What Comes After the Rapture

Story by WritersCrossing on SoFurry

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Written by NaughtyThorn (https://inkbunny.net/NaughtyThorn)

Based on a prompt provided by Writer's Crossing: Two friends are hanging out at a pub and sharing a few drinks after not seeing each other for months. Perhaps a flirty comment or three fly between the pair before their conversation is cut short upon seeing two individuals start throwing fists and scream at each other in a language the two friends don't understand. Being mere observers, the drinking pair continue their conversation but also try to guess why these two burly figures are dealing blows and what they're screaming about.

What comes after Rapture? Steve shook his head in disappointment and stepped over a corpse as he entered his favorite bar. He waved to the bunny at the bar, "Hey Michael, my usual. And what happened to Stephen? Weren't you just bragging it'd been three months without a murder?" The brown rabbit chuckled softly as he unzipped his black leather gimp mask to talk. "Yeah, one raspberry mojito coming up. As for the corpse, your old buddy's to blame for that, or Stephen was. The bitch came in asking for you and, well, I guess she was disappointed when it wasn't actually you who answered. You should go talk to her before she ruins more of business." Steve followed his gesture, and there she was, sitting in Steve's usual booth. 'Sitting' was actually giving her too much credit. She was laying across the table masturbating to the music and trying to tempt any fools in the bar to try fucking her overly plump frame. Looking her over, Steven felt there was little of his old fox friend left in this demon twisted form of pure hedonism. The dapper wolf slipped into his booth and tapped the vixen's thicc thigh to get her attention. "Carla! Carla?" he shouted over the popping music. As her eyes bore into him like daggers he shouted to the leather clad bunny, "Get us a couple pitchers, will ya? I think Carla's staying with me for a bit." The massive fox rolls herself sideways onto the bench, the table fitting right between her breasts leaving one to hang below. "Oooh, Steve, is that really you? Why, you haven't changed a bit since the Rapture. I didn't think you had it in you to be so Good. Don't suppose I could offer you some of this ass?" "Oh, Carla, like I told you in highschool, I'm just not into sluts. But I will always savor the memories of when I taught you about making love in junior high. You remember, on the set of Romeo and Juliet, we fucked for the first time up in Juliet's balcony. Good times." The vixen pouted her big lips. "But you made me the slut I am today, Steve. You corrupted your poor innocent sister. How are you still so pure?" Steve sipped his mojito, "Just because you lived in my house never made us related, Calra. And I didn't make you a slutty murder bimbo, I just taught you the joys of your body, your old body. I saw you becoming this well before the demons made our actions show physically. I tried to stop you, but I've never stopped loving you as a dear friend. Maybe someday..." A crash of mugs shattering on the floor drew his attention. "Oh, Carla, you'll like these two." The pair of kilt wearing orcs leapt to their feet and threw their table to shatter on the wall. One orc yelled to the other, "Vi patrino merdulo, tio estis mia trink!" "Wait, what did he say?" Carla asked as she tried to see if either of the orc's dicks were hanging below their kilts. "No idea. These two come in here about once a month, always ends in a near-death fight." The other orc responded by shouting, "Jes, via panjo amas mian kokon! Mi estas ?i tiel ?ar mi mortigis vian Pa?jon!" "I think it's basically the same fight every time. Orcs don't have great memories, so I think they keep forgetting it and doing it all again. Another bit of cruelty our overlords saddled us with, I guess." The orcs grabbed each other by their burly necks and started trying to strangle each other in futility. Meanwhile, a sheep waitress ducked around them to bring four pitchers of the house special. The ewe plopped down the drinks and gestured to the text on her sweater that read, 'Tits for tips. Would you like cream with that?' After downing one pitcher Carla plopped down a fifty note. "I'll take my cream straight, hun." The ewe greedily pocketed the money and unfastened the buttons holding her sweater closed. Her breasts promptly fell through the hole onto the table. Steve reached out to stroke one but had his hand slapped away as the waitress gestured for more money. Steve rolled his eyes and sat drinking his mojito while Carla drank the poor ewes tits dry with her massive lips. It was actually impressive seeing her almost inhaling the large mammaries. "Se ni ne estis jam en la Inferon Mi ..is send vi al renkont li. Eble li estas la sola peniso vi senescepte deziris? Li mortis malbone!" The orc being yelled at screamed and tore his tusks into the other's face sending chunks of green and red fresh raining down on nearby tables. A coyote smiled and calmly added the orc cheek to his next salsa dipped chip. "What do you think they're fighting over?" Carla asked once the mute sheep sullenly withdrew her deflated breasts. "Still not sure. Same fight for over a year now and I still can't figure it out." "Well, sex is definitely involved, but I don't think it's between them, and its not over a shared lover." "You always think it's about sex. But truth is, it's never about sex, not even sex is about sex. It's about you, it's about your connection to yourself and others." He swirled the last of his drink in the bottom of the glass. "But maybe you aren't entirely lost yet, you still recognize nuance in their relationship, even without understanding a word of it. A true bimbo couldn't do that even in their own language. And you didn't just come here to jump on my bone. If there is anything left of the girl I once loved in you, tell me why you came here today, and be honest." Carla rolled herself upright and looked down on her 'big brother' wolf. She couldn't decide if she wanted to kill him or rape him, her claws scratching deep into the table surface. She finally sighed and started to cry. "He was right, I'm not ready! I thought I could finally face you, finally forget you in my heart. I can't become a full demon until I let go of your love, and just killing you won't do it. And, and he says you're in the way of his expansion plans. I was supposed to come corrupt you like you once corrupted me." Steve's wolfish grin widened, "Excellent, then my plan is working. I knew that with the Rapture taking every decent person on the planet and the demons' focus on devouring, destroying, or using all purity, keeping mine would make it a valuable commodity. Just had to wait for the supply to dwindle below the demand. Let me guess, if I die then the purity remains in the area, forever tainting it against your master's control. Go tell your boss I'm willing to sell my purity, but I'm still shopping around for the best price." Carla wiped her tears, her everlasting mascara correcting its runs as soon as she was done playing up her suffering. "Whatever, dickweed. Just don't try going to the rebellion, they'd rather just kill you for the taint effect." "I don't know, Carla, you've seen my dedication. I'm not a good person, but for the right price I could improve my purity quite a bit. I'm sure there are cells with the sort of resources I would demand. I bet Volitia, the Mechanic Queen, would love me to improve my purity in her enemies territory before I let her use it to fuel her research." Carla stood tall, her claws elongating, feather boa turning to spikes. "You wouldn't dare!" Steve turned around to face her with a bop on the nose. Her body shrank to only a couple inches tall. Picking her up and walking to the door he looked her dead in the eyes, "You already know I would. Now, get out of my neighborhood and don't come back until you've got a really good offer, an offer to help all of us." Tossing her out the door many of the bar's patrons stood up and shouted their thanks for getting rid of yet another demon. Steve pushed through the fawning sluts clawing at his pants and offered the bloody orcs a hand up. "Mi deziras lerni vian lingvon. Paco?" The two orcs smiled and righted a table and chair for him. "We teach. You speak us good. Peace." He wasn't a good guy, but he was probably the best anyone still had.

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