Neighbor pt. 1

I had never really spoken to him before or even taken notice of him, though he lived next door to me through all of my high school years. I met him my junior year, I was like any other male my age but in one way. I didn't chase girls around like my...

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Neighbor pt. 4

Neighbor pt. 4 By: Raq Bare I awoke the next day slowly and groggily. My eyes opened slowly and bright light flooded my vision for a moment before the rest of the room I was in came into focus. I was lying on a large bed with a fluffy...

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Neighbor pt. 3

Neighbor pt. 3 I awoke the next day and went to school, teased my math teacher with a few well placed scratches near my groin and went home. Nothing happened between the larger bruin and me and the event from the night before was not discussed, he...

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Neighbor pt. 2

Neighbor pt. 2 I woke up to my alarm buzzing and I quickly shut it off, plunging my room back into silence. 5:05 am the clock read, really, really early. I got up and ready for school quickly, wiping the sleep from my eyes with a paw, and made my...

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