Story by Sonya Novelli on SoFurry

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As we rounded the corner and entered the Comand Post Colonel Buford flagged us down.

"Boys good to see you made it. Lets head into my office we need to have a little talk. Corporal uhh Dale you may return to your duties." The Old Lion said not looking at the young Corporal.

"Sir yes sir." He said saluting.

"How are you two doing?"

"Fine Sir." I said

"Well enough sir."

"Good." he said putting his arms around our shoulders. "Now lets go into my office and have a little talk I got some good news for you two."

He led us into his office and closed the door. "Have a seat. I'm gona get me a whisky either of ya want one?"

"Sure sir I'll take one if you don't mind." I said

"No thanks Sir I still don't drink." Josh replyed looking up to the light.

"Well if your you go Jack." He handed me a glass and sat on the edge of his desk infront of us.

"Do either of you two know why I like you so much...why I care about you like my own?"

A moment or two passed before Josh said. "Well I always thought it was because both of our grand parents are close friends of you and your wife sir."

He chuckled and finished his whisky. "Close thats one reason but not the one I'm looking for. How about you Jack? Got any Idea why I like ya?"

I thought for a moment before replying. "Do be honest sir thats what I thought it was just family friends kinda thing."

"Hu interesting" He said standing and going back around the other side of his desk to sit in his chair. "Well boys the reason I like ya two so much is cause I can rely completly on you two, to get something done that would take a whole squad of guys...either of you want a smoke? Ohh Never mind Josh I know you don't smoke Jack you want one?"

"Umm No thank you sir I got a pack on me. Uhh Sir if you don't mind we wanted to talk to you about Sargent Ryien" I said shifting my but in the seat.

He looked at me with very intense eyes. "Jack you've never been a whiner don't start on me now understand?"

I leand forward. "Sir I'm sorry but what he pulled sending me and Josh out there like that with out any knid of..."

He stood and cut me off jabbing his desk with a finger. "Jack first of all shut up right now you know I can't do much about it other then bitch myself you know how and who that boys daddy is."

"Four star General Ryien..." Josh said looking down at his hands.

The Lion stood up straight and walked to the window. "Thats right. Now you two pay attention and don't speak tell i'm through alright?"

He walked back to his desk pulled two wooden box out of the center drawer and plopped down in his chair.

"Ryien is now a Lieutenant"

"What You Promoted him, what the Fuck!?!" I stormed

"JACK sit your ass down NOW...and if you ever talk to me like that again I'll have your ass in shit so deep you wount remember what your momma looks like."

I sat not to sure how I stood up so fast.

"Now as I was saying we had to promote him because his daddy wants you two to look after him and we cant have three Sargents in one out fit. Here you go." He said tossing us the boxes. "That was as high as I could promote you and keep you two together. Your new unit is going to need both of you. This unit is going to be doing some odds and inns for us but out of the way for the most part that way the daddys boy is safe and you two can look after your men proper. Now know that i am not happy about this, I'd much rather have you both out on the lines doing some good not babysitting some pussy who scrambles for the closest fox hole every time theres a bang but you boys also desreve a little brake.

He stood and saluted us as we did the same he walked over to the door and opened it. "You two go and relax. Your recruits will be here tomorrow. Oh umm Jack there was a mix up with one of the transpos your new medic is outside. Hes a squirrel his name is Freedy Carmikle try to be nice to him. Oh and one other thing write your mother i'm not gona keep doing it for you.

As Josh and I stepped out side the squirrel rushed up to us and saluted. "Sirs i'm looking for Sargent Anderson"

"That would be him" Josh said clapping me on the shoulder. "Well I'm off you two have fun"

I Glared at his back as he walked away.

"Sir I'm Freddy Carmikle I Guess I'm your new medic." He said with a smile. I wanted to beat him into the ground because of that smile. I don't know why it just pissed me off. Who the fuck did this kid think he was, smilling at me...Instead I said. "Here Carmine you can hold my riffle don't bump the scope and try not to fucking shoot yourself.

As he took the riffle he said. "Actually sir it's Carmikle."

"Yeah I don't like your name so I'm gona call you Carmine" I said lighting a cigarette. I inhaled a couple times and asked. "Why did you Join up Carmine?"

I umm I wanted to help sir."

I looked him over. "Well first thing dip shit get rid of this." I said ripping off the arm band with it's red cross. "This" I said waving it in his face and handing it to him. "Is a fucking bullet magnet."

I turned and begain walking to the supply area. Carmine along side me.

"But Sir how will people know i'm a medic?"

"First off The bad guys know that by killing a medic like you...five other people like me... will die because they can't get help and second if someone has there guts blown out and they're screaming for a medic and you run over and start shoving them back in and pumping them full of morphine they'll probably figure it out champ.

" it hard to hear if someone is calling for a medic?"

"Just fallow the screaming Carmine. Now Shut up I want to think about what I'm going to do with my day off."


"So what do you think Josh" I asked looking down the scope. "It's all F.U.B.A.R. buddy" Said the Capybara next to me. With a smile and a shrug he added "but fuck it we might get to blow somthin up before we...

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