Were Wolf Where

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissions

Wulfia the bounty hunter tries her trade, inexperienced as she is, on a high level target... to bad things aren't what they seem!

Lemon Kitsune Productions:

Were Wolf Where


STORY CONTENTS: Nudity, Vaginal, Language, Mild-Bondage, Transformation, Blood, Master-Slave, Non-Con, Masturbation

COPYRIGHTS: Wulfia is © Herself

All other Characters & Story © RJ Nebeker 2020


Wulfia ground her teeth together as she stepped through the bar doors. The pungent odor of stale booze and cheap whores filled her sensitive nose to the point she wanted to retch. But her pride kept it in check, public vomiting aside, as people were all ignoring her after her brief entrance the spilled moonlight into the bar. At six feet and two inches tall, her honey-gold skin tone and strawberry blond hair with green eyes really held the dim light of the bar like a halo announcing her. But even with the full chest most women would have back problems with, an hourglass figure with tight muscles and wide hips with shapely tight rear end dipping to long legs, no men turned to look at her.

It was... a little irritating.

Sure she was only nineteen years old, but she had the trim and fit figure to stop traffic cold all day every day, yet the people in this bar flat out ignored her. She wanted that, but at the same time; it was grating.

With a huff, she tracked her way through the round tables and chairs, swinging her hips with a shimmy that was both practiced and naturally occurring. Her cocktail dress made sure her figure was on display and was a bit shorter than she had intended since it ended just a hairs breath beneath her crotch, making her lack of underwear a little obvious if she stepped wrong. That last bit and the dress hadn't been her initial idea for this place; a last minute issue had cause a wardrobe malfunction that was less than pleasant.

Her small shimmy brought her close to the pool tables near the back corner of the bar with a pair of bikers, grinning like a pair of horn dogs at her approach. She just gave a ruby lipped smile that showed a little more canine before turning her heels slightly and waltzing past them towards another table. Her target had come in here with his bodyguards and he was a well known lover of ladies. She had hoped to get close to him, get him alone, and drag him out a window; but she only found his guards sitting at a table near some stairs leading to the private rooms on the second floor.

The first was a woman with ghostly pale white skin and oriental features. Her hair was as white as her flesh but her eyes were a dark blue, nearly purple color that seemed to sparkle with the light. Every inch of her was corded muscle in tight lines with, and here Wulfia was a little jealous, breasts quite a bit larger than her own filling out a Kimono with no sleeves and a lack of anything beneath the hem save a pair of bright pink silk panties visible only because her legs were crossed and the kimono's hem rode up her right thigh. A pair of short Katana sat slung over her other hip and a much larger six-foot blade rested within easy reach. Those weapons were curious to her, as most preferred guns in these parts. The five-foot four inch woman was a short-stack of power in every sense of the word and sipped casually from some water.

Professional. Very professional.

Her company was a man that had a slight mocha colored skin tone, like coffee with way to much creamer in it. Short cropped black hair and a slightly Scandinavian appearance to his features, if not the body. Brilliant blue-violet eyes picked her approach up quickly, raked her with what felt like razors for information, and then discarded her as no threat. Looking at the way he sat himself, his figure leaner muscle than his partners and a mare aged appearance told her this one was the one she had to be wary of. His slacks weren't tight nor loose - that perfect balance of mobility without being in the way; the same for his simple dress shirt. If he had weapons, she couldn't make them out and that brought even more worry to her mind.

If the pair was this professional, why were they away from the one they were supposed to guard? Shouldn't they be sitting outside the door, ignoring the bumps and groans from within? She edged in to a seat at a table nearby, crossing her right leg over the other while trying to surreptitiously glance at the guards. Her initial glance was met with the calculating glance of the older male, and a shiver ran down her spine.

Fucking time of the month. Fuck you body! She snarled in her head. She didn't need this issue tonight, not when the bounty was so damn close.

"Can I take your order Miss?" a feminine voice asked from the side.

Glancing up, Wulfia sighed at the waitress. "Yes, root beer float." She commented, flashing the bangle that showed she was underage despite the body she owned.

"Right." The waitress offered, turning on her heel and trotting off with a smile.

Again, she turned to peer at the guards briefly, trying to use the active pool tables as a way to glance that way. Neither of the guards noticed her glance more than the initial swivel of her head. She cocked her head to the side and leaned back in her chair, pressing her large E cups out a bit more as if to attract attention and play up her cover. Not that her dress covered much of her breasts anyhow, she was literally spilling out of the tops low cut and only held in check thanks to some sticky pads she'd pushed to her nipples and the dress' inner fabric to hold it in place. She'd done the same for her heavy rear end to ensure the dress didn't ride up any further than it already did.

"Do we really have to let them enjoy seedy places like this?" the female guard growled out in a low tone, almost inaudible to her.

"They have their vices Kana. Or are you jealous?" the male responded.

The woman, Kana, scoffed and sipped her water. "I am bedded by them enough, I don't need my back to get filthy from these... unclean linens." She snarled, but a hue of crimson colored her cheek bones. "I just don't see why we have to come... here."

The male shrugged his shoulders, and continued to watch the bar. A couple tried to move towards the stairs, but Wulfia saw the cold stare the male guard fed the pair and watched them back off and turn away. Another shiver ran up her spine, that man was boiling her blood in ways she'd never wanted.

Damn it! Stop that! She hissed in her mind, glad when the waitress brought her order out and quickly took a large gulp of the treat. A more enjoyable shudder rolled down her spine as the cool vanilla ice cream tickled her taste buds and melded with the root beer, before flowing down her throat.

"How long will they be this time?" Kana grumbled as she slammed her empty glass to the table.

"Hello, my name is Arkadian. Not Allester. If you'd like to know how long it takes me to fuck, take me to bed. Otherwise, ask the boss... ohh wait, you said you bed him, so you should know." The male responded in a rather snide reply.

The woman growled, showing her teeth as she glared at her partner. "Filthy male. The only reason Aisha gets between my legs is because it's my role in life. I protect them, I bed them. It's the same." She snapped, her voice hushed but a little louder than she had meant obviously.

Arkadian simply shrugged his shoulders and gave a slight smile. "Then you'd still know exactly how long it would take them to finish. So what is it?"

Without even thinking, the woman responded, "With me there they can go nine or ten hours. Without me, a little less." By the time she realized what she had said, her cheeks burned red. "Damn you!" she hissed, and rose to her feet. She hefted her larger sword and stomped up the stairs with an agitated swing in her hips that set her round butt to jiggling.

Not as tight an ass as mine, but still a nice ass all the same. She purred in her head, but then ground her teeth. Stop that! Stupid body!

Sipping more of her treat, she waited and watched Arkadian. The man was a stone cold sentinel. He didn't move any more than needed, small movements that wasted no effort but still gave him a grand appraisal of those in his area of protection. Then there was the aura he seemed to put out, a natural barrier to anyone trying to approach. Was he human? Could he be Lycori? No. He was showing age, now that she looked, a little bit of peppered grey hair behind his right ear. Lycori never showed age like that, even in their elder years. He had to be human. Another sip of her drink and she rolled up her courage.

Standing, she started to saunter closer a step, but then the female guard stalked down the stairs. She wiped her crimson painted lips and sat back down at her table with a huff. So Wulfia shifted her footing again and angled towards the rest rooms on the other side of the steps. That man, Arkadian, would be trouble to get past.

As she slid in to the women's room, she hitched herself in to a stall and growled under her breath as her thighs brushed together. All through Junior high and high school, she'd had a thing for strong men. The fact that man had actually made her aroused had to be because of the time of month. Her short dress really irritated her groin as well, but then an idea sprang to mind. She smiled coyly and began to slide her fingers over her soft lips; sure she'd never had sex before, never even considered it. She rarely rubbed herself because she wanted that first time to mean something and risking her hymen always made her stray from anything more than teasing the outer labia. She did enjoy landscaping though.

Her pubes were shaved all around her puffy mounds sides, but the groin kept a large tuft of strawberry blond curls she had trimmed in to the shape of a butterfly kissing the upper lips of her sex. It was art work for her, a secret treasure for the man who'd prove himself. But now she needed to work herself up a little, her clit rolled along her fingers as she brushed it lightly, electric thrills running through her body as an unintended moan leaked from her lips. Planting her right foot on the covered seat, she was about to take the plunge, literally; when the door opened and two women barged in giggling drunkenly.

Fingers yanked from her groin, she pushed the front of her dress back down and took two deep breaths before stepping out of the stall. Her cheeks were so read the color was at her ears as she tucked her hair behind one and walked from the bathroom.

Both Kana and Arkadian were still sitting there by the stairs talking. She slunk closer and then cleared her throat, "Uhm, e-excuse me." She said in as timid a voice as she could offer. When the guards looked at her, she gave a sheepish smile. "I was uhmm..." she coughed "invited up to the 'fun'. I was told to ask for uhmm..." she lifted her right hand as if to read from it, "Darkflame?"

The guards seemed to ignore the name, and she thought she slipped up and pressed her hand too far. "She's got the tits and ass, and gods I can smell her wet cunt as close as she is. Definitely one they'd offer too." Kana seemed to growl out, even as her eyes eagerly drank in her figure.

Oh. OH! She's... oh... damn. I'd like her too...?

"Fine." Arkadian said simply, waving a hand dismissively. "Room 12."

No need to blush fakely, her cheeks were still crimson as she turned and strutted towards the stares. A loud yelp ripped from her mouth as a hand smacked her right ass cheek. "Fucks sake I could bounce my blades off that ass." Kana said with a cheerful and wicked smile aimed her way.

Wulfia continued up the stairs. If it were any other day, she might have seen which of them had the better body... and maybe if she was in to women as well.

After cresting the top of the stairs, she noticed all the room doors were wide open, and grunting was coming from the farthest on the right. Her steps were quick and practiced as she readied herself by taking several deep breaths and pushing her dress down from her heavy rack. Her naked skin glistened with a little sweat in the low light, her nipples and areola rather tiny despite the size of her orbs, with a ruby red skin tone to them. Even as she leaned forward, her tits remained firm and perky, never losing their shape as she pushed her dress past her knees and stepped from it.

She already felt a little fuzzy along her back, and as she got closer to the grunting and moaning noises, she was sure she'd have to knock out the woman to escape with the man she was after.

At the edge of the door, she could hear the audible squishing slurps of a very wet and hungry pussy swallowing a shaft, slightly muffled by the fleshy slap of bare skin meeting skin. She turned the doors frame about to shift, when a shock ripped down her back bone.

There, on the bed of course, was the amorous couple. The woman on her back with her legs spread in a whorish-V shape around her lovers hips as he continued to saw a sky blue cock between her plump petals. Not shocking to her. It wasn't even that the woman was easily a foot taller than the man. Nope. What freaked her out was the fact the pair was obviously twins! More so, the fox like ears and tails sweeping around them drew the eye, as did the woman's violet and green wings. "Holy fuck you incestuous Lycori fuckers. Fuck!" she barked out before she blacked out from a sudden thump on the back of her head.


"ough... the hellllllll...." Wulfia's mind slowly ticked back in to focus, slurring her words until the events started to reorient them in her mind. Her eyes widened and she jerked her body trying to sit up. But her wrists were chained to the bed frame she had slept on. Her legs as well bound together at the ankles and locked to the foot of the bed. She was still naked, and covered in sweat. Her breathing quickened and she growled through her teeth as she pulled on the chains binding her wrists.

"Careful. You'll hurt yourself." A male voice commented. "You interrupted Aisha and Ashanna. They were hoping you'd join them, but then, you passed out." He finished.

Her head tilted up, looking between the valley of her breasts that held only a slight pancake shape laid on her back like this. She saw Arkadian sitting in a chair, sipping something hot from a tea cup. He had huge fox ears on his head now, and nine tails in a cool arctic blue color swayed behind him casually. "You're Lycori... but... only half shifted? How?" she asked; not bothered at all that she was still nude.

"Rishishka, actually. Off worlders." His shoulders lifted in a shrug as he continued to sip his tea. "No idea what a Lycori is."

"Ugh, they're Were's. Werewolves, Werebears, Weretigers, etc etc. Aliens? Really? That's what you're trying to pull off?" she tested her chains again with a firm pull, feeling her muscles flexing tightly.

"So Lycanthropes. Earth legends." He seemed to roll his eyes. "Maybe not legends if this planet has them." He sipped his tea again and stood up.

"Going to rape me now?" she growled. Fuck... do... do I want that? Wait... NO! Stupid body stop that!

He laughed. "No. Pleasing as you are to look at, you're to inept and stupid for my tastes."

"Excuse me?!" her head shot up again and she pulled hard on the chains. "Who got past who mother fucker?!"

He smiled, "We let you up. Kanayaro wanted to play; we picked you up as soon as you walked in the door. You moved to purposefully towards the stairs, only diverting after you saw us. To obvious, so Kana decided she'd feed you some information and you took it all."

Dread hit her like a cold shower, cooling the fires in her loins and flowing in her veins. She'd been played like a fiddle. Though, as she thought about it, she shouldn't have been surprised. She'd noticed they were pros right off the bat and she relied on her looks and strength more than planning. Men were simple creatures after all.

"Fine. I'll be going now." She said, and before he could snicker too much at her bound figure, she called up her real strength. In just three seconds she grew an extra foot in height, her muscles bulged outward and snapped her bindings with pitiful ease as cherry red fur poured from her back and sides. A vanilla tin of fur covered her front portion even as her breasts swelled considerably to a GG and her legs hooked back a little. At that point she rolled her new weight forward on to all fours, effortlessly easy since her arms had grown past her hips now and with the five foot tail springing from her ass her balance was perfect.

Her face morphed to a wolfish green that left large fangs exposed as ears perked up from her skull and aimed forward at the man. She swore she saw surprise on his face, even as she lunged for him - her nearly four hundred pounds of muscle aimed to tackle him through the wall.

What? She blinked as the world inverted in her vision and she felt the floor slam in to her back painfully, even as her left wrist was wrenched hard in the wrong direction.

"You're slow pup. You don't read emotions well at all." Arkadian said, planting a vulpine foot squarely against her left cheek to push her head in to the floor boards. "Raw strength and surprise, not a bad choice for most people; but I've been fighting and killing for over a thousand years. You announced your movements and wasted energy with that flashy display. Like I said. You're too stupid to interest me."

A snarl rumbled through her chest, Stupid am I? Alright, I'll show you stupid you walking maids wet dream duster! She barked in her head, to enraged to form a proper retort. She yanked her wrist, feeling the bone snap as she rolled her broad hips in a hard sweep while dislocating her wrist. She hoped to surprise him, while her natural healing recovered her wounds rapidly.

Instead of him falling over her legs, she was shocked when she felt his feet land on her hips instead. He was feather light, even without her enhanced strength she could have lifted him effortlessly. But he still held her wrist, and sudden pain lanced through her mind as the bones tried to heal but were still twisted and wrenched entirely the wrong direction. Blood leaked from a wound the broken bones had pushed through her forearm and she tried to roll her weight back and forth to kip up in to a fighting stance.

His weight suddenly changed and instead of a nuisance bug, her rolling hips got pinned down under a heavier weight she hadn't expected. The pain in her wrist got worse as he pushed her pinky finger directly in to her palm and squeezed harder. "Stop fighting pup. You won't win." He said in a calm and reserved voice.

"Fuck you! You... You... fuck yoU!" she snarled, her anger getting the better of her. Stars rattled her vision from a swift kick delivered to her left cheek and muzzle. Her wrist went free, but her vision swam.

"If you won't behave, I suppose I have no choice but to force you too." His calm demeanor left something unsaid. Something metallic pushed in to the thicker mane of fur around her throat that draped towards her heavy breasts. A snap sounded and her mind fled. She didn't know how long she spaced out, only that she had blacked out briefly and something was different.

Something was wrong.

She pushed up, feeling no pain in her wrist. Five minutes passed at least for that to heal. She thought to herself. A jingle hit her ears as weight thumped in to her chest. Looking down, she saw a pair of soft-ball-sized gold jingle bells tethered to silk ribbons at her throat resting over her breasts. "The fuck?"

"Such a vulgar bitch." A female voice snapped behind her.

Turning fast, she was already in a fighting stance, teeth bared. Kana and Arkadian both stood near the door, the woman's also showed vulpine heritage in her shape now, only she had six tails instead of nine. "Sit." Arkadian ordered.

She felt her ass smack the floor as she folded her knees under her armpits. It put her pussy mound, its butterfly bush of red-blonde hair, and her heavy tits on perfect display. WHAT?! What am I doing? Stand up! Try as she might, she couldn't move. "Th... fu-" a glare from Kana made her bite her tongue. "What did you do?" she hissed instead.

"You are now my slave. Aisha approved if you wouldn't behave yourself, he has rights to your body as is proper - and trust me, he'll take those rights." Arkadian spoke, pausing briefly. "But he's told me to train you. Both as a proper bitch, and as a guard."

"Fuck you!" she snapped.

Kanayaro laughed and turned, walking away. "Spirited one. I told you Arky."

"Do not call me that." He growled.

Ohh! Don't like that nick name huh Arky?

His eyes narrowed at her.

"I said not to call me that."

THE FUCK!? You can read minds? She shrieked in her head.

"No. But I know how to read people. Your eyes dilated the instant I said that, and knowing your attitude it was a simple conclusion. Now, after listening to my Master's rutting for the last six hours, I need some release. Lay down, spread your legs."

Try as she might, she couldn't resist his orders. Ohh she fought it, she fought hard in her head. But she could only watch in horror as her body eagerly rolled her on to her back and her knees spread wide. As if she were a dog eager for belly rubs! She also realized her heat was now in full swing. Full moons and Lycori always meant fertility, and she could smell just how wet and eager her body was.

Her eyes rolled away, trying not to look at the man about to rape her. But she caught the handsome figure of his naked form just long enough to be more curious. He was maybe five feet and nine inches tall, six-four if you added his large ears. His body was cut in defined muscles with just enough to look like a swimmer, but not the ugly bulk of beach bullies. His skin soon vanished beneath a pristine layer of arctic blue fur; black tipped his ears and each one of his tails to make him look like a multi-tailed Arctic fox in its winter coat. She'd never heard of Vulpine Lycori, and since he had a sheath between his legs she knew immediately he wasn't Lycori. Anatomy was drilled in to her by her mother's guild, Lycori had human like genitals.

Despite herself, she found him attractive - in a weird way. His shaft jutted up from his sheath a good nine inches, respectable for his size - but laughably to small for her larger form. This wouldn't be too, she could take him without issue and maybe the lack of friction would make him just stop and leave her alone. "Ok. Fine. Come on twig." She barked her voice a deep rumble of laughter as she reached her hands down and smashed her breasts together to form deeper cleavage.

A smile played on the black flesh of his lips as he lay over her bulkier frame. She had three hundred pounds on him, easily, he looked like a plush doll between her powerful thighs and she even squeezed them together a little to encourage him forward... Stupid bodily instincts! She snarled mentally.

The play of his smooth skinned rod teased her wet folds, and a spark of pleasure zinged up her back swiftly. A shiver more and she felt the tapered tip of his vulpine flesh push between her labia and enter her tunnel. A sudden look of shock registered on her face as she realized something. Since she never explored past her own petals, she hadn't realized just how tiny her tunnel was - the man may have been small for her form compared to a Lycori male, but her inexperience made his flesh literally stretch her muscles open in a yawning O-shape. A panting yip spouted from her muzzle when she felt the ring of muscles making up her hymen begin to tear and shred as he flesh plunged past that arched barrier.

Her passage grew wetter. Her body burned with need. She bit her own lip to try and bite back the moan wanting to echo out as she lost her virginity to a rapist. Yet... it felt good. Some baser instinct wanted a dominate male, needed him to make her submit, it felt wrong - and yet was so right. The further up her channel that his flesh probed, the more her back arched and that moan wanted to rip from her lips. His hands were attentive to her large breasts, caressing the heavy orbs as his lips and teeth nibbled along her nipples. The sensation of those sharp canines rolling over the red skin of her pea sized nipples really made her body ache. Her hips rolled to meet him and helped seat his entire pole inside of her passage.

A shudder of pleasure rolled through her entire form and that moan finally slipped free. She let her hands fall to the floor, freeing her bosoms for his exploration. The push and prod of his pole starting to slide back and forth through her cunt lips made a grunting hiss grind through her teeth. She wouldn't give in, not again. Nope. She'd let him do his business; let his dick glide through her moist and tight passage. Feel every inch of his turgid flesh tickling the inner walls of her virgin mound and enjoy the tease of the pulsing veins on the belly of his flesh scraping the back wall of her tunnel.

Fuck this feels amazing.... She whined, the sound slipping from her muzzle.

Her thighs continued to pinch at the foxes hips, nearly swallowing his slim figure in to her larger bulk and thick fur as the sound of sex filled the air. If her cherry red fur wasn't there, her blush would be obvious from the embarrassing farting snorts and slurps her dripping quim made around her rapist. Is this rape? She thought. _It feels amazing. I want more. He's strong. Cunning. Oh my gods does he feel good._Her moan came freely this time, her arms slinking to rub up and down his back.

She crossed her ankles as her knees bent over her rising and falling ass, as large as she was her feet paws still touched the ground as she began to growl and push against him. Her pussy dripping its honey and need with a mix of her virgin blood staining the white of her ass fur now. A low panting groan started to match his slowly increasing pace, his thrusting moving his rod through her in quicker and shorter pumps. "Faster... faster..." she panted, her breathing heavy now as the man swallowed as much of her left breast in to his maw as he could... which wasn't even a quarter of the mass.

A sudden knot in her groin, just below her stomach and above her mound, pulled at her attention. Her fingers curled in to the rather thick pelt Arkadian had, just as her thighs clenched hard together and a barking yelp escaped her muzzle followed by a strangled howl-moan and a full body tremble. Her first orgasm slathered her males groin and balls just as those orbs clapped off her butt cheeks. It wasn't the strongest she'd ever had, but it was up there on the top ten. Even still, she felt him much better as the walls of her passage squeezed mercilessly on his prick, the pressure of those muscles actually halting his thrusts and holding him inside her clenched walls as they winked and drooled around his shaft.

"M...Master..." she snarled, twisting her lips at the word. "Harrrrrrrrder." She growled, the sound like thunder in her chest as her hands finally clamped down on his ass and squeezed.Not rape. I need this. Fuck me you fucking fucker fox! She snarled in her mind before screaming "FUCKING FOX! FUCK! FUCK ME!" she huffed, baring her teeth at the man who's head couldn't even get past her tits due to their size difference.

But he did as she begged. His hands planted roughly on her shoulders, proving he had strength as he slammed her shoulder blades in to the floor. His hips began to pump in short, quick stabs, filling the air with rude noises that embaressed her and also turned her on. She couldn't believe how loud and wet her pussy was, but when he began to roll his hips further up, lifting away from her crotch and then plunging in violently... her lewd noises only got louder and louder. She shuddered from the way his meat ripped open her tunnel and then left it yawning briefly after. She felt something more each time his crotch hit against hers, but she pushed it to the back of her mind as she looked down her tits to her 'master'.

He was still attentive to her breasts, his tongue and teeth playing along nipple and areola, teasing her in ways she hadn't thought would work. Even when he sank his teeth in to her flesh, it only served to spur her instincts. This is how a male should be. A male should mark his bitch. She thought.

Suddenly, a new probing pressure pushed against her already stuffed tunnel, Oh right. Canine's and Vulpine's have knots. Wait... NO!

Just as she realized what it was, that bulb of flesh forced its way in to her tiny tunnel, and she let out a sharp yelp of pain. Oww! Oww that, owwwww! She mentally whined, but her body responded to the natural tie. Her fingers dug in to his ass cheeks, and she felt the muscles flexing as his pace became feral and eager, shorter pumps pushed his flesh through hers and ensured they'd be joined for a time. Her heat boiled to a head as her body reacted more hungrily than usual, a fresh orgasm rolled through her body and blitzed her mind from the pressure pushing against the entry way of her tunnel, grinding her g-spot mercilessly in that swift jerking movement he held against her groin.

As her mound winked, the muscles not quite as strong this time from overuse, she felt the surge of his hips driving in to hers much harder before a final push forced his balls tight against her ass. Her eyes widened as she felt the way those orbs churned and rolled, his sack tightening up towards his sheath and dragging over her butt cheeks as his essence drained in to her fertile pussy passage. Her heavy breathing hitched slightly, Can I get pregnant by aliens?! She questioned, feeling the heat of his seed pouring in to her tunnel and rushing towards her womb. She realized she had curled her hips so that her ass was aimed mostly towards the wall and roof joining, a natural position to ensure sperm reached the womb!

"You did good pup." He commented after five minutes of their heavy breathing filled the room. "But you won't give me young. Aisha, maybe, but not me. I can't have kids." His statement seemed to irritate the animal in her, but at the same time she was relieved. She was only nineteen, and a bounty hunter, she didn't need pups!

"What is a-blugh..." she paused, trying to speak that word, but finding her tongue tying.

"Aisha, and Ashana. They are the Divine script, only those blessed by the Ancient's can speak it. Aisha means Master, Ashana means Mistress. You met mine earlier." His voice was dry and emotionless, but she seemed fine by his tone.

"Wha- what's my job then?" she huffed, feeling a surge of pressure in her tunnel as her hips finally relaxed and pushed her ass to the floor it had waxed just minutes ago.

"Slave. You will pleasure my Aisha and Ashana when they wish it. You will be my relief as well."

She grunted, baring her teeth "So I'm just a piece of ass?"

"Yes." He said flatly. Her gaze narrowed on him, but he stared back. "I will teach you to fight as well. Just like Kanayaro warms our master's bed when he wants her 'ass'. She too protects them, so too will you."

A huff rolled from her throat, and she dropped her head to the ground, turning to look away as she closed her eyes to wait his knot breaking free.

~~ Allester E. Darkflame

~ The Fluffy Foxy