Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 10

Story by Vamoos on SoFurry

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#11 of Stories

"Welcome back!"

The kids set their bags down just inside the back door and turned to see Vanessa standing there, a crutch under one arm as she looked out at the lawn behind them smoking one of her chocolate cigars. Ceci and Sylvia rushed her and the woman cackled and then giggled as the girls fought for space in her ribs to hug her tightly.

"Easy! Easy. Oh baby girls, I'm okay..." she patted them on the head not holding the cigar and looked around. Her jaw was more set than when they came in. "Issues?" Her tone was even, and Catrina noticed the metaphorical steel rod in Riz's and Walter's spines activate.

"Half an hour lag from last time digging the L pits," Riz supplied, "but in all a 45 minute increase in turnaround." He waved back at the group now flopping like vagrants across the furniture.

"Take a fucking shower," Vanessa picked up a pillow and chucked it at the back of Tyzer's head, "before you all dirty up my living room." Looking around she snorted, "and by the smell, take a shower alone." She turned, completely missing everyone staring at Cecilia who was staring at the floor wide eyed and blushing.

Catrina and Riz followed Vanessa as she thumped down the hall. They were half way to the front room when a side door suddenly erupted into noise.


Riz looked bashfully at Catrina in apology, this was not the first time he heard his father's 'bedroom voice' as it were.

"Stop squirming, I told you it's stuck. Just relax."

They both went wide eyed and blushed as Donnie's voice came from the same door. They'd almost rounded the corner of the hallway when the third voice joined.

"It's so hot watching this, darling don't stop moving your tails. Yesss...right there."They put a skip in their step to catch up to the woman thumping along with a single crutch.

"At least they're not lonely without me." Vanessa quipped through gritted teeth as she opened the door to her office. Letting them step through she closed the door behind the three of them as they stared out into the front yard through the huge glass window. "Have a seat you two. Catrina the files came in. Unfortunately the options are very slim all things considered." Catrina nodded then stopped. The pile of folders beside her desk was nearly as tall as she was. "Looks impressive but trust me, once you weed out the problem cases there's only 2 folders." Patting the top of the pile as she sat down she starting ticking off on her fingers. "Lets see...Industrial spy, expatriot, political refugee....gambling debt three times my annual income..." she actually laughed a bit at that one. "Yadda Yadda it's down to two."

The Bunny breed woman smiled sympathetically as the girl took the two offered folders. Catrina took them, sitting in her chair she took a deep breath and opened them.


Vanessa blinked, looking at the firm expression on the girls face as she closed the folder. "No? That's a rather fast assessment."

"She's not our type." Catrina said, her back straight and her decorum breeding in full effect. "If I knew nothing but the picture supplied I can tell you that she's overconfident, callous, and a braggart. I've seen military photos before, there is a difference between wearing your medals and laying them out on a table. She's also 20 years older than us." Catrina squared her jaw, "I will not risk my... family... with someone who thinks they should be in charge because of age."

Vanessa let the girl finish her explanation, smiling behind her hands as she sat with her fingers braided in front of her face. She'd thought the same thing, and was fully prepared to coach the girl. The picture was suspiciously bold compared to the other's submitted. A little digging had lead her to stories of a pig headed bitch who stole glory, four of the medals on the table they didn't even have records for. She bit her lip as the girl took the second folder and opened it cautiously.

"Hmm..." Catrina mused as she flipped up a page looking under it. "Younger than me...only a year though. No direct combat experience. Served in the support lines.... Defector." She grimaced, looking up at Vanessa who's expression was completely neutral as she nodded. "Works against us if that ever gets out...still, proportionately she's not that big...I own--" she caught herself, looking frightfully ashamed as she covered her mouth.

"You what?" Vanessa smiled, it wasn't her cunning smile or malicious. If anything it promised understanding, and Catrina remembered once again this woman was a mother.

"I..used to own a dog about her size." Catrina felt the shame well up in her as she said the words.

"You will have to curb that reflex for guilt as a ruler, at least in appearance." Vanessa murmured, reaching across the table to hold her hand. "Something said innocently and ignorantly should only bring you shame if you refuse to learn from it. I don't give my rat's ass what anyone else tells you. It's only a mistake if you can't fix it. And it's only an insult if you meant it as one. You can't stop people from getting offended. But you can justify your apology."

"It's just that they're all been so debased by those around them..." Catrina held the photo, looking down at the girl who in any other setting would have been comical to her. Physical Training fatigues on a quadruped had a strange notion to her. "I don't want to take one more ounce of dignity from them, make them feel any less like a person." She completely missed the look exchanged between Rizak and Vanessa as she stroked the photo gently. "2 months ago I was graduating finishing school, eating on the top floor of the Grand River Hotel....last night I literally slept in a hole we dug in the ground. Now here I am picking... my future bride ...from a photo and a file."

"Husband...and bride?" Vanessa shrugged scrunching up her face, "While all Ekidna are situationally multi-gendered and psychologically fluid by nature...Bishops are the only ones we've found to be fully functioning hermaphrodites." She watched the girl stop for a second mid-stroke down the picture, then nod and continue petting the image. "If you've made your choice I'll have Patera moved from the holding cells--"

"Holding cells?!" Catrina looked up startled, "what happened to her? Is she--"

"Has been in holding since almost the wars end. Technically her file says defector but she was born to defector prisoners of war. She grew up in the system, never really known any off her own kind outside of the penal system." She watched Catrina look down at the soldier in the photo and up at her curiously. "She does a work release program, good behavior and all that. Lost of politicians and officials love having a Mekid 'guard dog', but Rooks are like bringing a horse into an office building. Pawns and Bishops are the preferred."

"How soon will... they arrive?" Catrina closed the folder, hugging it to her chest as she stood. "I need to make sure things are ready." The older woman looked over at Rizak who shrugged, but he was smiling. "Can I have a day to prepare?" She tucked her chin, looking back and forth between them.

"As my queen wishes," Vanessa grinned after a few seconds, taking in the radiant beautiful smile of the girl as she gave a slight curtsey nod and dashed from the room.

"I can't believe we actually got this lucky." Rizak shook his head as he watched her leave, waiting till the door was closed to speak. "They could have sent us anyone, but that girl is the perfect--" Riz turned and stuttered to a stop mid sentence. Vanessa smiled at him softly, chin on her palm as she leaned over the desk. The swell of her naked breasts flat to the darkwood spilled out a good deal sideways, and from his angle he could see the curve of her naked ass wiggling back and forth with her tail swishing playfully in the air. "What...what is...why are you...."

"I'm healing up pretty fast," the older woman grinned propping herself up on her elbows exposing her bright pink nipples on a grey furred field, "not near enough for anything as rough as last time...but I can play." She watched the young man's blood pressure cause his eye to tick. "Honey, I love you like a son...but we are NOT related...and right now you've got painkillers and muscle relaxer swinging between your legs to spare." Rizak took a step forward, on autopilot as he braced against the opposite side of the desk. His whole body shivered as the Bunny woman reached out to cup the crotch of his pants. "I always felt like it was cheating the way you all hide your bits, even with a sheath I could see some kind of reaction. So what do you say darling? Help me out? MMMmmm..." her sweet smile spread into a predatory grin as the fabric in her hands swelled to more than fill her grip suddenly.

"...I'll be gentle." Rizak's voice was barely above a whisper beginning walking around the desk, placing a hand on that massive cheek as he popped the button on the top of his pants.

"Always the gentlem-UH!" Vanessa's back arched hard, her face in a gaping surprise as Rizak's hips slowly met hers, smashing them together until her rear pushed slightly up her back. As the young man shook and gasped her expression changed to blissful joy. All of his pulsing sack boiled and churned between his legs; he reached up to palm that huge chest in wonder. Slowly she lowered herself back to the desk, trapping his hands under her as she began to go limp. "Gooood boy...uh...that's so much better...t-thank you Rizzy." she turned her face, and Rizak felt his dick jump at the sultry smile she gave him. "Don't worry Riz darling, I promise I won't tell anyone how much we're going to enjoy this." Rizak swallowed hard as he drew back, his legs trembling so hard he could barely stand as he began to push back in. Inside her mind, Vanessa was smirking. Genetically she wasn't a true queen, but you weren't going to be able to tell his dick that in the morning. Donnie had described the experience as 'fucking a vice crafted by angels', and he wasn't one to wax poetic often.

Walter let the shower run down his back, forehead on the wall as he drifted in thought. He wondered, not for the first time if he was being a bad husband, a bad friend...or a bad brother. He'd wanted to comfort Fu when he heard about what was happening. It was honestly something he'd not considered or worried about. For the girls it would be different, at least at first he thought so. Him and Riz were the only guys, in his stupid idiot fucking mindset. Fu had always just been Fu to of the girls. Pecker packing notwithstanding, he was of the same mindset about Fu that he was Tizzy. Things were starting to break that perception though. Sylvia was now apparently exploring herself with Riz...and Riz was really eager to oblige. He was shocked when he got up to take a piss; He managed to walk by at just the right time to hear his best bud making thigh butter in his baby sister. The really embarassing thing was how fucking hot she sounded. He'd been only teasing Fu at that point, he came back to the hole and pounced.

"You okay?" Walter turned and looked over his shoulder at a very timid Tizzy standing in the back of the big glass shower holding a bar of soap. "I can help you wash your back?" The little guy smiled, his face falling as Walter turned back around and set his head on the stone.

"Was it good?" Walter asked, though he wasn't sure he wanted the answer. There was about 3 seconds of silence before the bar of soap came sailing at the back of his head enough to make him see a flash of light. "OW! What the fuck?"

"Are you really going to be like this?" Tyzer was on him, and Walter backed up to the wall to avoid the hand Tyzer put in the middle of his chest. It was almost comical since unlike his brother Tyzer didn't make strides in the gym. Half the weight and three quarters the height it looked like the proverbial mouse frightening the elephant...though with the thoughts he'd been having lately Wally looked more like a narwhal from the waist down.

"I'm just trying to deal with it all Tizzy...." Walter's brain fought him on what to say, and he eventually just scoffed and popped himself in the back of the head in frustration. "Look...I've spent so much time thinking about you, making sure I only ever thought about you like a girl."

"Something I really fucking love you for." Tizzy gave him the swirling 'go on' motion with his hand.

"You just fucked my little sister man," Walter held up his hands, like the rest of the explanation was right there to see. "I and your brother both are." He rolled his eyes and gestured to the door of the bathroom. "I got to hear my baby sister getting porked like a champ yesterday. I'm having a really hard time...You have a dick." Walter hardened his jaw, seeing the person in front of him suddenly look stricken. "You have... a ..penis. I love you." He faltered as he watched the emotions soar at his slip, seeing the tears well and the smile fight the fear. "I....I love you Tiz. You are least part...guy." He said it. It hurt. It scared him. He needed to address it. Or did he? He could see the turmoil in those eyes and knew he'd never hated anyone as much as himself at this moment.

"Are you saying...." Tyzer put an arm across his chest, looking away for a moment as he gripped his other elbow. "That you don' don't want to be wit--"

"Don't you finish that fucking sentence Tizzy!" Walter growled, and Tyzer felt himself this time backed into the opposite wall of the shower with a hand on either side of his head, "It took me three FUCKING years to admit I love you to myself, and two to admit it to you out loud....Don't start doubting me now over some bullshit. You know me, you know us."

"So what are you saying." Tyzer's eye's went back and forth, searching each of his pupils worried. The lad had grabbed a hand cloth in self defense in the process off one of the little shelves and was wringing it with both hands bashfully.

"You have managed in one week." Walter stared at the ceiling, trying to clearly vocalize what he was feeling. "To fuck both my adopted mother, and my adopted sister." He looked down. "I have been, in the selfish part of my brain...ignoring your tail." He pointed open palmed at said nervously swishing item. "In order to do what you wanted, to see you as a girl, to treat you without question as the beautiful...." he took a step back, "beautiful woman you are...and I can't get you to stop dicking people." Walter laughed, Tyzer did not. The big man turned back under the shower completely missing the horror and fear in his lovers eyes.

"Do you want me to stop?" Tyzers voice was small. He waited, and when Walter didn't respond he tried again. "I said do you want me to stop seeing her?" He watched the man stop soaping down his ears and lean against the wall.

"Can I tell you honestly?"

"...yes." Tyzer worried his lip shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"She can give you something I literally cannot." Walter put his face under the water, whether that was to get the soap out of his eyes or the thought out of his head no one knew but he took his time. "You will always be my wife, Tizzy....and I cannot stay in a healthy relationship and...deny you." He turned, "I know how good something...well" He bit both lips between his teeth, "something similar feels. I won't look you in the face and tell you I even know what we're going through here ...but I know that I'm here for you the whole way till we get through it."

"It's not all about me though...right?" Tyzer tried to step forward, but no matter how close he got he couldn't bring himself to put his hand on his lover's back. "I mean..Phula really--"

"That's another thing. Ceci, Sylvia, Phula. I know we all need just feels like it's all moving too fast. We're a family first Tyz. Those are my sisters...even Fu. Granted I have done some not very brotherly things lately, but still." He turned finally, nearly running into Tyzer in the process. "This isn't some crush or some blind date we can fuck up."

"Some of us never went on dates, remember?" Tyzer crossed his arms, "I went from 'okay, just one little kiss' to cramming icepacks in my panties." he poked the man in the chest till he started putting his arms up defensively to block those damn sharp little claws "and I can promise you that not a girl here is gonna regret spreading their legs honey. You're're a good guy Wally. Damn it, you will fucking look at me when i say that!" Tyzer stood on his toes grabbing the man trying not to look down at him by the cheekbones. "You. Are. A. Good. Guy. You're sweet....and funny...and dorky...and even though you think with your dick the first chance you get..." they both laughed and Tyzer's heart melted as Walter pulled him ito a hug.

"I really do...not the dick thing i mean but the other" Walter blushed into the top fo Tizzy's hair " know....I know...." He reached up and did that thing he always did when Tyzer said I love you and he couldn't. He cupped the shorter's chin rubbing his thumb back and forth across those lips he loved to kiss.

"Aaaand there's the old Wally." Tyzer rolled his eyes. Perking his ears up he grinned. "Is now a bad time to mention Cecilia confessed she wants to fuck you--OH MY GOD!! WALLY!?!"

Tyzer tried his best, but Walter was just too heavy to catch as he took a half step back way too fast and busted his ass in the shower.

Chagotha stared around the dinner table with a bit of mirth in her heart. Things were going great, her children were blossoming everything was working out. By the smell going around, the clutch bonds were developing at a healthy if quick speed. Cecilia, the little minx, was dancing about happily passing out the food with Thoo's help. Walter was sitting there very grumpily with his arms crossed, Tyzer and Phula fawning over him. Riz was sighing every thirty seconds and removing a blushing Sylvia's hand from his lap and back over into her own. Donnie was sitting with Vanessa at the head of the table. The fact that Vanessa smelled of Rizak was a little disturbing, but she was going to see how this played out. The clutch wasn't even fully formed yet, that sort of thing was just not done. She knew why she did it, but that didn't mean she had to approve.

"Good news folk, Patera arrives on Tuesday." Donnie called out, to which nearly everyone responded with a look of 'what the hell are you talking about'. "Sorry, um, Catrina? You want to field this one?" All eyes turned to the girl who had just closed her mouth around a spoon and frozed only her eyes moving to all the faces staring at her.

Composing herself and swallowing her soup she took a breath, "Um.. Well, I've chosen someone to by my companion in this clutch. They're very sweet by the file I've been reading. They're a bishop." She looked around, "and...a soldier."

"OH," Rizak smiled "Oh that will be awesome." When everyone looked at him he shrugged, "they're the kind of Ekidna I spent most of my time with as a kid. Basically they are just four-legged people. I mean they still have thumbs and what not., it's the pelvis and the ribs right?"

"And shoulders" Chai smiled at him.

"OKay so yeah," he turned back, "just people in a different shape, mind you they have habits of doing things you wouldn't normally associate with people. They do the curl up and stuff, but I saw a dude get his ass kicked once for buying his girl a dog bed." He chuckled. Throughout his whole tirade of explanations Chai watched the emotions play out across everyone. Varying degrees of comfort level were easily seen.

"Are they..more king-ish, queen, what are we looking at?" Cecila asked politely with her hand raised her brow furrowed.

"A little of both." Catrina answered, "though her file says she prefers a female pronoun making her a woman in my eyes, she is a hermaphrodite so the mechanical answer is 'all of the above'. I'm told by Vanessa and Chagotha that the bishops are smaller than other Soldiers..I did some measuring, she should come up to about my hip at her shoulder." Catrina looked around nervously, "I know that you all...have known each other a long time. Patera and I are both going to be strangers in this group."

"You're not a stranger." Walter spoke up sighing, "You are part of the family." He got patted on the shoulder and the chest by different people for his contribution and nods of agreement around the table.

"All the same, It will be nice to have someone who knows how I'm feeling to be the new person." Catrina smiled.

In the concrete jungle of bars and steel a lone figure sat with his back to the wall. Black furred and lean, his yellow eyes sparkled in the low light coming through the bars to the hallway. Sitting on the bed he lit his cigarette taking a long drag before propping his elbow up on one knee. His other leg dangled lazily off the bunk as he looked at the other figure in the room.

"You know, If you'd stop fucking fighting me... we could make this good for both of us." He took another drag watching the steady even breathing of the figure laying on their side in the floor. "You know this was inevitable the moment they moved us to this cell. It's what you're made for. Hell, your own mother was a prison bitch." He took another long drag, the fire on the tip of the cylinder illuminating his hard gaze. "So why we gotta do it the hard way? You give, or I take, either way it happens. know what why am I even talking to you." He grinned scooting to the edge of the bed and peering down at the figure panting wide eyed on the floor. Looking up and down the body he put the cigarette in his mouth as he rubbed his hands together. "You're really staring to love that nut, aren't you? You're gonna have to find yourself another source in a couple days. I put in for that job they posted in the canteen, got accepted." He stood naked from the waste down he walked to the toilet jutting out of one wall.


The whimper coming from the body was weak as the sound of pissing slowly died off, the man twitching a leg and shaking is cock. "Heard the officers up top say this is your last night here too. Going to some guarding job, perfect for a little bitch like you." The man slowly lowered himself to one knee. "Since this was our last night together I thought I'd make it special." He reached out, petting the shorthaired soft fur as the body flinched away from him as best as it could in it's lethargic state. "If I'd known how good that sweet, sweet as was, you wouldn't have had to flush so many eggs....Oh well, doors not opened. I'm gonna catch a few hours of sleep before they take roll. Get some rest Patera, you sure as hell earned it tonight."

"So she doesn't know?" Ceci asked Sylvia as they sat beside each other on the bump ride. It had been one of the more interesting things about living outside the domes that Cecilia had still never gotten used to the "bumps". Bus..blimp...whatever. They ran on some kind of cable system, that was a hell of a lot easier she learned than laying track in some areas. The two electric motors served only two functions; to pull the cabin down the line, and to heat the gas balloon creating the lift to keep them in the air. Presently they were somewhere heading west towards the mountains, easily 20 or 30 feet above the canopy of what looked to her at least to be pines. She was sure if she asked her sister she could tell her the name, and what it smelled like, and what color of squirrel took shits on the third branch from the top.

"She wanted to get to know her without that kind of pressure," Sylvia shrugged, leaning hard on her sisters shoulder since the seats wouldn't recline as she read a book by the line from the window on Ceci's other side. "Can you imagine trying to start that kind of relationship with Rizak?"

"I did try to have that kind of relationship with Rizak, the only thing keeping him from tickling my belly button from the backside was age." Ceci crossed her arms, "he told me more than once if there had been more fur around the cave, he'd have made himself cozy a lot sooner. If she's already made plans for this I say go with the 'hi, let's be naked friends' strategy." Looking over she caught eyes with Walter, who's gaze was very curious. Uncomfortably so as she looked away out the window. More trees...yay~.

"Alright everyone," Vanessa called out, and everyone watched her hold onto both seats flanking the isle, "Stops in 5 minutes, make sure we didn't leave anything. Sylvia double check your books. Tyzer...make sure we're 'fashionable'." She got a grin from the boy and his brother just palmed face.

The warden was a nice man. He thought so. He adjusted his tie as he waited for the new arrivals. Country bumpkins the lot of them, but he would be nice. They were here to pick up one of his regular turnarounds, a good girl. Her mercenary work kept more than a few of the lights on around here. She couldn't protect herself for shit, last night's escapade the latest proof of that. He brushed his center part bowl cut one last time over his curling ram's horns to keep it down as the front gates of the center yard opened.

He nearly swallowed his tongue at the sight. Who the fuck were these two people? The huge bitch with her floppy-- and a rat tail, fucking hybrids. She wasn't in charge. The raccoon man was practically at her hip, so no.....Mekid...Mekid,Mekid, Huge fucking Mekid...ah, Demi...there it was.

"Greetings young Lady," the warden grinned impishly as he took a half bow, "To Greenbellows Penitentiary. If you're follow me we can get you accommodations while we talk." he gestured, not looking back as the group all looked at Catrina, who looked at Vanessa, who smiled and shrugged, mouthing the words 'get used to it' as they followed him in.

"I would really just like to pick up my protector and be on my way sir." Catrina tried being diplomatic, as uncomfortable as this setting was. The rest of her group looked like they were headed for war. The hooked cobrats and knifes on everyone...Tyzer even had a tail blade of all things sheathed up on his hip.

"I'm afraid there was a complication last night, so we're having to tend to an issue. If you'd like to switch to a diff--"

"What happened?" Vanessa spoke up, her jaw set as the man spun to look at her for addressing him, immediately glaring up at her in silence.

"As I said," he turned his face back to Catrina, "there have been--"

"Answer her question." Catrina cut him off this time, and it seemed she'd managed to channel a bit of Vanessa into her voice because the man was red in the face even under his white fur.

"Your guard dog," he looked up without moving his head at the group of Ekidna behind her, "got into a bit of a scuffle, she's in medical being treated." He was so busy glaring at the undesirables he completely missed the look of murderous rage on the humanoid girl just under his chin.

"I'm going to see her." the girl's voice was deadpan.

"I'm afra--"

"That wasn't a fucking request." a new voice boomed

Everyone in the group including the ram gave a jump at the timber in Thoo's voice. It wasn't often he whipped out his dad voice, but Ceci and Sylvia had peed on more than one occasion. The man looked like a fish out of water as he straightened his back.

"Now see here, this facility is government property."

"So are you." Vanessa took a step forward, "and we have been authorized with deadly force to complete our mission in a timely manner." she leaned forward, and she flicked the tail he'd been glaring at when she walked up. "You're nothing to me but five more pages of fucking paperwork."

The ram's head shivered for a second, and then it disappeared. Everyone watched astonished as the force of Catrina grabbing his tie and yanking bounced his head off the table between them. Fist clenching the knot high against his throat she stared. Her eyes wet with the beginnings of tears, but the warden saw the promise of death peaking out around the edges of her countenance.

"Where. IS. SHE."

Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 11

Patera shifted softly in the hospital bed. Why did she have to get like this to enjoy a real mattress? The nurse had pulled the covers up to her neck the way she liked, otherwise she had to use her teeth. It wasn't the first time she'd lamented her...

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Mekid Chapter 9

Catrina threw her head back, eyes squinted shut as she huffed and heaved. The hike...what the hell was that. She'd always been raised to think her humanity was some kind of superior design. Her legs felt like they were going to fall off, and her arms...

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Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 8 from Patreon

Cecilia smiled in the morning light. It was the second time she'd woken up in this bed in less than 24 hours, and it was much better than the previous. She'd spent the whole night with her sister, laying in bed talking, laughing like the old days when...

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