Happy Birthday Wolf Eyes

Story by Werewolfantipaladin on SoFurry

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Snow floats gently down from the darkening December sky, it is nearly 4:00 and I am putting the finishing touches on the birthday cake for Max. I hum a Christmas carol as it is only a week away. Hearing a car pull into the driveway, I peer out the window, it's Danny. Clad in a heavy coat, his hood tips back as he bends down to get something from the back seat. I see irritation flicker across his face as snowflakes stick to his golden fur and I feel a surge of love and desire.

I push it down for the time being, today was Max's day and it wouldn't be proper to start without him. The door opens and the Cougar enters, pushing the door shut. "Jake" he calls out "I got the pizzas and stopped by the Stop and Shop" I walk over and take the food from him. "Put the Pepsi in the fridge for now and take the cold bottle out after you take off your coat"

"There are a couple more things in the car" he smiles, walking past and giving my red tail a tug. I laugh, knowing full well what is in there. "Well hurry down and get them before our Wolf comes home or it will spoil the surprise" Danny laughs as well and hurries back outside. I grin to myself, oh if only Max knew what we had in store for him. I love Max so much it hurts, Danny too.

One night lying in bed I found myself torn between who I loved more and decided my heart was big enough for both a Wolf and a Cougar. I snap out of my thoughts as the door closes and Danny walks by. "I got 2 banana cream and 1 chocolate cream" he states. "Well put them in your room and spread the sheet" I chuckle "Revenge can be sweet"

By the time Max is home from work, both Danny and myself have changed into T shirts and shorts. "Guys you shouldn't have" he smiles, seeing the birthday cake and pizzas. "Happy Birthday Wolf Eyes!!" Both Danny and I sing to him. Max's blue eyes are moist. "I thought you had forgotten" he says quietly. Danny walks over and strokes the side of Max's face "Now how could we have done that to you"

I kiss Max "Your birthday is so close to Christmas, I'm sure you felt neglected growing up as far as parties go. We thought we would make up for it" Our Wolf smiles and then Danny kisses him saying "Blow out your candles" as I turn out the lights. Max shuts his eyes and I see him whisper something to himself and in one breath all the candles go out.

We applaud as Max starts cutting up the cake then passes out pizza slices. I pour us each a glass of soda as we feast. Soon all of the pizza is gone, there is but 2 slices left of cake.

Max utters a belch like a gun shot then like pup covers over his mouth "Scuse me" he says giggling. "Time for presents" I say. Danny heads into his room bringing up several wrapped presents and one more plain white box, we both exchange a knowing look, the Wolf is much too distracted by the wrapping paper to notice. "This is from me" I say, handing him a heavy flat package "Thanks Flametail" he says eagerly tearing off the paper. He grins from ear to ear, it is a copy of Hieronymus Bosch prints. "This will go great with my Giger one" He flips through the pages. "Max here you go" says Danny, handing over a larger one. Max's eyes light up as he discovers several dvds of his favorite anime inside. "How did you know?" he asks, Danny smiles. "All I had to do was see what you had in your collection and keep you from going to the Best Buy".

Max hugs us both then gives us each a deep passionate kiss. "One more package each from us" I say. Danny's gift contains a pair of Doc Martens, mine is a navy blue hooded sweatshirt. I see Danny looking at the white box and I quickly distract Max. "One more gift from the both of us" I smile in anticipation "Guys, no, I couldn't...it's nearly Christmas" I smile, Danny has taken the pie from its carton and is slowly sneaking up from behind. "You deserve this Max" I grin, Danny is in position "You have this coming to you" With that Danny smashes the pie right in Max's face, our Wolf is momentarily stunned "Gub" he says, filling and crust drip from his muzzle.

Danny and I bust out laughing and I adjust my video camera, having taped the entire party. Max wipes some of the cream from his eyes "This is for the pudding in the pillows isn't it" he says ruefully. I trail my finger down his face and lick it "MMMMMM you are delicious and yes it is." Max had pulled a prank on us both last month, filling our pillows with tapioca and finding it very very funny.

"Gotcha" Danny is laughing so hard he has to sit down. I smile and clean Max's face a bit. "You started it" I reach down and start to fondle Max through his pants. "However we are not quite done" He nods and we all go into Danny's room. He has spread an old sheet on his bed, I see the other two pies tucked aside. "Danny, attend to Max" I say. The Cougar immediately gets on his knees, I make Max sit on the bed and then sit down directly behind him.

I take the chocolate cream pie from its box. Danny puts out his pink tongue and begins licking Max's dick, stroking the head of it then taking it completely into his mouth. Max lets out a groan and leans back against my body, I kiss him, my tongue dances in his mouth, the remnants of the pie is smeared across my fur. Max moans again, Danny is gently massaging his balls. I smile, using my fingers to smear cream up and down Max's chest. "That's a good Wolf. Enjoy yourself" I say.

Max's paws rest on Danny's head, stroking that sensitive spot just behind his ears. A tremble runs through Max's body, his climax is near, I take pie in hand, Danny looks up at me and winks. Max's howls of pleasure are muffled as I slam the pie into his face. Danny keeps the Wolf in place, ignoring the chocolate dripping on the back of his head. Max gasps, trying to clean his eyes "Not fair" he complains. I silence him with a ferocious kiss.

"You brought this on yourself" I look down, Danny has cleaned Max up and is gentle tugging on his penis so he keeps his erection. "Yes indeed, Max" the Cougar agrees and we both switch positions. Danny starts licking away the pie and I busy myself taking Max into my mouth. His scent fills my nostrils, tempered with the sugary smell of the pies and Danny's scent. Max spasms, he leans back further, Danny offering support, I stand, heading the call of my own throbbing member and ease my way into Max, he cries out in pleasure.

I look up, Danny nods and the third pie is crammed into Max's face. The Cougar quickly reaches down and masturbates our Wolf as my thrusts become more determined, more insistent. Both Danny and I smear the pie remnants all over Max, his fur is sticky with it. I howl as I climax, sending my seed deep into him, Max moans crying out both our names as he releases.

I slide free of Max, Danny stepping into my place, his own erection pointing at the Wolf. "Please guys, give me a minute" he gasps. His whole body is trembling "Oh no" I smile "You are nearly at your peak" Danny quickly enters him and groans, I can see the muscles within Max gripping the Cougar with ferocity. "Danny" Max cries out "My beloved Kitty Whiskers....oh, gods that is so good"

I use a towel to clean off the sticky pie, Danny lets out a snarl as he finishes and then leans over Max, licking at his muzzle. Max is in orgasmic bliss, moaning quietly, the room is full of his scent, obliterating every other smell. Danny lies next to him, his eyes half closed with exhaustion. "I'll shower first" I say and leave the room. The warm water is so good against my fur as I wash away the reek of sex and sweet. Each of us will shower, Max takes the longest.

Afterwards we sit around the kitchen table sipping hot chocolate. "Hope you enjoyed your birthday Wolf Eyes" Danny says with a grin that matches my own.