Terrador's Military Career

Story by AlphaDog2015 on SoFurry

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#3 of Alter Your Legend

Well we know Terrador screams a fighter or military dragon, lets see if you like Galidorous' revision of the military and the Earth Guardian. Reviews and comments are appreciated.

Well, its the next chapter. Terrador won with three votes, Volteer with one, and no one showed love for Ignitus.

Terrador was in good mood today. He was going to do a surprise inspection of the military base today. The earth dragon had a proud history with the military. His great grandfather was a military dragon. His grandfather and grandmother were military. His father was military. His mother also came from a military background It wouldn't be farfetched to say that Terrador knew he was going into the military when he came of age.

He was gifted with a military body. Since he was young, his father would run drills with him. He was able to do a hundred pushups, pull ups, and even wing ups. Many teachers wanted him to enter sports, such as storm ball, wrestling, even discs or sheep toss in preparatory school. His father was eager for him to join.

"It'll teach you disciple, teamwork, and keep your muscles strong." Those words still echoed in Terrador's mind.

"What would he say of me now." Terrador could only wonder. Sure when he was promoted from a colonel to a Brigadier general. He got a letter from his father. Congratulating him on reaching the same rank he had before he retired to started a family, he had after four hundred years. His father's health didn't last too much longer after that.

The positions in the military included private, corporal, lieutenant, sergeant, colonel, general and his new rank High General . Terrador was the first member of his family to ever get the highest rank of High General.

His father was an old dragon when he became a father. Terrador was his only child. Terrador had a deep connection to his father because of it. But his father was a complete disciplinarian. Sure some parents had some leeway when their children did something wrong. Not his father. Always to the letter, but didn't care what you did as long as you didn't break the rule.

Terrador was told he even looked like his father. The only difference between the two were the horns. This father had rare branching horns, while his mother had the curly horns that Terrador sported. Speaking of his mother she was also an earth dragon, but a lighter green color and a deep mahogany color breast and horn color. Terrador had very fond memories of both of his parents.

Before he bulked out, Terrador was bullied. Terrador's father, Quake, had told his son to show him who's boss. Quake had taken several days to teach his son the basic of combat and started Terrador's physical training. That fire dragon didn't stand a chance. The dragon's mom tried to get him in trouble afterward. His mother shot that down. Able to show that it was the fire dragon who had physically bullied him for a week. That fire dragon wasn't seen for a long time.

Shortly after he was promoted Quake's wife died. It as a sad day for Terrador. Many of his soldiers were there to support him during this time. That time helped Terrador bind himself deeper into the military. The brigadier worked hard, passed various tests, and drilled until he was promoted to a regular Colonel in the LandMass, then the overall general of the Warfang forces. From there Terrador was able to become the overall dragon army general, the High General.

When general Terrador talked to the other generals when the news was released that Flora was retiring from her seat of the earth guardian. Many of the generals realized the potential for the army. Terrador also realized it and placed a bid toward the seat as earth guardian. The military was able to pull a lot of strings and within three months Terrador was one of the last three candidates. His combat and earth abilities exceeded all the other candidates. A year after Flora had announced her retirement, Terrador was nominated at the newest Earth Guardian.

Even though he became the Earth Guardian, Terrador still maintained a general rank. There was a new active general rank that was added once he became a guardian. Terrador was one to push for this rank, because once he discovered the new things he had to do as the Earth Guardian, he realized he couldn't remain the High General. The other generals and army officers didn't want him to lose the rank he had sacrifice his life to obtain, they made this inactive general rank for him. He still had a small stipend from the military, but his job as the guardian covered his life.

One of his duties as inactive general was to inspect the barracks of various stations around the continent. Luckily for Terrador, it was time that he had to inspect the Warfang barracks. While he was never stationed here until he became a general, he still had deep respect for the active warriors here. Terrador soon reached the edge of the city. A huge wall of ancient stone had been erected during the rain of Malefor, and maintained by the earth dragons ever since.

The buildings on the far west side of the wall, was a stout long set of buildings, the barracks. Those buildings were made of granite stone, about as high as a dragon and a half, about twenty feet tall. Happy that it's time for the surprise inspection, Terrador walked calmly and with dignity into the first building. It was filled with at least twenty bed in two lines of five bunk beds.

Most of the soldiers didn't react. This surprised Terrador. He even wore his officer general armor. A golden set of armor covering his forearms, chest, back, upper legs, upper part of his tail, and even a helmet. Only commanding officers had golden armor. The stars and sun patterns next to his shoulders were an indication of his rank. Taking time to clear his throat, most of the soldiers didn't take notice. It seems that the longtime of peace had made the newest generation of soldiers weak. One soldier did look up and his face grew from blue to white, which was quite impressive for an ice dragon.

That dragon had gotten up quickly, running to the side of his buck bed. The motion had cause several dragons to realize that someone had appeared in the doorway. Upon see the glean of the gold from the armor, the whole barracks erupted into chaos. With dragon's rushing to position and some putting away some random items into their truck at the bottom of their bed.

Terrador had to wait a full five minutes before the barracks had calmed down. Looking around Terrador was only shaking his head. No one had their armor shined, several of them only had one piece on! Terrador could only sigh, this was very disappointing. Turning around, Terrador channeled the power of the earth inside of him, pushing it to his tail and slammed it down hard on the ground. The earth in responded to his wish, causing a small quake, the dragons looking balance. And a few dragons falling onto their butts and back.

"Warfang division three unit two-two." Terrador looked around with a glare.

"I was told that you were expecting an inspection this week. Care to tell me what I walked in on?" Terrador was channeling his military voice. His deep voice was still enough to make dragons tremble, not needing to call upon the earth for that.

No one was dumb enough to respond. Terrador didn't know whether to be surprised that they didn't want to respond to that question, or irritated that he was being ignored. Focusing on a fear dragon in front of him, a smaller black drake with red chest and a small crown of thorns around his head and outward spikes on his shoulders.

"I'm waiting." The deep voice shouted again.

"We were enjoying some... Some.... Personal time." The fear dragon spoke, shakily.

Everyone was quick to start nodding, and vocally agreeing.

"Did I give permission for the rest of you to talk?" Terrador boomed, his tail once again falling down. Internally Terrador did cringe. This was the second time he used his tail smash today, the other three units here had surely gotten their shit together by now.

"In my day, if I was told about inspection, we may enjoy some personal time, but after making sure our barracks, was clean with a toothbrush, armor polished to shine, and would jump to attention at the wing beat of a nat!" Terrador admonished.

Moving down the line, he motioned to the haphazardly cleaned room. "Floor's a mess." Moving to the an electric dragon brushing his armor removing a layer of grim from it. "Armor is a mess." Then returning to the doorway he boomed.

"And, you guys didn't even see me there when I was waiting for FIVE MINUTES!" Terrador boomed again, slamming his tail on the ground.

After all of the soldiers had regained their balances they all looked over to him in shock. The old earth dragon had really had it with all of the laziness in these new soldiers. They needed to be whipped into shape. He had inspected over twenty units and this was the first one to be truly in disappointment. Maybe a talk or two to the acting sergeant or Colonel would whip these boys into men.

"At Ease!" Terrador enjoyed the few seconds of the soldiers relaxing before adding in.

"Once I'm done chewing out your commanding officer's ass this will be the last at ease you'll be hearing for the DECADE!" Terrador boomed. Turning about he marched out of the barracks. Moving towards the commander's building Terrador was seething. Of all the impudent dragons he had dealt with. These soldiers had no sense of pride in the military or even their family line. Not like he had.


"Dad, I'm joining the military." A young deep voice said.

"My son, you know that you don't have to be in the military. Just because I was, and so was your grandparents doesn't define you." A dark green dragon, with dark brown chest scales and thighs, a mace like tail spade, unlike the earth guardian he had horns that branched out. He was a very muscular dragon. Having extremely thick arms and legs. He had a strong chest, but there was quite a bit of fat on the dragon. His pecs weren't defined as the earth guardians, but instead had some fat on them, not a lot, but making sure they weren't labs of meat. The fat also was on the gut, making it a large muscled gut with the six pack still showing due to just how large those muscles were.

"I know dad." A younger and more trimmed version of Quake mirrored the fatter dragon. Terrador always felt small in front of his father. His father was always stronger, older, and wiser.

"I understand I don't' have to follow your steps, but I want to." Terrador started timidity, but gaining passion with each word spoke.

"I want to dedicate my life to protecting my fellow dragon. I want to be there to defend those that can't. I want to be a beacon to those that come. I want to be a dragon.... You can be proud of." Terrador answered looking his father in the eye.

Quickly Terrador was embraced into his father's arm. The older dragon smiling why placing his head on his son's, placing his chin on the spot between his horns.

"My son. I was always proud of you. You need to follow your own path, not mine." The older dragon explained. He wanted his son to find his own route in life. He would be honor if his son joined the military, but if his son wanted to go into the university, he would help support him in his decision.


Terrador started to reason with himself. Maybe those new soldiers didn't have parental support. It was quite common, the military was a good way for troubled dragons to escape bad homes. Also the military was a good way for dragons who wanted to further their education when a family was too poor to help the student fund their education.

Terrador slowed his pace. He was going to head to the head office about two buildings down, but maybe he didn't need to report this and cause a ruckus. It was rare for the dragon to consider changing his mind, but the thought of his father and mother always made him a little bit soft. He father and mother were both tough and strong, but always there for their son. Smiling, suddenly Terrador could feel his mind dull, and his sense of balance get lost.

Reaching to the earth, Terrador, used that to steady himself. It was weird though, it was as if the earth was dancing around him. No longer was it the steady one. It was as if the earth had become a river or he was lost in a river. His mood also was replaced. Gone was the feelings of peace from before he joined the military. Only a sense of sadness, gratitude, and understanding. Sadness, why was he sad when thinking of his parents, especially his... father? This wasn't right, his father was always proud of him... right?


"You are joining the special military program, son!" A voice boomed. That voice and at that level of intensity and disappointment always made the young earth dragon quiver.

"Father." Terrador could only mumble. His father, Quake was disappointed in him. And it was major this time. Maybe the alcohol or maybe the cigar in Quake's mouth had loosen the reign on his temper, but it was out. Terrador really wished one of his father's military buddies would be here to talk his father out of it, for fuck it out of him. Afterall his father always spent time... fuck... with his buddies?

_"No buts!" Quake moved. The old Sergeant moving in front of his son. _

"Imagine my surprise when one of my old squad mates, came across my son in the alley. GETTTING FUCK!!!" The older dragon shouted. The earth responded to that outburst with a heave of its own. The earth almost seem to swallow the slim Terrador.

"I have no objections with your sexuality, in fact I'm happy to hear you were with a male." Quake spat.

"But I worked hard and taught you too many values to be a fucking TAIL RAISER! We are ASS TAKERS not TAIL RAISERS" the earth dragon boomed, in sheer anger and disbelieve.

"But... But... father.." Terrador spoke hesitantly.

"Listen son. My father! My father's father, and his father all came from the most dominant dragons there is. All of us can boast that no one has taken our asses. So, imagine my surprise to hear when one of my friends told me that he was ready to plow a dragon in the alley behind a bar, to only find it occupied and MY SON was the one moaning like bitch begging for more for that dragon to fuck his hole. Son, you need to be the one to control the fuck, not beg for it like a pussy." Breaking himself from his revelry, Quake looked at his son again scrutinizing him. He wanted to inspire his son, he only wanted the best for him To be a dominant dragon in love and in life.

"I'm willing to forgive your oversight. So are my friends, but you need to get your submissive tendencies under control." Terrador could only look down at his feet. It was true that Terrador loved male dragons. He loved the look sight and feel of a thick cock in his muzzle and up his ass, he just didn't have the drive to push himself into another dragon and fuck them.

He remembered his first time he had been fucked. He had just turned legal age, and went to a bar. Terrador was happy that the legal age for sex is the same as drinking age since to dragon's high metabolism, eighteen years. All he had to do was go into a bar, after taking a swig of whiskey, and promptly spitting it up, he made his way to the bathroom. That bar was famous for having a few gloryholes. And that was the day Terrador got his first taste of cock. Luckily he chose a gloryhole because he figured that no one knew it was him. Soon though he became a cock addict and actually accepted an offer from a water dragon to plow him in an alley. His father's friend saw the guy about to fuck him, and that was when they were separated. He didn't even get to cum!

"Father, please listen." Terrador started to ask again. Quake this time was quiet, taking a long swig of whiskey.

_"I... I like cock. I love the smell, taste and feel of it while it was in my mouth. I love the feeling of it as it stretches me out." Terrador spoke hesitantly looking at his father pleadingly. _

"It's who I am... Can't you accept it?" Terrador spoke hesitantly. His father always listened to him and encouraged him right? Why does this attitude of his seem so wrong right now?

Quake instead of yelling looked at the ground. Then he moved to sit back in his copper colored recliner. The elder dragon seemed to be lost in thought as he moved towards the bottle and emptying it into his glass one last time. He also reached over and grabbed another cigar on the table and gave it a few puffs.

Suddenly the elder dragon seemed to let out a sigh. And with remorseful eyes looked at his son.

"Is that really what you want? To have dicks in you, not yours's in someone else? To go against our dominate dragon tradition?" Quake spoke.

"I... I don't know Dad." Terrador spoke.

"I... I have tasted dick, I like it. I even had it a few times up my ass. I liked it. I just haven't felt the need yet to dominate a dragon and take him from behind or the front. I... I just want you to accept me." The young dragon spoke as quietly as a mouse.

Terrador used the earth to brace himself, ready for a punch or ready for the earth to try and swallow him. To his surprised it didn't. It was dead still, not moving, but that wasn't reassuring. His father was quick to shake the earth and this wasn't like him. Opening his eyes, his father's green ones looked back at him. The elder dragon let out a sigh.

"I... I'll accept your life style under one condition..." The dragon spoke, puffing out a long draft of smoke and blew it in Terrador's face.

_"You go to the military. I would like you to join the domination program I have set up for you, that our family has always became head of class in. After the first year, if it isn't what you want, you can transfer to either the." Once again a shudder passed through the sergeant. "Power bottom patroon, or the submissives." _

Terrador couldn't believe his ears. His father. His father actually listened to him. Sure his father was downing his whiskey in one gulp as if he was trying to wash a bad taste out of his mouth, but still he listened. His father was very traditionalist, but his was him leaving the norm, for him. Moving forward, Terrador walked towards his father. Bracing himself for a strike he moved forward to give his father a hug.

He was able to get his arms just barely around his father's shoulders nestling his head into his father's neck. He could soon feel some sort of wetness. Terrador could feel his small confidence tremble. He was crying not a manly thing. His father wasn't going to like his. Then to his surprise the smell of smoke and alcohol got stronger as his father embraced him. The two hugging seeming to communicate everything thought that once gesture.

"Yes Dad." Terrador whispered. "I'll take it. Thank you father."


Terrador's sense of balance had returned physically, but for some reason it wasn't still fully there mentally. Looking around, it seems at there were some weird differences between the compound where he was at and the one he thought he had just visited. Was there only one set of barracks, but not it seems as if there were four. There was also a very rank smell in the air. It smelled of dirty, sweat, and something else appealing. But what was it. It smelled like.... Like... cum. That was it! Home sweet home smell, but why did something feel wrong about it? And why was there so much cum smell?

Shaking his head Terrador made his way towards the superior's barracks. He still had to talk to the superiors. They may need to be whipped into shape as well. Afterall, the switchies, were not ready for him. Dam kids. They were supposed to fuck and be fucked at any time and yet when he arrived they were not even prepared to be fucked! That was not how the army was. They were to protect, serve, and to be served. Obviously they need some training, maybe the superiors would need to be fucked into order as well.

Terrador made his way to the building, to the right of where we was walking towards. He didn't know why he was walking straight north, there was nothing there, northwest was where the superior's officers barracks were, usually shown by a purple flag with a golden dragon on it, the flag of Warfang. Moving forward he quickly made his way to the building.

It was a rustic single story building, built of stone and even a strong stone roof. It was dirty, as the strong winds of Warfang always brought in dirt quickly dusting both the streets and buildings in a layer of dirty. Finding the stone door, with a smaller flag on it, Terrador knew he found the superior's barracks. Stepping up into the shade made by that building, Terrador used his mace like tail to give it three solid whacks. Terrador calmed his mind, using his element to feel into the earth and into the floor of the building. Sensing the movement of feet or something towards the door, Terrador let out one last breath and got ready to talk to the commander.

The door swung in revealing a muscular black dragon with red chest scales. The dragon had six spikes on his head like a crown. He also had two spikes on his chin. The had average size wings, that were currently tucked to his back. The dragon was wearing golden armor that was snug tightly to his body. The dragon was wearing a deep scowl, until he saw who was at the door, which quickly changed to a look of surprised.

"Guardian Terrador!" The dragon snapped, bring a fist to his chest, a sort of T shape sign on one side. The typical dragon salute.

"At ease." Terrador spoke with his deep voice.

"Are you finished with your inspection?" The dragon spoke, a bit nervous. Terrador couldn't blame him, as it was a bad sign for an inspection to end quickly.

"Yes. And I was disappointed." Terrador spoke gravely.

"Then, come in Guardian please. We can discuss what was the matter." The dragon spoke moving to the side.

"Thank you, commanding officer. May I ask your name." Terrador spoke, entering the dark room.

The room was baren, but clean. It was obvious that the officer knew how to keep a clean ship himself. The floor was swept, the desk was clean, the bed was made, the trash was taken out, everything was spick and span. If only his officers followed his example. Moving over to the large stone chair on the other side of the desk, Terrador sat down. The fear dragon moved to the padded chair and sat down as well. Making eye contact with the rose irises of the dragon Terrador began.

"Havoc, Colonel Havoc, unit number 4873."

"Well, Colonel Havoc, when I entered into the barracks, I saw the soldiers goofing off. Playing games, eating, and all matters of tomfoolery. Normally I wouldn't have an issue with soldiers having some down time, Drago knows they do. My issue was that they knew I was coming, this week for an inspection. You did get my message I was coming to perform an inspection?"

"Yes, I received the missive over a month ago. The same day I received word of your visit, posted a messaged on the mess hall board, and even had an announcement the following day, and each week since." Havoc looked down, not very happy with the results that Terrador was giving.

"Which unit was the one that failed inspection?" Havoc asked quickly.

"It was uni...." Terrador began when the same feeling of the earth swimming beneath him returned. Grabbing onto the chair with one hand digging his claws into the stone to steady himself, a memory of his time in the army returned to him, another time when he swore the earth moved beneath him.


ONE TWO THREE FOUR. The drill sergeant yelled.

Terrador dropped down to the muddy earth again. He was doing pushed ups with the rest of his unit. He was in unit 2571, the new unit. Right now they were at boot camp. Terrador never felt as sore as he did here. His arm's ached, he could barely move his legs, he back hurt, and his tail feel limp. He knew that they were to help him get stronger and lose those civi pounds, but still. He wished it was over. He notice that several of his troop mates were definitely looking better. Their arms were filling out, chests were getting bigger, and those thighs got stronger. They were all getting stronger, better to serve Warfang, the dragon population, and the world.

His superior officers had been making his weeks as torturous as possible. They seemed to be pushing him harder and harder, trying to get him stronger and to fill out. Or at least based on the exercise and the meals he was given afterward, more meat, and more quality meat. He knew he father must have pulled strings somehow. He had lots of strings, and could arrange for his son to get some special treatment.

The pain didn't seem to confirm to him that he was getting stronger, in fact it only made him feel as he was getting weaker. Today was a special day. They were giving them a test, and this was the first part, push ups in the wet mud. The actual test would begin once they were all muddy and tired.

"Alright whelps!" Terrador's muscles screamed as he brought himself to standing position. This legs were burning, but it was his arms, and wings that ached the most. They kept on rotating between wing ups and push ups. Both felt like they were on fire despite the cold mud on his arms.

"Now that the princesses have gotten a good warm up in. It's time for the main event." The commander, a fellow earth dragon, with loser curl horns, and an axe like tail blade snarled. Pointed a dark green arm he indicated the 'field of pain.'

The first was more mud, that they had to crawl through under a barbed wire fence. Then you had to do pull ups, that allowed you to jump up the bar until you made it. From there they had to lift a block of ice and then fly from one point to another. It looked that the wooden tower they would be ascending would break apart if a dragon slammed into it. Or if all four dragons getting up on the four sides of it jumped all at once. The last step was to carry a rock up the 'dry' trail to the top of a hill. Already Terrador could feel his cock and balls shrink in fear. This was going to be tough. It was said half the dragons would not make regardless what plan they were on, the LandMass, AirForce, Marines, FireBrigade, NightWatch. Half would be cut if they didn't finish. He could fail, if he was going to get into the LandMass, he would have to finish!

It was tough, but only a few moments stuck out to the young earth dragon. The first had to be the barbed wire crawl. Taking a deep breath, Terrador brought himself into a ready position. The commander let his tail fall, shaking the earth. Terrador was able to brace with the earth to stop falling as some of the dragons still did. The first half was a crawl on your elbows, chest, and stomach through a mud pit then, some loose dirt area. At first it was easy. Terrador was glad that there was no mud slowing him down as he pushed his way through the dirt. It was mistaken very quickly, the dry dirt had mixed mud making a more paste like substance that made it harder to move his body in any way possible. The worst part was that his wings, got that paste on it, and it made his wings want to flap to get rid of it. It took all of his will power to stop the flapping, and scraping his wing membranes on the barbed wire.

_After five minutes of crawling though dry dirt was the gravel area. The gravel mixed into the paste. This made continuing painful. The sharp rocks were digging into his scales. It felt as if he was getting bitten over and over about twenty times a minute. It was another ten minutes before Terrador finished. He swore, if it wasn't the reinforced armor plating for the cock and ass, he was sure he would have gotten scrapped in a very nasty place. Terrador wanted to just collapse, but before he could collapse, a blast of water from the supervising water dragon hit him. The water was cold, and it's purpose was simple to remove that paste and gravel. _

Terrador could only look up to see a dark blue dragon, with a deeper chest scales. His water dragon superior only gave him a brief look over before blasting another recruit with a water spray, this dragon was so tired that the fellow water dragon was pushed back and almost into the barbed wire. The only thing the dragon did to Terrador was look at the pull up bars. Terrador knew he had to get to the top. Giving a quick shake he got the water off of him. Looking ahead he noticed that several dragons were already half way up the pull up wall, and behind him, there were dragons who seemed to have actually gotten tangled in the barbed wire. Noticing a few dragons about to leave the barbed wire area, Terrador moved to the free bar on the pull up wall.

Moving his arms to the start position, he could feel a tear shed as his arms burned and blead. Moving it so his arms were level with his head horns, Terrador lifted his feet behind him. It was with great pain that he contracted his arms quickly. The upward motion, had the bar jump up, and lock onto the next hooks for the pull up bar. Feeling his arms start to relax at ninety degrees, he could feel his arms scream. It was a long process, climbing that wall. Terrador was a good solider though and kept his wings on his back. He heard several electric bursts from a flying electric supervisor dragon, hitting dragons for using their wings for help. Once reaching the top, he just wanted to collapse and cry. His arms were in agony.

Soon though there was a soothing coolness on his arms. Looking up a superior ice dragon had just blasted his arms in a lite layer of snow. It felt nice. Looking down Terrador could see that several dragons had either falling or been disqualified and had to start again. Terrador could only smile until he saw a good five kilometer glide, but didn't see any boulders up here.

"You ready there sissy." The ice dragon barked. It was a muscular dragon, though the ice dragons were known for being on the slim side. He was very similar to the water dragon, except for the liter blue scale color and purple chest scale.

"Yeah." Terrador wheezed. He could feel hit stomach retract at that statement, and promptly turn. The burn of vomit coming up and emptying down to the side of the pull up ladder was made his eyes water again.

_"Let it out boy. Let it out." The ice dragon responded softly. Giving Terrador a few gentle pats on the back, allowing earth dragon to recover, though Terrador heard someone scream and guessed that his vomit must have hit another dragon coming up. _

"Okay... Okay... I'm ready." Terrador spoke, moving his arm across his face removing the brown gung from lips.

Without a blink, a huge stream of ice flowed in front of the dragon. Terrador could feel his toes, noes and wings go numb as a boulder made of ice, coming up to his waist appear in front of him. It was a clear, but almost spherical boulder. Just the size of it, made Terrador gulp down the remaining vomit in his mouth.

Terrador tried to lift the boulder of ice, but it was too slippery. He could feel it fall out of his hands or sort of melt and then slipped. Trying again, it just slipped. His heart had dropped. Hearing a hard crack to his left, he noticed that a fire dragon had finished had just smashed his claw into the ice. Doing it with both hands, the fire dragon had been able to start flying without fear of the bolder sliding.

Picturing his instructor's face on that ice bolder, Terrador let his rage fly, as he flung his fist into the bolder. He still didn't know if it was his claw had broke then or the crack was from the ice, but he did hear a loud crack. He would never know, the ice was quick to numb the pain. With the same effort he punched the other side. Giving the bolder a lift with his biceps, or at least partially due to his arms screaming a final protest before they just gave out.

Feeling the muscles on his back give a searing pain, Terrador gave his wings a flap and got himself and the boulder off the platform. Turning around, Terrador noticed that several cadets were approaching the top. Turning the right way Terrador started the flight toward drop off zone about five kilometers away. It was brutal. His wings cried out with each flap, but he couldn't just glide, his wings were just too small. After a minute of gliding, his wings would be at the wrong angle due to the extra weight. This torture of flapping his wings persisted for a good thirty minutes.

Landing on the ground, was difficult. He had to give his wings several quick flaps to not only stop going forward, but to stop him from just dropping to the ground. Feeling the strong earth under him, he borrowed it's strength and wretched his hands free. Luckily there was a water station there, and Terrador started to drown in water. After feeling his thirst get quenched, Terrador looked up the last hill, and several boulders and backpacks used to carry them.

Moving to the starting line, Terrador picked up a bundle of leather packs with leather straps. Moving quickly Terrador moved so that the pack was position between his wings, with straps around his shoulders, thighs and several over his chests. Terrador noticed two bulky earth dragons moved towards him. Terrador felt a shiver of something go through him. That shiver was quickly suppressed as a violet shock from his shoulders to his tail almost made him collapse. Those two were placed boulders and stones on his back. It was only two minutes, but by then it felt as if he was carrying half a dragon on his back.

With a nod from his superiors, he started moving. He was making a slow jog at the beginning. Bad idea! The jostling up and down from the rocks nearly made him collapse. Slowing to a fast walk he moved forward up the hill. The strain on his back and his wings being pinned to his body and the pain from his back, soon made him have tunnel vision. He made the last ten kilometer hike, but it felt like a year in his mind's eye, but at the same time he made it in two hours. All he knew was the finish line, and once he crossed it he just collapsed.

Terrador fell on his face. Breathing was already hard from just how drained his body was, but at the same time it could be the crushing weight on his back. He felt the weight get lighter and lighter, he didn't know why. Maybe he was dying? Maybe he was passing out? Soon though he saw a claw in front of his face. He moved, feeling the absence of the strain from the leather pack he was carrying, he grabbed it. It was the same earth dragon superior who started him on this death march. This face was still stern, but there was a spark or approval in his eyes. Still getting to his feet almost made him faint from the burning throughout his entire body.

"Good job soldier, take off that pack, get some water, then at ease." Terrador could only nod at that order.

Moving over to the side of the rocky hill he had finished on, Terrador took a few painful minutes moving to each strap and loosening them gently before undoing the straps. As he undid each one, he felt the painful spikes as blood returned to the limbs of his body. Feeling the desert dryness in this throat the green dragon moved to the water trough, stuck his canteen in it, and then drank liberally from it. Looking down and seeing several dragons still coming up the hill, he could only smile as a feeling of accomplishment filled him.

"Attention." A deep voice boomed. Terrador and all the other dragons jumped to attention, ignoring the pain their bodies screamed.

After several hours, Terrador and several other dragons were standing at attention in front of the same earth dragon. He seemed to be pacing in front of a table that had a canvas tarp over it. The dragon looked at them all, the same glint of approval remained as he looked over the dragons who made the cut.

"Well, whelps! You made the cut. With each accomplishment you get a reward!" The dragon spoke as he pulled the tarp off the table.

Underneath the table was several bright blue crystals. Terrador knew about these, gifts from the ancestors. It was said that by breaking these crystals and allowing their essence to flow into you, it reinforced your body, mind, and spirt with that of your ancestors. These crystals were hard to obtain close to Warfang, unless you got some from your own bloodlines who planted seeds when they were alive for you. So to see so many was unheard of.

"Several of you will received these gifts from the military dragons that came before you, while those I have placed in the front will get a gift from their own blood line. As I call your name, you may come up and break the crystal and gain the power, wisdom, and fortitude of those that came before you. You were not given this before as you must complete the journey alone. From here on out, you are not alone, as you have earned the right. Complete your tests and more of these will be given to you." The commander spoke.

Looking at the first crystal, that had green sparks that danced through the crystals' gleam Terrador was snapped out of his revelry when he heard the shout.

"Terrador!" At that word, the salute position with his fist over his chest. One second later, the pain surged through the young earth dragon.

"Approach!" At the command of the commanding officer, Terrador could almost feel his body moving against his will, at it made his way slowly towards the earth dragon. The dragon had then moved his hand toward the same crystal he was ogling. With a gentle revelry, the crystal was placed in his hand.

"This was a gift from your great-great-great-great-sire Groundus. One of the first great Sergeants since the time of Malefor. There is great power and wisdom in this line." The commander spoke with deep reverence

"You have a proud linage Terrador. Make them proud. Become one with them." The commander spoke one last time.

It was almost a pity. The crystal looked so beautiful. The lovely green kept on jumping between the different blue spikes. It was as if it was telling him it was meant for him. With all eyes on him. He took the small crystal in his hand and shattered it. He expected pain, he thought that he would have slivers of crystal in his hand. But instead he felt a warm, almost a hug, or maybe, if he just got really it would be as if he was surround by the dragons he loved. The crystal broke into small pieces that melted into his hand and arm, traveling though his body. Closing his eyes, he could feel his ancestor. He could feel as if the dragon was overlapping him. His arms became that of someone else for a moment. He lived a whole life in a second. He learned a life worth of lessons in a second and then quickly faded to the background of his mind. His body's aches died, and a new surge of strength was in them. They still hurt, but it felt as if he could another three kilometer hike if asked.


Terrador's head was still swimming. His armor was feeling off or out of place. He couldn't identify where he was at. His head was pounding, a sense of aching was growing between his legs. His body felt off. His instincts were screaming that something was wrong. Those instincts felt off, but it was being devoured by a bigger form of it, demanding to become one with it, and that something great was happening. Terrador, wanted peace, he wanted this storm in his mind to stop. He projected his feelings of confusion, turmoil, and frustration into the earth, trying to find perch in it. It still was impossible, but the earth headed his call. Soon a few sounds of something crashing and falling were heard on the poor dragon's ears. A sharp pain came from one of his nipples and Terrador roar as his memory continued. Why was their pain? What happened?

"Guardian Terrador!


But something still settled into his mind. Something he couldn't place, some instinct or desire at that moment. He couldn't figure it out yet. Something in him was now growing and growling. And it would rear its head soon.

They still had a long slow march back to the barracks. The commanders told them that there would be a celebration for their hard work today. Somethings were different though. Several of the superiors were not in full armor any more. Wasn't it a regulation for them to be in full... Terrador shook his head. It wasn't regulation for soldiers to be in armor all the time only during times of war.

He had to admit they were hot. All of the commanders had huge pillow pecs, biceps that were nice, veiny, and when flexed almost got to the size of his head. All had nice cobbled eight pack abs in every color of the rainbow. His eyes did wander to the legs and the asses of the commanders, to Terrador's disappointment the goods were covered with jockstraps. While he could see the glory hole, but not the cocks of his commanders, he had to admit, they were really well endowed, and their asses were great. Very muscled, that if they flexed it could cause their butt to bounce, and also formnice dimples in them, but with enough fat to be jiggly and comfortable to fuck. The size of the base of their tails, the massively thick highs, and gargantuan caves that looked like they had cantaloupes in them, showed that they worked out their lower body just as much as their upper parts. Why was he looking at those? This wasn't right, he never ogled his superiors? Right?

Terrador made his march, he noticed that several of his unit members were also checking out their superiors, and even himself. Terrador wanted to shrink in on himself, to hide, when something within in said. 'NO'. 'STRONG CONFIDENT. APPEALING.' Those thoughts soothed his worries. His body relaxed, his muscles puffed up, and a swagger developed as he walked. Terrador had a grin on his face, but also a foreign lustful looked had entered it.

They soon made their way back to the barracks. Everyone had a look of exhaustion on their face. Terrador could agree, his muscles still screamed at him, voicing their complaints with burning fervor. The commanders seem to have some sort of gleam in their eyes, and several of them were... kissing? Terrador shook his head at that. Fraternization was heavily encouraged, it wouldn't be good for soldiers to be sexually frustrated during drills, or at post. It also made sense that the commanders may have had a history with each other and were very good fuck buddies and allowed for comradely to form within a unit or between the different fields of the camp, such as the doms, subs, and switchies. Terrador was stuck in the doms, he tried to once again imaging going to the subs, but that voice in his head shouted at the idea of his hole getting fucked by a huge cock. 'NO! NOT SUB! BIG DOMMY DRAGON! GET BIGGER! YOU FUCK!'

"Alright troops!" the earth dragon commander shouted. Was he always that muscular? His arms were now a bit larger than Terrador's head. His chest was huge, it was surprising he didn't some sort of chest harness to support them. But they were so muscular that the brown scales with small green circles on them could hold themselves up. His legs good nice and thick, able to squat with two dragons on the commander's back. This wings seemed to also got thicker at the joints were they connected with his back. Also was that a tent in the commander's jock strap?!?! Looking around he saw that several of the dragons who passed also had tents in their jockstraps and were even starting to make out, or some were showing their asses to their superior begging to get fucked.

Terrador had to shake his head at that observation. That dragon was very heavily endowed, if the jock strap was still barely covering his dick when erected! Also it seemed to stretch his underwear out by about a good foot or more away from his body!

"Get into the showers and wash up! You'll see your reward soon." The commandeered jeered before grabbing a water dragon by the shoulder and giving him a passionate lustful kiss, making a show to thrust his tongue into the slimmer dragon. The dragon seemed receptive to the action of dominance and took his claw to start stroking the commanders dick through one the leg holes of the jockstrap. The two were really getting into it.

An approving growl echoed in Terrador's mind, along the thoughts of, 'Strong, Commanding, Dominate'. Terrador wasn't use to these thoughts and feelings. Thought for a minute he wanted to be the one being kissed by the commander, but on reflection, his thoughts were to kiss the smaller dragon, wanting him to.. Terrador had to shake his head at this, and rushed to the showering area.


The showers were very typical, communal showers. With about five showering stations with about ten heads at each station. Terrador came in and quickly took off his golden jock strap. It was the only underwear his father bought him, saying it would help him keep his goods supported. He found a nice stone space to leave it in, and walked into the shower his dick bobbing up and down very stiff. He was one of the first ones of his unit to get into the shower area, to it seemed like already half of the spaces were being used by another unit.

Taking a deep breath, Terrador looked at the titles moving slowly towards one of the empty spots in the back. The title was a yellowy white, and had some sort of substance on it. It was sticky, and kind of cloudy. And the shower smelled like sweat and feet! The growl was suddenly back into Terrador's mind soothing it. 'Good. Den Breed.' Whatever that presence was it was helping Terrador alleviate his anxiety. He noticed that several of the dragons around him were not as physically developed as he was. Well they were as developed when he started. His arms had grown nicely, and maybe they had grown a bit more after the blue crystal, maybe the size of cantaloupes now. His chest felt a bit bigger also, more define, with a nice deep cleft between his two pecs, the nipples had even moved more to the edge of this pecs, making them look more square shape. His legs also felt thicker, and were rubbing against his lemon size balls. Everything felt bigger, stronger better, while the dragons in there looked like he had at the beginning or slimmer.

Quickly moving to an open spot, he noticed a fire dragon next to him. He was definitely slimmer than he ever was. Well, minus the ass, that looked nice and round, 'extra cushion for exertion.' The voice tugged at Terrador's mind. Shaking his head, Terrador turned on the water. The cold water sputtered and cascade down the earth dragon's aching body. The burning in his legs, back and arms soon numbed pleasantly, until he heard a squeak from the nob. Looking, he noticed a red, claw turning his water to the warmer settings.

"Sorry about that." The fire dragon, spoke with a surprising deep voice, just deeper than his own. "I can't stand the cold, like you earth dragon's can."

"Then why did you touch my water!" Terrador growled, his tail starting to thrash a little bit. The idea of someone messing with something that was his was not cool. It would have been okay before.. today but after that obstacle course Terrador was not accepting this! Why was the act of touching something of his so bad? Why was this happening? This wasn't what happened right?

"Well, I wanted both of us to be comfortable." The dragon only teased, his face had a knowing grin on it. Terrador was finding that grin to be a big irritant. Though there was a feeling welling up in Terrador, it was sort of fury, but there was an undertone of something. Something that was coming from his aching balls and rising shaft.

_"What do you mean by that?" Terrador half shouted, grabbing the dragon with one of his claws on his shoulder. _

The dragon wobbled a little bit. His face had a look of surprise on his face. Then that infuriating grin returned. The dragon then purposefully let his knees bend and the dragon hit the titled floor hard. Terrador was ready to step back if the red dragon were to attack his 'family tree' as his father put it. The grin on the dragon's face soon morphed to a face of almost adoration. The growling had returned to Terrador's mind soothing the younger with one word 'Bitch Fuck. Breed.'

"A reward." The fire dragon spoke softly, the water, made his scale both deeper crimson and shiny.

"They kept the doms and the subs separate during the first few months. It keeps us both pent up, as they make sure we can't properly wank. We both passed our obstacle course today." The dragon spoke as he constantly kept on sniffing Terrador's balls, base, and even the tip of Terrador's dick. The warm puffs of air on Terrador's balls and dick, were inviting and his cock was rising, as if trying to invite the dragon to do more than just sniff.

"Today they let us meet for this." The dragon spoke, seeming drunk on Terrador's musk, which was quite potent from the obstacle course.

The sub stuck out his tongue, starting at Terrador's knee, as it made contact with his inner thigh, a shout of arousal shout up Terrador, his dick quivered, and his hand grabbed the wall of the shower to keep him upright. It had been so long, his balls were aching, his dick was throbbing and unfamiliar heat. Sure he felt it from when he got fucked behind the bar, but this was different, primal. Terrador's growling was harmonizing with the foreign growl in his head. That tongue slowly dragged its way up his leg, seeming to slow at it made it over to where it met its twin, but instead of traveling over it found a tasty treat, and settled on the two balls between the two. The tongue was skilled, seeming to know what to do to tease the young earth dragon. Terrador was reaching for the earth for strength to stand when the red dragon's muzzle popped one of the orange size orbs into his mouth

The groan from Terrador was deep, as echoing throughout the shower. Several other pairs were also echoing the sexual call of the wild, but also due to Terrador's connection to the earth, a light shake also move the different units. Several pairs were knocked into each other and with lusty looks started in on the fuckery others that were already fucking, traded partners as they crashed into other fucking pairs..

During that groan, the dragon's muzzle released its captive ball, and moving itself against the base of the shaft, seeming to drink in the earthy, dirty, complicated seed from the dragon. Terrador only opened his eyes briefly to see the dragon's red hand moving toward his blood orange cock. The hand barely made contact when the growling in Terrador's mind completely synced with Terrador's own growl of arousal. Terrador moved his claw on one of the four large horns on the sub's head. And with a yank, pulled it back. The action of being removed from its prize, the dragon looked around a bit lost.

"I didn't give you permission to touch you self, Sub!" Terrador ordered in a deeper voice. 'Control, Dominate, Order Him!' The thoughts echoed in his mind. Why was he fucking this dragon again? He didn't do this in the showers. Right?

The dragon locked eyes with Terrador, and a new thrill shot through Terrador from the base of his tail to his head. He like this. He was in charge. He was the one to give the orders, he was the one to set the pace! Even the little whimper of denial from the other dragon was highly appealing.

"Yes sir." The dragon spoke softly. The dragon's claw then moved to Terrador's inner leg again, giving it soft caresses, almost like a dog wanting attention.

_Terrador smiling at the dragon's reaction, let his grip and arm relax, and gently guided the muzzle back towards his dick. The dragon seemed happy to be back near dick. Letting his tongue out, the fire dragon, curled his length around the underside of Terrador's cock. Terrador murmured in appreciation. The fire dragon seeing that he had done good, let his tongue curl around the dick fully and did a nice deep stroke of the dick, base to tip. Once he got to the edge, he took a good minute swirling his tongue along the head of the dick. Terrador visible tensed, at the thrum of pleasure he was experiencing. Wanting to make Terrador pleased, the third stroke took special attention to each of the Earth dragon's large six ridges, and found the third ridge to be the key one, causing the earth dragon's legs to quiver, and a bead of pre to come for the tip of the brown and green dick. _

"You know you want more." Terrador growled darkly.

The fire dragon, gave the tip of the cock a nice swirl before looking up to see the panting flushing red face of the naturally green dragon. Seeing how the dom dragon was reacting to his skill the dragon sealed his muzzle completely around the throbbing length. Suddenly the claw still on his horn tensed and another claw joined the horn on the other side of his head. Before the dragon could react, Terrador's need for a warm wet space took hold, as he pulled the dragon to the base of his family tree.

The Dom dragon seemed to have pressed one of the fire dragon's kinks of being man handled, and he was unable to stop his own hips from humping air.

While Terrador was enjoying the warm cavern, his ridges were itching for stimulation, so with a jerky inexperience pushed the dragon's maw off of his dick. The earth dragon could feel the fire dragon exhale on his dick, from his nose. The pleasure he got from the roof of the dragon's mouth dragging on his ridges forced Terrador to stimulate them again, pulling the dragon toward his base. The fire dragon seeming to know what to do, moved his tongue to lick the left side of the shaft. Terrador soon settled on a steady rhythm of jerking the dragon on and off of his cock, the fire dragon having fun of licking, on side, vibration on the underside of the dick, teasing the ridges. But their fun had to end.

Terrador felt the foreign growl in his head sink into his own psyche. Once it happened, Terrador had a brief image of himself, but darker green and with a tail that was almost like a shove, humping the mouth a of dark blue wind dragon. He realized who's growl it was. Groundous, his ancestor, he was strengthening Terrador and was now fully merging with him, as Terrador's mind fully relaxed as it came closer to orgasm.

Both dragons having been extremely pent up, came. Terrador felt his third ridge get stimulated just enough to let the heat from his balls travel, up his dick and out. It was funny to see the fire dragon's eyes bulge as his throat was flooded with cum. Terrador then pulled him away, washing the dragon's tongue in his earthy salty cum. Terrador then pulled the dragon back, shoving and plugging the dragon's throat full of his cum. This cycle continued until Terrador's legs felt like jelly and braced his arm once again on the walls, and let the dragon free. Terrador could only smile at the sight. The sub dragon had his muzzle dripping cum, and he was sitting in a puddle of his own cum. The power Terrador felt was quite addictive, when he looked at the other fucking pairs, Terrador could only thing about if a muzzle was this good how good would an ass feel around his cock.


"Guardian Terrador!" The concerned colonel's voice spoke again as the earth guardian's sense of balance returned to him.

Terrador once again opened his eyes, but everything seemed off. His muscles seemed bigger than they were before. The felt a tightness on his hips, from the chair he was sitting in. He was so big and muscular that the seat wasn't fitting him well, to his annoyance. His arms were as big as watermelons even without flexing, his calves were the size of large cantaloupes. His chest was massive, and he had a... piercing on his left nipple. A gift form his unit when they passed boot camp. It even had a spell on it to help with stimulation. He felt a tightness in his army jock strap. His cock was always too large for them. Even the biggest size was a bit snug, Terrador reflected on that smugly, that didn't even include the melon size balls he had. It was hereditary according, and Terrador could believe it after the many times he and his father had showered together when Terrador visited his aging father. The two often gave eachother a hand job in the shower, since neither was comfortable bottoming for the other. He made a mental note to blow his father, his hips probably didn't have the strength they had in the past.

After noticing his body, he looked once again at the superior at the barracks. Colonel Havoc seemed to have gotten a few more horns under his chin, his muscles also seemed to have gotten bigger. His chest scales seemed to have become ebony black, and the scales seemed to become even darker and had a touch of purple in them. But wasn't he always that large, wasn't he, himself, always this large? He also wore a nice gold and purple jock strap like Terrador, but several size smaller due to his cock and balls not being as large. Why did things seem off?

The building looked better. There was plenty of bondage equipment in it. Terrador had his own standard issue harness, plugs, cock rings, nipple clams, fleshlites, the sex swing was even in the corner. Terrador looked back to Havoc in approval, sure his switchies weren't up to snuff yet, but they would in time. Terrador half thougth of offering the dragon his cock now, but since the inspection went badly he would need to get to the temple again and send an official reprimand and praise to the military dragon's nearby.

"It was the switchies!" Terrador growled. His denied orgasm, from the switchies not being ready to blow his cock came back to him, with great sexual frustration. Those kids were so busy writing letters, cleaning, and sleeping. The look on their faces when they realized he was outside the door cock standing at attention was enough to make them try to dive in to blow him, but they weren't ready for him to come, so why should he reward them with his cum?

"Then I went to the subs! Instead of blowing or being fucked, they were fucking! It seems that either a few need to be moved to the switchies or the dom unit. I don't think this happened under your supervision, but they have done some experimentation behind your back." Terrador growled. Those stupid subs. They should have been eager for his cock. They should have been on their knees tongue out ass's parted, ready for a cock. Instead he was greeted with at least five pairs of them fucking. Sure they broke apart quickly when one spotted him, but still. They also knew he was coming, they should have been stretching themselves out with dildos, a cast of his cock is available if asked.

"Finally I went to the doms. I think they have been stealing crystals. I saw one shove one under his bed." Terrador sighed.

"Do you know from which stash he got it from?" Havoc asked, his own muscles tensing in disgust and anger. Terrador had to admit. The black and red dragon getting worked up was appealing. The idea of him disciplining the units would be great to stroke his cock off to.

"I don't know. You may need to fuck him personally to see if he got any sub crystals. I don't know if he got into the heritage stashes." Terrador sighed.

"By the way. Have you made any crystals for your linage?" Havoc questioned.

"I have, but I have kept them with my father's and grandfather's and all of the other crystals." Terrador spoke. It was the only way he could be certain that no one touched crystals meant for his family. Terrador knew these crystals were important. When he produced a son, he would need his experiences and strength for the future just as he had absorbed the last ten generation of his fathers. He had to admit, he was a very dominate military dragon, but he followed rules. He earned each and every crystal, his ancestor's help reinforced his lessons, not outright give them.


He had just earned another crystal, a special one for beating the current records of the obstacle course. It was from his third great sire, Moutanor. Moutanor was said to be a colossal dragon, those strength was unrivalled. The drill sergeant brought out he reward right when he finished. The fire dragon looked pleased as he saw Terrador wheeze and walked sluggishly towards his superior.

"Great job cadet. Not many dragons attempt the obstacle course this close to a test, but you did and you broke the record!" The fire dragon praised before slapping Terrador on his back, his body couldn't stop itself as Terrador fell forward face first into the dirt. Terrador could only rest a few minutes before his superior's voice cut through the haze once again.

_"Up again whelp!" Terrador with shaky arms and legs got back to the salute position. _

"Your father, told us you would do this some time, and so he had a gift shipped out to you." A shadow dragon soon came from the shadows, with a wood box, with a special crest on it.

_"This is it sir" The shadow dragon with a lithe but defined body spoke, his body constated of pure black scales a very deep red chest scales. "At ease Havoc." The fire dragon spoke. Before opening the chest, Terrador's second crystal, this one was bigger than the first, but still had that green light dancing between the different blue crystal spires. _

"This is for you, you better use it before you leave in two hours." Those words brought Terrador out of his awe of the crystal and its beauty. Moving quickly, Terrador grabbed the spirit gem and destroyed it with his left hand. Just like before a surge of power flew up his arm, settling into his body, his body's aches faded, his mind became clearer, his will became stronger, and just like before, a new growl emerged into Terrador's psyche. Once again, it growled. 'Strength. Win! Survive!'

Soon Terrador found himself in the wilderness in a survival test for a week. He knew that several of the instructors: electric, ice, wind, and water. They were making a horrible blizzard. Terrador was grouped with a shadow and electric dragon. Terrador had moved his group to an area that had little tree cover. Using his powers of the earth, drawing on the new voice to help him harness it. 'Come, Shelter, Survive, Protect Comrades!' With that growl the earth surged over him and his comrades, making a stone shelter, with some holes for air, other than that they were safe. Soon, the three where sleeping next to each other for body heat. Why was this memory so faded?


_Terrador was the big spoon to both the Electric and Shadow Dragons, both were from the sub unit. The growling soon returned. 'Heat! Fuck! Fill them with warm cum! Their heat will help you!' The growls made a lot of sense. Moving quickly, he pushed the shadow dragon lower towards his crotch instead of his chest. The shadow dragon, Spectre, was quick to realize what was happening, and moved his tail to the side, feeling the warm, large wet dick, get close to his needy ass hole. Terrador chuckled, while he may have given a few token thrusts, it was Spectre that was doing the major thrusting. While they may not see much, Terrador could still feel the needy trembles of the dragon near his legs, and could see in the twinkling light the dragon's dark outline thrusting his round fuckable ass on his dick. It was on his fourth thrust back, did he connect and forced Terrador's man meat in him. It was a good ass hole, very tight. He seemed to get a good rhythm going, stimulating his earth dragon fuck mate. 'Dom dragon set pace, not sub!' The growl came again. With little effort, Terrador pinned the shadow dragon to the ground as the two started to thrust towards each other. The electric dragon who was near Terrador's chest quickly moved to avoid getting smashed under the fucking pair. The shadow dragon pushed his ass up, while Terrador's thrust kept on pushing the shadow dragon into the earth. Terrador used his element to actually allow Spectre to be swallowed into the earth so he wasn't squashed. _

"Fuck yeah!" The shadow dragon shouted. He had heard about the alpha dom of the unit Terrador. Infact when he learned he would be with in a group with that dragon, he was excited and the rest of his unit was jealous. It wasn't long before the heat in the structure got warm with left over body heat. Terrador knew he needed to make sure his groupmate was warmed from the inside. 'Keep warm, fuck, make heat! Survive! Fuck more!' The voice from Mountanor spoke. Soon, Terrador saw a small electric dragon's sparks in the corner, but Terrador must have doubled in size or something. Mountanor must have been a gargantuan dragon. The voice and his own were soon syncing up with their growls and moan, Terrador could feel the large earth dragon merging with his own psyche, a larger sex drive seemed to grow within Terrador, his balls felt a bit swollen, and he muscles stretched as they grew, as the strength of the old dragon flowed into him. A sudden shriek from below, told Terrador the last gift of a thicker cock had happen, almost plugging the shadow dragon up, and not allowing the two to fuck, or even pull out.

"ONE MORE" Terrador growled looking behind him. A quick spark from the electric dragon was enough to know where his other cold teammate was. He had to leave a warm batch of cum in him to keep him warm. Terrador reached into the earth and the electric dragon's feet were sunk into the dragon. Moving forward, Terrador was disappointed to see that the yellow ass cheeks were below where his cock would be comfortable to fuck. With a quick raise, the earth under his group mate was raised, leaving the electric dragon almost on a pedestal, soon, two stalactites came from the roof and wrapped around the electric dragon's arms keeping them up.

"Good Prepare, you are going to be wrecked and begging for my cock the rest of your time here." Terrador spoke, he wondered where is new deep and darker tone of voice came from. Had he always talked like that? Doesn't matter, it's time to fuck! With a thrust, Terrador pushed into the grey asshole. The pedestal and stalactites almost broke from the force of that thrust. Terrador grabbed onto the hips of the electric dragon and started to fuck the dragon in earnest. It was so hard that the dragon was doing a combination of moaning, but tears of pain were shed. His dick was so thick, he need a dragon to be properly lubed or stretched out with a dildo, but they didn't have any here. It was just time to fuck. Make sure he is warm and they have a warm cum shot to keep them warm during this cold night. The fucking did warm the stone shelter. The two kept on moaning, causing the poor shadow dragon to start masturbating at the sight, being able to see in the dark.


"That's good." Havoc spoke.

"You better disciple them." Terrador spoke, getting back on track. His hand moved to his jockstrap, giving this dick a gentle squeeze, feeling the blood rush to it, while feeling a nice pull on his thighs, lifting his ass up.

Havoc had a lusty smirk enter his eyes, has his hand traveled downward. Terrador knew the dragon was going to love disciplining his soldiers, with his big fat cock. Usually the dragons with big dicks were left to disciple the unit.

"Would you like the honor, Guardian Terrador." Havoc spoke, moving his hand toward the door.

Terrador's smile mirrored that of Havoc. He would love to do it personally. The idea of having needy subs, on their knees, holes gapping and ready for his cock. His cock have a hard throb at that, and his cock started to strain his jockstrap even more, moving it away from his body and straining his thighs. Terrador couldn't but help his hand moving to his partially exposed cock, giving it a firm stroke base to tip.

"While I would love the opportunity too, I have to head back to the temple." Terrador grimaced, feeling a bit blue balled now.

It was clear he let his disappointment into his voice, as Havoc only gave him a smirk.

"Don't tell, me you're going to let yourself get bluebell High General." Havoc smirked. "After all, I have lots of dragons here that would be willing to worship your cock all day long."

"While the idea is appealing, but I have spent too long here." Terrador spoke. That felt off though. Why did it feel like he only went to one barrack instead of all three? It was probably his dick messing with his head. Maybe one of the other guardians would be free when he got back for a long fuck session. Terrador wouldn't admit it, but all the guardians had developed a system for them all to take turns bottoming for the others. It was different from his ancestors, they wouldn't have raised their tails for anyone, except a superior's direct order. He was happy about it, while he had connected to his roots, he was still himself.

"Thanks General." Havoc stood, standing up and walking to the door. Terrador could only smirk as he saw Havoc was in a similar state with his jock strap. Terrador could only nod in approval of Havoc's cock, while still a few inches shorter than his, it was just as girthy. He would have fun splitting several dragon open with that.

The red and black dragon opened the door, and Terrador got up as well. We walked unashamedly towards and out the door. Havoc took a moment to grab his dick, giving Terrador a nice squeeze and pooled more blood there. Terrador was half tempted to shove the dragon to the door, rip off his strap and fuck him silly. It was with deep hard throb of protest from his balls that got Terrador to move away.

He walked down the steps and out into the sunlight. Maybe he was wrong about the time, it was getting close to sunset. Shaking his head to clear his doubt, he moved toward gate. Soon though he was intercepted by a female dragon.

She was a shadow dragon, with a black body and grey breast scales. She had a crown of eight horns on her head, but lacked any spines on her chin. She did have really large wings, strong tail based, and legs. She had defined tone waist, arms, and chest, a perfect hourglass shape. She was dressed in a g string thong, as there was no equipment to be contained, and a gold and purple matching.. bra? Is that what the women call it, some men have that if they got really fat. She had huge breast, and were muscled at the base, but she had proud c cups, that a dragon who like those... breast... would be able to hold on to.

"Guardian Terrador." She addressed, moving her arm across her chest in saluted.

"At lease solider." Terrador replied. He was sort of happy, the looked of the female, while beautiful, was doing well to kill his erection and allowing him to better focus.

"Yes sir!" She responded curtly.

"Name soilder!" The earth guardian asked curiously, circling around the female. She did have wide hips with a bublly ass. Something Terrador could appericate on any dragon male or female.

"Obscura, Cadet Obscura." The shadow dragon nearly shouted.

"I didn't see you today at the inspection." Terrador spoke, a little harshly. Afterall, it wasn't good to see a cadet skip out on inspection.

"I was excused by General Havoc. Besides I can see I have no actual effect on you." Obscuar spoke, taking time to bush her claws over Terrador's shoulder and arm.

"While I appreciate the thought." Terrador spoke, bushing away the touch of the female "I would still would have evaluated your physical results and organization."

"I understand that, but General Havoc already did that and its in my record." Obscura spoke confidently.

"Very well." Terrador started to move to the gate before a question entered his mind.

"Cadet Obsurca, what is your goal in the military?" Terrador spoke.

"My plan is to." The dragon began, before Terrador's head nearly exploded as another memory surged against Terrador's will. Not wanting to cause another tremor, Terrador only flexed his legs, letting his quad and hamstrings handle his body as it felt like his body was being dragged away from its current location.


Terrador had finally gotten some leave time. He had muscled up quite nicely. He had gotten a nice buff arm, chest, and even a nice set of eight pack abs.

_Terrador, was happy to visit his dad, apparently, his father knew he was coming home from his military mates. So, his dad wanted to help make sure that when the time was right, he would also have a strong military son. _

Walking into his father's house, he heard a strong steady rhythm. His father always did use the earth when he was having an intense sparing session. Terrador and his own father had a few good sparing sessions when he visited. His father wanted to see, how the next generation of the army would do in a fight. Opening the gate to the backyard of the house , yeah his father's house was that large to have a front and back yard. Terrador quickly moved to the back to see the dark green dragon throwing large chuck of rock bolder at a storm gray dragon, with huge wings. Wings that were being strained at what looked like an uncomfortable angle. Apparently the wind dragon didn't mind either. They were both panting and sweating, and both using their elements in their spar.

_The old dragons were soon done, once Quake saw his son. "Son!" The elder dragon boom, letting the current rock he was forming to drop, the two earth dragon were soon in an embrace. Once they were done, Terrador and his father's old air force friend, Tornidus, started to smoke from a couple of thick cigars. The two were great friends. Quick to pull out the cigars and talk about military stories, and comparing scares. They visited several times while Terrador was growing up. They always were encouraging him to go into the military. _


The movement stopped. Terrador could only look back at the shadow dragon before him. For some reason, Terrador could feel the itch had growing in him for a son, calm down. He had a plan in place, thanks for his father. He could remember when his father helped set up a breeding contract so when Terrador was ready he could sire a child of his own. Did he have a breeding contract? Why was he thinking that he hadn't?


Walking into his father's house, he heard a strong steady rhythm. His father always did use the earth when he was having a good rut. Opening the door, Terrador quickly moved down the stairs to see the dark green dragon pounding a storm gray dragon, with huge wings. Wings that were being pulled back at what looked like an uncomfortable angle. Apparently the wind dragon didn't mind either. When the older earth dragon let the wings go lack, the wind dragon was quick to put his wings back at that unnatural angle.

"Tornidus" The earth dragon spoke

"While, I'm enjoying our fun, I wanted you to meet my son." The older earth dragon spoke. Terrador could feel the pride in his father's tone. It was quite a difference from when the time he and his father talked before he entered the military.

_"The tail raiser?" The grey dragon spoke, a smile on his face. Terrador could feel the growl in his throat. He had put those silly feelings of needing something under his tail long ago. While he would allow his superiors under his tail, if ordered, he could finally understand why his father was embarrassed about his earlier tendencies. Smiling at the position his father had his friend in Terrador felt the words slip out of his mouth. "Seems to me that you are enjoying having something under your tail." The actual look of shock on the wind dragon's face, and the sudden gust of wind that whipped Terrador's check. _

"Cheeky Bastard. Just like you." Tornidus spoke, smiling.

"I'm happy to meet your military buddies father, but why is Tornidus here?" Terrador spoke. The smile Quake gave his son, told Terrador, that his father had a purpose besides a good fuck between the two.

"Tornidus here, was blessed with a daughter years ago, while he never had a son. She is a strong military dragon, but she isn't giving up any hatching to anyone. She wants a recommendation, from her father, about a dragon in the military. I thought that you would want to be a bit more intimately knowledgeable in her pedigree, and when it's time for you to scratch that itch of having a child. I got it, your grandfather, got it, trust me son, though you don't believe that you'll want a child, you'll get it."

Terrador was keenly aware of the stormy dragon's eyes were now looking up and down his body, focusing on his muscles, wings, cock, even his face.

The grey dragon got up and started to place his hands on the earth dragon's body.

"Strong muscles." The wind dragon spoke as Terrador's chest got grope.

"Nice wings, incase it's a wind dragon." Terrador could feel the space between his wings were pressed, even causing a nice pop causing Terrador to moan in pleasure. The joints between a dragon's wings could be quite sensitive. Sure Terrador heard the endless moans of when the wind dragons took turned popping each other's wings. Especially while fucking each other.

"Good size cock. You earth dragon's always seem to have a nice size cock.

"Probably good endurance." The storm dragon spoke, while giving a nice stroke to the earth dragon's dick, while flicking a few of his dick ridges.

"You know we earth dragon's endurance are unrivaled." Quake was quick to speak, While once again getting behind the wind dragon and started to grind his dick against that well-formed ass.

"True, but fire dragon's seem to have a level of enthusiasm, that you don't have. I know you have fucked Volcanorus. When he goes at it, it is an extremely fun time." The wind dragon spoke, while thrusting his ass back, both dragons seemed to be happy with fucking in front of the younger dragon.

"Then there is the electric dragon's." Quake teased. "Sometimes you can really get them to vibrate, and whether it is in the ass or cock, that could be fun."

"Ice dragons." The two seemed to stop at that, and both gave a small shiver.

"Never let them cum in you, son." Quake gave a look.

Terrador put on a shit eating grin.

"Too late. Permafrost loves testing new recruits." Terrador couldn't also suppress a grin as the memory of cold cum in in ass, further suppressed any idea of raising his tail for another dragon again.

"Overall, I do agree Quake." The wind dragon smiled. I'll recommend your son. In the future if my daughter and your son want a child, I think the genetics from our blood lines would do great together, and make a superior military dragon, though that may change if your son, can't climb the ranks." The wind dragon moaned as it seems as if his ass was penetrated once again by the deep green cock of the elder earth dragon.


Terrador continued to make his way towards the gate. He saw two dragons standing post there. They weren't they weren't next to the stone archway before. General Havoc must already be working his magic on them. Never underestimate the work of a fear dragon. The two dragons were an yellow electric dragon, with horns similar to Volteer, but definitely smaller. Looking down, Terrador also noticed that the dragon was also less endowed that his electric guardian counterpart. Not as long maybe ten inches and not as thick. His fire dragon companion was longer, and a bit bulkier. Both of the dragon obviously were in the sub unit or maybe a switch. They weren't very muscular, but nicely toned as the Dom unit he was from. They also had great round asses. Perfect for fucking for hours on end.

It was kind of comical to see them instantly drop what they were doing when they noticed Terrador was only three meters away. The electric one even dropped his shield and the fire one, let out a burst of fire. Terrador approached the two, as he almost gets between the two. Terrador couldn't afford to have a bit of fun.

"Soldiers. ATTENTION!" Terrador boomed. The two once again were comical as they moved their bodies and dropped their weapons and move their arms to the side of their chest. Terrador almost chuckled at seeing their erect cocks, dripping pre, and the two were standing there openly ogling him. Terrador smile and slightly flexed his body, made some casual poses that focused their attention at his own hard dick, with a pearl of pre on the end. Little dragons like them always could get his cock hard.

"At, ease." Terrador began, but then the earth trembled again, his head throbbed, his instincts roared that something wasn't right. A memory bubbled to the surface of his head. The memory of him when he became the top general.


It was a very dignified affair. Terrador was dressed in his gold armor, that hugged at his body, in a very flattering way. He spent a good hour on each part of his armor, making it shine perfectly. Then after polishing his scales and armor for hours, he put each piece of armor on his body, snugly. It did show off his muscles from training nicely, while also protecting his body's most critical points.

Now it was time.

"The new General for all of his hard work and achievements is TERRADOR!"

Terrador couldn't help but puff out a bit. Looking out, Terrador saw his father also puff out in pride.

Moving slowly and with purpose he moved towards the center stage in front of the other dragons, while the generals of the NightWatch, FireBrigade, Marines, and AirForce, and the new general of the LandMass. Terrador was in charge of the LandMass, but with his new promotion to High General, he had to spend a week finding a suitable replacement for LandMass. The five dragons were named: Shade, Pyros, Whirlix, Breenoir, Clayf. All were large dragons, with huge muscles and commanding presence. Shade was a shadow dragon, with black scales and purple chest scales. He had a sort of cloak shape shoulder scales, and a spear like tail blade. He did have four upper horns that curled back almost touching his chin. Pyros, was a fire dragon with red scales with yellow and orange. Chest scales that formed a flame pattern going up his body. He had large wings, but they had at least a dozen holes in them. Whirlix was a water dragon with dark blue scales and with light blue chest scales. He had 4 long whiskers from his head, and sort of gill like horns on his chin. He also had webbing between his claws. Breenoir was a large grey dragon with dark blue chest scales. The dragon had huge wings, with no holes in them, while his claws were large. Breenooir Clayf is a large earth dragon as well, smaller than Terrador, but he still seems large, he has forest green scales and dark brown chest scales. He had a leaf shaped tail blade, while like most earth dragons his wings are smaller and have many holes in it.

_"Terrador. Do you accept the rank and responsibilities of General of Warfang." Pyros spoke, holding out a branding iron with the new symbol of 'High General' on it. Terrador was ready to take the title, he was ready to get his new armor, he had already taken off his chest and arm guards. The only piece of armor that wouldn't change would be the cod piece right now, though he would get a new one once he returned to his barracks tonight. It was a high honor, and it will be the latest of his military rank brands. _

There was only one response

"Yes. I will give this rank and position the respect and dignity it deserves."

Everyone cheered and with that Terrador had become the new general of the army. Terrador even shed a few tears, but they were tears of joy, though if anyone asked why he cried he would say they were liquid pride, as his father had taught him.


Seeing that his powers were causing a level five earthquake as he tried to use the earth to keep him centered, he was forced to let go of the earth for stillness. As soon as he let it go, his head was now swimming. After all his ceremony was a very dignified event. Right?


Terrador was excited. He had his scales polished to a fine shine. Terrador was ready. He was going to get a bukkake. Once he was to be covered in the other superiors cum for the last time, he would start putting his seed into each of them..

"The new General of the army is Terrador!" Pyros spoke. The FireBrigade general had been stroking himself for a good hour if what the FireBrigade said was true. They said he had kept himself in his private quarters all day bringing in sub after sub, who came out super needy unable to get penetrated as the dragon only stroked his dick and asked them to make out with each other, while showing their asses and holes for the fire dragon.

_Terrador couldn't help but give the biggest shit eating grin, as he strode up to the center stage. Four other dragons were there. All the dragons, Shade, Whirlix, Breenooir, and Clayf were all dragons with larger than average cocks. All were busy stroking their cocks in unison with Terrador's steps. Getting on to the stage, Terrador got to his knees, and closed his eyes to protect them. Terrador didn't need to wait long. It was shade who walked up to his face and grabbed his horns roughly moving so his maw was next to the purple and black dick. Without prompting, Terrador opened his mouth and relaxed his throat, allowing the thick and large cock into his throat, and Terrador relaxed his throat to allow it to go as deep as possible. He felt something prod at his back door as well. Lifting his tail he could only assume it was Whirlix fucking his ass, as the dragon's dick was a long one, but not as thick as Shade's. Soon he forced himself to his knees, chest up to view the line up of the five lesser generals all pumping their cocks, all seeming to be aiming their cocks at different parts of his body, the dragons on the floor, including his father were also pumping their cocks as well, all waiting to cum all at once for the new general. _

_"You ready General, its time for us to cristen our general, and make sure he had the essence of the military in and on him." Pyros spoke, also a new nipple stud was taken out, after the bukkake, He was to get that piercing into its new home and wear it with pride. _

"One." Whirlix spoke, flicking a few ridges on his dick

"Two." Shade added, his hand seeming to pump up and down as quickly as his hand would allow. His wings were also twitching in preparation for something.

_"CUM!" Clafy added, moving his cock so it was aimed at Terrador's face. Clafy's cumshot was true hitting Terrador in the face. Whirlix and Breenooir his nipples and chest. Pyros took pleasure in covering Terrador's cock, and Shade flew up, and blasted Terrador's back from neck to ass. The dragons in attendance also came, cum flowing down to the bottom floor where Terrador was. _

_Soon, the warm cum from the five generals warmed Terrador's chest, back, and even his ass scales. the musky scent of these dragon's causes Terrador's cock to give a few hard throbs. Opening his eyes, Terrador fixed his gaze at the shadow dragon that was still pumping his spent cock at least three times a second. The black dragon with purple chest scales did have a nice ass. Feeling that growling dominating instinct from his ancestors rise in him, Terrador moved quickly, grabbing Shade with such force, that Terrador was for a moment scared that he was going to break his scales. Infront of the rest of the solders, Terrador pinned the dragon on the floor, letting the cum flow off of him onto the black dragon's back scales. Shade wanted this, he was wiggling his ass up against Terrador's hard cock. _

"Come on General Shade. Beg for it. My cock is ready for your ass. Just ask, and I'll give it for you." Terrador teased.

_"Please General. Please fuck me." The shadow dragon whimpered. The pleading tone in that voice, was enough for Terrador to lose control, and with a hard thrust, he felt his cock get wrapped around the warm tight passage of his subordinate. _

_Terrador let his dominate side fully out, growling pinning and almost hurting his new fuck toy. As soon as he unleashed in Shade, who's ass was very good at taking his first load, Terrador even took a few extra moments to make sure his cock was full spent when he slipped it out. It was then that he heard Pyros snickering, as Shade only babbled incoherently saying so full, and more cock please General. Terrador had his next target and flung himself at the dragon. The fire dragon realized he was the High General's next prey and tried to roll out of the way. It looked like he had saved his ass for a moment, he slammed his claw into the earth on the left side of Pyros' head. The dragon tried rolling to the right, to see the other arm, slamming and burying itself into the earth as well. Pyro realized he was pin. _

"Good now, raise your legs, I want your hole exposed to the air!" Terrador growled. The dragon did as he was asked, bending his legs and lifting them up and placed them on the earth dragon's shoulders. Now that the ass was open and waiting for his dick, Terrador's dragonmeat grew hard within seconds. With a thrust, Pyros let out a pleasurable grunt and moan as the cock speared him, digging into placed he didn't know he had. Terrador was pleased to hear the squeals escaping from the fire dragon's maw, until Terrador came in him. Sure Pyros came on Terrador, to which Terrador moved one of his claws out of the earth and teased the spent cock.

"Solider, did I give you, permission to cum?" Terrador asked mockingly. "No High General Terrador, No." Pyros snapped.

You know what happens to dragons who cum without permission yes?" Terrador continued, looking at Pyros with a wicked smile, while Pyros' face morphed into one of terror.

"We put them in Chastity Cages." Pyros whimpered.

"Correct General. It seems that until you learn to listen to your superiors, you will need some discipline of your own." Terrador spoke, while giving the fire dragon a bit of a hand job, before the torture would start.

Looking over at the three remaining Generals, all three had erect dicks, and they were all standing at attention, ready to obey Terrador. Terrador growled in pleasure, the dominance and control he had over them. Now which does he want next. Looking at Clafy, and his undersize wings and Breenooir's oversized one, he got an idea. And spoke it.

_"General Breeze, I want you and Clafy to start frothing, and keep your asses close together, I'm going to seed you both at once." Terrador growled. _

"Sir, yes Sir!" The wind and earth dragon chorused as they moved to start fucking each other. The earth dragon got on his back and the wind dragon got on top, their chest pressed and twitching against each other as they stimulated each other. Terrador got a little ticked when their tails wound about each other blocking the view of their asses. Moving to the two, he yanked their tails apart. He was surprised to hear the two yelp into the other's mouth. Terrador, grabbed the wind dragon by his hips and started to rock the dragon back and forth, using the dragon as the flesh lite he was. Breeze had a nice ass, very tight and clenched at the right moment to stimulate his cock and ridges. The wind dragon's dick was rubbing against the earth dragon's dick allowing the two too get further stimulated. After a few minutes in the wind dragon's hole he popped his cock out and pushed it into Clayf. The earth dragon moaned as the wind dragon stopped rocking on top of him, and it was his own prostate that got pounded and ground on. Terrador was enjoying the two holes. So tight but clenched in slightly different ways that it was refreshing as he moved from one to the other. It wasn't long before the pressure in his balls built up again, and he was ready to blow. Terrador slammed his dick into the wind dragon's passage and gave a few last thrust before letting himself go, and allowing his cum to flood the wind dragons, once the pressure built and the wind dragon whined from being pumped full of his seed, Terrador pulled out and sprayed both holes before moving to the earth dragon below and pumped him full as well. Terrador was so close to collapsing. He had just experience three powerful orgasms and he had one more to do before he could get his nipple it's new stud and then go home to sleep.

_"Whirlix, you're not off the hook yet." Terrador growled, seeing that the water dragon general seemed to be sighing in relief. Terrador quickly crawled under the water dragon's legs. Terrador moved his arms, to the dragons knees, ready to get the dragon if he planned on escaping. _

Whirlix was trying to move, but Terrador was ready, in one quick movement, he collapsed the dragon's legs, but pushed on the dragon's knees, causing the dragon to sit, right on the earth dragon's thick cock. The dragon made a squeeze, as his body jolted with the large cock inside of him. Terrador smiled. The final hole was his. Terrador places his hands on the dragon's hips, and started a steady rhythm of thrusts. It wasn't long, only a few minutes before the water dragon let out his salty essence and then collapsed on his superior.

_Getting the water dragon off of him and his dick free Terrador, smiled, and flexed and wagged his dick in front of the cheering soldiers who hadn't collapsed from their own orgies. _

"Swear your loyalty to me! Tell me that you'll follow my orders to the letter!" Terrador roared into all of their ears.

"Yes Sir, Terrador Sir." The five generals shouted in unison. Terrador felt his cock and dominating instincts rise in joy and sexual desire. He let loose on those asses, wanting them to be forever ruined and aching for his cock. All the dragons present were surprised to see just how much cum Terrador had produced with his balls. Had he always gushed like that? It seemed so.. Why was this so hard to remember?


"No! Position 2!" Terrador boomed. The two soldiers looked at each other for two minutes before turning their backs to Terrador, lift their tails and allowed their ass holes to be exposed to the afternoon sunlight. What a nice sight. Terrador's cock gave a nice hard throb at that sight. Now with those soldiers at the proper form, it was time for a bit of relief, especially after this fiasco of an inspection.

With little hesitation, Terrador let his cock into the fire dragon's ass. It was nice and even had a nice warm massaging his cock. Letting his instincts got wild, Terrador, let his cock go at the poor dragon's prostate. It only took three hard thrusts before, the earth dragon roared and came.

"Well job solider." Terrador praised. Drool and spittle coming down his throat from the good fuck he just had.

"What's your name?" The military guardian asked, as he pulled out, causing the red dragon to squeal as it stretches out his anus, and cum started flow out all over his ass and legs.

"Charcolus... Private Charcolus, sir." The fire dragon panted. He hadn't had his release yet, he knew he had to wait till ordered to cum.

"What rank are you sir and what division you are in?" Terrador asked, moving one hand to Charcolus' leaking and needy cock, while the other moved into the electric dragon's hole, prepping him for his fucking.

"I'm a private, low class solider, but I'm in the submissive, hoping to enter the switches next year!" Charcolus spoke, actually standing up straight, though his legs quivered at the sudden movement. Terrador nodded seeing there was some potential, he could put in a motion to allow for him to privately over see his, 'training.'

Moving over quickly Terrador resheathed himself into the electric dragon. Releasing his control on himself, Terrador gave his next order, "CUM NOW!"

Terrador let himself go fuck crazy again causing the other dragon to cum and almost collapse in his orgasm, even the red dragon who was just stuck masturbating and cum leaking out of his ass came on command as a good solider should.


Well we get the second Guardian out of the way. Only Volteer and Ignitus are left. Vote on who comes NEXT. I think I know where the vote will go, based off of earlier comments. Anyway please review, comments are appreciated. I also have an idea for this story as a sort of epilogue. I'm working on it now, since I am trying a new style of writing were I do all the mass writing early on, and just focusing now on editing, leading to weekly updates.

Cyril's Noble Linage

**Well the votes are in** **3 Cyril** **2 Ignitus** **1 Terrador** **0 Volteer.** **No one loves the electric dragon. So once again at the end will be a vote on which dragon comes next. Thanks to everyone who voted. Once again while this chapter...

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The Worst Day Ever

_Well I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. Write smut. Please be kind. I don't know how it'll turn out. So please be kind._ _Warning this story is m/m shipping and also will consist of an idea of reality altering. Meaning one person alters...

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