Chapter Three: Jason's Journey Begins

Story by Manveru on SoFurry

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#3 of The Forest of Dreams


This story contains descriptions of sexual acts. If you are under the legal age to purchase pornography where you live, please read no further. If not, enjoy!

This chapter and all chapters subsequent to it were written with the help of the best fur I've ever met: Amber. Enjoy!


The changes you face within are irreversible...

Chapter Three: Jason's Journey Begins

Jason traveled at a fast pace after he left his den in the Forest of Dreams. He kept having urges to turn and go back to Lilah. His heart ached when he thought of her. He really did love her, and the fact that she was the best fuck he'd ever had just cemented that even more. But he was determined to stick to his plan. He had a roster set for where he was going and how long he would stay. He was heading north from the forest to the place known as the Desire Mountains. He would stay there for a week and then move on to the Pleasure Plains for another week. From there, he would travel to Lust Lake in the center of the continent, and then to Horny Hills. After that, it was back to the Forest of Dreams...back to Lilah.

The road to the Desire Mountains was rather desolate. He met a few furs along the way, most notably a group of lesbian minks that brought him back over an hour on his schedule. After about two weeks of walking and hunting, he made it to the foot of Desire Mountains. The tallest peak had to be about 26,000 feet high, with some smaller ones around it, the smallest being under a thousand feet. Most of the homes were around the feet of the mountains, but some residents lived in dens and caves carved out of the mountains themselves. He approached the city and noticed for the first time that he was rather cold. He supposed he would need to buy some clothing in town or risk hypothermia.

He entered the hotel in town and his jaw dropped. The majority of the furs present were engaged in some sort of sexual act. Two polar bears were in the corner in a 69, a mink was giving a moose head under his table, a unicorn (Jason had to blink a few times to make sure he was seeing straight on that one) was ass-fucking an elk, and a skunk was titfucking his girlfriend. The only one that wasn't having sex seemed to be the receptionist, a female white squirrel standing behind a varnished wooden desk. Her fur was sleek and shiny, and her breasts were perfectly round and supple. He walked up to her.

"Well, hello there, miss...?"

"You can call me Natasha." She spoke with a slight Russian accent. "Vould you like a room for ze night?"

"Yes, yes I would. I'd also like some warm clothes. I'm going to be exploring the mountains for a while and I'm not exactly built for such cold weather."

"Of course. I can have zem delivered in ze morning. Vill you be payink now, or vhen you leave?"

"Now, I suppose. What do I need to pay you?" She sat up on the desk and spread her legs, exposing her wet pussy.

"Make me cum." Jason grinned and complied. He started by giving her cunt one long, slow lick. She shuddered as his rough tongue stimulated her sensitive clit. He slid one furry finger into her slit, then another, and then a third. He soon had all four of his fingers in her juicy pussy, and his thumb and tongue taking turns with her clit. She was squealing with joy, squirming on the desk. He noticed that even though he had all four fingers in her, he still had a considerable amount of space to move his fingers. This gave him an idea.

He removed his thumb from her clit and slowly pushed it into her cunt along with his fingers. She gasped as he slowly put his entire fist into her love canal. She screamed as he began to fist-fuck her. He was still licking her clit, and with his entire hand in her cunt and his tongue stimulating her clit, she was cumming in no time. Jason knew that he had paid for his night, and his clothing, but he was having too much fun. That, and he had a raging hard-on that direly needed attention. He pulled his fist out with a wet popping noise and she moaned with a second orgasm. He placed his throbbing member at the entrance to her fuck hole and looked at her questioningly. She nodded hurriedly and he plunged his entire length in, including the knot. He pulled her off the desk and held her under her arms. She was now only supported by his arms and cock. She screamed as he bounced her on his dick. He was amazed that she felt so tight when his entire fist had been inside her less than a minute ago!

She was sobbing in ecstasy, now working on her fourth orgasm. Jason held back his own orgasm as best he could. He had heard good things about the lodging here, and wanted to make sure that the staff was properly compensated. She came a fourth time after about 5 minutes of bouncing up and down on Jason's hot, thick shaft. He grunted, "I want to cum *huff* on your *ohhh* face, baby..." She wanted it too, so she climbed off of him and knelt down, taking his cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the tip. He threw his head back in an ecstatic howl as he sprayed his hot seed all over her sweaty face. When he was finally done cumming after about a minute, he slouched against the desk and looked around. The other patrons had paid no attention to their antics, but had gone about their business. The two bears were cuddling, the moose was eating out the mink with his long tongue, the unicorn and elk were now 69ing, and the female skunk was straddling her man, his cock slowly sinking into her cunt. Natasha rose, panting, from behind the desk, slapping a key on the counter.

"Room...115. Bathroom is...down the hall. Have a pleasant stay sir." He grinned and slowly climbed the stairs to his room. It had been a rather exhausting day.


Jason awoke the next day feeling very refreshed. There was a wrapped package sitting on his chest of drawers. He opened and saw that it was some long underwear, woolen pants, thick socks, boots, a t-shirt, a hooded sweatshirt, and a jacket. Under all of the clothing was a note: 'Please, come back and visit me when you are done exploring. I know a few girls who would love to meet you! XOXO, Natasha.' Jason grinned at this thought. He got dressed and left the inn, giving Natasha a long, deep kiss on the way out.

Jason knew exactly where he was headed. He had heard tell of an artic fox living nearby who had come from another world. He was intrigued by this, wondering if she was from the same world he was, or if there were more. He made good time, the metal spikes on his climbing boots making it easy to find good footing. He took a rest break about halfway up to the cave, taking out the salted meat and fresh milk that he had packed. He was hungry, but he remembered that this had to last him a while, so his meal was short. He was able to put his mind off his hunger by imagining what this new girl would be like. He hoped she would be up for some sex. He gave this last thought some examination. It seemed like since he had come here, sex had been the only thing on his mind. He shrugged and kept climbing.

He sang to himself as he climbed a particularly steep slope. As he reached the top, a harsh and bitter wind began to blow. Jason shivered. The wind blew harder, whipping snow and ice everywhere. Jason was worried - he couldn't see a damn thing in this storm! He heard a rumbling noise and looked up. What looked like a solid wall of snow was rushing towards him! He closed his eyes as the white oblivion thundered towards him...


Jason slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know where he was. All he could remember was the wall of snow rushing towards him. He slowly sat up and noticed that he was sitting on a rather comfortable, large bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked around. This was the first house he had been in that looked anything close to modern. There was a computer at a desk in the corner, an oven and microwave, and the cave or den was well-lit with fluorescent bulbs. He stood up shakily and got his bearings. He was obviously in someone's house, but he didn't know whose house it was or how he had gotten there. Perhaps the avalanche had swept him inside. But that wouldn't explain where the owner was, or how he had gotten onto the bed.

He began to explore the den and saw that it was well-furnished and very modern. He wondered if perhaps this was the place that he had been looking for. He walked towards the exit and saw that there was a small tunnel dug through the snow blocking the opening. He saw that it was just a bit too small for him to squeeze through to get outside. He began to dig, widening out the tunnel. He was about halfway through when a small, light-blue and white ball of fur collided with him. They tumbled backwards out of the tunnel in a pile of fur and snow. He slowly extracted himself from the other fur and stood up. He saw an artic fox lying on the ground. Her blue and white fur was frazzled and her brown and red hair was splayed out around her head. She wore only a green halter top and a skimpy green pair of short shorts. Her breasts were small, yet firm-looking, a full B cup. He offered her his hand and she took it.

"Are you alright," he asked in a worried tone.

She spoke in a semi-british accent. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Sorry about that, it was my fault."

"No, no, it was mine. I should have waited for you." She looked up at him and he noticed for the first time that he was nude. "Where are my clothes?"

She blushed slightly. "They were soaked when I found you buried in the snow. I took them off and dried them so you wouldn't get hypothermia."

"Oh, thank you. You have been very gracious, and I owe you my life."

She blushed even more at this. "It was nothing, really. I couldn't just sit and watch while you died..."

He raised his eyebrows. "You were watching me?"

He expected that all the blood in her body was now concentrated in her face. "Well, I had heard hearsay that someone was coming to look for me, and I've been watching to see when they would arrive."

"Well, here I am. I was wondering if it was you that I was looking for. I heard tell that you had also been transported here from another world, and I had some questions."

"I'd be happy to answer them. Would you like your clothes back, or are you ok nude?"

"I'm alright as is. I only had those clothes because my body isn't quite accustomed to colder climes. Is there somewhere we can talk...somewhere more relaxed?"

"Sure, I have a small entertainment room down the hall." She led him to the small room and they sat on the small couch. She gazed up at him, her being around 5'7" and him being 5'10", nearly 5'11". "What did you want to ask me?"

"What was your world like? I am not native to this world either, and I was wondering if we both came here from the same place."

"Well, my world view was very limited. I spent most of my time holed up in my room at my computer. From what I've gathered since I came here, my world was very much like the other world that many other morphs are from, the world you are from, the world known as Earth. My plane of existence is known as Gaia, this furry world is Delgaya, and the 'human' world is, of course, earth. As of yet, nobody from any other plane has come to Delgaya, other than Gaia and Earth. And that's about all I know."

"What are people in Gaia like? Are they humanoids or what?"

"Gaians are almost exactly the same as humans. There are, however, a few differences. Gaians are usually born with 6 digits rather than 5, and are shorter than humans on average. Other than that, Humans and Gaians are identical. And then there's one more thing..." She looked very uncomfortable now.

"What is it?"

She cleared her throat. "I...well, I used to be a boy. The transformation from Gaia to Delgaya not only changed my skin and the like, but it also changed my gender. The transformation is also taking place very slowly. I got here over two weeks ago and I still don't think it's complete." Jason's jaw dropped. Was she being serious with him? The transformation to being a fur was one thing, but to change genders... She seemed to know that he was skeptical. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth. I can show you if you want."

"Sh-show me?" She stood up and hooked her thumbs around the waist of her shorts. She pulled them down, exposing her sex to Jason. He saw that her clit was larger than any other he'd seen, and her slit seemed to be slightly furry. It looked as though her scrotal skin ad retracted to form her outer lips, and the fur had still not fully been shed.

"Oh. I see." He saw, all right. He was staring at it, practically salivating. He growled disappointedly when she pulled her shorts back up. His cock was half-erect and emerging from its sheath. She saw this and blushed. She chose not to say anything, opting instead to look the other way.

"Are you hungry at all? You've been out cold for over three days." She asked with a warm smile. As soon as she finished her sentence, his stomach let out a loud growl. "Yeah, I guess I am a bit. It's ok, I can hunt for myself..." But she would hear nothing of it. "No. You're still hurt and you don't know the territory at all. I'll catch us something nice. She grinned and walked away. He appreciated the swaying of her tight ass.

"Wait," he called out as she left, "What's your name?"

She looked back and grinned, "Amber." She swished her tail and scurried out the tunnel, blushing again at the sight of his semi-erect shaft.


She was gone for about ten minutes when Jason began to rub his sheath with his lightly-furred fingers. His cock emerged and he began to inspect it. He had used it plenty, but he had never really taken a good look at it. It was red and sort of shiny, glistening with a natural lubricant. It was about 2.5" thick at the knot, 2" at the base, and tapering off to about 1.5" at the widest part of the tip. It tapered down to a point at the end, and it looked to be almost a full 10" long. He began to rub his hand up and down his meat, murring softly as his fur stimulated the sensitive flesh. He began to pump faster and some pre-cum started dribbling out. This substance further lubricated his thick meat and he started to pump even faster. His own scent was driving him mad with lust and he actually licked the tip of his cock a few times to see how it tasted. It wasn't bad. A bit salty, but otherwise sort of bland. He gave one long, slow lick up the side and shuddered with pleasure. He heard a soft moan and jerked his head up.

Amber was standing there watching him. One of her hands was roaming over he perky breasts, and the other was buried in her shorts, rubbing at her cunt. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, and they were alight with the hunger of lust. He grinned up at her.

"Care to join me?" She nodded hurriedly and pulled off her top. Her delightfully round tits swung free, and Jason admired they way they bounced. She pulled down her shorts and he could see her juices rolling down her thighs and sticking to the fur on her legs. She practically ran over to him and began to take long, slow licks up his shaft. He shuddered and followed suit. Their tongues met at his tip and they kissed deeply. He tweaked her nipples and she gasped.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's just...this is my first time..." She gasped again as Jason's hand meandered down to her cunt. She squirmed and lay back, and Jason went to work. He slowly put one finger all the way into her slightly furred cunt, and she shivered with pleasure. She gasped and came as he blew softly on her engorged clit. His cock was throbbing now. He told her to get on her hands and knees and she obeyed without question. She moved her tail to the side to expose her cunt. Jason slowly slid his entire eleven inches of hot thick wolfmeat into her tight pussy. She squealed with joy and came again as he hit base, his knot resting at her lips. He slowly began to ease out. The sensations were incredible for both of them. Her cunt was amazingly tight around Jason's meat, and she could feel every inch of it inside her. He began a slow, steady rhythm in and out, and she rocked back and forth in time with his thrusts. He was surprised when she said, "Faster! I want it harder..." He obliged and began to speed up. Soon he was going at full force, his knot making wet slapping noises as it hit her wet lips. She was sobbing in ecstasy, her face buried in her hands. He angled his entrance a bit so that his shaft was constantly stimulating her clit. She screamed and came again, her pussy shooting out juices around his cock. He grunted and gave one extra hard push, slipping his knot between her lips.

She screamed, "OoooooHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!" And came again. Her cunt muscles contracted on Jason's cock so hard it was almost painful, and he let go.

"ArrrrrrrrrRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He roared, spewing a huge load of cum into her waiting womb. She cried out and came again. Jason collapsed on her back, panting, his tongue lolling out. They stayed that way for a long while, both of them completely spent. He pulled out of her after his cock had softened enough, his knot making a wet 'plop' noise as it popped out of her cunt. He tenderly picked her up and carried her over to the large bed.

'She must have been so lonely,' he thought to himself as he pulled the covers over her. He went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He sat down at the table and spent the next hour thinking of Lilah. His heart ached with longing as he imagined her face, her smile, her laugh. He held back a few tears and quickly finished his water. He returned to the bed and covered himself against the cold. Amber snuggled up to him, subconsciously wrapping her arms around his chest. He sighed and held her close. He fell asleep quickly and dreamt of Lilah throughout the whole night.


The smell of fresh bacon wafted through his nostrils when he awoke. His nose led him to the kitchen, where Amber was busy fixing them some breakfast. Jason snuck up behind her and nuzzled her neck. She turned and her lips met his in a deep kiss.

"I see someone slept well," she grinned.

"I think we both did after last night," he replied, grinning back. She laughed and set a plate of bacon on the table.

"Eat up, you need your strength." He chuckled and began to eat. Amber fixed them both a glass of water and joined him at the table.

"So, where are you off to today?"

"What's that?"

"Well, everyone said that you were going to be doing a lot of traveling, and only staying in one place for about a week or so. You've already been here for 5 days, so I figured you'd be heading out." She looked sad at the prospect of him leaving. His heart throbbed with sympathy.

"Well, my plan was to go to the Pleasure Plains next, and then Lust Lake, and then Horny Hills, and then back to the Forest. Back to Lilah..." He sighed deeply as images of Lilah flooded his mind.

"Back to who?"

"Lilah. She...I love her. She was my first contact in Delgaya and well, we fell in love. She's waiting for me in the Forest...God, I miss her so much..." Amber stared as Jason choked back tears of longing. Her heart ached. Jason was the first one to ever make her feel like she was worth anything, and she was crushed to find out that he was taken. He saw her smile fade and he got an idea.

"Hey, how'd you like to come with me?"


"Well, you seem to know a lot more about Delgaya than I do. Hell, before I met you, I didn't even know what it was called! It'd be nice to have someone around, traveling alone can get...well, lonely sometimes," he said, giving her an obvious wink. She jumped at this proposal of spending more time with Jason.

"I'd love to!" She leapt up from the table, knocking her chair to the floor.

"Oops! Well, whatever, I'll take care of it later!" She ran off, talking to herself excitedly.

"What should I bring? Umm, let's see, clothes...nah, I won't be needing many of those. I need my PDA...and....well, that's about it!" Jason followed her from room to room as she turned off all of her high-tech gadgets. She was practically bouncing off the walls, and Jason had to keep more than one expensive item from being knocked off of a shelf or desk. He laughed at her sudden exuberance. Within ten minutes she was ready to depart.

"Well, no sense in wasting time! Let's go!" She scrambled out of the cave and Jason followed. He knew the next few weeks were going to be VERY interesting...


End of Chapter 3

Stay tuned for chapter 4, when Jason and Amber face amazing (and sexy) perils!