The Empire's Kobold

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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A story about a kobold and a situation that goes from bad to worse.

The Empire's Kobold

Aegis, jewel of the Bastion Empire, the fortress city built to withstand anything from an army of bloodthirsty beastmen to a vengeful ancient dragon - and it has endured these and more over the five centuries since its conception. The lower city sprawls over the foothills of Mount Myrmidon, a labyrinth of tight streets interspaced with stalwart walls and guard towers supporting vast crystal weapons, arbalest, and ever vigilant soldiers. The buildings and defensive structures all wrought from the same black stone, the whole world hot to the touch as the material basks in the light of the burning summer sun, radiating the absorbed heat to produce a shimmering haze.

The aqueducts provide some relief, water flowing from the volcanogenic lake at the summit to filter through narrow channels down the gentle slopes, yet by the time they reach the lower city there is only a trickle of the nourishing water remaining. Anyone with any sense would remain indoors, or at the very least, stick to the shade, yet canopies and banners are forbidden lest they impede the view of the watchmen, and as the sun reaches its zenith there is nowhere to hide from its angry glare.

Koal takes a slow breath, the very air threatening to burn his throat. This wasn't how he'd imagined spending his first day off in weeks. What he'd imagined was that after a nice long midday siesta he'd be spending a few silver coins at his favourite establishment for a little Lemurian brandy, and a few more silver coins for some company for the night. Instead the kobold was stood a stones throw from the South-West Quarter Guardhouse, letter of summons in hand, and no escape from the heat until the gate opens for official business at the first bell.

He takes a knee beside the gutter, placing a clawed hand into the flowing water of the aqueduct to find that there's barely enough depth to submerge his fingertips. At least it was clean and cold, perhaps lending some credit to the rumours that the God-Emperor has an Elder Elemental sealed in his lake. He flicks as much water upwards to his face as he can, and after some failed attempts eventually lets his reflection settle.

As one might assume from his name, Koal is as dark scaled as the jet stone from which the capital is built, his horns and claws only a slightly lighter shade. He wears simple robes, white with a hem of crimson, red like his eyes (forced to squint due to his sunlight sensitivity) - dressed more to help himself stand out from the stonework and not be ran over by a cart than any reason of style. From his belt hangs the only two items of value worth carrying in the city, his coinpurse, a lot lighter than he would like, but that can be said for most people, and his spellbook, or book of shadows to be precise. Upon his finger resides a golden ring, a treasured gift from his patron.

Of course, he had to be early, for to be late to a summons was unthinkable for any citizen of the Empire that valued their freedom. But to arrive this early was an error of judgement indeed, and now he was to be stuck in the heat with no hope of relief for the best part of the next hour. All that he needed was some shade. An arch, an overhanging building, anything would do, and as Koal cast about to look for any viable shadow, he was visited by an odd sensation.

It's superstition amongst adventurers that sometimes fate is decided by a roll of the dice, that when one embarks upon a path, the Gods themselves gamble your destiny to pluck success and failure from intent. In this case the intent was to find a spot in the shade, and the perception roll was an eleven.

Whatever the reasoning behind it, this moment was the first of many twists of fate to befall the kobold, for his ears caught the sound of a nearby door creaking on poorly oiled hinges as it slowly closed behind whoever had just passed through it. It very clearly led into one of the large buildings adjoined to the Guardhouse, the place his letter of summons demanded his presence, yet it was also very clearly not for public use. Koal was left with two options - to remain in the blistering heat and risk collapsing on the doorstep of the very Guard Captain he was here to see, or to follow whoever had somehow slipped by him on the otherwise deserted street and ask for guidance within the building. After a few seconds of deliberation, the kobold tucked the letter of summons into his robes and settled on the latter.

Two steps into the building, and the door once so slow to close clicked shut behind him, the unmistakable sound of a locking mechanism falling into place. Before Koal, a corridor of black stone advanced, small violet crystals embedded into the walls on pillars between evenly spaced oak doors. At the very least, it was mercifully cool here - or perhaps it was merely the cold shock of dread that came with the knowledge that he'd abandoned reason and snuck into a military installation within which he was now trapped. Koal unleashed a string of curses in draconic, having once more put himself into an absurd situation. It was always like this - taking a spur of the moment decision that would ultimately lead him into a sticky mess. Like the drinking contest with those dwarf miners. And that time when a slime melted off all of his gear and tried to put an egg in him. He sighs, adopting his best impression of resilience, "All that I wanted today, was a little drink, a nice fuck, and perhaps even an early night... Well, the only way out is through, I suppose."

He lowered himself to the ground, some instinct demanding stealth from him, yet every office was dark, devoid of sound and empty. The passageway continued, in the direction of the base of the watchtower from what he could tell, and as he slowed his pace to dull the clack of his claws against the stone, and lifted his tail to prevent it brushing against the ground, he was greeted by the dull murmur of voices ahead.

One door was open, and from within came the sounds of several people, along with the rhythmic splashing of running water. Now, anyone with the proper awareness of their situation would have perhaps called out, waiting at the door of what could very well be a latrine, yet the sound of water in such abundance spurred a curiosity in the kobold that he usually did his best to quell. Again, that sensation, a fate being decided, in this case a successful stealth roll of nineteen. Koal poked his head around the corner.

The sight that greeted him was profound, a thermae, a bath house for the guardsmen, within which a half dozen reclined in the caldarium, hard to work at their bodies with their strigils in hand. The Bastion Empire did indeed take care of its soldiers, and here they doused themselves in perfumed oils, utilising a small silver scraper to relieve themselves of any dirt and grime as they trace the contours of their bodies. And such fine bodies they were, with not a thread of cloth between them - a pair of goliath twins chatting amicably as one stripped the oil from the back of the other, a full blooded orc flexing as two female elves rebuffed his attempts to woo them with the reminder that his muscles are no match for their magic, and one more - the most recent arrival and likely the one that Koal had followed.

A minotaur places the last of his doffed armour into a neat pile, crowning his lorica with a galea distinctively moulded to not impede his magnificent horns. His form vast and muscled, fine fur the colour of chocolate and ash, great hooved feet announcing his presence on the stone. But of course, that's not exactly where Koal was looking. The kobold mutters under his breath as the soldier turns briefly, "By the Twelve, you could club someone to death with that!"

One of the goliaths speaks, his voice low, like an avalanche in the throat, "You've a late start today, Dornik. Finally break your dry spell? Or is the Captain still depriving you of your evenings with more busywork?"

The twin behind him presses the strigil into his back, eliciting a grunt of displeasure, "Enough teasing. It's the middle of summer, and everyone is feeling the pressure from being trapped inside for most of the day. Lieutenant Dornik holds an honoured position. He should be shown respect."

"The war is far away, little brother. In Aegis there's little to do but patrol the walls, grow fat, and fuck away your coin." He snatches the strigil away from the other goliath, "We're either on the walls or in the office, for weeks now. All of us. Except for him, and he works at home anyway - wasting the freedom. I want a drink and a willing slut as much as anyone here does."

"This isn't the Savage Wilds." A pause long enough for the next words to land, "You lack discipline."

"Suck up." And with no more provocation than that, the twins break into a bout of wrestling that draws enough attention from the room for Koal to enter, sliding into a pile of towels that mercifully match the white and crimson of his robes rather well. Now, as for his motives, the kobold would swear that it wasn't an act of perversion that drove him to enter the room and find a better viewpoint against all common sense, but that on the far side of the thermae he could spy another door, beyond which - assuming he hadn't made any mistakes when orienting himself - lay the ground floor of the tower, a publicly accessible spot as long as the gate was open that if he could reach would land him in the clear. After all, whatever the consequence for failure, any adventurer worth their salt would choose action over inaction, and the slim chance of a clean escape drove him forward.

At the very least, while he waited for the room to empty he would have a show to enjoy, the oiled twins a flurry of limbs as the flexing orc dives into the tussle to create a maelstrom of green and grey writhing on the tiles in a futile attempt to pin slippery bodies. The elves seem to enjoy the spectacle, sharing a few whispered words that draw a blush from one and a laugh from the other. As for the kobold, as many charisma casters have a reputation for their... particularly rampant desires - he was no exception, and despite the inherent danger of his immediate situation, he adjusted the stacked towels to give him ample view of the proceedings before him.

It's over all too soon though, as the minotaur stamps his hoof into the stone with such sudden ferocity that the skirmish ceases in its tracks immediately. For Koal, observing alone was a delight, not quite one worth being locked in a cell for, but still, a mental dialogue playing out in his head, "The orc seems the dominant sort. That would be a fun night, and an embarrassing trip to the temple for healing in the morning... As for the twins, that might be a bit of an adventure... The wood elf with the big chest keeps touching herself while the others aren't looking, and the high elf doesn't know what to do with herself. As for the minotaur..."

He couldn't help but strain to get a better look, half tempted to jump to attention himself as the berated soldiers cowered before the Lieutenant. Perhaps it would be better to reveal himself? Apparently, the minotaur was experiencing something of a dry spell, an affliction for many in the current climate - perhaps with this in mind, a more creative punishment could be found than a night in a cell or worse for the audacity of sneaking into the soldiers' bathhouse? He amused himself as they bathed with the fantasy of it all; the minotaur taking him with enough force and savagery to make the orc blush with jealousy, the twins arguing over who would be next - perhaps even an education would be in store for the high elf girl?

Sadly, it didn't take long for them to finish up. Their ablutions complete, the elves, goliaths and orc dressed and exited the way that Koal had come, closing the door to the thermae behind themselves to leave the Lieutenant some peace, having arrived somewhat later than the rest of his cohort and still soaking. Only one minotaur between him and the door, all that he had to do was pass out of sight behind one of the raised baths and escape would be a mere few steps! Painful though it was to leave such a fine specimen behind bobbing in the tub, better that than being caught spying on naked guards. And so, the sensation of his destiny being decided descended upon him once more, and he crept behind the bath. Fate however had other plans, as a stealth roll of six was insufficient to beat the minotaur's passive perception.

He wasn't aware that the minotaur had moved until he felt the kiss of a short sword at the back of his neck. Soundlessly, and with great speed, he had drawn his weapon from the pile of gear and manoeuvred himself behind the kobold, his voice resonated in the space, filled with menace, "Don't move a muscle, lizard."

Koal immediately put his hands up, his heart in his throat. He should have kept his eyes on the minotaur - after all, his quiet movement had passed him by once before on the street already. Quick wit had saved him more than once in the past, but he blabbered his response before he could engage his brain, "Easy, easy. I just took a wrong turn and got a little carried away with the show. No need to do anything rash."

The sword pressed, not hard enough to pierce scales, but hard enough to demonstrate who was in charge of this situation, "I get to decide what's rash and what isn't. What are you doing here?"

"I received a summons!" He moved to reach into his robes to retrieve the letter, but again the sword nicked, denying him, "I was waiting outside, and I don't do so well in the bright light and the heat. I saw the door open and thought I'd come find Captain Drakmir myself."

A huff of breath above him as the minotaur exhaled, "You can meet Captain Drakmir when he visits your cell. Turn around, citizen." Koal, hands still raised, slowly turns, at least grateful that he'd graduated from 'lizard' to 'citizen', "Black Kobold. Red eyes. Spellbook. You're Koal, expected by first bell. In the tower, not the baths."

Now, Koal thought desperately, determined to find any way out of this. While not exactly possessed of great common sense - or he wouldn't be in this situation to begin with - he was smart, or at least he thought so, and at least a little charismatic. Perhaps it was possible to talk his way around this? After all, the minotaur clearly knew who he was, all he needed to do was deescalate the situation and put the Lieutenant at ease, "Look, is the sword really necessary? I'm not going anywhere."

Lieutenant Dornik's expression darkens further as he looks down at the kobold, Koal endeavouring to meet his eyes but unable to stop himself from glancing downwards every now and again, "I know you're a third level warlock. I lower my weapon and you could pull all sorts of tricks. The sword stays."

"You'll have a hard time getting dressed then, unless you plan to take me to the cells as you are." He gave his most award-winning smile, and again the Gods rolled the dice, rewarding him with a flat charisma of fourteen, "Not that I'm complaining. The view at eye level is magnificent."

There's a pause, in both the pressure of the blade and the breathing of the minotaur as he seems to just at that moment become conscious of his own nudity. Koal spoke true, gifted with a perfect view of the minotaurs endowment, as thick as his forearm and about as long even flaccid, flat headed and a blushing pink that broke up the dark colour of his large body. Ample balls, undoubtedly keen for release after however long the minotaur had gone without hung heavy before him. Dornik's nose twitches, "You mock me?"

Allowed a little room to breathe, the kobold takes a step back, yet the minotaur follows, the sword remaining undeterred. He gulps as he searches for any advantage to press, "Not at all, I-"

"My equipment is on the bench beside you. You're going to help me dress and then, I'm taking you to a cell. Is that clear, citizen?" Although he commands, his voice quavers just a little, enough for Koal to be conscious that his unexpected compliment had successfully landed.

"As clear as an unaspected spellgem."

Lieutenant Dornik looks the kobold up and down, taking the opportunity to properly survey the intruder. The diminutive creature was indeed barely as high as his crotch, and by the looks of them they could barely keep their eyes off it. Backhanded compliment aside, it was difficult not to see the other male as anything but cute, their scales sleek and well cared for, claws carefully trimmed, horns that he could just grab a hold of and... he coughed, returning to the situation at hand and the pressing weight of his duty as Lieutenant, "The subligaculum first." He glances beyond Koal briefly to indicate the linin shorts to go beneath his tunic.

For a moment, Koal could swear he saw the shadow of temptation lurking behind the minotaur's eyes, though it could simply be the sixteen in insight whatever Gods controlling his fate plucked from the aether. Summer was always a pain on the volcanic slopes of the capital, the majority of the populace forced indoors for most of the day due to the heat with little opportunity to mingle outside of their household save for the essentials. Perhaps it would be enough for lust to cloud the sense of the duty-bound guardsman? It wouldn't be the first time that the kobold had managed to fuck his way out of a problem of his own creation - he was a charisma caster after all.

While searching for a fresh angle, the kobold had little choice but to comply with the commands given, retrieving the neatly folded linens and dropping to his knees to allow the minotaur to step into them. It's here that he met his first problem - the muscular thighs of the larger creature making the undergarments something of a tight fit. Koal grasped at the cordage, pulling and straining, but with a roll of two in athletics his efforts were to of little avail. At least in regards to dressing the minotaur, for the small creature rubbing against his legs, massaging his thighs with small hands, and more than once just outright ending up with his face in his crotch was certainly having some effect on Dornik. He tried to take a step back, preserving the modesty of his slightly engorged member, but with the subligaculum still wrapped about his knees, the minotaur stumbled.

Koal seized his opportunity, well aware of the effects that his ministrations were having on the larger male, taking advantage of his failure in raising a garment that was clearly a size too small for its wearer to rub and nuzzle against the minotaur. The perfumed oils entwined with the creatures natural musk to entice him with a treat for the senses, significant willpower required to stop him simply opening his mouth and licking the length before him rather than simply rubbing against it as accidentally as he could pretend. As the minotaur stumbled, he stepped forward into the space, hooves slipped on the oiled floor, and with a tremendous crash the guardsman was rendered on his back, sword clattering against the ground as it span away from his released grip, the kobold landing to rest with his cheek on Dornik's inner thigh.

He pulled his head up, quick to move first and raise his hands, "Easy, easy! It was an accident, I promise!" Though as he placed one hand on each inner thigh to support his weight, he couldn't help but allow a lecherous grin to grace his features, "Looks like you enjoyed the contact, though. You might have some trouble getting your undergarments on over that."

The minotaur groaned, knocked prone by his own actions and disarmed as the little kobold dared look past his now fully erect member with an expression of victory on their face. "How dare you!? What sort of game are you playing here?"

"It's not a game! I just want to make a little deal, that's all. I am a warlock and deals are my thing, after all." He leans down, and tempts fate by moving one of his supporting hands to wrap around the minotaur's shaft, feeling it pulse within his grasp, "I help you take care of this, then after you put your armour on, how about forget I came through this way and take me to the Captain yourself?" Landing where it counts, a persuasion of twenty-three descended from on high, "The goliath said you've gone without for a while, right? If it wasn't for this summons, I'd be in a brothel right now myself, so really, we're just helping each other out, right?"

The world slowed, and the minotaur swallowed. It had been months since his promotion, and between the heated days and paperwork filled nights the goliath had been more accurate with his jibes than he would care to admit. And here, a prime opportunity for relief had quite literally fallen into his lap. The close contact of such a willing supplicant broke through the last of his resistances, and he raised his head to look the small creature straddling his leg in the eye, "You will not speak a word of this... and if I see even a hint of magic, I don't need a sword to make you regret it."

Koal nodded his head earnestly, very conscious of the rather brutal looking natural weapons in the form of the minotaur's horns, though on the inside he punched the air for joy. Not only would he be forgiven his indiscretion in creeping through a door that he shouldn't have, but he was to be rewarded for it, "I promise you'll enjoy this!"

"I had better." The minotaur placed his hands behind his head, leaning back against the stone tiles beside the raised bath to pull himself into a near seated position, "Be about it then, citizen."

When put so matter of fact, he almost preferred the term, lizard. Still, with such a monster before him, he wouldn't let a little thing like that kill the mood! Taking an ill-advised risk had gotten him into this mess, and he certainly wouldn't waste the chance to get out of it - the chance to enjoy the sculpted minotaur a delightful bonus. Koal took a slow breath, inhaling the scent of rose and lavender, along with the natural musk of the minotaur, grasping at the shaft of a member as wide as his forearm and just as long, feeling it pulse once more in anticipation. He knelt on the oiled floor, lowered his head, and slowly licked from the base of the shaft to the tip, his long draconic tongue coiling about the monstrous cock. At the head, he delivered a single kiss, while his hands, doused in the oil spilled about them, grabbed at the thing, slowly stroking up and down as he took the tip into his mouth.

Dornik gave a sigh of pleasure as the small creature worked at him, given no end of satisfaction that the kobold required both hands and a copious amount of oil to worship his manhood. It had been too long, not since early spring when he bought a tabaxi for the evening and fucked the little kitten until her legs would no longer hold her up. Of course, he carried on for good measure, he was representing the Empire after all - so leaving her barely conscious in a puddle of their combined fluids was his duty as a proud guardsman. The matter at hand pulled him from his reminiscing, however, the black kobold slowly bobbing on the tip of his member, his tongue extended beyond his lips to curl about the shaft, swallowing greedily as a spurt of pre slicked his throat.

He certainly was good at that, and with every descent down his cock, the kobold took more of him into his mouth, throat tight about it, warm, wet, and eager. "If I knew the smaller races were so skilled, I'd have bought one of you much sooner... perhaps for more than just a night." Dornik grins, his façade as the dutiful guardsman beginning to crack just a little as his hot-blooded minotaur nature started to shine through, freeing his inhibitions. His hand reached down, pressing against the cheek of the kobold, thumb twisting about a small horn as he forced the diminutive creature to swallow more of his shaft, "Cock-hungry thing like you would probably like that, wouldn't you?"

Koal tried to pull back to give an affirmative, but the minotaur would not let him withdraw from the vast bovine member before him for even a moment, hips bucking upwards ever so slightly. With each descent, that muscled stomach grew closer and closer, and Koal thanked whichever God crafted the kobold to be able to handle such insertions. Most probably one acquainted with the ardour of dragons. It was like someone had flipped a switch for the minotaur, the dutiful soldier that needed to be manipulated into this encounter now surrendering to his passions, talking dirty, seizing his horns like he was a common whore. He loved every moment of it.

His lips at last touched the tuft of fur crowning the base of the minotaur's monstrous cock, depriving his hands of a task. They soon found a new one however as he lifted his robes, slick with the oil he'd been crawling through, and reached down to his engorged slit to free his own member. A mere five inches, large perhaps for a kobold, but nothing in comparison to the minotaur, he panted desperately as he grasped himself, but had no chance for relief as the other male seized his head between both of his hands, encapsulating it near completely, and with all the force they could muster began to buck their hips and fuck his throat.

He was forced to his hands and knees, barely able to support himself as copious pre trickled forth, his robes falling to leave a noticeable bulge where his own cock pressed against them as the kobold was used for pleasure. "Is this what you want? A belly full of minotaur cum?" He slowed his pace, favouring long deep strokes to allow the small creature to get their breath, "How about you tell me yourself, now that you've had a taste." Dornik pushed the kobold off, and Koal fell onto his back, panting desperately, mixed saliva and pre leaking from his jaw, "Tell me what you want." The minotaur repeated.

Koal's vision swam, darkness creeping into the edges as the furious motions of the larger male stole his breath. His chest heaved as he breathed deep the air, but without the enormous cock straining his throat, filling his belly with cum, he felt somehow empty, "I want..." He coughs, regaining some of his senses as he gulps in oxygen. A chance here to work the bovine up into a frenzy that he wouldn't waste, "I want you to fill me with minotaur cum..." He licked his lips slowly, "I want you to make my belly swell until it looks like I'm carrying an egg..." Koal advances, extending his tongue to lick at the straining cock before him, "And after you've finished in my mouth..." He reaches down, lightly squeezing the heavy balls, churning with their prize, "I want you to fuck me until I break..."

This time, there is no need for Dornik to take control, as the kobold places their hands on his inner thighs, and in one movement engulfs the entirety of his member, throat rippling along his length as the small creature greedily suckles in anticipation of his load. And the minotaur feels it coming, with every thrust it draws nearer, unable to prevent himself from bucking his hips, a dull low erupting from his mouth as he grabs the kobold once more by the horns and burying his cock as deeply as he can, fills the eager slut with torrents of cum. He holds steady for the duration of his orgasm, balls twitching, chest heaving, not until he feels the desperate patting against his legs that he realises that he'd best let Koal come up for air.

The kobold fell back with a mouthful of cum, swallowing the essence of the bovine Adonis dutifully before taking a well-earned breath. He felt full, not quite bloated, but satisfied, imbued with the heady musk of the larger male, a scent that threatened to overwhelm his senses and have him abandon all sense of self to become naught but a tool for the minotaur's pleasure. Not that such a thing would be a terrible fate, just that even now the kobold still believed himself destined for greater things.

Not that he had any chance to dwell on the future though, as a great furry fist reached forth to grab the front of his robes, pulling the garment over his body and tossing it and all attached to it aside to render Koal at last as nude as the minotaur. Just as his horns and claws were more dark grey than black, as were the scales of his chest, running down to the underside of his tail where his own shaft stood erect, dark red, straining in anticipation of what is to come. He gave a squeak of surprise as another hand grabbed the tip of his tail and pulled, dragging him over the oil slicked ground as the minotaur got to his feet and walked to a nearby bench, lifting and dropping the kobold upon it.

Koal was allowed no choice of position, his cheek pressed into the warm wood, knees to his chest, a single enormous hand exerting pressure on the small of his back to hold him in place. He raised his tail in submission and gulped, expecting to feel the head of the gargantuan cock soon to split him open. But it was a sensation yet to come, as instead, something warm and wet brushed against his tailhole.

This wasn't something Dornik would do for just anyone, but mages with spells like prestidigitation on tap had a reputation of sorts for being remarkably clean. Also, after almost choking the little kobold on the deluge of cum he'd filled his belly with, this was the least he could do in turn. A good soldier always balances the books after all, for if not in the moment, you never know if you'll have the chance in the future. The kobold had a unique scent about them, so unlike his own, exotic and enticing, it drew him closer, and one tentative lick with his broad tongue soon became another.

Now it was Koal's turn to groan in pleasure. He longed to move his hips, to touch himself, but the pressure of the minotaur's grasp deprived him of any movement and he was forced to endure the torment of the slick appendage at his entrance, so broad, so forceful, enough for his cock to leak a string of pre that connected him to the bench below. "Please... just... just fuck me..." He begged, hips twitching, but to no avail as the minotaur's tongue continued to flutter beneath his tail, slowly working him over.

It was his first time with a scaled creature, yet he took the slit from which his manhood hung, and the internal testicles in stride, reaching down with his free hand to engulf the entirety of the kobold's small cock, his thumb brushing against the tapered head, feeling the dull heft of the broadening at the base. It became a game, as Koal desperately tried to move his hips to fuck the minotaur's hand, Dornik exerted his weight to hold him fast and torture his tailhole with his tongue, "Please... I'll do anything... just let me cum!" The kobold squirmed in his grasp, abandoning any of the composure he entered this situation with, "I... need to... I... I..."

He was cut off from any further pleas as the minotaur's probing tongue finally struck deeply enough for the long, broad appendage to rub against the kobold's prostate, the small male crying out with pleasure as he came into the minotaur's fist, cum spraying the bench below as he humped into the air. Dornik pulled back, and licked his lips, "Not so clever with your words when I'm pressing your bitch button, are you?" He released his dazed toy to let him slump in his own mess, "Get on your back. I want to see your face when I fuck you into a quivering heap."

Koal rolled over, quick to oblige, his tail draping over the edge of the bench. He grabbed his legs and spread them, looking up at the hulking form towering over him as the minotaur advanced, the dragonkin's cock twitching against his stomach in the aftermath of his orgasm, keen to go again. He couldn't help a whimper form in his throat, in this encounter submitting entirely to the larger male, and as the minotaur grasped their cock and angled it at his entrance, he felt the sensation of his fate being decided, this time a constitution save of... five. The kobold gave a yelp of pain as the broad head of Dornik's shaft pressed against his saliva slicked tailhole, "Oil! Oil!"

The guardsman pauses, long enough to consider that despite his best efforts, it might take a little more than a thorough rimming to prepare so small a creature for so large a cock. He grasps a nearby amphora of oil, lathering himself up copiously before dipping his fingers into the cool, slick fluid. Koal moaned as the minotaur sunk one into him, his member stirring with new life as the finger curled to press against the spot that such a large digit could so easily reach. His toes curled as they added a second, pulling his knees to his chest as he was worked over once more, gradually loosened for what was to come, "Please... your cock..."

The little dragonkin was so sensuous in their motions, moaning sweetly in response to his every movement, barely able to beg for his cock between their restrained extasy. Toying with the kobold was almost addictive, but it was time for the real show to start, and this time he would not be denied. He let his enormous member rest alongside the kobolds for a moment, a mocking comparison, before pulling back, placing the broad head at his opening, and in a slow, deliberate movement, pushing forward.

Koal saw stars, losing his grip on his legs, but as the minotaur's weight descended above him, the mere mass of the larger male was enough to keep them spread. Barely half of the minotaur's length was inside him, and already his small cock strained desperately against Dornik's abs. The thrusts were slow, every one of them deeper than the last as his depths were plumbed to make room for the massive intruder. His voice was lost to a cacophony of moans, his vision filled with naught but the minotaur's chest fur, and then, at last, faster than he thought it could, it happened. A thrust, accompanied by a grunt of effort, deep enough for the heavy balls of the minotaur to rest atop his tail as at last, the creature above hilted within him.

Dornik grinned as the kobold beneath him scrunched up his face, crying out in pleasure so sweetly as his insides spasmed about him, the lizard's member spurting its load onto his stomach as he came simply from being so completely filled. He remained still for a few moments, allowing the kobold to get used to him, riding out his orgasm as his hips gyrated against his crotch of their own accord. And then, at last, it was time.

He pulled back, only half-way, but the following thrust took Koal's breath away. He moaned whorishly, crushed beneath the weight of the muscle-bound minotaur that grasped one of his ankles with one hand, and placed the other about his throat, not enough to deprive him of breath but enough to let him know who in this moment he belonged to, as he began to fuck him slowly, powerfully, masterfully. The size and strength of the minotaur alone was enough to bring forth an overwhelming string of sensation, oil and pre slicking his tailhole to allow him to gradually increase the pace as Dornik began to use the other male as a tool for pleasure.

Blessed with a potent constitution, the minotaur did naught to resist his impending orgasm, knowing that after pumping the kobold full of seed, he'd barely have to slow the pace, and the next with the seal blown, would be a long time coming, long enough to leave the little kobold barely cognisant. He sped up even further, making use of the angle to make great deep strokes, forcing the smaller male's whole body to rock with every thrust, squirming, moaning so loudly - at least he was, until he pressed his lips against the kobold's own, consuming his moans and invading his mouth with his tongue, releasing his seed deep into the kobold, that alone enough to trigger the little creature's own orgasm.

He withdrew, his gruff expression softening slightly, but not enough for him to let up. Dornik pulled out, a cascade of his seed leaking from the kobolds abused tailhole to ooze lewdly from the well fucked lizard. As for the minotaur, he placed himself on the bench beside the kobold, and gestured to his still erect member, not missing a beat, "Take a seat."

The kobold lay panting, dazed, Koal attempting to catch his breath after being taken to the heights of extasy. It was hard to remember what he was doing here, how simply keeping out of the sun had snowballed into being glazed with minotaur cum, but the next words brought him back to reality, "I thought warlocks knew about deals? Didn't you promise to take care of this?"

Now, raising his tail for a hunky minotaur with an enormous cock is one thing, but allowing such a blow to his pride would be quite another. What sort of charisma caster would he be if he let himself be out-fucked by a fighter? Why, he would never live it down! And whatever force was in control of his fate clearly agreed, as a constitution check at disadvantage still turned up a seventeen. "A warlock knows... how to keep a promise..." And with that, he pulled himself up on shaking legs, straddled the minotaur, and burying his face into his chest, slowly sank down onto his cock.

It wasn't until some time later, when Koal's legs had entirely given way and Lieutenant Dornik had taken to simply bouncing the kobold in his lap, supporting all of the weight of the smaller male as he pumped his swollen stomach with yet another copious load that the chiming of the second bell would bring them to their senses. That, and the loud cough behind the kobold, accompanied by an exclamation from the minotaur.

"Captain Drakmir!"

~ SevenWingedDragon ~

It's been a very long time since I last posted something, but after eight years of non-action, I finally churned out The Empire's Kobold over the course of two afternoons. This is my first shot at writing something m/m, and rather than the romantic stuff I normally go for, I decided to take the chance to experiment with a story that's a little more lighthearted. I had a lot more fun than I expected to, and as I couldn't resist throwing in some D&D references and stereotypes, I rediscovered a bit of the joy of simply writing for the sake of it. Of course, this may be inspired in part by one of the campaigns I'm currently DMing. Many players are as thirsty as they are capricious (or at least mine are), and I tried to reflect that in Koal. Anyway, I hope anyone that reads this finds some enjoyment in it. If it's well recieved, I'll probably continue Koal's adventures in Bastion.

Take care, and stay safe.