Far North 2 - Heated Hunt

Story by Foxhouse on SoFurry

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After being transformed into a female husky and a male wolf in Part 1, the two do what's necessary to survive in the wilderness of the frozen north! This story takes place in the same universe as the "Romance for Dogs" stories, where a virus is mutating people's DNA and causing them to turn into anthros!

The copper-furred husky looked frustrated, "I can't believe you did that.. how could you?" Chris was talking about the previous night of course, when Logan had woken her with a firm, sudden breeding!

The big wolf shook his head, then shrugged. "It was really easy, actually. I don't think I could've stopped myself if I tried, easy as you made it.." He grinned as he looked down at the shorter canine.

Chris could only whine, "It's no fair! You.. you caught me off guard, and I'm not used to this body or anything yet!" She complained, as both of them had been humans until only a few days prior. "I couldn't control myself.. I'm in heat, and you just took advantage of.."

Logan cut her off swiftly, "Hey now, I didn't take advantage of anything! You think I could control myself any more than you? Like I said, I don't think I could've stopped myself.. not unless you started screaming and biting or something.."

She huffed and ducked her head. She'd seen dogs before and knew how a stud got around a bitch in heat, maybe he really wasn't in control anymore than she was. The husky sighed softly, "I'm not even a girl though.. or at least I wasn't before. Did you really have to go all the way with it? We don't even know what will happen.." she whimpered.

The wolf nodded, "I have a pretty good idea what will happen.." He rubbed his big paw over her lower abdomen, both comforting and disquieting the inexperienced bitch. "Either way, I didn't mean to. I'm not used to this body yet either, and everything works different down there. The way I just grew into you.. it all happened so fast, before I knew it I was stuck and.. I'm sorry, if it's worth anything to you."

The husky felt a flutter down between her legs as she listened to the wolf and thought about the night before. It made her uncomfortable, the idea that she was getting excited thinking about it, and she noticed Logan's nostrils flaring doubtlessly taking in the scent of her budding arousal! "It's okay." She said dismissively. "Let's just.. can we talk about something else now? What are we doing today?"

Logan shook his head to snap his focus away from the scent he'd become fixated on without even realizing it. "Huh? Yeah, it already happened, good to leave it in the past." He paused and closed his eyes, briefly holding his breath before answering firmly, "You need to learn how to hunt, and we need meat. Lots of it, if we're going to make it through the winter without starving. Where's your rifle?"

Chris walked over to a cabinet and opened it, pulling out an old gun, "I keep it in here. Is there anything you can do to make it shoot straighter?"

The wolf grumbled, "I don't think that's the problem, you just need more practice. How much ammo you got?"

The husky set the rifle down and fumbled with a few boxes in the cabinet, "One.. two.. two-and-a-half boxes?"

Logan huffed, "So 125 rounds, give or take? That doesn't leave much room for practice.. and we can't count on getting more any time soon.."

She looked up to the tall wolf, "What does that mean, then?"

The lupine responded firmly, "It means we have to be really conservative with it and make every shot count."

Chris nodded, "I'll do my best."


It was a cold morning in the frozen wilderness of the great north, as usual. The untamed winds howled and bit at the two unclothed canines as they ventured out to hunt, though their thick coats of fur did much to protect them from the elements. Chris clutched her rifle, following Logan as the cabin disappeared behind them.

The terrain was beautiful, if inhospitable. Forests of spruce, birch and pine gave way to occasional clearings as they walked stealthily, bare footpaws silently falling on the snow-covered ground. The large game they were looking for seemed sparse though, and they traveled several miles throughout the morning without finding a single track nor catching a scent on the wind. Finally, they arrived at the edge of a partially frozen river which was still much too wide to cross.

Chris was discouraged by their luck and sighed, speaking in a low whisper, "I really thought we'd see something by now.."

The big wolf seemed unfazed, his predatory instincts wired as his yellow eyes darted this way and that, looking for signs of life. "Let's head down the river, into the wind. Real slow."

The shorter husky nodded and followed along. She'd made this walk many times when fishing the river in the spring, but that was back when she was a human. It occurred to her that she was usually exhausted by now, but this new form granted her stamina that she wasn't used to, and despite the hostile terrain she'd just trekked she wasn't even out of breath.

"There." The wolf quietly whispered as he pointed downriver, but the husky couldn't make out what he was pointing at, his eyesight a bit sharper than hers.

"I can't see anything.. we gotta get closer." She whispered in response. The wolf nodded silently as the two stealthily crept along.

It took quite a few paces, but she finally managed to make out movement in the distance. As they got closer the creature came into focus - a bull elk drinking from the river. She stopped and lifted her rifle, looking down the iron sights and aiming at the target. "I see it." She said with a puff of condensation on her breath.

The wolf was completely still as he spoke in a low, muffled tone. "Then take the shot. Remember what I told you."

The serene quiet of wilderness was broken by the sound of a loud bang echoing out, accompanied by a ringing in the canines' sensitive ears. The elk flinched and a splatter of blood signaled that the bullet had struck the target, but the creature quickly bleated and ran off in a panic. She'd barely missed the lethal shot. Logan turned and said something to her that she couldn't make out with her ears still ringing and then dropped to all fours and ran off. The husky shouldered her rifle and tried to keep up, but carrying the gun meant that it took her a moment to close the distance between her and the wolf.

He was sniffing at that splatter of blood on the ground like a wild beast, eyeing a blood trail that went off into the woods before looking up at her. "Get a head full of the scent, we gotta track it. Try to keep up." She ducked down and took in the scent of the elk's blood. She thought she'd find it repulsive, but instead it was extremely exciting. The husky was hungry and that prey odor stimulated deeply seated instincts that she didn't even know she had - urges to chase and hunt. Her muscles felt like tightly wound springs, adrenaline surging through her body right to her head.

The wolf moved along, tracking the trail of blood as she barely kept up on two legs. As they got closer to the elk she'd shot that scent was getting not only stronger, but fresher. Her nostrils flared and her stomach rumbled.

It took nearly 20 minutes to track down the big bull elk, but finally they came upon the massive beast laying in a clearing. While Chris struggled to think of what to do Logan sprung into action, lunging at the elk and grabbing it's neck in his jaws while it thrashed violently. Despite the anthro wolf's size he was small compared to the giant elk, and a frantic gesture with his paw told her that he needed help!

She did the only thing that came to her mind at that moment. She lifted her rifle, standing mere feet away from the two struggling animals, and fired a single shot right through the creature's heart, the bullet passing mere inches from Logan's hide. The wolf's eyes lit up angrily, holding his grip on the beast's throat until it breathed it's last before standing and facing Chris.

Blood droplets flew from Logan's muzzlefur as he fiercely chastised the husky, "The fuck is wrong with you?! You could've killed me! Put that damn thing down before you hurt someone!"

His tone hurt and upset her. She tried her best, she wasn't trying to disappoint him! She dropped the rifle in the snow and whimpered out an apology, "I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do.."

He approached her and she took a few steps away until she felt the rough, winter-hardened bark of a tree at her back, "Not almost fuckin' kill me! The answer is never almost kill me! And you gotta learn how to use your teeth, too.. not always gonna have those bullets.." He nipped at her neck as if to demonstrate.

The wolf was leaning in close now, his muzzle right next to hers and she could smell the elk blood mixed with his own natural scents. Her ears dropped submissively, "I.. I promise, I'll never do anything like that again, please.."

He didn't respond, not right away at least. Instead, his nostrils flared as it was clear he was busy sampling the husky's potent scent. He nipped at her neck again, almost playful but still firm and bestial. They were both out of breath, their hearts racing from the excitement of the hunt.

Maybe it was instinct or perhaps misattribution, but Logan couldn't concern himself with which at the moment - there was too pressing a need. His paws sliding down to her hips, he lifted up the smaller canine, his body pressing hers snugly against the tree trunk. A lick, a taste of her lips was the only warning she was given before his big, broad tongue suddenly pressed into muzzle!

Oh god! The husky whined and moaned softly around the invading organ as it danced along her own canine tongue, and no matter how embarrassed she was about it she couldn't help the way it stoked the fires of her heated arousal, her hips squirming and arching against the wolf of their own accord. She was left with the awkward decision of leaving her legs dangling there as she was pressed up against the tree or wrapping them around Logan's hips and naturally chose the latter, more comfortable option. He huffed out a satisfied groan into the kiss as her thighs squeezed tightly around his midsection.

His paws on her hips curled down to her rounded rump, supporting her from beneath and eliciting a shaky whimper and quivering breaths from the copper-furred husky. Her hips squirmed as she felt the bulge of the wolf's big sheath pressing right up against her bare canine vulva, moaning into the kiss and almost suckling on his tongue as she struggled to do anything but encourage him.

He was eager and excited, responding to the feel of that heated slickness with a few firm jabs of his hips, bulging sheath peeling back to reveal his tapered canine tip. It was nudged and prodded against the husky's dark spade, making her whimper and squirm in his grasp, the kiss becoming sloppy and erratic.

A low pleasured growl rumbled out of the wolf when his tip caught in her entrance and he triumphantly lunged his hips forward, squeezing the husky's rump firmly as he held her in place, breaking the kiss to lick and nip along her neckfur. She arched and tensed her body against his as she was greeted by the sudden sensations of tight, stretching fullness and the bristly fur of Logan's sheath pressed against her spade as he rapidly grew out into her.

The wolf was driven by a single-minded desire and now that he felt the tight heat of the small husky's anatomy wrapped around his canine shaft, there was nothing stopping him from fulfilling his instinctive demands. He started working his hips right away, pumping in short, firm strokes that never pulled out more than an inch of his tapered spire from it's invitingly warm home, each quick thrust driving more of his baculum-stiffened length out of his body and up into the bitch's tight confines.

The way she arched and tensed against him excited the wolf, but after only a few moments she started to relax only to tense at the crux of each thrust and it excited him even more, the husky's moans echoing out in the forest as she huffed and panted incoherent desperation. She could feel the way he pulsed and throbbed deep up inside of her as spurts of hot precum signaled his intent, as if it weren't already clear!

There was nothing she could do to stop him though, blinding pleasure welling up in the husky as she was assaulted by the wolf's stiff and increasingly frantic thrusts. His length stopped pulling back out of her at all with each jerk of his hips, instead tugging her back along with it as the bulge of his knot grew too large to withdraw, her canine body betraying her completely as it gripped down snug around the swelling bulb. Powerful vaginal muscles contracted and squeezed around the sensitive flesh as the short, rough pumps of the wolf's hips continued, making her yip and whine a few times as it yanked at her insides.

Logan panted and huffed frantically, finally releasing her neckscruff as his breaths and thrusts alike both slowed. A soft growl into her ear along with the wolf's hot, satisfied breaths accompanied a stiffening shudder of his whole body, his tail flagging triumphantly behind him. He held her tight, kneading her rounded rear as she felt his engorged length pulsing in her clenching tunnel, a wave of girth travelling up that throbbing shaft until the tapered tip twitched and sprayed her insides with hotly fertile wolf seed, the wolf moaning in ecstasy with each fecund load that he pumped into her.

Chris whimpered and squirmed though she quickly adjusted to the massive wolf tied to her, instead so close to the precipice of her peak that she was desperate for further attention! She couldn't dare ask for anything more though, she was already embarassed this was happening in the first place! Logan seemed oblivious, completely fixated on his own pleasure as she whined softly, slowly catching her breath. He was mostly still besides the occasional stiffening of his hips, busy emptying his heavy balls into her ripe womb in wave after pulsing wave.

She tried her best to get her little whines and squirms of her hips under control and finally managed, looking up into Logan's wild wolfish eyes and seeing a look of deep satisfaction and appreciation. The husky couldn't help the way her curled tail wagged, feeling like she'd done a good job. It made the wolf grin, leaning down to lick at her snout affectionately. "Looks like someone enjoyed themselves, hmm?" He jested.

She gulped and ducked her head to look away from his gaze with a shy little nod. If it was good for him, then that was good, right? And after all, it'd distracted him enough to forget about the whole debacle with the elk. All was forgotten, all was forgiven..

"Oof! What are you doing?" The husky yelped as the wolf carried her away from the tree. Without warning he dropped down onto his knees, laid her out on her back, lifted a leg and then rotated his whole body to face away from her, his knot roughly yanking at her tightly clenching tunnel. "Yeeoww!" She yipped again.

The wolf answered simply, "I'm hungry." Before she could ask any more questions he ducked his head to the fallen elk and ripped into it's meaty thigh, scarfing down chunks of the raw meat. All the while his length still pulsed and spurted hot wolfcum from time to time, locked inside his husky bitch.

Chris reached down to her stretched spade, feeling their combined slickness and the point of their union with her paw. She quivered at the sensation, struggling not to further pleasure herself right there. Instead, she distracted herself at the sight of Logan devouring the raw meat. It looked so strangely unfamiliar and yet so natural and normal at the same time. It smelled like blood, sex and meat. She licked her lips. She was hungry.

She gulped and asked in a soft tone, "Ca.. can I have some?"

The wolf grunted and nodded as he swallowed another barely-chewed chunk, "When I'm done."

She nodded without giving it a second thought. Fortunately for her, the hungry wolf ate quickly. All the while his huge knot remained firmly lodged in her canine sex, a true miracle of nature that the thing even fit, she thought to herself! She could feel him vaguely tense and shudder with each spasm of intensely hot wolf seed, continuing to pump her full as he ate from the fresh elk.

Logan finally finished with his meal and made a lax attempt to wipe the dried blood from his muzzlefur before biting off a good hunk of thigh meat and handing it back to the tied husky. He let out a satisfied sigh as his testosterone-fueled rush calmed, "Here you go. I didn't mean to get so mad... Let's say you made up for it and call it even?"

She hungrily grabbed the raw meat and started devouring it. The husky felt so famished that any uncomfortability she might've felt was buried deep beneath layer after layer of instinctive gratification. It was almost enough to make her forget completely about her unsated arousal. Her ears perked and then she nodded, happy enough that the wolf wouldn't be angry at her anymore, "Okay, deal." She agreed as she finished her meal.

He looked back at her, "Good girl." She flushed with embarrassment at the way her tail happily wagged at those two simple words, the wolf grinning pridefully.

The thought was interrupted by the feel of her clenched tunnel relaxing around Logan's deflating knot, her ears folding with a wincing yelp as the entirety of his length suddenly spilled out of her! It was followed by a flood of lewd fluids that steamed and melted into the snow beneath.

"Aahhhh! I'll never get used to that.." Chris commented as she slowly stood on wobbly legs.

Logan stood up behind her and possessively wrapped his paws around her hips, leaning in to utter a whispering growl into the husky's ear, "I'll see to it that you do.."

She blushed and whined as heightened arousal still buzzed through her body, tensing and pressing back against the slightest touch. It was much too difficult to argue with the wolf, especially right now. He didn't really give her the chance either, letting her go as he got back to the business at hand.

"So, we have to get this back to the cabin now." His wolfish ears perked as he spoke. "Get a good grip and we'll start draggin'.."

She nodded obediently and moved towards the fresh elk, but each step was more difficult than the last! Her legs were like rubber and she could just barely manage to stay up on her hindpaws, her struggles readily apparent to the wolf. Was he.. smiling?

"You know.." He spoke slowly, leaving space between each word as if he were figuring out the next before he finished the last. "How about you go back, get a little rest." His wild yellow eyes made her feel rather docile as he looked over her. "I'll drag this back, then you bury it later. Sound good? Can you.. still dig?"

Her tail arched and wagged eagerly, "Yes! I mean.. that sounds good. I'm okay to dig.. especially with a little rest."

Logan nodded, "Okay, grab the rifle.. I'll meet you back there."

Chris stood there for a moment, the red-furred husky looking back up to the wolf before wrapping her paws around him in a clingy but brief hug. "Thanks.. see you soon."

She picked up the rifle, turned and walked away slowly. He enjoyed watching the way her tail wagged and hips swayed as she left before he got down to business.


Chris trudged through the snow, one step after the other on bare padded footpaws. She was still extremely aroused and so hopelessly unsatiated that she even considered stopping to pleasure herself on the way home, but it was so cold out and besides that, she still hadn't developed much of a skill to help herself in that sort of way. Nothing close to what Logan could do..

She shook her head and tried to clear her mind of those thoughts, but it was almost impossible! She struggled to think about anything else but the big wolf on top of her, behind her and above all, in her!

A few short days ago she would've been disgusted by such thoughts, but now.. well, she was pretty sure she was already fated to carry his pups, if she knew anything about how dog reproduction worked! He'd already tied her twice.. and once was usually more than enough. She wondered what the point was of trying to fight those thoughts anymore, if she was already pregnant?

Her hormonal, heat-addled mind flitted back and forth, sifting through different thoughts the rest of the way back to the cabin. Once there she gave her feral husky Autumn a good pet, some food and lay down to rest. No matter how hard she tried though, she couldn't sleep. Instead her eyes were constantly drawn expectantly towards the cabin door, waiting for Logan with an eagerness she couldn't abate.

She was embarrassed and frustrated by her complete inability to direct her thoughts. The fluttering in her lower abdomen and slick tingle down between her legs were impossible to ignore, and powerful hormones coursing through her veins brought her to the height of receptive vulnerability.

Her ears perked. A sound? Did she hear a sound? Definitely a sound outside. She stood unbidden, mind hazy as she opened the door and looked out into the near-darkness.

Logan was down on all fours, gripping the elk with his powerful jaws as he dragged it through the snow and towards the cabin. His muscles visibly strained with exertion, he looked over his shoulder, pulled the prey several more dozen yards and then stopped. The wolf stood, panting loudly as he walked over towards where the small husky stood expectantly.

Her eyes were almost glazed over as she looked up at him, mind thoughtlessly wandering until he spoke and snapped her out of it, "Over there's good. Deep snow, pretty fresh. Shouldn't be that hard to dig. I'm tired.. gonna go lay down." All she could do was nod in response before he walked away.

And with that the cabin door closed and the wolf disappeared inside, his masculine scent lingering in her twitching nostrils despite his absence.


Chris started out digging a hole next to the elk with a shovel as she was used to, but the husky quickly found that her claws and padded forepaws were perhaps better equipped for the task, or at least faster! Digging was also pleasantly distracting, keeping her mind off of other things as her paws grew partially numb from scraping at the snow.

She finished digging out a large hole in the snow next to the frozen elk carcass much faster than she thought possible, though how long it took she couldn't be sure. The husky knew one thing for certain though - that she was completely exhausted. She couldn't wait to get this thing buried and go back inside.

The lean husky moved around to the other side of the elk and pushed as hard as she could, trying to shove it into the hole she'd dug. She was physically spent though, and the thing barely budged! With a grunt of frustrated exhertion she slid her paws up under the heavy beast and re-doubled her efforts, but still couldn't muster the strength to move it. She panted and briefly rested there, trying to catch her breath.

"Okay, come on!" She cried out in a growl, groaning as she struggled mightily yet still failed to move the prey they'd worked so hard to catch. Panting even harder, she tried to pull her paws out from under the elk and found that they were quite thoroughly trapped! She'd pushed herself so hard trying to move the damn thing she'd made her muscles sore and weak, giving her no way to free herself easily.

The husky's commotion had stirred Logan from his restfulness and when the wolf opened the door to look outside, he was awestruck at what he saw. Chris was standing there on all fours next to the elk like a feral dog, her forepaws caught beneath it while she panted and huffed. Her curled husky tail lashed about as she struggled, flashing him the white underside and giving him an irresistible view of her plump spade beneath. He lifted his head and sniffed the air before quickly moving up behind her while she was still distracted.

She nearly jumped out of her fur in shock when the wolf's big paws came down to rub over her hips before wrapping underneath in a canine hug, big claws teasing at her sensitive inner thighs. The husky was relieved to see Logan rather than some stranger when she looked back over her shoulder, trying to calm her heavy breaths, "Oh! I'm glad you're here.. I can't.. I'm stuck, I need help.."

Before he said a word in response the wolf shifted forward slightly and pulled her hips back, leaning down to cover her in a mounting position while her haunches were tucked up under his. She felt the bristly fur of his plump sheath nudging right up against her bare spade, the tip growing out with the wolf's excitement as he gently growled into her ear. She shivered at the sensation, then he finally spoke, "Mmmm.. you're right, you do need some help.."

The small, copper-furred husky whined lowly beneath the wolf. It was cold, dark and uncomfortable out here. Not to mention the fact that her paws were trapped and probably mostly frozen! Despite that she was intensely aroused, and no matter how much she just wanted to go inside and lay down couldn't stop the way her tail obediently arched, hips encouragingly pressing back.

Unable to stop her labored breathing, she panted out lowly, "Please.. can we.. go inside..?"

Logan licked and nipped at her ear with another growl, firmer than last time. He grinned after that, squeezing around her hips, "Hmm? Inside? Okay.." He pulled her back and pressed forward, the tapered tip of his canine length naturally catching in the cleft of her spade, wedging into the slick hot interior.

She gasped and tensed with a whimper before relaxing again, the wolf holding her haunches in place while his hips started slowly rocking against her, his sheath bunching up against her spade. "T-that's not what I meant.." She managed to huff out between quivering breaths, but it did little to deter the eager predator.

"Close enough." He grunted lowly while he held her tight, each steady lunge of his hips driving more of his emerging wolfhood into her heated canine sex, those now-familiar velvety walls squeezing down delightfully around his bare length. Hot splashes of eager pre-cum added to the already copious slickness inside the husky bitch, gritting his teeth as he slammed his hips against her backside so hard that his heavy balls roughly smacked her stretched spade, making her whine and wince.

"Mmmm... good girl.." He whispered a low growl into the husky's ear, and that drained away the last bit of fight she had in her. The wolf's throbbing, swelling length stretched and filled her slick tunnel, her vaginal muscles clenching encouragingly around the bare girth. She ducked her head and closed her eyes from the overwhelming sensation and pleasure she was feeling, setting aside her shame due to the intensity of the moment.

His hips kept up their slow, steady motions. Not the feral pace that he'd taken her at earlier - no, this was more deliberate, perhaps even more purposeful. Each stroke of his length in and out of her gripping tunnel made her moan louder than the last, high-pitched pleasured whimpers joining the unmistakable sounds of lewd, slick slapping echoing out in the darkness. With each firm thrust her hips were pulled back flush against his, ensuring he was buried as deeply as possible.

The big wolf's knot soon made it's presence known, the unswollen bulb starting to grow in size as he popped it in and out of the husky's tight little spade. "Oh god!" She cried out, having been brought so close to her peak that she started thrashing about unpredictably. Logan was unfazed however, gripping her even tighter as he pumped his hips eagerly against her backside, picking up speed quickly and pounding her even harder as his knot quickly started getting bigger.

Her body writhed uncontrollably, nearing the height of pleasure after having gotten so close earlier. The wolf's knot grew too big too pull back out, but that didn't stop him from thrusting, instead he kept eagerly grinding his hips against her, that massive bulb roughly pressuring her clit and driving her right over the edge!

The husky moaned and yowled incomprehensibly in the throes of her peak, thrashing with a series of wild convulsions. Those powerful vaginal muscles she was barely used to gripping down snug around Logan's knot with instinctive insistence, firmly tying him to her as the bulb continued to grow. He held her in his powerful grip as she rode out her peak, biting possessively at the nape of her neck as he felt the hot flood of her orgasmic juices all around his engorged canine cock.

The wolf stiffened and shuddered, his arched tail proudly announcing that he'd claimed his bitch as he started to pump her full of ropes of his fertile seed for the second time in the same day. The peaking husky was only barely aware of the feeling of the hot fluid rushing into her already filled womb as she rode out her incredible climax, wave after wave of unimaginable pleasure flowing through her body making her twitch and spasm. Logan's thrusts slowed and then finally stopped, growling pleasurably as he more than enjoyed the feel of her heated snatch orgasming around his engorged length, twitching and spurting virility all the while.

The lithe dog panted and huffed desperately beneath the large wolf as her convulsions and those waves of pleasure gradually faded away, leaving her feeling exhausted, satisfied and still intensely full. The wolf's cock throbbed and heaved mightily within her with each proud spray of canine spunk that continued to coat her insides, slowly catching her breath while even his long-lived peak eventually tapered as well.

Logan tenderly nuzzled and licked along the nape of her neck as well as her sensitive ears as they stood there on all fours, mounted and tied in the cold dark of night, mostly silent but for their heated, labored breaths.

It took a few minutes, but finally one of them spoke.

"I'm still stuck.." Chris whined.

The wolf could only grin, "I know."