Unexpected Mates

Story by Nyxt on SoFurry

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Tony wasn't the kind of wolf that would normally hang around anyone, but this time he didn't have a choice. The government decided they couldn't let one of their best "employees" go out in public looking like a wreck. Being stuck in a wheelchair at the moment was bad enough, but having some cat cleaning and cutting his fur was pure torture to him. The official story was he got shot delivering top secret papers downtown.

"How did you get like this sir?"

'This damn cat is trying to talk to me again.' "It's on my chart, I got shot downtown" Tony sneered at him, he was in no mood to talk.

The cat kept working through Tony's white matted fur, cutting out as much of the blood soaked patches as he could without making him look ridiculous. Tony rolled his head back as he had no option but to endure this torture. 'I wish I got shot, could have taken care of that on my own' he though. The cat didn't have to be an expert to know only two of the wounds where gunshots, most of them where caused by some type of a blade and the little ones most likely from tree branches. Both of them knew the cover story sucked.

The slender black and white cat took a step back, he was definitely a tuxedo cat and kept in shape, trying to see what progress he was making. "Most of these don't look like gunshots."

"I fell, just leave it at that," Tony was almost growling. 'If he would just finish I could go home have me a drink and pass out'

"Yep, lots of mud and trees downtown," trying to point out the whole lie, "just about finished up here."

"About time," he wanted to leave, not even caring that this was the best he had looked in seven years.

A few minutes later a large Doberman strolls in with an air of importance, wearing his full dress browns military uniform. "Ready to go home White?"

"YES Sir! Get me the hell outa here."

The Doberman hands the cat a $50 for his services, and wheels the impatient arctic wolf out.

"They got you good this time kid"

"Lucky shot"

"Yep. You're not going to be able to move like you used to after this."

A look of horror passing over Tony's white face, 'They never say that until they are going to retire you. And there is no place for me in an office.'

"Don't worry they are going to take good care of you after this. Even going to give you a medal once you get out of this chair. Probably going to have to have Jamie clean you up again."

"They can shove that metal up their asses and tell that cat to keep his grubby paws off me"

"You never looked better White, even with those holes in you. And you better watch that muzzle at the ceremony."

"Yea whatever," waving his one good paw to show he really doesn't care.


With a heavy sigh Jamie gets out of his car and heads up the steps in a little apartment complex. 'I really don't want to deal with this jerk again, but I really need the money too.' A loud knock sounds on Tony's door as the halfway drunk wolf makes his way to answer it. To his disgust Jamie was standing there, thin white jacket over light pink collared shirt, clean pressed gray pants.

"Evening Mr. Wellings," trying his best to be friendly to the wolf, Jamie gave him a warm smile.

"Yea whatever. If it was up to me neither one of us would be here." Tony waved him in having no choice but to comply. His jeans halfway falling down from having lost weight the past 3 weeks, limping into the small kitchen follow by Jamie. "This good enough for you to work in?" waving his arm indicating the eat in kitchen.

"It will have to do." Setting out his grooming tools, having come planning on doing a full body care. "Any chance your going to tell me how you got these wounds this time?"

"Got shot," said bluntly as Tony takes a seat on a stool.

Jamie shaking his head at the lie again, as he starts trying to make Tony presentable. Starting at his head running a brush through his disheveled fur, trailing it with his claws trying to figure out how long this is going to take. Both of them remained silent till a misguided claw lightly scratched the back of Tony's neck. "mmpf"

"Sorry I didn't mean to" Tony blurted out quick, not wanting to upset the wolf.

"It's alright, didn't hurt, just caught me off guard"

Tony leaned his head to one side as Jamie thoroughly brushed his neck. A soft sigh escaping from wolf, not minding this treatment as much in his own home. The cat working his way down Tony's back with the brush, running his claws through the fur as much to make sure he did a great job as explore the toned body he was working on.

"Ok, back is done, time for the front"

"Alright, I'm gonna lean against the wall while you do that," shifting the stool over and turning in the seat. The wolf getting more comfortable and closing his eyes.

Jamie examined his chest before he began, noting how many wounds there where so he could carefully groom around them before everything else. His tender touch moving slowly around the wolf's chest as the bushed out the badly matted fur. His paws resting on the wolf's chest as he cleaned the last and worst cut, still bleeding slightly so he was taking extra caution. Tony was almost in a daze, never having expected to enjoy anyone touching him, especially a male cat. He couldn't hide his hard nipples from Jamie's exploring hands. He snapped out of the feeling Jamie's hands stop the shocked expression on the cat's face making him look down at his chest, seeing his hard nipple and blushing.

"I uh.. guess I'm err not used to this." Tony's stutter showing a timid personality that no one has seen in years. 'I can't be enjoying this... I'm not gay"

"It's ok Mr. Wellings, it happens all the time," 'well thats a lie if I ever told one, he is kinda cute when he stutters though'

"Just call me White, everyone else does"

Jamie continued with his brushing, trying not to make it obvious that he was giving more attention to Tony's chest, running his paws over those hard nipples. He was doing it for he own joy, but the wolf was starting to enjoy it more as his member started to stir in his pants. Shifting around on the stool trying to think of anything else but the cute cat grooming him. 'Cute? Did I really think of him as cute? what is wrong with me and why am I enjoying this?' Jamie's paws working lower to the snow white belly enticing a squirm from the ridge wolf.

'Yep, he is definitely cute when he isn't being a jerk,' As he worked through the poorly kept fur his arm accidentally brushing against the hardening member in Tony's pants. As much as he tried, the wolf just couldn't hold in the gasp. Jamie could make out the red flush on the poor wolf's muzzle under the white fur. Utterly embarrassed Tony slid his paws into his lap trying to hide the evident bulge.

Gently pushing his paws under Tony's larger paws the feline scritches at the jeans, exciting a soft murrr from the wolf. Leaning forward Jamie softly licking at his hard nipples, his rough tongue sending shivers down the wolf's spine. Carefully pushing his paws out of the way, Jamie works open the jeans, pushing his boxers out of the way to expose the red canine member, tenderly running his paw pads over its length. The wolf shivering on the stool as he lets himself get molested. 'Awwww how cute, he is nervous.'

"Wha... What are you doing?"

"Don't you like it?" Jamie teased, as he wraps a paw around the thick member.

"Well I err...AHH" getting cut off by the warm paw around his cock, his hips pushing up to get him within the warm fist. Jamie taking the open maw as a chance for a kiss, slipping his rough tongue over the helpless wolf's teeth. Tony trying to pull back, stuck between the wall and his aggressor, hesitating before shyly returning the kiss, lapping at the intruding tongue. Jamie breaking the kiss, leaving him murring softly, without a word the feline lowing his head giving the thick red member a long lick. Taking a moment to breath in his musk before sizing up the full length wrapping both paws around his shaft, leaving an inch poking out that he swirls his tongue around.

'Mmmmm a good 9 inches, this could be fun' Slowly inching his open maw down the member, sliding his paws down as he swallows more of it licking the underside of the shaft. The rough tongue encouraging whimpers of pleasure from the wolf. With his paws now free, Jamie quickly gets off his own pants and underwear, his member already growing. Purring softly around he head of Tony's cock, being rewarded with a loud gasps and two strong paws placed on his head. Jamie quickly getting off his coat and shirt, standing up naked pressing against his new friend their hot shafts rubbing together. A quick kiss then looking into the wolf's blue eyes, "Why don't we get more comfortable?"

The large whimpering wolf only able to nod his head, barely able to stand, loosing his pants in the process, leading the feline back into a small bedroom. Tony crawling onto the bed first, followed by Jamie. Jamie getting his first real shock of the night as the white wolf stays on all fours, raising his tail up submitting to the cat. Not having expected it he froze a moment, Tony looking back at him whimpering like a pup. Quickly getting behind the submissive male, rubbing his barbed member against his warm tail hole. "Sure you want this?" whispering into Tony's ear. A quick nod was all he needed before slowly pushing in, the wolf's virgin tail hole stretching slowly around him. Inching slowly in till he completely hilted inside, Tony whimpering the whole time, it seemed like minutes for him as he enjoyed the pleasure and pain. Waiting to feel the tight ring around his shaft relax before moving again, Jamie purrs softly as he pulls back. Slowly pumping in and out before Tony gets used to the feeling, his murrs getting deeper and louder as the cock in his tail hole picks up speed.

Ramming in and out Jamie grabs the larger males hips, pulling himself harder into him. Tony pushing himself back against the impaling rod in his tail hole, moaning hard as the barbs stimulate his insides. Caught up in his own pleasure, Jamie doesn't notice how close he brought is mate till too late, the wolf howling as he sprays his cum all over the bed covers. The convulsing tail hole around his shaft almost sending Jamie over the edge, driving himself harder into his tight new toy. The wolf squirming in pleasure and the heavy musk finally finishing him off as he rams deep into the hot confines of the wolf, biting him on the neck as he sprays his cum within. The two collapsing in he a panting pile still mated together.

Jamie was the first to move, feeling his member slip out, kissing his new lover. "You have got to be the best lay I've ever had."

"You are the best I've had too, Jamie," smiling week up at him.

"Don't say that just to be nice," sounding a bit annoyed.

"It's more embarrassing than that really, you.. you're the only"

"I kinda figured I was the first guy, but.." getting cut off.

"No I mean the only one I've done anything with," turning red under his fur, Jamie staring at him in disbelief.

To Be Continued.... maybe

This is my first story, but I want honest feedback even if its not all good. :)