A Deal Between Foxes

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#10 of A Lucky Doberman

Eleventh story... Been just a tad busy lately with stuff. This story has non-consensual sex (rape)(well not rape but sort of rape)(mild implied rape that isn't rape by the end?) between an adult character, an underage character, and a farm animal. Don't like it, don't read it. Gets a bit serious and doesn't really make sense but whatever. Also if you've been all like 'Why are some of these stories in the same folder when they seemingly have nothing to do with each other?' I'm getting there. It all makes sense later on... sort of... hopefully. Anyway... yes.

I woke up with the same clack as before, this time a grey wolf cub was giving me water. I shifted my eyes open and glared at him. With empty eyes he looked back at me and stood up. A medical bracelet fell from the inside of his blue long sleeve shirt. Taking notice of it caused him to shift it back inside his sleeve. He didn't look sick or hurt. After inspecting him up and down from behind the bars of the cage I looked up confused.

"I've had it for a while. I keep it to remind myself." With a tone that serious I began to wonder what it was he was trying to remember. I thought about it and decided not to ask, it was probably stupid anyway. He lowered himself down a bit and crouched in front of the cage.

"My name is Danny, What's yours?" Usually when I glare at people I can see into them, their discomfort and fear, but this boy had nothing. As if his eyes were merely translucent glass orbs my stare passed through them without ever hitting the remnants of a soul. I looked down from him for the first time unable to look at someone. Raising my head back up I approached his gaze with a normal face.

"Damon." Slowly he closed his eyes and rose back up above the cage.

"No matter what happens you should do as you're told," Turning around he began to head for the stairs, "and if they put a bracelet on you don't ever try to run." As he walked up the steps I looked at his wrists. What bracelet? Desperately looking a glare flashed from his right ankle as his pant leg curled up, a bulky metal bracelet was attached. With a slam he closed the door and I began to look around. There must be a way out of here. I couldn't see much from where I was. Next to me was a large red box that blocked my view. Outwards I could see back into the basement until the cement floor and dark ceiling met and concealed the rest of it in darkness. The only thing left was the stairs in front of me that climbed up to the only visible exit.

"AAAhh! Fuck this place!" I shook the bars of my cage as hard as I could. Reaching back I pressed my back against the wall and tried to kick the front of the cage. Everytime I did so the collar on my neck pulled with it. After a few times I became tired and really noticed how thirsty I was. There was no way I was going to drink that fat boar's water. I sat there and tried to think of what I could do. I pulled on the front bars which gave way a little bit. Soon my muscles tired and I pulled my head down to the cage. I heard a little clink like metal settling on metal. Looking over I inspected the top hinge of the cage. That fat fucking boar must have broken his stupid cage while he was plowing that coon boy. I tried to fiddle with it but couldn't lift it up with my bare paws since it was on the outside of the cage. I looked up to see some things on top of the box. My short arms couldn't reach anything though.

"Damnit!" Smacking my cage I looked down. Underneath the box was a slight gleaming reflection of metal. I tried to bend my arm as best as I could and reached one finger onto the tip of the piece. Shuffling it out I slid a small parring knife from under the box. Smiling I spun it around and tried to pick it up with the two fingers I could get through the bars. After a few tries I got it up and slipped it through the bars and into my paws. Carefully I looked at the loose hinge. I slid the blade outside the front bars holding on with two fingers. Lining up the blade with the closest screw I tried to swipe the screw out. After a few tries it slipped out and I almost shouted in celebration. Looking down at the lower hinge it was a little more secure. Flicking at the screw wasn't going to work so I tried to line up the blade with the screw head. Clicking into place I tried to turn it and it gave way a little bit. I decided to keep trying until I could get it as loose as the other one.

A good amount of time passed before I got the screw loose. Between dropping the knife and my fingers cramping I had nearly given up but now I had both hinges unscrewed on one side. I pushed on the cage door and it gave way a little bit on the side of the hinges but the lock on the other side held it strong. Damnit! All that and it still held together. I slinked back as far as I could and launched my shoulder at the door. Slamming into the metal my eyes watered as the heat of pain climbed my shoulder. I laid back against the walls and began to push on the cage door like earlier. This time I focused all my strength onto the left side of the cage with the broken hinges. Pushing on it the metal began to creek and the door bent slightly. Panting I tried again and again until the door was cracked open. I caught my breath and reached over and tried to slip out of the cage. First my paw slipped out then my whole arm. I pressed my shoulder through and then turned and pushed back hard. My knee came up and I got part of my leg through. I felt like I was being crushed but I was halfway out. With a grunt I pushed through as hard as I could and slipped free. Blood ran down my back and my arms from the cuts of the crushing cage.

Trying to stand I was soon reminded of the collar as it pulled me back to the cage. It was locked to the door and I couldn't get it free. I reached down and slipped the knife into my paw. Stretching my neck back I tried to pull the collar out a bit and pushed the knife up. Moving it up and down as fast as I could I began to cut it. Footsteps sounded above me and I started to panic. Moving faster I pulled on the collar, I could feel I was almost through it. Talking and another pair of footsteps. Damnit! Faster, faster and free I ran back towards the darkness behind the stairs. The door opened and light shone down into the room. I felt around the part of the wall that separated the stairs from the rest of the basement. I grabbed onto something long and hard and picked it up.

" - so I called you as soon as he came in. Always said you wanted a feisty one well I got..." I saw the fat boar's shadow stop about halfway down the stairs. The light glistening on the broken cage and drops of blood. "What the FUCK!?" Clunking down the steps he came as I decided to end this. Bursting from the shadows I ran at that stupid boar and swung what I was holding at the back of his left knee. "AAAAH!" I pulled the metal pole back, a rubber penis bouncing at the other end, "AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SCREAMING!!" I connected the pole with the side of his head as hard as I could. The fat lump of a pig rested on the ground and I heard steps retreating up the stairs slowly. I turned around and looked up the stairs to see a very well dressed fox standing in the doorway. I glared up at him holding the pole as blood dripped down my chest off of my naked body.

"Well aren't we lively?" He said calmly, "Why don't you come up here so we can talk?" His hands rested in his pant pockets. I glared back up at him as hard as I could and gripped the pole in my paws.

"I know you don't trust me. Well I'll be in the living room up here when you want to talk." With that he retreated into the light beyond the stairs. I looked down at the pig and poked him with the stick. He didn't move. I couldn't stay down here but I didn't want to go up there either. I went back over to the cage and picked up the knife. I put the pole down and went over to the boar. I reached into his pants and got the keys from him and quickly jumped back afraid he might get up. That stupid fox was upstairs but I had a knife and the keys to everything here. I proceeded slowly to the stairs. The clumsy coon and that scary wolf both stood at the top of the stairs.

"Is he gone?" I asked hoping that the adult had given up. The coon lifted his head.

"He's in the living room right now. . . What happened?" Looking back at the boar I paused for a minute.

"He screamed."

Climbing up the stairs I came into a nice house. It was fairly large and well decorated. The two cubs stood in the doorway watching me as I inspected the house. That jerk lived here, that's so unfair! I made my way down a small hallway into the front entrance. A huge glass thing above me and the second floor in sight.

"You act like you've never seen a chandelier before little one." I snapped my head back to the right, past the stairs to the second floor, and into a large room. I walked in onto the red carpet and glared at the fox before me gripping the knife in my hands. He sat there with a delicate smile lounging on a dark green chair.

"Now now, I have a proposition for you. Will you listen?" I straightened my back and continued to stare at him his eyes taking me in without a sign of doubt.

"Good," Slowly he raised his leg onto the other and clasped his paws together. "You see I told that boar a while ago that if he were to get a fox that he should not harm or train that fox at all but keep him in good condition to be sold to me." I curled up my lips and began to growl. "My son you see demands a lot of attention and I wanted to get him a playmate that would permanently reside at the house. It would be better for my son if that fox had a lot of spirit and wouldn't be broken entirely by the prospect of being a plaything, so I asked that it be a feisty fox with a lot of spirit but that listened. I see the spirit but will you listen?"

"Why do you think that I'll go with you at all?!" I screamed pointing the knife at him.

"Originally I hadn't even dreamed of you having that option, either to listen and enjoy life with my son or stay here and be raped by that boar, but it seems that you have given yourself the choice to do neither." I turned to leave the room and saw both Danny and the coon in the doorway. "I'm rich you know," my ear twitched slightly, "as long as you listen and entertain my son you can have whatever you want." I reached the keys out to Danny who took them into his paws. I looked down at his ankle and then at the coon boys ankle. Danny stared back at me with the same empty eyes.

"That won't work." I turned around to the fox who was still sitting as comfortably as ever in his chair. "The pig was explaining it to me earlier, it needs a key and a code to come off. I thought about getting one for you so the boar showed me how the one on the coon worked."

"Does that mean you can get them off?" He smiled and I stared back.

"I can get the coon's off yes." I looked down and looked back up at him smiling.

"I can have whatever I want, whenever I want?" Putting his legs down he pulled up to the edge of his seat.

"Of course, whatever you want." We smiled together and I pointed at the raccoon.

"I want him, you'll have to take him so I can have my own playmate as well." Standing up he clapped his hands together.

"It's a deal then?" He reached out one paw to me and I walked over and shook it never once breaking eye contact with the wealthy fox. "Good now let's get everything set up and leave before that boar wakes up, shall we?"

After getting cleaned up and dressed we left Danny with the Boar that we dragged upstairs. The fox said that if the boar woke up and Danny wasn't there then he could activate the bracelet which would be very bad for the wolf. The fox's name is Mr. Bailey Peregrine and he told me and the coon a lot as we drove in his car. He told us about his son, Duke, and some about the goings on of the household. Mr. Peregrine also told us that we were not yet fit for his house and we spent the rest of the day a city away from where we were this morning shopping for clothes and shoes and getting groomed. After hours of shopping and dressing we went back to driving. I had a dark green sweater vest on and a green tie, with black pants and new black shoes with green laces. The coon was in a light blue button up shirt and black dress pants. Sitting the whole ride with his hands folded he never lifted his head even as we entered the driveway of Mr. Peregrine's mansion.

Crystal clear moonlight engulfed everything in sight. Resting gently over the gardens and glistening in the water of the fountain the moon lit up the entire way to the mansion. Gently cruising into a large garage Mr. Peregrine parked, in what seemed like a collector's edition box for a special toy. He walked out to the side of the car and opened my door. I leapt out of the car and ran out near the fountain. There were statues and flowers and pathways and far to much to take in all at once. I spun around my head flailing about trying to catch everything as if it would all go away in the next instant.

"Well it seems that someone is excited." I spun around to see Mr. Peregrine with his paw on the coon boy's shoulder. I smiled as he clicked the remote control that closed the garage door. "It is late however and I need to talk to both of you before bed." I nodded my head and we headed to the front door.

As silent as the night the doors shifted open to a darkened room with a huge statue in the near middle of it, atop a pool of water.

"You will quickly note that I like to collect pieces of artwork. You are not to move or touch anything unless instructed to do so, understood?"

"Yes, sir." The coon replied almost instantly. I ignored him completely and stepped inside to look around. Paintings on the walls, carvings all around. I barely even noticed the large bear that entered the room from the west entrance.

"You are home a bit late sir, sorry for my tardiness." With a gentle bow the towering bear greeted the fox.

"More than alright, sorry about that Delwyn. We had some unexpected events occur. Would you be so kind as to take this young man to a guest room and have it prepared to his liking?" Mr. Peregrine gestured to the young coon.

"Why of course sir. Will that be all?"

"Yes for tonight, thank you. Now you follow Delwyn and do as he says. " Mr. Peregrine smiled down at the coon and rubbed his head fur. Then he sent him off with Delwyn and looked over at me.

"You come here." I looked back at him and then returned to inspecting the area. "Damon you will listen to me or go back to that boar!" I stopped and turned around. Quickly changing my face back into an angry glare.

"I did not do what I did for charity, I did it so I could have you for my son. However you seem to lack listening skills and need to learn some obedience." I snarled a bit at him and growled. "That is it! You do not behave that way when addressing me! I have done a great deal for you, you should be grateful! Now apologize!" I closed my muzzle and looked up at him.

"No." Mr. Peregrine clenched his fists and lowered his head.

"DELWYN!!!" Shouting with a voice that felt like it burrowed through walls, the fox screamed for his butler. Distant footsteps got closer and faster and almost in an instant Delwyn appeared from the north entrance, sweat beading on his brow.

"What is it sir? Is everything alright?" Mr. Peregrine lifted his head.

"This one is acting like an animal so take him out to the barns to be treated like one." I looked at the bear as he took a breath and then walked towards me. I ran to the east entrance and retreated down the dark hallway. The bear entered the hallway quickly after and shouted down it.

"Stop right now or I will be forced to catch you and that will upset me greatly!" Ignoring him I turned the corner and looked down another hallway. I tried a door to the left but it was locked. I looked at the window and then watched as a vase on a desk under the window began to shake.

"Raaaaaaaaahhh!" Stomping carried over the growl and my eyes went wide. Shit shit shit! I ran down the hallway as fast as I could and looked back. The bear turned the corner stopping himself by slamming his hand into the wall. How could a creature that massive move that fast!? With a leap Delwyn carried back into his sprint down the hall quickly catching up to me. I yelped and closed my eyes running as fast as I could forward.

On my back my stomach hurt a lot. I looked up to see Delwyn standing over me, little drops of sweat dripping off his face onto mine. I looked at the end table that I had run into and tried to pull myself under it through my ringing head.

"Come now little one, give it up." He bent down and picked me up. Being to tired to fight back I laid across his shoulder as we walked down the hallway. I put my paws to my head and tried to think. Crap. What was I going to do? I could try to hit him and run but between the events this morning and hitting that table I didn't see myself getting very far. Maybe if my head would stop ringing I could focus on a plan. A gentle breeze awoke me from my thoughts as we exited the mansion. I looked around to see another garden. The cool air felt good but it didn't help me much right now. Soon the garden turned into a path with a fence on the right side. I've gotta try before it gets to late. I began flailing and bashing at the bear.

"Let.. me...go!" I said through my panting. With a slam we walked through barn doors and all I could smell was farm animals. As Delwyn turned I saw a horse and then was thrown back into a bail of hay. I jumped up and ran up to the front of the box stall I was thrown into. I looked up at the bear and glared at him baring my teeth.

"I'm done with you, Stefan can deal with you for tonight." I jumped up at him and barked, "Let me go!" He turned and walked out of the barn. The muffled sounds of a conversation began and I looked around. There was hay in the corner and the rest were all walls that were to tall for me to climb. I walked over to the hay and tried to stand on it, it gave me a little height but not enough. I tried to jump up to the ledge and grabbed on. Pulling myself up I was greeted by a horse who sniffed me.

"Go away you stupid animal!" I pushed it's nose away and it whined and pushed me back with it's nose. I fell with a squished thud onto the hay. "AaAARRGH!"

"You shouldn't have hit his nose." I looked up in surprise at a bear in a brown shirt and overalls. " Mr. Peregrine was right you need some manners." The dark brown bear snorted and spit at the ground as he finished his sentence. Gross.

"I think you should take off those fancy clothes for tonight and apologize to Francis here." I raised my cheeks in surprise and stared at him in bewilderment. He just stood there with one lip to the side of his mouth staring back at me.

"I am not apologizing to the horse..." He sighed and pulled on his suspenders a bit.

"Oh you will." The bear then opened up the gate and I saw my chance and darted out. His foot connected with my stomach as I was sent flying back into the stall. I gasped for air and coughed a bit until he flipped me over and planted my face into the hay. He pulled my paws behind my back and tied them together. Then he flipped me over and unbuttoned my pants. I sat up and he put a paw on my chest and slammed me back down, hay now spilling onto my face.

"Stay down boy or I'll have to make you stay down." I sat up again just as quickly preparing my teeth to bite. My lips soon curled back over my teeth as a paw was slammed into my stomach. I coughed a bit and laid back down this time unable to get up. He took off my pants and underwear and left the stall. He quickly returned with a metal pole with two cuffs at either end. He locked in one of my feet and then spread my legs open to move the other foot into place. With both my legs locked in and spread I couldn't do anything as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He then opened up the stall and walked out and walked into the stupid horse's stall that knocked me over. He picked me up again and spun me around so I was face to face with the horse.

"Now apologize to Francis or else." I glared at the horse who was sniffing me again.

"I'm sorry... that you knocked me over you stupid horse." My feet were crushed as I was dropped onto the ground. My head soon followed, slamming into the ground below the horse.

"Fine don't apologize, I don't care. Means I get to treat you like an animal. If you don't want to apologize with words you can still use your mouth." He then dragged me out from under the horse by the bar attached to my feet and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder again and gestured to the horse to follow. We walked down the barn and soon he stopped and put me stomach down on a weird bench. Then he gestured to the horse who climbed up onto the bench and put his hooves back behind me. I was then pushed farther under the horse and the bear began to play with the horse's sheath. Soon the horse was erect and he was huge. I had never, EVER seen one that big. Before I knew it the thing was right in my face.

"Suck on it." I glared back at the bear who was holding the horse's cock in place. I stared in confusion and the bear let go of the penis and walked behind me. I heard a snort again and he spit on my ass. Gross! Then a finger was quickly dug into my ass.

"Suck." I waited to see what he would do. With a delighted moan I accepted another finger that was quickly jammed inside me.

"Do you like this?" The bear pulled his fingers out of my ass and lifted up my butt to see my erect member. "Damn the boss picks good..."

"Suck on him and I'll fuck ya' boy. Do you want that?" I bit my lip and slipped the huge horse cock into my mouth. If I was going to be here I was going to have fun. With a chuckle the bear unbuckled his suspenders and started to finger me. Quickly he had two in me and was pushing them in and out slowly. I moaned through the cock in my mouth, he was going to slow.

"Wow boy. Okay fine." Soon two more fingers entered me and started to pull in and out. I moaned in delight and started to blow the horse quicker. I heard more spitting as the bear behind me started to go faster. Apparently jacking off while having four fingers plowing inside me. Wiggling and groping the inside of my ass that bear's hand felt like magic. I didn't even notice as the horse above me whinnied. With a sudden pulse my mouth was flooded with something. I pulled off spitting a mouthful of white shlop onto the bench as successive shots of it coated my face and head fur. The horse got down licked my face once then stood there sniffing me again.

"Ah he forgave you, now see if you had just said it in the first place." I closed my eyes to keep the stuff out of them and growled.

"And for helpin' Francis I'll help you." The bear pulled out of my ass and reached a hand up to my head. He rubbed my head fur and reached down underneath my face. I opened my eyes and looked down as he scooped some of the white stuff into his paw. Then he went back behind me and poured some on my ass. Then he slipped four fingers back inside me. "Oooooh."

"Get ready." With a push he closed his paw into a fist and tried to get the whole thing into me! There was no way that that would fit! "Urrrgghh!" With a plop it snuck right in and he began to wiggle his fingers around. "Ooooooh Oohhh Oooooh..."

"Feel good boy? Wait till I find it." I heard slapping as he pawed off and continued to burrow into my ass. "Ooooh" His fingers kept moving around groping my insides. "Oh yes." Then he pushed a finger against something. "AH!"

"That's it alright." With that he began to rub and grope at that one spot. "Oh My God!" I was in heaven. He kept pulling back and ramming closer in and all the while paying absolute attention to that spot. My cock pulsed like mad, it felt like he was pawing me off from the inside out. "YEAH! FASTER!" He moved in more, the sound of him slapping his cock getting more and more furious. Pressing and rubbing that spot he never let up. Building pressure in my cock was driving me mad. I began to grind my hips into the bench out of complete instinct just needing to finish. His hand starting spasing as he moved his fingers as fast as they would go. "OH MY GOOO-UUUUUNNNNGGGHH!!!" I shook violently as my head clouded from the ecstasy of it all, my cock twitching beneath me. He continued to move his fingers inside me causing my ass to clench down on his wrist. "Yeah!" The slapping stopped and I felt a warm feeling dripping down the back of my leg. I could hear him panting behind me as he began to pull out of my ass. "OWW!" He put the other paw on my butt and pulled his fist out slowly, my ass never wanting to let go. Finally he got it out and slapped my ass.

"See boy if you listen here good stuff'll happen to ya'." I panted laying there my ass on fire.

"You'll wanna learn that before ya' meet the boy here."