Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 11

Story by Vamoos on SoFurry

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#12 of Stories

Patera shifted softly in the hospital bed.

Why did she have to get like this to enjoy a real mattress? The nurse had pulled the covers up to her neck the way she liked, otherwise she had to use her teeth. It wasn't the first time she'd lamented her body. She didn't hate herself, but she never felt right in her own skin. Walking on all fours gave you a sense of....insignifigance.

She imagined the world wouldn't make her feel so small if the doorknobs weren't a foot above her head, little things like that. The whole thing seems above her, beyond her, most days and it grew overwhelming. Still she soldiered on, as soldiers do. Being talked down to, at, it was a thing she'd just accepted after years. Her own people, Demi's, or even Furs, like she was one of those ferals in the wastes.

"You can't come in--" Patty looked up in time to watch one of the guards catch a foot to the chest and go....flying.

Walter's face was different than normal. If Patty had seem him any other way she would know the goofy, silent, laughably awkard Wally his sisters did. The beast in front of her looked murderous as he stood on one foot. Back braced against the young man holding the door-frame behind him; his leg stuck out straight as an arrow. Patera for a second glanced back at the guard slumped on the opposite wall 20ft away and winced at the thought. The amount of power in a rabbits legs at 6ft in size was more than enough to powder a few ribs.

"You Patera?"

Looking up the young lady wanted to smile, that was what the faces in front of her just did to you. Cecilia, though she didn't know her name yet, her warm ashy grey and Sylvia's fluffy Vanilla's...just smiling down on her. The two together reminded her of a cloud. By that reasoning the towering woman behind her with the dark grey and the red hair was a thunderhead.

"I'm Patty." She croaked, her throat still hoarse. The girls helped pull the covers back, and she bashfully pulled in her other bits. When she could hide herself under the sheets she relaxed things she didn't normally....leave out.

"We're here to collect you." The bigger of the younger girls(well, 'fluffier' anyway) offered a hand that she took, then winced at being pulled out of bed by her hand did horrible things to her shoulder joint. Still the fact that she'd been offered a hand like a real person was a gloriously little surge of a thrill. "Do you have things to gather or can we leave? HEY YOU--"

The poor little soldier really wanted to tell her she didn't give a fuck about possessions, to just get her out of here. She didn't even have a picture of her parents to her name anymore. Any chance of replying though was cut off by the sudden white flash and then darkness.

Catrina sat in the bump, petting the head of the girl in her lap softly as they rode back the way they came. The whole experience had been horrible, the people living in fortified squalor. Her heart broke with every step into that bastille with that horrid little fat-assed lamb-chop of a warden. It was Cecilia and Walter who'd led the charge to the infirmary, though to be honest Wally did most of the work literally kicking the shit out of most. No one used their weapons, which was good cause that bow of Cecilias on her back looked horrifying.


Everyone turned to the sound of the limp body groaning, turning chin up to preen under the touch of the woman cradling her. The Nurse had taken a swing at Sylvia and Cecilia with a metal bedpan, the damned thing had clocked poor Patera in the back of the head.

It had been the one spike of violence or effort Cat had ever seen out of Sylvia, seeing the woman threaten violence to her big sister she'd grabbed the woman up by her scalp and hauled her clean over the bed without touching it, a fist full of hair coming out in the process. A knee in the chest and about 10 or so haymakers later Cecilia had finished the job.

Catrina reminded herself that the girls had not always lived in the lap of luxury with Vanessa. They were galvanized by trauma, or perhaps bronzed by it was a better term, for it only added to their beauty as it protected them. Still, the image of going from giggling schoolgirls to boot-stomp-gang-banging that grown woman was a bit of an eye-opener.

"She'll be fine." Tyzer's voice called out softly from the large locker-box he was storing weapons in. "Just needs to rest a bit, we checked for concussion before we left the hospita." He turned, and walking back over took a seat in a still decompressing Walter's lap. "It's okay," he mumbled softly to the rabbit man who was staring out the window across from him like he was expecting a war.

"I know." Walter's voice was soft, but far firmer than usual as he wrapped his arms around his lover reflexively, "I hope we find him."

"I hope we don't." Walter's vision cleared as he looked down at the beauty in his lap astonished. "I hope we never give him another thought for the rest of his miserable fucking life. He can rot in there and die alone."

"He's getting out." Vanessa chimed in. "They all are." Everyone turned to see The two oldest women of the group hunkered around one of the weapon boxes, lid closed playing cards. The Rabbit faced one looked up and smiled. "Where did you think we were going to get a supply of Ekidna so cheap? Government funding."

"We're going to be living in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of inmates?!" Ceclia squeaked, "You failed to mention that mom."

"10% of them are perfectly happy with their arrangement and will refuse to come, another 85% of them are perfectly normal people who just want to be treated fairly. We'll get along fine."

"And what of the other 5%, like...him." Catarina let her fingers stop dancing through that incredibly soft fur. The two looked into each others eyes, and Vanessa could tell that this question held a fair bit of weight to their future going forward.

"The world is far different than what you were taught in the dome." Vanessa smiled looking down at the floor. "Too many have tried to play god, and the pantheon of mistakes that now walks the earth is far more horrible than you could imagine. People who don't want to fit in... will be pushed out, its a truth of society as we know it since the dawn of time unfortunately. Exile...Accidents....I don't expect we'll see a small number of losses the first few months as Nature welcomes us home ...walls and obscurity are going to be a priority, the eyes of the wild are not blurred. We may very well find this fellow dead, long before we know of his crimes."

Everyone took this in with grim silence.

Phula placed the last of her items back in storage, softly humming to herself. She'd not gotten to use her toys, otherwise people would have died horribly, but it was a nice fight. She liked to fight. It made her feel special. She was not the pretty girl, some would argue she barely counted as a girl. Herself included, no matter how much she wanted it. Her whole life, people had treated her like "one of the guys."

Until Walter. He'd gone out of his way to treat her "like a sister" for the last few years. It was charming, endearing, even a bit frustrating. When the only man who sees you as a woman doesn't 'see you as a woman' its both uplifting...and it just kind of stands on your tit.

The big girl blushed as she leaned on the doorframe to her bathroom, resting her forehead. Tonight he was supposed to visit, finally. He swore he wanted to just talk....just lay there and talk. He wanted to understand; her wants and likes, her body. He'd done the same for Tyzer two years ago, she remembered because the entire next night the boy was practically sitting on knees on her bed all night talking about how amazing that was.

Fufu had no intention of 'just' talking though. She needed him, to need her too; to feel needed. Her heart was full of Sylvia. That was the reason she was taking this so seriously. She wasn't one of the guys dammit! The thing between her legs was rarely even out unless Sylvia was in one of her moods. Now adays she was getting her peckings from the boy down the hall. This meant that possibly, maybe, she could risk something more adventurous and not ruin what she and Sylvia had. After all.....Wally wasn't small.

"Hey...." Cecilia gave a tiny grunt of discomfort as she bit down on Riz's shoulder, "What is....Notching?" She felt him slowly removing his panting breath from her ear as he leaned up on his straightened arms. They'd come to the room shortly after arriving and hadn't left yet. Exercise always made Riz randy for it. Fights, it seemed, were even worse. He'd dragged the two of them, the sisters, in the room and locked the door. The clothes came off so fast it was a blur, and Sylvia going first was just the tip on a very full-bodied iceberg.

"Common....form...." the girl lying beside her, body caked in semen gasped out, "of sexual punishment." She gave another groan as her parted knees trembled. The lover's had talked about the little sisters almost unnatural attraction to semen, and agreed to at indulge her. This meant Cecilia finally got to experience lovemaking all the way through, actively participating without the threat of paralysis. Also Rizak for the first time had someone he could feel no guilt about just... packing; that chubby little mound took far beyond what her sister even dared try to hold. Face, tits, ass; he'd given her a candy coating tonight after he'd gushed her full. His balls were going to be sore in the morning.

"Not quite," Riz chuckled seeing the girl's upturned face practically glued shut by his spent pleasures, "its... okay." Ceci groaned in complaint as he reared back, his shaft popping free and slapping his stomach. The fact he was still rock hard was a wonder as much as a threat. "This here..." he gestured down at himself.

"Yeah," Cecilia pulled her knees together and rolled to her side to face her sister after a bit of effort, winking at the larger breasted girl. "We've met it."

"Not the dick doofus." Riz swatted her shin playfully, "this spot, the meaty section around it, the slip."

"Cock-pussy." Ceci grinned.

"Stop calling it that, its not a--"

"Fat lips, slit, pretty pink inside--"

"It is NOT a cock-pussy!" Riz couldn't keep himself from laughing as he berated his wife. "The slip, it is right on top of the muscles that control ejaculation and distention....'putting it out there' if you want to call it that. I can have a boner and not stick out."

"Yeah I know," Ceci grinned, "it's fun to play with when you're sleeping. So what does this have to do with the thing you, Fu, and Thoo talk about?" She sat up, genuinely curious.....also she just wanted to touch his penis.

The young man shifted and squirmed away from her grip as he sat back on his ass letting his legs kick out. "Well....if you put something, you know, up in there..."

"Fucking the cock-pu--"

"Would you stop!" Riz laughed palming his face, "Yes! Okay? If you put something too big or too roughly up there you can sprain or temporarily separate, dislodge, I don't know, it fucks up the structure...the shape. You can still get hard, but you can't make it...come out of its shell. have to be helped to...'finish finish' you know?"

"Wait..." Sylvia sat up, apparently having overdosed on the paralyzing agent for the last hour and finally it wearing off, "So if Fufu and Wally...will she lose her...?"

"Wally intends to do butt-stuff with her." Riz smiled, "He already asked me a few things and I gave him the very basics, like i did you Sylvie, before you went running to your mom's books. Nothing too detailed, though I wonder if Fu will push for a notching."

"But I love it when we..." Sylvia looked down at the bed a little down trodden. "If ...If that makes her happy."

"It's not permanent ladies." Riz scoffed seeing the two girl's eyes sky rocket back up, "the effects can last a month or as little as a day. Depends on the equipment being ...used."

"Where does Wally fall?" Ceci smirked, "In your opinion?" She watched her husband shift uncomfortably as he looked at the ceiling.

"Prolly a day or two if he's gentle?" Riz squeaked with far less confidence than Ceci had heard in a while. "If he's not... prolly a week, week and a half? He's pretty hung...I mean, from what I've seen..." Ceci took note of Rizaks sudden blush, it did funny things to her stomach.

"But it doesn't hurt right?" Sylvia was idling wiping her chest off, "I mean, its a convergence of the Pudendal nerve clusters and the Peroneal nerve clusters in helical masses." Looking at the other two and rolling her eyes at their silly lack of desire for understanding she reached over into her sisters lap.

"Silly? what--wait that--OH. UH." The older girl tried to fight her for half a second not sure what was happening until she hunched, hugging the girls arm and going completely tense like a vibrating guitar string.

"This is the Grafenburg, according to mom's books," she calmly explained to the girl looking at her like she couldn't breath, her hand trapped between to trembling and clenched together thighs. "It was discovered centuries ago, but it's since doubled in size after the Big Cure came about. Some speculate as to why, animal DNA maybe, but most just accept THIS." She flexed her arm and the girl did her best impression of a dying goldfish. "Imagine this is your labia, it's not an internal tissue inside the vagina, its a ring on the outside. A ring that Rizzy forces wider every time he pushes inside you." The girl gave her sister a few seconds to consider this before pulling her arm free as the girl gasped for air and fell backwards. The three sat in silence for a few seconds, the only noise Cecilia trying to catch her breath as Sylvia gently and nervously wiped her fingers off on the girl's thigh. It seemed any form of confidence she had came in the form of imparted knowledge. Take away the lecture and she just wanted to hug behind the pillows and watch.

"Um..." Riz looked at the two of them, back and forth as Ceci lay there panting, "could me where that is?" He smiled at her reply, which was to laying back on the pillows next to her sister and spreading her meaty thighs wide. Following his eyes downward she blushed and looked back up at him.

"Sorry about the mess? I've had a busy day."

Tyzer stood on the roof of the home, his stance high and thin. His tail arched up behind him like a scorpions tail as he stood on one foot. Slowly his raised knee pointed out to the side, extending till the foot was out like a kick. This foot then climbed higher, heel to the sky as he bend his knee bringing himself down to a seat on the roof.

"Your exercises still amaze me."

He tucked his leg down, turning to watch his mother climbing out of the attic roof. Chai was a shapely woman, but she touched no edge of the window as she simply ducked and stepped through.

"I need to be ready, I have to be." Tyz looked out at the sunset. "I can't make him go through that, we all saw what it did to him. What it did to them to see how savage it can be."

"You're worried he will be forced to watch them take you." Chai sat beside him, raising an arm and pulling the boy into a side-hug. "Love, you know we will all look out for each other."

"I'll kill them." He shrugged, no emotion in his voice, "or die. I won't let him see me.... Like that."

"You worry about you, and you let Walter deal with what he can handle. For now you stay safe, and we stay together. It will not be easy to tame a horde, but this will not be my first." She chewed her lip, "it will just be the first I will not be ruling."

"Are you really okay with that?" Tyz looked up at his adopted mother fitfully. "You...I mean, commander I--"

"I never want to hear you call me that again." Chagotha closed her eyes, her lips pursed as she steadied her emotions. "You are not my servant, not anymore, and you are not some plaything for the are my child, sworn by blood if not blood wrought. And we are building a better place darling. For all of us. My rule has no claim there, in your new world. The Black Queen is dead. She died in a cage long ago."

The two sat in silence comfortably watching the sunset for several minutes.

"I saw your tail blade's been ages since you brought that thing out. Does this mean I might one day see you dance again?" She smiled only to feel it soften slowly as the boy stared off into the yard.

"I want to...but the feelings." Tyz wiped his cheeks with the back of a hand, "It then, I want to so bad, but it fills me with memories. Of then. Urges."

"Dance for him then."

Tyz looked up at his mother as she turned away to the sunset, "Dance for him. Show him why men wanted you. You once outshone ever jewel in my collection. You are no longer mine to give, but I see the look in your eyes when he enters the room. If i had the power I would send you to his bed and tell you to never leave."

"That's one order that wouldn't hurt to follow," Tyzer chuckled hugging his knees.

"Would it.." Chai chewed her bottom lip "offend you if I tried him?" She gave a little bow to her head, an uncommon gesture as the boy looked up at her incredulously. "It is fine, I was simply curious. Rizak and--"

"Oh I know." Tyz rolled his eyes, "he walked past the room the other day swinging a dick dripping in her. What the hell is she thinking?"

"You know she is changed, right?" Chai whispered. "You can smell it."

"How I don't know, but yeah. It's been years now I realized how much you two smell alike." Tyz buried his face in his knees, "Mama...if you really--"

"No love, your first answer was your heart, which is far closer to your sex than your brain is." She smiled, "In matters of love and lust, guard the heart's intentions more than the reason of the mind. He is safe from me." She patted her boy on the head as she stood and made for the window. "Do not stay out here all night."

"Yes mama." Tyzer rolled his eyes. She really was a good person, at least the person she had become after the war. Thinking back to his days serving food, dancing, being a pleasure as often as being used for pleasure. Chagotha had saved him from all that. She didn't have to teach a pleasure tool to fight. To read. To think for himself. But she did. His hand gravitated to his left pectoral, caressing his nipple softly in what no one else would assume was a fondly platonic gesture.

"Your heart is a treasure," he could still hear her words from so long ago "and you are mine." He traced the tiny stabbing of ink. It had hurt so much at the time, but he'd never regretted it a day. The tiny black box standing on a corner, carved into his areola, almost imperceptible unless you knew what to look for. "And so a treasure you shall be called. You are no longer the nameless hole for men's pleasure. Today on you are 'Tyzer'...It means 'diamond'. Because you will shine for me."

The young man stood to his feet, and after a deep breath, picked his foot up off the ground slowly to rise above his head. The rotation on his toes clockwise, spinning gracefully, was slowly gaining speed as he leapt into the air, rolling forward and popping up. Landing as light as you please in the opposite posture, his other foot in the air.

From the window a mother smiled in the shadows. A diamond could glitter, a diamond could cut.

Walter sat in the bedroom with the book in his lap. He'd helped the Demi girl bring her new friend in here. That had been hours ago, and Cat had begged him to stay. It was awkward waiting for Patera to wake up. The fact that Catrina clutched to him was rather empowering if off-putting. This girl trusted too easily, and latched too quickly. He had enough pseudo-sisters to know what the friend zone felt like. He was embarrassed to admit he wanted no part of that with this girl. Smooth hairless skin, the flattish face, yet those cute little ears and tail that kept flipping up the back of her skirt when she got too excited. Yeah, he was trapped in a room with the only two females in the house he didn't have a familial feeling connection to, and of them Cat was by far the one he'd go balls deep on at the slightest provocation.

He was supposed to meet up with Phula tonight after this mess was all sorted out. The thought of that was doing bad things to his pants too. He was still reeling from all this. Any guy on the outside would kill to be him. Mekid was like the forbidden fruit boys talked about growing up, and now that he'd had Tyz he knew what all the fuss was about. The idea that it could get more feminine, even a little, was driving him wild. Still, he loved Tyz in all genuineness and just couldn't not feel a bit like cheating. Tyzer had pulled him aside, and for the latest in very few times in their relationship was completely and boldly serious.

His sister hated her body.

His sister needed...needed... to be accepted as a woman.

His sister was probably going to be where the procreative material, that they would some day raise together, would come from.

His sister was no more blood related than he was to Sylvia or Cecilia. That last one had come as a bit of a shocker, and He'd spent the last three rereads of the same page in the book pouring over it in detail.

They were all orphans, it hadn't really occurred to him till Tyzer threw it in his face. Children of war and attrition, abandoned by the society that expected them to obey it's norms. For the first time ever he really was considering his 'sisters' as women in their own merits. It was horrifying.

Cecilia's tight athletic petite body, and Sylvia's meaty fuller frame...he was insane. How had he never looked at these girls as...girls? Take away the emotional trappings and pageantry of the family and he should have been daydreaming to pork these girls and feeling guilty about it almost since Tyzer arrived! He was yanked from his daydreaming by the girl walking out of the bathroom. They'd given poor Patera a bath, sponged by hand, since it looked like she hadn't been allowed one in a while. Cat had put away the tools while he'd carried the dried off girl to the bed and tucked her in.

"Thank you for everything." Catrina sighed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear as she looked past him to the four poster bed. He swallowed the lump in his throat before her eyes found him again. "I hope this doesn't sour her, um, her time with us."

"They're pretty resilient, all things considered." Walter supplied as he stood, towering over her, "Or maybe our family is just that tough." The way he said our made her heart flutter, looking up into the man's soft warm eyes. She could feel her belly flutter as he turned to walk out of the room. "Call me if you need anything, um, actually call Donald." Walter looked over his shoulder, "I made a promise tonight that I have to keep or my girlfriend will kick my ass."

Phula admired her skirt one more time in the mirror. It seemed silly to dress up right before bed but she needed this. The unfamiliar swish made her legs tingle mid-thigh as she spun in front of the full length mirror. Sylvia rarely let her drag it out of the closet, but they'd had a talk and it was okay for today. The bed was still that coffin like box she needed most nights, though to be honest she was getting better it seemed about blocking out sounds. Living with a girl who needed an isolation chamber to filter out noises was a bit of a trial. More than once she'd woken up to the sound of breathing since it was so quiet in there. Now after years she found it was comforting to have only each other to listen to as you went to sleep. Thank the gods that the chubby little thing didn't snore! As it was most nights now adays they kissed goodnight, maybe had a little fun, then seperated so she could have her space.

Nodding to herself she smiled back at the foreign figure, this busty timid girl in the mirror before turning and walking out of the room. The trip down the hallway seemed to take forever. Eventually she came to the door she needed, finding it open she paused. A quick peak told her it was empty. Glancing around she decided to be more bold and ducked her head in, her body soon following.

Tyzer and Walters room, as it was now known since it was originally only Walters room. Tyzer had moved in two days after the "great penetration debacle". She still remember watching from the corner down the hall as Vanessa and Chagotha tried desperately to get in the door as Tyzer screeched in pain. It hadn't been a real danger, Tizzy and her had talked the next day out in the garden. Animal tendencies were one of those latent quirks no one cared to admit. Stereotypes exist at least partially for a reason. Tizzy was the..what was the ancients word? A 'twank', whatever it was, Tizzy was more the little sister of the family than she was. So it was a jealous older sister who listened to how her younger got her ass reamed that night. Stereotypes abound thanks to genetic little quirks. Fu herself had to bite down on something when she ejaculated, it wasn't completely necessary mind you....but it was preferred. Apparently this also translated well to Walter's dicking.

Tizzy confessed to loving it later on, but Walter wound up was not a gentle or a slow penetrator. Thirty seconds of Tizzy's tongue in his mouth and the man was raring to go. That would have been find except for one; bad aim, and two; inexperience. Tizzy felt the danger but hadn't had time to stop him. Walter had gone tip to balls and back 6 times before Tizzy could find enough air in his lungs to scream. Compounded by the fact that he went in with no prep work, it was a shocking experience for them both.

Phula was completely on board with this secretly. She wasn't going to tell him that though, thats not something a girl just offers up for information on the first date. Not that this was a date, or was it? This whole clutch thing was very confusing, technically they were all signed on to be communally mated. They were friends bordering on family, or family bordering on friends, whichever you looked at it they'd ...survived. That was the word for it. She didn't know the story of everyone present but she knew that she wasn't the only one to come from something horrible.

The girl shook her head as she walked up to the bed, her mind a hurricane of doubt and fear as she plucked a pillow. Putting it to her face she closed her eyes, inhaling sharply as she tried to center her mind. Walt, he was Tizzy's. Sylvie was her little treasure. Cecilia and Rizak were basically married already, no one bothered to tell them. They were all going to have together, for this to work out. A clutch was free, closed but open all at once. She'd seen more than one clutch back in the service. Serving under Thoo's brother Prum, she'd watched him rule his own with an iron fist. More than one lunch he'd come back from the restroom carrying a mate who couldn't walk under their own power.


Phula's legs tensed as her feet went up on their toes. Rigid as a bow she arched her back as two very warm hands slipped under the stomach of her shirt, forcing it upward and palming her ample chest with a demanding strength. The heat pressing into her back made her spine tingle as she turned her head. The last thing she saw before closing her eyes involuntarily was Walter leaning down for a kiss.

Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 10

"Welcome back!" The kids set their bags down just inside the back door and turned to see Vanessa standing there, a crutch under one arm as she looked out at the lawn behind them smoking one of her chocolate cigars. Ceci and Sylvia rushed her and...

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Mekid Chapter 9

Catrina threw her head back, eyes squinted shut as she huffed and heaved. The hike...what the hell was that. She'd always been raised to think her humanity was some kind of superior design. Her legs felt like they were going to fall off, and her arms...

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Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 8 from Patreon

Cecilia smiled in the morning light. It was the second time she'd woken up in this bed in less than 24 hours, and it was much better than the previous. She'd spent the whole night with her sister, laying in bed talking, laughing like the old days when...

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