Neighbor pt. 1

Story by malepolarbear on SoFurry

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#1 of The Neighbor

I had never really spoken to him before or even taken notice of him, though he lived next door to me through all of my high school years. I met him my junior year, I was like any other male my age but in one way. I didn't chase girls around like my peers; rather, I kept to myself and watched what I desired at a distance. This was one of the reasons I played soccer. I had a fun time watching the other males I secretly desired, and there was some physical contact. I had encounters with my neighbor at the grocery store, when borrowing cups of sugar and such, but I didn't even know his full name and I never really remembered his last name, Mr. Something...I usually mumbled it when saying thank you while looking at the ground before turning away and going on my way. Tonight was different though, I had been practicing my kicks before a game that upcoming weekend and I kicked the ball a little too hard. I kicked it with a fierce growl, my lip curling as I let loose a powerful kick, sending the ball into the neighbor's yard. My ears perked and the white fur on my neck stood on end as I heard the shattering of glass and a yell of fury. I lowered my ears and quickly made my way over to see the damage and was intercepted by the neighbor.

"What the hell was that?!" The large male bear said loudly.

"I-I was practicing for a big game and-"I began stuttering.

"And you decide to use my window for target practice?!" He said angrily. His eyes were open wide and his clothes were dusty, meaning he was probably cleaning or something, a streak that was very lightly colored compared to the rest of his fur made a vertical line above his left eye.

"No, I didn't mean to kick it that hard. It was an accident." I pleaded, wiping some sweat from my forehead. He placed a paw up to the left side of his face, thinking. Explicit thoughts flooded my head of how he was going to kill me for breaking the window.

"You're going to have to pay for that window somehow. So you better run off and tell your mother to write a check." He said, still holding his head.

"My mom? please! Isn't there another way I can pay for it? She can't know about this." I pleaded because I feared my mom would rip me limb from limb for this.

"Well, how else are you going to repair my window?" he asked rubbing his paw over the streak that I thought was a smudge of dirt, but was actually his fur. I could see his ears perk up a little. "What are you suggesting?" the bear asked, probably a little interested now.

"I can work for you. Around your house. I know how to cook and clean. I could come over right after school everyday and do anything you need." I said quickly, my words creating a vision of cleaning the older bear's floors on my hands and knees with a toothbrush. I noticed how bad the end of my statement sounded and blushed deeply, not looking up at his face.

"Hmmm..." he pondered. "Everyday? Until enough work has been done to pay for the window?"

"More, as long as my mom doesn't find out."

"What about weekends?" The bear questioned.

"Ok..." I sighed. "But it can't interrupt any of my games."

"Then I think we have a deal little house tomorrow after school, I will be waiting..." At that he turned and walked back to his home. I myself just thought of what I really got myself into. Everyday and weekends, I could imagine myself working hard everyday and his neighbor smirking at his struggles.

"Little bear? Where does he get off?..." I started as I walked back to my house and stepped through the back door and walked to the sink to wash my paws.

"Hun? You get enough practice?" I hear a female voice ask.

"Yeah mom..." I say and dry my paws on the dishtowel and turn to face my adoptive wolf mother. My own parents having disowned me shortly after finding out about my attraction to other males.

"Well...tell Kelly that dinner will be ready in ten minutes and I want you both at the table."

"Ok mom..." I say and trudge upstairs and knock on Kelly's door, "Hey Dike!" I say through the door jokingly.

"Come in you fag." She says in response with a giggle. I open the door and walk in to find the female wolf sitting on the floor playing a video game.

"Mom says she wants us both at the table in like, ten minutes." I say.

"Mmm k." she responded, obviously engrossed in the game.

"More zombies Kelly?" I questioned as I watched her blow away one of the walking dead with a shotgun.

"There always seems to be a new one to try my dear brother." She moved her body with the controller and stuck out her tongue, biting it as if this act would move her character out of harms way. She had obviously failed as I watched her character being eaten by a horde of zombies and the words "game over" flash on screen. "Damn...lost again."

"Get down here and eat already!" We heard our mother yell.

"We better hurry." I said and we both scrambled downstairs to sit at the table which had our dinner waiting in our plates. Mmmm...steak.

"I made you dinner, now I'm going out..." our mother said.

"Tom again?" Kelly said not looking up as she began eating. Tom was a leopard our mother had met at a bar while she was drunk. Though she insists that they had met and went for coffee, Tom of course bragged about the blowjob he got while she was drunk and called the next night for a date. She began dating him for fun, but Kelly and I thought he was an ass.

"No actually...he's a rabbit I met at the mall last week." She responded.

"Whore..." Kelly snorted and took a bite of food. I began laughing and my mother frowned.

"I haven't slept with him!" she argued and began to walk to the door.

"Until tonight." I joked.

"Don't forget a condom mom!" Kelly yelled out as our mom stepped through the door. I laughed again and we sat still for a moment, I poked the small piece of steak.

"So...should I call the pizza guy?" I ask.

"Please," She responds. I order the pizza and me and Kelly go into the front room to watch TV while we wait the long 45 minutes before it arrives. We turn it on one of our favorite comedy channels. We watch it for a while before Kelly starts yet another interrogation. Which she usually does whenever she sees, or hears about, me talking to another male.

"I saw you talking to the neighbor earlier." She says, not lifting her eyes from the TV.

"Uhh, yeah I was." I say, seeing where this is going.

" gonna fuck him?" she says grinning evilly.

"What?!" I yell out "I don't think he's even gay and he probably hates me for breaking his window."

"You broke his window? Looks like your relationship isn't going very well." She said, obviously enjoying this.

"What relationship?" I ask "ok, I broke his window and I'm going to work around his house until it's paid off. That way mom won't find out and kill me. Therefore I won't die a virgin and I will be able to do all those other things people who are alive enjoy to do."

"Wait, you're a virgin? I never know that...oooh! Are you going to have to wear one of those French maids outfits so your cute little tail can be shown off?"

"No, and how is it cute?" I ask blushing a deep red.

"It just is, especially when it wiggles when you're happy." She gives a laugh.

"Whatever," I say "but seriously, please don't let mom find out ok?"

"I won't tell her, and to boot." She stopped. "I will help you."

"You'll help me clean?" I ask

"No, but I will cover for you. But only if you pay for the pizza and do my homework." She finished.

"I will pay for the pizza and I will help you with your homework" I compromised.

"Done." She said and we shook paws. -Ding-dong- the bell rang.

"Pizza!" we yelled. Kelly went to the kitchen to get drinks and I went to the door. I paid the Jaguar $20 for the pizza and we met eyes. His eyes glowed a bright green and he smiled.

"We may have to call for another; my sister can eat three of these by herself if I let her." I said.

"Well I'd be glad to deliver to you again sometime cutie.' He said with a purr, which got louder when my mouth dropped open a little and I turned a deep red. The jaguar turned on his heels and walked back to his car. Proceeding to get in and drive off. I stood there dumfounded for a moment when I looked at the neighbor's house. There he was, right there looking at me from his porch.

"My bro's getting all the males today.' Kelly said with a grin. I guess me and the pizza guy were loud enough to be heard from the hallway leading to the front door.

"Buh-he...he said, and..." I stuttered making stuttered movements with my arms to the door and then to Kelly.

"Yeah, you're a stud and I'm hungry, so let's eat." She grabbed my arm and dragged me into the house, the door closing shut behind us. We hopped on the couch and settled into eat. The rest of the night flew by and before I knew it I was laying on my back in my bed, the door closed and my wall was illuminated by the glowing moon. I was right in the middle of a big decision for the night. Go to sleep, paw off and go to sleep, take a shower and go to sleep, or paw off take a shower and go to sleep? My sheath was thick already from thinking about the jaguar that delivered the pizza. I had almost reached a decision when my sister yelled through our wall. We had chosen these rooms for the sole purpose of talking.

"So, are you gonna have sex with the neighbor?" She yelled at me. Shower then bed it is I decided. Better make it a cold shower, the thought of the neighbor making my member slip from my sheath.

I stood up and stretched, my pants slightly tented and made my way to the bathroom. I stopped only to pick up a white t-shirt, a pair of boxers, and my pajama bottoms which made up my usual nighttime wear. I walked past Kelly's door and could hear her playing another zombie game. I reached the bathroom door and walked in and turned on the shower, the water only taking a few moments before it began to make the bathroom steamy. The shower was just like a large box, no curves or anything. I slid off my jeans and shirt, then my boxers. My member had calmed down and retreated into my plump sheath with only the pink tip showing, giving off my slight arousal. I scratched my belly before stepping into the hot water, letting the warm water trickle down my back before turning into the water. The heat washed through me and I rinsed my head fur, closing my eyes and I instantly thought of a figure near me. Eyes still closed I turned with my back to the pelting water. The figure moved up behind me and wrapped its arms around me. The obviously larger male, due to the thick sheath I imagined against me, rested his head on my own, and I felt him begin to wash my front. The large paws moved across my chest and over my nipples, sending slight shivers through me and the paws moved lower. They slid across my belly, parting fur, making me shiver in anticipation. The figures head was now next to mine as he nibbled up my neck and nibbled my ears. I imagined his sheath swelling against me and I gave a moan as I finally felt a paw go lower and whimpered as it just brushed my quivering maleness, rubbing my inner thighs and my pubic fur. The warm water trickling, hitting the shower floor with little plops was all I heard when the paw finally wrapped around me.

It started slowly, moving up and down my shaft getting slicker with pre. My mind was filled with explosions of colorful lights of pleasure, making my knees tremble and my body shake in the figures grasp. I knew I wouldn't last long and I began breathing hard, the paw working me into a frenzy as it was milking my shaft. I could feel his own fully engorged member pressed against me, dangerously close to my tailhole. I whimpered in need and he took my hint because he got up close to me, swiped a lick across my ear which made my hips buck and he silently whispered "cum for me." That did it, I moaned out in pleasure as my seed sprayed out, hitting the shower wall. The pleasure making my knees weak and I almost dropped, my seed was sprayed in smaller spurts onto the tiled floor as the figure continued to stroke me. He turned my head to look at him and I saw nothing at first, my orgasm began to ebb and the face took form of the neighbor, right down to the white streak of fur above his eye, and I opened my eyes to have my vision filled with the shower wall. I was breathing hard, my paw was covered in seed as I released my shaft, and I finally dropped to my knees. The hot water landed on me, relaxing me greatly as it washed my spilled seed from the floor down the drain and I lifted my cum-covered paw to my muzzle and licked it clean. I finished cleaning myself, and the wall which had gotten a healthy covering of cum, and then I got out of the shower to dry off. I slowly got dressed and went to my room, setting my alarm before falling on my bed. I laid there for a moment enjoying the afterglow of the pleasant shower. Pondering why my imagination thought of the Neighbor before the darkness of sleep took me over and plunged me into a pleasurable dream.
