Tales from Dragon Heaven - Extended Role (2/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Tales from Dragon Heaven

Shawn decides to take up Riven on an offer in order to have a pooltoy experience, not knowing that the other dragon had more nefarious means at his disposal to make him a dream comes true... at least for him. A deviation from the normal Dragon Heaven story where Shawn experiences a more permanent means of being a pooltoy.

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Shawn wasn't sure how long he had been left in that storage closet, days? Months? Hours? Time didn't seem to really hold any more meaning for him; he no longer felt hungry or tired and it appeared whatever transformation he had undertaken eliminated his need for waste removal as well. Plus the entire time he was floating there, suspended in rubber inside of the orca pool toy he could continue to feel the latex fusing with his skin, merging with him until it was hard to tell where the rubber dragon ended and the toy began.

Eventually Riven did come back and Shawn saw that he was in another anthro pool toy suit, this one an inflatable tiger shark as he once more picked the orca pool toy up by the handles and took it out. "Everyone's been really excited to meet the new pool toy on the block after I told them about you," he stated as they went into a room that Shawn had been in before. "Why don't you take a second to get acquainted with all of them while I get ready for your welcome into the fold."

Shawn let out a squeak as he was set down, and when he did so he heard a cacophony of similar sounds coming from the others. Though it was hard to look around since he only had a line of sight that was directly in front of him he could the others moving slightly, as though there was someone inside wiggling just like he had been when he had been trapped inside. He had known that they were there before from the first time that Shawn had been turned into a temporary pool toy, but he thought that they were all the same too and were just friends of Riven that wanted to give him a good time. Now he learned too late what the truth of it all was, they were also those that the black rubber dragon had turned into permanent inflatables to be a part of Riven's collection.

Though communication was pretty much impossible at this point Shawn attempted to try and see how long some of them had been there and how they managed to get caught up in all this, though there was no way to decipher what they were saying back to him or if they even knew what he was saying in the first place. Riven came back about a minute later and said that he had gotten pretty good at learning what squeaks sound like what words, and much to Shawn's surprise when he asked him a question, he was able to get pretty close to what he had meant to say. He found out through their interpreter that all of them had come back to Riven at some point after being given a taste of what being completely bound up in a pool toy was like and had come back for more, some had joined the fold after the second time that they came back while others were in five or six times before the dragon had brought them into the fold.

"I have to admit that for some of these guys it was hard to tell whether they would benefit from being in my collection or not," Riven stated as he went up to a dolphin inflatable and gave it a squeeze, causing it to squeak back at him in what Shawn could only guess was appreciation before he looked down at him. "But for you I could tell that if you ever accepted my offer to come back here I would add you immediately. All that time you spend bound up at the Aviary, the way you look at those other inflatables and people in bondage, I knew from the second I laid eyes on you in that cage that eventually I would have you as part of my collection.

Shawn was still flabbergasted at how bold the dragon was at just snatching him up like that, telling him that the club and his clanmates would probably have something to say about it as he let off a series of squeaks. Riven chuckled and said that he could stand a little jealousy from the others in exchange for having a pristine, needy orca dragon pool toy in his collection as he flipped him over. When he did Shawn found himself only able to see the floor as the dorsal fin on his back angled him strangely. His view changed however when he suddenly felt a rush of air in his head and near his tail section as Riven sat down on him with his rear pressing against the throbbing rubber cock that was significantly longer thanks to the aid of the suit.

There was another series of squeaks as Riven took the bright pink, tapered cock and pressed the tip against his suit's tailhole. Though not nearly the same as his own body their inflated bodies felt strange pressed up against one another, an erotic feeling of displacement as one of Riven's movements caused both their bodies to shift. Eventually the tiger shark inflatable spread his own pucker open with Shawn's new cock, causing a loud squeak to leave his mouth as the other male let gravity do the work to continue to pull him down. Though both their bodies were able to accommodate the other Riven's pace was extremely slow and methodical as he sank every inch of that glistening pink shaft into his tailhole while Shawn was only able to watch.

The amount of sheer pleasure that was radiating through his form caused Shawn to nearly black out, and as he once more wiggled in his inner bindings he felt the fins on the side of his body move slightly. Did they... actually just move without him thinking about it, Shawn thought before the tight walls of the pool toy tiger shark gave his sensitive rubber flesh a squeeze and caused a lustful jolt to course throughout his entire body. Eventually though Riven managed to get the entirety of the rather large member inside of him, to the point where Shawn swore he could see it bulging out his already inflated abs, and the pause in the endless wave of euphoria allowed him to think. His focus turned immediately from his cock to his fin as he imagined it was just like moving his arm, willing it to do so with his mind as hard as he could and watching it flip up slightly.

"I think someone is starting to see just how their new body works," Riven teased, taking his puffy paw hands and rubbing them against the taut belly of the male beneath him while sliding himself up. "Face it Shawn, you can't deny that you are enjoying the idea of being like this with me forever. I'll treat you with the same love, care, and devotion just like you get in the Aviary and you'll never have to leave the bondage that you so intensely enjoy. I know you Shawn, just like I know all of them, and you're already adjusting to your new life so well."

Shawn grimaced, not because what Riven was saying was wrong... but because of what he was saying was so right. He had always loved being in situations where he didn't have control; whether it was all the times he allowed himself to be tied up in Dragon Heaven or when Jiro experimented on him and turned him into a mindless feral dragon of even during his initial transformation into a rubber dragon. He nearly jumped at the opportunity to be a slave of Dragon Heaven and when his boss offered him the ability to be his personal servant at work he couldn't think of a reason why he would say no. In the end even though he wasn't sure how it was going to happen Shawn knew deep down in his heart that eventually something like this was going to happen to him... it just so happened that his permanent lot in life involved becoming a pool toy for such a wonderful owner as Riven.

While it was hard to tell for Shawn rather the thoughts that were just streaming through his head at that moment were genuinely his own or if it was something devised by Riven through the gas the pleasure he was getting from the inflatable-suited anthro shark was quickly taking his mind off of such things. The sound of their bodies squeaking together as Riven bounced up and down on him filled the air as each time the entirety of his pink length was swallowed up by the tailhole of the other male another wave of pleasure eroded his rational thought. Soon all he could think about was the rush of air passing through his inner core, which was already starting to become hard to remember that there was once just a rubber dragon inside though he could still wiggle his body around independently, and the serene feeling of those inner walls rubbing against his sensitive pool toy flesh.

After a few minutes Shawn finally orgasmed, though as with his last encounter anything he produced from it was immediately absorbed by the suit as Riven came as well. Shawn let out a loud squeak as Riven pushed his own body down deep to the point where the inflatable tiger shark nearly had his rear pressing against the actual creature inside the pool toy. They remained like that for a few minutes before Riven stood up and cleaned himself off of the mess that he had created on him and Shawn. Once he was done he took the hefty pink rod and gave it a last polish before pushing it into the pool toy body of the orca, Shawn squeaking multiple times from the additional stimulation before it was pushed completely inside the outer later of latex and sealed away.

"Welcome to your new life Shawn," Riven said as he picked up the orca pool toy and tossed him in with the others on the pile. "It's still going to take a few days for the rubber lining to fully fuse with your body, and until then I'm sure your new roommates will take advantage of how sensitive your outer body is going to be. Don't worry though, we're going to be hitting the pool sooner then you think..."


Several weeks pass by and Shawn quickly got acclimated to his new environment, eventually thinking of himself as an orca pool toy rather then his old dragon form even though it was still technically there. The first night all the other permanently trapped pool toys had shifted and moved around with him in the middle of it, causing him to climax three more times until the exertion finally caused him to pass out. In the following days he attempted to get to know the others a little better, and though he still had an extremely hard time understanding anything he began to learn the series of signs and squeaks that helped them all communicate with one another. The room would be filled with the sounds of their squeaking, either their rubber bodies pressed against one another or the sounds they made from their mouths.

The only time they would go completely silent was when Master Riven would come into the room to pick a few of them out in order to go swimming with or entertaining guests. Shawn was curious to see that it appeared other then Riven and his collection of pool toys no one seemed to be on to what he was doing, especially when he saw his handlers at one point looking around. The black rubber dragon hid his tracks rather well, other than the initial meeting that they had at the club no one saw him pick up Shawn and bring him back to his place and he had even gone back to Dragon Heaven in order to make sure people saw him there. Not that any of that mattered, Shawn thought to himself as he stat there on the floor, he was just a pool toy after all.

It seemed for a while that Master Riven intentionally made sure not to pick Shawn in the beginning, and though he explained it was because he had to make sure that the suit took to him properly he was pretty sure it was just to make him jealous... and it was working. Every time he picked something like the shark or the dolphin or the sea monster he wished that it would be him floating on the water, letting the water lap against his stomach while his master pounded into his backside while creating tiny waves from the motion. It was one of the reasons why he had initially wanted to become a pool toy again in the first place... though it was so long ago now that he hardly remembered what that was like.

Eventually it appeared that Riven was ready to throw a pool party, something that the second he announced caused all the toys to shift about and squeak loudly. When he was going to the pool it meant that it would be all hands on deck, a reward for his collection for being such good toys. There were a few rules of course to make sure that people didn't catch on to what was really happening; no excessive squeaking or moving vigorously around. Anyone who did that, Master Riven explained as he stood there in his skimpy speedo, would be subject to losing all their pool time for the next month as well as cuddle privileges when he decided to sleep with one of them. Though all the pool toys were excited for such a thing none was more so then the orca pool toy that sat in the middle of them all waiting for his chance to finally be out in the water.

A few hours later the party was underway and everyone was having a great time, especially the pool toys that were being ridden on as the night progressed. Shawn recognized a lot of people from Dragon Heaven there, including his handlers who spent most of the time looking over the others to see if there was anyone that they could swoop in on. He was also surprised to see that his clanmates Mitch and Conrad were also there, especially since they both never really expressed a particular desire for the inflatable. But his attention was literally turned away as he felt a muscular sea dragon man crawl up on him, the feeling of those rubbery scales against his synthetic skin sending waves of pleasure through his body that had probably been noticed by the one riding him. To all but the most observant however they would have thought that it was merely the act of him getting on that caused some sort of displacement in the water as he continued to float on him around the pool.

It wasn't the last person to get on Shawn either as the party took a lewd direction, most of the rubber dragons there knowing at the very least that these were not just normal inflatables. As a particularly stocky rubber dragon with black and white scales just like his own hopped on Shawn could feel the other male feeling around his backside before finding the slit that contained his tailhole. Other pool toys were being ridden in a similar fashion and the orca suddenly found that hole getting filled, the specialty suit already providing lubrication as their bodies squeaked together while on the water. Though Shawn's cock was sealed away inside of the outer layer of the suit he could practically feel it throbbing as the water underneath him shifted around it while he was being pounded.

Things continued this way long into the night until people started to filter out, leaving a number of very stratified pool toys in their wake. At one point Shawn had been brought up to the side of the pool so that the dragon using him was able to get more leverage, the bound dragon feeling his inner belly nearly bouncing on the tile floor beneath him as he was thrusted into. When they were finished he had left them there, and though Shawn wished he was back in the water there was nothing he could do about it for the moment. Master Riven had been strict on not causing too much of a scene while his guests were there and good pool toys always made sure to listen to their owner.

Just as Shawn was about to drift off he heard two familiar voices behind him talking as they walked towards him. "So what was this surprise that you wanted to show us?" Mitch said, the bronze dragon asking impatiently. "You've been teasing us about it for days while we've been in the Aviary so I'm assuming that it's something really special."

"Oh you have no idea," Riven stated before Shawn suddenly found himself getting picked up. "But before we get to the big reveal I noticed that you had very little time with my special pool toys and I want to make sure that all my guests have had a turn. Now this one I have just recently acquired and without making the others too jealous I have to say it's been the most fun one to break in so far."

Shawn could certainly attest to that, he thought to himself as he was carried by the handles over towards one of the shallower pools where the three dragons could stand up in the water and have the level be closer to their waists. Even though he had been largely ignored for pool time or cuddles Riven made sure that he had gotten other kinds of attention, the black rubber dragon often just humping and grinding his body against his smooth form just to feel him wiggle inside. Though the rubber had mostly cured and had become a part of Shawn's body to the point where even if someone looked inside they wouldn't recognize him there was still enough room there so he could squirm when he was being stimulated.

The three dragons eventually hopped into the pool and Shawn went with them, once more wondering what was going on as Shawn felt himself get put between them. Riven told them to give the pool toy experience a shot and to tell him what they thought, the purple eastern dragon and bronze western dragon shrugging to one another before giving themselves a few strokes to warm up. Immediately the orca pool toy knew who was going to be going into his mouth as he saw the glistening bronze scales of Mitch pressed up against his beak, the rubber translating the signals directly into his body. It wasn't long after that he began to feel something pushing its way into the tunnel that Master Riven had molded for him, Shawn unable to help but let out a squeak that caused the dragon to jump slightly.

He heard all three of the dragons chuckling as Riven continued to stroke the body of the orca pool toy while the other two began to push inside. The black dragon had to be there to help hold the toy in place as the two unknowingly pushed their rubber cocks past the actually balloon part and into Shawn, causing him to squirm. Whether or not they knew it was him he didn't know, but what he did know for sure was that they could definitely tell the difference between air-filled rubber and actual muscle clamping down on their sensitive members. Shawn could feel the air rushing to his midsection as the two somewhat hesitant males began to grow more eager by the second and pushed themselves in even deeper.

"Damn man..." Mitch said as he felt something sliding around the head of his shaft, groaning as his tail splashed around the water around him. "If I had known your pool toys were able to do this I would have come to one of these parties sooner."

"Me too," Conrad added, the eastern squeezing and gripping onto the fins of the tail that directly translated to pleasure for the wiggling rubber dragon trapped inside. "The only reason we came this time was because the Aviary is closed for the day and with Shawn up and disappearing on us we didn't really have much else to do."

Shawn had nearly let out another squeak when he heard his name, the orca pool toy not having heard it in quite some time since Riven usually just referred to him as his orca pool toy if anything at all. Was this some sort of test, he thought to himself as he continued to get spit-roasted by his two friends, had Master Riven specifically invited them to see if he would attempt to communicate with them about what happened to him? Or was this merely something that the black dragon had one in order to reward him for all the wonderful work he had been doing in becoming the perfect pool toy for him?

It didn't take long before Shawn had his answer, quickly finding out that it was neither of those two thoughts. "I was actually really hoping that you two would come to this party because I have something that I would like to tell you," Riven said, the sounds of latex rubbing against latex and the splashing of water ceasing as they stopped their thrusts to look at him while their cocks were still buried deep inside the pool toy between them. "You see, I know exactly where Shawn has been all this time, but due to his request I had to wait until he had become fully integrated until I could tell you. He's actually between you two right now."

The two dragons looked down in shock at the orca pool toy that they were currently almost completely hilted inside, Shawn not quite knowing what to do except let out a squeak as though in acceptance of that fact. "Holy hell... this is where Shawn has been this entire time?!" Conrad said in shock. "Why didn't you tell anyone that he's staying with you like this, we've wondered where he had gone off to for weeks now!"

"The fact of the matter is that his stay here as a pool toy is a little more than temporary," Riven stated, Shawn clearly hearing a note of triumph in the rubber dragon's voice that he was trying to hide from the two. "When you had me distract him here I had made the offer to him that if he ever wanted to permanently enjoy being a part of my collection full time then I was more then willing to do so. About a month ago he had come up to me and said that he wanted to do it, but he didn't want you two or Pyre or Tundra to know because you might try and talk him out of it.

Wait... Shawn thought as he suddenly heard the two rubber dragons talking at once, was that how it had gone down? He remembered that he wanted to become a pool toy... and since he was a permanent pool toy now it must have been. Master Riven was always right after all and he did love all his pool toys, he would never let anything bad happen to one of them. Plus in secret he had been told by Riven that he was a favorite of his, something that caused him great pride as he wiggled back and forth as best he could will still impaled from both ends.

Once the two had been calmed down enough by Riven the pool toy was able to hear their questions once more. "So you're saying that Shawn... can never go back to his dragon form?" Mitch asked, the two eventually realizing they had kept their members inside their friend the entire time and pulled out to allow him to float around. "He's going to be that pool toy forever?"

"Well I'm sure I could get Jiro to reverse the process if he really tried..." Riven stated. "Not sure why he would want to do that though, he even signed a contract to make sure that he stayed that way no matter what."

The two rubber dragon stood there in the water, at a loss for what to say as they heard Shawn squeaking in the background. "I mean... he did take the transforming into a rubber dragon thing pretty quickly," Conrad stated as he turned back to look at the orca. "Plus we knew that he had gotten really heavily into the whole bondage thing, I guess this was the next phase of that. The only question I have for you Riven is why you're telling us this now?"

"Because the one thing that Shawn wanted me to make sure I did was once the process was complete on him that he wanted me to extend a similar offer to you," Riven stated. "Normally I keep this pretty hush hush since I can only care for so many pool toys and I don't want to become overwhelmed with offers, but when I've thought of the all the times you three have hung out together and the fact that you follow so closely in his footsteps it seemed like a natural request to have you join him. If you want to give it a shot you can try it out for a weekend, or if you want to get more serious about it you can go for a longer duration such as month and try out a suit similar to his own."

Shawn finally pieced together and realized what was happening as he remembered a similar offer that had been given to him, though there was really nothing that he could do about it except maybe squeak a lot... but if he did that then Master Riven would get mad at him and put him in the long-term storage where he would hardly get used. Since pool toys were specifically made to be used by Master Riven and his friends it would be a harsh fate, plus he knew that his friends enjoyed a lot of the same things. He could already see them contemplating the offer as they stood there in the water, though eventually Riven asked if they wanted to move this to the living room along with their friend so that they could be a little more comfortable.

The four entered into a space that Shawn recognized as the living room that contained the secret area behind the bookshelf, though his focus was more on the pleasurable sensations he was getting from being held once more by the handles before being dropped onto one of the couches while the others had their seat. Though he could tell they were discussing a bunch of things about what the pool toy transformation would entail and how such things would be different between a week and a month more than once Shawn found himself drifting off. His biggest concern at the moment was whether or not he had a leaky seam, something that Riven would have to repair since no one liked a deflated pool toy.

When Shawn did finally bring his attention back to the conversation he found that the three had left him there alone, laying on the couch with his inner body wiggling back and forth to enjoy the cushy couch seats. While definitely not as good as water he enjoyed himself quite a bit, at least until Riven came back into the room alone and picked him up once more. "I have to say that you were quite the excellent acquisition," Riven complimented as he went to the bookshelf and opened it to the secret room inside. "Why don't you just wait in here for a while until I deal with your friends, then perhaps I'll take you out onto the pool again with just you and me as part of a reward."

Shawn let out quite a squeak at that, imagining being able to float on the water with Master Riven, maybe even having his own cock get let out so that he could enjoy the pleasurable sensation of the water against his rubber member. It had been so long since he had been exposed in that regard, though it wasn't proper of a toy to have their dong just out and about while in the pool. Good pool toys made sure that they were proper at all times for Master Riven... until it came time to not be, he thought to himself as he let out a series of squeaks.

The orca pool toy had been so engrossed in his thoughts that once more he failed to realize that things were happening around him, except instead of being left in the room along he found that he had been joined by three others. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Riven, the black rubber dragon looking over the gas tanks in the corner of the room and adjusting what appeared to be a second set of hoses on the nozzle. The main thing that caught Shawn's attention was the two rubber dragons that sat on the couch right where he had been sitting only a matter of months ago, the two of them wearing the same mask as well and relaxing into the cushions as one of their hands began to idly stroke their cocks.

"That's it..." Riven said as he checked the dials one last time before going over and stroking the chins of the two increasingly drugged males. "Just breathe in, let yourselves go... continue to bask in the pleasure of being able to join your friend soon. I think I have the perfect toy suits that will fit you just perfectly!"

The excited rubber dragon left the room with the three males inside, and as the lights went dark and all that could be heard was the hissing of the transformative gas entering into his friends Shawn realized that soon he would be sitting on the floor with them as pool toys after all...

Tales from Dragon Heaven - Extended Role (1/2)

Shawn walked through the Aviary, which was rather quiet given that it was the middle of the morning on a Tuesday. There was still one or two dragon slaves that were fully geared up, those that were feeling like being in bondage for the long haul or...

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - The Back Room (2/2)

The club was in full swing as the two rubber dragons entered into it through the back door, Dragon Heaven packed with its usual clients of horny rubber dragons as they all moved and bounced to the beat. Almost every shape and size of dragon they could...

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - The Back Room (1/2)

Business was bustling at the Dragon's Den Tavern, rubber dragon and human alike conversing and having fun in the place designated specifically for them to mingle without either side feeling apprehensive about it. The experiment to create a place where...

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