Turn Around 2

Story by wolfdreamer on SoFurry

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Turn Around Two.

"Wow, I hope the A.C. is working here..." the black wolf said turning to his part vulpine companion. Usually Kal seemed very bold and assertive, his ears usually forward and tail always held high, he was the alpha in his pairing with Bjorndal but his last visit had filled his mind with thoughts of what could be. He knew that Bjorndal had been planning on taking them to the bath house the folf had discovered online and had come to a couple time. It has been almost 6 months since the wolf had visited his hybrid pet. "No kidding, that club was retardedly hot! And not in the good way!" Bjorndal replied with a chuckle, the silver and white canine's tail wagging largely behind him. As Kal walked up to the large brick building his ears were slightly folded back and tail draped between his legs. Bjorndal was leading and he could see that the events of his last visit had emboldened the pup some and the submissive mannerisms were hardly there as they usually were.

After handing their I.D.'s over to the cashier and paying they were given towels and a key to the locker. Kal was beginning to actually feel a bit nervous about getting naked in this place. Bjorndal was the first into the club and knew exactly what to do, quickly stripping and tossing his items into the locker and was already wrapped in the towel by the time Kal had finally slipped his shirt off. He slid his pants down, unzipping them and began to pull his underwear down when his ear twitched and he glanced over to where his pup was standing. Standing there along with his now only towel clad pup was a Doberman leaning against the lockers, both of them grinning at him as they took in the show of watching the sexy wolf undress. Kal could feel his ears flush as his pup looked at him with that predatory grin that had only appeared since he let the pup trick him into that sex sling, that grin that was usually on his own muzzle.

He bit his lower lip and let out a slight chuckle trying to cover his embarrassment. "Like what you see?" he said bringing back some of his usual bravado in his voice as he stepped out of his underwear and let his heavy sheath hang feely in the cool air. He could see the grin deepen on his pup as the Doberman looked to Bjorndal and chuckled.

"Damn, always leave when the hottest ones are arriving, is that yours?" he asked with a grin pointing at Kal. Kal blinked, he couldn't believe it, the Doberman had to be confused. Him the folf's pet? Things couldn't have changed that quickly from that one night, not enough that now others were thinking him a submissive. He quickly wrapped the towel around himself and stood up padding over and behind Bjorndal.

"This is my little puppy... aren't you?" he said leaning in and nibbling on his pups ears, making Bjorndal moan as a shiver rolled through his body.

"Y.... yes sir." He said as he felt Kal' paws wrap around him and pull him back.

"Good boy." He murred into the folf's ears and grinned to the dog.

"Ahh... That's hot... you two have fun." The Doberman said with a grin, looking over the two for a last time before going back to the lockers to get dressed. Kal grinned as he let his pup go and told him to lead the way to the showers so they could get ready to explore the rest of the place. Bjorndal nearly bounced as his posture took on that familiar submissive posture and Kal began to feel more like himself with each step. He was already planning to find the most public area in this building and fuck his pup in front of as many people as possible. Yeah, he was going to make his pup 'pay' for the last visit.

The club was pretty busy, Bjorndal explaining that the crowd was normal on a Saturday night. Bjorndal happily lead Kal through the hallways, many doors open to the private rooms. They would occasionally pause to look in at some fur, laid out naked on a bed, advertising their interest in company by pawing off or sometimes laying face down and fingers teasing their tail hole, tails raised high. They occasionally saw a couple already mid coitus or resting after a good hard fucking. The two stopped to gape at a horse deep breeding a rhino in one of the mirrored rooms. They couldn't stop staring as the mirrored room gave them a thousand different angles of that thick flared cock thrusting into that tailhole and the view of that huge rino cock drooling slick precum down the mirror he was being fucked up against. It was a force of effort for them to not step up and try and join in.

Eventually both of the canines snapped out of it and Bjorndal leaned in, Kal able to hear the grin in the pups voice as he said, "Wait till you see the dungeon" before winking to the wide eyed wolf. The pair looked for a few more moments before walking on, both having to adjust the towels around their waists to hide the bulging erections. Bjorndal led the pair into the "Wet Area" to show the black wolf the hot tub, sauna and steam room. Seeing the steam room made Kal grin and growl into his pups ear.

"Mmm... How about we enjoy the steam room for a bit and then head downstairs so you can show me the dungeon pup?" he said, sliding his paws down to grip the hybrids hips and grind the bulge in his towel against the pups rump. He couldn't help but grin a bit, seeing the white canine blush; but the grin that he got in response made his ears flick back a bit, the look too dominant.

"How about you go enjoy it for a bit? I'm not a big fan of steam rooms and I want to check and if any of the more naughty rooms down stairs are open. I would love to get one of the dungeon rooms for the night" he said, ears splaying in a bit of a blush to his owner but still grinning. Kal couldn't help but return the grin and give his pup a slap on the rump .

"Ok pup, go do that and I will meet you downstairs once I'm done" he said before nibbling along the rim of the pup's ear. He watched the pup wander off as he stepped inside, surprised at the huge amounts of steam filling the air, making it almost impossible to see in the large room. The wolf felt his fur instantly start to cling to his body as he wandered into the room, following the wall, thankfully not running into anyone yet. He finally found a good spot to sit, settling his damp towel down to keep himself modest, still not completely comfortable in the sex club. He took in a deep breath, feeling the steam warm his lungs, clearing his senses as it momentarily muted the overwhelming scents of arousal and sex that filled the club.

He had only closed his eyes for a moment when he felt someone near him and opened them again just in time to view a wall of fur and a large swollen sheath as it slid past. He blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision through the steam before realizing a very large grizzly bear had settled down next to the wolf. He couldn't help but stare at the bear, having obviously forsaken a towel. The bruin stood probably a good foot taller than the wolf and had to have been hundreds of pounds more. The bear's arms bulged with strength, the wolf's eyes moving farther down to a barrel chest, strong pecks standing out through the slicked back fur and a muscled stomach with just a bit of a paunch; just the way the wolf thought a bear should be. With out even thinking his eyes continued their journey lower, locking onto what was probably one of the thickest and largest sheaths the wolf had ever seen, already a fat blunted head poking free of the tight flesh of the sheath.

Looking lower he spied a hefty set of balls snuggled tightly between strong thighs. As his eyes trailed back up intent on seeing the bear's face he realized that sheath was stirring and more of that length was sliding free. A thick bead of precum was forming on the cock slit. Kal's eyes went wide and shot straight up to the bear's face to see that he was lewdly grinning down at the wolf, fangs showing. The wolf's ears picked up the low rumble of a pleased growl from the bear. His ears immediately folded back as he realized how openly he had been drooling over the bear. Kal just sat there, waiting to see what the bear would do, blushing deeply in embarrassment. He realized he had hunched his shoulder and his ears were splayed in a submissive gesture from just one look at the bear.

He shook his head a bit and forced his ears back up and puffed his chest back out, straightening himself out. He forced a grin onto his muzzle as he gave a nod at the bear, trying to not act like some submissive pup, just because he got a look at that thick drooling bear sheath. The bear watched and let out a chuckle, sliding his paw down and griping his own sheath, slowly beginning to stroke himself as more of that thick length pushed out. The wolf's ears started to splay again as he couldn't help but look down, watching more of that bear meat slide free of its fuzzy holder. Kal had always had a secret fetish for bears, though he never would admit that. He couldn't believe he had one's attention now as the bear just sat there pawing himself while obviously staring at the wolf.

Kal shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he tried to maintain that dominant posture, the tent in his towel growing more and more uncomfortable, knowing he was leaving a mess of pre in that towel. It was then the thick musk of the bear's arousal hit the wolf's nose, the warm scent of virile male flooding his nose in the hot sweaty environment. His eyes tracked a long trail of precum slide down that ursine length and down onto the bears paw, he didn't even realize it as he licked his lips, he didn't realize he had leaned forward toward the length until a large strong paw slid behind the back of his head and guiding his muzzle forward till that fat length bounced against his nose.

The wolf's eyes went wide as he felt that hot flesh against his muzzle, ears folding tightly back. Before he could fight it, he found himself letting out a whimper of need. He froze, unsure what to do, this wasn't him, he never gave in like this. The only urging he had required to end up with his lips on this bear cock was a paw on the back of his head? Maybe what his pup had done to him was having more of an affect on him than he thought. It was only a moment later that the air was filled with a deep bass rumble as the bear said "Go for it puppy... its all yours if you want it". That deep voice was all it took for him to throw all those thoughts out of the window, still blushing deeply as he let his muzzle slide open and slid his long tongue around that throbbing length, seeing that sheath sliding back farther.

An explosion of flavor filled the wolf's muzzle as his tongue gathered up the bears precum, much thicker than his own but he loved the taste as it coated the inside of his muzzle. He had to open his jaws wide to guide that fat head into his mouth so he could close his lips around it. The girth was straining what he could do even with his large canine maw, but as he began to suckle all he could think about was the weight and heat of that virile member filling his muzzle. The bears paw remained on the back of his head, slowly pressing the wolf's head lower and lower before pulling back up and rolling his hips into the downward stroke encouragingly. The wolf didn't need much encouragement as he continue to stroke and suckle along the bears length, a free paw sliding down to grip and massage the bears balls while his other curled around the bottom part of the bears cock, massaging what he couldn't fit into his muzzle.

The wolf was surprised when suddenly he felt the warm air hit the bare fur of his ass cheeks as the bear undid the wolf's towel and tossed it aside. He wasn't sure he could blush any more at the circumstances until the bear reached down and gripped Kal's swollen length, drawing a moan from the wolf as he gathered up the canines pre cum to slicken his fingers. Then he slid them back till those thick bruin paws were teasing under the wolf's tail, spreading the wolf's own precum along his ass. Kal focused on the cock in his muzzle while feeling the bear begin to press a finger along that tight tail ring and then start to slide it in, making him moan around the bear cock. He willingly lifted his rump, moving himself to all fours for the bear with out even thinking, giving the bear better access to that tight rump as it was slowly worked open.

The wolf could feel that huge length pressing against the back of his throat, having to swallow every time he bobbed to keep up with the flow of precum, and even with that effort his muzzle was getting very wet from not just the steam but the musky juices. The bear just grinned off into the distance as he continued to work his first finger into the wolf and then a second finger, stretching the canine open as he used his other paw to guide the wolf up and down on his cock. The wolf started to realize he probably was about to get fucked by this bear when suddenly the fingers left his tailhole and his muzzle was lifted up off the bears cock. The bear held him there for a few moments, gripping his own length and guiding it to tease along the wolf's muzzle as he grinned down at him, leaving musky trails of precum in the wolf's fur before growling.

"Time to move this to a better location" the bear said, standing up, helping the wolf to his feet. A shiver ran up the wolf's spine as he heard that deep force, ears still tightly back as he leaned into the strong frame of the bear. The bear leaned down and nipped lightly along the wolf's ear. "You ready bitchpup? You wanting to go off somewhere and get fucked hard by me...?" he growled into the wolf's ear, making him shiver again as he felt the bears hand slide down and grip his ass, giving it a slap.

"Y... Yes... Sir... I do" the wolf stammered out as the bear let out a deep chuckle. The wolf embarrassedly looked up into the bears muzzle and in surprise watched as he looked away from the wolf and into the steam before rumbling.

"So ya got the room Bjorndal?" he said into the darkness. It took a moment for the wolf to be able to recognize what he was seeing as he could see green eyes vaguely floating in the white steam until the hybrid stepped forward and out of the perfect camouflage the steam gave him with his white fur. In his paw a key dangled from a rubber wrist band.

"Yep, got it ages ago but didn't want to interrupt, was just enjoying the view... Deluxe Dungeon, just for our puppy." Kal could feel his jaw drop in surprise as he let out a whimper, realizing this was all set up by his pup. He remembered last year the pup had snuck off and looked through the wolf's computer, dredging up the wolf's secret fetishes and had now he'd set up this scene. The pup stepped forward, the wolf realizing what was in his other paw as he handed it to the bear. The hybrid stepped forward, front pressing up against the now naked and highly aroused wolf, the white canine's own length already hard as well and grinding against Kal's own.

Bjorndal pulled Kal into a deep kiss as the bear secured a collar around the wolf's neck and snapped the leash into place, the hybrid's tongue roaming around inside the wolf's muzzle, tasting the bears precum before pulling back, leaving both panting. The bar let out a deep chuckle "Damn, that was fuckin' hot."

As Bjorndal pulled back he grinned at Kal "Mm... we better get going before the bear decides to breed you right here... I am glad to see you're enjoying this pup." He said, the word 'pup' sending another shiver down the wolf's spine. Bjorndal quickly took the leash and started to lead his collared owner out of the steam room and into the club, the bear following behind, occasionally "accidentally" bumping into the back of the wolf when he stopped, grinding that fat bear cock against his rump cheeks.

The hybrid made sure to take the long way, leading the aroused pair behind him through the club, getting many stares from other patrons, some actively reaching down and starting to stroke off just watching. They ran into the Horse and Rhino pair, now idly chatting in one of the halls who stopped and watched, grinning to the hybrid and making several comments about wanting to borrow the leashed one after he was done with him. The wolf's ears burned from all the attention he was getting, being paraded like a submissive puppy through the club. Eventually the hybrid led them all down stairs into the darkness that was the bath house's dungeon. The warm light faded to mostly black light and the occasional naked safety light, dangling from the exposed rafters.

On the walls lewd black light paintings of various sex scenes glowed. The wolf glanced around as his eyes got used to the light, the dungeon was huge, and everywhere furs were taking advantage of it. Some were too enraptured in their own fun to notice the three but many stopped to stare. In one corner a twinkish hyena was bent over, head and arms in stocks with a gazelle, in an interesting turn, fucking it from behind. Both watched the trio wander by through lust hazed eyes. An entire wolf pack of eight members filled one of the rooms as they walked by, all three catching a glimpse of the orgy going on with a very stuffed and cum coated omega lying on a sex sling in the middle of the fun.

They walked past row after row of glory hole rooms with flat screens playing porn and an occasional penis poked through a hole from some hopeful fur on the other side.

Eventually they made it to a large room with bars on the windows and shutters thrown back revealing the inside to all that passed by. The hybrid unlocked the door, leading the other two inside before shutting it. Kal blushed deeply looking around the room. Along the wall was a St. Andrews cross, already set up with leather cuffs for wrists and ankles, a sling hanging from the wall, and a personal glory hole in the corner, leading to a dark corner of the bath house for some unknown person to orally satisfy who rented the room.

Not wasting any time the hybrid reached out and undid the leash and stepped up to the wolf's front, again grinding his still hard length against the wolf's own as the bear stepped up behind him. "Mmm... you ready for some fun pup?" Bjorndal asked with a grin, his paws going to the wolf's hips and giving them a squeeze. The wolf could only pant and nod, ears still splayed submissively. He couldn't believe he had gotten himself into this situation, he almost considered growling at the pup to stop but then the bear chose that moment to grind that thick length between his rump cheeks again, teasing him. He could feel the bear's precum marking his ass, staining his black fur as he could only whimper in response. He heard the bear shift around behind him as the folf stared right into the wolf's eyes.

"Tell me you want this pup... Tell me you want to be fucked in this place, where everyone can see you be marked as a bitch." The hybrids voice low and a grin painted on his muzzle, eyes full of lust and amusement. The wolf's eyes went wide hearing those words, tail tucking between his legs as he let out another whimper. He glanced around, looking over to the barred window and realized they were already beginning to get a crowd, several fur's standing there watching the scene. A lion leaned his muzzle against the bars while grinning, a paw obviously trailing off to tease along the rump of a familiar wolf with crescents on the sides of his muzzle. He turned back to his pup, and slowly nodded.

"Y... Yes Sir... I want to be fucked and marked... in front of... everyone..." he said just as he felt leather cuffs being secured along his paws. He tensed for a moment but didn't fight it. A few seconds later his ankles were secured into cuffs. The hybrid just watched, his large tail swaying behind him as he leaned in to whisper.

"Good boy, you won't regret this..." as his paws slid down to grip the wolf's bound paws to guide him over to the bondage horse. The wolf was in a daze as he was guided in for his paws to be fastened to the device, keeping him on all fours but at the perfect crotch height. He could only look up as the folf guided his cock tip to brush along the wolf's lips, mixing his preseed with the bear's precum staining the wolf's muzzle fur. Kal slowly opened his muzzle, using his tongue to guide that slickened canine length into his maw, enjoying the taste of the hybrid's cock as once again his muzzle was filled with the taste of precum. Bjorndal's paws began to rub along the wolf's neck, gently teasing and massaging as he started to thrust slowly into the wolf's muzzle. The wolf tensed and let out a whimper as the bears paw gripped his tail and lifted it out of the way, warm breath between his rump cheeks as the bear kneeled behind him.

"This bitch is too tight... need to get him ready to feel what its like to be really fucked" He said with a rumbling chuckle. Kal felt the bear's paws spread his ass cheeks lewdly, feeling the bears tongue start to lick along his tailring, catching some of the wolf's own precum the bear had been using earlier to finger fuck him. The wolf let out a soft murr, teasing around the cock in his muzzle before taking a sharp indrawn breath as that tongue slipped inside of him. His eyes rolled back in his head as he felt the incredibly thick and strong tongue of the bear stretch him open and then slide inside. The wolf had forgotten this about bears and their incredible tongues. They were made for getting honey and so had developed incredibly thick and near perfect prehensile movement. That thick muscle began to work deeper and deeper inside him as the bear pressed his lips against the poor bound wolf's ass as he tongue fucked him.

The wolf had had the folf's tongue under his tail but this... this was like getting fucked, his body writhed and squirmed within the bonds as the bears tongue zeroed in on the wolf's prostate and curled up against it, squirming against it and making the wolf nearly howl around the cock filling his mouth as his own length drooled pre onto the supple leather under him. His eyes squeezed shut as he continued to suckle on the cock in his muzzle, the folf now muzzle fucking him slowly as he leaned over the wolf, watching the bear with a grin. The bear gave a few final long inward and outward strokes with his tongue, squirming it around and making the wolf whimper under him again before pulling back with a lewd slurping noise.

After panting for a few moments and grinning and admiring his handy work, he watched that spit lubed up tail hole flex and wink before slowly standing up. Kal could feel the huge bear's form stand over him, that huge frame covering him as that huge bruin cock slipped under his tail again. Those strong hands reaching down to grip the wolf's wrists as his muzzle hovered inches from Kal's ear.

"You ready for this pup?" he asked just as Bjorndal pulled his length back to give the wolf a chance to answer. After swallowing hard, clearing his muzzle of precum the wolf whimpered out.

"Y... Yes sir... please breed me..." He could hear the deep base rumble as the bear laughed behind him and then his paw being lifted, the bear having for the moment undone the wrist cuffs and guided his paw back to that thick bear cock, now fully hard. He could feel the weight in his paw as the bear let out a deep rumbling growl.

"Then show me pup... and guide me into you..." he said. The wolf couldn't help but blush at those words, feeling the heat and weight of that length. He squirmed and after a moment guided it to his tight tail ring, aiming it for the bear. Not wasting a moment, the bear thrust forward, pressing his fat head against the wolf's prepped ring. Kal whined through his nose as he felt his tail hole dimple, worried for a moment the bears cock was too big, but suddenly his ring gave way and stretched open. Several inches of that length dove into him, stretching him open and making the wolf jump and howl out, that howl echoing through the entire club as his eyes rolled back into his head. He felt as if the wind was knocked out of him but thanks to the bears amazing tongue the feeling was only mildly tinged by pain.

The bear gave him a moment to adjust before grinding his hips, moving the head of his cock around inside the wolf and then pressing in again. The hybrid took this chance to press his cock back into the wolf's maw and began to slowly thrust as he watched the huge bear breed the wolf. The wolf could only squirm, feeling the bear starting to set up a slow rhythm of thrusting. He worked more and more of his length into the poor wolf under him as slick pre started to flood the wolf's bowels, filling him with heat.

The folf began to thrust in time with the bears own movements, bouncing the wolf between them, even as the wolf began to press back into the bear's invading length with his limited freedom of movement. After a few minutes the bear let out a snarl and gave a last hard thrust, driving the wolf and bondage horse forward a couple inches as he buried himself up to the sheath inside the wolf. Bjorndal couldn't help but grin to the bear and then down to the trapped pup under him as he growled.

"Good pup... you took him all" he said, panting as he continued to thrust, his paw moving down to rub Kal's ears in praise, the wolf finding his tail wagging at the attention. After a few moments of enjoying his length fully sheathed in the tight quivering tail hole under him the bear pulled back, drawing his full length back till only his fat flared head remained inside before thrusting in again. The two began to set up a rhythm of deep breeding the wolf from both ends as the hybrid's knot began to swell and the bear could feel his balls beginning to tense up.

The wolf could tell it wouldn't be long, feeling the streams of preseed flooding him growing stronger, his own cock rock hard under him and his knot swollen. It only took a few more thrusts before together the Hybrid released a howl as his potent seed flooded the wolf's maw and the bears roar joined that howl as a hot wave of bear cum exploded inside the wolf. It was all too much for the wolf, feeling himself being filled from both ends as his abused ass clenched around that length inside him and his seed began to spray the bench under him. As their howls and roar's faded the two atop the wolf slumped forward, leaning against each other as they let their seed mark the tight wolf under them, marking him as their bitch pup, not needing words to do that.

The three sat there, panting, the folf pulling out so that the wolf could have use of his muzzle again as he leaned against the bear, grinning down at the wolf before slowly standing fully back up. He stepped back and looked over toward the bars and let out a snicker. Kal couldn't believe how good that had all felt and the thought of that sent shivers up his spine, he had just submitted to his pup again and not just that but also to a bear in front of an audience. He slowly looked up to see Bjorndal's face and followed his gaze, seeing the window with furs lined up, it seemed the entire bath house was there watching, many obviously stroking their cocks out of sight of the window. The wolf blushed deeply and had to whimper as the bear stepped back, that long cock sliding back and back before flopping out of him followed by a small flood of cum that dribbled down the inside of his thighs, adding to the stains already in his fur. The folf walked slowly back to the poor abused wolf, grinning down at him as he crouched down to be at same eye level.

"Mmm... I'm glad you enjoyed this pup... and the nights just starting..." he said, leaning in and whispering into the wolf's ear just as on the other side of the room he could hear a click. "Have fun sir" The wolf rolled over just in time to see the door swing open as the bear unlocked it. The first through the door with others following behind was a large red and black tiger, its pelt perfect and bright green eyes locked on that wolf's bared ass, fangs showing in a lustful grin as he undid his towl, others filing in behind him...


A big thanks again to Riff for editing this story. Please feel free to comment. Am right now working on idea's for my next story series.