Guardians 01: Gladiators, slaves, and Pets

Story by Ramea on SoFurry

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The cheering of the crowd blotted out everything but the sound of the steel gate grinding noisily as the old gears worked to pull the massive weight up. Outside; across the field stood a large bull, wearing leather, and wielding a large axe. He bellowed, and glared across to the opening gate. This early, the roar was only for appearance. Slowly the bull's opponent walked out from the stone hall, and through the gateway, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sun.

The bull bellowed again, charging towards his smaller opponent, and swung his axe down viciously, aiming for the center of the timber wolf's head. The Charcoal wolf sidestepped swiftly and swiped with his dagger at the bull's forearm snarling. The blade bit into muscle and tore a gash through the armor that began to bleed. The Bull reached across with his other arm and back handed the wolf, sending it flying backwards onto its back. The large morph then pried its ace from the ground and stalked forwards, crimson blood dripping from its wound, creating a small trail along the parched ground.

The bull raised it's axe again, centering the blade above its own head. The wolf watched, motionless. With another roar the bull swung its axe down.

* * *

"I want the entire 3rd level North West wing cleared of all seats!" Bellowed the fat cougar, pointing to where there were still some benches left in the stands. The workers set to removing the offending benches immediately, four working to undo the bolts, while four others lifted the bench away. "I want plenty of room for the Guardian."

"Capt.!" Shouted a voice, distracting the cougar from his badgering of the workers. "That damned wolf is acting up again!" The voice belonged to Herivio, the slave quarter's warden, a large and impatient tiger.

"I'll be right there Mr. Herivio." The cougar answered back. "Make sure these laborers stay on task."

"Yes Captain." The tiger saluted, taking the cougar's place.

"Where is that wolf?" The cougar yelled upon stepping into the slave mess hall. Though his voice was unable to carry do to the multitude of other voices all vying for attention. It soon became apparent to the cougar why Herivio had called for help. The brawl taking place was nothing short of madness. A large bull was busy trying to grab hold of a monochromatic wolf, who was busy dodging and attempting to retaliate. Every slave was busy cheering for one of the combatants, but most stopped once they realized that the Captain was watching, a cold anger flowing through his veins. "Enough!" He shouted, just as the bull grabbed the wolf's shoulder and readied a fist. The bull halted, and the wolf looked to the cougar.

"Master Captain!" The bull blubbered, releasing the wolf and turning to the cougar, quickly getting onto his hands and knees. "Not fault! Not fault! Not fault! Not fault!" He repeated, dipping his head each time. The cougar snarled. The idiocracy of slaves never ceased to disgust him. Of the few words they learned some devision of 'I didn't do it,' or 'I'm sorry' were their bread and butter. Of course, they were just dumb creatures.

"I don't doubt it." The Captain snarled, stepping to the wolf, who was still standing, the slightest trace of a smug grin on its muzzle. "And you. Wolf? Not fault either?"

"I don't like touch." The wolf stated, attempting to keep eye contact. "He touches."

"I touch you." The cougar replied, placing his nose against the wolf's and pressing forwards to push the wolf off balance. "You no fight. I touch." The Captain sneered, reinforcing the statement with a paw to the wolf's groin. "Want start?" Finally the wolf looked down and away, submitting to his superior. They were nothing but beasts. Worthless commonplace beasts. Easily replaceable.

"No. Not win." The wolf mumbled, staying still, though his tail twitched sporadically between his legs.

"You beat big one? Beat bull?" The cougar asked, finally removing his paw and using it to motion to the still bowing bull. The wolf nodded.

"I killed." The cougar raised his eyebrow, grinning maliciously.

"You always do. But not big ones. Never fight big ones." The cougar goaded.

"I killed." The wolf repeated, staring at the bull blankly. The cougar nodded. They would make a good fight. The best middle weight gladiator against a decent heavy weight. That would bring in money. It would also entertain the guardian if it went well.

"Want fight?"

"Yes" The pair answered in unison, which earned a withering glare to the bull from the cougar who walked over and kicked the massive bull.

"I no talk to you." He bellowed, giving another kick for good measure. They were idiots. He could almost feel himself growing dumber as he communicated with them on such a basic level. "Trash! Talk when told..." He turned back to the wolf. "You both fight. Tonight... Wolf. Herivio punish you for start fight. To cell." He finished, walking out. The wolf looked down, and then started walking to his cell. Just like a good slave. The captain smirked, closing the door.

* * *

The Cougar was waiting patiently in the center of the arena, doing his best to hide the nervousness coursing through his body. There was a shrill whistle and he stood straighter and looked to the the currently open iron gate entrance, where a few moments later the guardian walked through, followed by a rabbit.

"Guardian." He bowed, keeping eye contact as was required. The title Guardian was nothing more than a nicer way of saying king. The guardians had decided to use that title ages ago, before the cougar's great great great great grandfather had even been conceived. However, that didn't mean that he would attempt to acknowledge it and risk offending the guardian. Oh no. Just because they had given themselves such a... Pious... name, did not mean that they would not hesitate to kill any that did not meet the proper requirements of 'respectfulness.' "Welcome to the ring."

"It is a pleasure Slaver." The voice spoke, nodding in approval. "I am looking forwards to an eventful night."

"I will do my best to fulfill your expectations to the best of my abilities." The cougar answered, straightening himself. "We have cleared a section on the third level for you to watch from." The cougar indicated this by waving a hand just to the left where there was now a large section temporarily walled off on either side, and curtains hanging from a massive rod. It had been a miracle the workers had finished in time. The dragon nodded in approval and then turned back to the cougar.

"Very good slaver." The dragon stated, tilting his head to the side, a lazy and expectant look held within the one massive eye he could see. The cougar stumbled as he realized his mistake.

"W-would you like anything Guardian?" The cougar bowed. There was a deep rumble that sounded like stones falling. It took the Captain a few moments to realize that it was the dragon laughing.

"Oh! Oh!" A voice piped up. The cougar looked around, searching for the voice of the intruder. "here Slaver!" The voice squeaked. The cougar looked to the white paw waving back and forth.

"My pet has some requests." The dragon commented, moving aways so the white figure, garbed in all translucent blue clothing, could walk forwards and speak.

"I would like some food... Vegetables please... Maybe a fruit or two too?" The rabbit giggled, placing an index finger to his lower lip and thinking. Behind him the dragon rumbled. "Hush. I'll get to you master." The rabbit waved casually. "Something raw for my master... and Some entertainment of the physical kind." The rabbit finished, smiling. The cougar stared, disgusted that a slave would have the nerve to be so crass. To speak to a being that was better in such a way. To have such independence, and intelligence. It was against everything that slaves were supposed to be. If it had been any other slave, he would of had it beaten for such disrespect. At the very least within inches of death. Then he saw the creature behind the body and bit his tongue. However, this wasn't any other slave.

"Yes Guardian. Right away. I shall have everything you request sent up immediately." The cougar bowed, then hurried away before he did something that would not fly. The dragon waited until the cougar had left, then walked off towards the other side of the arena where the opening that would take him towards seating was located.

"Kaseel." he rumbled, settling down in a sprawled crescent shape. "Must you attempt to infuriate every being you talk with?"

"I do not infuriate you master. Not on purpose at least." The rabbit jibbed, climbing onto the smaller floor pillow reserved for slaves. "You would not tolerate my existence if I did." The rabbit bowed. "I do not anger you do I?"

"No Kaseel. You do not." The Dragon sighed, watching out across the arena as the first watchers trickled in. "But, all the same. While I enjoy a livelier companion. Many do not. I have made no attempt to shield you from what other masters are like. You must remember that they still have a higher rank. You are still a slave in their eyes. Just as you are in mine." The rabbit looked down briefly, but did not show any signs of remorse for his behavior.

"Am I really a slave?" Kaseel finally asked, cocking his head.

* * *

"Wolf. I hope you die quick." One of the guards snickered as he and a bear dragged the near unconscious wolf towards the prep room. "Though I doubt it. Old Brown Hide likes to have fun." The bear grunted an agreement.

"Hey, Jones, grab the adrenaline." The bear ordered, continuing to drag the wolf to a bench. The ocelot nodded and hurried off. "And remember! Captain said only half!"

"Yeah! Yeah! I remember. Half a shot. No armor. Only a dagger. I remember." The ocelot replied, waving his paw in acknowledgement. The bear shook his head and tossed the wolf onto the bench.

"Wooh boy. Old Herivio did a number on you. Probably figured this was his last chance to have fun huh?" The bear laughed. "Times like these. Know what I say?" The bear continued. "Count your blessings. It'll all be over soon. No more dealing with us. No more rape. No more fighting. No more nothing. You'll be dead. Sure you won't get a burial. But at least the other slaves won't go hungry. See? You'll keep the others in fighting shape." The bear finished, pulling his own dagger from his hip, right next to his pistol. "You can even use my lucky knife."

"I got his dose right here." Jones spoke as he returned and wasted no time with the injection. After a few moments the wolf was aware. Not like a normal crazed gladiator, but worn out one. "He's not going to last." Jones sighed, pulling the wolf up and shoving him towards the door, with the bear's knife clutched firmly in his paw.

* * *

"That one!" Kaseel shouted, rushing to the edge of the ledge and staring down at the wolf on the ground, just as the bull's axe started its decent towards the canine's body. "Him!" The dragon watched.

"Pet... That wolf is dead. A dead slave is no use to anyone." The dragon answered lazily, slightly peeved that the rabbit had abandoned the 'physical entertainment' he himself had asked for; two large tigers.

"No. He'll live." Kaseel replied stubbornly, his large ears perked up as he watched the axe swing ever closer.

"Kaseel, he's going to die." The dragon repeated.

"Can't you stop it?" The rabbit pleaded as he dug his fingers into the steel observation bar. "Just order it to stop."

"Pet. It would be disrespectful to every watcher to deny them their entertainment. And especially disrespectful to the Slaver." The dragon explained, "He paid me respect. I must do the same."

"Master Grimnog! Please. I want him!" The rabbit cried, turning back and forth between the dragon, and the wolf. He closed his eyes, and tilted his head down. The crowd cheered.

* * *


The blade of the axe gleamed for a brief second before the wolf closed his eyes and rolled. There was a dull pain as the blade bit into something that was flesh. But he couldn't let that distract him. He rolled to his feet and lunged, the dagger still in his hand. The blade sunk into the bull's leg, right at the joint of his thigh and calf. The wolf pulled the blade free and stabbed again, keeping his weight forwards and trying to topple the bull. It worked.

Around him the crowd cheered. At this point in a match, it was custom to stop. He had won. The bull was no longer able to fight with a bad leg. However the wolf was in no mood to even consider stopping. He pulled the blade free and pulled himself up and onto the bull's chest. he sat up and stared into the larger creature's eyes. They registered the wolf's intent and the bull started to swing up to hit the wolf. Swiftly, the wolf thrust with his knife, right into the bull's throat. His eyes shot open, and he struggled to halt the bleeding from the wound, forgetting about the wolf, who simply stabbed again, right below the chest and in the stomach, then dragged the knife across. Blood poured out from the open wound, and soon the bull ceased to move.

Gingerly the wolf stood, his lip bleeding from the bull's first blow, and his lower waist and legs coated in its blood. He reached up and felt his ear, discovering a quarter or so missing. He looked around, then dropped the knife and walked back towards his gate. His head down, and tail limp, he returned to his world.

* * *

"Him." Kaseel repeated, for what was the hundredth time. "He's perfect."

"Kaseel. You do realize... That the cougar will not give him up? That is his most prized fighter." The dragon sighed, looking to the two forgotten tigers and waving them away. They padded out silently. Good riddance too. The dragon thought snidely. Pleasure slaves without personality and brains were bothersome at the best of times.

"Master... He is what I want." The rabbit continued, walking back to the creature. "He fights well... looks like he could be fun, and is a wolf."

"I will ask if he is for sale. But no complaining if I am denied." The dragon warned, resting it's massive jaw on a taloned hand. "And I will have too punish you for not being a good boy and playing with the other slaves." The dragon added as a side note. The rabbit was too overjoyed to even register the dragon's words however and squealed excitedly.

"Thank you master! Thank you!" He cheered, running up and nuzzling into the dragon's chin. The dragon rumbled and absently petted his pet. "I can't wait!"

* * *

"Wolf..." The cougar snarled, stomping up to the cage the animal was being held in. There was nothing friendly about the cougar now; not that there ever was, but something was especially amiss with his mood. The canid did his best to sit up in his small cell, and glared reproachfully at the captain. "I sell." The morph tilted his head, the three fourths ear twitching in surprise. "Yes. I sell. New master."

"Still fight?" The wolf asked, looking down at his still bloodied body, and running a finger through the damp fur. "Still touch?" The cougar snarled, kneeling down to stare directly at the pitiful creature and growl.

"No know. I hope yes." The cougar answered, pulling a small metal rod from his hip pocket. He pressed a button and smiled as a small spark jumped from the tip. "For now. Yes." He pressed the rod forwards and laughed as the morph attempted to move away from the device. The timber wolf's back pressed against the cold iron bars and he was unable to move any more, though he kept trying. It always amused the cougar to watch his slaves, especially the stubborn gladiators, shrink away from his toys. The tip pressed against the wolf's fur, and nothing happened. The wolf though, wasn't reassured, his eyes were shut closed, and his breath came in ragged heaves. Finally, he peeked an eye open, and the as the cougar saw, he pressed the same button and his grin broadened as the animal yelped in pain. He kept the button pressed. Sometimes, the sound of pain was clearest when the victim couldn't even continue its delightful squeals.

Finally, he stopped, and allowed the wolf to regain its awareness. He stood back up, and motioned to two guards. They walked over and lifted the cage easily, then carried him away, the wolf curling into a ball and whimpering.

"See soon." The cougar grinned, waving with his hand.

* * *

"Yes Guardian?" The cougar inquired as he strutted into the Dragon's suite, bowing gracefully. The dragon opened it's mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the rabbit, running up and off its pillow and right up to the cougar. Placing his nose closely to the taller cougar's chin.

"I want that wolf. The one that just fought." Kaseel spoke excitedly, bouncing from one foot to the other. The cougar snarled, then looked to the dragon, his face begging for permission to correct such an act of disrespect. "How much?"

"Guardian. I am sorry, but that one is not for sale." The cougar snarled, deciding best to address the guardian, than its slave. The dragon rumbled, and briefly the captain worried it was in disapproval of his answer, but instead the slave rabbit bowed and backed away, moving back to its pillow by its master. The dragon placed a hand gently on the small rabbit's head and scratched its ears.

"I was worried..." The dragon nodded, sounding very casual. "It just happens that I was here looking for a good gladiator to become a guard of this one here." The dragon patted the white rabbit's head and chuckled. "He tends to run his mouth off and is need of protection... Price is no objection."

"I could see the need. Why not just retrain it then?" THe cougar asked, wincing as he realized, how disrespectful he just sounded. The dragon stood, anger flickering to life in it's violet eyes. "Guardian forgive me!" The cougar pleaded, getting to his knees.

"You doubt my ability to train a slave?" The dragon bellowed, stepping closer to the cougar. He smiled in pleasure as the cougar pleaded for what he perceived as his life. Instead though, the dragon, ever being crafty, had formulated a better idea than just killing a slaver for insolence.

"Guardian... Please... I am sorry!" The cougar repeated, bowing. "Forgive me!"

"If I forgive your lapse of disrespect, what will you do to apologize?" THe dragon asked, placing it's nose in front of the cougar, so that when the feline looked up, he was staring directly into the eyes of the dragon. The cougar gulped, small traces of anger becoming apparent through his fear.

"I... I will sell a slave..." The cougar spoke quietly. Guardians had little honor.

"A slave?" The dragon crooned. Behind him, the rabbit was faintly aware of the rabbit slave shifting back and forth anxiously on the pillow.

"I will sell you the wolf." The cougar corrected, hiding none of the anger from his eyes at being forced into such a position, while keeping his voice level. "Name your price."

"Five thousand." The dragon said, in such a tone that meant no arguing. Period. Not that the cougar would even think of denying such a gracious offer for a gladiator. A gladiator, once past its sixth battle was considered old and often went for little.

"Thank you Guardian." The cougar spoke, standing back up and bowing with much more dignity. He stood and turned to leave, still seething deep down that he had been forced to accept, even if it truly was a truly gracious offer for a slave well past its prime.

"Thank you slaver. For being so accommodating to me." The dragon spoke as the cougar left, bowing slightly. He then turned to the rabbit, whose current grin was wider than any slave's should be. "I spoil you." He sighed, returning to the large spot where the mattress was.

"Yes master. You do."

* * *

The wolf looked around, the room appearing to be black, shuddering in fear. He made to stand, but felt his head hit upon something cold and hard. He was still in the cage. His cage. Around him morphs moved, and a voice spoke.

"Bugger's awake."

"He is... Captain said we could have some fun with him until noon tomorrow." One voice piped up. The jangling of keys was heard, and then the door to the cage swung open. The wolf scrunched himself as close to the opposite side of the door as possible, curling into a ball and whimpering. "Where are you you bugger?" A paw brushed across the tip of his tail and grabbed hold, then roughly yanked, pulling him closer to the voices.

"Aww, Wolf doesn't want to play." A deep voice rumbled. The wolf grabbed hold of one of the bars and tried to use it to keep himself in the cage. As long as he was in the cage, they couldn't hurt him as bad. Then something pressed against his fingertips, a large, round and rough object, that slowly began applying pressure. He remembered that the bulls and horses had feet of some sort. Though he didn't know the name. "Just like he didn't want to play with Brown Hide." The pressure peeked and the wolf released his grip. He was pulled out, his claws attempting to dig into the metal flooring of his cage but doing nothing.

He found himself on his knees, his hips being held in place by a forearm. Something hard and warm pressed against his dirty rump. making its way to his tail hole. He began struggling furiously, but was soon restrained by a pair of hands grabbing his own and holding them to the floor. Suddenly there was light, and he blinked to make out the shape of the massive horse in front of him. Dangling in his peripheral vision was a black blindfold, held by a grey paw.

"no touch." He pleaded, still attempting to struggle. Behind him, the object pushed into his ass, spreading his cheeks wide. "Please."

"You're a slave." A voice laughed. There was a thrust behind him and he screamed in pain. "Slaves can't plead."

'I am slave.'

* * *

Okay, so this is sort of an experiment in a way. I want to continue the story, but, quite frankly, I'm worried if I might be going to light or too heavy on the characters, so any helpful advice, critics or comments would be appreciated... (I realize that the style is odd [What with all the jumping from character to character]. This was also an experiment. Does it work?