The Lioness Pendant

Story by Kutamo on SoFurry

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#5 of May 2020 Commissions

An Archeologist finds an interesting find in a dig site. It's so fascinating he can't help but hide it, clean it and even dream about it.

This is the last commission from May, a 12 pager for sgata. This one took awhile, lots of crap happening IRL, but it's finally here.

"If only the roof had been more structurally sound some of these pots might have made it." A young man was on his knees, carefully pulling out pottery pieces from a digsite and cautiously setting them on a blanket in a basket. He was a part of an archeology team currently out in Africa, several miles away from any city or town. They had been called out here to dig up the remains of an old village.

So far they had uncovered several huts and a crumbled silo. At first it was two or three people to a building, carefully digging away earth to reveal the buried history. As more buildings and spots of interest were found it turned into one or two people per place of interest. Shu was no rookie. It was no surprise when the lead archeologist allowed him to work on this large hut on his own.

The collapsed home had a large tent over it, saving the young man from the harsh rays of the sun and saving him the trouble of having to move whatever he found into cover in case of rain. Shu was kneeling down on a folded blanket, pulling pieces of pottery from the earth. Each piece had an intricate design, but in their broken state he could only guess at what the overall design or image was. Pottery was always an amazing find in Shu's mind, usually conveying stories, people or events of the time.

The most ideal would have been actual written words. Unless they wrote on stone tablets it would not survive the years, paper crumbled away and fabrics would fade and lose their color. Though it would take a lot of time and patience to piece pottery back together, it would be worth it to see it back together.


Shu's hands stopped moving for a moment, his eyes catching sight of the tent light glinting off something in the dirt. He leaned forward, focusing his gaze to the bit of metal poking from the dirt in the center of the pottery remains. Excitement gets the better of him for a moment, his hands going right for it then stopping before making contact. Tools.

Shu needed to use his tools, not dig or pull objects from the earth by his bare hands. He began to unearth the metal, quickly finding that it was a metal chain, small metal links connecting together. Was this jewelry, perhaps a necklace or bracelet? The young man kept working away, revealing more and more of the chain, too big to be a bracelet. Occasionally he would have to stop to pull away the occasional pottery piece.

"Oh wow."

Finally he was able to grab the chain and lift it up, a pendant with a green oval shaped jewel. Upon further inspection he could see the shape of an animal's head engraved in the Jewel, which was most likely an emerald given its color, the animal looking feline in design. Shu couldn't decide if it was a female lion, given it had no mane, a jaguar or perhaps a cheetah. Given the location of where he was working, he was leaning towards a lion.

Why would they make a pendant with a female lion's head engraved into it? Male lions were generally the ones drawn when it came to older civilizations and cultures. A male lion was easy to distinguish given their big mane of fur.

"Hey, Shu!"

Shu jumped, quickly tucking the pendant away between his legs. "I-I, uh, Hey, Jason!"

Jason, one of Shu's colleagues entered the tent and looked down to Shu. "Find anything good today?"

Shu nodded his head, calming his nerves from the brief scare. "Yes, I've been gathering the pieces of some pottery. They have a design on them, but I can't make out what it is supposed to be." He motioned to his blanket lined woven basket and the many pieces of pottery, large and small, collected inside of it. "You're good at piecing these kinds of things back together, right? Would you mind working on it? I believe I've gotten most, if not all, of the pieces together."

Jason stepped closer, bending down to grab the basket and peer into it as he stood back up. "Ooh, yes! This is my favorite part if I'm being honest. All my years of putting puzzles together with my grandma were a good warm up for this kind of thing." He gave Shu a big smile. "I could definitely use a break with this. I'll let ya know when I have some of it together!"

"Thank you!" Shu called after his colleague, who was already exiting the tent. He waited a bit before pulling the hidden pendant from his lap, holding it up in front of him. The sudden urge to hide it when Jason had entered the tent was unlike him. He was simply not ready to show it off yet. Shu wanted to clean it up proper, making it look as new as possible before blowing everyone's mind with his find. That must have been what it was.

The pendant was stared at for another minute or so before being placed into a small cloth bag, string sewn into the fabric being used to tie up the opening. Every find had to be carefully taken care of, especially one so interesting. Once secured in the bag shu put it into his shirt pocket before returning to work. There was still another hour before he was going to call it a day.

Returning to work didn't come easy to Shu. His mind kept wandering back to the pendant. He found himself working slower, his hands pausing if he didn't focus enough. Why was it distracting him so much? It got to the point that he ended up calling it a day earlier than usual, not even putting his tools away before leaving the big tent, only remembering to turn off the light.

Shu was more content once he was in his personal tent, his temporary home for the next month or two, sitting down on his bed and the pendant in his hands. He stared at the pendant for a few minutes before remembering why he had gotten it out, grabbing a cloth and some fine tuned tools for cleaning precious objects. It wasn't long before the necklace was looking rather good, all the dirt and grime having been wiped away.

It hadn't needed much work surprisingly, the metal not having corroded at all, and not appearing to have any scratches or major flaws. The pottery must have protected it, or perhaps the necklace was made from durable materials. It didn't matter much to Shu, those thoughts were fleeting as he examined it over. The necklace and it's pendant were gorgeous, especially now that he had cleaned it up, having wiped and scraped away dirt and rock.

When Shu stared at the encrusted gem, he couldn't help but stare at it, taking in every detail. He found himself thinking and staring at the engraved lioness. Why a lioness? It seemed so odd.

"Shu" A feminine voice called out to him.

His head finally lifted up away from the pendant to look to his tent entrance. He had expected his boss to be standing outside, given how the voice sounded kind of muffled and far away. What he saw instead of a peaceful foggy meadow. A quick look around revealed that he was standing in a field of grass, a large pond wasn't too far away, no trees in sight.

Shu looked around, becoming rather confused and concerned. He had just been sitting in bed at night, and now he was standing out in a foggy meadow, sun light shining onto him from a distant rising sun.

"Come here, Shu." The voice spoke again.

The man looked around, not seeing anyone in the fog. "Hello? Who's there?"

There was no response at first, Shu looking around and clutching the necklace in his hand. As if it wasn't odd he was suddenly in a different location, why did the new location have to be a peaceful yet creepy meadow with an ominous voice calling out to him.

"Follow my voice."

Shu kept still a moment, debating on what he should do. His feet had started moving towards the source of the voice before he had completely decided, as if they had chosen for him. His steps were fairly quiet, the soft crunch of grass beneath his feet, the occasional flower being passed. The air was cool and smelled nice of morning dew and subtle floral scents. It would have been a nice place to visit under better circumstances.

"I can feel you getting nearer."

Hearing that didn't make him feel at ease. "Who are you?" Shu paused, glancing around as he continued walking.

"You've been looking at me all day." There was a brief moment of silence then the voice continued. "I'm Uzuri, a Goddess."

Shu's stride faltered for a second after hearing that. Had he dug up fumes, or come in contact with something that was making him see and hear things? Maybe he had fallen asleep and hadn't realized it? "Right. Where am I?"

"You're in my...Little slice of paradise. It isn't usually like this. Please do excuse the mess."

The man glanced around. Was the 'mess' the fog polluting the air and restricting his vision? "Interesting place you've got, but why am I-" Shu trailed off, able to see a figure through the mist.

"Almost there." The voice chimed in, urging him forward.

Shu hesitated then continued forward, the figure and its odd shape taking proper form and making sense once he was only a few feet away. What he saw before him would only make sense if he was high, dreaming, or both. There was a throne, a large emerald throne in the middle of the meadow surrounded by flowers. The throne was big enough for a small giant, the seat coming up past his waist, and it didn't have emeralds encrusted into it, it was all gem. It was as if a big, humongous Emerald had been chiseled down into the intricate throne he saw before him.

That wasn't the most striking thing he saw, the throne was nothing in shock value compared to the tall Lioness sitting in the throne, a mix of human and animal. Her seat was perfectly sized for her. Without her standing, Shu had to guess that she was at least 8 feet tall, if not more. It was very evident that she was a she, not only because there was a big mane that was lacking, but because of the absolute units of breasts hanging from her chest. Did bra sizes even get that big? Would such a being even wear such a thing?

He would have to guess 'no', given how the Lioness was completely nude atop her throne. The fact of a humanoid Lioness sitting before was odd enough, but she was tall and very muscular, bodybuilder kind of muscle. Shu found himself staring, at a loss for words.

"Hello there, Shu. It's good to meet face to face. As I said, I'm Uzuri, Lioness Goddess, but you can call my mother." She gave him a kind smile, one leg crossed over the other to give her a bit of modesty downstairs.

"I..." Where was he supposed to even begin? Shu stood there, gawking at the giant muscled anthro lioness, sitting atop an emerald throne in the middle of a foggy meadow. "What's going on?"

The lioness kept smiling that kind smile. "I called you here. You found my pendant after all."

Shu looked down to his hands where the necklace and it's pendant were still being clutched. "This is yours? But..."

"I need your help. You're the only one that can help me." Her smile faded, looking somber. "I chose you to help me, Shu. I think you'd be a great daughter."

The man took a step back. "What are you talking about? I'm a guy." He took another step backwards and another, the lioness's figure and throne became blurred from the fog. "How would I even help you?"

The lioness didn't move, remaining still upon her throne. "Come here, Shu, and I'll tell you."

Shu had a bad feeling in his gut, though he didn't step any further away. There was something about her voice and the soft floral scents in the air that helped put him at ease, calmed down enough to slowly approach the throne once more. He stood closer than before, only about two feet away. "Okay, what is it?"

Her arm moved for the first time, coming off the armrest to pat her thick muscular thigh. "Come, sit."

Shu was unsure for a moment, his uneasiness fading as he contemplated complying. His body seemed to move on it's own, having come to a decision without him, finding himself sitting sideways across her lap, legs hanging off the Lioness's left thigh.

"There, that's better, isn't it?" Her kind smile returned, her hand moving to gently rub at the man's back. "Doesn't it feel better to be in Mother's lap?"

"I...Guess so." It was oddly calming, especially with the big paw rubbing along his back.

"You want to know how you can help me?" She paused a moment, continuing when Shu nodded. "All you have to do is put that necklace around your neck. You want to do that for me, don't you?"

Shu looked at the necklace in his hands, moreso at the pendant and it's green jewel. "I just have to wear it, that's it?" His gaze turned back to the muscular Lioness, unsure of how that would solve anything.

Uzuri nodded, "That's it. If you wear it, it will help me immensely."

The young man should have had more questions, more concerns. Such as, what help did this supposed goddess need, and how was putting on a necklace going to fix anything? Why was he chosen for this, just because he found it? Or even what the Lioness would gain from this, and where exactly he was, seeing as he hadn't gotten a real answer before.

Instead of even thinking of such questions, Shu simply lifted the necklace and lowered it back down onto his head, big enough to slip on with no issue. He had obeyed, the necklace now around his neck, its pendant hanging in the middle of his chest.

"So...That's it?"

The Lioness nodded her head. "That's all. You're going to help me so much. Thank you, Shu." Her arms wrapped around him, easily pulling him in for a hug, his head getting pulled against those large breasts and threatening to sink in between them. "Now I can reward you."

"A Reward?" Shu shifted around, head rubbing against that furry breast.

"That's right, a reward for my daughter. You made mother happy." Her hand returned to rubbing his back.

Shu was taken aback slightly, being referred to as the Lioness's daughter once more. Did she not see that he was clearly a man? The question didn't dwell in his mind for long. One of the hands on his back slid up to grasp the back of his head and shifted him over until he was face to face with the Lioness's big nipple.

"Are you hungry, little one? I'm sure you are." She held him firmly, the young man barely able to squirm as he was held almost like a child ready to be breastfed.

"I-What?" It sounded absurd, he knew that...And yet, he didn't pull away. In fact, he felt hungry.

"Go on, you want to grow up to be big and strong, don't you?" She cooed, one hand cradling his head while the other stroked his back and side.

Shu stared at the massive breast and it's equally large nipple, pausing for only a moment before latching onto it. The nipple filled his mouth quite a bit, being quite puffy and protruding. A few tentative sucks was all that was needed before milk began to flow into his mouth, warm, creamy and sweet.

"There you go, eat up." The lioness looked down at Shu with fondness in her eyes, her hand on the back of his head pulling in to keep his mouth firmly planted. She couldn't risk him pulling off before finishing his meal.

Shu had no intentions of pulling away. In fact, he suckled harder on that nipple. His eyes slowly closed, focusing in on the sweet nectar he was drinking up. A warmth was welling up inside him, a mixture of the lionesses body heat and Shu's impending changes. Even when those changes started, he'd be powerless to do anything about it.

"Such a good daughter you'll be." Uzuri whispered. Using her hand that was supporting Shu's back, she extended a claw and began to easily slice it through the human's clothing, starting with his shirt. It ran along his sleeves then down his back, the shredded fabric falling away and revealing the tan fur that was already sprouting up from Shu's skin.

The changing human did not react, getting lost in his own mind. The milk he so eagerly drank up was fueling these changes, his body growing furry all over, hair changing color in one quick wave to match the Lionesses fur. Shu was changing in body and mind, his thoughts getting just as foggy as the surrounding meadow. All he could think to do was to keep suckling away, hungry for more and more of that delicious milk.

Uzuri easily sliced away the rest of the human's clothing with her extended claw, the bits of fabric fading away until they were no more. Now she could watch the scrawny human change into a proper daughter of a goddess. It didn't take long for Shu to become completely covered in fur, the same color as her own. The lioness smiled, running a hand along his back and legs, fingertips trailing through the newly grown fur.

The only place that hadn't grown fur was the changing human's groin. A circle of bare skin was there, and any hair that had been there had gone away. The big feline didn't seem to worry about it, more focused on watching Shu's head shift. His mouth and nose pushed out to become a muzzle, nose turning dark and reshaping into a proper feline nose, then his ears began to stretch out and move. They slid up the sides of his head, his head no longer looking human. The final touches were the fangs and sharper teeth forming in his new muzzle.

"That's it, just keep drinking." She cooed, gently patting his head.

Shu had no intentions of stopping. Why would he when it tasted so good? He felt warm, safe, and protected. He didn't have a worry in the world, not even noticing his arms and legs swelling with new muscle. It didn't hurt, burn or cause any pain. His arms, chest and legs simply grew warmer as they got more muscular. Though even when they finished they were still no match for the muscular goddess he was feeding from.

"You are getting so strong...and big."

The changing man had gotten bigger muscles, but now he was just getting bigger. He grew taller, the lioness having to fold his legs up as his body got longer. His thighs became thicker, his ass cheeks gaining fat over it's layers of muscle to be bigger and plump. While his body grew in size, his nails became black and pointed, padding appearing on the palms of his hands and the undersides of hif feet.

A change that brought a smile to the goddess's face was the tail sprouting out from above Shu's newly plumpened ass. His tailbone stretched out, skin spanning out and stretching like rubber to cover the newly growing tail. Fur blossomed out of it as it wiggled, the new tail soon idly flicking about, a tuft of fur being the finishing touch to it.

"Just a few more changes and you'll be all grown up." The hand she had on his back moved over to cup the man's pecs, fondling them as they began to balloon out. No more were the well defined and muscled pecs. They swelled and became proper breasts, areolas becoming the size of quarters, darkening in color and becoming more pronounced.

"Such a big girl you're becoming, almost as big as your mother." She kept fondling those breasts, Shu squirming around slightly as they were toyed with. Once they were fully grown, being quite large, her hand slid down. It went down Shu's chest to his belly and to his groin where his flaccid shaft and balls lay, still barren of fur and sticking out prominently.

Shu wasn't hung by any means, but he wasn't below average either. Given his new, larger body, his package seemed small in comparison, especially when that big paw slid over it, easily encapsulating it in her palm.

"Just one last thing, and you'll be the perfect daughter." Uzuri cooed out, pressing her palm down.

Shu's groin quickly became very warm, almost hot as that palm pressed down onto his shaft and balls. The pressure grew and grew, the heat only getting hotter. The man grumbled and stirred, almost popping off of the nipple he fed upon.

"There we go." Her paw lifted away, relieving that pressure, but the warmth remained. Once her paw was lifted she could see the man's, or rather woman's, newly formed pussy, soft fur surrounding it. "Now you're my daughter, little Shu." Her paw went back down, a finger rubbing over that newly formed slit.

Shu gasped, popping off the nipple when a finger slipped into his new pussy. "O-Oh...Mother!" She let out a soft moan, no longer having a typical males voice. Shu now sounded like a proper female, higher pitched and a little hoarse, similar to uzuri's voice.

"Shh shh, lie back and enjoy it. You need to get properly acquainted with your new body." Uzuri slipped her finger in all the way before pulling it back, adding a second then slipping both back inside those warm moist folds.

"Mmmn....That feels good, Mother." Shu moaned, biting on her bottom lip. It wasn't like anything she had felt before, especially when the fingers inside her really picked up in speed. She writhed and groaned in the big lap of her Mother.

Uzuri had a devilish smile upon her face. Not of evil or ill will, but that of great enjoyment. "You like the new form I bestowed upon you?" She asked, her thumb pressing down onto that love button while her fingers wiggled around inside the wet pussy. "You'll see soon that you're almost the spitting image of myself. One of the greatest gifts I can give. You should feel honored."

Shu did not respond, eyes closing as her hands went to fondle her own breasts.

"Hmm...'Shu' Just won't work anymore for you. You'll need a new name..." Uzuri hummed in thought, fingers pumping in and out once more.

"O-Oooh, don't stop!" The smaller feline moaned, now pinching her nipples. She began to thrust upwards onto those fingers, her climax welling up inside her. The muscles in her legs and arms bulged out as she used her new found strength, raising her hips up and down and tweaking her nipples till they were red and puffy.

"How about..." The goddess slipped a third finger inside, shoving them all the way inside until her thumb bumped against that love button before pulling back out. The clit was teased with every thrust, the lioness easily pumping her hands back and forth at an increasing speed. It wasn't until the smaller feline seized up, letting out a roar as she came, that the goddess spoke once more. "Malkia?"

The once human but now big muscular feline was groaning through panted breaths, her cunt clamping down and milking those fingers that had ceased their movement inside of her. Slowly her hips lowered back down, the bulging muscles receding down a bit as she relaxed.

"Do you like that name? I think it suits you well, Malkia." Uzuri smiled down to the newly created disciple.

The smaller feline slowly nodded while trying to catch her breath, not having ever experienced an orgasm so strong before. "Y-Yes, Mother." She huffed out after some time to slow down her heart rate and breathing.

"Very good." Uzuri slipped her hand free of Malkia's pussy, giving it a few pats before setting her hand to it's armrest. "I need you to do something for me, Malkia."

"A-anything for you, Mother. Just tell me what to do."

The goddess smiled, a warm motherly smile. "Close your eyes."

Malkia nodded her head, closing her eyes without a second thought as she laid upon her mother's lap.

"Now....Wake up."

Shu jerked, eyes springing open. He was staring up at the ceiling of his tent, no big feline looming over him. "Mmph.." He grumbled as he sat up, feeling disoriented.

"Hey, Shu, I got some of that pottery put back together. You won't believe what the-" The tent flap opened, Jason walked in with a part of the pottery pieced together in a cloth lined basket. He froze after taking a single step inside, the flap swinging closed behind him. It was nearly noon and Shu hadn't come out to work or even have breakfast, which was really unlike him. Jason had expected to find Shu doing research or even sleeping in, as odd as that would be.

What Jason saw instead of a hulking anthro lioness, naked atop a bed too small for it, part of her calves hanging off the end, and sitting atop shredded up clothes. The lioness was so muscular, tall and... well endowed in the chest region. He stared in shock, his grip on the basket failing him as it fell to the ground. The restored pottery piece shook but remained alright, an image of a tall, muscular, anthro lioness sitting atop the throne was carved into its surface.

"Hello there, Jason. I would love to tell you all about my new Mother."

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