A New Companero

Story by Rafa on SoFurry

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Warning: What follows (much later) are graphic descriptions of sexual behaviours between a male fox and a male dog. If that's not what you are looking for, you came to the wrong place!

Disclaimer: I am very new to the yiff world. VERY new. This is my very first sex story of any sort, not to mention yiff story. So, if any of you yiffy veterans could email me some suggestions...email me at ALL...I would appreaciate it. [email protected] I aim to please!

Marth was your average fox. He wasn't popular, but he wasn't a loser. He wasn't a punk, but he wasn't a prep. He just was. He did well for himself. He had a nice sized group of friends, good grades, and a job that paid well. But there was one thing he had that acted like a double edged sword, and that was his intelligence. Sure, he did well in classes, always knew the answer, but nobody wants to be friends with a know-it-all. So, he was forced to hide his intelligence. Sometimes he would slip up and use a word none of his friends seemed to know, which led to much stuttering and stammering until they had forgotten, but otherwise he got along fine with his lesser peers.

His intelligence also tended to keep him from his friends during class. Most of them chose the easiest courses they could, and just barely squeaked by with Ds. Marth, on the other hand, liked to challenge himself, and so was often stuck in classes where everyone was older than him, though rarely smarter than him. And as we all know, nobody wants to be friends with a know-it-all, especially a younger one. So normally the only time Marth was allowed to truly be a teen was when he was hanging with his friends at lunch or after school.

One day Marth was in Spanish class, trying to figure out a new verb tense he had just been taught. After a bit of work time his teacher, Senor Seward, stood up and said "Find companeros, everyone." Sr. Seward was a tall, orange brown tabby, with green eyes and a pair of thin glasses sitting on the tip of his nose. All of the older kids shuffled around the room, finding friends, until Marth and one other were without partners. He looked across the room to see a large husky slumped over his desk, bushy tail drooping out the back of his chair, head buried in his arms, with big, bulky headphones in his perky white ears.

"David!" Sr. Seward said in a thick Spanish accent. "David! Levantate! Aye, dios mio, que perezoso. David!" The husky startled, peered up at the teacher, and groggily said "What?"

"David! Go sit next to Marth. You are to work on the imperfect form." David muttered something under his breath and slowly rose to his feet. Marth guessed he was about 5'9". He had a broad chest, thick arms, and large hands. He walked over under the watchful eye of Sr. Seward, and then collapsed in the desk next to Marth.

Marth always dreaded this moment. Feeling he was stuck with another imbecile, he tried to do his work in spite of the husky's obvious lack of interest. "David?" he said with a small voice, tentatively nudging his shoulder. "David? We are supposed to..."

"Yo se que necesitamos a hacer, pero no quiero a hacerlo. Si quieres a hablar a me, no voy a pararte, pero quiero a dormir."

Marth was shocked. Never before had he worked with another student that had even the faintest idea of what he was doing. As he listened to these wonderfully enunciated words streaming from underneath the husky's arms, he felt a little glimmer of hope. Perhaps this guy wasn't the very definition of normal...he wore a black shirt and pants, and several earrings in his ears and one in his nose...he had a bad attitude and was disrespectful...but maybe, just maybe this guy could be a friend.

"You probably didn't understand any of that, did you? Figures. Stupid kid."

Marth's shocked smile turned to a horrified gasp. He wasn't just a rebel. He was a jerk! "Perdoneme? Que dijo?" Marth muttered through his teeth, trying to control his rage. "No debes juzgarme si no me conoces."

David peered out over his arms. "So you know a little something. Good for you. Name's Dave." Before Marth could offer his hand in response, Dave buried his head in his arms again.

"I'm Marth. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Once again, the husk peeked out from his dark den. "Marth? Weird name, man. I like it. It's different. Cool."

The bell ending fourth period rang, and everyone rushed out of the class. Marth rose to talk to the teacher, but out of the corner of his eye he was watching Dave. The husky rose slowly, walked over to his desk, picked up his backpack, and darted out of the classroom. He was unusually quick for someone his size. After he disappeared around the door, Marth realized he didn't need to talk to the teacher at all. He just wanted a good look at his new companero.

At lunch that day, Marth was full of conversation, which was a new thing. Normally, Marth would sit with his friends and laugh at their jokes, occasionally trying to interject something witty, which usually ended in blank stares. But today, he just couldn't contain his joy. His tail was flying left and right at a furious pace.

"Do you guys know this kid, Dave? I don't know what grade he's in. He's in my Spanish class, and he's really smart! We had this whole conversation together! Well, it wasn't a conversation, I suppose, but it was still amazing! His words flowed together like a raging river of syllables; it was music to my ears! Oh, to finally have someone intelligent to be around, unlike who I norm..."

Marth caught himself, but too late. The stares were there, like they normally were, but some of his more astute friends were starting to look at him a bit differently. An otter friend of his sneered a bit.

"Unlike who you what?" he spat. "Unlike who you normally hang out with? Unlike us? C'mon guys, we're going." And with that, the whole group got up and left, with Marth stammering in their wake.

"No, guys! That's not what I meant! Honestly! I just meant that he was very...please don't go!" It was all he could do to keep tears from welling up in his eyes. "Please don't leave me!"

One of his tall tabby friends, Mark, looked back at him, but then commenced to talking with the rest of the group. Marth slouched against a wall, and was about to seek a bit of solace in a book he had been reading outside of school, when something caught his eye. A familiar face walked around the corner. It was Dave!

At first Marth's eyes glimmered and his heart rushed into his throat. Finally, someone smart, yet cool, to talk to! And there was no desk for him to slouch over this time! His headphones were around his neck, so he couldn't run away to his music either! Maybe this would be Marth's opportunity to have a real conversation with the husky!

But all of it was gone in an instant. The glimmer faded from his eyes and his hopes sank as he emerged completely from around the corner. He had his arm around a waist of a short female tiger, and she was deeply enthralled with the story he was telling. He was waving his arms about, emphasizing words and then trailing off, using the full range of his gifted voice. He appeared to be quite the thespian. Marth gave up on the idea of receiving even a word of greeting from Dave, and drooped down the wall, settling into a somewhat comfortable position so he could read his book.

But as Dave passed him, his hand dropped a bit. He squinted a bit in Marth's direction, and then walked up to him, tigress in tow.

"Hey Loren, this is that kid I was telling you about, from last period. This is...uh...right. This is Marth. Marth, this is my good friend Loren."

Marth jumped to attention. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Loren! I'm Marth. Well, you already know that, I suppose. I just thought I would...well, it's certainly a pleasure to meet you! Any friend of Dave's is..."

Loren looked up at Dave, and then whispered something in his ear as Marth babbled on about how glad he was that all this was happening, and that Spanish had just improved greatly, and how happy he was. Dave abruptly cut him off.

"Hey man, we gotta run. Ciao." As he rounded the corner at the end of the hall he turned back, held his hand to his forehead, and with a quick flick of the wrist he casually saluted Marth and was gone.

Marth stood, shaking with excitement, tail wagging unstoppably. If Dave would stop mid-story to introduce him to a friend, then surely Marth meant something to him! It was all he could do to sit down and collect his thoughts. A goofy grin was plastered permanently on Marth's face.

"Just imagine Spanish tomarrow!" he thought. "I wonder if he would want to do anything after school some day...or even hang out during lunch! No, he has Loren. I wonder if they are going out. They seemed pretty close. But we must take things one day at a time, isn't that what father always said? Yes, one day at a time, one step at a time."

Marth jogged off to be somewhere quiet and write. It seemed to him that if he was going to get the most out of his newfound relationship with Dave, he would have to plan his moves carefully. He pulled a small notebook and a pen out of his breast pocket and started to write what he wanted to say the next day in class. He decided he would allow Dave a bit of time to approach him first, to see if he really wanted to be friends or not. But what if he was sleeping again? Something to consider... Should he talk about Loren? It would certainly show he was interested in Dave's life...but maybe it would be too nosy. Should he speak in Spanish at all? So far, that was their only link. But maybe he would come off being too dorky. Should he offhandedly offer up a bit of information about his own life? It could potentially lead to an invitation. But what is Dave isn't interested? So many things to consider!

After a bit of writing and a bit of thinking, Marth replaced the notebook and pen in his pocket. Then he did something he hadn't done in a long time. He daydreamed. He imagined the perfect scenario for the following day. Dave walks up to him, asks him a few questions, then invites him over to his house to watch TV a bit. This pattern repeats itself until they become best friends, and everything ends happy.

The rest of the school day passed on by, with Marth more and more frequently dropping back into his newfound dream world. When he got home, he took a long shower and hopped into bed, filled with happiness the whole way. That night he dreamt of Dave, and when he woke he was still feeling the effects of the glow of yesterday.

Everything leading up to Spanish was one big distraction. Classes and teachers were just obstacles that had to be overcome before reaching the prize. Even his old group of friends could not keep Marth from moving towards what he truly desired: more quality time with Dave.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Spanish came. Marth raced to Sr. Seward's class so quickly that he had lost all breath once he got there. He stumbled panting into the classroom and took his seat at the front of the class. He chatted a bit with the teacher, but he kept his eyes on the door. Finally, in a movement that startled Marth and made him jump in his seat, Dave burst in the door. He was carrying a yard stick in his right hand and his books in the other. He capered and cavorted around the front of the class, thrusting and blocking, dodging and weaving, stabbing at imaginary foes with his deadly wooden cutlass.

Mr. Seward turned around, started a bit, and then curled his lip up and growled. "So THAT is where my ruler had gone! I cannot say I am terribly surprised, David. You should know better to take the possessions of others, especially if they are a teacher's!"

Dave jerked his head to the right to see the furious cat approaching him at a fast clip. In one swift motion he placed his books on Marth's desk, balanced the ruler on the tip of his left pointer finger, and bowed deeply towards the ground. "Your yard stick, good sir," he said with more then a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Mr. Seward snatched it from its position teetering on his finger and stalked back to his desk, grumbling the whole way. Dave picked up his books off of Marth's desk, and a glimmer of recognition spread across his face.

"Oh hey Marth! You are probably wondering what all of that was about. Well, I'll tell ya, like it or not! The country club is holding a bit of a contest tonight, a fencing contest. I am gonna enter it and win it! But, you gotta stay warmed up, keep those muscles moving! So, I 'borrowed' Sewer's foil there, thought I would keep the old stabbing arm in practice!" He turned to walk towards his desk as abruptly as he had first entered the room. Then he suddenly stopped, pivoted on one of his feet and hopped back to the side of Marth's desk. "Say, I was wondering, are you busy tonight?" Before Marth had the opportunity to respond, he continued. "I need a bat boy of sorts tonight. My father said he would, but it does not look good when a guy's foil holder is bigger than he is! But you're about the right size, and I think I can find a spare outfit for you. What do you think? Are you busy? I'd love you to come."

Marth was baffled by all of this. Not only did Dave initiate conversation, he kept it going AND invited him to an after school event (and an important one at that!). However, he needed to keep his cool, so Marth said "Umm, yeah, that sounds...cool. What time?"

"Don't worry about all that. Just gimme a call at this number after school." He grabbed Marth's paw and took out a permanent marker. "This is my cell number, so you don't have to worry about asking for me or whatever." As the number was inked on his outstretched pad, Marth's eyes fluttered a bit. He was fairly ticklish, but it only acted to arouse him. Whether it was intended to or not, the combination of Dave's warm flesh and the cold marker got a huge rise out of Marth, so to speak (heh heh). Once he was done, he stood up straight and looked questioningly at Marth. "Hey buddy, you alright?"

Marth woke from the dream he had been frequenting so much recently. "Oh...yeah, I am fine. So, call you after school?"

"Absolutely," Dave enthusiastically said. "I can pick you up and everything." Huh! Marth thought. This guy is a grade older than me if he already has his license! Amazing! Befriending a junior! "Just make sure to bring some black socks. The outfit sort of requires it."

"I am sure I can drag some up," Marth replied, trying to act cool around the older teen.

"Excellent. And if you can't find any, I can bring a pair too."


Everything after that was a blur. Marth shot in and out of his little euphoric trance, while visions of Dave danced in his head. School without Dave became an uninteresting mess. Finally, the day was over. The bus ride home seemed longer then a transcontinental trek. Once he got into his house he threw his backpack on the ground and rushed to pick up the phone. He dialed the faded number on his paw and tapped his foot impatiently as the phone rang. Finally, someone picked up.

"Yello, welcome to Burger King, what's your beef?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Marth sheepishly said, "I must have dialed the wrong number."

"Whoa whoa, hey! Is this Marth? Marth man! It's Dave! Sorry to mess with you like that, I thought you might have been my parents calling. Want me to come over and pick you up?"

"Totally!" Marth was starting to get the hang of this teenage slang, now that he had a good reason to. "My address is..."

"Don't worry about it man, I looked it up while I was waiting for your call. Be over in a bit!"

Marth was a bit taken aback by this, but was still excited for what was about to happen. Finally, some time alone with his newfound friend! After a bit, Dave's car pulled up. He opened the door from inside, and blaring rock music pummeled Marth's ears.

"Door's broken, make sure not to slam it too hard," he yelled over the din of the music.

"Alright!" yelled Marth in response.

The ride was only about twenty minutes. They didn't talk at all as Dave drove. He changed CDs once, but otherwise there was a continuous stream of music. Finally, they arrived at the entrance to the complex. Dave talked to the guard for a second, and then the gates opened. They drove inside a heated parking garage and walked down several halls until they got to a locker room.

For something as simple as a locker room, it sure was extravagant! Wood paneled lockers, stone fountains, separate changing rooms with locking doors, shower partitions, it had everything and more. Dave opened a locker and pulled out two loaded hangers. He handed one to Marth and set the other on the bench.

He slipped his t-shirt over his head. Once it was off it was very apparent to Marth that Dave worked out. He had a chiseled chest and well-defined arms. His chest was all white, which faded to black on his shoulders and back. As he unbuttoned his pants, he looked over and saw that Marth was standing, watching.

"Go ahead man, do your thing. We gotta be out there in 10 minutes."

Marth shook his head and nodded in agreement. He started unbuttoning his shirt. He was nothing compared to Dave. He hadn't worked out before in his life, much less participated in any particularly strenuous sports--unless you count chess as a strenuous sport. Finally, he got his shirt off and folded it neatly on the bench. The reds and browns of his upper body contrasted sharply with the white and black of Dave's. He looked up to see Dave entirely nude and sitting on the bench, elbows on his knees and head hanging down. He whispered a bit to himself, and then let out a small groan. Marth looked at him concernedly.

"Dave, are you alright?"

Dave stood unashamedly and turned to face Marth. "Yeah, I just get a kinda nervous before anything stressful. I mean ANYHTING. Test, date, competition, you name it. You don't mind if I try to kinda...take the edge off, do you?"

Marth was a bit confused by this. "No, not at all. Don't let me stop you."

Dave slowly nodded a bit. "Just thought I'd ask." As he passed by, Marth got a good look at him...and he was a sight to behold. He was muscular from head to toe, but he did not have a body builder's appearance. He was not veiny or bulgy like some steroid freaks tend to be. He had thick, bushy hair all over his body except for on his upper thighs and pubic area. He kept that area trimmed short. His pink nipples stood out sharply against their white background. He had a round, muscular butt that he held very tight, no doubt because of the stress he was under. His cock was just starting to poke out of its sheath, which surprised Marth. Suddenly, it dawned on him exactly what Dave meant when he said "take the edge off."

Dave walked over to a chair next to the wall, fondling his balls as he walked. They hung very low, and were black. Marth watched as his clenched ass cheeks bobbed two and fro as he walked, until he turned and sat. His cock was starting to poke farther out of its sheath. Marth couldn't help but stare at this amazing hunk of husky, and Dave noticed.

"Hey hey, heh, this ain't no exhibition. You gotta get dressed, man!"

Marth blushed and turned away. "S-Sorry, didn't mean to stare, just, y'know, was distracted and all, you know?" He turned to get one last good look before he had to get down to business. Dave had his eyes closed and he was stroking his dick. It was now all the way out of its sheath, and pulsed and glistened red against his fur. Dave had his eyes closed and his mouth a bit open, obviously enjoying what he was doing. A few second after Marth stopped talking, Dave opened one of his eyes a bit.

"Oh, yeah, sure, no problem," he said, rather distractedly. "Don't worry about it. Just go...go do your thing...get dressed...yeah." He let out a deep sigh as his knot finally emerged from its sheath.

Marth took that as his cue to turn away again. He started unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor. Now all he was wearing was his boxers and a sheepish grin. He peeked over his shoulder to see if Dave was watching, but he found that he was deep in a euphoric trance. Gathering up enough courage, Marth grabbed his boxers and pulled them down to his ankles. As he bent down to remove them from his feet, he looked through his legs and saw that Dave had one eye open and was peering at Marth's ass. He stood up quickly, and smiled a bit. How flattering, he thought.

Marth had a deep red color all over his body. In fact, some might even consider it to be a brown color, though Marth thought otherwise. He was not ripped like Dave, but he was not out of shape either. He was thin all over. He had neither gut nor abs. He had well proportioned arms, with broadening shoulders (something he was very proud of). However, the majority of the pride he had for his body was directed below the belt. His thighs, calves, and ass were all perfectly sized. There was enough muscle to give an appearance of strength, and no fat to ruin the lines and curves the muscles made. His feet were rather large, which he was also proud of. His tail was his pride and joy. It was bushy and firey red, with a ring of white at the end and a tip of black. He primped it and played with it all the time. Whenever someone would pull it or tug it, even playfully, he would snap and snarl at them. Whenever someone would caress it, his eyes would flutter and he would be in a seventh heaven of sorts.

His cock was nothing special, but it's not the size that matters anyway, right?

Marth started to put on the uniform, which consisted of a black shirt, silver vest, and black pants, with black shoes and socks. Once he was all dressed, he sat on the bench and glanced briefly over at Dave. He was obviously enjoying himself. His eyes were squinted shut and he was panting, his tongue lolled out on his cheek. He was starting to jack off pretty fast. It seemed like he was about to finish, and Marth figured he would want to be alone, in case the after-O glow made him a bit bashful. So, he walked about the locker room, exploring the showers and the stalls, weighing and measuring himself (5'7", 140 lbs). After a few minutes, he peered down the aisle of lockers to see that Dave was still at it. So, he explored a bit more, reweighed and measured himself (still 5'7", but this time 142 lbs). He came back again, and Dave was still at it. Marth decided there couldn't be anything in the locker room more interesting than Dave, so he squatted next to the end of a row of lockers and peeked around the edge.

After a minute Dave's eyes suddenly opened. He looked at Marth and said "Man, I'm sorry, I just can't do it today. I don't know why. I really need to, though. It always helps me when I am stressed, always. I can't go out there with all these knots in my stomach." He laid on the ground. Nothing. He sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. Nothing. He even tried it with his head on the floor, body in the air. Nothing worked.

The whole time all of these various positions were being tried, Marth was watching intently. After the first minute he sat down on the bench. After a few more minutes of staring Marth blinked and realized two surprising things. The first was that he was wagging his tail without even knowing it. But this was not nearly so surprising as the fact that he was staring to get a hard-on. He took showers with guys in school all the time. These were showers! With lots of guys! All of them slick and smooth, Marth included! Nothing ever happened during those. Now, though, Marth realized he was starting to become turned on by Dave.

Dave started whimpering. No position was good enough. Nothing was working. He tried everything: on the toilet, on top of the lockers, draped over the bench, in the showers...nothing worked. All the while Marth was following him around. Heck, he had nothing better to do. And all the while Marth was getting more and more aroused. Every new position brought another little rise. Every little rise brought a little bit of courage. He started to readjust his cock in his pants, so that it might have a bit more room to grow. Then, he started to touch himself, only every once in a while, and only for a few seconds. Then, he started to rub his cock through his pants for a few seconds. This all continued until Marth was on the peak of cumming.

Finally, he blurted out "Lemme help you with that." He realized what he was saying half way through, and almost stopped...but he didn't. "Just...here, sit here."

Dave took a seat in the chair he started in, all the while looking at Marth with a little bit of puzzlement, a little bit of amazement...and more than a little bit of pleasure. Marth kneeled before him, blushing to a bright red. "Tell me if I hurt you or anything..." he said. Dave nodded. Marth took this as his cue, and grabbed Dave's cock. It was incredibly hot to the touch, no doubt a combination of increased blood flow and friction from so many failed attempts. He started to stroke his cock up and down, all the while looking up at Dave.

Dave was looking at the cealing, his mouth wide open. I wonder, thought Marth, if this is a new experience for him. Either he really is a good actor, or he is truly enjoying this. Marth started to stroke faster, and he felt Dave's muscles tense up. He arched his back, and let out a little moan.

At this point, Marth was starting to truly enjoy himself. He started to get into it a bit more, feeling the rhythm Dave's muscles were making. He took his free hand and stroked Dave's calves with it. He moved it up to the back of the knee and lightly caressed it. He then moved to the thigh, gently brushing his hand over the trimmed hair there. This caused Dave to moan louder, and arch his back even more. Finally, Marth's free hand rested under Dave's balls. He rolled them about in his hand, applying slight pressure and then releasing it. All the while Dave was showing signs of increased enjoyment.

After about five minutes, Marth stopped for a moment. Dave settled back into his chair, breathless. He looked down at Marth with a questioning look on his face, panting the whole time. Marth peered up at him and winked. Dave raised a confused eyebrow, then threw his head back as Marth moved his towards Dave's crotch. He opened his mouth a bit and took in the very tip of Dave's throbbing cock. He swirled his long tongue around the head, and with each revolution Dave's whole body jumped a bit. He started to take more of his cock into his mouth. Finally, the whole nine inch tool was down his throat. He started to pump and suck, swirling and flicking his tongue, massaging Dave's balls with his left hand and stroking his thigh with his right. For five minutes this proceeded, until Dave let out an unearthly yell and came deep into Marth's throat. He was shocked, both by the yell and the sudden explosion of semen, and pulled away from Dave's body. His cock pumped out cum, and it ran down his shaft until it collected in the folds of skin in his scrotum. Marth, overcome with lust, bent down low and licked Dave's nutsack, making sure to get all of the cum in his mouth and down his throat. Dave was still moaning in ecstasy, arching his back and breathing hard. Marth went back to his cock and sucked it until it went soft in his mouth. Finally, he looked up and saw Dave's slack head and drooping eyes.

"Can't sleep now, companero, we've got a show!" Marth's normally timid nature was gone, even around this older teen.

Dave opened his eyes and smiled. He jumped to his feet and grabbed Marth's hands. "And then after the show...boy, oh boy, do I have an encore planned for you!" With that, he kissed Marth long and deep. Marth felt his whole body relax, and he collapsed into Dave's strong arms. Dave set him down on the bench and set beside him. He pulled his tail into his lap and started to pet it, running his paws through the thick fur that wreathed it. Marth sighed deeply and rested his head on Dave's shoulder.

"Can't sleep now, companero!" Dave said cheerfully as he tickled Marth's nose with his own tail. "We've got a show!"

To be continued (I like my plot, I can't let it go to waste!)

Please, email any suggestions, comments, requests, what have you, to [email protected] Many thanks in advance!