Slip and Sleep (pt2)

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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Sadonardo the dragon returns early next morning to try to fix things up

Special thanks to Ragg from Furaffinity for his help editing large chunks of the text :>

Slip and Sleep (pt. 2)

by Whitepython

'Slip and Sleep' was something he wouldn't be able to get out of his mind.

Sadonaro stood on the last step of the large, cement staircase that led to the apartment which Rinuben called home. The rising sun illuminated half of the door while the other half was covered by the shadow projected by the retaining wall dividing the edge of the access entrance from the rest of the building.

The reptile caught himself yawning before forcing himself to focus on the moment. He was drained after reflecting about the actions he committed a couple of hours ago instead of sleeping and resting from his training regime, but the blue dragon didn't care about his well-being now. He was unable to forgive himself for the abusive things he did and said to his love interest under the instructions of that deer.

What was important for him was to explain things to Rinuben and to remove the trigger word planted in him, even if this means facing the consequences of the things he did to abuse the mindless state of the fox.

After fixing things here, he also had to take care of the deer. Nolbora spent the rest of the night giving him the cold shoulder, even when he tried to talk things through at the deer's place.

As the blue dragon prepared to knock on the door and confess his crime, he noticed that the door to the fox's apartment was slightly open...

His thoughts raced in all directions at the same time a cold tingle possessed his back while his arms and legs grew colder than the tiles under his feet.

Could he have been such an idiot to leave the door open last night in his hurry to leave the scene of his crime?

Did the fox remain under trance and decide to mindlessly walk out of his place to look for him and the deer?

Had someone else aside from himself and Nolbora witnessed the events from last night and took advantage of the situation?

Sadonaro had no time to panic, only to go inside and make sure that his sweet fox was alright!

When the dragon rushed into the living room to look for an explanation, he was welcomed by a pair of shadows. One of them was laying on his knees, busy with something as the second shadow was sitting down.

However, this sitting shadow sported a familiar pair of antlers.

Not even his warm generating vest could heat him enough when he realized that a naked Rinuben was mindlessly sucking off a naked Nolbora, who was enjoying this oral attention on the same couch he was at yesterday.

"You son of a whore!" Sadonaro yelled as he hurried to pull the fox back from between those slim and brown legs.

A loud slurping sound and a nasty grunt followed after the vulpine was snatched away by the enraged dragon.

"I forgot that you gym types are early risers," Nolbora the deer spoke, with a scowl on his brown muzzle after having his moment of pleasure interrupted.

The deer lowered one of his hands to tease his own maleness. That's when the dragon spotted a long, yet thin pink cock arch to the left and rested over the deer's brown leg, with a smallish glans and a bead of pre at the tip.

When the reptile unglued his eyes from that erected dick, Nolbora welcomed his gaze with a wide grin that showed the utmost, devilish satisfaction in those black lips.

The orange-furred body Sadonaro held struggled before Rinuben fell on his knees. The fox crawled towards that erected meat and brown sheath as soon as he regained his freedom. But Sadonaro was quick to reel the hypnotized vulpine once again in his strong, scaly arms. This triggered a big struggle as the mind-controlled fox fought against Sadonaro in order to fulfill the command planted in his mind.

"In any case, good that you are here. You have saved me lots of trouble. I was planning to take our little fox friend to your gym to meet you there." The deer placed one leg over his lap and rested his head over his hand while his arm was supported by his elbow resting on the armrest of the chair. "Now I can show you how you are supposed to handle your little hypnotized pet."

"You selfish son of a..." The strong reptile squeezed the fox's body harder against his clothed chest while his cold blood boiled at the top of his head.

The dragon was burning with the desire to punch that arrogant grin off of that furred snout until he couldn't feel his arms anymore. But first, he had to hold the fox down, whose hypnotized mind and body were ensnared by the mesmerizing powers of the deer.

As both gym partners struggled, the drake took the opportunity to squeeze the fox against his strong chest with one arm. His free arm bent in order to expose his elbow and hit the cervine with it, but a snap of fingers brought the attention of both towards his hypnotist.

"Slip and sleep, little fox. Be an obedient slave and make out with Master Sadonaro. Show him the love and devotion you owe to him."

Thanks to this gesture, the hypnotized fox struggled twice as hard in the dragon's grasp. This time, the battle was for him to connect his muzzle with the dragon's snout. This forced Sadonaro to focus now on getting the fox off of him.

"Now, now." The deer shook his head in disapproval. "Because you kill yourself every day at the gym doesn't give you the right to use me as a punching bag. Or is this how you pay back my kindness?"

"You don't have any right to come here and abuse Rinuben like this!" The dragon released a frustrated hiss as he attempted to hold the fox by the wrist to force him to submit.

In that moment, the fox yielded for a couple of seconds, and the soft-blue and white scaled dragon snapped his fingers and spoke. "Slip and Sleep Rinuben."

But there was no response from the fox.

"I also took the liberty to exclude you from his trigger word. If you try to hit me again, I'll make a few changes in the mind of your beloved pet that you won't like in the slightest," Nolbora spoke with a serious, threatening tone which forced the dragon to bottle up his anger."You better drop your bad boy attitude and enjoy the kisses, gym boy." The deer projected from his seat that arrogant grin that the dragon had learned to hate. "And forgive your fox lover here if his kisses leave a bit of dick flavor in your maw."

"What are you doing here? You have no business here!" The blue drake demanded to know once he managed to tone down his sea of negative emotions.

"Well, you forgot my little tool here. It was natural that I had to come back and recover my pendant." When the deer pointed at the black onyx stone in the golden wire placed over the small coffee table, Sadonaro would have slapped himself in the face if he wasn't busy holding down the struggling fox.

"And while I was here," the deer continued, "I took the opportunity to play a bit with your little pet. I wanted to train him for our now unnecessary trip to the gym."

"Shut up! He's not a pet. He is the man I want to be with. The man who you made me do terrible things to!"

"Did I?" The deer waved one of his hands dismissively from his seat. "Can't remember forcing you to train day in and day out those hypnotic scripts. I also fail to remember forcing you to accept my help when I described how hypnosis works and its effect on the subjects. You have played along with this since the beginning."

"I did because I thought that we were going to only have a quick chat with him and that would be the end of it."

"No, Sadonaro, you did this because you wanted this power. This is in your nature. It runs in your blood. You are destined to become a great hypnotist, perhaps even greater than me."

"No more of that super hypnotist crap again!"

This time, there was no reply from Nolbora. He sat there to observe in silence the struggle between the two gym partners as he digested the conversation he held.

"Slip and sleep, little fox," the deer spoke and snapped his fingers just in time before the dragon's tired arms were about to give into the struggle. "Lay down and fall asleep while your Masters have a conversation."

Rinuben halted his struggle just like magic in order to fall asleep over the muscled dragon's chest.

Sadonaro was unable to believe how much fight this twink fox had in him. But most of all, the dragon was amazed at how much power hypnosis exerted on its victims. While none of this was right, why did the deer insist on him to have such great powers on others?

"You disappoint me, Sadonaro. I spent so much time and effort in that bar looking for a reptile like you. Now that I have found you, I am not sure if this is a blessing or a curse."

"You have no right to abuse Rinuben to manipulate me. If you want to fight and sort this problem, take it out all on me!" the blue drake replied once he was done placing the fox down over the loveseat, with his foot paws resting over one armrest and that white and orange head over the other one.

"Taking it out on you?" Nolbora stroked his chin for a couple of seconds. "Perhaps you are right. Maybe there is a way for me to let go of this fox and sort things out. The faster I let go of this fox, the faster I can move towards subjects much more interesting for me."

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you are too tense with all of this, Sadonaro. Perhaps you should also relax like your fox here and allow me to come up with the perfect solution for all of us."

Those words had the opposite effect on the reptile. He was sure that Nolbora wasn't looking for a solution that would benefit everyone.

Since punching this guy was out of the question, the dragon had to think of something else to do against his now former ally. A few seconds later, the blue drake remembered the onyx stone pendant left over the coffee table.

The reptile was quick to fetch it and to dangle it before the deer prior to giving it a quick swing.

"Do you want to try your luck with hypnosis?" the deer asked in a voice that reflected his surprise. "This means that one of us will get what they _ wish _ and the other will have _ to slip deep into _ the will of the other. _ My will _ is that you allow me to show you how mammals are meant to be subservient under a reptile such as you. My will is to show you that _ I am ready to guide you deeper and deeper into _ the understanding of _ hypnotic trance _."

"You should be a good, subservient mammal for me then," the reptile countered. "You are a deer, and deers are mammals. It is time for you to fall deep into my trance."

The drake was overtaken by a rush of confidence. Giving this maniac a taste of his own medicine would be the salvation of both himself and his fox.

"Do you think that because I have the looks of a subservient mammal, I am one?" Nolbora replied while remaining amused with this.

"W... what?" The reptile felt his confidence drop to the floor in the same way he did when he first tried to hypnotize Rinuben. "Who are you, and why were you looking for me?"

The brown deer squeezed his muzzle between his hands as the dragon felt judged under those eyes which reflected a busy cervine attempting to think his response carefully.

"My mother disappeared when I was a fawn, but before that, she left a message with my father for me. She asked me that as soon as I became a full-grown deer, I had to investigate the real teachings of the God of Darkness so that I could understand my true origins.

"Thanks to that, I learned that the true god demands for reptiles like you to assume their role as masters of all the anthros. And I learned that my role is to show them the true way so his will may be done."

Sadonaro was left even more confused than before! He knew that the religion of the God of Darkness used to spread some of those beliefs in ancient times, but they had been dropped in the modern era.

"Is all of this happening because of a cult or something? Explain yourself!"

"No need to concern yourself with such confusing thoughts," Nolbora dismissed the questions. " Put your senses in ease and allow me to do the difficult part for you."

As Nolbora spoke, Sadonaro felt something different in the deer's voice and intentions. It was as if that malevolent and arrogant aura of domination the cervine showed yesterday for the fox was now focused on him.

"You are bluffing!" Sadonaro decided to wave the onyx pendant before the sitting cervine as he hissed. "If I am a natural born hypnotist, I will hypnotize you. If you look like a subservient mammal, that's what you must be!"

The cervine limited himself to sit like a statue, whose dick had already returned to his sheath as he exposed his slim self to the athletic dragon and sleeping fox.

"You don't think that way, Sadonaro," the deer replied after allowing the dragon to swing the stone for a bit more. "You think in a slow and relaxed pace, you think in a calmed way. Yet, confusion can take the best of you sometimes, like right now. You wish to restrain yourself."

As the deer spewed an incoherent sea of words, the dragon noticed that the cervine was immune to the swing of the stone, and that trying to talk to him would be useless as long as he kept speaking in nonsense.

"As you remain wondering what to do, it is more than obvious that what you should be doing is to keep your attention on my voice and allow my words to flow into you. But I know you won't do that, and that is okay. _ You _ are a strong-willed dragon who can fight and resist what I am trying to say. But even the strongest ones _ eventually _ will grow tired and can't help but slip deep and relax.

"And you are a strong one, aren't you, Sadonaro?"

A sudden impulse of pride made him nod to the deer. Of course he was strong! He had attended the gym religiously for years! That takes lots of strength. Yet, those words still made no sense.

The only thing that made sense was to stare at the very same stone he was waving between himself and the deer. Perhaps if he focused his attention there, it would be easier to ignore this insanity...

"That's it, Sadonaro, you are doing so great. You don't have to follow my voice and my words for now. Instead, follow your own hand and let your own sway and swing to guide you deeper and deeper into everything you desire.

"It is as simple as taking a deep breath, in and out, and allowing your thoughts to slowly flow in the same fashion my words do."

The dragon sensed something was off in the same fashion he did last night, but he was so busy resisting the deer by following the pretty stone to figure out exactly what.

"_ Keep staring at the nice stone. _ You can resist it to demonstrate your natural power as the natural born hypnotist that you are. But also, you realize that you also need to lay back and relax once you grow tired from resisting."

As the reptile kept on waving the black stone, he noticed that the black and glossy surface of the thing reflected the scarce light in the living room with ease in a way that kept his attention on the swinging thing more than anything else.

If only he could trap the deer in such a nice, soothing, and relaxing view. Perhaps Nolbora would enjoy this as much as he was doing it.


The drake shook his head and released a soft grunt in an effort to get rid of the image of the swinging stone in his mind.

"Tired so fast? Here, let me help you, gym boy."

Half a second later, he searched for the tricky hypnotist to realize that the deer was nowhere to be seen. What he found instead was the pretty onyx stone swinging before his blue snout by a hoofed hand holding his hand from behind.

The mesmerizing display resumed before his eyes.

"_ You _ are losing your focus. _ won't _ you like to try again? Of course you will try again because you wish to fight and _ resist _. Or else, _ you won't escape from my hypnotic charms. _"

There was more than what meets the eye with Nolbora. The dragon understood that this hypnotist possessed some kind of supernatural power to get in his mind, and his words had some sort of influence in his thoughts that were strong enough to confuse him.

It was clear that this was something that he needed help with.

Sadonaro didn't want to fight against the deer anymore. What he wished for was to fetch his beloved fox in his arms and escape, to take him away into his place where he could protect him from the harm he brought onto his innocent vulpine.

Sadonaro shoved the deer away from him along with his black onyx stone with the hopes to stop whatever spell was being casted on him.

This opportunity was what he needed to make his move.

As soon as the dragon held the fox in his arms, a snap of fingers and the voice of the deer brought the fox back to action. Rinuben was quick to open his green, slitted eyes which demonstrated the mating heat he had bottled up. The vulpine then wrapped his arms around the dragon's toned and clothed waist.

And the second after that, Sadonaro felt something wet and long lodge into his maw as he felt the fox's muzzle lock against the scaled rim of his own snout, bringing them into a deep kiss.

This made the sexually frustrated dragon to tent under his restrictive jeans even as his hands roamed in desperation for the fox's wrist to pull him back.

However, the sexual frustration he had also bottled up since last night burst into life.

The dragon could not help but give that tongue another sample like he did last night. His long tongue was careful to play with the invading one before he sucked around it.

But what gave Sadonaro the strength to pull back was to remember the thing that Rinuben was sucking off when he arrived.

The next thing that Sadonaro knew after recovering from the broken kiss was that the naked deer was standing before him. One of Nolbora's hoofed hands wrapped around his snout while presenting the swinging onyx stone before him with the other.

Sadonaro wanted to escape with the fox from the expert hypnotist, but his fox was dragging him back into the hypnotic allure of the deer.

The reptile tried to think of a way to escape, but staring into the waving stone hooked him once again into that soft and alluring power from earlier that transfixed his attention on the swinging jewel.

Even if the reptile had carried the item for several weeks, he was able to notice just now how polished and clean it was. The black and swinging stone shone like his scales did after a great, hot shower in the gym. And like hot showers always did, the onyx stone was making him so relaxed. And this relaxation helped him to appreciate in depth more details of the beautiful stone.

This was slightly interrupted when he felt something cold running over his pectorals, all the way down to his abdominals, but he didn't pay attention to any of it. He needed to pay attention to the stone. A sudden rush of pleasure told him that his attention belonged to the stone and the stone only.

Unfortunately, the beautiful allure of the stone was interrupted when he felt something warm, pleasuring, yet firm squeeze between his legs.

When the reptile had finally mustered the energy to look away from the stone, he noticed that he was now naked and erected like the fox and now the deer were. Another firm squeeze of pleasure revealed that Rinuben was squeezing his maleness against his with his dominant hand while the other was pulling him into a deep kiss.

"This is the moment when you surrender your naked self and empty mind to me," Nolbora said. "And you can't escape my willpower. You belong to me now, and you will be fixed."

The dragon was so pent up still and so mesmerized by the beautiful stone to the point where none of these changes or words mattered at all. The only thing that felt so good was to allow it to be and to surrender his naked self to his friend Nolbora...

As Rinuben kept on pulling into the kiss, he fell into the temptation to kiss his deeply hypnotized fox and to allow his reptilian meat to leak pre over the hot and knotted one. It felt so good to frot back, guided by the padded hand squeezing both malenesses together.

This time, the reptile suckled so willingly slow around the tongue that snuck in his maw, taking his time to suck out the flavor and enjoying the texture of the warm thing.

Even if Sadonaro still wished to pick Rinuben in his arms and get out of here, his cock was being squished against that warm and throbbing vulpine meat by the hand of his beloved fox, and that slim and white muzzle was stealing away kisses and any word of resistance the dragon might create in his already slow and fuzzy mind.

"Good, obeying gym boys, compelled by my words. They are simple words, they are easy words, words easy to understand. Words that you obey because they slip into your simple and easy enslavable minds..."

At that moment, the vulpine pulled back from the kiss and pulled his maleness back from the constant frotting to use his padded hand to stroke up and down along the dragon's ribbed length.

The idea of trying to take the fox away and ruin this pleasurable sensation was now forsaken because it felt so good to allow his beloved fox to stroke his dick. It felt so wonderful to have his cock stroked by someone else who wasn't himself.

"You are perfect on both ends of the swinging pendant, Sadonaro. You will be more than perfect for me to possess," the deer spoke to hook the attention of the dragon towards him and the waving pendant as the fox kept on jerking the reptile fat and throbbing meat.

Even if Sadonaro tried to reply, the waving onyx amulet was enough to fill his vision and to help him ignore anything but the beauty of the stone, which opened a backdoor for those words to invade him.

His tongue was still lingering with the flavor left by the kiss the fox implanted in his muzzle while his nostrils were caressed by the slightly spicy and masculine musk of the athletic vulpine that he desired so much.

This closeness kept the naked reptile warm and surrounded by the heat the naked cervine and vulpine were generating for him. This mix of heat and pleasure kept his dick guided into the hands of the fox, and his mind into the brainwashing power of the deer.

"My words arouse your curiosity, my words steal your attention. It feels so good to simply relax and listen. You are enthralled and open up to my suggestions, and there is nothing you can do. You resisted, you fought and you failed.

You belong to me Sadonaro. You know this is true because you are experiencing the most relaxing and pleasurable moment you have ever felt in your life.

Sadonaro knew that the deer was so right. Being hypnotized like this was the most relaxing and pleasurable experience he has gone through...

The deer must be going through the greatest rush of power ever. That erected and leaking cervine dick must be the proof of it.

"Now that you have accepted this truth without thinking, you accept that my words are simple ideas for confused minds, hypnotic ideas that control you. Hypnotic ideas that you mindlessly obey, hypnotic words which reveal your true natures. The nature of a powerful, dominant reptile and the nature of a subservient, slave mammal."

A sudden fire was lit in the depths of the dragon. A powerful desire to dominate and satiate his most primal urges now became the most important thought.

"My voice is more powerful than your slow and empty minds. You two are happy to allow my power to guide your confused minds with my voice, the voice of reason."

The deer snapped his fingers, this action hooked the attention of the dragon who was close to empty himself all over that hand which worked with no rest.

"I lead you." Another snap from those hoofed fingertips was heard. When the dragon noticed that the deer was nodding in a slow pace, he nodded in the same fashion that Nolbora did without even thinking why.

"I guide you." A third snap came and the dragon nodded again, but a loud hiss came from his throat as he curled his toes in pleasure against the green carpet. Now, the black furred hand focused his strokes around his reptilian glans.

"I arouse you." The reptile grunted as he felt the fox's hand was now slippery under all the pre-semen he has shot so far. Rinuben now moved from his slit to his cock tip back and forth with ease.

"I dominate you Sadonaro..." The dragon nodded at such idea while those finger snaps nailed those words against the back of his mind.

The dragon tensed his muscled legs as he felt those padded hands to be seconds away to make him to finally help him find the release he was in so much need since last night.

Unfortunately, the pleasure ended and a grunt was stolen from the reptile. When the reptile lowered his eyes to figure out what happened, he found the cervine holding the fox's hands by the wrist.

The deer was quick to dismiss the fox a few steps back before he stood before the perfectly chiseled reptile who was still huffing and grunting in frustrated pleasure. Sadonaro felt that curved and thin pink meat to be pressed against his thick and ribbed one.

"It is irresistible for you Sadonaro to submit to the power of your true nature. The power within you to dominate and enslave," the deer spoke as he tickled the very tip dragon's pent up and needy meat with his fingers as it begged for attention. "You can't deny the power you possess. You have the skill to use hypnosis and to do what I am doing to every subservient mammal you desire."

Sadonaro listened closer as he felt that hoofed hand to take the task the fox undertook before.

"I can also tell you loved those dick flavored kisses you got," the deer said before dragging his pre soaked hand into his muzzle to taste the clear, pre-seminal fluids of the reptile. "I certainly love this dick taste of yours..."

As soon as the hoofed hand returned to stroke along his throbbing maleness, Sadonaro pushed his hips forward in an attempt to finally get the orgasm that his mesmerized mind still was able to demand of him. The deer entertained his hypnotized subject for a couple of seconds before pulling his hand back and sink Sadonaro for the umpteen time in a sea of frustration.

"If you want your release, I am not the one that will grant it," The deer spoke once he pulled his hand clean after sampling the reptile's dick one more time. After that, he used his wet digits to point at Rinuben. "Take this fox for your pleasure. He's nothing but your sex slave!"

The thirst and fire in the reptile pushed him to show no hesitation to pounce down with fierce need the fox he once adored as the loveliest thing in the world. The lust driven and mindless reptile forced him chest first against the green carpet. His aching maleness searched with a feral urgency for the spot under that furred tail so he could empty himself deep in the fox as his hips were pressed against the fluffy butt and bushy tail.

"It is not I or my hypnosis influencing you do this like you accused me, it is your true nature collaborating with me to bring your true self to the surface," The deer said with a tone that reflected his satisfaction with this outcome.

The dragon felt forced by his dominant urge to hold those black furred hands by the wrists before pulling them over that vulpine head. Once those hands were secured up, his other hand yanked the vulpine's tail upwards.

This brought a soft, yet pleasure filled groan from the fox to fill the ear canals of the reptile. The hypnotized dragon pressed his broad snout against the fox's neck pelt in his search for the correct position to engage in this act. His urgency for release felt rewarded when the tip of his reptilian, pre-semen soaked and throbbing glans brushed against the soft and hot hole it has been lurking for.

"You crave to enslave," The deer commented as the dragon felt strong tingles of pleasure to rise from his dick as soon as his tip became enveloped around the fox's inner walls.

As the dragon pushed the rest of his meat inside, he also pressed his nostrils against the neck fluff of the fox. This gave him a strong sample of his earthy and yet soft masculine scent. The musk of the slave mammal continued to flood into him as he abused of his muscle forged and scaled body to dominate the soft furred and warm one under him.

"You crave to make out of every slave mammals you encounter nothing but your foot servants, your cock milkers, your worshippers. Your true call is to break them with hypnosis and make them one way or another into your enslavable and hypnotized fuck toys."

As the deer kept on feeding his mind with those ideas, the reptile gave those stretched arms a pull upwards to restrain his slave even more and to remind him who was in charge. To enforce this point, the drake used his fanged maw to hold his neck and to give him a rough tug.

Sadonaro squeezed his hip muscles to allow his cock to sink all the way to the base and to allow it thicken even more once it was deep. Thanks to this, he felt those warm inner walls to spread and squeeze. A soft groan that followed this act told the reptile that his subservient mammal was loving this.

And this submission was rewarded with another, mighty tug upwards to keep those black furred hands firmly held up.

As the fox kept on voicing the effects of this dominant play, the dragon pressed his nostrils against his neck and sunk his snout into his pelt again to get another whiff of him. His feral-like urgencies told him that he had to take in the scent of his subservient one to make sure he was considered among his belongings.

"Your old thoughts are gone. You are left with the hunger to perfect the power to enthrall every single mammal I command you to. This is the only way for you to learn your true role."

As the thrusting went by, Nolbora appeared in the middle of the scene to pull the dragon back and to make him stand on his knees. Then, he also pushed the fox to lay on all fours to offer his orange and round buttocks to the needy reptile which he took right away.

In this new position, the reptile found it so much easier to squeeze those small hips between his clawed hands and to explore those silky and tight inner walls with every rib of his textured meat.

As the dragon picked up a smoother thrusting rhythm, he noticed that Nolbora was on his knees right before the fox, and with his hands busy with both his crotch and the fox's snout.

Once the deer was done with whatever he was doing, he pushed himself forth until his crotch was pressed against the fox's face. Although, the drake wasn't sure what was going on because his hypnotized mind was so busy trying to gain the zenith that has been denied to him for so long.

The dragon felt his scaly jaw being wrapped by a group of hoofed fingers before being pulled towards the deer whose neck was already stretched in order to meet his muzzle halfway. "We can have all the dick flavored kisses you desire from now on, my fellow Slave master Sadonaro," The deer tempted him before pressing his snout against the reptile's muzzle.

The drake felt his muzzle invaded by a warmer, yet smaller tongue than the latest one. Nonetheless, the reptile's stunted mind compelled him to return the kiss and soak his reptilian muscle in the flavor of that cervine one.

"I will guide you to the wonderful world of hypnotic pleasures," Nolbora promised once the kiss was over. "This world that you will spend your days enslaved to. I will guide you through it until the old Sadonaro has been drained and replaced by the Slave master one."

The reptile couldn't help it but nod while the ever burning fire inside of him was kindled anew with such idea. The deer before him released his muzzle to release a series of short and fast thrusts followed by grunts against the fox's face. All of this happened while he portrayed a wide grin that gave the dragon a strange sensation of uneasiness and those cervine eyes were dug on his toned and scaled self with a strong, possessive aura.

The blue and white dragon also grinned wide in the same fashion, knowing that everything he needed to be pleased and happy depended on remaining under the deer's hypnotic guidance from now on.

A few moments after that, the deer closed his eyes to now focus on delivering shorter and faster thrusting against the hypnotized fox. Sadonaro's lightheaded mind fell victim to imitate this gesture. This decision taken for him was quick to help him ascend fast towards the peak of the climax that a Slave master like him deserved.

The reptile hissed as the tight hole squeezed and tensed around his ribbed meat. This allowed him to experience pressure to be made and to be released around the ribs along his dick as they made their way back and forth into that tight vulpine pucker.

This was enough for the gym reptile to be rewarded by a tingle which started on his belly and ascended to the top of his head while he finally released the heavy load he was carrying. Sadonaro felt his pent up maleness to finally empty itself in the depths of the male he had wished to have his first same-sex time with for so long.

As his body grew weak after the powerful orgasm, he felt those hoofed fingers to wrap around his muzzle once again to force him to look up as the other hand presented that beautiful and swinging stone of shiny darkness before his tired eyes.

Such sight made his dick to throb just to be squeezed again in the slippery depths of his mammal servant.

"From now on Sadonado," The deer spoke and Sadonaro forced himself to keep his waning attention on his fellow Slavemaster. "Every time I snap my fingers, you will close your eyes and you will slip and sleep for me..."