Path to Chaos

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Drako's Chaos

Story (c) 2010 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Drako, Ariel, Demona, Fell, Chaos, Ray, Riley, Sarah, Ti, Bain, Talon, Marick, Toga, Sheba, Alastair © Drako Wolf

Path to Chaos

Alastair's Smile never seemed to fade away as he started to speak "As you know by now Drako-Lupus or the god of war set up Guardians in different lands. Then he set up the Council to lead the guardians and manage their powers and the lands they guard over. I was once on this Council and though of to be great since my power was the ability to Travel through dreams. Most would think that this is a useless power but you learn a lot from people's dreams and also I can help them learn what they need to do. Also the dream world does not flow in the river of time so I know what is to come most of the time."

The others didn't say anything as he continued "I was young back then and wanted more power so I tried to take over the world. I didn't do to well since I only was able to get a few followers. The war god himself was the one to stopped me and took me off the Council. Now the rest of them wanted my powers taken away. The war god did try but my powers are to great and I was able to keep them. So the war god put me into a prison until he could think of what should happen to me. It ended up that he said I had to do his bidding for two thousand years. If I did he would let me live a normal life then I would be allowed into heaven when finally die. I agreed mostly because I thought it would be a good way to find a weakness to the war god. Didn't take long before I found I liked helping people and here I am."

Luna frowned then said "What does this have to do with Drako and helping him?"

"I'm getting to that miss Luna." Said Alastair "Anyway now I know most of the demons from the underworld like Chaos. He is a Demon that loves power and was created by the leader of the underworld as a parasite of some kind. When Chaos is put into the soul of another he leaches off the life force of his host until he takes over and that body becomes his."

"If that is what he does why did Talon and Sheba life for so long without him taking over?" said Demona

"Easy they're not from this world they were taken here by the war god as an experiment so Chaos could never latch on fully to them like he can Drako." Said Alastair

"I'm lost here what are we going to do to save him?" said Fell as he showed his fangs growling a bit

"I think Razia can answer that more than I can." Said Alastair and as he said that the great dragon flew over them and landed right behind the small Feline

They all backed up a bit as the dragon brought her head down so she could see the rest of them easily. Then she said "Alastair it's been ages."

"Still big and beautiful as always I see Razia." Said Alastair with a smile

"Don't try flattering me it never works. Anyway I know what has happened and its time you know why." Said the great dragon

Fell got up and growled at the dragon and said "I'm sick of talking we need to find Drako before its to late."

"If you cool off and shut up I will tell you what to do little one." Said Razia "Drako is the only Power Wolf that has ever been able to copy the powers of others and keep them as his own. He is the most powerful wolf we have ever seen and that is why Chaos wants him. He has no real power of his own and he needs Drako's so he can be powerful."

"I think I understand that. Drako has been losing his power over the last few weeks and I think it was because of Chaos." Said Demona

"It could be but I don't know Demona. Also I don't know where Chaos went but I have a good idea. But before you can help you have to understand more about Drako and where he comes from. Drako's life before he met Arial was full of pain and loss all the way till the day he left. If you go there you will learn a great deal about the way that his people lived and why his name means so much. He was named Drako for more than just his great hunting and leadership. When you understand him better you will be able to find him and hopefully help him fight off Chaos's hold over him." Said Razia

"We know a lot about Drako he told me everything about himself." Said Demona

"Do you really know him Demona? Do you even know why he has been so upset since he left Drako's Peak?" asked Razia

"Well he is just home sick."

Razia laughed and said "Far from it Demona. Think about this if you can, He lost his memory when he met you and took a long hard trip to find his home land. Over that time his mate and children and pack all fought a hard fight without his help when they really needed it. Drako fell in love with you as they traveled and made good friends with Luna and her pack. Then he found Arial again and she dies then and there. He lost a second mate and on top of that he had been cheating on her without even knowing it. Then he takes you as his mate right after losing Arial. Also he comes to find out that his father who he hated for most his life for leaving had another child and it was Luna. His life has been so messed up the last few weeks. He is lost and has no idea what to do and that is why Chaos was able to take over like he did. So you don't know Drako as well as you thought you did do you."

Demona looked down and said "I guess not."

"So what you need to do is go to Greystone and find out more about him. When you do then you can help him." Said Alastair

"I don't think I can help him or anyone anymore. I'm not even a guardian anymore and I don't have my power anymore." Said Demona

Razia smiled and said "You never lost your power Demona you need to find it again. Now if you are all done talking I need Demona, Sarah, and Fell to come over here."

Ti for the first time moved forward and said "Why do you need them?"

"They are the ones who need to go find him." Said Alastair

"They are still pup's you're not going to take them away from us." Said Bain moving next to his mate

Razia got up and said "They are grown now Bain and Ti and they are different from the rest of you if you haven't noticed. They are the only ones who can find him and stop Chaos if they need to. The rest of you are too weak to do much."

Ray moved forward too then said "We are not weak we can help too. Drako is my father and I want to help. We all do." The rest of them all moved up too

Razia drew a circle in the ground with her claws then said "This is how it has to be. If you all go then things will go ill for the rest of you. Luna first of all you're going to have pups and your pack will need you just as much as you need them soon. Ray and Riley you two have to stay and keep the land's here safe but I can't tell you why yet. And Ti and Bain you two have other things to worry about and you know Sarah can handle this."

Sarah looked at her fathers and said "Please I know I can do this and I'll have Demona and Fell to help keep me safe." As she talked she walked into the circle

"Mom, Dad, I will find Grandpa and I'll make sure to stay safe please don't worry." Said Fell moving next to Sarah

They all looked sad as Demona didn't even say a word as she moved in the circle too. She took a moment to look at Luna before saying "Thanks for the talk Luna. I hope your pup's end up health and strong."

"Wait this isn't right Razia we can't send them by themselves..." Started Luna running forward but there was a loud bang and a flash of light and the three of them vanished

"They are on the path to find Chaos now and only they can do it." Said Razia

"Don't worry you all I'll be sure to help them along the way." Said Alastair

Razia's face turned to shock a second later then said "Oh no Alastair I wasn't expecting this."

Alastair's Smile faded as he said "What happened."

"They didn't' go to the right place."

"What do you mean where did you send my son." Yelled Riley with a growl

"Well it's not really a's a when. I sent them to Greystone but not in our time. It looks like The God of War has bigger plans for them all since he is the one who used me to send them off." Said Razia

They all stood there in silence not sure what to say or do next...

Demona was the first one to wake finding herself in the middle of a large field trees not far away and snow on the ground. She got up quickly and saw the pup's next to her sleeping deeply. She got up and looked around the moon bright and flooding the field with its light. She wasn't sure where they were or why it had suddenly become night.

She shook Fell and said "Get up."

He opened his eyes and looked up at her yawning then said "What happened?"

"I'm not sure and I'm not sure how long we have been asleep." Said Demona

Sarah opened her eyes too and got to her feet then said "When did it become winter I thought it was still summer."

"That was going to be my next question where are we?" said Demona

"Didn't she say were where going to be going to Greystone? Maybe its winter here?" said Fell

"No that isn't it Fell I think we were sent to another time." Said Sarah

"And how would you know that Sarah?" said Fell

"I'm not sure something is just telling me this is not the right time. Can' t you feel it Fell?"

"Now that you say it I think I do feel it." Said Fell

"Well where ever or whenever we are I think we need to get out of this field if this is Greystone then humans live nearby and they hunt wolves around here. I know that is how Drako Lost his old mate and pack." Said Demona

"Look what we have here a small pack of lost wolves." Said a deep voice from the shadows of the tree line

"Get behind me kids." Said Demona

They didn't move and Fell yelled "Who's there and why do you say we don't belong here."

Out of the tree line came a large Grizzly bear. He was twice Fell's size and drool dripped from his lips as he said "Because I told the wolves in this land to stay away from mine. I own this field and most of its land and trespassers will be killed."

"Over my dead body." Yelled Fell running toward the great bear

He only laughed and got up on his hind legs and swiped at Fell throwing him back

Sarah growled and attacked next her blood hot after seeing her cousin hit the ground hard. Her eyes glowed and vines from the trees grabbed the Bears paws. But before she could reach him he broke the vines and hit her too making her fly back to land by Fell. The two of them both gave the bear a hard look but Demona stepped in front of them.

"Now missy just let me kill you quickly and you won't have to suffer like those too. One wolf and to pup's can't take me down not even Toga's pack can get rid of me." Said the Bear

"Wait Toga's pack? What does this Wolf look like?" said Demona

"Big wolf with black fur looks a lot like that male pup there only a bit bigger." Said the Bear

"Does he have a Pup?"

"Does it matter if he has a runt or not you're going to die anyway." Said the bear and he ran at her

Demona gasped and screamed and to her surprise a blast of flame came from her muzzle hitting the bear and melting the snow all around them. The bear gave out a quick Scream of pain then fell to the ground with a loud boom. When his body stopped a few feet in front of her she saw his body was nothing more than charred meat.

"What was that Grandma." Said Fell getting up then she moved back and said "Grandma your eyes are red now."

Demona looked shocked as she said "My powers there back. I wasn't expecting that to happen."

Before they could say anything more a wolf pup came out of the woods. He was tall and handsome with grey fur on his back and bright white fur on his underside. His eyes were a light yellow and he looked kind. He looked at the charred bear and said "What happened to him?"

Demona and the pup's moved back and said "He...He died. I'm not sure what happened."

The wolf moved closer and said "What pack are you three from and why are you in this Bear's land?"

"We don't know how were got here or even where we are sir. My name is Demona and this is Fell and Sarah."

"My names Marick from the Dawn Readers Pack. You are in the Great Land of Greystone. Right in the middle of it to be exact. I'm the son of the leader of our pack do you need a place to stay for the night. You don't want to be in this area of the woods at this time of night." Said Marick

"Why is a pup so young doing out here by himself." Said Fell

"I'm not alone my dad is not far from here I can howl if I need help."

"Do you think you can tell me where a wolf named Toga is."

"Toga? You mean the former leader of the Razor Pack? He is with my father and our pack right now."

"Can you take us to see him please?" said Demona

"I can but I don't know you but you did kill the bear so maybe you can be trusted." Said Marick

"Marick what are you doing in this territory if that Damned Grizzly finds you...." Said a wolf walking out from the trees looking at the three wolves, the pup, and the dead bear "What is going on here and who are you."

Fell walked forward and said "My names Fell and this is my cousin Sarah and Demona. We are lost but are looking for the Razor pack or its leader Toga."

"I'm sorry but why is a pup talking to me an alpha without asking." Said the wolf

Demona stepped forward and said "I'm alpha of my pack even if they are not all here at the moment Fell here is the grandson of my mate. My mate is missing and we need help finding him we think that Toga or his pack can help us in some way."

"You're not from around here are you?" said the wolf

"Papa they killed the Bear did you see." Said Marick

"Yes I do son now go on back to the pack lands." Said the wolf again

"Yes sir. Nice to meet you see you all later." Yelled Marick as he ran off

"Now tell me where are you from?"

"I can't tell you that I'm sorry but we are not from this great land. My mate was born here though." Said Demona

"What is his name I may know him." Said the wolf

"Dr...Ray...his name is Ray." Said Demona

"Hmmm well the only Ray I know is Talon's Boy and he is only a few months old. Sorry but I don't think I can help you."

"Toga may be able to." Said Sarah moving forward

"I don't think so he just left."

"Can you tell us where he went to we need to meet his pack." Said Demona

"Sorry but he is no longer the leader of his pack he left them two months ago. I was trying to talk him into staying and working things out but something had him scared and he ran off." Said the wolf

"What about his pack maybe we can talk to the new leader."

"You can try but she is sick I hear and not doing well. But if you want to try just go north for about three days I'm sure you'll find them. Ray is the name of Toga's son and has been running things like an alpha for a while look for him." Said the Wolf

"Thank you we will." Said Demona "thank you so much sir."

"Think of it as a thanks for taking care of the Bear he was a big problem and you helped a lot. Have a good day and safe travels."

From there they left running north. It was an easy trip with only small delays from the pup's since they weren't used to this kind of travel. Demona on the other hand had lived on the run most of her life. She was able to hunt down and Kill a large elk for dinner on the second night. After some time The pup's finally stopped complaining about the long travel.

On the fifth day Demona finally said "Where are they I mean we should have been in there land by now?"

Before the other two could say anything a voice yelled out from the woods "Stop there you are in the lands of the Razor Pack."

Demona and Sarah stopped at once but like his grandfather would have done Fell stepped forward and yelled back "And who is telling us what to do."

"The son of the former leader of your pack." Said The voice

"You don't sound too tough so why should I do as you say." Said Fell

"Fell stop that we need this packs help." Yelled Demona still not moving "He may not be the only one."

"He is the only one Demona can't you smell it he is alone and from what I can hear and smell he is younger than eve me."

The voice yelled back "Don't underestimate me by my age." Right then he moved from the trees and showed himself. He was almost as tall as Fell but stronger looking do to his hard muscles and Strong bright yellow eyes. His fur was dark grey and a lighter grey on his belly with a long tail that would make a female jealous.

To Demona he looked the same as he had as on adult only without the scare that he would get from Talon later in life. She smiled and said "Drako we have been looking for you everywhere."

The wolf look a bit confused then said "Drako? That is the name of the war god and one only given to the strongest wolf in the land of Greystone. No one in our land has been given that name in years My name is Ray."

Fell looked a bit shocked then said "Ray? That's my fathers name. Demona are you sure this is the right place?"

Demona shook her head then said "Yes Fell and I'm sorry Ray I didn't mean to call you Drako it just slipped."

The big wolf pup growled and said "Don't change the subject on me. What do you want in my lands." Said the little pup named Ray (AKA Drako)

"We have been looking for you pack for some time. We needed to learn more about a wolf named Ray son of Toga." Said Sarah

Ray growled more and said "Well Toga is my father and don't say his name around me ever again or I'll kill you. He left his pack and my mother who is sick and dying as we speak."

Demona remembered the stories she was told about Drako's childhood then said "I'm sorry to hear that but we have come to see you Ray."


"Can't tell you that really." Said Fell

"Well I don't know what this is about but if you don't mean my pack any harm and since you have been looking for a while I'll let you enter the pack lands just don't make trouble. I may be a pup but I'm strong." Said Ray turning then saying "What are your names."

"I'm Demon this is Fell and Sarah. Nice to meet you." Said Demona

"You three look weird but whatever follow me."

They looked at each other a little confused then followed Ray as he walked off through the woods. It didn't take them long before they came to a clearing with a few wolves in it and a large cave. Ray told them to keep quiet and stay put till he talked to his mother about the new comers. They did and watched as the large pup walked out into the clearing and towards one of the wolves.

"Telsa how is mother doing?" said Ray

A wolf that was about the same size as Ray but much older looked sadly as the little pup then said "She...she just passed a few moments ago Ray I'm sorry. We had a visitor that came by to see her and after that She just lost hold of life and slipped away. I'm sorry pup that this had to happen."

The pup just stood there in shock and then said weakly "She died...I wasn't here for her. It's all my fault isn't it?"

"Ray it isn't your fault at all..." said Telsa as four other wolves moved to circle the pup

"What will the pack do now without mother?" Said Ray

One of the other wolves then said "The pack will be fine Ray since we don't need a pup from a traitor in our pack. With your mother gone your family's Alpha-ship is now over."

The three tried to hear more but yelling started and words got mixed around. But this wasn't the only reason they couldn't hear it all. As they watched a put white wolf with glowing red eyes appeared next to them in a flash of green. She smiled at them and said "Now you shouldn't be here." As her eyes went from glowing red to normal blue.

"Sheba is that you." Said Demona

Her eyes went back to red as she said "How do you know that name. Everyone knows me as Sheila in this land Who are you?"

"We are your friends Sheba don't you remember. This is Drako's Grandkids and it's me Demona."

"I know of no such thing. If you can't tell me who you are then you can Die." Said Sheba her eyes glowing again

But nothing happened. As Sheba started to use her powers and in the distance the pack ran Ray away from his lands. Everything went black and they felt their bodies falling.

Then as though nothing had happened Demona, Fell, and Sarah found themselves in the middle of a rocky clearing. It was now night and the moon was full. Also the land was warm and the sky clear with stairs all around them. They all started to look around as with right then Alastair showed up smiling up at them all.

"Hello there I was wondering if you three would show up." Said the Small cat

"Alastair what is going on where are we." Said Sarah

"You're where you need to be. In your own time and in Greystone like I said you needed to be. For some reason you ended up years in the past and saw things that may help you to understand Drako more I'm sure, but now you have to learn what you can from the wolves that knew him as a pup and as he grew to lead his pack, and also the true story behind their deaths. But make sure you're fast and start with the pack that is in this land. You are right in the middle of their lands right now. Have fun." Said Alastair then he was gone

They all looked at each other then sighed as Fell said "I think we need to get some sleep anyway. We can start tomorrow when its day and the pack in this land is awake."

"Good idea." Said Demona walking to a tree then laying down

Sarah followed and so did Fell they both went to a different tree then laid down too. Sarah wrapped her tail around Fells as she fell asleep the two of them nuzzling the other. Sarah had her head under Fell's Chin feeling his soft fur against her nose taking in his strong musk. She let out a soft moan and sighed for a long moment letting the power of his scent take over her. Then she started to let her dreams take over.

She jumped a moment later and twitched listening to Fell's heavy breathing next to her. She felt something poking her belly area but she wasn't sure what it was. She jumped again feeling it harder this time and higher up her belly, as she jumped she heard Fell mumble something in his sleep. She moved an ear closer to his lips as he spoke again, "Oh Sarah please that was so much fun..."

She then looked down and almost burst out laughing as she saw what was poking her. It was Fell and he had an almost full boner by now rubbing it against her belly slowly as he dreamed. It was almost too much for her and she was about to get up and leave when a sudden idea came to her and she smiled and pulled away from him. She walked over to where Demona was sleeping and made sure she was then went back.

"Fell you goof well I guess I can help your dream come true." Said Sarah as she moved her muzzle down to his hard member and ran a tongue over the hard member.

Fell twitched in his sleep and rolled on to his back his hard member against his belly. She giggled again then put her tongue down to his rear letting it pass over the tight hole then slowly up passing over his balls and sheath then hard member. The moan from Fell grew louder and he said a bit more in his sleep but didn't wake up once. She giggled again thinking it was just too much. She then noticed how much he had liked that so she put her tongue to his rear again and ran it over the tight hole more. She moved around the rim of his tail-vent not liking it much but loving how hard it was making her cousin how much he was moaning.

The pressed a bit harder on his hole the moving up to his balls taking them into her muzzle and rolling them around a bit before going back. Hot pre cum flowed from Fell's cock onto his dark fur making the air fill with a strong musk. The scent of his strong male body was like the trigger for her body and she felt herself growing wet. She moved back up to his hard cock and moaned herself as she ran her tongue over the length of his member. She moved from it to his belly lapping all of the sticky hot pre from his belly fur. The flavor was much better than that of his tail-vent but not as fun to watch.

She panted and took the length of his member into her muzzle and started to pump her head up and down moaning and sucking hard. More pre flowed from the younger wolf's cock into her muzzle and down her throat. She panted a bit then took it back in taking as much of him as she could almost swallowing his tip with each downward push of her head. The air grew thick with his scent and she could feel her wet folds begging for that rod to be pressed deep into them but she couldn't let that happen just yet.

Fell moaned more in his sleep saying things that at times made her want to laugh and at others made her want to cry. But most of the time his moans was all he could let out. As she worked she looked up at him and saw him licking the air. She knew it had something to do with his dreams and she needed something pressed between her legs soon or she would lose it. She twisted around and pressed her ass to his dancing tongue.

A soft moan of relief flew from her lips as his soft tongue moved over her wet folds parting them for a split second then moving up to her tight ass. She pressed back into him making him press his tongue in more her folds wetter with ever pass of his tongue. She moved back to his large member and took it in to her muzzle moving her lips all the way to his knot trying not to choke on his large member.

She panted more and more as Fell worked in his sleep pressing his tongue in deeper and deeper. She wanted more and more of it never wanting it to end. But she couldn't hold back like he could and she moaned on his cock as she came all over his lips. He moaned long and deep cleaning her almost faster than she could cum. She pulled away and panted his cock next to her face. He still hadn't cum yet and she was a bit shocked. She had worked that cock for a good half hour by this point.

She sighed as she knew what she needed to do. She twisted around again the pressed her ass back letting the tip of his hard cock go deep into her soft pussy. She held her muzzle shut with one paw trying not to scream as his cock drove deeper into her. "Damn did you get bigger Fell." She managed to say but then she felt his knot on her lips and she stopped pushing.

She was going to give it a moment so she could grow used to it but she couldn't. To her surprise Fell turned her over onto her back and started to move his hips fast and hard. She looked up and saw he was still fast asleep but he was fucking her like he knew what he was doing. That was all she was able to let pass through her head before her mind was lost to pure pleasure. She panted and moaned letting her back arch and pressing her hips up to meet ever motion of his.

Fell's moans grew chopper and heavier as he moved slower but harder with every thrust of his strong hips. The feeling of his member opening her more and more and his hard knot begging to get in was too much and she came again. She kept her muzzle tight shut as she held back a howling scream. Tears ran down her face then they opened wide as she felt his large knot push past her lips and deep into her. She pressed her head up and into his chest at the pain of it. But slowly that changed into pleasure as Fell let his head rest and he came hard filling her up with his hot seed.

She could feel herself cumming again but she just let her head rest back letting it all happen. Her body felt drained even with the hot wolf spunk inside her womb. Fell panted a bit more then fell on top of her. His body was heavy and made it hard for her to breath but at the moment she didn't care. She put her legs around him and held him close to her giving off a soft moan ever time his cock gave a twitch inside of her.

She waited there for almost an hour before Fell finally pulled out of her still sleeping. She saw he was messy so she got up and started to lick him clean then she moved to the river and cleaned herself. The sun was starting to rise when she finally made her way back to the tree where she fell down and passed out her bottom sore yet happy.

The next day Fell woke Sarah up and told her about a strange dream that he had but seemed to remember nothing of what they had done. She was a bit relieved at the news even though they had played before but she didn't want him to be angry that she did it to him as she slept. Demona came to them and told them it was time to find this pack Alastair told them about .

"The thing is if we are in the middle of their lands right now wont they be angry we are here?" asked Sarah as they started to move into the woods

"I am sure we can find a way to get them to trust..." started Demona but she was soon quieted by a wolf that had jumped in front of them

"Who goes there and tell me why you are in the middle of our pack lands."

"Back off you we didn't mean to be in the middle of your land's." Started Fell

"Fell don't be rude" said Demona the turning to the wolf "My name is Demona mate to a wolf named Drako who used to live in this land until a couple of years ago

A bunch of other wolves that looked like the rest of the pack came from the trees all growling at them as the first wolf spoke "I don't care who your mated with and don't try to say its Drako. He was killed years ago by the humans."

"That's not true Dant and you know it." Said another wolf that looked a familiar to Demona but she just couldn't think of why

"Leader that name is only given to the strongest wolf in our lands and he was the last. Ray the orphaned pup that was taken in by the Rosen Pack." said the first wolf named Dant

"I'm sorry but you may have some things wrong see Drako is still alive and he was known as Ray once. He is my mate." Said Demona

The second wolf that had spoken looked at her closely then said "I have seen you before but I'm not sure where?"

"I feel the same what is your name?"

"I'm Marick leader of this pack." said the wolf

All three of them looked shocked as Fell said "Your that pup that helped us when we killed the bear."

"Wait a moment you can't be Demona, Sarah, and Fell you would be a lot older by now I haven't seen you in years." Said Marick

"It's a long story but I promise I'll tell you once we get back to your den." Said Demona

"Our den. You trespass on our lands then want to see our Den." Said Dant

"Everyone calm down I know them and they are friends. I don't know what is all going on but they can be trusted." Said Marick

The rest looked a bit shocked but did as they were told and backed off some. Demona smiled then said "Thank you Marick."

"Don't thank me yet Demona. I know your story too you know and where you from the only reason I'm letting my pack let you by is because I want to hear this story." Said Marick "For now your our Guests but if I see anything I don't like you'll have to hope you can fight."

"I understand." Said Demona

They all set out but it didn't take long for them to reach a small area with underground caves dotted across the ground. Marick, Demona, Fell, and Sarah moved into one and they started to tell them what had been happening to them for the past few months. At first he thought they were full of it until all three of them showed him there powers. After that he just stood there and let them finish.

"I see, So now Drako is being controlled by this evil something and you need to find out more about his past to beat him?" asked Marick

"In a nut shell yes but I don't know how it will help us." Said Fell

"I'm not sure too but I'm sure I can do my best to tell you what I know. His old pack were good friends of ours and even the pack he lead till they were killed. He was a friend of mine almost to that day. I am glad to know he is alive but sad that this had to happen to him." Said Marick

"He has had a hard life and it seems when things start to go good for him something else happens. But the real reason I'm worried is that Drako's Extremely powerful and this monster Chaos has control over all his power. If he goes to long he will kill everything he can." Said Demona

"But you have power too can't you just fight him and take him down yourselves?" asked Marick

"You see it's not that easy, Drako can copy Sarah and Fell's power and he already has done that with mine." Said Demona

"I see, I just hope I can help. Greystone has been in a state of peace for a long time now." Said Marick

Before they could say anything else Dant ran in and started to yell "Sir there is something out there and I'm not sure what it is. Come quick he is asking for you and the travelers."

They all got up and ran to the mouth of the cave stopping when they saw who was sitting there looking at them. Demona felt her heat stop, Sarah started to shake, and Fell could only feel anger. Demona was the first one to finally say "Why...Why do you have to do this to him."

Standing there facing them was a Extremely large wolf with blood red fur, dark golden eyes, fangs that poked out form his muzzle, sharp looking claws, and a Nasty looking scare going over his left eye that looked like three claws had left it there in a fight years back. Chaos smiled at them with Drako's turned body and said "Nice to see you again. I was wondering how long I was going to have to wait in this shit hole land for you to show up."

"Give back Drako." Said Fell growling at the monster Chaos

"Why don't you try and make me young one." Said Chaos

Fell ran toward the large wolf who was a good two times his height. Chaos only smiled and opened his muzzle. A dark red beam shot from it racing toward the young wolf. Fell saw this and smiled using his power to absorb the power then blast it back at him. But it didn't work, the blast hit Fell Square in the chest throwing him back until he hit a tree hard.

Chaos smiled then said "Never tried to attack someone who has the same power as you have you boy? Well guess what it won't work unless you know that power a bit better. Now let's start over. My name is Chaos and I'm the true owner to this power. As for the one who you called Drako, he is already Dead..."

Sorry this one was late but I just had to think of a good ending for it and well couldn't think of anything better than a cliffhanger. So here it is and I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and as always I did my best to get this edited.

Razia and the Odd Company belong to my good friend Sonic Fox

Drako (Chaos), Sheba, Fell, Demona, Sarah, Marick, Toga, and all the rest belong to me Drakowolf All characters are Copyrighted and may not be used with out asking myself or Sonic Fox Thank you.