Twice bitten, Once shy: Chapter 2

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Bitten

Lex had done pretty good up until he had gotten home. The warm house and the smell of his mother cooking a roast for dinner made it hard for Lex to keep his cool while he walked through the house and up to his room. "Hey honey" His mother said and smiled, "How was your first day of practice?"

"Good, it was just fine" Lex lied.

"Did you hurt yourself?" She asked noticing his strange limp.

Lex paused as he thought of how he was going to pass this off, he didn't want to blame it on practice, but he didn't want to tell his mom about what had happened. "It's nothing mom, I'm just sore from the exercise"

"Oh, well you should probably go upstairs and rest while you study" She said and smile at Lex. "I'll let you know when dinner is ready"

Lex nodded and half smiled as he turned and limped upstairs. As soon as he got into his room Lex closed the door and broke down. He collapsed on his bed and started crying. Lex didn't know why he was so upset, and he hadn't cried like this for years. Eventually Lex fell asleep and his mind drifted away.


Lex looked around, he didn't think he was awake, but he seemed to be seeing something as if it were in real life. He was inside a house, not his house, but defiantly some kind of house. The walls were dirty, and Lex found himself focused on a toy, he thought it was some kind of ball, like a soccer ball or a basket ball. Lex also noticed how everything in this room looked so old and worn, it was a far cry from the kind of furniture he was used too.

Before Lex could see anything else there was a loud slam from somewhere else in the house. Lex felt himself moving as if in a hurry towards the bad in the dinky little room. Someone came tromping through the house towards where Lex was. The sound was angry and the person's voice was going on about something, but Lex couldn't make it out.

The door to the room burst open and Lex felt a wave of terror wash over him. The man looked almost exactly like Dustin, only something was off. He didn't have Dustin's strong chin and good looks and hot body, he did have his cheeks and the thick black stubble that almost always covered Dustin's face. The man, who Lex had decided couldn't be Dustin, moved towards Lex aggressively removing his pants and shirt as he came. "Come here boy! You're gunna get it you little fucker!" Lex recognized the way the man said it, and though he felt a wave of fear and anger, this time it was as if the feeling was not his own.

The man dropped his pants and a very familiar cock sprang up to greet Lex. Only this man's cock was shorter than Dustin's, and not quite as wide. As he moved towards Lex a shrill cry came out of Lex's mouth, but Lex knew it was not him crying. The man flipped Lex over and began to work his cock into Lex's ass.

"Daddy stop! Oh daddy stop! I'll be a good boy I promise!"


The voice sounded so familiar, but much younger than Lex might have thought. The act of rape made Lex jolt awake. His tears had dried and his ass felt a little less sore. Lex looked around and sighed when he saw his own room and his own things. His big queen sized bed beneath him and his computer and video games on the other side of the room reassured him that this was indeed his own bedroom, and not the one in his dream. The smell of his mother's roast roused him, and a familiar sense of safety and love seeped into him.

Lex shivered as he remembered that alien room with it's dingy bed, toys, and dirty walls. That place had felt so cold and insecure, why had Lex dreamed of such a terrible place. Lex began to wonder if it was truly a dream and not something else. The strange feeling lasted the rest of the afternoon and into the night. Lex was so troubled by the images and the feeling he had seen and felt. Even stranger was how Lex couldn't stop thinking about how much the man in the dream had looked like Dustin.

"Rumor has it that his parents are like, dirt poor, and that when his mother died Dustin's dad went a little crazy. Nobody knows for sure how bad it was, but most of our parents won't let us go near his house. As for Dustin he used to be so nice, really the sweetest and hottest guy we knew, but then he just flipped and went all mean"

Abby's words echoed through Lex's mind. He decided that he wanted to know more about Dustin and his father. He'd have to wait to ask the other football players and their girlfriends. For now though Lex could learn some more about Dustin's dad. Lex didn't remember where his father had gone to school, but his mother had gone to the same school as Lex was now.

Dinner had been great, and Lex and his father usually helped put up the dishes. When he was done he went to find his mom, and found her in her bedroom. Lex smiled as he looked at his mother, she was a pretty women, but still very motherly. She was brushing out her hair and she saw Lex in the mirror and smiled. "Decided to tell me what's been bugging you?" She asked and Lex was surprised that she knew he had something on his mind.

"Well kinda I guess" Lex said and his mom patted the bed beside her chair and he moved over to sit beside her. "There's a guy on the team that's giving me a hard time. Everyone says he's just a bully like that, but someone mentioned his parents"

"Oh, what did they say?"

"That his father was kinda crazy and that his mother had died when he was a kid" Lex said and trailed off. "I was wondering though... did you go to school with anyone with the last name Parks?"

The name got his mother's attention and she looked away from the mirror and at Lex. "Actually yes, but it couldn't be Brian Parks; at least I don't know if it could be. I haven't seen him in so long that I couldn't be sure"

"Did he live here in town?" Lex asked.

"Well yes, he went to school with me. He was a grade above me though, but I knew him through reputation. He was a great football player, but nobody ever seemed to like him. He had a nice girlfriend though. Judy Beaker I believe her name was. I didn't keep track of them though, they were involved with sports and then after high school they just disappeared. I went to college and met your dad so I never really talked to the people I knew in highschool" she said and smiled. "Why are you so interested in ancient history all the sudden"

Lex thought before he replied, "Did he have thick black hair?"

"I believe so yes. I remember he was quite an imposing young man"

Lex sighed and tried to smile "Don't worry about me mom, I can take care of myself" Lex said and hugged his mother.

After talking with his mom Lex decided he would try to learn more about Dustin tomorrow. He had some homework to do before he went to bed, and after that he undressed and slept. Unlike the nap he took Lex slept peacefully, but his mother was still worried for him.

Curious as to why her son would ask her about someone that went to school with her she picked up her high school yearbook and then one from Lex's junior high school. She looked up Brian Parks and then looked for a kid with the same last name in Lex's text book. She was surprised to find a picture of an attractive young man with a strong jaw and a handsome face. He was listed in the football section too.

After much deliberation she picked up the phone book and flipped through the pages, quickly finding a listing for a Brian Parks. She punched the number into the phone causing another phone across town to spring into life. After a few rings she thought nobody would pick up, but a male voice answered at the last moment, "What?" it said rudely and she was a little put off by the gruffness of the voice.

"Hello, is this Brian Parks?" Lex's mom asked the man on the other line who seemed to pause before answering.

"Yea, that's me, what'cha want?" He said.

"This is Marry Long, I believe we went to high school together" She said and hoped Brian would remember her.

He must have been thinking because he didn't respond immediately. "Yea, I remember you! Marry huh, you musta gotten married to some guy huh?"

"Actually yes, Colby Long, we met in college"

Marry and Brian chatted politely for a while and Brian seemed glad to hear from here, but eventually he asked, "So what's a happy housewife like you doing calling an old dog like me?" He asked and Marry thought she could hear his smile through the phone.

"Well actually I was going to ask you about your son" She said as politely as possible.

"What has that fucking dumb ass punk done now! I told him that if he got in trouble again his ass was out on the streets!" Brian said angrily and Marry immediately regretted the entire call.

"Wait, it's not that Brian, it's just..." Marry said and quickly recovered her calm, "It's just that my son recently joined the football team and he mentioned your son giving him a hard time. I just wanted to..."

"I get it Marry I get it, you want Dustin to lay off your son, but you don't want him to know you told me that your son said something about it to you" Brian said diplomatically and Marry got the feeling this wasn't the first time he had heard this.

"So you understand then?" Marry asked in surprise, but she didn't give him time to reply, "I actually have an idea, but I'll need your help if it's going to work"

"I'm all ears"


Lex smiled as Abby and the usual group of girls flagged him down. For some reason they were being exceptionally nice to him, and even a few of the guys were nice to him. The protective bubble of estrogen blocked Lex from Dustin, and Lex didn't even notice the larger guy staring at him. School seemed to fly by after the morning was over, and the only time Lex saw Dustin was during second block. Once again Lex ended up doing laps shirtless and most of the jocks in the other class watched him. Abby ran laps with him this time and they talked as they kept up a brisk pace. "So you know what you said about Dustin the other day?"

Abby grimaced and gave Lex an apologetic look, "Listen Lex, everyone knows about what Dustin is like. I'm sorry he's so hard on you, but I think it's because of how attractive you are" She said and her statement caught Lex by surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"Well my boyfriend told me something strange last night. He was talking about how Dustin was... well you know... and it was like he was almost envious of him. He even talked about how hot you two looked while you were doing it" Abby said sadly.

"Abby, I'm so sorry" Lex said and stopped jogging so he could look at her and apologize. "I saw how the other guys acted, and I was so confused. Some of them seemed to want to see me..."

"You don't have to talk about that Lex" Abby said and gave him a sad look.

"... It was like they wanted to rape me too Abby! I don't know..." Lex said and realized he had gotten off topic. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you about what you said about Dustin to me. About how his mother died and stuff, is there anything else you know? Anything abut how Dustin was as a kid?"

Abby seemed to be glad to be off the other topic, but she still didn't look comfortable. "Well there was one thing I remember some of the guys talking about once" she said and they started to jog again. "One time I was with my boyfriend and we were hanging out after a game. Someone was talking about how... um... how big Dustin is. And the guys were talking about how Dustin likes to have sex with guys. I mean everyone knows he's gay and everything, but they don't say anything because he makes them wish they hadn't"

"I thought he's had plenty of girlfriends" Lex said in confusion.

"That's what he tells people, but nobody ever sees these girlfriends. Some of the guys like him cause he's so... well... physically imposing" Abby said and smiled, "I mean, he's hot and everything, but he likes to put that monster of his in places most guys don't want it" She said and blushed.

"Is there anything about his dad that could make him that way?" Lex asked.

"Oh, well yea! I mean there's a reason nobody lets their kids near that guy! He's a sick-o. He tried to rape like three kids one time when Dustin had them over at his house. Poor Dustin must get it all the time!"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you know, his dad likes to take him when he can't get it somewhere else. At least I guess it's that way, but nobody really knows" Abby said and Lex was reminded about how cheerleaders could be when they didn't like somewhere.

"Well thanks for telling me" Lex said and Abby smiled.

"You know Lex, it's a shame you're not interested in girls either" Abby said and smiled causing Lex to blush deeply. Before he could respond she pushed him playfully, "You don't think I can't tell you're gay? You guys are all alike Lex, everyone can tell, and you have this way with guys and girls. Anyone would probably enjoy being with you Lex, but I don't know if Dustin realizes how nice you are. Maybe he would like you more if he got to know you"

Lex laughed, "He'll have to stop trying to rape me first"

For the first time in his life Lex felt accepted. Nobody seemed to care that he was gay at lunch, and it was like everyone liked him even more! It was even stranger now because of how nice everyone was. At practice that afternoon Lex pulled out all the stops. He was pretty tired when he finished and as he went to the locker room he noticed some of the guys giving him the eye. He must have been pretty rank because everyone around him sniffed the air for some reason.

A couple of guys were being pretty flirty, but that all stopped when Dustin came in. Lex tried to avoid him, but Dustin pretty much made it his business to sniff Lex out. Lex was more than a little intimidated by the massive wall of muscle moving towards him with a fourteen inch hard on. Lex didn't let Dustin catch him from behind this time. Instead he turned around to face him as he walked up. Lex remained rigid as Dustin approached. The larger male moved in close and pressed himself against Lex who tolerated the attention, but did his best to remain firm. "Oh god" Dustin said as he buried his face in Lex's neck taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Dustin, but I can't take it again so soon" Lex said as politely as possible.

At first Dustin stopped and scowled at Lex. After a moment or two though he seemed to relax and smile, "I see" Dustin said and placed a hand on Lex's chest tracing his fingers down Lex's neck and then his pecs and abs. "So what did you have in mind?"

Lex smiled as he walked over to the bench and leaned back smiling at the confused look Dustin gave him. Lex spread his legs and grabbed his semi-hard trouser snake band began to coax some life into it. "You're a big boy, you could show all our admires how well you take me" Lex suggested.

Dustin arched an eyebrow at the proposal and looked around. More than one guy was trying not to stare at Lex and Dustin, but judging by the number of hard-ons more than one was interested in finding out what happened next. Dustin smiled as he walked cockily towards Lex. It didn't take much for the other guys in the shower to notice how big Lex was, but taking that much meat was impossible. Dustin was about to prove them wrong.

"Ok you little fucker, you want me to take you huh?" Dustin said and grinned as he positioned himself above Lex, "You're gunna have one sore cock after this"

Dustin savagely lowered himself on Lex causing him to gasp at the abruptness and the sensation of entering Dustin's tight ass. As he took Lex's cock into him Dustin clenched and rocked slowly up and down causing Lex to whimper in pleasure. There was also pain as Dustin grunted like a wild animal and heaved up and down. Lex was in heaven. For just a moment he thought he was going to finish, but Dustin suddenly stopped and looked down at Lex. "Please... I just..." Lex said as he gasped, his entire body vibrating with his need to release.

"What's that? You're begging for it now huh?" Dustin said and slid up slowly extracting a low moan from Lex. "I didn't say we were done kid" he said roughly and started an agonizingly slow momentum making sure to extract the most pleasure for himself and Lex out of their lewd sexual act.

By now most of the guys in the shower had resorted to whacking off, sighing as they spilled their loads into the floor of the showers. Dustin and Lex continued on though until Lex thought his brain was going to overload with pleasure. All at once Dustin clenched down on Lex sending his cock into a body rocking spam that was possibly the best orgasm Lex had ever had. What felt like a gallon of cum shot upwards into Dustin who grunted as once again his whole body seemed to shudder and he started to cum onto Lex.

Their intimate embrace lasted for a few moments longer as Dustin bathed in the afterglow of his own orgasm. Like every other time Lex came into him he felt a strange sense of calm come over him. It was like having that massive cock pumping into his ass completed him. For the briefest of moments Dustin looked down at Lex with more than just lust in his eyes. This kid was something else!

Lex opened his eyes expecting the hungry glare he usually got from Dustin, but this time he looked confused. They stayed that way for a good ten minutes Dustin just staring in confusion at Lex. Finally as the cock in his ass started to go soft he got up. Everybody had gone by now and the showers were mostly empty. Dustin and Lex both showered the sex off their bodies and didn't say anything else to each other. Lex finished after Dustin did, and didn't even see the other guy leave.

The whole experience was making Lex confused. He had thought Dustin had hated him, but after Lex wanted to do him Dustin seemed to have lost interest. Not that the sex hadn't been good. If anything it had been great! Nothing Lex had ever done with his hand had ever felt that good! Regardless Lex went home feeling even more confused than usual.

As Lex walked out of the gymnasium with his duffle bag the same furry shape from before turned to a second creature just like itself and smiled. "I told you they would end up making friends!"

"But is it such a good idea to let them fuck that much. I mean I understand how we were too late to stop it, but we should step in or something..." the larger and older of the two creatures said to it's fellow.

"No, we have to let this play out naturally. We don't even know if he's going to turn, and even if he dose there's no guarantee that the other will too" The younger brown furred creature said and smiled. "Besides, they're so cute together and it would be a shame to see their little escapades stop!"

"You just like the free porn, I should never have shown you!"

The younger creature growled softly ending it in a grunt, "Kinda makes me want to take out some of my pent out frustration on an unsuspecting innocent human!"

"Just try it bucko"

Lex made sure to say hi to his mom when he got home, "Looks like practice went a little better today huh darling?" she said as she looked away from the steaks she was tenderizing.

"Good lord mom, what's with the carnivore diet all the sudden?" Lex asked and raised a confused eyebrow at his mother.

"Oh, I don't want my little football player to go hungry!" She said and planted an unexpected kiss on his cheek.

"Oh gross mom!" Lex said and danced away from his mother.

Dinner was great that night, but Lex couldn't shake his experience with Dustin out of his head. Even as he started getting ready for bed Lex fought his lazy erection. Normally Lex wouldn't take a shower twice, but he thought a cold shower might help his raging hormones. As Lex showered he felt himself relax. The day seemed to flow off of him as he washed. All his worries and fears forgotten for just a moment. Lex was toweling off when he caught a glimpse of something weird in the mirror.

At first Lex thought it was just his imagination, he reached up and touched the two furry things on the side of his head. His hands touched the soft towel dried fur tickling the sensitive tips of his ears. As he ran his fingers through the smooth dense fur Lex only had one thing to say, "This can't be good"