The Lifeguard - Part 1; The late shift.

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Lifeguard

This is a short series that I thought of today whilst I was visiting my local pool. It's about a young Otter named Daran who is a Lifeguard. I'm not sure how many chapters I'm expecting to write but I can safely say it will only be a few.

_Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. _


Friday evenings were always quiet, but this particular evening the swimming pool resembled a ghost town. We usually only see Pensioners swimming in the pool on Fridays, but I figured that Bingo must start at around 4:00pm as they seem to all clear off by that time every week. In fact, everyone had abandoned me. It's the same story every Friday night; poor old me gets left here all by his lonesome. My name badge should read, "Assistant Manager, Scapegoat" instead of "Assistant Manager, Daran".

A low humming sound of a fan somewhere and the occasional drip of water were the only two sounds that filled the room -well, that and the occasional sigh that I would let out as I glanced at my watch every so often, begging for the time to pass quicker.

The azure water was completely still, with the exception of some small ripples as the water silently lapped the shore at the shallow end of the pool. It looked so inviting, and being a Young Otter in the prime of his life- it was just natural for me to be drawn to water.

I imagined myself springing straight out of my chair and into the water, uniform and all. "What are the chances of anyone coming in now anyway...?" I mumbled to myself, glancing down at my watch. Reading the time; I sighed, seeing that I still had an hour and a half before the end of the day.

Some people would say that this job is one of the most boring jobs you could have, and I would be inclined to agree with them - on most days that is though; for as I was sitting upon my lifeguard chair; towering some 6 feet from the ground, in walked the most unlikely group of furs that you would expect to see on a Friday night.

Three Foxes; two were pretty normal looking Red Foxes, but the third; a brilliant, bright White colour, with Grey flecks on the tips of his ears - almost steel Blue in colour. He stood a little shorter than the other two as they made their way into the pool area shyly; noticing that they were all three alone, with the exception of me.

As the White Fox glanced up at me I caught glimpse of his eyes, which were a piercing Green with a light Blue tinge and I couldn't help but blush a little; he was very attractive and furthermore - very interesting.

The three looked around the empty room as the White Fox approached me. "Um, is the pool still open, Sir?" He said, now standing at the bottom of my tower, gazing up at me with his bright Green eyes.

Now able to get a better look at him, I could see that he was in good shape and had a nice flat tummy. In fact all three had nice figures. The two Red Foxes looked slightly older, probably in their late teens, and they could possibly be brothers, judging from their looks - but not wanting to stare too obviously I quickly averted my gaze from their bodies, and back to the piercing Green eyes of the White Fox who had just asked me a question.

"Of course it's still open, Alex. Why do you think the Lifeguard is still here?!" One of the other two Foxes said sarcastically, giving the White Fox named Alex a slight shove.

Lost for words for a brief moment, I slightly stumbled over my response. "Y-yes, the pool closes at 6:30."

The other Fox then proceeded to poke his tongue out at Alex, who clearly wasn't impressed as he watched both Red Foxes jump into the pool. The impact of the two furs made a loud splashing sound which echoed through the desolate room, a sound which I hadn't heard for a good few hours.

"Thanks." Alex muttered to me as he turned around and stepped slowly to the edge of the pool. As he did, I noticed more of the Grey flecks on fur, running in two stripes down his back. The stripes almost made the shape of an arrow - pointing down to his tail, and more interestingly - his toosh; which was being held nice and snugly by a fur-tight pair of silvery blue shorts, which shimmered with each step that he took.

Becoming quite aroused, I let myself eyes trace over the outlines of his cheeks as I watched him timidly outstretch a foot. Gently hovering it over the surface of the water before dipping his toe in, making little ripples circle outwards.

I held back a laugh as I watched him shudder and recoil his foot as he stood there awkwardly, staring at his reflection in the water.

"Thwack!" a sound echoed through the room as one of the two other Foxes had hurled a small purple ball at Alex, hitting him directly in the chest and causing him to lose his balance - and fall directly into the water.

I tried to hold back a laugh again as I blew my whistle at the older looking Fox, signalling a mild warning as he gestured back an apology.

Looking back down into the water, there was a flailing mass of White Fur starting to surface. "Not fair!" Alex cried as he gulped a breath of air, narrowing his at the two giggling Foxes.

I watched the three Foxes for around half an hour or so, playing games of catch with the small purple ball and felt slightly sorry for Alex - who was clearly being left out. The two Red foxes would throw it to each other, making it seem more like a game of piggy in the middle - than catch.

Clearly fed up with being left out - Alex resorted to doing laps. As I watched him swimming up and down the lanes I noticed the two other furs sneak out. A few minutes passed until he finally realized that he was alone in the pool.

"W-where did they go?" He called up to me, a look of drudgery on his face as if this was no surprise to him.

"I'm not too sure, Alex. They might be in the changing rooms?" I replied, trying to spark off some conversation.

"I doubt it; they always do this to me. I don't even know why I bother with them. They're both probably on the bus home now, I know it - same story every time we go out together." Alex said, paddling over to the edge nearest to my tower. "They're my cousins. My mom and aunt insist on them taking me out, because they think that being with those two I'll become more 'masculine'."

Alex pulled himself up and sat on the edge of the pool. Climbing down the steps of my chair tower, I gingerly sat next to him. "Masculine?" I asked, I could tell from the way he talked, acted and the kind of swimwear he was wearing - that he wasn't exactly the most masculine Fox I had ever seen. 'Maybe he is gay...' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, 'Masculine'" He repeated, sarcasm evident in his voice. "My mom and dad think that's the reason why I've not had a girlfriend. But they just don't understand me." He said, looking down at his chest as he gently rubbed the small, tender, red patch of fur where the ball had hit him earlier.

"Well I can't see why you've not got a girlfriend! You're a very attractive young Fox, if you don't mind me saying." I took my chances, hoping to squeeze a little more info out of him. Alex blushed heavily, his bright White cheeks turning a crimson red to match the bruise on his chest.

"Is that ok? I didn't realize it hit you that hard. If I had, I would have done something... I feel pretty bad now." I gave him a concerned look as he winced at the bruise on his furred chest.

"It's ok... Look, sorry for burdening all my problems on you. You seem like much too cool of a guy to be worried about me."

"Cool guy? I'm just a Lifeguard; it's like the most boring job ever." The little Fox raised his eyebrows at me, before saying "I better get changed." Still blushing, he quickly hurried off towards the changing cubicles. I would have blown my whistle to stop him from running, but in all honesty I enjoyed seeing his butt jiggle as he ran. I couldn't help but grin at the sight.

"Well if you need someone to talk to, my shift doesn't finish for another 45 minutes..." My voice echoed around the room. Alex turned back and nodded, looking rather embarrassed as I saw him quickly make his way into a changing cubicle.

"Poor thing." I said, 'But so damn cute!' I thought, watching the cubicle door shut.

A few moments passed as I watched Alex's footpaws through the gap under the cubicle door. Seconds later I saw that pair of silky blue shorts fall to the ground around his ankles.

I felt myself becoming aroused again, knowing that he was naked in there. "Um, d-don't rush or anything. I'm going to lock up early." I called, as I quickly slid the slider doors shut to the pool and switched the lights off. "Mmhmm" He called back.

Silently propping myself up against a wall just opposite his changing cubicle I gazed at those shimmering blue shorts around his ankles. Thinking of how good that little White furry body might look in there.

Then I thought to myself - 'He's not stepped out of them yet, they're still round his ankles... What could he be doing in there?'

As I listened, sure enough I could hear a soft moaning sound coming from inside the cubicle. My cock started to stir in my briefs as I listened to the quiet grunts and groans of pleasure that the little Fox was making.

"Hmmaahhh, ahhhh!" he started to moan, a lot louder this time whilst I edged close and closer to the cubicle door. I heard him let out a gasp before he moaned again loudly. "Aaaaaahhhhh!"

I was literally right outside the door now; the sweet scent of his Fox cum had started to drift upwards and out of the cubicle, filling my nostrils with Alex's aroma. The scent was like an aphrodisiac to me, I felt the bulge in my underwear start to grow bigger as my mind was awhirl with lust for that cute Foxie in there.

I couldn't help myself any more. "Need a furdryer or something? You're taking an awfully long time in there!" I said, grinning.

"Mr. Lifeguard, sir!" he gasped, "I-I-I.." he stuttered, finally catching his breath. "I'm, s-so sorry! B-but you-and calling me attractive -and I could t-tell that you're, you know. Gay?" The muffled words tumbled out, in one long reel of words, followed by a short uneasy silence.

"H-how long had you been standing there?" He asked timidly.

"Long enough for you to make me really, really turned on..." I replied.

There was a short silence, broken by the click of a turning lock as the cubicle door swung open to reveal an embarrassed looking, dripping wet, naked, White Fox; his snowy white furred chest splattered with cum. His cheeks were still a bright shade of red as he stood awkwardly with his paw wrapped around his still erect member, dripping cum onto the pair of silky blue shorts around his ankles.

Looking at me once again with those big, Green eyes a grin started forming over his face. "Maybe I could use a little help." He said as he bit his lip, looking suggestively at the sticky mess he'd made.

Wasting no time, I quickly got to work. Kneeling in front of him I started working on his chest, I let my tongue drift up and over his belly and felt the little globules of cum meet my tongue, sending shivers down my spine as I tasted his sweet flavour.

My tongue licked clean his chest as I then proceeded to move down to his cock, still in his paw. Sticking my tongue out I looked up at Alex as he took his dripping wet cock and wiped it against my tongue.

He murred loudly as I grasped his butt cheeks, caressing them gently as I started bobbing my head up and down his shaft, taking his cock all the way into my muzzle I let my tongue lick his fuzzy white balls, lapping up every last trace of his Fox cum.

"You taste so good!" I said, sliding his cock out of my muzzle. Giggling, Alex motioned towards the cum-saturated swim shorts still around his ankles. "How about desert?"

Reaching down to the shimmering blue shorts, I pulled them back up and over Alex's package. "These are just the cutest things!" I said in delight, licking some of the cum from the front of his shorts. As my tongue glided over the silky material I could feel his throbbing cock through them, starting to become hard again.

"There's a little cum around the back here too!" He gasped, and with a cheeky grin he dipped his finger in some of the sticky mess running down the front of his shorts. He then turned around and wiped it over his butt cheek.

"Oh you're just too cute!" I said, running my tongue over his rump - licking up the last remainder of his cream on those silky blue shorts. "Let's get you cleaned up properly shall we?"

Alex nodded and grinned. Taking him by the paw I lead him to the showers. I quickly slipped my shirt off before switching the showers on as we both disappeared into a cloud of hot steam and running water...

To be continued...