Snake Lords of the Desert 19

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#19 of The Chronicles of Lore

Lore finally comes face to face with the Kgosi, but probably not how the elephant would have preferred.

Lorenus Adelin had been in the middle of experimenting with a new batch of slaves when the news finally came in. Kgosi Sithembile had been captured en route to the capital, and his guards had been dispersed. All witnesses to the attack had fled, and the ransom note had been commanded to be sealed until it was brought to Prince Dumisani.

All as the naga had planned.

The great serpent lay coiled about the base of the elephant's throne, leaning forward slightly to look over his shoulder as the note was unrolled before the court and the officers that had returned from the field. They looked at him with some fear, some trepidation, and no wonder. When they had left, there had been but one ruler on the throne that guided the city, and now, there were two. One that they did not trust, and one that was too engaged in his own pleasures to be trusted.

The naga had a good idea which they would prefer in the long run.

He leaned forward, hissing to himself as he read the short note. It was exactly as he had commanded Ah-Mosan to write before releasing him, the handwriting neat and tidy, likely done by the royal scribe. It asked for the prince of the Sizwe Empire to not only give the escaped criminal a pardon, but demanded a certain amount of money - exorbitant, of course - as well as a sizable portion of land on the edge of the empire. It was clearly the demands of someone that knew that they had kidnapped a person of great value.

Of course, it was also the note of someone that had been commanded to ask for something that the kingdom could not actually deliver. Before commanding this, Lorenus had asked for details on the empire's treasury, on the state of the lands that could be given over. This voided all of those, asking for more than was available. Even if he had been of a mind to command Dumisani to go along with it, he wouldn't have been able to do it.

The elephant continued to look at the paper, though it was no longer to read it. He was waiting for Lorenus to tell him what to do, the submissive prince waiting for his master's command.

"May I sssee the paper properly, my fellow prince?"

"Yes. Please."

Dumisani passed it over as if he was a man on the edge of grief, and Lorenus kept up the act as he read the paper. He knew that the world was judging him now, the soldiers and nobles alike looking at him and wondering how he would react, whether he would take this moment to seize power over the Sizwe, or if he would prove loyal.

Of course, there was no choice in the matter. He had but one course, and he would follow it right to the throne of power.

"The crocodile will not be given what he asssked for. He will, inssstead, be given the sssword."

The soldiers cheered, particularly those that had been at the battle with the Kgosi. Several thrust themselves forward to offer their blade and their spear for the fight, but Lorenus was already slithering forward. He pushed through their ranks, calling for the officers that he had already hypnotized, those that he knew were loyal to him rather than those that had yet to learn it.

"We ride within the hour," he called out. "Arm, mount, and be ready."

The new officers were quick to beg to come along, but Lorenus had already planned for that, as well. They were told to wait with Prince Dumisani, to be part of the back-up if things went wrong, and to protect the capital if the bandits managed to sneak around them. Much as they wished revenge, they understood their duty. They bowed their heads and went back to the walls of the capital city, taking their positions.

He watched them go with a slow, poisonous smile. The beginning of the end had come for the Sizwe royal line, and they didn't even know it.


Once they were out of sight of the city, Lorenus changed their riding arrangements. Rather than being coiled around a beast of burden, he allowed himself to perch upon his jackal once more. The pace slowed, coming to a walk rather than a canter, and he smiled as he coiled his tail around his jackal's cock, teasing it beneath the loincloth.

"Ssssuch a good day for a ssstroll."


"You ssstill haven't learned ssssilence."

"Sorry master."

"You will..."

They walked along, the urgency of the moment fading from the minds of the various soldiers around him. They went from steel-faced to smiling, and then to giddy as they started to strip off their armor, putting their weapons away and putting their clothes in their saddlebags. In short order, many of the men were naked, showing off their bodies for the amusement of the naga, with only some leather around their thighs to keep them from being injured as they rode along.

More than once, Lorenus reached out and pinched an ass, or reached down and groped a cock. The crocodiles, boar, and elephants alike all moaned for him, gasping and groaning as he teased them.

He smiled as he rode in the center of the military column, feeling it more a parade than a group on its way to battle. A parade of dicks, as a matter of fact, all of them poking up and standing proud around him. He would reach out with his tail, tap them, tease them, reminding them to stay hard with nothing more than a little stroke, a little squeeze.

After all, there was no hurry to get where they were going. Ah-Mosan had been told where to take the Kgosi, and it was nowhere near the point of where he had been kidnapped. Only Lorenus knew where that would be, and only Lorenus knew that it would be within mere miles of the capital city.

It was all part of the plan.


They arrived at the bandit camp that night, just as the moon was starting to glow over the world at large. Lorenus slithered down from his favored perch, joining the other crocodiles that loomed over the campfires and glared at the royal soldiers that had just come walking into their midst. The naga smiled at them, looking about until he saw his puppet. Ah-Mosan sat on a throne of rough wood at the far end of the camp, lounging about, while other crocodiles looked more suspicious of the zonked-out men that had just invaded their camp.

Lorenus smiled at them, bowing his head and flaring his hood in casual respect.

"I am merely a guessst, here to pick up a package from your leader."

"What do you want from Mosan?" one crocodile asked.

"Merely what he hasss collected for me."

"Hmmph. We just have a king, and he's here for ransom."

Lorenus chuckled.

"I will sssspeak with him, and we will come to termssss. In the meantime."

He reached out, and his jackal handed him a glass vial. The crocodiles tensed, but the speaker didn't flinch back when he offered it to them.

"What is this?" the bandit asked.

"Oh, merely a way for you to 'enjoy' your meal a bit more. Consider it a gift of the Sssnakelandssss."

"...A gift, eh? I've heard of your people...lots drugs..."

"Thissss issss but one of thosssse."

"Heh, well then..."

Knowing that the crocodile would be happily spreading that around - they were always a species for the debauched behavior, if they had half a chance - he slithered his way through the camp. Soon enough, it would erupt in an orgy, particularly with that much cukani spread through their evening meal. Whatever they were expecting, it wasn't going to be that.

The great Ah-Mosan sat on his throne, and the crocodile didn't react as he slithered closer. Lorenus smiled at him, bowing his head in greetings and respect, but barely got a nod in return.

It was only when he was close that he saw that the crocodile was trying to fight the hypnosis that he was under. The snake chuckled to himself.

"You _are_a sssstrong-willed one. It sssseemssss that I have underesssstimated you."

"Mmmph...I want the king...Gone..."

"Oh, but he issss not yourssss to kill, issss he?"

Ah-Mosan grumbled, his hand going to the sword at his side. As soon as he clenched his hand around the grip, however, he froze. The naga chuckled, shaking his head as he slithered that much closer, leaving them snout to snout.

"You didn't think I allowed you to essscape without making ssssure you wouldn't messsss up my plansssss, did you?"


"You were, and are...a tool. Nothing more."

The snake smiled, patting the crocodile on the cheek.

"And perhapssss, if you are a good tool will continue to ssserve rather than be a ssslave. Your men...will not have the ssssame choice."


"The Kgossssi, my friend?"

"Around...the back...behind...the throne..."

"Ssssuch a good crocodile..."

Lorenus closed his eyes, then opened them with a swirl of power and color. Their eyes connected, and he left behind suggestions, commands, and most of all, a reward. A beautiful, pleasurable reward.

As soon as he looked away, Ah-Mosan slumped back on his throne, cumming his brains out. His hips hunched, his clothes darkened, and his balls began the long, slow process of draining from hands-free orgasms.

The naga slithered into the hole in the ground just behind the great crocodile leader. It didn't take long for the ground to start thumping, the orgies up above starting, the various soldiers that he had brought from the capital thumping around, beating the earth as they started joining in with the festivities. He knew that they were going to have a great deal of fun tonight, and he...he was going to have a great deal of fun taking the Kgosi somewhere else.

After all, it would not be easy to break him in the middle of a bandit camp. He needed time, needed peace, and needed to make sure that there were no witnesses to what was going to happen. When one was overthrowing a kingdom, one wanted to make sure that there were no loose ends.

After a sufficiently long descent, he finally arrived in the prison pit. The Kgosi Sithembile, head of the great Sizwe Empire, the man that had conquered no fewer than five tribes and added them to his own, sat in a pair of iron shackles. His head was down, his trunk across his chest, his head against his knees. The great ears of the elephant were bowed and used as a blanket to push off the cold, and the monarch seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

Lorenus coiled himself into a little ball at the top of the pit, looking down at him. The prince of the Snakelands chuckled, and the king finally opened his eyes.

"Who's there?"

"A man that wissshesss your ear, Kgosssi."

The elephant groaned.

"I know that hiss. A snake."

"Yessss. And a ssssnake that wissshesss to help you, oh Sssithembile."

"Hmmph. Since when does one of your kind help anyone?"

"When there issss sssomething to be gained."

"What do you want, then?"

"Your time, and your ear."


"Of courssse, we have little time to ssspeak of thisss. I need an anssswer ssswiftly."

Mostly because he doubted that the orgy would be an easy thing to sell to the Kgosi if he saw it. It was one thing to bargain from a position of power, as he was doing now. It was quite another to bargain from a position of perversion. He doubted that he could pull off the latter quite so well as the former.

He slithered a bit closer to the edge, looking down at the elephant. The monarch had turned up to look at him.

"Do we have a deal, great Kgosssi?" he asked.

"...You get me out of here, and you have my time? How much time?"

"A week, and then we sssshall return to the capital in sssstyle."

"You have it, then."

"Wonderful. Here. Take my tail, and climb."

After all, they had a long way to go, and it would be best for them to be off without delay. He would just have to make sure that he zonked the king out - even slightly - before they reached the surface again. Otherwise, there would be far too many questions.

The End