With My Mistress Ch 2

Story by Mark James FoXx on SoFurry

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With My Mistress pt.2


WARNING-This story is rated M. It may cause boners or wet pussies. The creator is me Mark James FoXx. (C) this is mine and only mine. Steal it and I will kill you. Only can be barrowed for masturbation purposes only. This is a Slave Vs Mistress stories. If you need a slave I'm for sale. ENJOY


I woke up fully charge and hoping yesterday was a nightmare. I tried to get up but my hands were tied and I was laying down. My was tied down to the bed with my rump raised up by a bunch of pillows under my pelvis. I looked in front of me and saw a plate of food. I was starving. It had pancakes and sausage. I grab the plate with my teeth and started eating hungrily.

I got haft way done when I heard the door open and shut. I started eating faster. Then my plate was taken from me. I wined. "You'll get it back, when I'm done with you. She put it away then got in my face. "Ok. For the next hour you only say what I tell you to say nothing else." She grabbed my chin roughly and turn it towards her. "You understand!" I nodded. "Good boy." She rubbed my back. "So, you said." Her hand traveled to my perked up rump. "Last night was good." I felt her finger caress my hole. " I though differently." she shoved two of her fingers in my tail hole. A gasp escaped my mouth and my dick grow hard. "You don't say that to me!" she shoved her fingers deep into me. I shut my mouth to keep noise from escaping. "Its time for you for you punishment." she got up and walked around. I got a little worried. She was crazy and I didn't know what she would do to me. I heard a big whoosh then a hard smack was applied to me rear. I yelled in agony. I couldn't turn my head enough to see what she was using but there it was again. Another hard swing. I yelled again "If you yell again I'll really punish you." I felt her soft lips press against me raw cheek and then a even harder smack was swung upon me. My dick was hard for some reason it had a mind of its own. I wiggled around and again and again she began to spank me

After a series of spanks. She got back in front of me. My face was fill of tear and my head was pressed into the pillow. She began to pet my rump causing more pain. "Aww, don't cry. You punishment isn't over yet." My tear-filled eyes sprang open. She picked up my gag and put in my mouth and strapped it around my head. She picked up something else and turned around. She pulled straps along her bottom and snap them. She turned around, revealing a dildo covered in lube. She groped her breasts. "This will be fun." She go behind me and I began to wiggle. I felt a cold liquid pour on my hole the her finger inserted inside me. I moaned painfully. I felt her hands place on my hips and the dildo rested on my entrants. I waited for it for a while. I breathed in hard and held it but it didn't go in. I let out a sigh and that when she caught me off guard. She plowed into me like a train and began to screw my tail hole. A wave of pain filled my body. I wanted to scream but I couldn't move or as anything. I was at the mercy of her. I felt her furry hips clash into me. I heard her pant with excitement. My dick was throbbing with pain She held on to my shoulder and I groaned in pain. Tears were running. "You want me to stop." I nodded my head violently. She gave me a final thrust and took it out. I was relieved. I heard her Drop the dildo on the floor and she sat in front of my face. She was fully naked. She lifted my head, took my gag out and looked angry at me. "Now, I'll ask you again. How was last night." she asked

I quickly answered. "It was the best night of my life."

"Good Boy." She petted my head. She grabbed a piece of sausage and feed it to me. I chewed it and swallowed it. She gabbed another one but this time she suck it half in her pussy. I grabbed it with my teeth and pulled it out. She giggled and grabbed another one. She shove it all the way in and more. "Suck it out." I laid my lips on hers and then sucked as hard as I could, I was hungry. A scream got a out of her lips and she purred at my wet sucking. I finally found it, chewed it and swallowed. "Good Boy." she gabbed the last sausage from the plate and shoved it so far, it made her buck. I wanted that last piece. I sucked I hard as I could putting my tongue in it looking for the piece of food. I heard her scream in pleasure and I searched in her pussy. I finally got and ate it. She pet my head again. "Good boy." she panted. she was sweating and breathing hard. She got up and took the all pillows from under me and untied my hands from the bed. She slid under me, laying on her back. She grabbed my pulsing cock, which throbbed with pain, and spoke. "You want to be inside me, my pet." I nodded. "Ok, **** me like you never before and I'll tell you what I think. She let go of my dick and wrapped her arms and legs around me. My whole body went crazy. I plowed into her making her buck and scream. Every hump of pleasure I gave to her she screamed. I went crazy. She was screaming. "**** Yes. **** my pussy my pet." I thrusted faster and faster, grabbing her hips. It make her screams into piercing screams. I was at the end, the point I was waiting for and she knew I was there. "Cum in my fat pussy." Griving a final wet and sweaty thrust, I cum all inside her. She threw her head back as my cum filled her up.

After pumping the last bit of my nectar, she whispered. "You were wonderful my pet." I was out. I couldn't even move. She caressed my cheek and licked my neck. She slipped from under me and walked over to some were I couldn't see. I heard a flop of cloths on a chair neck to me. She untied me and rubbed my back. "Now, I want you to get dressed with the cloths I pick out for you and get down stairs." She walked out the door and went away. I was so tired but, I had to obey.