Roadie Chapter 5: Rouge Rug

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#5 of Roadie

In celebration of their latest song, Tiffany finds herself dragged to a strip club by her bandmates. While the show isn't to her liking, there's a certain someone serving the drinks that catches her eye.

Commission for SeleneNightfang

Tiffany had a different idea in mind when it came to celebrating finishing the last song of their latest album. Seeing a movie with the band, maybe order a pizza and let Conner finally get them to play Dungeons and Dragons like the rat had been insistent on. All of which were significantly cheaper and more restrained than going to a strip club upon Vicky's wishes.

"Seems like shite," Conner said.

"Like you've never said no to a lapdance, bro." his sister, Connie, said. Tiffany still had trouble telling the twins apart, with both rats dressed in the exact same black T-shirts. The only way to tell them apart, for now, was because Conner wore jeans while his sister wore a skirt. Not that they couldn't switch it. They've done it plenty of times in shows, much to Tiffany's frustration.

Vicky stepped between the two rats, resting her arms against their necks, "Conner, Connie, when's the last time we all got together and just relaxed? We hardly see each other outside of recording sessions. Hell, we don't even go to the bar anymore."

Tiffany clenched her teeth at that last comment. She figured Vicky would be pulling something like this. She could be hanging out with her pretty pink leopard right now, but instead, she'd need to play the responsible friend since she knew damn well that the twins didn't have that word in their vocabulary. Looking up to the stripjoint, the shark hoped the Rouge Rug didn't have a minimum drink requirement.

The two rats nodded and walked off, leaving the hyena and shark alone. "Vicky," Tiffany said, grabbing her friend and vocalist's shoulder, "You've been going to your AA meetings, right?"

"What?" The hyena gave a nervous giggle and brushed her off, "Y-yeah, of course, I have."


"I have," her braids shook with her nod, "It's just...look this last album's been nothing but a ball of stress. And I need to let loose. So I figured a drink or two couldn't-"

"Soda." Tiffany said, holding her friend by the side as they walked into the establishment, "If I see a single alcoholic drink in your hand, I'll personally delete the song we recorded today." Tiffany barred her fangs, "Do we have an understanding?"

Vicky nodded with an annoyed giggle, "Good," the shark said, letting her go, "I'm going to tell the bartender not to let anyone serve you alcohol. So you get to enjoy your nice lap dances sober."

"You're no fun.."

"Being the responsible one never is. And I'd rather not see my friend destroy herself again." she said, following the yeen inside. Shitty dance music echoed in their ears as they stepped into the darkness of the club. The shark never understood the allure of places like these, not in the digital age where one could just do a quick internet search to find decent porn for free to wake it. Maybe it was nearly touching the girls with the hope that one dollar more would get you physical. Or maybe there was a power in making women dance for money, though Tiff found that power was all in the dancers.

Granted, she wasn't into girls enough to really care.

Past the rouge lighting and the display of a thin little rabbit on the main pole, Tiffany caught sight of a black-furred hedgehog working the bar. Kind of cute, if not for the little scowl across their face from scanning the bar, casually cleaning a glass as they did so. The shark wondered if bartenders just cleaned glasses so often that it felt unnatural to not have one in hand.

"Excuse me," She said, leaning up to the bar, "Is there a drink minimum here?"

"Yep," the hedgehog answered with a British accent, "Two drinks minimum, waiters pass em around on the clock."

"Right, right," Tiffany knocked her knuckles against the bar, "Look, I don't mean to insult your business or anything, but you see that hyena over there?" She asked. The hedgehog nodded, though he barely took a gaze, "Well, she's a recovering alcoholic. She's going to AA meetings and tonight she's just relieved we finished a big assignment. As her friend, I'm going to be watching her, but can you do us a small favor and not send drinks our way? I'll pay a tab for both if-"

The barkeep raised his hand, "No need. Just pick a different place next time when you're lookin ta celebrate." he said.

"You're not gonna kick us out?"

"Considering she just put a twenty on Stardust, I figured she'll make up for the booze."

Before her gratitude could escape her lips, a familiar figure appeared in the corner of her eye. Pink fur hidden behind a uniform, with noticeable violet headfur and an ass that had Tiffany blinking to make sure she wasn't imagining anything.

"Felix?" she said to herself, watching the leopard sway his ass. Eyes following the display, doubts flooded her mind. She just missed him, it had been a long day recording and she'd rather be in bed cuddling with him. It only made sense that she'd imagine him in those black spandex bike shorts and babydoll shirt. Shaking her head, she pushed the image away, "T-Thanks for your understanding," she said to the barkeep, "Mr.-"

"Just Cyko," the hedgehog said, "Now go watch yer friend. I won't 'ave the girls give 'er alcohol, but they won't be saying no if asked."

She nodded, leaving the bartender to his work and sitting across from Vicky. A leathered up vixen had made her way to the hyena, drawing the vocalist's attention while Tiffany kept stealing glances to the pink leopard. It had to be Felix. She knew he worked at a stripclub, but was it really this one? She never prodded on where exactly he worked because she didn't want to pry. He seemed embarrassed enough about his feminine looks, and she had only recently made him more comfortable with them. Sinking into her seat, she tried to hide when he turned her way. What if he thought she was cheating on him? She didn't have any reason for him to think that, but the panic didn't come from logic.

He yelped. A wolf slapped his tuckus, "Would rather have you on the floor, cutie." the college boy jested. Tiffany marched over to the wolf before she realized it, grabbing his hand and pulling him off the chair.

"Don't touch him," she growled, baring her teeth, "You piece of-"

Ice fell as the glasses bounced off the carpet, "Tiff?" Felix gasped. The music didn't stop, it might as well for how everyone looked at her. Forcing a nervous laugh, she let go of the wolf.

"Hey, Honey..."


Felix ran. Dropping the rest of his platter, the pink leopard ran as fast as his legs could carry him away from the open floor to the employee lockers. Tiffany was here, and she'd seen him in his uniform. That thought barreled around his head, hugging him tight while he curled up in a corner and took a deep breath to calm himself. Then another, and another, to the point that he started having a panic attack.

Why was she here? Putting two and two together, the devil on his shoulder whispered that she'd been there to cheat on him. After all, you don't go to a strip club to not get aroused. He batted the mental gremlin away, but it wouldn't leave, throwing out mocking words about how she saw him in his uniform, how someone touched his butt like it was nothing, and where the fuck was the bouncer on that? On a piss break? Slamming his fist against a nearby locker, Felix steadied himself if only for a second before falling back into his panic. His girlfriend was here, and now she'd seen his stupid effeminate uniform.

"Felix? You ok?"

Looking up, the leopard found Becky gazing down with worry. A rare expression on a face normally molded into angry glares. Felix shook his head, "No...she saw me."

"Who saw you?" the bear asked, leaning down to his eye level. Becky still hadn't fully dressed in her bouncer uniform, which in her case was just a black shirt with the word 'Bouncer' written on it as clear as day. She covered up her bra and breasts with her arms, trying to keep them out of the leopard's view if only for her sake.

"My..." he sniffed, "My girlfriend."

The bear blinked, "Tiffany? The RockJaws drummer?" she asked. With a nod from him, she shot up and peeked out the door, "Holy shit!" she whispered aloud, "The whole band is here! Conner and Connie are at the bar and Tamery is giving Vicky a think they'll sign autographs."

Felix neither knew or cared for the bear's question.

"I see her. She's...oh Cyko looks pissed and he's got Gideon with him. What happened?"

"Some patron slapped my ass," Felix muttered, "She grabbed his arm. I didn't even know she was here."

"How come you didn't notice when she arrived?"

"I don't know!" Felix threw his arms up, "I must have been in the bathroom or something. Point is, she saw me this," the leopard motioned his hand across his body, "And...and..."

Becky's look sold it to Felix. Since when did Tiffany care about how he looked? She had never mocked him for his figure, only seeking to make him feel better about it. And he had felt better about it, that's why work felt more tolerable as of late. It's hard to be angry about being girly when your girlfriend fucked you while wearing women's lingerie. He still was mad about the stares, but not as much anymore.

Felix's eyes went wide, "Oh god...I fucked up." he said, pacing around his corner, "She tried to help me and I ran away. Oh fuck, she's gonna think I hate her."

"I don't think she's going to think that."


Becky's hand slammed the wall over Felix's head, "Felix," she said with a low growl, "Shut the fuck up and breath before I force you."

Rather than contemplate on what creative way the former bully would force him to breathe, the leopard took a deep one himself and calmed down. "Ok," he said, "Ok, I'm calm."

"Good," Becky grabbed his uniform collar, "Now you're going to go out there and explain to your girlfriend and Cyko how this is all a big misunderstanding, cause I'd rather be getting an autograph, not a middle finger from them as they leave." She ordered, pushing back out onto the public floor. Stumbling, Felix caught his balance just in time for Tiffany, Cyko, and Gideon to notice. His fur stood on end at their stares, forcing him to take another calming breath as he spoke up.

"Cyko, this is Tiffany. My girlfriend," he explained.

"Girlfriend or not, that doesn't give the nutter an excuse to rough up my customers."

"Cyko?" Tiffany said, "Sir? Look, I apologize for my actions. I just saw someone grab Felix's ass inappropriately and, well, I couldn't in the right mind let that go unpunished. I-"

Cyko held his hand up, sighed, and rubbed his temples, "Felix, did the guy grab you?" he asked.

"Yes," he said. "It's...well it's not the first time customers get handsy. Usually, it's when Gideon or Becky are in the bathroom or something."

"Bloody load of tosh," Cyko muttered, pointing to the wolf that Tiff had grabbed, "Gid, get rid of the wanker. 'E ain't banned fer life, but 'e's not allowed back fer tonight." Turning to Tiffany, the hedgehog's scowl didn't loosen, "And you. I get why ya did it, but ya don't work 'ere, so don't try to start trouble wit' the other guests. If ya see any bloke or dame touching my staff, then go tell one of the bouncers if they 'aven't acted, or tell me. Otherwise, fuck off."

"Guess he trusts you," Felix said, both her and Tiffany watching the hedgehog make his way back to the bar.

"He just told me to fuck off."

"Yeah but you're still in the place," the leopard smiled, "Anyone doing what you did would have been thrown out by Becky and Gideon."

"Oh..." Tiffany looked over to the hyena sitting across the way, "Felix...I just want you to know, it wasn't my idea to come here," she said, the blush against her grey skin brought out by the strobe lights, "It was Vicky's. We just finished the last song on our album and-"

He didn't let her finish, giving the shark a heavy hug, "Thanks..." he mumbled.

"Thanks? For what? Didn't I get you in trouble?"

He shook his head, "Guys like that always make a poke or comment at me when the security is busy." he explained, ears flattening, "I...I kind of just accept it. I hate it, but there's little I can do to stop it. So you coming to my rescue was...well a surprise but I didn't hate it. Just had a little panic attack about it."

"Oh," Tiffany said, pulling him in closer, "Well, you better tell your boss more about this stuff. That's an order. No one touches your cute tush but me."

Thankful for the darkness of the club hiding his blush, he nodded, "Of course, mistress."

"Can I get a strip dance later?" she asked.

Smiling, he shook his head, "No, I'm not a dancer."

"You could be."

"Maybe in private," he said, "But I think we need to do something after my shift. Celebrate your album together."

Tiffany's teeth glinted in the dull light. A terrifying visage that only made Felix feel safer, "Oh? Anything in mind?" she asked.

"I'll think of something," he said.


The lights and sounds of the Rouge Rug dulled Tiffany's senses as she watched her bandmates enjoy themselves. Conner and Connie seemed to have found a stripper to challenge themselves over, as per usual with the competitive siblings. Vicky, on the other hand, had taken this opportunity to get with as many girls as possible. Many of them played up the submissive act because of the vocalist's hyena nature. Even if her friend hated the stereotype, being around so many scantily clad women must have helped since Vicky kept looking on with a euphoric gaze.

Meanwhile, the shark sat in her chair and politely waved by any strippers that came her way. She didn't need that kind of company, not while her boyfriend served drinks all across the place. No, instead she just took a moment to relax and keep a close eye on Vicky so not a single drop of alcohol met her bandmate's lips.

"You seem lonely," a familiar voice whispered from behind. Soft and latex covered paws reached around her neck as someone leaned into her. Turning her head, her amber eyes grew wide at the grinning feline face behind her.

"Felix?" she said, "Shouldn't you be-"

The cat brought his finger to her mouth, "Shh," he whispered, "My shift ended a few minutes ago. I just wanted to slip into something more...comfy," the leopard said. Spinning her seat around, Tiffany met face to face with her boyfriend, except instead of his uniform, the pink leopard wore a pair of latex socks reaching up to his thighs, gloves nearing his shoulders, and a thin leather collar. Eyeing below, the shark noticed nothing covered the pretty boi's cage, leaving his ass bare for everyone to see.

Her blushed covered the shark's face, "Wow..." she muttered out, cock tenting in her jeans, "When did you get so bold?"

He responded with a kiss, pushing his tongue past her lips to wrestle with hers. One hand reached down to her breasts, sneaking under her bra and playing with each nipple in succession. The other glided slowly down her abdominal muscles and over the tent in her pants, playfully pulling her zipper down and reaching in to pull out her monster.

"When did you get so horny?" he whispered back, "Was it when you rescued me, or when I came to your rescue?"

"I think it's when you kissed me," she whispered, "You're normally not this forward or this brazen in public."

Pumping her shaft, the leopard giggled, "You're right. I think maybe my hero deserved a reward." He said, lowering down to his knees. She softly bit her lip as the cat boi's rough tongue brushed against her shaft.

"F-Felix," she stuttered, "We're in the open. I-isn't there a no-sex policy or something?" the shark asked, looking around to find that no one was watching them. She blinked, were strippers that distracting?

A finger brushed passed her balls, poking against her slit. She yelped, "Felix, I didn't ask-"

"But you want it there," he smiled, lathering that rough tongue down her hard shaft, "Not always, no you love your cock too much. But you've imagined me down there haven't you?" he whispered, cupping and massaging her balls with both hands, "Uncaging my cute cock to let me inside you, something you weren't ready at all with your ex."

He took her cock into his maw before she could give a straight answer. The shark never had the pleasure of Felix's throat wrapped around her cock, always worried it would have been asking too much even if he'd already given her a handjob and his ass. Fingers dug into her chair as she held back her moans, her cock twitching in that moist cave the leopard called a mouth as he bobbed deeper and deeper down her shaft. That rough cat tongue didn't deter her desire. No, it only pushed it further. Part of her wanted to let go of the chair and hold her poor kitten's head so she could fuck his maw.

But that's a fantasy. She wanted Felix to like what they did, and not just scare him off by being too forward.

His hands grabbed hers, pulling them from the armrests and clamping them down against his dyed headfur. A single twinkle in his eye made her heart skip. She knew that if he could, Felix would be smiling her to urge her on. Exposing her teeth with her smile, Tiffany pulled the leopard's mouth down to the base of her cock. His little chokes and gags both worrying her and making her pulsate harder as he signaled he was fine.

Using his throat like a personal sleeve, Tiffany bit her lips as she reached her edge. She came before she could warn him, spilling her seed straight into his gut and pulling out only to splatter him. She expected disgust as he wiped the semen from his hair, some revulsion to tell her she went too far. Instead, Felix rolled his finger in it and lapped it up, "Delicious."

A finger tap from behind made Tiffany blink, "Tiff, you awake?"

The shark shuddered in her chair. Blinking, she looked around to find that while the strip club still had dancers and tedious music, her bandmates had vanished. Turning around, she saw her boyfriend dressed not in his uniform, but his baggy street clothes.

"F-Felix?" she stuttered, looking to where she thought her boyfriend was only to see an empty space and her tenting erection. Blushing, she covered her crotch with her hands, "D-Did I fall asleep?"

He nodded, "Yeah, you're friends told me that the rest of the night should be how each of them wanted to celebrate, so they left you..." he explained, blushing before adding, "for me. So..." the leopard put his fingers together while trying to find the words, "Since it's dark out and you have no ride, maybe you'd like to spend the evening at my place."

Seeing him blush only made her want to pounce on the cute effeminate leopard, "I'd love to," she said, stepping up and giving him a soft kiss, "Honey."

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