioned to him from head to toe. "All of that can change."

"Ok, now you definitely lost me," Eron said. "If you don't want to have sex, you could have just said so! You're the one missing out though."

"I think I lost you when I called you cutie," Avinete sighed, then smiled, her tail swishing with excitement as she looked the man over. "Don't worry, I have just the thing for you."

"Oh, I get it!" Eron exclaimed. "You were playing coy!"

" Like I said, dear, you're just not my type. But I can make you my type." The mare nodded. "Yes, I have the look right in mind."

"Huh? You're not giving me a makeover, lady."

"It's Avinete," Avinete purred. "And of course I can!" She clapped her hands together. "I can see it already! You don't truly understand women, so why not be the most womanly you can? Soft, wide hipped, a rather firm belly, and...a horse, of course. You like big breasts, don't you?"

"Well duh but-"

"Then you'll love having a set of your own! Large and round and milky! Yes!" Avinete bounced up and down and so did her bust. Eron stared before remembering himself.

"You're loony, lady," Eron huffed. "I don't know how you stay in business, but I ain't helping! I'm leaving."

"Are you?"

Eron tried to turn to walk away right out the door, but he found himself frozen stiff. Avinete grinned broadly and nickered as she sauntered up to the man, placing a hand on his chin.

"I am giving you a makeover," she cooed. "And you're not leaving until it's all said and done. But where shall we start? Hmm..." She tapped his cheek. "I think there..." She poked his chest next. "There..." Lastly, she squeezed his hips with both hands. "And there!"

Eron stumbled back, suddenly mobile again. He fell against a display of rather large bras and he pushed away from them, disgusted.

"Loony!" he shouted. "You're-"

He paused as he felt warmth erupt on his cheek, then his chest, and finally his hips. It felt nice and right, but the sensation that underlaid it, of something spreading across his skin was so very wrong. He reached up to touch his cheek and pulled his hand away when he felt soft hair there.

"What the..." he muttered, looking at his hand but there were no answers there. He shaved every day! What was hair doing on his cheek? It wasn't even past noon!

"Only the softest, silkiest fur for you, dear," Avinete said. "You were born to be a mother with that body so of course your surface is soft!"

"You're crazy!" Eron said, then whimpered as he brought his hand back to his cheek. The fur was spreading across his skin and it was soft and silky despite its relatively short length. It felt rather nice, actually...

"So you've said," Avinete replied, with a roll of her eyes.

Eron ignored her, for he had followed the spread of fur to his nose and what he found there he did not like. It felt like his nostrils were growing larger while at the same time pressing, his nose becoming broader, wider, less human in shape and size.

Eron's eyes widened, but before he could react that warmth in his hips intensified. He let out a surprised yelp as his hips wrenched forward. He stumbled as he caught himself on the bra rack, holding on for dear life as he felt like he was riding through a roller coaster standing up, his hips twisting this way and that as they widened and pushed farther apart with pops and grinding of bone. When it was all over, he still clung to the rack as he looked down at himself and gaped. He now sported a rather wide set of hips that were more than noticeable and made his pants rather tight. Worse was how the warmth hadn't ceased, only growing stronger as fine fur spread down from his hips. He shivered as it tickled at his groin, the bulge in his crotch more obvious now that the warmth aroused it.

"Oh," Avinete said, stepping forward and gesturing towards his crotch. "You're enjoying this, are you?"

Eron meant to look up at the mare and shout something disparaging, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from his hips. They were so wide, so feminine, and they were on him! He lowered his gaze only to find his legs were faring no better. They had always been lean due to his efforts, but now his calves thinned while his thighs thickened juicily. He couldn't help but rub them together and caught his stiffening member between them in the process, his penis now pressing prominently against its confines.

"Really?" Avinete snorted. "That's it? Some stallion you are!"

"Hey!" Eron shouted back, but his words had little heart. In fact, any bravado he had remained fell away as his member shriveled. At first he thought it was because the whole situation was so disempowering and unarousing, but the truth was that it was dwindling, slowly but surely. He was losing his masculinity and he had no doubt with what it would be replaced with.

"H-hey," he repeated. "Wait, you can't-"

"But I am," Avinete nickered, looming over him. "You never made much of a man, so I'm making you a very motherly mare!"

"N-no!" Eron denied, even that word difficult to get out. HIs jaws ached horribly and he grit his teeth together as they thickened and flattened. He tried to whimper, but what came out was a whinny as his jaws and expanded nostrils started to press forward into a new muzzle. His ears wiggled at his distress, their shape softening and reforming into longer, thinner somewhat triangular points as fur swept over them. They rose higher and higher up on the sides of his head until they rested near the top, swivelling back as the changing man groaned.

"Yes, yes!" Avinete said. "At least, that's what I say! Now..." She tousled his hair. "I hadn't decided on a color, but I think I know the types of girls you like. Blonde it is!"

She tapped the top of his scalp and Eron felt his already existing brown hair grow. It flowed out into a fine mane, growing long down his back in yellow tresses and somewhat shorter up top in fine frizzle that matched his dazed eyes. He blinked, the coloration of his eyes shifting from brown to blue as his eyes themselves grew larger, rounder. His eyelashes thinner and lengthened, framing his increasingly feminine and equine face. He snorted, new nostrils flaring, and he went crosseyed when he saw his leathery and black nostrils flare in the middle of his vision. He opened his mouth to speak, but they were still in the process of stretching and reforming into an equine muzzle. Instead, he let out another whinny that rose in pitch as the fur surged down his thickening neck, Adam's Apple sinking away out of sight under dark black fur. He reached his hands up to feel his new neck only for his fingers to twinge. Surprised, he looked down and stared his still stretching muzzle. His fingers contorted before his eyes while dark fur swept over them, digits thickening and nails growing harder, darker and thicker as they become more like the tips of hooves. They remained black for only a moment before a golden polished sheen applied to them. He clenched his fist as the fur spread up his thinning arms, muscle wasting away in favor of a layer of gentle fat.

"Now that's a mane!" Avinete said with a satisfied nod. She smiled and grabbed Eron's equine muzzle just as it finished growing. "But why the long face?"

Eron huffed, squirming in the mare's grip. He tries to pull away, but his hands still felt strange and his weakened arms were no better. His shoulder tending and then relaxing as they slimmed down and covered with fur did little to ease his panic. This mad mare was changing him and there was seemingly nothing he could do about it! He looked pleadingly into her eyes and opened her extended jaws to speak, but again his body betrayed him as his lengthening tongue fell out, flapping foolishly over his gums.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" Avinete murmured, grabbing the end of his tongue. "Mare got your tongue?"

She let it go and laughed, sauntering around the man before giving him a slap a slap on his fat ass. Eron squealed and stumbled forward before being abruptly pulled back by the sprouting of something from the base of his spine. Coarse yellow hairs spilled out of the seat of his pants into the start of his as his ass filled out. It swelled out in slow, soft waves that left the back of his pants tighter and tighter. His front fared no better, his arousal spiking so that his shrunken shaft pressed as best it could against his underwear. He whimpered, hands dropping to his crotch to feel that there wasn't as much there as there should be. He shivered, finely fur posterior plumping into the perfect pear shape while his penis continued to dwindle. A very womanly moan escaped his equine lips when his equally diminished testicles tucked in tight against his groin. His ears flicked back and his new tail swayed with equal anxiety and excitement over his plump rump.

"Nice rear, dear," Avinete purred. "The boys will be all over it. You won't be able to conceal that bottom so easily and I don't think you will want to." She slid up behind Eron and put her hands on his slim shoulders. "Oh yes," she whispered into his ears. "I think you'll enjoy showing off. Entice the stallions with the sight of your fat rear and when you got them where you want them you'll slide your pants down and show them your winking, wet pussy. Just imagine it..."

Eron shivered. She...he could imagine it, showing of all he got to those strong, burly stallions so that they'd given him what he wanted and boy did he want a lot. He imagined them ramming their thick stallionhood into his eager pussy, taking pounding after pounding until he couldn't be anything but pregnant just like he always desired to be, stomach hefty and firm with growing foals...

"No, no!" Eron whimpered, the soft, high pitcher of his voice surprising to his ears. "I'm a man!"

"Are you?" Avinete whispered back, snaking a hand into the front of his pants and taking hold off his diminished penis. "You don't look like a man. At least, not so much anymore." She squeezed his still turgid member and he stiffened with a whinny. "And no one's going to be happy with this, dear, especially you."

She stroked it and this time Eron couldn't help himself. He whinnied and bucked his childbearing hips as he came, the last of his seed spilling from his shrunken shaft. Pleasure pulsed with each jerk and thrust of his hips, though the sensation was counterbalanced by the feeling of his balls completely pulling up and away into a freshly formed slit while his still hard member continued to shrink. He groaned, the warmth in his chest blooming as soft, warm fur spread down from his collar bone to his wide hips. His stomach smoothed initially while his waist pressed in, his form becoming increasingly hourglass shaped as lean muscled gave way to soft fat and fur, the whinnying, cumming equine gaining something of a belly. This, however, was the least of his concerns for his penis was little more of a nub now, a sensitive little button that Avinete kept pressing and pressing until it had no more of his male essence lift to give. Still she pressed on his new clit, the new mare panting and moaning as she practically guided it to its new place nestled between forming folds that pulsed and shivered with every moment of orgasmic growth. Avinete dug into Eron's new folds and the former man squirmed, eyes rolling in the back of her head. She could feel her new passage forming, tunneling, digging deeper and deeper to connect with her expanding womb while her testicles turned ovaries ascended towards their final goal. Her fresh inner walls pulse and clamped down before wet arousal slid down Eron's legs, soaking into the fur that slowly crept down them.

"Oh my," Avinete giggled, pulling her hand out of Eron's pants and showing off her slick hand. "You're already wet. You're a very eager mare, aren't you?"

"Not..." Eron panted. "A..." She squirmed as her pussy winked. "...mare."

"Oh really?" Avinete asked. She snapped her fingers and something else snapped as Eron's pants could finally take no more. Eron heard the tearing of fabric and looked down just in time to see what remained of her pants fall away in tatters, too loose underwear slipping down only to be caught on her thick and thickening thighs to reveal what lay between her legs. She had already been able to feel it of course, hot and pulsing and panting but there it was, her pussy, her marehood hot and pulsing and practically panting. In lay there between her otherwise smoothly furred crotch, a set of darker lips set against dark fur, her clit a nubby beady black button that still stood prominently nestled between her thick lips. She was wet and hot and needy and just the thought of inserting something between her sensitive folds caused her knees to buckle.

"I don't know, dear," Avinete said, whispering into her ears again. "You look like a girl to me. A mare in heat if I didn't know better, and I certainly don't."

Eron whinnied and tried to move away from the other mare just as the spreading changes reached her feet. They ached terribly for just a moment then felt very little at all as her toes merged together, nails forming and reshaping into darkened keratin. Her heels lifted and the new mare was able to take two steps forward out of her ill-fitting shoes, steps that rang with a sharp clop before she fell back and there was no Avinete to catch her. Instead, she fell onto her plump posterior and found that her ample ass was enough cushioning to keep her from no more harm than a surprised whinny. She shivered on the ground, shapely dark furred legs stretched out in front of her while her pussy pressed into the floor, hot flesh against cold tile. She looked down at her aching, winking marehood before drawing her gaze to her new feet, her black hooves that seemed so alien to her yet so fitting on her equine form. Her tail swayed this way and that as she stared at her hooves, swatting at imaginary flies as she tried to imagine walking on them. Would she need some sort of shoes?

As if on cue, a mental ping followed by short pangs echoed throughout the room as golden shoes attached themselves to her hooves. They shined under the light and she smiled as she saw them. They were so pretty, sure to attract more attention from hunky stallions.

"No..." she moaned even as one of her hands crept up her thighs before touching at her slit. She shivered and pulled it away but it was too late.

"Touching yourself!" Avinete exclaimed. "You are a naughty mare, aren't you?"

"N-no!" Eron denied. "I'm not-"

"Busty enough," Avinete finished. "I agree. Let's get you some breasts! And after that, a belly!"

"W-wait!" Eron pleaded. "Don't-"

But there was nothing she could say that would stop the changes or dissuade the mare. The warmth in her chest suffused itself around her thickening nipples. Two small mounds pressed form her chest, soft, fatty, sensitive furred flesh that demanded to be more than little swellings that wouldn't be much to fondle or look at. No, they had to be bigger, heavier, heftier, proper tits on a prize breeding mare, ones that would swell even larger with milk when she was pregnant. So they swelled similarly to her rear in pleasurable, soft waves, seeming to inflate with every breath in and out, larger and larger, prouder and prouder, heavier and heavier. Eron could only look down and watch as they pressed out her also thickening nipples pressing prominently against her shirt while behind them her breasts burgeoned. She groaned, stretching her back as a new strain was added to it one that continued to grow with every passing moment. She nearly reached up to press back against her breasts, but instead one hand went to her back while the other dipped into her slit. She huffed and moaned as she spread herself for the first time, thick lips wet and sensitive to the touch. Then she entered herself, whinnying and nickering as she watched her breasts swell from small, supple mounds to average and acceptable tits to more than mere handfuls and finally to full, ripe heavy breasts that hung on her chest, wobbling with every jostle and shuddered breath caused by her masturbation.

"You're really getting into this, dear!" Avinete crowed, stepping in front of the masturbating mare. "And just a moment ago you were asking me not to turn you into a mare. Isn't everything better just this way! Just look at your figure! Mmm! Those hips! Those thighs! Those tits!" She snorted. "I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't a little jealous."

"I..." Eron paused and slowly, regretfully, nearly mournfully removed her fingers from her slit with a slick pop. She shivered. What was she doing? The mare was right! She should be getting fucked silly by a stallion, not jilling herself off!

She blinked and tossed her head to one side and then the other, her mane and breasts bouncing wildly. No, no, no, that wasn't right, she shouldn't be thinking about stallions. She should be thinking about long, hard, throbbing horsecocks just waiting to-

She whinnied, unsure of herself. Avinete chuckled and put her hands on her hips.

"What's the problem, dear?" Avinete asked, then chuckled softly once more. "Oh, I see. You're thinking a bit too hard! Why don't we soften that mind of yours just a little? You can't be worrying too much with a darling foal on the way!"

Eron looked up at the mare, mind racing as she tried to think of a proper response but then suddenly everything slowed. What had mattered moments ago slipped away and trying to recover it was no easy task. She tried to think long and hard, but that was easier said than done. A haze had settled over her mind, a cloud of lust that made it difficult to think too hard and why should she? She had a throbbing pussy to attend to, breasts to fondle and squeeze, and a little one to keep safe within her womb.

"Wait," she said, eyes glazing over as she screwed them tight in concentration. She snorted and still it took her a little bit to reach her conclusion. "Like, what foal? I'm totes not pregnant!" She huffed. "Totes? What am I, like, saying?"

"What you're meant too, sweetie," Avinete said. "You can fight it if you'd like - you're still Eron, after all - but you'll find it easier and easier to slip into your role. That is, of course, of a ditzy, motherly mare always looking for the next ride. Actually not too different from what you used to be and still are." She shrugged. "And you're right. You're not pregnant - yet."

"Of course not!" Eron agreed. "I haven't got, like, my brains fucked out by a hunky stallion yet." She clenched her flat teeth and looked away, ears flicking back. "Not like I want a good dose of horsecock or anything..."

"Of course not," Avinete said. "You can wait a little longer for that, dear. You're nearly due, after all."

"What?" Eron huffed. "What stuff are you talking about? I'm not-"

Eron fell silent as she heard a gurgle followed by a glug that pierced the otherwise silent room. The sounds originated from her stomach, no, not her stomach, but something beneath, something she had only recently acquired. Despite this, her hands went to her stomach, for she felt very queasy suddenly. She whinnied and nearly retched, but then the queasiness fell away to a pleasant, sexual warmth, like an afterglow long forgotten now remembered. The warmth, she realized, was in her womb and it was growing and so was her belly. It wasn't noticeable at first, but then she felt her stomach start to stretch and swell, forming into a firm, pleasant little bump. She grunted and pressed against her stomach, only to hear Avinete laugh.

"Here," the mare said. "Maybe this will help."

Eron blinked as she watched her shirt shred and shed from her form, leaving her entirely nude. She looked over her feminine, equine humanoid form in amazement, not quite believing this voluptuous mare with her soft, fine dark fur, graceful equine muzzle, yellow mane and yellow tail, gold shod hooves, generous set of breasts with her thick, dark nipples, wide, wide hips and thin waist, thick thighs, pear shaped posterior, dark, thick lipped pussy and curvaceous figure was her. She remembered...well, she remembered being a man, but something had changed in her about her perception of that form. It was no longer hers, but something to lust after, a nice, strong man, preferably a stallion with stronger seed to sire foals like the one that filled her now, her belly no longer possessing a gentle swell but pressing out into something firmer, larger, a veritable baby bump. There was no mistaking that she was pregnant now and she groaned spreading her legs apart as her hips settled with the new weight. More than just her belly was changing, she realized. Her hips were widening even further apart, her thighs thickening even further, and her figure taking on some more fat to add to her motherly heft. Lastly, her breasts were growing larger too, bigger and better as far as she was concerned as a gentle pressure arose within them, thickening nipples erect while the fatty flesh beneath them swelled with something that sloshed and felt ready to be released. She panted and moaned, a similar sort of pressure pressing from her womb, flesh and fur creaking as it stretched and swelled. Her belly was increasingly heavier and larger and she gasped when she heard a slight pop. She looked down to see what the matter was and saw her belly button was pressed out rather than in. Her hands were spread apart by her hefty and full looking belly, but she knew it was going to get fuller still. She whinnied, scooting back on her plump rump. Did she...did she want this?

"You ok there, dear?" Avinete asked. "I'd say you're showing." She whinnied out a laugh. "Well, just about showing everything! Not that I mind. You are a very pretty mare!"

Eron felt her face go flush at the unexpected compliment. She was a pretty mare, she had to admit, which meant she would have no problem attracting a stud when she needed one. Not now, though. Now, she needed to focus on her foal, though that wasn't to say she couldn't get a good dicking in here and there when...

The mare groaned and tried to stumble to her feet even while her belly continued to swell, using the bra rack as support. Her belly was so heavy now! And so were her breasts even if they did rest atop her pregnant swell, for that's what she was: pregnant and that was-


She...she wasn't sure. It felt good to be so heavy and full and yet she knew this wasn't really her. She was a man, yes, a human and yet...yet she was a mare now, a finely figured mare with a nice bust and butt and that was ok, wasn't it? Who cared if she lusted for horse cock and carried a child when that was an impossibility not too long ago, who cared if her belly was heavy and round and firm, who cared if her nipples were leaking with the milk she would need to wean her new foal with.

Wait, leaking?

She blinked and looked down at her chest. Sure enough, little wet droplets of white liquid trickled from her nipples down her breasts to the firm dome of flesh that was her belly, soaking into the fur. A little dripped down to her slick slit too and when it touched her plump labia she shivered, still hot and aroused. God, she needed a good fuck, but she knew she wasn't going to get any until she left this store, and she didn't think she was going to do that without waddling and that was-

Fine. Yes, fine, she decided. It was nice, nay, wonderful to have a full figure along with a hefty belly that even now stretched and grew bigger and rounder and heavier. She was built for motherhood now and so she would be over and over again. She sighed, hoof tipped fingers squeezing at her firm, hefty belly. It was large now, huge, the full swell of a mare mother heavily pregnant. She leaned against the rack and groaned, wishing she had a bra right now as she hefted her belly and breasts. Her womanhood was still slick too and she rubbed her thick thighs in anticipation of having more than her fingers enter it.

"You seem to be adjusting nicely!" Avinete said, sizing the mare up. "Do you like what you see, Eron with an E, and an R, an O, and an N?" She snorted. "Come on, dear. The name fits you better now anyhow."

"You're totally right, Avinete!" Eron giggled, her breasts bouncing with her laughter. She paused. Why was she so giggly? She felt as if she should be solemn about motherhood and yet the haze left her more lusty than stern, sexy than serious. She was a girl now, so why not be a little girly and ditzy? It felt...fine to act that way actually. A little freeing and, as Avinete said, not too different than how she usually acted. "It's such a girl's name, isn't it?"

"It is for you," Avinete said with a nod. "Now how about we get you dressed up? We can't just have you waddling out of here with your leaky breasts and wet pussy for all to see, right?"

Eron whinnied, rubbing her thighs together as she thought of doing just that. The guys would be all over for her for sure and yet...

"Yeah," she said, then paused as she absentmindedly fondled her tits. "Can I at least have a bra?"

"You can have more than that," Avinete said with a smile and a wave of her hand.

Clothes floated off the shelf and onto Eron's body. First were a pair of frilly, girly pink panties that fit snugly around her pulsing pussy, the fabric already slightly darkened her arousal by the time it was fully on. Next was an equally pink maternity bra that was a little too small for her engorged breasts. As of such, her tits spilled out of their confines, though Eron didn't really care. Her milk certainly wasn't spilling out, but her cleavage certainly would and that's what would attract the cute boys. Afterwards, a yellow tank top fit over her head and slim shoulders. It was low cut and sheer, showing off her cleavage, bra, and pregnant stomach in equally immodest amounts. It didn't hide her pregnancy and why should it? She was proud of her pregnancy, proud of her body and its thick, motherly shape. So, it was no surprise to her when a blue skirt fitted onto her next, yet the skirt only just barely reached past her hips. Lastly, a golden ribbon tied itself around her tail, drawing attention to the yellow haired appendage and the rounded rear it was draped over. She was clothed now, if more than a little indecently so.

"Oh my gawd!" Eron exclaimed, looking down at her revealing attire. "Thanks so much, Avinete! This is, like, totally perfect! The boys will be all over this!" She slapped her butt and giggled as it jiggled, her nethers flashing hot. "Oh gosh, I'm getting myself worked up."

"So this has solved your problem, then?" Avinete asked.

Eron stared at her blankly while she cradled her swollen belly. She giggled as she felt a kick. There had been a problem? What problem? She tried to think of an issue, but nothing came to her hazy mind. She...she didn't mind being like this. It was different, sure, but in a way she certainly enjoyed. Then what problem was there?

"Um, like what...?"

"I don't know," Avinete said. "You tell me. You were the one complaining about something earlier."

"I was?" Eron said, then her eyes brightened. "I totes was! It was about, uh..." She frowned. "Something something stallion? Me, a stallion?" She snorted and her tail swayed with amusement. "As if! I mean, not anymore! Girls are good, but a stallion"

Her hands drifted towards beneath her skirt, but a laugh from Avinete refocused her attention.

"I'm sure it does," Avinete said. "Well, why don't you get out there then? Nothing wrong with some full fun at full term if you catch my drift."

"I do!" Eron said, rubbing her firm stomach while imagining it, shivering as milk leaked from her overly full breasts. She wanted to fight the flood of mental images that filled her hazy head, but there was also something so enticing about the thought of being filled, bent over and screwed again and again while she was already so very pregnant. "A full, long, thick-"

"Ah, but there is something else," Avinete added. "You have a little bit of my magic still within you. The first guy you have fun with, well..." She snorted. "He's going to end up a lot like you afterwards. Thick. Mare-y. And merry. Big boobies and a nice butt. Oh! And don't forget pregnant. Very, very pregnant. Just like you." She smiled. "That way you'll have another mommy along with you on your journey!" She tilted her head. "So, what do you say, Eron?"

"Uh," Eron murmured, ears flicking back. "Thank you?"

"Oh, sweetie," Avinete giggled. "I mean, what do you think about that? You think you can find someone else to give the gift I've given you? Someone else who you were once like? After that you can have as many stallions as you'd like."

"I..." Eron nodded, ears forward and eager now. "Like, yeah! I bet I could find one in a minute!"

"I see. Is that your ambition or your horniness talking?"

"Maybe, like, both," Eron admitted. She put a hand on her back and groaned, though she relaxed after a moment. "Well thanks, Avinete! I'm so excited! I'm gonna go!"

"You do that!" Avinete said, waving her hand as the very pregnant, very voluptuous dark furred mare waddled out of her shop. She smiled. She could tell the new mare was about to have the time of her life again and again and again with any stud or stallion she could find. And soon there'd be another new mare to join her!