apocalypse: chapter five

Story by Red Ferret on SoFurry

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#2 of Apocalypse #1

Apocalypse: chapter five

We got ready to hold out for the night in the barracks. We decided to do four two hour shifts. I took the second shift with Alex while the others split up the other shifts. Ace and Rachel took the first, Adam and Nicolai took the third, and Jess took the last shift with Jake. We grabbed some night vision sights from the armory before it got too dark and barricaded the doors and windows with some of the spare bunks. Ace and Rachel headed up to the roof with their rifles to take out any zombies in the area.

We all fell asleep pretty quickly, aside from the occasional shots from the roof it was pitch black and completely silent. I jerked awake a couple hours later as Ace kicked my leg.

"Hey kitty, your watch." he growled in a low voice.

"what's your problem?" I snarled back at him.

"You, I cant stand you feline fucks. Hell your kind probably started this whole mess."

"Damn I was hoping the infected had killed most of you racist idiots."

He Snarled and swung at me barely missing as I jumped back. I drew my arm back and swung at him putting all my weight behind the punch. It connected with his cheek making a loud snap. He stumbled back holding his face in his paws.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" he screamed when he realized his cheekbone was broken. He charged at me and leapt through the air. He suddenly stopped as if he'd hit a brick wall. Adam had grabbed him from behind and was now holding his about a foot off the ground glaring strait into his eyes.

"Its bad enough we have to deal with those things trying to kill us without you starting shit when we're trying to sleep." Adam tossed him against the wall. He bounced off and hit the ground whimpering. He curled up into the fetal position. He was still there when me and Alex climbed onto the roof and everyone else went back to bed.

The view from the roof was a little scary through the night scope. The area surrounding the base held hundreds of zombies wandering aimlessly. There was a loose ring of corpses about a hundred yards away that surrounded the barracks. We spent most of our shift idly scanning the perimeter and blowing jagged holes in the heads of any infected that crossed the invisible line.

"So what did you do before this started?" I asked.

"I was a senior in high school like you and Jess but I worked at nursing home to pay my rent."

"You lived alone?"

"not really, I had a room mate but we weren't very close at all."

"Any idea if he or she is still alive?"

"She was actually the first infected I ran into. She came home from work one day limping. When I asked what happened she just said some little mutt had bitten her and then went to bed. When I woke up in the morning I heard banging on her door. When I opened the door she lunged at me. I was lucky she didn't kill me."

"How'd you get away?"

"I grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen." She started crying. "I hit her in the face as hard as I could but the knife just got stuck and she fell over."

I pulled her close to me. "Its okay, you just did what you had to."

She cried into my shoulder. "Its different when you know them. I can kill as many of these monsters as it takes." she said as she grabbed her rifle and killed several infected that were getting too close. "but she was my friend." she slumped back against the wall at the edge of the roof.

"I guess I was lucky I didn't run into anyone I knew." I sat back next to her putting an arm around her shoulders.

She suddenly leaned over and kissed me. I pulled back shocked. "Shit I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking." She apologized.

"Don't be I've been wanting to do that."

"What about Jess?"

"I could never hurt her but I cant ignore you either. Your like my dream girl."

"What kind of dream?" She asked seductively.

Just then Adam and Nicolai climbed through the trap door that led inside. "Your shifts over go get some rest you'll need it tomorrow." We headed inside and laid down falling asleep even faster than before. Not without noticing Ace still curled up on the floor where he had landed earlier.

We woke up to the sound of a large explosion on the other side of the base. Jess and Jake jumped down through the trap door. " We need to leave now!" Jess shouted. Before running out the door closely followed by Jake. The rest of us ran after them we where hit by a wave of heat as we ran out the door. The ammo dump and several surrounding buildings where on fire.

"what the hell happened."

"somebody threw a grenade into the ammo dump. But don't worry we got him."

We got to our new vehicles and hopped in I was surprised to find Alex riding with me and Jess riding in the tanker with Jake. I floored it and sped out of the compound and down the road. I looked into my mirrors and saw the tanker along with a flatbed hauling several large crates pulling onto the road behind me. Alex flipped the switch on the radio and we heard Nicolai's voice.

"...(static) ..nt know last I saw him was last night when I went back to bed."

"oh shit was he the guy that blew the ammo dump?"

"Sorry about the delay, my ride takes a little longer to get going. Slow down a bit and ill catch up in a minute."

We slowed down and waited a little bit. Suddenly a Stryker came roaring out of the corn field to our left almost colliding with my truck. "Sorry bout that I couldn't see too well." He said before slowing down and taking the second place in our convoy. We drove for all day only stopping for lunch. Just as it was starting to get dark we could see the skyline of a large city on the horizon.