cubs can be naughty too! second day at school

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#1 of cubs can be naughty too! second day at school

Today at Heather's school we will be looking at one of her friends. Though this is before she and these two meet. This is acctualy his beggining story and how he ended up making a friend that was nice enough to help when it didnt seem anyone would.

His name is Jason, a lizard green scaled white under belly with a few spikes coming off his head and neck age twleve, however the poor guy is also unable to make friends as the local bullies do everything they can to make him feel like he's an outsider. Today was one of those days where they just had to give him a hard time only this time they decided to take it one step too far.

Jason went into the boys room to do his buinseness and was followed by the group the head being a horse of clydsdale descent name Steven and had a possy of two dogs twins named Larry and Barry both beagels an otter named Jerry and one human named Josh. The group acted like nothing was up as if they were just minding their own buisness however when Jason was done with his urinal Steven pushed him back before jason could zipp up and the beagel twins grabs both his arms. Steven yanks Jason's pants down forcing his reptilian slit to be shown.

"Hah look at this boys seems Jason is a female, maybe we should take her to the right place", said Steven the others laughing and agreeing. Jason in his defense said, "Hey shut up you guys know reptiles dont have external sexes like furs do stop being dicks."

The beagel twins held his arms strong but Josh went ahead and grabs him by the feet to keep Jason from kicking as Steven and Jerry opened the door looking along the hall wich had cleared as the first bell had rung the second would ring in only ten minutes. All five pre teens carried Jason into the girls room where no female was to be seen currently.

Though Jason struggeled and fought to get free the boys would only hold him down punch him now and again to try and weaken him. However finaly as Jeffy forced Jason back the beagel bros began to strip Jason naked once naked all of them except for Steven where holding him down to a toilet seat. Steven smirked as he pulled out a roll of duct tape and began strapping down his feet by the ankels to the underside of the bowl his tail to the flush his hands to the back underside of the seat bound together and then for the final touch strap a piece over his mouth.

"There now Jason is how he sould be, a bitch sitting on the toilet come on guys lets live her," Steven laughed and the others joined in and headed out not locking the stall where Jason knees spread nude on the seat began to try and wiggle himself free. However he would wince in pain as duct tape was worse for reptiles then most furs especialy for lizard types like him. His scales where not hard like a dragons instead was soft and smooth but every time he would pull back his scales would pull back a little as if his skin was coming off and hurt.

Though he hurt he tried hard to get loose but after working at it for an hour and no one entering began to give up as it hurt too much and didnt want to bleed. He felt so embarrased alone and felt as if no one cared for about or anything to do with him. Finaly the next class bell rang and he sat there feeling like this might be his chance. He heard the the door to the girls room open and close. He was just about to make a sound but when he thought about it looked himself over and decided maybe it would be best not to draw attention.

Girls he would hear giggle and gosip going in and use the stalls on either side of him till the next class started. The bell rang its tardy bell and by this time he felt all alone again stuck there in such an awkward and lewd position. He then heard about fifteen minutes later the door of the restroom open again. However this time a feline calico came in and opened the stall he was in and eeped when she saw him.

At first he wanted to say something but stopped as he new his mouth was held close so he laid there unable to get up. She looked him over a moment then unexpectedly she closed the door behind her locking it and she turned to him and began looking around and using her nails started cutting his bounds off under the bowl first her name was Linda.

Not again ok so who did this to you Tammy and her bunch? Geeze i just dont know why she things that she can do this to other girls its rediculous." she would say freeing his feet allowing Jason to close his knees and groaned as now he felt even worse then before wondering if his form was really that femenine.

Linda continued to try and help him out of his bounds but wanting to hear him answer gently and gingerly began to peel the tap off of his mouth making sure not to peel his scales off. Once ioff she smiled."So tell me wich girl was it you can tell me im tough and can help after all everyone needs a friend right?" she said this so cheerfully but he frowned a bit looking at her and said."Im a boy and it was boys that did this to me." Linda eeped and jumped back a bit hearing his voice was more boyish then girl but nodded and continued to help him out by going to undo his wrists.

In order to do so she had to partialy lean her chest onto his her fur very soft ticekled Jasons neck a little but what surprised him most was the fact she smelled so nice. Jason had never been this close to a girl before but said nothing as he had a very light blush. She was able to free his hands but noticed that he had been trying hard as his scales where irritated slightly red and raised then began to work on his tail.

Finaly free."Thanks but i have to get back to class now," Jason said as he began to walk out but Linda stopped him. "How naked? Hehe that would be kinda sexy i think but its not a good idea to do. Where are your clothes?"

Well...the only clothes i had today was what was on my back and now...Well i dont know where Steven and the others put them." he sighed.

Ok no problem i have some gym clothes you can wear after all its last period and when the bell rings we head home i dont live to far you can stay at my house and get cleaned up till you have to go home."

Jason thought a moment wondering why she was being so kind to him then frowned. "So im gonna be a cross dresser?" he groaned. Linda giggled and shrugged. " Only today i promise just please trust me and let me help you ok?"

In defeat Jason nodded and told her where his back pack was so she went and gathered her gym clothes and her pack leaving him in the locked stall. The bell to go home rang and he heard girls coming into the restroom. He felt a bit nervous but soon he felt something fall on his head and observed it realising it was Linda's Gym clothes wich he felt odd about wearing but put them on anyway wich fit him rather tightly and made him look very feminine indeed.

Stepping out Linda smiled giving him his pack and began walking him out of the restroom and into the hall where she lead him out of the school wanting to take him out and away from danger. Wich was there as Stevens gang was chilling at the corner looking around wondering where Jason was wanting to torment him more. Jason looked at them ready to attack and hurt them but Linda squessed his hand wanting to keep his head down. Josh looked at Jason a moment but only a moment as he didnt recognize Jason in Linda's clothes so he paid no mind.

As Linda head the two home they did not talk once but finaly when they got hom she took Jason to her room where she showed that she had a bathroom attached to her bed room so she could wash whenever she needed.

"You can borrow my gym clothes on your way home but be sure you give them back tommarrow ok?"

Yeah yeah,..ill do that" Jason sighed but Linda smiled,"Why not go and take a shower itll make ya feel better go ahead."

She smiled kindly to him and Jason nodded thanking her and before going into the bathroom thanked her for being his friend and Linda retured his thanks wiht a giggle. Jason closed the door wich had no lock but he didnt care as he got out of her clothes and stepped in the shower turning it on to slightly higher then warm making steam form in the room as he breathed and rubed his wrists wich stung from the heat but let the water fall and help wash away the sweat and the dust of the day off of his scales. He would rub between his legs and feeling his own slit would sigh wishing he was a fur because of the fact that he had a slit he was forced into that position and began to cry a little leaning against the wall.

He didnt get but three tears out before he heard the shower door open and close. Turning he saw Linda naked with a smile and stepped under the flowing water purring a bit at the warmth. Jason blushed a bit never being this close before and tried to keep covered some but also felt as if she was treating him like a girl. He decided to confront her about why she came in.

"Linda why did you come in here?IS it because i look like a girl?" he asked sounding a bit down standing side ways to her. She looked at him perking her ears at him but stepped up to him and put her paws on her waist. "Whats your name?"


Well Jason the real reason why is cause you where all alone there no one to help and because you seem to need a friend. I never got to know your name but i always saw you sitting alone some where no one talking to you or even wanting to say hi. I came in here because i needed a shower too just seemed like now was a good time hehe.

She giggled but Jason looked her over and blushed seeing her young sex and looked away. "Yeah but..your naked and...well ive never seen a girl naked"

She smirked and stepped closer to him so much so that he turned and put his back to the wall and she stood close enough that her body was an inch away from his. "Hmmm and what do you think of what you see Huh? "She asked coyly teasing him but Jason blushed a bit more but finaly answered. "Well i ...umm..i have to say you do look very cute"

He didnt know what to say but She smiled and thanked him but closing the gap and hugged to him and licked his cheek softly. At the feel of her tounge a strange sensation he had never had before surged in and not knowing or meaning to he felt his memeber slide out of his slit wich pocked at Lindas sex. She mured a bit feeling it and giggled wanting to see how he would take it if she moved. She roled her hips back and forther causing the lips to slide on the head of his cock wich slid out further making him moan slightly in surprise.

Linda giggled and pulled back just enough to look down at his sex trying to get into hers so she grabs his hands pulling him out and began to dry eachother off with two towels as quick as she could. Though it was easier to dry him off she looked at his ever growing member wondering how big he was going to come out and reached out holding her towel to her chest and began rubing his exposed cock back and forth purring. "Mmmm it feels nice how big will it get?" she asked with excitement.

Jason blushed and moaned some more but answered her with six inches surprising her as most boys in their pre teens arnt even four yet. She had grown aroused from things so far that she took him to her room and laid on the bed smiling up at him and asking him to have sex with her. Jason was surprised and a bit nervous but in his particular state decided why not. He kept an eye on his cock for a moment as she laid back onto her elbows her legs spread over the side of ehr bed she reached down and spread her lips for him. He looked at her. she nodded and then he pushed against her entrance and slid into her slowly moaning as he slid in till he has all of it in.

Being a feline Linda had no hymen though a virgin she still was she gasped in amazement never feeling so good before she lunged up hugging his neck pulling him down wanting him. Jason breathed a bit hastily but began to slide in and out of her rolling his hips in and out. He never fet anything so good in his life he began to go a little faster feelign her insides warm and very wet.

Linda moaned and had a smile on her face she purred and looked down watching his hips move back and forth she began to move her hips up and down too making it slide through her faster so fast in fact he ended up sliding out by accident. Jason stood up to make sure he got back in she on her elbows to watch him go back in and moaned at the sudden thrust he pushed into her. This time she laid back taking his thrusting gasping and moaning,Jason looking down watching her moan turned him on and he looked at his cock sliding through her sex and began to moan as he began to have an orgasim wich he could feel his cock flex inside of her and Linda feeling it began to cum with him.

Being the age they where Jason did not shoot any seed into her but once the two had caught their breath began doing it again before finaly there was a knock at Lindas door. It was her mother checking on her and wanted her to hurry up and get ready for dinner.

Jason finaly made his first friend and soon he and Linda would meet Heather and the stories grow and become more intertwined.

Well well well i am so sorry i took this long to make another chapter of anything i have been extremly busy and with out internet because of job status finaly making my come back here is the second chapter and the third will be along and the fourth for my lunar resort so please be patient and hope for the on going sagas to all my fans. Thank you for reading enjoying and for giving me critiques where i have fixed in the first.