Dark Harvest (Part 3)

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#3 of Dark Harvest

Only one more to go. tick-tock how will this end before dawn?

~ Donald Weathers. August......I don't fucking know. I didn't think it would get worse but it has. It used to be that they would come every night since....since I....Read that god forsaken book. The Lustgeist are real, they only used to come at night, now the mist or fog that blankets this cursed land has gotten so high they are just out there all the time. They are out there now, we can hear them, laughing, moaning. They are.....well there is no civilized way to say this. The Lustgeist are performing an orgy across the camp ground. I think this is psychological warfare, they are trying to drive us insane. There is only seven of us now, trapped like rats in this damned cabin, but we have learned a lot. They hate the sun light, like vampires, but the fog solved that problem for them. They retreat from fire, they go up pretty easy and we killed a bunch of them. If you have the stomach for it, thorough dismemberment. You can't just stop with an arm or the head, you have to render the body useless. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! WHY DON'T THEY JUST ATTACK!" Calm down Sarah! I got a plan. "STOP RECORDING! THEY KEEP MAKING THOSE NOISES! Ethan, take her knife and bring her upstairs.

.....Right, right. A note on the fog, it effects everything. The environment, the people, it warps and corrupts. I've seen the trees moving, I've seen objects move and attack people, I've seen a poor girl being....taken....by her own bed. I can feel it in my mind, I can't stop thinking about sex, I'm constantly aroused now, I know it's effecting the others too. It seems like the fog gets more intense the more of the creatures there are. The people being....turned? Corrupted. It happens at different rates, I've seen people turned fast and easily, but others. Stacy had been attacked by two of them, they violated her for who knows how long before we rescued her. It appears to be based on will power, people CAN resist them, but I fear the longer your....exposed....to them, the more you lose the will to resist them.~

The white fog wafted across camp Happy Pines as the quartet of cabin dwellers huffed, running through the eldritch haze. Becky screamed tripping, falling onto the ground. "Alex!" The horse stopped and double backed lifting the blonde pigtailed cheetah to her feet. "Be careful, we gotta make it to the van and get help!" Cybil was in the lead now, flashlight in one hand, hatchet in the other. Sally looked around frantically as they ran past the dilapidated smaller cabins, she caught a glimpse of a dark figure running with them, at a distance in the dead woods as if stalking them. "I think we are being followed!" She called out making Cybil shin her flashlight around.

They hit the path leading from the camp to the parking lot and the forest seemed tighter around the path. The group slowed down to catch a breath feeling the distance to the van was longer then when they first walked to the camp. "Something is wrong!" Cybil looked back at Alex who made his way to the front of the group with the shotgun. He looked around hearing laughing in the darkness. "We gotta keep moving, we're committed now." The group continued to run for the parking lot. "I can't believe this is happening, why is this happening to us?" Becky trailed behind the other, her large breasts bouncing as she moved. "Finally! There it is!" Alex stopped to point through dead branches at the distant parking lot where his van resided.

Alex stopped and stared with wide eyes in disbelief. The van stood there, the white fog rolled around it. It was a wreck, like a common vehicle one would see in a scrap yard. "What in the actual fuck!" He yelled out in both shock and rage before the girls caught up with him. "What the hell happened to the van!?" Becky held out her hands. "It looks like someone took the jaws of life to it." Cybil shined her flashlight on the trashed van. It's windows were smashed, the driver door and steering wheel ripped out and laying on the ground. The hood was up and the engine looked like it was pulled apart by an amateur car enthusiast that had no idea how to put it back together. "Not the van man, I just got it on the road!" Alex pleaded with the cruel fates.

Suddenly the broken van started to rock, a strange creature crawling up onto the roof. It was dark and the Lustgeist was silhouetted and back lit by the moon. As it stood to look down on them, Cybil brought the flashlight up shining on the transformed creature that once was their friend Josh. The sight was hideous and terrifying, a pair of split arms stretching out in four directions. A jaw-less maw housing a long wriggling tentacle tongue darted back and forth. The creature's colourless white hair shimmered in the moonlight. It stared into their souls with it's pitch black eyes. The Lustgeist let out an unearthly howl that could not have come from a living being born from love. Becky and Sally screamed in terror while Cybil simply stared, the hand holding the flashlight shaking at the sight of the black eyed creature. "What the fuck is that!" She called out. "Fuck it!" Alex raised the old shotgun and pulled the trigger, a loud gunshot rang through the night sky and the Lustgeist Josh's harrowing scream was cut short as it took the brunt of the shot and flew off the roof of the van.

Alex struggled to pump the shotgun, grunting feeling resistance from the unkempt weapon. It finally gave in and an empty shell ejected onto the ground. "Alex! Alex! There! Shoot it now!" Cybil pointed her flashlight watching a naked girl walk out from behind the back of the van, a writhing mess of tentacles where her head should be. "Oh my god, what happened to her!" Sally cried out as Alex took aim again and pulled the trigger sending the tentacle headed creature onto it's back. A skittering sound could be heard drawing the beam of light to it. "You gotta be fucking kidding me." Cybil took a couple steps back as the severed head with crab like legs crawled out from under the van, It's white hair dragging on the ground behind it. "Why are you trying to fight us? Just give up, it will feel so good." It's unearthly voice unhindered by a lack of a neck. "Alex?" Cybil called out the horse's name in a pleading tone. "I'm...uuuhhh...trying!" The jock struggled with the old pump, finally able to get it to slid back.

The tentacle head Lustgeist's planted it's feet into the ground and unnaturally lifted it's torso up until it was standing bent backwards, it's tits jiggling as it moved, then stood up straight once again. The four armed creature came from around the van as it's tentacle tongue wiggled in front of it's demented jaw-less face. "Back, go back!" Alex called back to the girls as he fired another shot on the advancing Lustgeist. Becky screamed as she held onto Sally while Cybil grabbed them both and got them to move back the way they came. "Lets go girls, move!" The Quartet started to run away from the parking lot with the soulless thralls following slowly behind them, laughing at them.

The group huffed and ran back into the dead woods as Cybil shined her light back and forth. "Where is the path? Where is the fucking path?" "Oh god, how are we lost? It's practically a straight line!" Sally ran behind the purple haired horned fox keeping her head on a swivel. "Fucking bastards! We're going to die out here!" Becky screamed as Alex ran to the head of the group. "Calm down, we aren't dying, we are making it through this!" Becky looked back seeing nothing chasing them, only the dead forest and the looming white fog that surrounded them. "Those were our friends back their Alex! We are being hunted by our fucking friends!" "I know, I know!" Alex called back.

The group stopped running for a moment to get their bearings, it seemed like everything changed, like the direction they came from was not the way somehow. "Which way?" Cybil shined the flashlight in different directions. "Don't worry, we got this, we just need to stay calm." Alex made an attempt to reassure the girls but was cut down by his girlfriend. "What the fuck do you know?, this is all your fault!" Alex looked at the cheetah with anger and annoyance. "What?!" Becky pressed him with a raised voice. "We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you and Tubby and your stupid idea of fun. We are going to die out here because of you!" Finally Cybil stepped in staring down the frightened cheetah. "Hey, back off!" Becky returned the attention and huffed with an enraged face. "Fuck you too bitch! Who even are you? Coming along and mooching off of your freinds' friends for a fun weekend." Cybil just stared gripping the hatchet tighter trying to control herself when Alex stepped between the two. "Becky..." But suddenly. "Guys, I think we need to go that way!" Sally pointed in a seemingly random direction. Alex turned and looked beyond the cat. "Why that way?" Sally continued to point looking back at the group. "That tree, the weird looking one that forks, I've seen it on the way up to the cabin, even if the trees are moving it couldn't have gone far. It's this way." Sally seemed confidant in what she was saying and that's all they had to go on. "Fine." Alex started walking to lead the way. "Hold on, I'm not fucking done!" Becky started but was finally shut down by the tired Alex, who clearly has had enough. "Shut the fuck up Becky!" Was all he could say while walking away. Becky stood there appalled with her mouth open at what her, in her mind ex-boyfriend said to her. Cybil just smirked at her and gave an uncaring shrug. As the horned fox turned her back to the cheetah a branch lowered around Becky's head and gagged her by fitting into her open mouth, while other branches swiftly and silently lifted her into the air, snatched from the group. "Mmmmm!" The rustle of the seemingly living branches blending in with the rest of the noise being made by the walking group, now a trio, only a pair of red high heels left behind.

Becky's screams were muffled with the strange branch in her mouth, that acted like a gag, she felt restrained in the air as she struggled against the seemingly alive tree. She wiggled in fright with her arms over her head, when she suddenly came face to face with a face, in the tree. It looked angry like a jack-o-lantern as the tree gave off growling noise that sounded like cracking wood. "Mmmmmmmmm!" She tried to scream as more soft and slithering looking tentacles wiggled from the tree and latched onto the busty cheetah, wrapping around, slithering up her naked legs, and up her leather skirt. A tentacle wrapped around her body while curving and squeezing her large breasts. The hard wood branches were replaced one by one with the more flexible tentacles. "Mmmm mmm mmmm!" She could feel them slithering on her body, rubbing what they could with delight as she squirmed under their influence.

Soon she could hear a ripping sound as she watched helplessly her shirt being pulled from her body with force making her big tits bounce free. A tentacle took and squeezed each one, the tip flicking and playing with her hard nipples making her curl her noses. "Mmmmm mmmm mmm!" She could hear more ripping, feeling more tentacles tugging on her remaining cloths. "Mmmmmmm!" Her naked body was now freed of her skirt and panties leaving her vulnerable to attack. Becky felt herself being moved, bent over in the air leaving her ass and hips pointing into the crackling face in the tree, showing the creature her pussy and forcing her legs to spread for it. The face in the tree reached out with it's long tongue and started licking her pussy making her moan a muffled cry as the tentacles continued to play with her big tits. "Mmmmm mmmm mmmmmm!" She whimpered feeling the tongue driver deeper into her moist pussy as the pleasure increased.

Soon the tongue pushed into her making her moan feeling it fill her insides as it thrust, pushing deeper with each slithering thrust. Becky's curvy body bounced back and forth as her tentacle entwined big tits bounced under her. The branch in her mouth finally removed itself letting her cry out in pleasure. "Oh god! Why! Aaaahhh hhhaaaaaaa nnnnnaaaaaa!" As the face in the tree continued to thrust it's large tongue into her wet pussy a tentacle slithered in and pushed into her ass, immediately started fucking her. "Aaaaaaaahhhhh!" Becky cried out feeling the new intruder when a new tentacle pushed into her mouth shutting her up. "MMMMMM!"

"Mmmmffff mmmmff mmmffff mmmffff!" Becky bounced in the air tangled in the tentacles as she sucked on the one in her mouth, her big tits bouncing and squeezed under her. Her hips moved from the large tongue fucking her wet pussy, she could feel the tip licking about inside her, reaching her cervix with ease. The tentacle fucking her ass slithered quickly making her cheeks jiggle.

Becky could feel the pleasure move through her body like waves with every push, the demonic tree violated her and she was starting to like it. The heat built up inside her as the pleasure only increased, she was reaching her climax as the tentacles along with the big tongue refused to let up. Her muffled moans only got more intense, her big tits heaving under her as the tentacles playing with them flicked at her hard nipples. "Mmmmfff mmmfff mmmfff aaaakkkffff mmfmfff!" The big tongue licking her insides increased with a vigorous attack when the blonde pigtailed cheetah arched her back and shivered as she reached her orgasm, a string of drool dripped from her chin unable to control her body.

The tentacle in her mouth pulled out letting her breath heavily, her body started to descend to the dead forest floor. The jack-o-lantern faced tree seemed to be letting her go. The naked girl reached the dead leafs of the ground and huffed laying there. Not understanding what was happening she looked around seeing only the rolling eldritch fog, but then a portly figure appeared above her head looking down at her. "Oh my god! Tubby?" The Lustgeist Toby smiled down at her, through his big double cocks. "Hey Beckers, I bet you didn't think you would be staring down the barrel of these guns!" Before Becky could answer or do anything the white haired bear grabbed her by her blonde pigtails and pushed one of his big cocks into her mouth as she screamed a muffled cry. "Let's make you beg for it!"

"Mmmfff mmmfff mmff mmfmf mmmfff!" Becky sucked the big cock in her mouth, her tongue sliding along it's think shaft as she rested on her knees, the other big cock rubbing against her face. The black eyed Toby grunted thrusting his hips while pulling on the blonde pigtails in his hands. Her big tits jiggled from the jarring motion as she helplessly sucked the Lustgeist off. "Why am I not surprised? You always had a big mouth Beckers, now we are putting it to good use! Hehehehahahahaha!" Becky was forced in closer, now putting her hands on the Lustgeist's legs to brace herself, he increased his pace forcing her to suck the big cock faster, the cock on her face now bouncing, lightly slapping her. Her big tits bouncing in circles, her head moved quickly, tongue and lips sliding on the thick meat in her mouth. "Hrrrrrmmmm! Hrmf hrmf hrmf hrmf hrmf!" "Fuuuuucccckkk, I bet this both bothers and excites you. Doesn't IIIIIIIIAAAAHHH." Becky eyed opened wide as hot cum started flowing from her lips and rushing down her chin and neck. The big cock tapping against her face throbbed and shot streams of cum into the air, arching and landing on her back and ass.

Becky coughed as the big cock in her mouth slid out and the Lustgeist smiled down at her. "Stop...hhhhaaa stop...please..." Her body was on fire, she couldn't explain it, but she really did love it. Never would she ever thought she would do anything with Toby, or whatever he has become. "Oh, we are just beginning, it will all depend on how long it takes for you to give up that soul, then you will be with us." Becky whipped the cum from her lips and looked up at the black eyed Toby in disbelief.

"Aaaaahhhh hhaa ha ha ha ha ha aaaahhh oh fu...nnaaaa naaa aaahhh!" Becky moaned with pleasure, her face and big tits pushed into the leafs with her ass in the air. Her ass jiggled as the double big cocks filled and fucked her wet pussy and ass. The Lustgeist mounted her from behind, grasping her moving hips as he pumped his own. "Come on bitch! Give it up, you know you want to!" "Hhhaaa aahhh oh fuck! I can't, I can't!" Becky cried out in pleasure feeling the double cocks filling her with a unearthly vigour. "You can! Just say it!" The black eyed Toby dismounted and started pushing from behind faster as he laughed in a demonic voice. Becky now on all fours threw her head back, her ass jiggling with excitement as the big cocks fucked her wet pussy and ass mercilessly. Her big tits bouncing wildly under her, hard nipples flicking forward from the force of the fucking. "Aaahhh hhhaa I...I....hhhaaaa....yyyeeeaaaaahhhh!" She had an orgasm as the big cocks continued to fuck her from behind. The black eyed Toby grunted giving a couple powerful thrust before cumming inside her, filling her pussy and ass as the cum squirted from her love holes "Hhhhaaaaa yeeaaaahhhh!" Becky cried out in pleasure, she looked up to the night sky with black eyes.

"Aaahhhh hhhaaa hhhaa yes, yes, more....Give me more you fat fuck!" Beck wrapped her legs around the Lustgeist's body as she bounced on his double big cocks, cum squirted with every fall of the hips. The black eyed Toby stood holding her, occupying himself by sucking on one of her bouncing big tits. As the cheetah's hips moved her cum dripping pussy and ass slid on the thick cocks with ease, willingly and eager. "Yes yes yes yes aaaaaahhhhh!" Becky arched her back and stretched out her legs while continuing the bounce on the big cocks, she leaned back letting her big tits bounced freely as her voice changed like the others. "More, more, shower me with your cum!" Becky squealed with pleasure as her big tits bounced wildly, her legs spread wide. "Your wishes granted forever!" The Lustgeist called out as he dropped Becky into the leafs, her hair white, her face changed, now a Lustgeist. The black eyed Toby groaned as his cocks throbbed and started streaming hot cum. The Lustgeist Becky moaned in delight as it squirted across her body, splattering against her big tits and face, into her open mouth, showering her like a welcoming rain which she raised her arms in embrace for it.

"Becky!" "Becky where are you?!" "Stop fucking around!" The trio called out for the missing girl. They lost track of time, they couldn't tell how long they have been wondering in the fog ridden dead forest. They could hear noises in the darkness, unnatural noises, unearthly laughter. Moving shadows and sourceless footfalls. They constantly felt surrounded but saw no evidence of it. "Shit, this IS my fault." Alex leaned forward resting the shotgun on his knees." Cybil lowered herself to meet him eye to eye. "Hey, none of that. There is still three of us. You remember what the tape said? They don't like sun light. All we gotta do is out last them. Once the sun comes up, we fucking walk out of here." Alex listened to the new girl's reasoning and it made sense to him as he nodded in agreement. "Remember what the tape also said about the fog?" Sally chimed in as Alex and Cybil looked around noticing the fog was higher now. The eldritch fog gets more powerful the more Lustgeist are around, this only meant one thing, and the trio all drew their silent conclusion as to the fate of Becky. "Damn." Alex murmured to himself, then noticed something shimmering in the distance. "The cabin!"

The trio pushed themselves through the dead forest and finally came to the clearing populated by the old smashed cabins. Not far off was the larger cabin on the slight hill which boarded up windows and cracked wood; fire light poured through like a source of salvation. An imagined twisted grimacing face looked back at them from the dilapidated features of the old structure. The eerie white fog drifted in a single direction with the wind across the landscape of the camp grounds. "Fuck that is creepy, but at least we know it's safest place to be right now." Alex said huffing. "Relatively the safest." Cybil corrected him as they walked through the camp ground looking in all directions. "Oh god!" Sally called out making Cybil and Alex point their light and gun in the indicated direction together seeing the flapping tarp hanging from one of the smashed cabins. Alex looked at the cat in disappointment making her shrug. "Sorry." "Come on." The horse jock led the way.

As the trio made their way up the hill, their senses on full alert. Suddenly they heard a familiar yet altered voice behind them. "Ah come on, don't go in there, it's more fun out here!" The three turned seeing the Lustgeist Toby who seemingly just appeared behind him. Naked with his huge throbbing cocks dripping with cum, he stared back at them with his black eyes and a sickening smile. "Don't make me kill you man." Alex gave his warning as he raised the shotgun, the three slowly walking away from their former friend toward the large cabin. "You just stay away Toby, come morning we will get you help O.K.?" Sally pleaded with him as she held onto Cybil's arm who was pointing the edge of her hatchet at the white haired bear. "Why don't you come help me now Sally, I though we were friends." The black eyed Toby started walking forward through the fog prompting Alex to draw attention to himself again. "I mean it! Back the fuck off!"

The Lustgeist Toby opened his mouth and let out a demonic cackle, giggling like a child before he suddenly lurched back, bending backwards in a far more flexible manner his portly body should be able to. "Hehehehehehehahahahahaha!" He waved his arms around before grabbing the ground and started moving in an unnatural crab walk, his big double cocks bobbing like a scorpion's tail above him. "Come help me Sally, I need your help!" "Oh my god." Was all Sally could say as Cybil stood in front of her ready with her hatchet. "Hehehehehahaha!" The black eyed Toby suddenly and quite frighteningly started running up the fog covered hill at the girls. His disjointed limbs carrying him with unnatural speed making the girls scream as they started to run. The Lustgeist's tongue wiggled in a lapping motion up and down as it gave chase with vigour. "Heheheheahahahaha! Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy!" Alex was tracking him with the old shotgun following his former friend, the creature zeroing in on Cybil's ass as she ran. "TOBY!" He called out before pulling the trigger. As a gunshot cracked across the night air, the white haired creature was struck, he fell and rolled in the opposite direction.

The black eyed Toby laid still, almost hidden in the white looming fog. Alex struggled to pump the shotgun as he walked toward his former friend on the ground. Cybil quickly walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder catching the attention of the jock. Cybil slowly shook her head attempting to silently deter him. Alex shrugged her off and slowly walked toward the still body in the fog. "Toby..." He whispered. Unknown to him the Lustgeist opened it's black eyes and smiled. Alex raised the shotgun once again aiming for the creature's head.

Suddenly the Lustgeist launched up legs first making Alex stumble back in shock. Alex found himself pushed onto his back as Toby landed right on him. The horse struggled under the portly creature. "Aaahhh uuuhhh, get your fucking dick off me man!" The Lustgeist cackled grabbing a fist full of Alex's shirt. "I bet you never thought this would happen tonight huh buddy!?"

Just as the black eyed Toby said this Cybil came from the left swinging into it with the blunt side of her hatchet, connecting with it's head with a sickening metallic crack making the portly Lustgeist roll off the jock and down the slight hill into the fog. "Bet you didn't see that coming tonight!" The white haired bear rolled and sprung to his feet as he let slip a gitty giggle running away like a child playing a game. "You O.K.?" Cybil helped the jock to his feet. "Yeah, yeah...I just thought maybe..." He trailed off as he retrieved the shotgun from the fog.

Walking out of the dead forest and from behind the wrecked cabins, obscured by the rolling white fog, all of the soulless minions of the Others made themselves known. Laughing and taunting. Unearthly noises with unnatural gestures. The Lustgeist slowly advanced on the large old cabin on the hill, the man once known as kyle stroking his large cock at the trio. The tentacle headed girl walking out of the dead forest, her body twitching as the tentacles slithered about in a seeking manner. A naked Becky followed her, her eyes black with a sinister smile, her once long blonde pigtails turned a ghostly white. The black eyed Amber walking beside Toby. The chorus of their taunting synced up into a chanting mockery. "We're going to get you! We're going to get you! We're going to get you!" From the fog the monster once known as Josh stretched out it's four arms as an unnatural cry bellowed from it's jaw-less maw. "AAAAAHHHHOOOOWWWW! JOIN UUUUUUSSSSSS!" ...and the trio could do nothing but retreat in fear.

Alex slammed the front door to the large cabin and lowered the cross beam to bar it from opening as Cybil ran over to the fire place to throw more wood onto the dieing source of life. "Four hours, we have four hours till dawn." Sally checked her phone, the screen almost unreadable from it's glitching surface. "We'll make it, we have to." Alex said looking through the boarded up window. "As long we have fire, we should be able to hold them off." Cybil continued to throw wood into the fireplace. Realization and crystallization of purpose settled into the minds of the last survivors, everyone knowing what needed to be done, and how to go about it.

Suddenly Alex's phone on the couch started vibrating, signalling he was getting a text. The horse pointed at it. "Get it, it might be from the outside!" Sally snatched it from the couch and thumbed the glitching screen, her eyes widened with surprise. "What is it?!" Cybil stood. Sally shook her head. "It's....it's from Becky." Alex looked back with a look of concern in his eyes as he took the moment of peace to load what little shells he found into the old shotgun. "What does it say?" He pressed the cat. "It says.....You won't make it to the dawn." Cybil raised her hatchet looked around. "Can they hear us?!" The phone in the cat's hand vibrated again. "Well?" Alex pressed. This time Sally looked confused. "Knock, knock?"

A loud bang came from the front door as dust dropped from it's old cracks, like something heavy just ran into it. The girls screamed as Alex ran over to the door and braced himself against it, feeling repeated strikes against the door. "Why are you making this so difficult? Let us in!" A distorted male voice came through the wood. Cybil and Sally ran to the boarded windows to see what they could. "Get away from us! Leave us alone!" Sally shouted back. The strikes against the door suddenly stopped but just as quickly an arm came through one of the gaps in the window, grabbing Sally by the head making her scream. Sally's head was pressed against one of the boards across the window as the Lustgeist Kyle tried to lick her through one of the gaps. Cybil grabbed the invading arm and raised her hatchet. The horned fox gave a battle cry and started to hack at the arm, the creamy white innards sprayed Sally in her face as she screamed seeing the hacking hatchet rise and fall out of the corner of her eye. There was sudden slack letting the cat step back away from the window. Cybil pulled the severed arm from her friend and tossed it across the room, right into the fire place. It went up in flames with ease and the Lustgeist outside the window let out an unearthly howl like it could feel it. Alex took advantage of this and stuck the barrel of the shotgun through a window gap and pulled the trigger, silencing the howl with a crack of thunder.

"Are you O.K.?" Alex looked back at the cat. Sally wiped the cum like goo off her face with her fingers. "Uuuuhhh...yeah." The group's attention was drawn upward as they all heard something crawling across the roof. The skittering thuds moved across above them toward the back of the cabin. Cybil looked at the kitchen and pointed with her hatchet. "The back door!" She shouted. The trio ran into the kitchen. Alex and Cybil grabbed the fridge and started pushing it back in front of the door where they originally found it. The back door swung open hitting the fridge making the trio yell out in surprise. "Shit!" Cybil shouted as they fought with the door. Alex put his back into it with a grunt, tipping the fridge over slamming the door shut with a bang. "Holy fuck, how long can we keep these things out!?" Alex huffed.

Just as this was said they heard a crash of glass from upstairs. "Oh now what?" The trio made their way back into the living room looking up at the Bannister walk way. "Lets go together." Alex said staring up at the bedrooms. "Wait!" Cybil walked across the room and tipped over a small old table, with a stomping kick she snapped one of the legs off. Taking it and ripping the blanket on the couch, she wrapped it around one end. Alex and Sally watched this, the horned fox then doused the cloth in kerosene they used to start the fire and plunged it into the fireplace pulling out a torch. "Fire, let me go first."

They walked up the stairs in a line with the torch leading the way, making their way to the bedrooms. Alex kicked one door open and they saw across the room, boards from a window being pushed off the frame by multitudes of tentacles wrapping around the boards, slithering and wiggling about, a pair of woman's arms feeling around through the gaps. Cybil charged in before the window was completely breached, waving the fiery torch with a battle cry. The tentacles shivered at the approach of the fire and with an animalistic screech, quickly retreated back out into the darkness. The trio heard more noises from the other bedroom and made their way there. Alex kicked the door in once again and they found the Lustgeist Amber half way through the window trying to squeeze in, and a look of surprise on her black eyed face. "Oh hey guys, I changed my mind, I wanna be on your side." She said with a smile and an unearthly voice. Cybil just brought the torch forward. "Back the fuck off!" "Aaaaaaahhhh!" The Lustgeist screamed, writhing at the approaching fire and slipped back out the window. Cybil looked back at the other two as they stared at each other in silence.

The front door opened, Alex walked out with the old shotgun at the ready as Cybil and Sally started throwing odd and end objects into a pile in front of the porch. Alex scanned the rolling white fog seeing nothing, but he knew the Lustgeist were out there somewhere. "Hurry up!" Sally squeezed the bottle of kerosene onto the heaped pile of discarded objects and Cybil brought her torch out tossing it onto the pile. The objects lit ablaze in a small bonfire in front of the large cabin before the survivors retreated back through the front door. "Let's go, let's go!"

The trio had a moment of peace to themselves, it seemed like the Lustgeist gave up trying to get in

or at least they were scheming something else. They sat close to the roaring fire in the old stone fire place. Sally sat silently watching the crackling flames while Alex sat pensively on the couch watching the door and windows. Cybil made herself useful and continued to make more make shift torches that could be used as weapons. The jock rested the butt of the gun on the floor and leaned into to whisper to the girls. "I've been thinking, maybe we don't have to wait for the dawn, maybe we can kill them in one move." Sally looked disapproving of what he was saying. "Those are our friends, we need to get help for them." Alex shook his head, pursing his lips. "Not anymore they aren't, I don't know what they are, but they only look like our friends." Cybil pulled tight a knot of cloth on the end of one of her torches. "What are you thinking?" Alex looked back at the windows then back to the girls. "What if we can lure them all in here, and burn the fucking place down around their heads." Cybil shook her head. "This place is pretty dry but the fire would have to spread fast. Cut them off from any way out."

Alex thought for a moment then snapped his fingers. "Gas!, I remember seeing an old jerrycan of gas!" Sally finally joined in on the conversation. "Where?" The jock sighed looking disappointed. "The tool shed out back." "That gas will be over thirty years old." Cybil countered. Alex shook his head. "It's fine, we put in the rest of the kerosene to act as an ignitor, then the heavy stuff will burn like normal." Sally cocked her head. "How do you..." Alex smiled. "Auto class. I'm more then just a throwing arm ya know." Cybil nodded. "That just leaves one thing, how do we get to it?" Alex sighed once again. "I guess......I'll go and get it." Cybil bit her bottom lip and shook her head. "Nah, I have to go." Sally straightened out with a look of shock. "What!? Why?" Alex was a little more discreet. "I don't understand?" Cybil looked over the other two and took a deep breath. "Look, your good with the gun and strong enough to stop them from getting in. Sally can't go by herself cuz she's never been in a fight in her life." Sally made a peep as if she was going to protest, but there was nothing to counter. "That just leaves me and Mr. Hacky." She picked up and displayed her stained hatchet. Alex leaned back with a disapproving look. "I don't like the sound of this." "What DO you like about whats going on around here?" Cybil countered. Alex surrendered and continued. "If this is how it's going down, then we need to distract them somehow, we need eyes on target. Figure out where they are, and what they are doing."

As the trio were making their plans, noises suddenly caught their attention. The sounds of howls and moans of pleasure. Slapping and sucking noises. The three made their way to the boarded up windows and stared in awe of the activities in the fog. A cacophony of sexual noises, unearthly cries and moans of pleasure. Figments in the white fog bouncing and gyrating, thrusting and wriggling. "What in the fuck are they doing!?" Alex watched with fixation at the Lustgeist orgy. "Taking a break?" Sally said with a shrug as she peered through the gaps in the boarded up window. No doubt the sounds and sights of the perverted party outside, being made up of their former friends was effecting them. The haunting fog penetrated their minds, making them aroused. The tape was right, this was some form of psychological attack. The Lustgeist didn't simply attack the body, they were not above the art of persuasion, enticement, even negotiation. It was always far easier to reap a soul from someone so willing for the eldritch pleasures.

The eldritch fog drifted like a ghost. Tentacles slithered and penetrated. Animalistic and unearthly voices cried out in groans and moans of pleasure. Soft tits of different sizes bounced rhythmically as wet pussy were stuffed and fucked by big cocks or tentacles. "Haaa! Yes! Get in there and give it to me!" The back eyed Becky cried out in pleasure. Rocking on her back spreading her legs wide, her big tits bouncing in circles with a pair of tentacles slithering in her wet pussy and ass. The tentacles coming from the tentacle headed Lustgeist who was on all fours. Her tits bouncing under her as a big cock fucked her wet pussy. The now one armed blacked eyed Kyle thrust his hips completing the threesome.

The black eyed Amber bounced back and forth between the four armed creature and the double big cocks of the Lustgeist Toby. "Mmmff mmff mmff mmff mmff!" Sucking the big cock in her mouth while stroking the other. The big cock in her wet pussy slid fast and vigorously as she moaned with pleasure, the tentacle tongue fucking her ass. It was a strange affair, as if the creatures simply forgot the people in the cabin. The Lustgeist orgy continued as Cybil and the others watched from the boarded up windows. Pussies getting filled, loud and muffled moans of pleasure, tits heaving. A shot of cum across jiggling ass cheeks, cum squirting from the mouth, flowing down the chin.

Cybil licked her lips while rubbing her thighs together, feeling hot and aroused, only to shake her head and remind herself of what was actually happening. If the tape was right, and this was a battle of wills, she needed to keep her mind in the game. "Hey! This is our chance!" She whispered just loud enough to be heard, Alex snapped out of his daze and looked at the horned fox. "What do you mean?" "I can go for the gas while they...er...distract themselves." She tilted her head motioning to the kitchen, referring to the back door. Alex's eyes darted back and forth in thought. "Alright, lets do this." The pair started for the kitchen while Sally continued to watch the Lustgeist orgy, she took a could steps away to follow the others looking back to keep watching. It was hypnotizing and effective.

Alex and Cybil moved the old fridge as silently as possible away from the door, while Sally stood at the door between the kitchen and the living room to keep an eye out. After they cleared the back door, Alex mouthed the words "Wait here." As he walked into the living room to see if the Lustgeist orgy was still going on, that they were all visibly distracted with each other. Sally took the opportunity to walk up to the horned fox. "Cybil....um...I just wanted to say..." Cybil looked down at her. "Yeah?" Sally looked back through the door then back at purple haired fox with apprehension. "Look, this isn't how I planned things to go this weekend but...I like you...like; a lot...like feelings." Cybil tried not to roll her eyes showing her teeth. "Yeah, I kinda figured that a while ago." Sally took that acknowledgement and pressed herself against her pushing her lips to Cybil's in a passionate kiss. She could feel Cybil's large breasts against hers as she moaned softly, wanting to be greedy. Cybil moaned softly as well, more so in surprise then anything. The warmth Sally had dreamed about was finally there in the flesh but suddenly Cybil pulled away kindly. "Look Sally, I like you....As a friend....and this really isn't the time for this."

Sally let out a soft whimper backing away. "I'm...I'm sorry...I thought." Cybil placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine. I get it. Things are a little wild right now." Sally shrugged trying to play off her embarrassment. "Yeah no, whatever. Not the time." Alex finally returned. "Let's do this." Cybil picked up her hatchet and a kerosene soaked torch, pocketing a lighter and let Alex open the door for her. Billows of the haunting white fog rolled into the kitchen. "In and out, no screwing around. Got it?" Cybil nodded griping her tools of survival and slowly walked out into the dark unknown.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared, but desperation can make one do brave, or stupid things to survive. "Good luck." Alex whispered before closing the door. A cold creep crawled up her back, she felt like she was having hot flashes. Warm on the inside from arousal but chilled from her sweat. She pressed herself to keep moving, the tool shed didn't seem that far, a quick walk and it was there at the edge of the dead forest. She took a moment to think about the dark trees, what they could be capable of. The shed was closer, it's structure partially hidden by the shifting ghostly fog. She took a second to look around to see if she had been made. One step after the other drew her closer to her target and she made every effort to make as little sound as possible. As she finally came up to the barely held together door of the tool shed she looked back at the large cabin, light beaming from it's boarded up windows. Never before has she felt something so close, felt so far. What if she was found, what if she couldn't make it all the way back. What if Alex and Sally don't let her back in if the creatures were all over her? No, she can't think like that, they were all in this together, she did feel bad for Sally though. What a time for drama.

The old rickety door squealed slightly from it's rusted hinges making Cybil wince with fear and anticipation of an attack. After taking another look around she walked in. The place was dark and full of discarded tools and loose objects, nails and screws. Loose boards, an archery target rested on the far wall. There was two work benches on either side occupied with nick-nacks all covered in a thick layer of dust. Thick cob webs adorned every corner and crevasse, despite this, there was no sign of life. No insect nor vermin could be found, a product of the dead forest around camp Happy Pines. A lingering scent of mold filled the air, no one has been here in over thirty years, left to be reclaimed by nature.

She walked in deeper after carefully examining the confines and tried to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. "Damn." She whispered to herself as she put the hatchet on one of the work benches and produced the lighter. She flicked it open and lit it creating a small flame she kept from the torch to give herself some light. She looked around seeing a large dirty cloth hanging on the right wall. Driven by curiosity she pulled on in making it fall to the table revealing the ultimate in woodsmen accessories. The biting rotating blade of a chainsaw gleamed in the fire light as if looking back at her. "Oh you might be helpful." She whispered to it thinking of it as a new ally. As she lowered the hand holding the lighter she caught a glimpse of a knee high red jerrycan under the table she was standing at. "There you are." Cybil bend over at the hips with her fine ass to the open door and unknown to her, amidst the rolling eldritch fog a shadowy figure with one arm stood there watching her. His teeth piercing the darkness of his silhouette like a disembodies sadistic smile.

Back at the cabin, Alex and Sally continued to keep watch. Their feelings of duty to keep their friend safe was tainted by the urge to watch the hypnotic and rhythmic sexual ritual just beyond the front porch of the large cabin. The small bonfire they had created helped to illuminate the Lustgeist orgy but was slowly diminishing. "I hope Cybil gets back here soon." Alex said looking back at the kitchen. "I'm sure she is fine." Sally said in a distracted manner.

Cybil yelped being pushed into the old archery target being constricted my a mess of tentacles that grew from the stump of the black eyed Kyle. "Your the bitch that cut off my arm! Oh this is going to be good!" "Aaaahhhh eeeerrr!" Cybil tried to contain her cried as the tentacles wrapped around her large breasts squeezing, she could feel the tips slithering on her body, probing their way under her cloths. "Hahahahehehehehe!" Damn those tits look amazing, lets get better look at those cow utters!" "Hhhaaaa!" Cybil cried out feeling the fabric of her shirt rip, pulling up making her big tits bounce free, the tentacles immediately wrapped around them and played with her hard nipples. The Lustgeist reached forward with his one good arm and grabbed her shorts pulling them down to her thighs, exposing her pussy before completely ripping them off of her body as she cried out. "Bastard!" In an act of defiance she swiped at him, hitting the white haired creature in the face, nails and all. The Lustgeist giggled with a cum like goo dripping from claw marks on the side of his face. "Oh yeah?"

"Hhhaha!" Cybil found herself being pushed up against one of the work benches, bent over at the hips still restrained by the tentacles around her neck and chest. The Lustgeist laughed and slapped her ass before rubbing his big cock between her cheeks. "Oh you have been wanting this, already so moist." Cybil struggled against the tentacles, her hands on the table trying to push off." "Fuck you, you freak." The Lustgeist fainted a look of disappointment. "Awww, you know they say, the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. Let me help you realize what you want!"

"Hhhhaaaaa!" Cybil moaned in pleasure feeling the big cock pushing into, sliding deeply and filling her. As soon as the creature slapped against her ass he started moving his hips. "Ha ha ha aaahh aahh nnnaaahhh!" Cybil bit her lip moaning as she bounced on the big cock fucking her, her big tits heaving being played with by the tentacles. "Hahahahahehehehehe, not too tight, not too loose. Been around haven't yea?" "Eeerrr ha ha ha ha ha fuck! Ooohh" Cybil's ass jiggled from the big cock fucking her faster. The pleasure and heat pulsated through her bouncing body as she moaned with pleasure. "I..ha ha ha!...I'm going to...fucking kill you! Hhhhaaaaaa!" The big cock in her wet pussy fucked her faster as her juices dripped down the thick shaft. "Oh shut up!" The tentacle around one of her big tits slithered loose and wiggled up and pushed into her mouth. "Mmmmm! Mmff mff mmff mmff." The black eyed Kyle slapped her bouncing ass once again before grabbing one of her legs pulling her onto her side.

Cybil stood against the work bench with one leg raised into the air making her spread her legs wide as her wet pussy slide on the big cock fuck her. Her big tits bounced in front of her while she sucked the thrusting tentacle in her mouth. Drool dripping of the slithering appendage. The Lustgeist gave a couple powerful thrust making demonic and animalistic noises, when. "HHHHHRRRMMMMM!" Cybil cried out as hot cum squirted from her wet pussy, filling her and dripping down her thigh. "Ah come on, just give me that juicy soul, you will kill it in this bizz trust me!" Stringy strands of cum dripped from the thick shaft of the big cock that continued to pump into her without mercy as the head slid deep inside her at a fast vigorous pace. "Mmmff mmmff mmff mmfff mmfff!" The horned fox's big tits bounced wildly from the movement as the creature chuckled. "Come on now, I can almost taste it!"

Cybil's mind was clouded as pleasure pulsated through her as she bounced. She just wanted more, she didn't want it to stop, but every time she admitted this to herself she could feel herself getting weaker. Like her inner self, the essence that was her was slowly slipping away. This frightened her, but she knew she was stronger then this. She would not allow herself to be manipulated, she refused. Cybil moaned with pleasure, her cries muffled by by the slithering tentacle filling her mouth, her big tits bouncing with hard nipples. The Lustgeist's cum squirted from her stuffed wet pussy, dripping to the old floor. With every ounce of strength she could muster, her free hand grasping the work bench shifted across the surface and grasped an old claw hammer.

The Lustgeist kyle grunted making animal noises, thrusting his big cock vigorously deep into the warm welcoming insides of the purple haired horned fox. Cybil summoned everything she had, twisting her body swinging her found weapon! The claw hammer connected with the creature's head, the nail pulling claw barring into it's skull. The Lustgeist howled and reflexed away, it's big cock slipping from inside her, letting off a couple squirts of cum into her curvacious body. The tentacles holding her, tossed her to the floor in a defensive reflex. Cybil flopped to the floor, her big tits jiggling from the force. "Aaaahh!"

The black eyed Kyle pulled the claw hammer from his head, the white gooey substance splattered onto the floor. "Bitch! First my arm, now this?! Maybe I should drag you outside and get a train started on your ass." Cybil had been keeping busy, grabbing the lighter from the floor and reaching for the torch. "What do you say? Round two babe?" Cybil responded to the challenge by lighting the torch, a large flame bursting to life. The black eyed Kyle retreated to the back of the shed cowering from the lit torch. "Hey, hey, hey, watch it with that, can't you take a joke?" Cybil glared at the Lustgeist with furious eyes, forcing herself to her feet fighting the remaining pleasure pulsating from her crotch. She grabbed the hatchet with her free hand, keeping the creature at bay with the fire. "You son of a bitch!" Cybil cried out absentmindedly, ignoring her safety and thrust the torch at the Lustgeist, pressing the fiery end against the black eyed creature making it howl and flail in desperate survival yet catching fire. Cybil winced at the increasing heat and screamed, swinging her hatchet, bringing it down on the Lustgeist's neck. The hatchet fell repeatedly as Cybil gave dedicated cries of hatred. The cum like goo that made up the insides of the Lustgeist splattered on the wall, dripped on the floor and stringed about in the air with the movement of the attacking hatchet, even splattering Cybil's angry face.

The Lustgeist slumped to the floor as it's head rolled with a thud. Cybil stood over the body huffing, her body overwhelmed with exhaustion and tingling pleasure. The torch smothered and dying on the floor. She took a couple steps back eyeing the jerrycan, remembering why she was here. Just as the fire dyed the body started to shake in convulsions prompting the mostly naked horned fox to act quickly. The body's chest made a sickening cracking noise. The chest split and opened revealing a soft looking muscle tissue, glistening like a drooling mouth. Tentacles tipped with cocks slithered out and whipped about in a blind fury.

Back at the cabin the attention of Alex and Sally was suddenly captured by a harrowing monstrous cry, deep and droning, in an unearthly manner. It was like an alarm that also caught the attention of the Lustgeist who also seemed to understand it, as they scattered giggling and laughing like this was some sort of plan. "Oh my god! Cybil!" Alex called out as he ran to the kitchen followed by his companion cat. The loud droning bellowed again as the pair opened the back door seeing the mostly naked Cybil, hatchet and jerrycan in one hand, a chainsaw in the other. She moved at a limp as a horrific creature, barely recognizable as a person, alive with tentacles followed out of the tool shed. This was the source of the unearthly cry. Cybil huffed as she moved, over powered by a sucking exhaustion, she could see Alex encouraging her to move. She felt like she was under water and every step was a push to the surface.

The Lustgeist Amber ran out of the darkness aiming right for the running Cybil. Alex levelled the shotgun and fired. The black eyed Amber's giggling was cut off by the shot and hit the ground hard. Alex struggled to pump the shotgun hearing more laughing, he looked to his left seeing his girlfriend, or what used to be his girlfriend leap onto the wrap around porch. Her big tits bouncing as she zeroed in on him with her black eyes and sadistic smile. "Hello lover! Did you come to join us?" Before Alex could bring the gun to bare on her she grabbed it and struggled with him. "Why did you leave me in the woods Alex? You know what they did to me? Hehehehehahahahaaha!" Alex made a sympathetic look while pushing her off. "Becky....It wasn't my fault." The Lustgeist Becky smiled. "Bullshit, you left me back there on purpose!" "IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" Alex's voice cracked as he struck her in the head with the butt of the gun sending her to the deck. "Oofff! You suck!" "Alex, she's in, come on!" Sally shouted bring out a lit torch waving it back and forth. The black eyed Amber and Becky backed off with every wave while the open chest, tentacled monstrosity slowly approached the porch. Alex retreated behind the cat grabbing her by the sweater as she dropped the torch on the boards in front of the back door before they shut it.

Alex and Sally worked together pushing the old fridge in front of the door securing it once again. "Holy shit, they are damn fast when they want to be." Alex huffed. "We need to stay on our toes. Cybil, are you alright?" They looked back seeing the mostly naked Cybil laying on the floor. "Cybil!" Sally cried out.

End part 3