The Half Moon Tribe -- Journey

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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A new journey for Slayn! Avalon is there with him for the beginning. What will happen between these two lovers...?

"Shove off in fifteen minutes! Last call for passengers!"

I looked up from the bench I had been sitting on, gripping the edges tightly in my hands. This would be the beginning of my trip, my mission, my journey. I had knwon about this for a month now and the anxiety had built up as we got to today. Last night had been particularly hard; saying goodbye to people I knew and loved, being embraced by my Alpha and told I am doing the tribe honor. I knew I was but it did not make the idea any easier.

Thankfully I was not doing this initial step alone. I had the one man who settled my anxiety and made my world stable. Avalon. My dear friend and companion. Not too long ago he had joined our tribe and put up with all my insecurities and issues. I didn't think I would ever find someone like him, but here he was, sitting with me on the bench and looking out at the vast river moving south.

"We should probably get onboard that thing, yes?" He said with a slight wariness to his voice. He stood up and adjusted his various belts. On his back hung one of his swords, the other being strapped to a belt around his waist. His modesty was covered by a heavy leathered loincloth that wouldn't move in the wind and make Outsiders angry. He had on his typical red bandana, bright like his smile and as familiar as his scent. The massive warrior grinned down at me and a hand on my back, giving me an affectionate rub. "C'mon, we need to move."

"I know, I know." I said with a sigh and stepped forward. I was far more burdened than my mate. A satchel bag was strapped over my cloaked back. Another pouch was strapped to my bare brown furred thigh, as well as the belt holding my daggers on my back, hidden from view of most people. I liked that people had the perception I was unarmed -- Not because I expected a fight but because it didn't make people tense. Like Avalon I wore a blue loincloth but no headband. I could never get the thing to lay right with my ears.

"Just now looking forward to this whole experience." I mumbled, walking to the huge boat. It was a broad raft like structure of a ship with levels below and one above the water. I twould move slowly, but it was designed for people and cargo. The Outsiders moved up and down the Azure River following various towns and villages for trade. As a strider I had seen a few of these over my lifetime, but where I was going, The Vast, it was where none of our people had ever been before.

"Slayn," Avalon said as he handed one of the Outsiders, a dog of somekind dressed in a tunic and trousers commonly worn by people outside of our tribe. "This is going to be an experience. Arch said no one from our home has done this journey and we're overdue. We need to make more allies around the world. Sending his Alpha-Strider makes perfect sense." I could tell he was not terribly thrilled with the idea but he was trying to cheer me up. "Besides, I'm going to be on this thing until we get to the Vast. Then I'll go home and go stir crazy waiting for your return." He said with a fondness and familarity that always put me at ease.

The ship, as I came to know it as the Broadside, was busy with people moving about. We were looked at with a bit of owe and slight scorn. Members of our group, the Half-Moon, didn't usually mingle with Outsiders too much. A culture that had done away with the ancient rituals and magics and had instead embraced technology and metalworking. There was a rift between us, a fundamental difference that always made things slightly off balance.

Still, these men were professionals and didn't let their prejudice get the better of them. We were told by a young deckhand raccoon where our room was. he called it a 'cabin' but it did not look like any cabin I had seen. It was a small room with two fold-down beds on either side. A thin mattress of feathers was locked into place on either side. A pillow and thin blanket for both was in the tiny closet near the doorway back into the corridor. When the beds were pushed up and against the wall we could sit on bench seats. The light came from a lit lamp above our heads and the tiny circular window that overlooked the greenish blue water below.

"Cozy," I heard Avalon say as he wedged himself inside and kicked the door closed with his foot. My mate was not a small man by any sense of the word. He never did well in confined spaces and tended to be more annoyed with it than not. I had a feeling we would be in the more public areas of the ship more than our small room.

"At least we have beds," I added, trying to sound pleasant enough as he slipped my bags off my shoulders, pushing them into the netted holding spaces near the ceiling. I was pulling my cloak off as I turned to look at Avalon. "And this ship is big. It wont rock like our canoes back home. You should feel fine." I hoped. Avalon was not one to vomit but I knew his stomach was probably the weakest part about him.

Grumbling, scowling, and trying to look more grumpy than he probably was, he kept undoing his own things, putting his bag up and then his swords, hanging the baldric scabbard on a peg and then his sword belt. He lifted his arms and began to undo the metal bracers on his wrists. I busied myself with putting his my own daggers away. I was planning to let Avalon grumble himself out. He usually switched moods fairly easily. I think he only complained sometimes because he knew I didn't complain nearly enough. If he had only known me a few years ago...

I sat on the bench and leaned back, first looking out the window and then back at Avalon, examining his form. He was a tall, broad man with red fur and a white undercoat. He was so unique, so different than any other wolf i had ever met. I had never seen a wolf with fur color like his and Arch had said they were very uncommon. I believed him.

Avalon was muscled, a lifetime of being a warrior will do that to you. Comparatively I was lithe, muscled but not bulky. My body was honed for speed and agility. I was the fastest wolf in our group, the Alpha-Strider. I could get to a place on my feet faster than my predecessor, a bit of honor I allowed myself from time to time. I knew I was good but I didn't gloat about it.

Avalon was as strong as I was fast. He was scarrless, a feat that had earned him a nickname of Bladedancer. Using two swords and not a scratch, he moved with a fluid grace that would have made even a strider blush with envy. Still, he was no weakling. Thick muscles and biceps, pectorals that were tense with years of training. His stomach was cobbled much like the roads of the Outsiders, and his--

"What?" He asked, snapping me out of my analysis. I blinked and looked up at his face, smiling. "Huh?"

"You were staring at me." He said, grinning and turning back to me. "You don't hide it very well."

I grinned and slowly stood up. The room was so small I didn't even have to take a step forward. I let my cream colored fingers touch his bare knee and slide upwards, following the part where red fur became white. I slid my fingers up and then under the flap of his loincloth. I could feel the modesty fabric there, a thin loinwrap that he wore, that we all wore really, incase wind blew and kept us stable when we ran. Outsiders always thought it was just a flap.

He tensed up, then grinned, looking down at me. I did not move my hand away. Instead I pushed my fingers into the side of the fabric along his leg, pushing until I could wiggle a finger inside. I felt the warmth of his testicles against my finger, hot from the day's walk even though the morning had been crisp. "Who said I was trying to hide it?" I asked with a coy smirk.

Watching Avalon twitch and control a shiver, the way he swallowed, it always sent a jolt from my spine right to my sheath. Just a little touch could make this huge warrior melt. And it was my touch that did it. I moved my finger up and to his sheath, not at all surprised to feel the familiar length pushing out of its entrance.. warm and slightly damp. A couple inches. I hadn't even been trying.

"Unf," I heard him say, a lazy grin slowly forming on his muzzle as his hands moved and found my hips, circling them with his hands. He could almost touch his fingers together. "Now? You sure?"

At the question I brought my hand out from uner his loincloth and up to his belt, using both now to unbuckle the leather as I looked up at him. "We have only a few more days together. You are lucky we made it to this village on time." I said with a heat to my voice, a need. I pulled his loincloth off and tossed it to the side, hearing it hit the wall. His loinwrap was bulging. I let my hand rub over the straining pouch before undoing the knot with practiced fingers, pulling it free and tossing it aside.

I had to swallow when I saw half his length just hang there. Crimson red, thick and full. I had slept with Avalon countless times, but his naked body, his exposed flesh, it always lit me like a candle. I knew, above all else, I needed this man.

I reached over and unlatched the bed and then pushed my mate toward it. As the warrior felt his knees brush the bench and sat down, I crawled up. I reached up and pulled off that bandana, putting it to the floor. I loved having Aalon naked. He was perfect in just his fur. I threw a leg over his waist and leaned over, bringing our muzzles together, crashing against one another with the same fiery passion. I could feel his tongue slide into my muzzle, his ability to take control on full display. I felt his heavy hands pull and tug at my waist, my loincloth and wrap coming off with haste, making me worry, for a brief moment, if it had been ripped and damaged.. but when I felt his large paw curl around my flesh all other cares ceased.

I shuddered, trying to remember to keep kissing as those fingers worked me in ways only Avalon knew. The grip at my base, the pump of and the tug.. It made my hips lurch upwards more than once, my thighs flex, and my tail raise. He was making me pre. I couldn't tell why, it wasn't like it was a bad thing but it usually made more of a mess. Once he got me leaking I could feel those thick fingers rubbing over my tapered tip, back and forth. The tip was always so sensitive, and neither of us has had much relief.

Then it was gone.

I was trying to sit up, to break the kiss, but his other hand was on the back of my head. The now free hand that had been pleasuring me was wrapping around behind me. It took a moment to realize what was happening. I tried to make a noise but then I felt pressure. Warm, thick, wet pressure. I could feel it pushing my walls apart, spreading me as it made its way past my entrance, pushing deeper into my body. My mate had slipped two fingers into me, slick with my own pre. When I began to sit up and break the kiss he let it, staring up at me and half grinning.. my mouth was open and my breath hitching.

"Y...You don't this." I said to him.

"What?" He looked confused, playfully offended. "maybe I'm just making sure I don't lose such a necessary skill." He said something to that effect. I honestly couldn't make it out because his finger curled at that moment and pushed against that spot deep inside. Any male who had been on the bottom knows that spot. The kind of area where pressure and pleasure live. I curled my toes and arched my back a little, rolling my hips forward. I was aware of his erection, hot and warm and wet against my leg, but I could barely think. Avalon assaulted that spot, never overwhelming me but definitely keeping me dancing near an edge. I jerked and tried to remain still, but each push made my hips roll.

Minutes ticked by. I think. It may have been hours. Avalon kept toying with me, pushing against me, making me so close I was leaking onto his stomach. My knot had long since made itself known, round and red and swollen, a testament to his ability to turn me on. I could feel his own against my leg. I wanted it. I wanted him in me. But right now i was at his mercy.

Finally relief! His hand moved and out of me. I felt the fog of pleasure slowly part, and my wit start to return. I was about to say something when he grabbed me and rolled us both. First he flipped me onto my front, putting a hand under my stomach and lifting me up as if I was a straw toy. Then I felt his crushing weight above me, his strong chest and arms curling around me. He draped over me like a cloak. I fit against him well. I could feel his length pushed between my cheeks. Hot and wet. I whined and tried to move but he kept me still. I felt his muzzle down near my ear, growling and sniffing.

"I will make sure you come home as fast as you can, Slayn." He whispered. "Because it is my mission to make sure you never forget what is waiting for you at home, love. You will be out in a world where so many options are available to you. But me...I will be the thing you want most of all." He said all this by grinding himself forward, sliding his length along my cheeks. I felt him pull back.

"A...Avalon. Please!" I found myself moaning out. I would have been embarrassed in a more lucid state of mind, but this moment it was a true call of pleasure.

And my mate responded.

I felt his tapered tip push against my now relaxed entrance. He did not need to do much to get his first few inches into me.. the soft and familiar feeling, the warm and firmness.. and then he kept going. Usually he would pause and let me relax but with his prep and our desire I don't think either of us cared.

He pushed into me quickly. I felt his tip push into parts of me no man had ever reached. it made my ears fold back and my head lean forward.Our bodies became one as he pushed down until his hips touched my rump, his balls resting against my legs. I couldn't breathe from the feeling of pressure, the fullness, and the wonderful itch that was being scratched. I know I made a squeaking noise of sorts, and had only a moment to adjust before he started rolling his hips back and diving back on in.

I could feel Avalon curling his arms around my chest, lifting me up a little so he was half holding me, pulling me back, holding me back, all the while I heard growls of pleasure and lust coming from his throat. The familar sound of our breathing, the wetness between us, and the creak of the unfaimiliar bed. Nothing else mattered in the world right now but the wolf above me.

He knew everything about my body. Each time I felt like I was getting close he slowed down just enough. I felt my edge recede and then pushed forward again as his heavy thumps picked up. I grunted through gritted teeth and felt the same buildup deep inside my balls. It was surreal to not have to talk to someone about what felt good and what didn't. I liked it.

I could also tell he was not going to last much longer too. His hands shifted from holding my chest to one hand on my hip and the other my shoulder, making me arch my back while he sat up. I heard him grunt through his own teeth, my whole body rocking forward as he really pushed forward with his thrusts, my entrance blocking his knot. He did this a few more times until he finally grabbed me and pulled me back and he pushed himself forward. I heard him groan over my own as my entrance spread wider and wider. I was always worried that I would split, be torn in two...!

But then my ring closed around the base of the knot with suction. It was in me and that was all I needed. I felt bliss and pleasure roll through my chest, my cock jumping. Avalon was now lost in his own world of pleasure, unable to stop himself from the rapid and furious rabbit thrusts, my climax washed over me. I felt my back arch and my mouth open, crying something out.

I held myself, feeling the familiar swell and heat as my shaft exploded; the hot white ropes of seed flying forward with strength to hit the wall by the pillow. Each rapid thrust from my lover seemed to drive out a little bit more seed, and I made all the sounds of someone who was enthralled with the pleasure. I didn't care if they were humiliating, I loved making these sounds for Avalon.

I felt my mate clench his teeth near my shoulder, pulling me back again, and growl loudly, his teeth clamping down onto my flesh and fur. The body behind me, in me, tensed and became stone.. The groans from it were erotic and heavy with heat and need. I felt the shaft inside me pulse and spray. I could see it in my mind; the hot white seed filling me. Again and again and again, the warmth was wonderful, the sense of fullness familiar. For awhile now we would be tied. Lovers forever.

When we both stopped panting as heavy as we were Avalong rabbed my hip and rolled us both onto our sides.. one arm curled around me.. rubbing over my chest of now damp fur. I was breathing heavy still but the feeling of this man holding me was incredible. I was always so content after we made love.

I could hear Avalon's breathing slow. I knew he was falling asleep. I reached back and patted his leg, shaking him.

"M..wha? What?" He said while trying to hold back a tired little yawn.

"As you said, we only have a few more days together. Lets go again."

To be continued