Keyana the Love slave chapter 3

Story by Artimishunter on SoFurry

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_ Chapter 3 _

She woke up feeling a little sore, but her body felt warm. That's when she knew her head was on his chest resting as if there was no care in the world. Her head was on his chest and he smiled down at her and the look in his eyes said it all that he would never let anything happen to her if he could bet his life on it. She looked up and smiled back at him, then looked down in embarrassment, not wanting to meet his eyes. She gave up what she was suppose to save for the one she loved, never thinking it would be the master to rule her life. That was when he leaned down and kissed her on the lips and that's when she final kissed him back with everything she had. "I love you my dear," said Hunter, looking straight into her eyes. She smiled at him, "But, how can you love a slave. We are here only for your pleasure and that is it, Master." She can't seem to look away. "Because you're nicer than the others slave girl here and you feel good when I hold you close," Hunter told her. He also could not take his eyes off of her.

Keyana purred and cuddled closer to Hunter and nuzzles his neck. "But all that I can be to you is a slave, Master, nothing more and I'm happy that I'm with such a nicer master than the other girls have had," Keyana told him with a smile on her face, a smile just for her master. Hunter starts to get up so that he can go to the closet and get her a beautiful dress for her to wear. It was a beautiful dark blue dress with black trim on it. As he handed it to her she looks at him and asks "What is this for Master? It's too beautiful for a slave girl and we're not supposed to wear stuff like this," said Keyana, a sad look forming on her beautiful face. All Hunter did was look into her eyes and told her "I want you to wear it. That's an order, my dear, Keyana," said Hunter. He held the dress up for her and kept smiling at her till she got out of bed. "Ok, Master. I just hope your other slaves do not get mad at me, because, when you leave me, they will beat me to get back in your bed, my lord," said Keyana with a sad look in her eyes as she started to put the dress on for him. She didn't want to be beaten by the others for taking their spot in master's life and bed. But he stopped her and turned her around half dressed and pulled her face up to his "if they even lay a finger on you they will meet the end of my sword do you hear me, My beautiful Keyana" said Hunter with a little anger in his voice and kissed her again till her knees also most can out from under her from such a kiss.

Plus I'll be making you my wife Keyana for that is all I will have you as not my slave but my best friend and lover for all time," said Hunter, a lot of love for her in his voice. He looked at her and leaned down again kissing her lips sweetly and then he started to kiss the top of her head with a smile. Keyana looks at him in surprise at having a great master that seem to love her a lot she just hope he didn't get bored or hurt from someone else trying to get back at him, "Master is too nice to me, but I will wear the dress for you. However, if I became your wife, I think someone would try to kill me." She started to get into the dress a little more that when her master gave to her a look that made her shiver as he final saw the dress he gave her made her look like a queen. He kissed her lightly and smiled because she looked beautiful in her new dress."You are beautiful my dear, pet" said Hunter.

She leaned on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Master," said Keyana making her eyes shine with the love she felt for him. "You're welcome, my dear" said Hunter, smiling at her and thinking new things to do to her as she turned for him so that he may zip it up her dress for her. "Do you like it, Master?" asked Keyana. With a smile she looked at him to see what he said to her. "Yes I do, my dear," said Hunter, a large smile appeared. That was when Keyana turned to him and kissed him sweetly on the lips. "Thank you for saving me from the slaver, my lord" Said Keyana. He kissed her happily as he petted her cheek. She rubbed her cheek in his hand and he nuzzled her with a smile on his face. That was when he got dressed. He went to his throne room, making sure she fallowed not too far behind him. He wanted to have her as close by his side as possible. As they enter the throne room people looked at both of them men and women alike. Men looking at her with lust and women with pure hate in there eyes but Keyana didn't let that bug her to much "Where would you like me to sit, Master?" She looked around at everyone in the throne room. "The right side of my throne is your place, my love," Hunter answered, a big smile made only for her. "Yes, Master," said Keyana

She walked over to his right side and sat on the floor where she though he wanted he to sit. He saw this and told her to get up on the chair next to him so that she was sitting on his right side. He looked around at all his men of the court and then saw some of the women of the court give Keyana an evil look, like they would hurt her in some way. Keyana looked up at her master and moved where he told her to go. He then looked around at everyone in the court, again to see many of the women give her dirty looks from where they stood in the throne room. But worried him the most was the way the men looked at her as if she was a piece of meat that they could have for dinner this pissed him off the most. He took her hand in to his and held it for everyone to see then made a noise in the back of his throat letting them know he was about to say something "everyone of this court I have New I have found a wife" said hunter looking away from the court toward Keyana with all the love in his eyes for her "this women besides me will be my new wife if anyone has a problem they will meet the end of my sword" said Hunter as he turned away from Keyana to let everyone know that he meant his threat to kill for the women of his dreams. That's when he made

Keyana stand up so that everyone could see their new queen to be. Many of the men still had lust in their eyes but no more than one man that Hunter though as a friend it was Duke Fire Night. Who looked as if he was willing to fight the king for this one woman and take her from him but how that was the question? That had to be asked would Hunter let her out of his eye sight or not if he did then Fire knew he could get her out of here and have her for himself but right now it was a waiting game that he could play.