The Entraped Weregarurumon

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Following the aftermath behind his earlier decision, Weregarurumon find himself caught within a web he can't get out of. But does he want to?



Eleven minutes later Weregarurumon slowly made his way out onto the stage with Leomon, his grizzled face was completely impassive as he stood beside the taller digimon as dozens up dozens of rowdy patrons whooped and hollered down below. The rainbow maned feline turned to look at him with a bashful smile, clearly trying to say without words how sorry he was for getting the wolf into all of this, even though technically it wasn't his fault.

When his look failed to register an acceptance of his sincerity the lion opened his mouth to verbalize his feeling, however Weregarurumon merely shook his head; the wolf then smirked back at the other.

Leomon's heart thunderedly wildly inside of his chest at the upturn of his flatmate's lips.

The pair ceased their silent conversation once the disc jockey began to drum up excitement for the pair as he detailed the performance everyone was soon to be treated to across the speaker system.

The sounds of techno trash music blared across the dimly lit room a few seconds later, prompting the two scantily clad men to begin swaying their hips for the audience. Two tails, one thick and fluffy, the other long and limber, slid across the warm air of the night club right as the pair lifted their hands up and then began to slide them down the front of their bare torsos. Heat washed down Weregarurumon's body as he played his pink claws across his nipples, shudders soon rolled throughout his spine as he marched forward in time with his partner down the line of translucent tiles set across the stage. Weregarurumon had to fight to keep a displeased look from creeping up onto his face as he listened to the less than subtle catcalls being thrown his way.

While the blue and white wolf was more than happy to show off while in a caged fight, there was something about dancing next to Leomon that made him feel...dirty for some reason. The urge to go down and punch a few of the bastards in the throat popped into the wolf's head, but he resisted the desire, if only because he didn't want to make things worse for his flatmate. Turning his golden eyes over to look at the lion dancing next to him, Weregarurumon was shocked by the face of ecstasy which was painted across the feline's handsome muzzle.

Leomon looked as though he was having the time of his life as he shook his wide hips just a little harder as the music pulsed louder within his rounded ears, all the while he rolled his crotch into the air as though he were taking advantage of an eager lover's backside. Weregarurumon watched in awe as the feline lowered his eyes until they were half-lid, almost making him seem as though he were sleepwalking. This illusion was accentuated by the lion letting out slow, deep breaths at the same time he reached down and then began pumping one of his hands along his black thong covered groin.

Weregarurumon bit his lower lip before licking his tongue out at the sight.

The cheers that rang out among the shadowed crowd of onlookers were so loud that they temporarily deafened both digimon. When Leomon released his groin the pleasure from stroking himself through the thin material had grown to the point where it became hard to resist wanting to explode all all across the flashing floor beneath him, but he had to resist the temptation, not because of the rules that the boss had set into place, but because it would have ruined the feel of the show. Turning his head to look at his slightly perplexed companion, the lion smirked.

The wolf wasn't doing bad for himself, what with this being his first performance, but he was quite obviously a newbie at this particular kind of show; it showed in his steps and his body language, since both were rather off, in a manner of speaking. It would have been hard for anyone down below to tell, with the exception of those customers whose eyes were trained for this sort of dance, but Leomon could tell that Weregarurumon was clearly not in his element, despite casually throwing his hands behind his back as he swayed his pelvis back and forth like an amateur belly dancer. The hard lines that curled along his partner's eyes as he missed one step but quickly covered it with a fast paced swirl told the lion everything he needed to know about just how unsure the wolf was.

Leomon chuckled and then shook his head.

The rainbow maned lion decided to fix all of this as he stepped over to his partner, slightly surprising Weregarurumon, though not as much as when he bent leaned down and then began nuzzling the wolf along the line of his tense throat. Wide eyed with surprise, Weregarurumon opened his muzzle to try to ask the other what he was doing. Leomon swiftly attacked his lips with his own in response to this move. The group of men down below went silent for a moment as they ogled over the large feline's broad tongue sliding down the smaller wolf's maw. The randy patrons then burst into near feral shouts of joy when Leomon curled his lips into a smirk as he turned to look at them.

The lion giggled as he continued to plunder his flatmate's muzzle, he always loved it when his watchers told him how much they enjoyed his performance. And by the thick scent of musk and incense rising up within the air, it was clear that more than a few of their watchers were going to bust a nut over his conquest of Weregarurumon's maw tonight.

The wolf could only whimper as he looked deep within the blue eyes which glittered in front of his face. The passion which radiated from the twin orbs burned with such a fierce heat that Weregarurumon found his cock desperately trying to push out from his sheath, like a moth being drawn towards a flame. His fingers trembled with the intention to reach out for the taller male, but he resisted from reaching out to caress his lover...flatmate's body. This was all just a show after all. They weren't really supposed to be...

Reaching out and then gripping Weregarurumon's rump, the lion dragged the smaller wolf into his naked chest, forcibly pressing their bodies together. Leomon let out a growl, deep and dominant, as he began to grind his larger crotch into his companion's now throbbing manhood.

Weregarurumon didn't know what to think right then, though as the seconds ticked by and the scent of Leomon's warm vanilla musk trailed within his nose as the two of them continued to kiss - or rather he sat back as the lion devoured his muzzle - it became harder and harder for him to want to think of anything. It didn't help matters that electric shocks seemed to be surging up from the tips of his toes into his head making it harder and harder for him to form thoughts.

Reaching up to caress the feline's brightly colored mane, Weregarurumon slowly began to get into the grinding motions he was sharing with his flatmate. A soft series of purrs and growls slipped free from the pair, not that most could hear them over the pounding beat of the music which echoed around the room. The pair didn't care though, seeing as nothing mattered at that moment, save their thrumming hearts attempting to sync in time with one another.

With that in mind, it came as a big surprise to Weregarurumon when Leomon suddenly broke away from him. A slight pang of hurt and longing crept out the wolf's throat in the form of a needy whine, but it was swept aside when the feline leaned down to lick him across the nose.

The lion chuckled when the wolf blinked up at him. Turning on his bare feet, Leomon gave his back to Weregarurumon. He then began to shake his bubble butt up at the other. The rainbow maned feline didn't need to see his companion's face to know that he was making the other hot under the collar, given that he could almost literally feel the heated gaze which burned into his body. Reaching back, Leomon spread his butt cheeks as far as they could go, the feline shook his butt in an obvious attempt to entice his lover, something that was really not needed at this point, before removing his hands, thus allowing his twin cheeks to snap back into place.

Weregarurumon felt all rational thought leave him as he watched this teasing display. His groin, which was now painfully aching as his cock pressed harder against his tight leather thong, was now throbbing almost maddeningly as it sent the single-minded desire to tackle the larger male to the glowing floor beneath them and then breed him long and hard into the night up into his brain. The wolf opened his maw, revealing drool stained fangs at the same time his golden eyes narrowed right as his tail smacked at the air. Desire, pure in intensity and yet chaotic in design, coiled within his empty belly like a serpent preparing to strike. When Leomon turned to look at him, the wolf found himself completely transfixed by the movements of the lion's lips, sadly the words they whispered were completely lost to him though as thunder raced within his brain.

Leomon, seeing that his companion was close to losing it, pulled himself up and then moved his forward in an attempt to try and contain the sexual volcano which was about to erupt out onto stage. Grabbing his wolf by the hips, the lion brought the two of them together once again, but instead of grinding their crotches together, he reached out to stroke his hands across the smaller male's side. The feel of Weregarurumon's thick fur was nothing short of a treat for his fingers as his digits slid up and down the smaller digimon's body with slow, methodical strokes.

"Stroke me, babe." Leomon said after leaning forward.

The wolf could only nod in response.

Weregarurumon's hands soon began to travel the length of the lion's back and sides, his pink claws slipping through the other's thin fur to scrape gentle lines along the feline's skin as he did so. Watching Leomon quiver from the gesture lifted a happy howl from the wolf's throat, much to the crowd's delight. Unseen by the pair, the bouncers keeping the pair safe from the throng of sexually dazed onlookers had to wrestle down more than a few patrons who were literally salivating up at them.

After silencing his animalistic outcry, Weregarurumon traced his hands down along the larger digimon's spine, he then grabbed at the feline's fine ass, kneading the plush rump hard enough to make the lion gasp and then moan up above him, and then slapped one of the twin cheeks with the flat of his palm. When Leomon jumped into him Weregarurumon coiled his arms around his flatmate's backside, holding him steadily so that he didn't accidently topple the two of them over. The wolf then laughed, almost evilly so, as he watched pretty blue eyes look down at him in slight bewilderment. Pushing Leomon back, Weregarurumon casually flipped the larger digimon around.

A hush fell over the crowd as they watched the wolf bend the feline over until he was on all fours.

Leomon gasped and then groaned loudly when his tail was yanked up, having clearly not expected such a move. Turning his head around, the blue-eyed feline let his jaw go slack as he wondered if Weregarurumon was going to take him right there on stage. His answer came in the form of the smaller male punching his hips forward, forcing his cloth covered crotch to ride the line of his rump. The lion roared loud enough to shake the room when Weregarurumon began to hump him, the static pleasure which curled within his guts felt so savage and untamed that Leomon found part of his psyche slipping away, in its place bloomed unabashed passion, the likes of which seemed to burn within the lion's mind like an unyielding brand. Down below the black material that covered his hips slowly became sticky with his pre-come as Leomon's cock pushed out from his sheath to strain the leather material even more than it already was. Closing his darkened blue eyes, Leomon decided to give into his feeling of abandonment and roll his meaty rump backwards into his lover's demanding hips.

Weregarurumon smiled like a madman as he looked down over the beautiful creature who held complete control over. His amber eyes flashed for a moment as he thought about how much fun he was going to have breeding the other once all of this was all over, but right now he had a job to do for the boss, and so, with a slightly heavy heart he kept his thong on. Releasing the other's tail, the wolf smirked when the larger digimon slowly rolled his hips back and forth down against his body. Leaning forward and then looping his muscular arms around Leomon's front, the wolf rolled his groin from side to side before turning to wink at the throng of onlookers.

Meanwhile, Digitamamon watched everything from one of the two screens he had in front of his face upstairs within his office. That the other monitor was running a specially made virus program down throughout the dance floor where Weregarurumon and Leomon were currently grinding their bodies against was something that only he was aware of, as it should be.

"I'm going to make so much money off of these two." The walking egg snickered as the lion slipped one of his arms back behind the Weregarurumon's backside so that he could finger the lion's tailhole unbidden.

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