Flametail, Wolf Eyes and Kitty Whiskers

Story by Werewolfantipaladin on SoFurry

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#1 of Flametail

I tap my foot in irritation, why was Max late again? I go over to the window and look out into the night, watching for headlights. A silky voice purrs from behind me "Calm yourself Jake, Max said he was tied up at work and will be along as soon as he can" I turn and face the handsome Cougar sitting at the table. "Danny, I know that, it's just....well...I've never had to share Max before and....I guess...it's something different, that's all" I know I sound unsettled but it is more excitement than that. This was a great idea I had. He gets up and walks over to me placing his hands on my shoulders. "I am the one who should be nervous, I am still a virgin" I smile, his green eyes show his edginess.

"After tonight we will all belong to each other" I whisper and kiss him deeply, there is a little hesitance at first then he submits, our tongues dance in each other's mouth. I think back on how this night came to be. I first met him in one of my law classes and he would later come over to the house for a group study. He found Max extremely attractive he also thought I was equally attractive. It had been a little hard for him to tell me about his feelings but after some gentle coaxing it had all come out. He wanted us in the worst possible way. A groping hand makes me pull back slightly.

"Easy there Kitty Whiskers, wait for our Wolf to come home" I quite like the nickname He makes a disappointed sound "Flametail" he whispers. I can see the front of his sweat pants bulging outward. "Now who is the anxious one" We both laugh and I pour us some hot chocolate. Danny sips his thoughtfully as I mix milk in mine. There is the noise of a motor from outside and gravel crunches. Then a car door slams and a familiar footfall on the stairs. The lock rattles and Max enters, the chill of the winter follows him.

"Sheesh, close that door Max" I scold, he sticks his tongue out at me and walks over to Danny and starts stroking the Cougar's golden fur. "So impertinent" he chides "Typical Fox, has to constantly be giving orders" Danny starts purring in appreciation and I notice again that bulge, only now it is shaking. Max notices this too and reaches down and grabs him. "Wow, we should see to this" I smile, the Cougar just gasps.

"My room" Max states simply and we head in there and undress each other. Danny looks a little uncertain at first then reaches out, taking my penis in one hand and Max's in the other and starts rubbing them. Goddess that feels so good, I hear Max grunt in appreciation as well. There is a squeak of bedsprings, Danny has gotten on it and is lying on his stomach, he tugs on us so we get closer then puts out his pink tongue and starts licking our dicks, starting with mine then Max, back and forth. I can feel heat, a familiar burning, I look over at Max, his eyes are closed in ecstasy, seeing him pleasured only makes my desire burn hotter.

Danny pops both of us into his mouth and suckles greedily, I feel Max's dick right against mine, I moan his name and feel his hand on my rear, I naturally grab his as well, our other hands rub Danny's head finding that erotic spot just behind the ear. I hear Max gasp and my cries join his as we climax together, Danny holds us tight in his mouth and trembles. I smile and rub the top of his head "You did very well my love" Max echoes my sentiments.

"Your turn" he says. Danny lies back on the bed, we cover his body with kisses. Max starts fondling Danny's sack and I take him into my mouth, the Cougar growls, moaning with pleasure. Max looks at me and assists me, Danny lets out a yowl and we quickly clean him, soon all traces of his orgasm are gone. He gasps "Please Wolf Eyes, Flametail more" Max grins and I return that grin, my Wolf leans forward, kissing me and our tongues do a familiar dance as our hands run over Danny. Max gets up and heads over to his dresser and removes a tube of lubricant and slathers himself with it. I watch and continue to fondle Danny, moving him into position.

He looks over at Max then up at me. "We'll take this nice and slow Danny. If it hurts or you feel any discomfort at all, Max will stop" The Cougar nods, I lean over him and help spread his legs, the tip of Max's penis pokes against Danny as he slowly slides in. Danny moans, lifting his pelvis. Max also lets out a groan "Little tight there" he slides withdraws slightly then pushes forward. I rub just around him, offering encouragement, I feel Danny take me into his mouth, bliss starts filling my body as I duck my head and return the favor.

I feel Danny's body spasm and Max slides the rest of the way in, he lets out a yelp of surprise and laughs. "Well, you are an eager one aren't you" Goddess this is so hot, so powerful, I watch Max's cock sliding in and out of our new lover, Danny is a hot spike in my mouth and is insistently sucking on mine. I feel a familiar tremble, close my eyes, my cries are muffled by Danny swelling inside my mouth as I climax, several seconds later I am tasting his warm seed, Max howls as he too finishes.

We disengage and lie together on the bed. Danny moans, rubbing his body. "That was so wonderful, how long does it take to recharge" Max chuckles and I look at the Cougar. "Usually a few minutes" Danny grins and looks over at me and then at Max. My....no...Our Wolf smiles and says "I'm next"

Max rolls over onto his back and gets in position. Danny stands between his legs, I reach forward and lubricate him up and then assume the same stance I did when Danny was in Max's place. Danny pushes forward and enters Max, sliding all the way in, Max cries out in pleasure and soon is eagerly licking my dick, I deep throat his, the room is full of our scents....Fox, Wolf, Cougar all mixing together, the smell is heady, my head swims with pleasure...I remember the charge of my goddess and the power of sex magic.

"All acts of pleasure are my rituals" There will be power tonight, the power of a virgins initiation, the power of three. Time is a blue. We all take it in turns, Max inside me, Me inside Danny. Cougar mates with Fox mates with Wolf mates with Fox mates with Cougar and so it goes.

Dawn finds us lying together in a pile of warmth. Soon warm showers will wash away the scent of sex and blood. Danny marked each of us and bore both Max's and my own mark. The Cougar dresses, Max has a pot of hot chocolate going and pours into three cups as we all sit around the table.

"Last night was the most incredible experience I ever had" Danny says happily, there is a brightness in his face, his eyes glitter. Max nods and sips his from his mug. I smile and pour some milk into my hot chocolate. Danny is quiet for several minutes then looks at both of us "What now" he says quietly. "You move in with us" I say. Max looks over at me then at Danny. "We have a spare room that we were using for storage. How long do you think it will take you to get your things ready?" The Cougar grins so wide I think the top of his head will split off. "No...No time at all" "Well then" I say, "after breakfast, we'll get you settled in and then you can have even more incredible experiences"