A Past Untold (The Uncensored) Chapter 1: Kiryu

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Chapter 1: Kiryu: Part I

It was a normal day, surprisingly. There were no missions or such that the Guild Revenant had been told of. Not even the Society had received anything. What an unusual time, normally, Revenant would be up to their arms in tasks given by the Society. But not this day...

This day...

...would actually give them time to RELAX!

As for now, there are over one hundred different Guild's in the world. Guild is another word for Team. What this means, is that a Guild consists of four to five followers, with one leader. These leaders are the commander's of war, and are normally up in the front of the battlefield. Though, ever since "The Occurance", there really haven't been any wars in such a long time.

Kiryu Aiden, one of the warriors of Guild Revenant, calmly walks through the front door of the Guild's Reprieve, A domain housing several Guild's. He would run a paw through his long, ebony hair that fell over his eyes and continued to spike upwards. The male was a Jackal, quite tall, built, and rather not bad looking. If not, handsome. He was easily recognized by his oversized ears, which he had no mind in. He never wore a shirt, only on some occasions, he had nothing to hide, that torso was so well defined through all the years of training. He did wear a pair of white jeans with a belt, the buckle, in silver with etched gothic designs. He also never left without his trusted gun, Evore, by his side, it was tucked away in its holster which he kept strapped to his right thigh. He didn't like the idea of boots or shoes, so he never wore them. Those beautiful, ebony feet with soft pads slowly walked along the polished tile floor.

One of the maids who tided the place held up stacks of books on the crook of her arms, she were dressed in a gothic Lolita maid type outfit, with white frills along the collar and underneath the black dress. She nodded her head as she walked to Kiryu, greeting him with a smile. "Hello Sir Aiden. Would you like me to take your ordered books from Azzaria to your room?" Kiryu blinked and turned towards the female fox with his hands slipped inside his pockets, with a flick of his tail he nodded. "I thank you...but...is that the required order that I had...wished? I don't believe I recall that many books." Tilting his head as the maiden hand gasped "Oh dear! I'm terribly sorry Sir Aiden. You see, there are also residents here who enjoy reading. Also, Sir Hayate had requested his books as well."

Kiryu, flicking his hair, he looked to the side "...Hayate? Read?" The maiden perked her ears and nodded "Oh yes! You see Sir Hayate ordered his Manga from Azzaria as well. Oh dear, it seems to be curfew. You are very lucky to have arrived here on time! Either wise the door would have closed on you!" Kiryu blinked and looked back as the tall, golden and silver embedded doors shut with a loud lock. Sighing in relief, he flicked his hair and nodded to the other, walking to her and slowly slipping his fingers underneath the books, grabbing one, yet holding the books forward so they wouldn't fall over. "I'll take this one for now...please carry on to your duties ma'am." He had grabbed one of his favorite books, it involved mysteries but was written in Latin.

The maid nodded with a smile "Pleasant dreams to you Sir Aiden." With that, she quickly walked towards one of the doors and disappearing as the tapping of her high heeled shoes echoed throughout the domain. Kiryu slowly proceeded up the spiral stairs and to their dorm. Members of the housing Guild's nodded to Kiryu as he walked by, while other's were asleep.

. . .

Kiryu entered his room, it was quite cozy, with a large twin bookshelf off the right to the door, a queen sized bed with blankets and a large, combined white pillow. His desk on where he filed reports of their missions to Ian, was a few feet away from the bed, his closet, consisted of his long overcoats, jeans, shirts, even his gun's that he had obtained along the way. Along the bookshelf were several unheard of books, though some of them could be recognized. Most of them were written in Latin or some other incomprehensive language.

The jackal sighed once more and locked the door to his room, exhausted from his journey of delivering a parcel by the Society to Vallade, he slumped onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. "I wonder how long it's been...after our parents had been..." Shaking his head, he sat up and smirked, running a paw through his hair as he stood up.

There was a envelope on his desk with a red ribbon on it. Tilting his head, he walked towards it and opened it, it consisted of a small letter and a folded up drawing of him and Ian in a rather, sexual pose. Blinking, he read the note first. . .

"Dear Kiryu, Do you like the picture? XD Hayate told me to draw it! You and Ian look SOOOOO cuuute!!"


Riku Heartfire

His eye brow twitched, looking to the picture now as it showed Ian on top of Kiryu, pressing his toned chest to the other's own as their snouts rubbed against each other. Kiryu growled yet blushed slightly, his hand shaking as he crumpled it up and tossed it over his shoulder "That idiot... Though I must admit, it is very detailed...and I am NOT that buff..." Growling as he took off his holster and gun and set it into his closet "I'll kill him later...but first...I need a shower."

. . . . . .

The jackal kept the door open, its not as if anyone could get into his room anyway. He turned on the hot water as it sprayed onto the tub from the nozzle. Sighing, he stretched slightly, before taking his hands and slowly undoing his jeans, kicking them off as he folded them and layed them on the counter. He wore a pair of black boxer briefs, though they could still be seen due to his black fur. He slowly slid his thumbs in them, sliding them all the way down to his feet and kicked them off, his plump, furry sheath and tennis ball sized orbs were in full view of anyone who happened to stand there.

He walked into the shower and closed the curtains, letting the water spray over his beautiful, slender yet toned body. Drops of water slowly slithered down every curve of his masculine form and all the way down to his foot paws. Shivering lightly as he took the soap and began to wash over his body, closing his eyes as the water hit his face, his hair, now over his left eye and draping down his head. His ears perked as he opened one of his eyes, "...Hm. Probably just the others..." He thought as he heard a thud. Ignoring it, he rubbed his fingers down his abdomen, before gulping softly as his ears twitched, he slowly slipped a finger inside his sheath, gently prodding the tip of his canine cock.

Shivering, he continued to roll his finger around, coaxing his cock to slip from his sheath, only inches came out as he shook his head, smirking, before he heard a young male's voice, quite familiar...

"Um...Kiryu? Are you in here?" Kiryu's eyes widened as he saw the form of a small male beyond the curtains. Scoffing as peeked his head out and looked to the other. It was Zeke, a young Arctic Wolf. He had been in his small black shorts and tight red shirt, wagging his small blue tail, he grinned to the other. Kiryu growled "What is it Zeke? Im in the shower...", Zeke crossed his arms over his slender chest, looking away and tapping his socked foot on the tile floor. "Well...I wanted to take a bath, but Riku's hogging the bathroom! So I...thought I would...um...come in here?" The young wolf looked to the older jackal with his cute, light blue eyes. Kiryu frowned and sighed, pulling his head back in and nodded "Fine, you can uh...take one."

The younger male yipped and jumped up, taking his shirt off and flinging it to the side as he slipped off his shorts and underwear down to his feet, kicking them in back of him as he pulled off his socks, wagging his tail as he slipped his foot into the shower. Kiryu looked down to the small cub, his eyes widening as he put a paw over his groin, growling "What the hell are you doing?" The young cub put his hands behind his back, smiling cutely to the other "Im taking a shower silly!" Kiryu blinked and turned around so that he were facing away from Zeke, sighing and soon taking some shampoo into his paws and washed his hair, closing his eyes. "Fine...don't tell anyone about this though...okay?" Zeke nodded and wagged his wet tail "Okay!" He then took the soap and began to wash his furry chest, humming to himself.

Kiryu looked back to the kit with a smirk, yet slightly blushed as he eyed the other, shaking his head as he turned away and closed his eyes. Yet gasped and arched his back as he felt something grope his sheath...

It was Zeke!

Kiryu opened his eyes as he looked down to the cub, who had gently began to massage the other's sheath and sack. Kiryu couldn't help but utter a low moan "What...are you...doing Zeke...?" Zeke cutely looked up the other with a slight blush across his face as he slowly leaned forward, gently rolling his tongue inside the male's sheath before taking it into his maw, suckling slowly. Kiryu grunted and threw his head back, shivering at the young wolf's warm, wet mouth. Kiryu gasped and grabbed the other's head, pulling him off as his semi hard cock poked out of his sheath. Zeke looked up with a tilt of his head "W...what's wrong Kiryu?" Kiryu panted and took a deep breath and said "Zeke...uh...don't...do that, okay? It just...is not right..." Zeke looked up to him with a cute murr, Kiryu couldn't help but look away with a slight blush "Agh...damn he's adorable...but...I..." Kiryu, himself, blushed slightly along his cheeks as he leaned down and held the male's cheek in his paw, smiling softly as the cub giggled.

End of Chapter Part I